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Liquid Sucrose and Simple Syrup Specifications

Liquid Sucrose and Simple Syrup Specifications

To ensure the consistent quality of liquid sucrose and simple syrup used in products of
The Coca-Cola Company.

Apply to manufacturing facilities where the material is produced. The material is for use in
beverages or products produced by, or forThe Coca-Cola Company as indicated in the

Liquid sucrose: Liquid Sucrose can be manufactured from two different processes:
1. Liquid sucrose produced by redissolving granular sucrose that meets the
Company’s Granular Sucrose Specifications. This liquid sucrose doesn’t require an
in-plant treatment.
Liquid sucrose produced by redissolving granular sucrose that doesn’t meet the
Company’s Granular Sucrose Specifications. This liquid sucrose normally goes
through a treatment process to ensure its compliance with all parameters listed in
this document.
2. Liquid sucrose produced without crystallization and may pass through a treatment
process which may include ion-exchange steps to remove color and ash.

Simple syrup: Syrup made from granulated sucrose or liquid sucrose blended with treated
water at the beverage plant or by a supplier.

Simple syrup, whether manufactured in-plant from granular or liquid sucrose or purchased
from a supplier, must meet local food regulations and the Company specifications in this
When simple syrup has been manufactured from either granulated or liquid sucrose that
does not meet Company specifications, the simple syrup must undergo in-plant treatment
to achieve compliance with the specifications in this document and with applicable food

Beverage Product Manual BP-SP-124

Issued: 17-Jun-2011 Page 1 of 11
Classified - Internal use
Liquid Sucrose and Simple Syrup Specifications

Suppliers of simple syrup or liquid sucrose must be approved by the Group/Business Unit
according to the requirements in Supplier Authorization and Monitoring.
This specification must be provided to the supplier as part of the purchasing agreement or
manufacturing facility where the treated syrup is being made to ensure compliance.

When the supplier doesn’t have a multiple-barrier treatment system in place that complies
with Water for Product Manufacturing, water used to manufacture liquid sucrose or simple
syrup must meet WHO Guidelines and applicable regulations.
When simple syrup is made in the beverage plant, the beverage plant must follow the
Company water treatment requirement, Water for Product Manufacturing and Treated
Water Specifications and Monitoring.

For this
attribute… Meet this specification… Refer to…
Appearance Typical or turbidity SM-PR-420
Odor No off-odor SM-PR-420
Odor After SM-PR-310
No off-odor
Taste Typically sweet with no off-tastes SM-PR-420
99.9% minimum, calculated as Calculated impurity
Assay (Purity)
100% sucrose minus ash
0.05% w/w (conductivity) ICUMSA GS 2/3-17
Contractual Agreement with a ICUMSA GS 4/3/8-13,
°Brix tolerance of ± 0.5 or follow Master SM-PR-100, SM-PR-105
Mixing Instructions
Chloride 180 mg/kg (dry basis) maximum FCC, Ion Chromatography (IC)

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Liquid Sucrose and Simple Syrup Specifications

For this
attribute… Meet this specification… Refer to…
Less than 35 ICUMSA Units (IU). ICUMSA GS 2/3-10

NOTE: 50 IU is the allowable

maximum if the confirmation test
shows that syrup gives no off-taste
to products and no color to Sprite
or other clear, lightly flavored
beverages (Note 1).
No floc formation present SM-PR-270, ICUMSA GS2/3-40
Floc Potential
Heavy Metals
Arsenic (As) 0.1 mg/kg (dry basis) maximum ICUMSA GS2/3-23, ICP-MS

Copper (Cu) 1.0 mg/kg (dry basis) maximum ICUMSA GS 2/3-29, ICP-MS

Lead 0.1 mg/kg (dry basis) maximum ICUMSA GS 2/3-24, ICP-MS

0.5% w/w (dry basis) maximum ICUMSA GS2/3-5, GS 1/3/7-3, Ion

Invert Sugar
(Note 2) Chromatography (IC)
Iron (Fe) 1.0 mg/kg (dry basis) maximum ICUMSA GS 2/3/7/9-31, ICP-MS

No more than 200 cfu per 10 g of SM-PR-685, ICUMSA GS2/3-41,
Mesophilic Total dry sugar or equivalent volume 43, ISBT
Count containing 10 g of sugar when a
liquid sample is taken
No more than 10 cfu per 10 g of SM-PR-688, ICUMSA GS2/3-47,
dry sugar or equivalent volume ISBT
containing 10 g of sugar when a
liquid sample is taken
No more than 10 cfu per 10 g of
dry sugar or equivalent volume
containing 10 g of sugar when a
liquid sample is taken
Thermophilic No more than 1000 cfu/50 g of dry SM PR 687
Acidophilic sugar or equivalent volume
Bacteria (TAB) containing 10 g of sugar when a
(Note 3) liquid sample is taken

