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Senior High School Department

Valenzuela City



Niño Angelo S. Austria, LPT.

Understanding culture, society and politics is vital to nation building as this is a
tantamount to bringing to fore the collective memory and identity of the people. It is in the
light that it has been conceived and written to furnish students with sufficient background
on how culture, society and politics operate Philippine setting and the world at large. This
module is not a mere plateful of concepts and theories that aim to store up everyday head
knowledge to our young Filipino students. It serves, instead, as a discerning light to our
students using the lens of deconstructive method framed with critical thinking in learning,
relearning and unlearning of what reflects as an authentic Filipino culture society and
politics amidst constant influx of influences from West and all other continents.

Life has taught us that each of us has a role to play in the task of national
development. This module is a little contribution the youth and society. The learners, next in
line in making the society a haven for their generation and the generation to come, mindfully
reading this module with the aim of understanding and applying the learning for our society
to thrive and prosper.

- The Author

UNIT I: Understanding the Core Concepts:
Culture, Society and Politics - 3
UNIT II: Defining Culture and Society - 12
UNIT III: Human Bio- Cultural Social Evolution - 18
UNIT IV: Individual and Society - 26
UNIT V: Family and Political Institution - 32
UNIT VI: Social and Cultural Institution
Education and Religion - 41
UNIT VII: Social and Cultural Institution
Health, Mass Media and Economy - 46
UNIT VIII: Social Stratification and its Impact
to Social Inequality - 52
UNIT IX: Cultural, Social, Political Change and
Respond to Change - 59




Essential Questions:
 Why does a nation need a culture, society and politics?
 How do culture, society and politics play important roles in human development?

Write a short analysis on your own interpretation on the following quotations:

1. “No man is an island.”

2. “Man is a mirror, a reflection of the culture and society to which he or she belong.”
3. “Whenever and wherever man lives with other men, there will always be politics>’


 The sum of an individual’s way of life
 Material and non- material things
 Complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, art, law, morals, custom, and any
other capabilities and habits acquired by man as member of society (Taylor, 1920).
 Result of man’s interactions with one another, man develops certain mind-sets and
behaviors, certain habits and learned ways of doing things, patterned ways of living
which serve as guide or blueprints for social living.
 Man’s social and material invention, man’s artificial or man-made environment
including the behavioral aspects of man’s way of life.
 A social heritage of a society.
 Refers to the customary ways in which groups organize their ways of behaving,
thinking and feeling and which they transmit from one generation to another through
language and living together as member of society.

 Latin term “socius” meaning “companion” or “associate”.
 An organized group or groups of interdependent people who share common territory,
language and culture
 Act together for collective survival and well- being
 Bound together by a general sense of common identity and pride of place
 It consists of people who are in constant association, socialization and interaction
with one another on the basis of some social crietia and norms of behavior.

 Greek word “polis” meaning “city” which is known today as sovereign state.
 Niccolo Machiavelli
o “Difference between what is and what ought to be”.
 Theory of art, and practice of government
o Political Institution- a relatively stable cluster of statuses, general norms, and
role behavior in society
o Power- status granted to individuals or institutions to properly run the
government and implement the rule of the law in the society
 Refers to the study of the holders of power and the powers they exercise- their
 The practice of statecraft of governing a country where government rules well for the
common welfare of its citizens,
 The activities associated with the government of a country, especially the debate
between parties hoping to achieve power.

Social Sciences
 Result of the development of the modern world
 An academic discipline concerned with society and the relationships among
individuals within a society.

 Study of people throughout the world, their evolutionary history, how they behave,
adapt to different environments, communicate and socialise with one another.
 Systematic study of humanity with the goal of understanding our evolutionary origin,
distinctiveness as species, and the great diversity in our forms of social existence.
 Goal of Anthropology:
o To promote understanding between groups;
o To seek common links to our humanity; and
o To advance knowledge of who we are, how we can to be that way and where
we may be in the future
 Branches or Subfields of Anthropology
o Physical Anthropology
o Cultural Anthropology
o Archaeology
o Linguistics

 Study of human society, its origins, functions, and problems
 Involves the study of social lives of people, groups, or societies
 Explores and analyses issues vital to our personal lives, our communities, our nation,
and the world.
 Areas of Sociology:
o Social Organization
o Social Psychology

o Social Change
o Human Ecology
o Population Studies
o Sociological Theory and research
o Applied Sociology
 Sociological Imagination
o The quality of mind essential to grasp the interplay of men and society, of
biography and history, of self and the world.
o A way of looking at our personal experiences in terms of what is going on in
the world around us.
 Sociological Perspective
o A distinct point of view that the social world guides our actions, thinking, and
life’s choices.
 Sociological Inquiry
o Scientific investigation or intellectual and rigorous research on a particular
issue, problem, concern, event or situation for a better understanding of the
o Concerned with the repetitive patterns in human behavior, presented
accordingly to logically related hypotheses and supported by empirical

Political Science
 Deals with the study of politics, power, and government
 Systematic study of governance
 Understanding political ideas, ideologies, institutions, policies, processes, and
behavior as well as groups, classes, government, diplomacy, law, strategy, and war.
 Scope in Study of Political Science:
o Political Theory
o Public Law
o Public Administration
o Comparative Government
o Public International Law
 Three related concepts that are important questions in Political Science:
o Legitimacy
o Sovereignty
o Authority
 Goals in the Study of Political Science:
o To educate regarding citizenship
o To equip efficiency in discharging their duties and obligations as citizens
o To impart knowledge and understanding of government especially on how to
operate and what factors or forces are behind particular issues and policies.

