2014 Karthikeyan Mungbeanyellowmosaicvirus

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Mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV): a

threat to green gram (Vigna radiata) production
in Asia

Article in International Journal of Pest Management · November 2014

DOI: 10.1080/09670874.2014.982230


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7 authors, including:

A. Karthikeyan Raveendran Muthurajan

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Tamil Nadu Agricultural University


Senthil Natesan M. Pandiyan

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Tamil Nadu Agricultural University


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Mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV): a threat to

green gram (Vigna radiata) production in Asia
a a a a a b
A. Karthikeyan , V.G. Shobhana , M. Sudha , M. Raveendran , N. Senthil , M. Pandiyan &
P. Nagarajan
Department of Plant Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Centre for Plant Molecular
Biology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India
National Pulse Research Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Vamban,
Pudukkottai, India
Published online: 26 Nov 2014.

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To cite this article: A. Karthikeyan, V.G. Shobhana, M. Sudha, M. Raveendran, N. Senthil, M. Pandiyan & P. Nagarajan
(2014) Mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV): a threat to green gram (Vigna radiata) production in Asia, International
Journal of Pest Management, 60:4, 314-324, DOI: 10.1080/09670874.2014.982230

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09670874.2014.982230


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International Journal of Pest Management, 2014
Vol. 60, No. 4, 314324, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09670874.2014.982230

Mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV): a threat to green gram (Vigna radiata)
production in Asia
A. Karthikeyana*y , V.G. Shobhanaay , M. Sudhaay , M. Raveendrana, N. Senthila, M. Pandiyanb and P. Nagarajana
Department of Plant Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Centre for Plant Molecular Biology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore, India; bNational Pulse Research Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Vamban, Pudukkottai, India

(Received 28 February 2014; final version received 17 October 2014)

Mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) disease is one of the most vicious diseases of green gram and has been renowned
in India for more than five decades. It is caused by a group of geminiviruses belonging to the genus, begomovirus of the
family, Geminiviridae. They are transmitted through whitefly in a persistent manner. The economic losses due to this virus
account up to 85% in green gram which is spreading faster towards newer areas. The escalating economic importance of
MYMV has resulted in the call for accurate detection and identification procedures that inspire rigorous research efforts
focussing on the biology, diversity and epidemiology of the virus, so that viable management strategies could be designed.
Breeding for resistance or tolerance appears to be the best approach to control this disease. However, the commercially
Downloaded by [A. Karthikeyan] at 04:28 02 January 2015

offered genotypes are only partially resistant. Therefore, the hunt for newer sources of disease resistance needs to be
intensified. This review updates all the accessible information on MYMV and outlines the areas in which advance research
is indispensable.
Keywords: Begomoviruses; mungbean yellow mosaic virus; Vigna radiata; whitefly

1. Introduction Among the three, the viruses are the most important group
Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek, commonly known as green of plant pathogens affecting the production of the crop.
gram or mungbean (originated in India or the Indo- They cause severe diseases and economic losses in mung-
Burmese region), is a vital crop grown throughout Asia, bean by plummeting seed yield and quality (Kang et al.
Australia, West Indies, South and North America, tropical 2005). Mungbean yellow mosaic disease is transmitted by
and subtropical Africa. It is well suited to a large number the vector, the whitefly (Bemisia tabaci). It is found to
of cropping systems and constitutes an important source spread the begomoviruses, the major hazard to the flour-
of cereal based diets, worldwide, covering more than six ishing production of mungbean in India, Sri Lanka, Paki-
million hectares per annum. However, Asia, alone, stan, Bangladesh, Papu New Guinea, Philippines and
accounts for 90% of world’s mungbean production. India Thailand (Honda et al. 1983; Chenulu & Verma 1988;
is the world’s largest mungbean producer accounting for Varma et al. 1992; Jones 2003; Haq et al. 2011a). Based
about 65% of world’s acreage and 54% of its global pro- on sequence identity analyses, the bipartite begomovirus
duction (Singh 2011). Mungbean contains carbohydrate isolates, namely, mungbean yellow mosaic virus
(51%), protein (24%26%), minerals (4%) and vitamins (MYMV), mungbean yellow mosaic India virus
(3%). Besides, it has the remarkable quality of serving the (MYMIV) and horse gram yellow mosaic virus (HgYMV)
symbiotic root rhizobia to fix atmospheric nitrogen and are recognized as the causal agents of MYMD in different
hence, augments soil fertility. Due to the importance of regions of the world (Qazi et al. 2007; Malathi & John
mungbean in Asian countries, the World Vegetable Center 2008a; Ilyas et al. 2010). The most conspicuous symptom
(formerly known as, Asian Vegetable Research and on the foliage starts as small yellow specks along the vein-
Development Center  AVRDC) has been actively work- lets and spreads over the lamina; the pods become thin
ing on mungbean for the past four decades. Prior to incep- and curl upwards. Extensive records from the past showed
tion of AVRDC, national partners in mungbean producing that the disease occurs with different intensities in all of
countries released more than 100 improved mungbean the mungbean producing areas in and around Asia.
cultivars for yield and resistance against pests and dis- Depending on the severity of the disease infection, the
eases in South and South East Asia and most parts of the yield penalty may reach up to 85%. Quite a lot of disease
world (Somta et al. 2009). The standard worldwide yield management strategies have been developed or imple-
of mungbean is very low (384 kg/ha) and its production mented for MYMV disease and so far, no complete resis-
has not considerably increased yet. The main reason for tance to this disease has been incorporated into any of the
the low yield is the susceptibility of the crop to insects, commercially available mungbean cultivars. The disease
weeds and diseases caused by fungus, virus or bacteria. still poses a major crisis to the economic production of