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Liquid Sucrose and Simple Syrup Specifications

For this
attribute… Meet this specification… Refer to…
Absent in 50 g of dry sugar or SM PR 687
equivalent volume containing 10 g
of sugar when a liquid sample is
TAB(Note 3)
pH 5.0 - 8.6 (Note 2) ICUMSA GS1/2/3/4/7/8/9-23
2 mg/kg (dry basis) maximum in SM-PR-470
sugar refined by any process that
uses Quaternary Ammonium
Compounds (QAC)
7 mg/kg (dry basis) maximum ICUMSA GS 2/3/9-19,
gravimetric insolubles (Note 4) SM-PR-415
6 mg/kg (dry basis) maximum ICUMSA GS 2/1/7-33 or GS 2/3-
Sulfur Dioxide
35, Iodometric Titration
Temperature Contractual agreement Use calibrated equipment
Not more than 20 ICUMSA Units ICUMSA GS 2/3-18

1. If testing indicates taste and appearance is affected, work with the supplier to
reduce the causative impurities and color to lower levels, or treat simple
syrup in the plant.
2. Business Unit should consult with R&D to approve any different value of
invert and pH specifications as this change may impact storage and stability
of beverages.
3. TAB and Guaiacol producing TAB test are required when the operation
produces still, non-preserved, high-acid beverages.
A still unpreserved high acid beverage is a beverage that does not contain
added preservatives, has a pH of less than pH 4.4 and has a carbonation of
less than or equal to 1.7 volumes of carbon dioxide.

4. Sugar with gravimetric insolubles higher than 7 mg/kg may be used with
Group/Business Unit approval. Levels in excess of 7 mg/kg may indicate
need for additional treatment

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Liquid Sucrose and Simple Syrup Specifications

5. The specifications do not include dextran, starch or other polysaccharides.

However, when purchasing liquid sucrose from a process that doesn’t go
through crystallization stages or granular sucrose that doesn’t meet the
specifications in Granular Sucrose Specifications, the above carbohydrate
compounds can cause some concern in the treatment process and final
beverages. Additional testing may be required when any change of raw
material occurs.
6. The methods referenced in the specifications are either internal or industry-
recognized methods. If the Group/Business Unit agrees with the supplier to
use a method different from that listed in the specification, the method must
be validated and available upon request. In any case where the results of an
analysis are under investigation, the method listed above must be used and
The Coca-Cola Company method must be used as a preferred method.

GMO Status for shipment to the EU

Apply this requirement only to ingredients destined to EU, to ensure compliance with GMO
EU directives 1830/2003/EC and 1829/2003/EC.
 Supplier must provide batch-specific declaration of the GMO status for each batch
and delivery. This can be included in the Certificate of Analysis or Compliance
(preferred method), or in a separate document stating the GMO status.
 Any ingredient declared by the supplier as containing GMO materials requires The
Coca-Cola Company, Corporate-SRA and Group/Business Unit-SRA review and

NOTE: The supplier may provide the Buyer with an annual letter
stating the GMO status for the ingredient; however, this letter is not required
by EU regulations and is not a substitute for the batch-specific declaration.

Manufacturing Conditions
 Liquid sucrose and simple syrup must be manufactured, packaged, stored and
shipped under sanitary conditions appropriate for food products and in compliance
with applicable food hygiene, health and sanitary requirements and regulations.
This includes current Good Manufacturing Practices, local, national and
international transport laws and regulations in effect at and between the
manufacturing and receiving locations.
 Any changes in process or any use of materials, including sugar purchased for
further in-plant treatment and processing aids in the manufacturing of liquid sucrose
must be communicated in advance to The Coca-Cola Company.