Social, Cultural and Political Behavior and Phenomena
 Norms
o Serve as guides or models of behavior which tell us what is proper or
improper, appropriate or inappropriate, right or wrong
o Often in form of rules, standards, or prescriptions that are strictly followed by
people who adhere on certain conventions and perform specific roles.
o Not totally absolute
 Social Behavior and Phenomena
o Social Behavior
 Broad and complicated sociological concepts
 Involves every event between at least two individuals and include all
knowledge and experiences a person acquires in the entirely of his or
her lifetime
o Social Phenomena
 Individual, external, and social constructions that influences a person’s
life and development
 Political Behavior and Phenomena
o Political Behavior
 A person or group may be influenced by their political views,
ideologies, and levels of political participation
o Political Phenomena
 Not limited to public offices as these also include how institutions like
schools, churches, or companies are governed.
 Cultural Behavior and Phenomena
o Cultural Behavior
 Bandwagon Effect
 Event where certain individuals behave a certain way merely because
other persons do as well
o Cultural Phenomena
 Happens when something or someone gains widespread popularity

Answer the following questions:

1. What are some of the driving forces of cultural changes in the world today?

2. How should a person show curiosity about social, cultural, and political phenomena?


3. Should be people always be open to knowledge and experience brought about by

social, cultural and political behavior?

4. Is it possible for a person to gain knowledge and experiences without interacting with
other members of the society?


One- Hundred One Essay

Create a 100- word essay about your analysis, interpretation and prediction of Philippine’s
culture, society and politics. Provide a creative title for your essay.




Rubrics for Two- Page Essay
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Content Stated broad Stated concepts Stated No stated
and concise and ideas to concepts and concepts and
concepts and prove one’s ideas but does opinion.
ideas to prove opinions. not prove
one’s opinions. one’s opinion.
Information Gathered broad Gathered some Gathered little Not gathered
and relevant broad and broad and broad and
information relevant relevant relevant
from different information information information
resources. from different from different from different
resources. resources. resources.
Organization Very well- Organized The The
organized structure and composition composition
structure and composition, was little bit was not
composition, producing organized organized
producing an agood output. with its with its
interesting structure and structure and
output. composition composition
Tone Excellent and It has a direct It has a limited It has a no
direct to the to the point direct to the direct to the
point statements point point
statements which creates a statements statements
which creates very good which creates which creates
an outstanding confidence to fair confidence no confidence
confidence to the output to the output to the output
the written
Impact Readers will be Readers will be Readers will Readers will
excellently engage to read not be totally not be engage
engage to read the output. engage to read to read the
the output. the output. output.



Essential Questions:
 How does culture shape human behavior?
 Given that different societies and people have different culture, how should people
react to different culture?


Concept Mapping
Write word/s or statements that will correspond to the term CULTURE.



 Group of people sharing a common culture.
 Organized group or groups of people who generally share a common territory,
language, culture and who act together for collective survival and well- being.
 Bound together by a sense of common identity (Haviland 312)
 Arises only when individuals are knit together in a network of mutual stimulus and
 It only exist when social beings behave toward each other in ways determined by
their recognition of one another.
 The complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, laws,
norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and everything that a person learns and
shares as a member of society (Tylor, 1920).
 Set of behavior and the fact that humans are characterized by them by virtue of
being born as “human beings” apart from other creatures in the animal kingdom
suggests the universal nature of the concept.
 Three components that go together that make up culture according to John
o Ideas
o Activities
o Artifacts

 Components of Cultures:

 Aspects of Culture
o Culture is learned
o Culture is socially transmitted through language
o Culture is a social product
o Culture is a source of gratification
o Culture is a distinct way of life of a group of people
o Culture has sanctions and controls
o Culture is stable yet dynamic
o Culture is an established pattern of behavior
 Factors that account for the development of culture:
o Human biological needs and drives
o Man’s highly developed nervous system
o Man’s high developed vocal apparatus
o Man’s upright posture
o Physical and social environment
 Factors that account for diversities or differences in culture:
o Cultural variability
 Different solutions used by people to solve problems of existence
o Cultural relativity
 Differences in beliefs, values, norms and standards
o Human ingenuity and ability to absorb and expand new culture
o Cultural relativism

 The ability to understand a culture on its own terms and not to make
judgment using standards of one’s own culture.
o Culture Shock
 Feeling of disbelief, disorganization, or frustration one experiences to
o Ethnocentrism
 Feeling of superiority of one’s own culture
o Xenocentrism
 What is foreign is best
o Counterculture
 Subgroups whose standards are in conflict with conventional
standards of society
o Subculture
 Smaller group which develop norms, values, beliefs and special
language to make them distinct
 Cultural Heritages/ Forms:
o Tangible forms of culture- can be seen and touched
o Intangible forms of culture- abstracted


I. Answer the following questions:

1. Can society without culture? Why or why not?


2. Explain why language is one of the most important characteristics of culture.


3. To ensure the continuity of Philippine culture, how can you contribute in the
preservation of intangible and tangible forms of culture?

4. Why is globalization considered a threat to one’s cultural heritages?

II. Picture Analysis

Explain in not less than five sentences the meaning of the picture:


Create a poster illustration of a certain Filipino culture, trait or value which you wanted to
promote to other nations and can be our nation’s identity.

Rubrics for Poster:

CRITERIA 5 4 3 2
Concept The poster The poster The poster The poster
clearly stated stated stated limited stated no or
the exact interpretation interpretation wrong
interpretation of the topic of the topic interpretation
of the topic itself. itself. of the topic
itself. itself.
Creativity The poster The poster The poster The poster the
used different used different used limited kinds of
kinds of kinds of kinds of techniques,
techniques, techniques, techniques, images,
images, images, images, symbols and
symbols and symbols and symbols and colors which
colors that colors for the colors for the makes it not
makes it lively purpose of purpose of interesting ao
and interpreting it interpreting it view.
interesting. only. only.
Neatness The poster The poster was The poster The poster
was beautiful, neat. made had some made had some
very neat and minor mess in major mess in
very pleasing. the work the work
Impact The poster The poster The poster The poster
made was made was made was not made was not
very fascinating. that much fascinating.
fascinating fascinating.
and attractive.