*Corresponding author. Email: karthik2373@gmail.com

Authors A. Karthikeyan, V.G. Shobhana and M. Sudha contributed equally on this work.

Ó 2014 Taylor & Francis

International Journal of Pest Management 315

this crop in the Asian subcontinent. This review considers performed (1970) to find out the chief vector of MYMV
the understanding of the MYMV disease and highlights and white fly (Bemisia tabaci) was identified as the most
the urging scope to promote further research. prime vector at least in the Asian subcontinent. Muruge-
san and Chelliah (1977) reported a yellow mosaic on
green gram which was higher during the months of March
2. Historical perspectives and distribution to May (summer season). The increased disease incidence
Capoor and Varma (1948) of India were the first to report might be attributed to the higher temperatures that were
yellow mosaic disease of lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) prevalent in summer season, which was favourable for the
and later in Dolichos (Capoor & Varma 1950). In the mid- vector to develop and multiply. Thongmeearkom et al.
dle of 1950, it was noted that the experimental host range (1981) were the first research group to see the MYMV
of yellow mosaic disease (YMD) included numerous vari- particles in the leaf cells of Vigna radiata. MYMV was
eties of all groups of legumes. It was first identified as a first purified by Honda et al. (1983). Various workers
problem in a mungbean field in India in 1955, at the reported that the inheritance of resistance to the MYMV
experimental farm of the Indian Agricultural Research is controlled by a few set of genes (recessive gene (Singh
Institute, New Delhi. Nariani (1960) first described the & Patel 1977), a dominant gene (Sandhu et al. 1985),
yellow mosaic disease on mungbean and linked it with the complementary recessive genes (Shukla & Pandya 1985)
virus. Nene (1968) named the virus as MYMV. After the and two recessive genes (Verma & Singh 1988)). In 1990,
initial discovery of MYMV disease in India, other coun- MYMV had emerged as a great menace in mungbean pro-
tries also confirmed its presence in their own territories. It duction. The disease incidence was as high as 100% in the
was confirmed in Pakistan (Ahmad 1975), Bangladesh fields of farmers in the Asian subcontinent, often resulting
Downloaded by [A. Karthikeyan] at 04:28 02 January 2015

(Jalaluddin & Shaikh 1981), Thailand (Thongmeearkom in considerable yield losses (Varma et al. 1992). There-
et al. 1981) and Sri Lanka (Shivanathan 1977). The distri- fore, in 1990s, AVRDC has accorded the high-priority
bution of MYMV in Asia has been illustrated in Figure 1. mungbean improvement programmes and they started to
Between 1960 and 1980, most of the MYMD research work on the objective of incorporating the resistant genes
was involved on managing the disease and so, more often, for MYMV into the advanced breeding lines. The first
was based on the interaction of the vector population with complete sequence of an MYMD virus was isolated from
insecticides, and resistance breeding. Studies were mungbean reported by Morinaga et al. (1993). The genes


Figure 1. Distribution of mungbean yellow mosaic disease (MYMD) in Asia.

