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Anns English medium high school

2nd Term Exam, 2021
Class – IX Subject – English Marks – 40
Roll No.—
PDF Paper
Q.1] Read the unseen passage and answer the question [15 Marks]
Once a certain king had an idea. If he always knew the right time to begin
everything, if he knew who were the right people to listen to and who to avoid
the most important thing to do, he would never fail in anything that he would
undertake and above all, if he always knew what was the most undertake. Since
he was convinced that he was right in thinking this way, he had a proclamation
made in his kindom. He would give a great reward to anyone who would teach
him what the right time was for every action, who the most necessary people
were, and how he might know the most important thing to do. Many learned
people came to the court but they all gave different answers. In reply to the first
question, some said that to know the right time for every action, one must draw
up in advance a table of days, months and years, and must live strictly according
to it. Others declared that it was impossible to decide beforehand the right time
for every action; but that, not letting oneself be absorbed in idle pastimes, one
should always attend to all that was going on, and then do that was
mostessential. Yet others said that it was impossible for one man to decide
correctly the right time for every action and that the king shoul, instead, have a
council of wise people, who would help him to fix the proper time for everything.

Q.1]A.True or False
i. The king wanted to know the answer to three question.
ii. The king never failed in any undertaking.
iii. The people convinced the king to make a proclamation.
iv.The king announced a reward for the right answer.
i. He would give a great reward......( Question Tag)

ii. He always knew the right time to begin everything(Pick out the finite and non-
finite verb)
iii. He was right in thinking this way.( Pick out the finite and non-finite verb)
iv. They all gave different answers . ( Rewrite using the opposite of ‘different’.)
Q.1]C.Rearrange the letters
i. a r e e t u k d n
ii. y o n n a e
iii. s t a p s i e m
iv. h e e d a r f o n b
Q.1]D. personal response
i. What is the right time, according to you?
Q.1]E. Write the summary of above passage

Q. Writing Skills
Q.1 Write a letter with reference to the advertisement given in lokmat newspaper
for the post of English teacher [5 Marks]
Write a letter to the sport commisionar of your city, inviting him for the sports
day function in your school
Q.2 Expansion of idea (any one) [5 Marks]
i. Dreams don’t Allow you to sleeps
ii. Handsome is as handsome does
Q.3 Write view counter view [5 Marks]
Skycrapers – the bane of pune

View: Skycrapers are a neisance

*Block the skyline
* Harm the environment
* No proper planning
* Increase urban population
Q.4 Prepare a news report based on the following headline [5 Marks]
i. 14 Child Labourers were Rescued from Firework factory
Q.5 Speech writing [5 Marks]
Your school is planning to celebrate ‘Science Day’ on 28th February to encourage
scientific attitude among students prepare a speech to be delivered .

Best of Luck

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