Essential Question:
 Do you think without the knowledge of ancient civilization, modern technologies
and ideas will be developed?


Read and analyze this statement:

Where, when, why and how human beings appeared on the earth?
How and why do present people vary in physical features?
Do all people have religious customs?
How related are humans, monkeys, chimpanzees and orangutans?
When, where and how did people first begin speaking a language?
Is the human brain still evolving?
Why is there diversity in human culture from the simple and primitive to the most complex
and advanced?
How much alike are we?
How much diverse are we?


Different Theories and Concepts about the Evolution of Man

 Mythological Concepts
o Part of culture
o To answer the questions of people about the evolution of different things
o Imaginative and creative stories
o Passes through generations
 Biblical Concepts
o God created Adam and Eve on the sixth day of creation
o Genesis
o Assigned man to manage the world
 Scientific Concepts:
o Natural Selection
 Overproduction
 Inheritance
 Variation

Evolution of Man
 Hominid
o Live before the existence of the new image of man
 Ramapithecus (Africa)
 14-12 million years
 Sahelanthropus Tchandesis (Tau Mai- “Hope of Life”)
 6-7 million years
o Australopithecus
 Australis- West
 Pithecus- Gorilla
 4 million years ago
 Large teeth, small brains, long arms, short legs bipedal
 Australopithecus Anamnesis (Kenya)

 Australopithecus Afarensis (East Africa)
 Australopithecus Africanus (South Africa)
 Australopithecus Bosei (Tanzania)
 Australopithecus Robustus
 Homo Habilis
o Skillful Man
o Uses hands and tools in order to get food
o Scratching and Sharpening
o 2.3-1,4 million years (Pleistocene Period)
Zijanthropus (East Africa Man)
 Lake Turkana Man (Kenya)
 Homo Erectus
o Straight Man
o Can stand and walk straight
o Uses fire tools made of stones
o Hunting, Fishing, Searching for Food
 Java Man- Pithecanthropus Erectus (Indonesia)
 Peking Man- Sinanthropus Pekkinensis (China)
 Homo Sapiens
o Wise Man
o Large brains, small teeth, can walk and stand straught
o Creates tools , simple culture and established system of living
 Neanderthal Man
 Cro-Magnon Man
 Tabon Man

Series of Evolution of Civilization

 Paleolithic Age
 Mesolithic Age
 Neolithic Age
 Metal Age

Social and Cultural Civilization

 Physical features of different civilization:
o Valleys, plains, and rivers
 Slit- a rich component on land good for farming
 Dike and irrigation
o Skillful farmers and fishermen
o Hunting
o Can adapt to live in desert, grasslands, valleys and plains

 Mesopotamia
o Greek words:
 “Mesos” and “Potamos”- land between two rivers
o Tigris River and Euphrates River

o Sumer
 3500-3000 BCE
 City- state with its organized system of governance
 Unified system of living
 Flood control
 Worship of gods
 Active participation in trading/ market
 Cuneiform
 System of writing
 Started the usage of plow
 Metallurgy
 First to use bronze
 Calendar to identify the number of days
 Potter’s wheel
 Ziggurat
 Temple
 Place of worship for gods and goddesses
 Government:
 Patesi
o King- priest
 Ur Law
 Religion
 Polytheism
 Animism
o Epic of Gilgamesh
 India
o Indus River
o 2500 BCE
o Mojenho Daro and Harrapa
 First city state in India
 Dravidian
 Established the creation of houses made of stones/rocks, citadel,
public swimming pools, irrigations, storage house of crops, flared
public ways.
 30,000 population per state
 Usage of seal in market trading
 Dependent in farming, shepherding, and cotton weaving.
 Metal works
 Harrapan Pictogram
 Clay tablet
 Caste System
 Brahmin
 Kshatriya
 Vaishya
 Sudra

 Untouchables
 China
o Huang Ho River and Yangtze River
 Loess- yellowish land
o 2000 BCE
o Farming
o History of Dynasty governance
 Emperor- mandate of heaven
 Egypt
o Covered by desert:
 Sinai desert
 Nubia desert
 Sahara desert
o Nile River
 Source of water for irrigation and produces a slit, a component need
for crops to grow.
o Kingdom
 Pharaoh
o Religion
 Polytheism
 2000 Egyptian gods and goddesses
 Mummification
 Worship to the leaders
o Hieroglyphics
 System of Writing
 Written in stone or papyrus leaf
o Technology
 Geometry
 Calendar
 Medicine using magic


I. Answer the following questions:

1. What concept of evolution of man do you believe in? Why?

2. Do you think that modern technologies and things will not be invented without the
influence of ancient civilization?


3. Give 5 advantage and 5 disadvantage of modern technology.

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

4. As a modern youth of this generation, how will you influence your fellow youth to
use technology wisely?

5. Which do you prefer: the simple peaceful life living with nature or the complex
modern lives of a modern technologically advance society? Why?

Character Sketch
Based on your knowledge of human evolution, what do you think would human being look
like a hundred thousand years in the future? Draw a human sketch about your prediction.

Rubrics for Character Sketch
CRITERIA 5 4 3 2
Concept The drawing The drawing The drawing The drawing
and and and and
explanations explanations explanations explanations
perfectly explains has a limitedly does not
explains the briefly the explains the explain the
topic by itself topic by itself topic by itself. topic by itself.
Relevance The drawing The drawing The drawing The drawing
and and and and
explanation explanation explanation explanation
correlates correlates to relate to one and the topic
briefly to one one another another but does not
another and and also to the not to the relate to one
also to the topic. topic at all. another.
topic very
Creativity The drawing The drawing The drawing The drawing
itself created itself created itself created itself is not
very well, well and neat. barely. created well.
neatly and Symbols used Symbols used Symbols used
artistically. were match to were match at were not
Symbols used what is somehow to made to what
were very necessary for what is is necessary
fascinating the topic. necessary for for the topic.
and deepens the topic.
the true
meaning of
the topic.
Description The drawing The drawing The drawing The drawing
was was explained was explained was explained
exemplary briefly and but not as but not
explained direct to the much connected to
briefly and point connected to the topic
direct to the connected to the topic given.
point the topic given.
connected to given.
the topic



Essential Question:
 How does a society maintain order so that it will persist for a long period of time?