316 A. Karthikeyan et al.

of MYMV were mapped using different mungbean popu- components (DNA-A and DNA-B) which are about 2800
lations (Shanmugasundaram 1996). These genes will be nucleotides in length (Qazi et al. 2007). The isolates of the
the first targets of marker-assisted breeding with random larger DNA of the two components (the DNA-A) of
fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. In north- MYMIV and MYMV share only 82% identity between their
ern Thailand, a severe outbreak of MYMD in mungbean DNA sequences and so justify their separation into distinct
occurred in 1997. This caused major losses to production species. There are numerous DNA-B components associated
and initiated a shift in cropping practices. Due to occur- with yellow mosaic viruses (John et al. 2008). The cognate
rence of mungbean yellow mosaic disease, improvement DNA-Bs of groups (i), (iii) and (iv) represent MYMIV,
in production and productivity of mungbean is becoming MYMV and HgYMV. The second group of DNA-B compo-
tricky and the disease is a major problem in Asian coun- nents are associated with either MYMV or MYMIV. These
tries (Varma & Malathi 2003). Most of the reported resis- are closely associated to each other. They are more related
tance screening to date has been done only in India and to MYMIV than to MYMV (92%). DNA-A is involved in
Pakistan (Malathi et al. 2005). various nuclear functions. It encodes for all the factors
required for viral DNA replication (the replication associ-
ated protein (Rep; a rolling-circle replication-initiator pro-
2.1. A begomovirus associated with mungbean yellow tein) and DNA helicase (Choudhury et al. 2006) and the
mosaic disease replication enhancer protein (REn), regulation of gene
expression (the transcriptional activator protein (TrAP)) and
MYMV disease is caused by begomoviruses, popularly rec-
encapsidation/insect transmission [the coat protein (CP))).
ognized as geminiviruses which are the leading and the
The functions of the V2 and C4 proteins remain unclear. In
Downloaded by [A. Karthikeyan] at 04:28 02 January 2015

most significant genus within the family, Geminiviridae.

other begomoviruses, these two proteins have been shown
They are plant-infecting single-stranded DNA viruses and
to have a possible role in movement and overcoming plant
have archetypal geminate incomplete icosahedral particles.
host defences mediated by post-transcriptional gene silenc-
They are branded as monopartite (a single DNA) or a bipar-
ing (PTGS). In MYMIV, the AC5 protein, encoded by a
tite (with two DNA components: DNA-A and DNA-B)
gene (not well conserved between the begomoviruses) has
(Figure 2), based on their genome organization (Mansoor
been shown to have a potential function in the viral DNA
et al. 2003; Jeske 2009), infecting mostly dicotyledonous
replication (Raghavan et al. 2004). The DNA-B component
plants like mungbean, urdbean and soybean (Haq et al.
encodes two genes. They are the nuclear shuttle protein
2011a). The two DNA components namely, DNA-A and
(NSP) and the movement protein (MP) act together to move
DNA-B, are roughly 2.8 kb in size (Borah & Dasgupta
the virus from one cell to the other within the plant. In depth
2012). Bipartite begomoviruses, namely MYMIV, MYMV
analysis of the gene expression, studies of MYMV have
and horsegram yellow mosaic virus (HgYMV), are accepted
shown the splicing of transcripts in a begomovirus for the
as causal agents of MYMD in different regions of the world
first time (Shivaprasad et al. 2005).
(Qazi et al. 2007; Malathi & John 2008a; Ilyas et al. 2010).
Of all these viruses, HgYMV is the least studied. Its com-
plete sequence is available in the databases but no detailed 2.2. Transmission and epidemiology of disease
studies are conducted on this virus. The other two pathogens
MYMV disease is transmitted principally by the polypha-
namely, MYMV and MYMIV, occur across the Indian sub-
gous pest Bemisia tabaci (Figure 3) in a persistent (circu-
continent. Among the two, MYMV was studied extensively
lative) manner and grafting but not by sap, seed or soil.
and was reported from Thailand. The northern, central and
The latent period of whitefly is less than four hours, so it
eastern regions of India are dominated by MYMIV infesta-
is a tremendously efficient vector for virus transmission.
tions (Usharani et al. 2004) but MYMV is more ubiquitous
A single viruliferous adult is capable of transmitting the
in the southern (Karthikeyan et al. 2004; Girish & Usha
dreadful virus and it can transmit the virus within an
2005) and western regions of the country. The viral
acquisition and inoculation access period of 24 hours.
genomes consist of two circular single-stranded DNA
Acquisition and inoculation by whitefly adults can be
affected in a minimum of 15 minutes. The insect may
attain the virus after a single bite and its transmission