Beverage Product Manual BP-SP-124

Issued: 17-Jun-2011 Page 5 of 11
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Liquid Sucrose and Simple Syrup Specifications

 Each supplier’s pesticide program must take into account all pesticides used in the
production of the crops the supplier uses to make granular or liquid sucrose and
applicable laws and regulations governing pesticide use on those crops.
 In addition, the supplier’s finished liquid sucrose and simple syrup must be tested
annually according to The Coca-Cola Company’s Sweetener Pesticide Program.
 When documented results demonstrating compliance with The Coca-Cola Company
Sweetener Pesticide Program are not available from the supplier of granular or liquid
sucrose, the beverage plant must test a sample of simple syrup annually, after in-
plant treatment, for compliance with the requirements set out in the program.
 As stated in The Coca-Cola Company Sweetener Pesticide Program, if any residue
of any pesticide is detected in the finished liquid sucrose or simple syrup at or
above the1ug/kg (1ppb) (dry basis) level, or at other levels as specified in the
program, the supplier must immediately communicate the results to each Coca-Cola
Group/Business Unit to which it supplies sweeteners, so that the Group/ Business
Unit can determine appropriate next steps, if any.

o The Coca-Cola Company Sweetener Pesticide Program can be found in
Unintended Compounds.
o Sweetener Pesticide Monitoring Guideline includes a multiple-barrier process to
ensure satisfactory implementation of the Sweetener Pesticide Program.

 Any substance used for controlling microorganisms in the finished liquid sucrose
and simple syrup must be permitted for such use by applicable laws and
 Upon request by the Group/Business Unit, the supplier must be able to document
the name of each such substance and the extent to which it was applied to the
 There must be no remaining residue of any substance used to control
microorganisms at the lower detectable limit capable of analyzing the targeted
substance in the finished liquid sucrose and simple syrup at delivery to the

Beverage Product Manual BP-SP-124

Issued: 17-Jun-2011 Page 6 of 11
Classified - Internal use
Liquid Sucrose and Simple Syrup Specifications

 A five (5) year retention period is required for GMO compliance records.
 Records of any pesticides or biocides used must be made available upon request.
Examples of records include:
o The name of each pesticide or biocide used.
o When and where each pesticide or biocide was used.
o The dosage and how each pesticide or biocide was applied.
 If the supplier performs pesticide analysis on raw materials or by-products, records
of these analyses must also be made available on request.

Labeling and Packaging

Liquid sucrose and simple syrup must be labeled and delivered in containers approved for
food use by applicable regulatory agencies. The containers must be equipped with
nontoxic, supplier-identifiable, tamper-evident seals approved by The Coca-Cola

Certificate of Compliance (COC) and/or Analysis (COA)

 Certificate of Compliance and/or Certificate of Analysis frequencies and
requirements are as follows:

Frequency COC/COA Requirements

Each Delivery A declaration of the GMO status for every batch/delivery; this can
be part of the COC/COA or included in a separate document.
At a minimum, a COC that states that the liquid sucrose and simple
syrup in this shipment complies with:
 Company specifications
 Local regulations
 Thermophilic Acidophilic Bacteria (TAB) and Guaiacol TAB
when required by local Business Unit
 Any additional requirements of the Group/Business Unit

Quarterly (Note 1) An itemized COA that includes:

 Parameters listed in the specification table above
 Any other parameters required by local regulations

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Liquid Sucrose and Simple Syrup Specifications

 The accredited laboratory used for the analysis of heavy metals must have the
capability and sensitivity to run test samples at the specification limit (by using
validated methods with quality control and traceability).
 Any supplier that does not supply on a regular basis (less than twice a year) must
provide an itemized COA with the delivery of each new batch of liquid sucrose and
simple syrup. The supplier must deliver a COC on each subsequent delivery.

1. Quarterly analysis to ensure compliance of the full specifications includes
simple syrup produced from the in-plant treated sugar. An exception of metal
analysis (arsenic, lead, copper and iron) for the simple syrup treated in-plant
is only when incoming sugar (before treatment) has been analyzed and
demonstrated the compliance to the limit of metal identified in the Granular
Sucrose or this specification.
2. The annual analysis result of the pesticide will be available for local
geography to review through Web-based access.

The Buyer may have a representative present during production or at any other
reasonable time to assess the quality and sanitary conditions under which liquid sucrose
and simple syrup are produced. The presence of the Buyer’s representative will not limit in
any way the responsibility of the Seller for the quality of liquid sucrose and simple syrup as
specified herein.