What are the things you first learned during your:

 Infancy - ____________________________________________________________________
 Toddler - _____________________________________________________________________
 Adolescent - _____________________________________________________________________


 Cultural knowledge is passed on the next bearer who will perpetuate and ensure the
continuance of their tradition and practices
 Diffusion of one’s culture to another through diverse means
o Learning
o Imposition by force
o Conquest

 Process whereby the cultural heritage is socially transmitted from one generation to
 Lifelong process of learning and relearning as people move from different stages of
growth and development or from one social group to another
 Acquire as status, plays a corresponding role and emerges with a personality.

Enculturation and Socialization results to:

 Identity formation
 Norms and values
 Statuses and Roles

 Violation of societal norms to breakage of conventions and realm of morality.
 Occurrence that violate mores
o Mores- component of norms that are often taken very seriously by society
and sometimes codified as laws/ regarded as morally significant and
violations of them are considered serious matter.
o Roman term “most respected and sacred custom”
 Characterized for its contextualized nature and relativity
 May perceived and interpreted according to circumstances and preconditioned
 Crime
o Most popular form of deviance
o Violation of norms that have been formally enacted into criminal law
 Sociologist viewed deviance as rooted in the society and very evident in three ways:
o It exist only in relation to cultural norms
o People become deviant as others define them that way

o Both norms and the way events are defined are related to patterns of social
 Protecting the interest of the powerful at expense of the powerless
 Mechanisms of Social Control
o Labelling Theory
o Gossip
o Laws
 Strain Theory
o Robert Merton
o Deviant behavior occurs when people experience strain or tension when
culture imposes goals that individuals should achieve, but the social
environment makes it hard or challenging for individuals to meet such goals
through a legitimate manner.
o Expanded by Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin
o Criminal type of deviance can result not only from the lack of culturally
approved means to achieve success but also from the availability of
unconventional means to do so.
o Members of society react to strain in five different ways:
 Conformity- hopeful poor
 Innovation- surviving poor
 Ritualism- passive poor
 Retreat- retreating poor
 Rebellion- resisting poor

 Unit of people who interact with some regularity and identify themselves as unit
 Collection of people interacting together in an orderly way on the basis of shared
expectations about one another’s behavior.
o Number
o Common interest
o Purpose
o Level of interaction
 Types of group
o According to influence
 Primary
 Secondary
o According to membership
 In- group
 Out- group
o Reference group
o Networks


I. Answer the following questions:

1. Can learning take place in a society without the process of enculturation and

2. How does social status and roles determine a person’s level of interaction in a

3. How effective are social controls in checking and managing deviant behavior?

4. How does society react or treat deviant behavior?


5. What can you say about the government’s way of solving criminality in our country?

6. Can society survive without groups? Why or why not?



7. How can groups provide a sense of belongingness to an individual?


II. Determine which among the following activities can be considered deviant behaviour.
Write D if it is deviant and N if it is a norm.

_______ 1. Walking naked in public places like parks and malls

_______ 2. Reading books in a school library
_______ 3. Answering long distance calls in a phone booth.
_______ 4. Wearing sexy clothes during religious ceremonies.
_______ 5. Engaging into pre- marital sex.
_______ 6. Playing with younger siblings during weekends.
_______ 7. Indulging in alcohol and dangerous drugs.
_______ 8. Tagging along with criminals.
_______ 9. Listening attentively to the keynote speaker during a public forum.
_______ 10. Visiting a sick friend in the hospital.


Slogan Making
Create a slogan on promoting human rights in our country.

Rubrics for Slogan

CRITERIA 5 4 3 2
Craftsmanship The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of attractive messy.
terms of neatness. though it may
neatness. Well Good be a bit
constructed construction messy.
and not and not very
messy. messy.
Creativity Slogan is Slogan is Slogan is The slogan
exceptionally creative and a creative and does not
creative. A lot good amount some thought reflect any
of thought of thought was put into degree of
and effort was was put into decorating it. creativity.
used to make decorating it.
the banner.
Originality Exceptional Good use of Average use No use of new
use of new new ideas and of new ideas ideas and
ideas and originality to and originality to
originality to create slogan. originality to create slogan.
create slogan. create slogan.
Grammar There are no There is 1 There are 2 There are
grammatical grammatical grammatical more than 2
mistakes on mistake on mistakes on grammatical
the slogan. the slogan. the slogan. mistakes on
the slogan.



Essential Question:
 How does the family cope with the dynamic changes in the world today?
 What are the possible ways in which politics and empowerment can mean
something meaningful and fruitful for the majority?
 Why is economy important for social and cultural life?