Figure 2. (Color online) Genome organization of bipartite Figure 3. (Color online) Polyphagous vector  whitefly
begomovirus  DNA-A and DNA-B. (Bemisa tabaci).
International Journal of Pest Management 317

efficiency increases with time on the source plant of virus (Figure 4). The yellow leaves slowly dry and wither.
as well as on the healthy mungbean plant (Malathi & John Infected plants bear few flowers and pods with some
2008a). The most efficient female and male adults in a immature and deformed seeds, thus affecting the yield
population can retain infectivity for 10 and 3 days, respec- both qualitatively and quantitatively. Pods of the infected
tively. Thus, the female adults are three times more effi- plants are reduced in size and turn yellow in colour. In
cient as vectors than males. Neither female nor male severe cases, other plant parts become completely yellow
adults can retain infectivity throughout their life span. (Figure 4). Disease infection decreases the photosynthetic
Nymphs of B. tabaci can acquire the virus from diseased efficiency and as a consequence the yield of the crop is
leaves and the virus does not pass through eggs of B. affected (Malathi & John 2008b). The economic impact
tabaci. Nevertheless, the cropping seasons highly influ- of MYMV on yield depends upon the time of virus
ence the vector population. Whitefly is found to be high infection and is related to the plant development. Early
during summer season compared to spring and rainy sea- infection by the virus gives the highest reduction in yield.
sons. They thrive best under hot and humid conditions If the infection occurs after three weeks from planting,
and the population also towers with higher temperatures. then the yield loss surmounts to 100%. However, the
Moreover, the spread of MYMV on a local (within and losses will be meagre if infestation occurs after eight
between fields) and a regional basis reflects its dispersal. weeks from planting. Over a broad geographic range, the
Its population is correlated with disease incidence. High yield reductions between 10% and 85% have been
populations appear on the crop that are 2030 days old reported (Grewal JS 1988; Varma et al. 1992; Khattak
leading to higher disease incidence (on the 45th day). et al. 2000; Varma & Malathi 2003; Kang et al. 2005).
Spring and rainy seasons attribute to unfavourable condi-
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tions for the multiplication of the whitefly. Therefore, the

disease incidence is not high during those seasons. Nath 2.4. Source of inoculum for disease development
(1994) studied the effect of the weather parameters on the MYMV disease causes heavy damage when infection
population of whitefly and the incidence of yellow mosaic occurs in early growth stages in mungbean (Varma &
virus on green gram. He reported a simple positive signifi- Malathi 2003). Therefore, elimination of the primary
cant correlation between the disease incidence and the sources of inoculums will facilitate disease management.
population of the fly, temperature, the relative humidity, This is particularly so in view of the lack of commercial
rainfall and the number of rainy days necessary for the cultivars with MYMV resistance. Perennial weeds and
infection. Honda et al. (1983) reported the mechanical summer whitefly are potential sources of MYMV during
transmission of the isolate of MYMV of Thailand and the early growth stages (Malathi & John 2008b; Ilyas
they obtained the highest transmission rates with 0.1 M et al. 2009; Akthar et al. 2011; Ara et al. 2012). Roles of
potassium or sodium phosphate buffer of pH7.8. There- whitefly and weed reservoirs (alternate hosts) in the epide-
after no one reported any infestation caused by mechani- miology of MYMV are yet to be critically assessed. The
cal transmission. Attempts were made by Grewal (1988) potential for disease control through management of the
to transmit the disease by sap inoculation by rubbing whitefly will be enhanced by accurate identification of
freshly extracted sap of mosaic affected leaves on the source(s). The increased disease incidence might be attrib-
healthy young seedlings of mungbean. However, the dis- uted to the higher temperatures prevalent during summer
ease could not be transmitted in this manner. season, which was favourable for the whitefly to develop
and multiply. The only concern might be that infected tol-
erant plants could remain as the sources of virus inocu-
2.3. Impact of MYMD infection on mungbean
lum, as well as promoting the adaptation of the virus to
Each group of the virus isolates (genetically distinct overcome resistance. The agriculturally significant hosts
strains, reassortants and recombinants) may have a differ- of MYMV include mungbean and urdbean (V. mungo),
ent level of stability or virulence, as reflected by the sever- mothbean (V. aconitifolia), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan),
ity of the symptom in each line of mungbean. The whitefly soybean (Glycine max), cowpea (V. unguiculata) and
delivers the virus through proboscis to the phloem cells of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) (Varma et al. 1992;
the host plant where it gets multiplied. In leaf cells, the Usharani et al. 2004; Karthikeyan et al. 2004; Malathi
virus particles often form loose aggregates that sometimes et al. 2005; Qazi et al. 2007). Alternatively, other legumi-
fill the nuclei of infected phloem cells. In mungbean, nous hosts may provide a means for the virus and
hypertrophied nucleoli, aggregates of virus particles and could serve as virus reservoirs. In India, wild V. species,
fibrillar bodies appear in the nuclei of phloem cells as namely, V. hainiana and V. trilobata, have recently been
early as two days before the appearance of the symptom. established to be naturally infected with MYMIV
Virus particles are often scattered in distribution but occa- (Naimuddin & Aditya 2011).
sionally form aggregates having a paracrystalline or dou-
ble cylindrical arrangement in the vacuoles of infected
sieve elements (Thongmeearkom et al. 1981). It causes 2.5. Options for disease management
yellow-coloured spots scattered on young leaves followed In general, strategies for controlling MYMV disease
by yellow mosaic pattern. Later, the spots gradually include the following: planting resistant or tolerant varie-
increase in size resulting in complete yellowing of leaves ties, insect vector management, managing with alternative
318 A. Karthikeyan et al.
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Figure 4. (Color online) Symptoms exhibited by mungbean plants infected with mungbean yellow mosaic virus: (A) healthy plants in
the field, (B) plant showing symptoms in young leaves, (C) yellow mosaic symptom in matured plants with fewer pods, (D) infected
pods and (E) MYMD-infected field.

