MD. Mehedi Hasan ID: 1931462: Answer To The Question No 1

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Mehedi Hasan

ID: 1931462
Answer to the question no 1

Based on the case one things i have noticed that the major problem of Target bank is they don’t
come up with proper planning including forecasting, developing and controlling by which a firm
a ensure that it has the right number of people in the right place whom they are accountable their
work . As we have seen in target bank their employees turnover rate high. That makes difficulty
among the workers or directors like Mr Name who is newly appointed.

There is no procedure or explanation plan in Target BANK, They enrolled employees without
even communicate with their head office. That’s why new employees struggle make
communication among the customer. FOR example : Suppose MR X work in phd corporation in
2 years , he knew every customer and their transaction rate and personal profile , one day he left
the job new comer who replace him without even knowing job responsibilities duties , it’s
difficult him to adapt the situation with customer and work place.

Without even design job analysis that is heart and soul of a job. Lack of HR Management and
proper communication among the board member, different branches employees forget that they
are not accountable of their work. When your company don’t have any job analysis in recruiting
and selection process it’s difficult to get positive out come from employees. you might even hire
wrong people in your organization , that what MR. Name have faced by visiting in different
branches in TARGET BANK .

They knew something is wrong in their organization but they don’t know what exactly the
problem is? Another major issues is their communication gap among the employes with board of
directors that’s why new comer like mr NAME have faced critical time where he don’t know
what exactly he is going to do.

Answer to the question no 2

HR unit is formal systems devised for the management of people within an organization, The
responsibilities of a human resource manager fall into three major areas: staffing, employee
compensation and benefits, and defining/designing work. Hr unit basically linkage between

organization and employees with department, there is accountability where employees must
inform the work to the manager or any mistake he or must agree the liability.

The responsibility of HR Unit in different department

 Helps to recruit right number of people in the right place by taking different types
interview and test.
 Maintain employess record very efficiently about abseentism , who work under whom ,
and turnover rates among the employess.
 And talking disciplinary action these turnover rate is high .

SO Human resources unit make the organization stable, and efficient. In target BANK the
problem they have faced in different department branches due to their proper working efficiency
and lack of communication among the employess with board member. Hr unit can help to fix it
in a very good way.

The function HR unit should carrying out

 Personnel Administration: They need to set up administration where every employess are
interconnected. It refers to the entire spectrum of an organization’s interaction with its
human resources from recruitment activity to retirement process.
 Recruitment and selection process decision has to made by the interaction of borad of
 for example: When recruit and selection process start direct made the decision along with
manager whom they hire
 There is a some reward for employees those work so hard and their performance is
standard .
 Training and motivates employess so that they can work well.

conclusion: Moreover when your company is facing so many problem with their employess
communication and performance difficulties you have to rely on Human resources management ,
that make your organization stable .


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