Answer the following questions:

 How are you going to describe your:
o Family

o Government


 Family
o The most important social unit in which socialization takes place
 Social experience
 Encounter
o The “natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to
protection by society and the state”
o Largely responsible for the process of cultural transmission and incorporated
on the individual solely rely on family influence alone:
 Attitude
 Interest
 Goals
 Beliefs

 Kinship
o A network of relatives within which an individual possesses certain mutual
rights and obligations
o Consanguinity or affinity
o Types of Kinship:
 Kinship by Blood
 Traced through bloodline
o Based on descent
 Unilineal descent
 When a child is born, he or she is
automatically assigned to either his or her
mother’s (matrilineal) or father’s group

 Double unilineal descent
 When a child is born, he or she is assigned
to mother’s group or father’s group for
specific purpose
 Bilateral descent
 Descent is used to categorize children
that are made members of all ancestors’
o Based on Internal Organization
 Nuclear family
 Husband
 Wife children
 Extended family
 Two or more nuclear families
o Based on Authority
 Patriarchy
 Matriarchy
 Equalitarian or egalitarian
 Matricentric
 Kinship by Marriage
 Marriage
o A special contract of permanent union between a man
and a woman entered into in accordance with law for
establishment of conjugal and family life
o Aspects:
 Contract
 Sacrament
 Based on number of spouse
o Monogamy- one spouse
o Polygamy- multiple spouse
o Polygyny- one man is married to more than one woman
o Polyandry- a woman is married to more than one man
o Group marriage
 Based on residence
o Patrilocal
o Matrilocal
o Neolocal
o Bilocal
 Based on norms on the selection of marriage partner
o Endogamy- requires a person to marry someone from
within his or her own group
o Exogamy- requires a person to marry someone from
outside his or her own group

o Sororate- a widower marry the sister or nearest kin of
the deceased wife
o Levirate- a widow marry the brother or nearest kin of
the deceased husband
 Kinship by Ritual
 Compadrinazgo- godparent complex
o Padrinazgo- spiritual parenthood which emphasizes a
vertical relationship
o Compadrazgo- ritual co- parenthood which stresses a
horizontal relationship or ritual ties binding adults

 Political Structures
o The organized way of which power is distributed and decisions are made
within a society.
 Power
 Fundamental in the normal functioning of society as expressed
in terms of force- may it be physical or psychological in nature
 Authority
 The power widely perceived as legitimate rather than coercive.
 Three types:
o Tradition
 Authority is based on claim by the leaders, and a
belief on the part of the followers, that there is a
virtue in the sanctity of age- old rules and
 Leader in such a system is not a superior but
personal master.
o Rational- legal
 Social change is achieved by first modifying
social and material structures of society.
 Once modifications are designed to target
particular ends determined by the rational
o Charismatic
 Followers legitimize an individual’s authority by
perceiving her or him charismatic.
 He or she may cause subjective internal
reorientation among the members of society.
o Political Organizations
 Bands
 Simplest form of political organization
 Two or more families based on kinship lineage
 Indigenous and primitive people
 No rigid form of governance, leadership is unstructured
 Reliance in communal decision making

 Tribes
 Segmentary lineages and loyalty is on family cluster or one’s
immediate family and cousins
 Defined by traditions of common descent, language, and
 Horticulturists and pastoralists
 Informal type of leadership
o Possession of skills and aptitude rather than on age
 Chiefdoms
 Complex political organization characterized by incorporation
of religion, kinship and politics
 Number of local communities who follow absolute rule of a
political leader
o Direct descendant of the God or Gods
o Great strength, magical and supernatural powers
 States and Nations
 Nation- group of people sharing similar culture and political
o Racial concept
 State- legal entity composed of territory, population,
sovereignty, and government
o Political Concept
o Leadership
 Process of influencing the thinking, behavior and activities of
individuals and groups towards the attainment of group goals in a
given situation
 Basis of personality traits alone have consistently failed
 Depends more on the situation and the need to be satisfied at
that given situation than on the person
 Many are capable of leadership if the needs of the group fit
their skills.
 Purpose of having a leader:
 To direct various tasks
o Task leadership
 Provide support to group members
o Socio- emotional leadership
 Styles of Leadership
 Functional or Operational leadership
o Accepted by the group because of influence on thinking
and behavior
 Status Leadership
o Accepted as a leader because of bureaucratic fear of a
person in authority
 Task- Oriented Leadership
o Gives emphasis to the goals of the group

o Low on relationship
 Relationship or Person- Oriented Leadership
o Concerns more on needs and feelings
o Low in tasks
 Transactional Leadership
o High standard of performance but takes interest in
o Team player
 Authoritarian Leadership
o Decides on the goals to be achieved and prescribes how
this is to be achieved.
 Democratic Leadership
o Engages in cooperative planning
 Best Style of Leadership
 Level of Education of Members
 Cultural Characteristics of Followers
 Standard of Living of the Group
 Particular Situations
 Maturity of Staffs

 Non- state Actors

o Entities other than a nation- state, including multinational corporations, non-
governmental organizations, and international non- governmental
organizations, that play a role in international politics
o Both present in international organizations and in unconventional setting.
o In recent times, they contributed well to the well-being of the societies
through but not limited to:
 Campaigning for policy reform
 Adopting good practice standard
 Advancing sustainable development as a uniting vision for all
o Other non- state actors:
 Banks and corporation
 Cooperatives and trade unions
 Transnational advocacy groups
 Development agencies


Answer the following questions:

1. How do Filipinos trace their ancestry? Do Filipinos have sole yardstick in
determining their lineage?


2. Is monogamy the ideal practice of marriage relationship in the Philippines?


3. Is polygamy or polyandry an immoral act in Southeast Asia? Why or why not?


4. What is the role of the individual and family in the development of political
institution? Conversely, how does political institutions influence the development of
individuals and family?

5. What is good governance for you?


6. What do you think are the important social services to be delivered by the
government and how do we ensure our right to social services?


Photo Essay
Looking at you community or home, capture a photo that will answer to the question,
“What do you want to see to our leader?” Afterwards, post it to your Facebook account and
provide a simple and subjective about the picture and its relation to the question.