weed or crop hosts of viruses and changing crop cultural of whitefly are more susceptible to insecticides; failure in
practices to those less favourable for disease development. control in crop fields may be due to the incomplete expo-
sure on the underside of leaves (to the insecticides) where
nymphs are present. Ghosh (2008) showed that imidaclo-
2.6. Vector management prid reduced the whitefly populations to significant levels,
Plummeting the whitefly populations (vector) is an effec- if the insecticidal treatments are directed on the underside
tive strategy to administer MYMV disease. At the same of the leaves, preventing the spread of MYMV and
time, the management of whiteflies is very complex achieved more seed yield. Basal application of botanical
because whitefly does not go round in ones or twos but insecticides controls the whitefly population in plants.
they go round in hordes of hundreds and even one attack Application of neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) and
can severely weaken a plant. They are not well controlled foliar spray of neem oil had a major impact by preventing
by any of the available management practices such as cul- the “nymphal” stage from developing into an adult; the
tural, mechanical, botanical and chemical. Among the nymphs tend to disappear from the treated plants (Dubey
various methods of whitefly management, chemical con- et al. 2011). Whitefly management should be achieved
trol is the primary method adopted. Systemic chemical when their population is lower through cultural practices.
insecticides viz., acetamiprid, ethion, imidachlorpid, tria- Maintenance of good field sanitation by destroying and
zophos, provide better control of whiteflies; they also kill removing the crop residues and weeds is an effectual prac-
on contact, but are also taken inside the plant where they tice against whiteflies. Exclusion of leaves by hands in
go onto protect against further attack for more than a few plants profoundly infested with the non-mobile nymphal
weeks (Wang et al. 2009). Younger stages are generally and pupal stages may trim down populations to levels that
more sensitive to insecticides as compared to older stages natural enemies can contain. Water sprays (syringing)
and higher toxic levels of certain insecticides work well may also be useful in dislodging adults. Avoiding a lot of
against the first and second instar nymph stages. Nymphs nitrogen fertilizer, including manures, is advised as
International Journal of Pest Management 319

succulent growth will amplify whitefly populations. Other new isolates of MYMV, the understanding of its molecular
methods to control whitefly populations resourcefully mechanism through conventional breeding approaches has
without environmental spoil can however be a useful become very tricky and time consuming. Under such cir-
component in the development of sustainable disease cumstances, a combination of plant breeding approaches
control. along with the traditional methods becomes obligatory for
the development of the resistant lines.

2.7. Breeding for resistance

Breeding for resistance to MYMV disease has been known 2.8. Marker-assisted selection (MAS)
to virologists and plant breeders since 1970. It is largely The development of DNA markers (RFLP, random ampli-
advocated as the key scheme for the control of MYMV in fied polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers, inter simple
mungbean. The bringing into play of host resistance is sequence repeat (ISSR), simple sequence repeat (SSR),
most effectual, easy on the pocket and ecological for man- single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)) has irreversibly
aging MYMV. Upon infection, the susceptible (virus read- changed the disciplines of plant genetics and breeding.
ily infects and/or replicates and/or invades) or resistant While there are several applications of DNA markers in
(virus infection and/or replication and/or invasion is breeding, the most promising for cultivar development is
restricted) plant reactions show a range of tolerance or sen- called marker-assisted selection (MAS). Studying the
sitivity. Resistance to MYMV was visualized by symptom- diversity among the germplasms, finding the linked
atology. Symptomless lines were assumed to be resistant. marker for resistant gene and construction of QTL maps
In a few circumstances, some germplasms of mungbean through molecular markers, has increased the efficiency
Downloaded by [A. Karthikeyan] at 04:28 02 January 2015

