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In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage, Page 1 of 6

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Civil In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater tha

Question sending voltage,why? can anybody tell me the answer
Interview Question Submitted By :: Rrameshbe
Interview Re: In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage
Questions Answer receiving end voltage becomes greater than sending end only
# 1 at light load or noload condn. most of our loads are
Electrical inductive, so power factor corecting equipments(say 1/9/2010
In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage, Page 2 of 6

capacitors) are connected in parallel to the line so that

Engineering the reactive power consumed by the load s supplied by the
Interview capacitor. even though the loads are removed these
Questions capacitive equipments are there. now the reactive power
supplied by the capacitor get added up. this s why the
Electronics receiving voltage becomes greater than supply end..
Interview Re: In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage
Questions Answer In a long transmission line, there is a rise of voltage at
# 2 the receiving end due to no load or light loads. In long
Aeronautical transmission line having large capacitance which causes
Engineering large charging current in the line, occurs voltage drp in
Interview the line, accordingly, receiving end voltage becomes
Questions greater than the sending end voltage, the phenomenan is
called ferranti effec
Bio Line drop = Ic(R+jX) Ic - Charging current at no load
Engineering Vr=Vs+Ic(R+jX) Ic leads Vr by an angle 90 Deg.

Interview Re: In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage
Questions Answer It occurs under light load condition.It is the capacitor
# 3 which raises the receiving end voltage.generally capacitors
Automobile are near to the load side to compensate reactive power.we
Engineering know that reactive power is directly proportional to
Interview voltage so under light load or non inductive load voltage
increased cause reactive power is just increasing the
Questions voltage at that time
Engineering Re: In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage
Interview Answer in case of no load or light load condition the capacitance
Questions # 4 between line and earth is very much accountable thats why
reseiving end vtg is more than sending end vtg. 1/9/2010
In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage, Page 3 of 6

Re: In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage

Answer Due to the power loss.

Re: In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage

Answer because between the line and earth a series of capacitors
# 6 is form to which line is charge and discharge continuously
under light or no load condition,which in subsequent that
voltage at receiving is higher than sending.

Re: In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage

Answer At no load or at light load inherent capacitance of
# 7 transmission lines produces lagging power in system that
produce an increase in the out put voltage than the input

Re: In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage

Answer sending end voltage is more than recieving end voltage at
# 8 no load or light load conditions, due to which all our long
transmission lines are connected in parrallel to the
capacitance bcoz most of our loads are inductive...nd when
ever the load is off, the charging current stored in the
capacitor will allow through the line of which it increases
sending end voltage..., also the resistance at the sending
end voltage is lower than the resistance at the recieving
end, as V=I(R+jX) there is a drop in the voltage

Re: In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage

# 9 An answer to this one is not easy. First, there is a
difference between active power (the power that actually
does work) and reactive power (VARs, for Volts-Amperes
Reactive), which is power that does not itself produce
effective work, yet at the same time it is absolutely
necessary in power systems. Sounds like a contradiction, I
know. Alternating current (and voltage for that matter) 1/9/2010
In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage, Page 4 of 6

swings from positive to negative values, and the phase

relationship between voltage and current gets shifted
slightly due to inductance (i.e., magnetic field issues)
and capacitance (essentially a charge buildup that in its
most basic form is somewhat similar to battery effect).

Reactive power (VARs) that is required is affected by the

combined inductive reactance and capacitive reactance for
any given system. Long transmission lines therefore
amplify these factors, since there is logically more
inductance and more capacitance over longer distances.
Heavy motor loads (and transformer loads) on power systems
introduce large inductive loads (loads that require
generation of magnetic fields to operate). Consequently,
power systems must compensate for this inductance which
forces a phase shift between current and voltage. This is
accomplished by adding extra capacitance to bring things
closer to being phase for a more efficient power factor
(ratio of active power to apparent power). Inductive loads
cause the current to lag and voltage to lead, while
capacitive loads cause the current to lead and the voltage
to lag. So, the two are “combined” to get the most
efficient results and the targeted power factor.

When a power grid experiences interruption by distant loads

dropping off line, if the transmission line is still
charged the capacitance in the system that is always being
generated by the potential between transmission lines and
ground (or even with other lines) tends to build up much
like when you walk across a carpet and develop voltage that
is not being used. Then, when you touch a grounded object
the unusually high voltage discharges. This might be a
poor example, but the principle proves that devices—
including wires—can “float” up to charges even when a
generator is not directly causing this. This situation is
compounded in major transmission lines where separate
installations by the power company and even certain
customers’ installations specifically add capacitance to
counter what is normally heavier inductive loading.

Why is reactive power necessary and yet it technically

performs no effective work? It is what creates the
magnetic field that allows motors and transformers to do
their work. The magnetic fields are not collapsing and
consuming constant power to re-energize them—instead, they
use reactive power in what is essentially a closed circuit,
two-way street, give-and-take, with the power plant. A
full study of reactive power would be required to
understand this. As a powerplant operator (a new hire), I
have to adjust reactive power on my generators to
compensate for situations electrically downstream. On one
hand the system produces megawatts which is billable
electric power, and on the other hand we provide megavars
(billed to no one) which is something akin to priming a
pump but it is not the work produced for or by the pump.

By the way, buried cables have much higher capacitance than

overhead lines, and these systems introduce special
reactive power considerations. Consequently, the Ferranti
Effect is much more an issue with lengthy underground 1/9/2010
In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage, Page 5 of 6

transmission lines.

Re: In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage

Answer inharite capcitors are to be formed b/w transmition lines
# 10 due AC current.because due AC current self endection is to
be done.and indue voltage and current also produce and as
ve we know that air act as a di-electric).so capciters
have been formed.
and those capacitor's voltage also to be added at reciving
end.and so we have greater voltage at reciving end rather
then sending end.

Re: In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage

Answer Vr= Vs(1+WCLl2)
# 11 Vr= receiving end voltage.
Vs= sending end voltage
W= 2*3.14*frequency
C= line capacitance
L= line inductance
l2= l square
l= line length.

Re: In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage

Answer Receiving end voltage being greater than sending end voltage i
# 12 1/9/2010
In Ferranti effect,Receiving end voltage is greater than sending voltage, Page 6 of 6 1/9/2010

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