Rubrics for Photo Essay

CRITERIA 5 4 3 2
Visual Text All of the Most of the Some of the Few of the
images are images are images are images are
appropriate to appropriate to appropriate to appropriate to
the topic, the topic, the topic, the topic,
evocative, evocative, evocative, evocative,
visually visually visually visually
captivating, captivating, captivating, captivating,
and show and show and show and show
unique unique unique unique
perspectives perspectives perspectives perspectives
of the theme. of the theme. of the theme. of the theme.
Typography & Title and Title and Title and Title and
Semantics captions captions captions captions
compliment compliment sometimes seldom
the images the images compliment compliment
and work and often the images but the images
together work together inconsistently and do not
harmoniously to reinforce work together work together
to reinforce the theme. to reinforce to reinforce
the theme the theme. the theme.
Organization Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
includes includes includes includes
student name student name student name student name
and the photo and the photo and the photo and the photo
story title. story title. story title. story title.
Each slide Each slide Each slide Each slide
includes an includes an includes an includes an
image and image and image and image and
accompanying accompanying accompanying accompanying
text. Photos text. Photos text. Photos text. Photos
are carefully create create inconsistently
sequenced to emotion and emotion and create
build emotion communicate represent emotion and
and thematically. may veer from

communicate subject subject
thematically. matter. matter.
Theme Theme is clear Theme is clear Theme is clear Theme is
and well- and well- and well- unclear or not
developed developed developed well-
throughout throughout throughout developed
entire photo most of the some of the throughout
essay. photo essay. photo essay. the photo



Essential Questions:
 Why is basic education a human right?
 Does religion promote unity or does it exacerbate social division?


Continue the statement.

An educated person is _______________________________________________________________________________


 Educational Institution
o Created to give formal training in skills to the people that they will need later
in life
o Education
 Deliberately and consciously planned process of systematic
instruction, schooling, or training in preparation for life
 Transmitting a society’s knowledge, skills, values and behavior
o Forms of Education
 Formal Education
 Informal Education
 Non- Formal Education
o Functions of Education
o Manifest Functions
 Predetermined activities, goals and purpose of education
 Inculcation of values and norms in the society
 Maintenance and perpetuation of the cultural heritage
 Selecting, training and allocation to adult position
 Political and social integration.
o Latent Functions
 Unintended or not originally designed to serve. (Hidden Curriculum)
 Childcare
 Postponing job hunting
 Reduce level of unemployment
 Marriage market
 Social Control
 Reflection of the society’s social culture
 Prepares cheap labor for capital
 Religion and Belief System
o Oldest form of social institution
o Organized system of beliefs concerning supernatural beings
o Perceived to be universal
o Assumes diverse forms and ways
o Components of Religion
 Sacred Object
 Sacred Beliefs

 Rituals
 Religious Community
o Techniques of Religion
 Prayer
 Sacrifice
 Reverence
 Divination
 Taboo
 Duty
 Rituals
 Ceremony
 Magic
o Functions of Religion
 Orderly model of the universe
 Provides explanations of the things and experiences that cannot be
grasped by human senses
 Providing guidelines of what is right and wrong (moral norms)
 Reminds individuals to reflect on their thoughts and behaviors which
is helpful to the maintenance of social order.
o Development of Religion
 Animism
 The belief that spirits may dwell in nature, people, or human-
made objects
 Polytheism
 The belief in multiple gods
 Monotheism
 The belief in a single- all powerful deity
 Atheism
 Belief in the non- existence of god
 Agnosticism
 Doubting on the existence of god
 Deism
 Belief in God reached through nature and scientific observation
o Religion as Social Institution
 Organized religion or possessing a religious organization
 Sect
 Church/ Ecclesia
 Cult
 Separation of Church and State
 Dualism to Unity
 Uniformity to Tolerance


1. Do you think that the current K- 12 Basic Education Curriculum fully prepares you
to the needs of the 21st century? Why?

2. Do you believe in this statement, “Education in the Philippines is more of a privilege

than a right.”?

3. Is religion nowadays a contributing factor or a deterrent to national development

and progress? Why?

4. Do you believe in this statement, “Religion is the opiate of the people.”



Make a poster- slogan illustrating why is education very important in this pandemic state.

Rubrics for Poster- Slogan

CRITERIA 5 4 3 2
Craftsmanship The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of attractive messy.
terms of neatness. though it may
neatness. Well Good be a bit
constructed construction messy.
and not and not very
messy. messy.
Creativity The poster The poster The poster The poster the
used different used different used limited kinds of
kinds of kinds of kinds of techniques,
techniques, techniques, techniques, images,
images, images, images, symbols and
symbols and symbols and symbols and colors which
colors that colors for the colors for the makes it not
makes it lively purpose of purpose of interesting ao
and interpreting it interpreting it view.
interesting. only. only.
Originality Exceptional Good use of Average use No use of new
use of new new ideas and of new ideas ideas and
ideas and originality to and originality to
originality to create slogan. originality to create slogan.
create slogan. create slogan.
Grammar There are no There is 1 There are 2 There are
grammatical grammatical grammatical more than 2
mistakes on mistake on mistakes on grammatical
the slogan. the slogan. the slogan. mistakes on
the slogan.



Essential Questions:
 Why do we need to take consider our health?
 Why is economy important for social and cultural life?
 How does mass media shape the way we look at reality?


Read an article about the current state of our country in COVID- 19 Pandemic. Do you think
our government is very focus on addressing in this problem? Why or why not?