showed no symptoms even after infection. Hence, these in the breeding programmes conferring resistance for
lines could not be used as resistant lines. Screening of MYMV (Sudha et al. 2013a). By determining the allele of
germplasm will hopefully reveal the resistance genes. In a DNA marker, plants that possess particular genes or
the absence of a true source of resistance, these lines could quantitative trait loci (QTLs) may be identified based on
be used as tolerant lines. The levels of tolerance among their genotype rather than their phenotype. Different
lines vary among the available germplasm and several dif- markers are used to study genetic diversity (Chattopad-
ferences in response have been identified among various hyay et al. 2005; Roopa et al. 2008; Zhao et al. 2010;
germplasm sources. Resistance in mungbean germplasm Datta et al. 2012; Raturi et al. 2012; Zhong et al. 2012)
against MYMV has been recognized earlier by different and tag the MYMV resistance genes in mungbean (Selvi
workers by using a common acceptable scale based on the et al. 2006; Chen et al. 2012; Karthikeyan et al. 2012;
severity of the disease (Marappa et al. 2003; Peerajade Dhole & Kanda 2013; Sudha et al. 2013a). MAS, to a
et al. 2004; Khattak et al. 2008; Iqbal et al. 2011; Pandur- great extent, has improved the efficiency of resistance
anga et al. 2011). However, it is crucial that the germplasm breeding in MYMV and has shown some significant suc-
evaluation considers the diversity among the various strains cess too. New sources of resistance to MYMV, for exam-
of the virus too. For breeding resistant cultivars, informa- ple, the use of donors from interspecific sources, have
tion on the inheritance and sources of resistance genes is been identified and newer molecular markers linked to
very important. Several resistance sources have been resistance genes are becoming more accessible these days
reported for MYMV disease. The inheritance of resistance (Maiti et al. 2011; Chen et al. 2012). These resistant geno-
to MYMV (in the intraspecific as well as in the interspe- types will be tested to conclude whether they are able to
cific crosses) has been reported in mungbean and is con- offer good shield against the major strains of both MYMV
ferred by a single recessive gene (Reddy & Singh 1995; and MYMIV in hot spot regions.
Saleem et al. 1998; Reddy 2009), a dominant gene (Sandhu
et al. 1985), two recessive genes (Verma & Singh 1988;
Ammavasai et al. 2004) and complementary recessive 2.9. Pathogen-derived resistance
genes (Shukla & Pandya 1985). Commonly, intraspecific Diverse transgenic mechanisms have been developed for
hybridization is used for the improvement of resistance to engineering virus resistance in crops. In the midst of all of
MYMV in mungbean. Resistance to MYMV has also been them, pathogen-derived resistance (PDR) is considered as
recognized in the wild species (V. umbellata and V. sublo- one of the best options offered for crop protection. In the
bata) of mungbean and may consent the introduction of absence of resistance in the commercial mungbean culti-
such resistance by means of interspecific hybridization vars, researchers have resorted to transgenic resistance
(Monika et al. 2001; Bisht et al. 2005; Pandiyan et al. utilizing PDR. The concept of PDR, first proposed by
2008; Sudha et al. 2013a). Through the practices of intra- Sanford and Johnston 1985, has been successfully utilized
and inter-specific hybridization, several promising lines over the past 17 years to confer resistance against viruses
which are not only tolerance/resistance to MYMV but are in many crop plants (Di et al. 1996; Chellappan et al.
also high yielding have been developed and released for 2004; Zhang et al. 2013). The expression of viral genes in
commercial cultivation (Reddy & Singh 1995; Saleem the host plant and the subsequent disruption of the essen-
et al. 1998). However, this has been attributed to the tial pathogenic processes to confer resistance are referred
increased disease infestation and whitefly populations and to as PDR. PDR has been attained, by expressing various
unstable levels of resistance. Due to the rapid explosion of forms of functional or dysfunctional viral CP, replicase,
320 A. Karthikeyan et al.

