Testing and Evaluation 1

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D Group
Testing & Evaluation
 Web testing means complete testing of a web-
based system before going live can help address
issues before the system is revealed to the
Memeriksa perjalanan projek berdasarkan spesifikasi yang
telah dipersetujui.
 Evaluating websites means determining
websites whether it is good or not and
evaluating can help you spot problems and
make appropriate changes.
 Testing is an ongoing process and should begin at the very
beginning stage of multimedia production. It is important to
test the design and the function to find out how the user
interacts with the multimedia products
 Why do we need testing?
1. Avoid failure when using the application.
Mengelakkan kegagalan aplikasi semasa digunakan oleh
2. Avoid losses in terms of development costs and time.
Menggelakkan kerugian dari segi kos & masa pembangunan.
3. Enabling improved quality of an application.
Membolehkan kualiti sebuah aplikasi dipertingkatkan
Type of Testing
2 phase of testing:

 Development Testing
Suatu proses yang berterusan dalam peringkat
 User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
Pengujian penerimaan dimana pengguna menguji
perisian bagi memastikan ianya dapat berfungsi
dengan baik.
Type of Testing

 Peer review (ulasan rakan)

 Group testing
 Prototype
 Usability test
 Alpha test – Pengujian dalaman tanpa melibatkan
orang luar tetapi tidak dihadkan hanya kepada
kumpulan pembangun.
 Beta test – Pengujian kesesuaian fungsi pada
peringkat terakhir sebelum disiapkan.
 Why need evaluation?
To evaluate the effectiveness and usability of
 2 types of evaluation:
 Formative – dilakukan di sepanjang proses
 Summative – dilaksanakan di penghujung proses
 Observation
 Interview
 Questionnaire

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