 Health Institutions
o Health is considered as a precious and priceless of asset
o Sickness is an universal problem affecting individuals and society
 Human response to sickness is always socially organized
o Illness
 Meaning and elaborations given to a particular physical state
 More culture- specific and assumes a different form or variation or
non- existent at all in other cultures.
o Disease
 Specific pathology
 Categories:
 Endemic Disease- present in a large part of the population
 Epidemic Disease- affects a significant part of the population
wherein the disease is normally uncommon to the people and
 Chronic Disease- last for a long time and the victim may or may
not die, but often does not recover.
 Acute Disease- a short duration disease generally either the
victim recovers from it or die fast.
o Social Impact of Disease
 Victim of disease
 Unable to play their normal social roles
 Pain
 Anxiety
 Confinement
 Death
 Family
 Dealing with emotional and financial aspects of the victim
 Community
 Create burden in case when the disease widespread
 Affect the daily routines and social order of the people
o Systems of Diagnosis, Prevention, and Healing
 All societies have health- care systems consisting of beliefs, customs,
and techniques
 Traditional

 Scientific
 Mass Media
o Most conspicuous, ubiquitous, and overreaching in scope and coverage in the
modern world
o Channels of communication directed to vast number of audience in the
o Have enormous impact on the attitudes and behavior of people
o Contributes to reality creating public opinions
 Good or bad
 Necessary or unnecessary
 Desirable or not
o Kinds of Mass Media
 Print
 Non- print
 Economic Institution
o Changes in the means of production as well as distribution and exchanges of
resources and services strongly affect the overall functioning of society
o Trade and relations
 Ideas and information are spread and communicated
 Technology is transferred or diffused from one culture to another
o Sociology of occupation
 Centrality of all economic institutions since work is the significant
source of individual and social identity
 Creation of statuses and social roles
 Dictates sex and gender roles
o Reciprocity
 Transaction between two socially equal parties concerning goods or
services that are estimated to be of equal value.
 Signify social ties being created or strengthened by the gesture of gift
 Types of Reciprocity
 Generalized reciprocity- gesture that expresses personal
relationships than an economic transaction
 Balanced reciprocity- transaction between two distantly
related people; the giver expects something in return although
it does not have to be done immediately
 Negative reciprocity- based on distrust because there is no
personal relationship between one party to the other. People
are try to profit as much as possible and pay the least amount
as possible.
o Redistribution
 All produce from the community is sent to the center where they are
stored, counted, and later on, distributed back to the people.

o Market Exchange
 The price of goods and services are supposedly dictated by supply and
demand however personal loyalties and moral values intervene in
price determination most of the time.
 Pre- industrial societies- barter system
 Industrial societies- monetary value
o Major Economic Sectors
 Secondary Sectors- raw materials produced by primary sectors into
manufactured goods
 Tertiary Sectors- provides services to the community


Answer the following questions:

1. Does access to health care a right or privilege? Why?

2. Why should a healthy person be considered a functional member of society?


3. How can we utilize the freedom of speech using mass media?


4. Why is the economy a very vital social institution?


5. What do you think are the obstacles, hindrances or deterrents to the Philippine
economic development?


Oration Speech Making

Create an oratorical piece about awareness on COVID- 19 Pandemic to your fellow youth
and their possible contribution to ease this problem.

Rubrics for Oration Speech

CRITERIA 5 4 3 2
Content Introduction, Has a clear Has an Is missing an
body, and deliniation introduction, introduction,
conclusion are between body, and body, or
very clear. The introduction, conclusion, conclusion.
flow and body, and but the
transitions conclusion. boundaries
between the between them
sections is are unclear.
smooth and
enhances the
Language Meets criteria Student spoke Student spoke Student spoke
for good, while clearly and with only without vocal
incorporating articulately occasional variety
creative use of with stumbling or and/or with
language such consistent use lost places difficulty
as metaphors, of vocal and used keeping an
similes, variety. some vocal appropriate
analogies, etc. variety. rate of speech.
Content Demonstrates Mentions Mentions Briefly
command of topic and its topic and mentions a
the topic significance. briefly topic but does
throughout the Uses the topic explains its not provide
speech. as a path for significance. any analysis
Discusses the the speech. or reasoning
topic and its Student offers behind the
significance. explanations topic.
Uses the topic and insights

as a path for that link back
the speech. to the topic.
Student offers
and insights
that enhance
of the topic.



Essential Question:
 Does stratification and inequality necessary to achieve sustainable development?


Answer the question:

Do you believe that poor will remain poor even he has a great dream for himself/ herself?


 Social Stratification
o Stratification
 Ranking of people
 Division of society into larger categories
o Hierarchical arrangement and establishment of social categories that may
evolve into social groups together with the statuses and their corresponding
o Superiority and inferiority
o Arrangement of any social groups or society into hierarchy of positions with
regard to:
 Power
 Property
 Social Evaluation
 Psychic Gratification
o Social desirables as bases for social stratification:
 Wealth
 Power
 Prestige
o Theories of Social Stratification
 Conflict Theory
 Stratification is the result of the struggle among people for
scarce resource and rewards
 Dominant class gains a disproportionate share of wealth,
power and prestige, its members resolutely undertake to
defend and enhance their positions of privilege
 Stratification is unjust and unnecessary
 Functional Theory
 Stratification is a necessary and an inevitable social
phenomenon in order to channel suitable individuals into
various occupations and hence to insure that the essential
tasks of group life are performed.

o Types of Social Stratification

 Open Class System
 Social positions are awarded on the basis of merit and
qualifications, and rank is tied to individual achievement and
 Provides all forms of social mobility
 Equality in opportunity
 Close Class System
 Caste System
 Ascribed status
 Members in the close societies are locked in their parents’
social position and individuals opportunities are limited
 Social Classes
o Category of persons who have similar socio- economic privileges in the
o Hierarchical distinctions between individuals and groups in societies and
 Social Mobility
o Allows people to occupy various position in the social stratification
o Movement of people from one position to another in the social stratification
o Vertical Social Mobility
 Upward Social Mobility- movement by individuals or groups into a
higher stratum
 Downward Social Mobility- movement of the people into lower
o Horizontal Social Mobility
 Does not involve a shift to upper or lower stratum
 Movement of people is only within the same social stratum where
they belong
o Factors Affecting Social Mobility
 Sex and people
 Intellectual factors or mental ability and creativity
 Non- intellectual factors such as ambition, drive, other social traits,
sense of humor, industry, enthusiasm, perseverance, and connections
 Fortune or sheer luck
 Physical appearance
 Education and specialized skills
 Status of parents
 Types of social stratification system
 Changing labor markets
 Geographical mobility
 High or low fertility
 Government interventions


Answer the following questions:

1. Do you think that Philippine contemporary society has a good model of social
stratification/ If not, what is the best model? Explain your answer.