protease and MP genes inside the host plants. The pheno- sustaining with the increasing population of southern
types resulting out of PDR-mediated protection exhibit Asia, so particularly in India. MYMV disease is the result
various conspicuous characters such as delayed develop- of a three-way interaction between the host, the pathogen
ment of symptoms, reduced symptoms, and virion accu- and the environment (Singh et al. 2004). An epidemic
mulation to apparent immunity. The variety of PDR develops only if all the three of these factors are favour-
phenotypes suggests multiple mechanisms underlying the able. Therefore, the disease can be controlled by the nega-
resistance that is attained. For example, the expression of tive manipulation of one or more of these factors so that
full-length and truncated REP genes from MYMV iso- conditions become unsuitable for replication, survival or
lated in tobacco plants showed an inhibition of viral repli- infection by the pathogen. The control of the losses due to
cation in transgenic tobacco (Shivaprasad et al. 2006). MYMV disease requires the amalgamation of methods
The resistance generated by the use of REP sequences is aiming at preventing or delaying the infection of crop. All
very tight; a high dosage of input virus can be resisted eas- the resistance found in mungbean, to date, appears to be
ily by the transgenic plant. The PDR can also be achieved only the tolerance against the infection (infection with
without the expression of such proteins through mecha- mild symptoms) rather than complete immunity.
nism of gene silencing and antisense RNA. In blackgram, Recently, AVRDC released lines NM 92 and NM 94
DNA-A bidirectional promoter from MYMV has been which are known for their resistance to MYMV. NM 94
used in a transient assay to activate PTGS against yellow shows resistance to the disease during the summer season,
mosaic virus but the transgenic plant did not show any but is susceptible during the kharif (JuneJuly sowing)
resistance reaction (Pooggin et al. 2003). Haq et al. (2010) season. Resistance has been attributed to various factors,
reported that the plants inoculated with infectious including increase in disease and whitefly populations,
Downloaded by [A. Karthikeyan] at 04:28 02 January 2015

MYMIV clones showed 64% infection in mungbean. and unstable levels of resistance (Nair et al. 2013). It
Those clones contain the complementary-sense gene shows that available strategies have not been enough and
(ACI) encoding replication initiation protein (Rep) which they are not able to control the disease and develop resis-
helps in the development of resistance against MYMIV. tance: breeding methods are used to understand the differ-
At the same time in the plants co-inoculated with the Anti- ent responses of the cultivars under the attack of the
Rep construct, the symptom severity as well as the per- pathogen in the field. Knowing the molecular mechanism
centage of infection was almost negligible. It was only of virus and developing the resistant lines for every infec-
20% in mungbean plants. The mungbean co-inoculated tious virus strain are some major challenges. Meanwhile,
with antisense construct showed 44% reduction in infec- considering the vector management option, reduction of
tivity. The symptoms were attenuated and the plants vector populations in the field has been proven to be diffi-
almost appeared healthy. CP deletion (N0 terminal dele- cult and is, as yet, seldom used in yellow mosaic virus dis-
tion of 75 and 150 amino acids) showed the mutation of ease. Besides, control of vectors does not put a selection
MYMIV. It affected the systemic spread and pathogenic- pressure on the virus to evolve to higher plant virus titre
ity in mungbean (Haq et al. 2011b). The hairpin constructs and at the same time increases the density of healthy
of CP has 35s promoter (1.3 kb) with the sense sequence plants. Thus, vector control has a small risk of failure due
of MYMIV (130 bp), followed by an intron (741 bp), after to selection for more damaging strains of the virus. In
which the antisense (130 bp) target sequence with the recent times, the use of molecular biotechnological
OCS terminator (765 bp) are placed and cloned in a clon- approaches such as MAS and genetic engineering for
ing vector called Phannibal. The results indicate that co- developing the resistance against MYMV disease has
agroinoculation of the CP hairpin construct (Cphp) pre- shown greater triumph. However, supplementary research
vented the viral pathogenesis (Kumari & Malathi 2012). is required on these areas to succeed in MYMD studies.
Screening the germplasms using different MYMV isolates
through agroinoculation technique is the effective method
for assessing the genetic diversity for MYMV resistance 3. Future research direction
in mungbean (Karthikeyan et al. 2011). Recently, Sudha The prime goal of classifying the MYMV strains is to
et al. (2013b) screened the mungbean germplasms using carry out a fundamental and applied research so as to dis-
two different MYMV isolates. The results show that sect its genetic diversity. A universally accepted, uniform
among the seventy eight mungbean genotypes screened, set of differentiation for the strains of this virus has not
four genotypes exhibited resistance to the isolates of yet been developed anywhere in the world. Due to the
MYMV. non-homogeneous classifications of virus strains, the
establishment of breeding programmes for resistance to
disease is not well-built, but, instead, has only led to the
2.10. Current status and challenges in managing rise of confusions among the breeders of mungbean. The
MYMV identification of resistance sources, exchange of resistance
The available evidence gathered since the 1960s suggests information and utilization of the germplasm resources
that the diversity of crop plants and the geographical area are still indistinct. A uniform differential system is needed
affected by the incidence of MYMV disease in mungbean for identifying strains so that scientists can exchange
have increased gradually. This can be attributed to an information and resistance germ materials based on that
increase in the intensity of farming which requires standard classification. Additionally, the determination of
International Journal of Pest Management 321