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Liquid Sucrose and Simple Syrup Specifications

International Commission for the Uniform Methods
of Sugar Analysis
Water for Product Manufacturing BP-RQ-180
Unintended Compounds BU-RQ-350
Supplier Authorization and Monitoring BU-RQ-155
Sweetener Pesticide Monitoring Guideline KORE WIKI
International Society of Beverage Technologists
(ISBT) Liquid Sucrose

Revision History
Revision Date Summary of Change
17-Jun-2011 Added liquid sucrose definition, revised microbiological parameters terminology,
updated and added more methods of references. Added scope. See CH-BP-SP-124
for details and rationale.
01-Jan-2010 Reformatted, revised document code and references updated.
27-Jun-2008 Merged the liquid sucrose and simple syrup specifications into one document,
BO-SP-266. Rationale will be defined in Change History Document, CH-BO-SP-266
and added the requirement for beverage plant to test simple syrup for pesticides and
heavy metals, where documented results demonstrating compliance are not
available from the supplier. Revised the statement on suppliers who do not supply on
a regular basis and who require a COA on each new first batch delivered to TCCC.
Added “and/or” on the COC and COA requirement. Added the specifications for TAB
and guaiacol-producing bacteria. Also changed the term “pesticide limit” to “action
level.” Added “dry basis” to the microbiological specifications. Added the sediment
parameter as a missing parameter. Revised the biocide statement to be clearer.
28-Sep-2007 Revised pesticide analysis requirement to be aligned with requirements in
29-Sep-2006 Changed “Bacteria” to “Mesophilic Bacteria (Total Count).” Changed “Less than” to
“No more than” to align with other micro spec. Revised wording on the note section of
GMO requirement. Revised the statement on pesticide analysis and settled up the
detectable limit. Changed the status of the lab for heavy metal and pesticide analysis
to “accredited lab.” Revised the example template to include the GMO declaration
when it is required.

Revision History (continued)

Beverage Product Manual BP-SP-124

Issued: 17-Jun-2011 Page 9 of 11
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Liquid Sucrose and Simple Syrup Specifications

Revision Date Summary of Change

30-Sep-2004 Parameter changes:
Ash Changed from 0.015% to 0.05%
pH Changed from 6.0 - 7.0 to 6.0 - 8.0
Other changes: In Note 2, added the exception for accepting DME results. Under
Manufacturing Conditions, the water requirement to follow BO-SP-240 was changed
to follow local regulations and WHO instead, as WHO is more widely used in the
industry. Added WHO to References. Under Pesticides, added “dry basis” to the
pesticide analysis requirement (third bullet).
29-Feb-2004 Parameter changes:
Description Parameters Changed “foreign” to “off,” e.g., no off taste
Assay Deleted polarization
°Brix Changed tolerance from 0.3 to 0.5
Invert Sugar Changed from 0.5% to 0.75% and the reference method
pH Changed from 6.5 - 7.0 to 6.0 - 7.0
Ash Changed from 0.05% to 0.015%
Arsenic, Copper, Lead Changed reference methods
Sulfur Dioxide Added reference methods
Turbidity Changed reference procedure to SM-PR-485
Other changes: Deleted bone char liquors requirement. Added requirements for GMO
EU regulations compliance, COC/COA, and their records. Clarified and added
requirements for processing residues (pesticides/biocides).
31-Oct-2003 Changed document code; reformatted iron parameter.
31-Aug-2003 Reorganized quality parameters; added spec on residual pesticide testing; reworded
for clarity; updated format.
03-Jun-2001 New document.

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Liquid Sucrose and Simple Syrup Specifications

Example template for the Certificate of Compliance and Analysis
To: XXX Coca-Cola Bottler From: Liquid Sucrose/Simple Syrup Production Plant
Address Liquid Sucrose/Simple Syrup Plant Address

Liquid Sucrose/Simple Syrup Delivery on [date]

Identification No. ; Tanker/Trailer No.
The Liquid Sucrose or Simple Syrup described above complies with the specifications of The Coca-Cola
Company, those described in the U.S. Food Chemicals Codex and local regulations. A declaration of the
GMO status (if required by local law).

If the contractual agreement requires TAB and Guaiacol producing TAB analysis for this material, include the
following statement]
" Liquid Sucrose or Simple Syrup described above complies with the Thermophilic Acidophilic Bacteria (TAB)
and Guaiacol producing Thermophilic Acidophilic Bacteria (TAB) specifications of the Coca-Cola Company
and can be used for all beverage types"

[If the contractual agreement doesn’t require TAB and Guaiacol producing TAB analysis for this material,
include the following statement]
" Liquid Sucrose or Simple Syrup described above doesn't comply with the Thermophilic Acidophilic Bacteria
(TAB) and Guaiacol producing Thermophilic Acidophilic Bacteria (TAB) specifications of the Coca-Cola
Company and cannot be used for still unpreserved high acid beverages"

[Plant Representative]

Beverage Product Manual BP-SP-124

Issued: 17-Jun-2011 Page 11 of 11
Classified - Internal use

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