2. Is social stratification still relevant today? Why or why not?


3. As a student, how can you help stop social inequality in the country?

4. How can you help stop racism in society?


Reflective Journal
What can our government do in order to reduce inequality in our country?



Rubrics for Reflective Journal
CRITERIA 5 4 3 2
Critical Rich in Substantial Information is Rudimentary
Thinking content; information; thin and and superficial;
insightful evidence of common place; little analysis,
analysis, analysis, attempts made synthesis or
synthesis and synthesis and at analysis, evaluation;
evaluation, evaluation; synthesis and little or no
clear general evaluation; connections
connections connections are connections are with any other
made to real- made, but are limited, vague material or are
life situations. sometimes too generalities are off topic.
obvious or not posted.
Personal It creates a It creates an It creates a It creates no
Reflection very interesting limited interest interest to read
interesting reflection in to read the the reflection in
reflection that one’s personal reflection in one’s personal
readers could life. one’s personal life.
serve this as life.
an inspiration
in life.
Clarity The writing is The writing is The writing is The writing is
clear and clear and appropriate for vague or
expressive. concise, and the purpose imprecise for
Specific meets the basic and audience. the purpose or
examples are requirements. Supporting audience. Ideas
used to Some examples examples are are not stated
support are used to not always or developed.
viewpoints support provided.
and opinions. opinions.



Essential Questions:
 How does globalization shape our local culture?
 Why do some people have reservations about globalization especially when it comes
to homogenization of culture?


Give at least three things that you think have been change in yourself for the past 10 years.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

 Is it necessary for us to change?


 Social Change
o Refers to variations or modifications in the pattern of social organization, of
sub- groups within a society, or of the entire society itself
 Rise and fall
 Changes in the status and roles
o Social change could be:
 Slow, gradual, incremental, and evolutionary, in this might be barely
 Fast, radical, sudden and evolutionary; it might even take people by
 Wide in scope, affecting all people in a society.
 Limited in scope, affecting only a small number of people.
o Causes of Social Change:
 Invention (Material or Social)
 Discovery- takes place when people reorganized existing elements of
the world they had not noticed before or learned to see in a new way
 Diffusion- the spread of culture trait from one group to another
 Enculturation- culture spreads to another through learning
 Socialization- learning through constant exposure and
 Association- establishing a connection with the culture
 Integration- total assimilation of culture
 Amalgamation- biological or hereditary fusion of members of
different societies
 Shifting Population
 New Ideas and Cultural Values
 Colonization
 Rebellion and Revolutionary Movements

 Political Change
o Occurs in the realm of civil and political societies and in the structure of
relation among civil society, political society and the state

 Cultural Change
o Refers to all alterations affecting new traits or trait complexes and changes in
a culture’s content and structure
o Caused by several factors:
 Physical environment
 Population
 War and conquest
 Random events or acts of man
 Technology

 Globalization
o Refers to the process of increasing integration between units around the
o An umbrella term, covering economic, trade, social, technological, cultural
and political aspects, and is the opposite of deglobalization.
o Worldwide process of homogenizing prices, products, wages, rates of
interests and profits.
o Three forces of development:
 Human migration
 International trade
 Rapid movement of capital and integration of financial markets

 Social Contradictions and Tensions

o Inter- ethnic Conflicts
o Class Struggles
o Armed Conflicts
o Terrorism
o Protests
o Gender Inequality


Answer the following questions:

1. Why is change inevitable in society? Can a particular society survive without
undergoing change? How?

2. How does innovation, diffusion, and acculturation contribute in the rise and fall of
human civilization?

3. As a homogenous cultural and social entity, how does globalization serve as a new
challenge to social change?

4. Are all human societies moving towards a common destiny or in distinct patterns
based on historical and cultural experiences?


Speech Writing
Create a 5 to 10 minute speech about the topic “Mass Media in the Field of Power Struggle
and Formation of Public Opinion.”





Rubrics for Speech Writing
CRITERIA 5 4 3 2
Critical Rich in Substantial Information is Rudimentary
Thinking content; information; thin and and superficial;
insightful evidence of common place; little analysis,
analysis, analysis, attempts made synthesis or
synthesis and synthesis and at analysis, evaluation;
evaluation, evaluation; synthesis and little or no
clear general evaluation; connections
connections connections are connections are with any other
made to real- made, but are limited, vague material or are
life situations. sometimes too generalities are off topic.
obvious or not posted.
Personal It creates a It creates an It creates a It creates no
Reflection very interesting limited interest interest to read
interesting reflection in to read the the reflection in
reflection that one’s personal reflection in one’s personal
readers could life. one’s personal life.
serve this as life.
an inspiration
in life.
Clarity The writing is The writing is The writing is The writing is
clear and clear and appropriate for vague or
expressive. concise, and the purpose imprecise for
Specific meets the basic and audience. the purpose or
examples are requirements. Supporting audience. Ideas
used to Some examples examples are are not stated
support are used to not always or developed.
viewpoints support provided.
and opinions. opinions.


Lanuza, Gerry M and Raymundo, Sarah S. (2016) Understanding Culture, Society and Politics.
Rex Bookstore Inc. Manila City, Philippines.
San Juan, Wilfredo R. and Centeno, Ma. Luz J. (2017) Understanding Culture, Society and
Politics. Books Atbp. Publishing Corp. Mandaluyong City, Philippines.

Bernardo, Juanito Philip V. Jr. (2016) Understanding Culture, Society and Politics. JFS
Publishing Services. Manila City, Philippines.

Santarita, Joefe B. and Madrid, Randy M. (2016) Understanding Culture, Society and Politics.
Vibal Publishing House Inc. Quezon City, Philippines.


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