the population structure of the pathogen from a wider geo- poor agronomic performance of the individuals (Anusuya
graphic area is required in order to develop a database on 2009; Sudha 2009). Advanced backcross quantitative trait
virus isolates and consequently determine the best strat- locus (AB-QTL) is a competent method to utilize wild
egy for the deployment of resistance and or to incorporate species by the simultaneous discovery and transfer of
the non-matching resistance genes to the existing patho- valuable QTLs with good agronomic performance from
gen. Genome research is not well developed in mungbean. unadapted germplasm into elite breeding lines (Tanksley
Although some progress in genome research has been & Nelson 1996). The efficacy of the AB-QTL approach
made in mungbean, it is still far behind the other major has been tested in numerous crop species in various dis-
legume crops such as soybean, cowpea, urdbean and com- eases and has been proved to be a realistic method in crop
mon bean, or even with comparison with one of its rela- breeding (Liu et al. 2004; Naz et al. 2008; Schmalenbach
tive, but the less economically important, azuki bean. A et al. 2008; Manosalva et al. 2009). The application of the
variety of genomic resources like markers, e.g. RFLPs, AB-QTL strategy in mungbean will identify the source
RAPDs, AFLPs, SSRs and ISSRs, have been developed to and beneficial alleles, and thus provides a means for quick
speed up the MAS by discerning the genetic diversity and progress in developing improved virus resistant mungbean
finding the linked markers for the MYMV resistant gene lines. However, the development of the transgenic lines
in mungbean so far; but no map contains enough number resistant to MYMV and their incorporation/merging into
of markers to resolve all the 11 linkage groups. the commercial cultivars is a successful approach for the
Tagging and mapping of genes and QTLs resistant to development of the resistant varieties of MYMV in mung-
MYMV use markers of other related legume such as azuki bean. The genetically engineering mungbean plants that
bean, common bean, cowpea and soybean. However, in all are resistant to viral pathogens have shown considerable
Downloaded by [A. Karthikeyan] at 04:28 02 January 2015

such marker programmes, either the markers are not feat, which have paved way for improving the resistance
closely linked to the trait (>5 cM), or proper linkage or for MYMV in mungbean. The use of viral CP as a trans-
validation studies were not performed. Therefore, an gene, exploitation of agroinoculation to screen the germ-
urgent need to initiate development and validation of plasms using artificial isolates of MYMV and engineering
tightly linked molecular markers for genes resistant to the disease resistance using RNAi are successful strategies
MYMV has arisen. This could be rapidly transferred to for producing disease-resistant plants but even more
the susceptible mungbean genotypes through MAS. The research is vital in these areas. At last, we imply that the
expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and genomic database of development of resistance to MYMV is compulsory for
the legumes of related genera or species will be supportive the flourishing production of mungbean. The early
in the development of high throughput markers such as attempts to control MYMD by conventional methods
SSRs and SNPs. These resources have the potential to have progressed only in field studies with a very little suc-
develop a large number of markers especially SSRs and cess. Even later, it was unsuccessful in developing a resis-
SNPs that would enable to identify the genomic regions tant variety due to rapid explosion of new isolates of
(QTL) that underlie resistance to MYMV and on these MYMV and also due to the complex mechanism that con-
QTL regions the examination of the reference genome trols the resistance reaction of MYMV. Advances in plant
will give the pipeline for identifying the candidate genes molecular genetics now provide accurate gene detection
responsible for MYMD resistance. Continuous efforts are (R gene) for resistant lines and has a great promise to
made in the production of BAC libraries in green gram assist plant breeders in understanding the molecular
that would smooth the progress of the research in map- mechanisms of the plant viruses. Recently, it shows some
based cloning of the genes and QTLs resistant to MYMV. success in the research groups involved in MYMV and
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is suggested from a self-cross of residual hetero zygote application of these technologies by the side of conven-
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