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In Partial Fulfillment Of The
Requirements for the Subject
Energy Management and Science &
Technology Issues [33-03]

Submitted by:
PERALTA, Jasper Kenneth F.

Submitted To:
Engr. Ruben W. Salvador, Jr.

is the art of gardening
without soil.
Hydroponics is a Latin
word meaning
“working water.” In
the absence of soil,
water goes to work
providing nutrients,
hydration, and oxygen
to plant life. From
watermelons to
jalapeños to orchids,
plants flourish under
the careful regimen of
hydroponics. Using
minimal space, 90% less
water than traditional agriculture, and ingenious design, hydroponic gardens grow beautiful fruits and
flowers in half the time.
Hydroponics is the cultivation of plants without using soil. Hydroponic flowers, herbs, and
vegetables are planted in inert growing media and supplied with nutrient-rich solutions, oxygen, and
water. This system fosters rapid growth, stronger yields, and superior quality. When a plant is grown
in soil, its roots are perpetually searching for the necessary nutrition to support the plant. If a plant’s
root system is exposed directly to water and nutrition, the plant does not have to exert any energy in
sustaining itself. The energy the roots would have expended acquiring food and water can be
redirected into the plant’s maturation. As a result, leaf growth flourishes as does the blooming of
fruits and flowers.
Plants sustain themselves by a process called photosynthesis. Plants capture sunlight with
chlorophyll (a green pigment present in their leaves). They use the light’s energy to split water
molecules they’ve absorbed via their root system. The hydrogen molecules combine with carbon
dioxide to produce carbohydrates, which plants use to nourish themselves. Oxygen is then released
into the atmosphere, a crucial factor in preserving our planet's habitability. Plants do not need soil to
photosynthesize. They need the soil to supply them with water and nutrients. When nutrients are
dissolved in water they can be applied directly to the plant’s root system by flooding, misting, or
immersion. Hydroponic innovations have proven direct exposure to nutrient-filled water can be a
more effective and versatile method of growth than traditional irrigation.
Simplicity: It can be set-up by anyone and does not demand excessive attention after it is running.
The wicks will constantly supply your plants with water, so there is no risk of them drying out.
Furthermore, plants like lettuce will flourish in a wick system, providing a great return on your hands-
free investment
Space-efficient: It is unobtrusive and can be installed anywhere, seeing as they do not need electricity
to run. It is a perfect system for educators, beginners or anyone interested in exploring hydroponics.
Furthermore, hydroponics has a lot of other advantages, to wit:
• Crops can be grown where soil is unsuitable
• Reduced plant disease,
• More control of the crops
• Results to bigger yields.
• More complete control of nutrient content, pH and growing environment.
• Lower water and nutrient costs associated with water
and nutrient recycling.
• Faster growth due to more available oxygen in root area.
• Elimination or reduction of soil related insects, fungi and
• Much higher crop yields.
• No weeding or cultivation required.
• Some crops, such as lettuce and strawberries, can be
lifted from ground level to a much better height for planting, cultivation and harvesting. This gives
much better
working conditions and hence lowers labor costs.
• Crop rotation/fallowing is not necessary.
• Transplant shock is reduced.

Kudos also to
companies that
cultivate these kinds
of innovative start-
ups that provides
solution to the actual
problems we are
currently facing.

Aeroponics systems
suspend plants in the
air and expose the
naked roots to a
nutrient-filled mist.
Aeroponics systems
are enclosed
frameworks, like
cubes or towers, that
can hold a multitude
of plants at once.
Water and nutrients
are stored in a
reservoir, and then
pumped to a nozzle that
atomizes the solution and distributes it as a fine mist. The mist is usually released from the top of the
tower, allowing it to cascade down the chamber. Some aeroponics continuously mist the plant’s roots,
much like NFT systems expose the roots to the nutrient film at all times. Others function more like the
ebb and flow system, spraying the roots with mist in intervals. Aeroponics do not need substrate
media to survive. The root’s constant exposure to air allows them to drink in oxygen and grow at an
accelerated rate.
Aeroponics systems use less water than any other form of hydroponics. In fact, it takes 95%
less water to grow a crop aeroponically than in an irrigated field. Their vertical structure is designed
to take up minimal room and allows for numerous towers to be housed in a single location. With
aeroponics, great yields can be produced even in confined spaces. Furthermore, because of their
maximized exposure to oxygen, aeroponic plants grow faster than other hydroponically grown plants.
Aeroponics allow for simple harvesting year-round. Vine plants and nightshades like
tomatoes, bell peppers, and eggplants all perform well in an aeroponic environment. Lettuce, baby
greens, herbs, watermelons, strawberries, and ginger all also flourish. However, fruiting trees are too
large and heavy to be grown aeroponically, and underground plants with extensive root systems like
carrots and potatoes cannot be grown.

Standard Farm Production as

presented in the infographic,
produces crops of 3.9 kgs per sq.
m. but it needs 250 L per kg
lettuce and needs 2000 food
O n t h e o t h e r h a
and 43 food miles.

We need not to calculate

the difference of the
benefits and advantages since it is really palpable and straight-forward that the best option to choose
is really to opt in doing vertical farming. The above-mentioned advantages are just some of its
benefits compared to its disadvantages. It is only a matter of weighing in and opting to choose the
better and logical choice.


Solid-state lighting (SSL) is a type of lighting that uses semiconductor light-emitting diodes
(LEDs), organic light-emitting diodes (OLED), or polymer light-emitting diodes (PLED) as sources
of illumination rather than electrical filaments, plasma (used in arc lamps such as fluorescent lamps),
or gas.
Solid state electroluminescence is used in SSL as opposed to incandescent bulbs (which use
thermal radiation) or fluorescent tubes. Compared to incandescent lighting, SSL creates visible light
with reduced heat generation and less energy dissipation. Most common "white LEDs” convert blue
light from a solid-state device to an (approximate) white light spectrum using photoluminescence, the
same principle used in conventional fluorescent tubes.
The typically small mass of a solid-state electronic lighting device provides for greater
resistance to shock and vibration compared to brittle glass tubes/bulbs and long, thin filament wires.
They also eliminate filament evaporation, potentially increasing the life span of the illumination
Solid-state lighting is often used in traffic lights and is also used in modern vehicle lights,
street and parking lot lights, train marker lights, building exteriors, remote controls etc. Controlling
the light emission of LEDs may be done most effectively by using the principles of nonimaging
Solid-state lighting has made significant advances in industry. In the entertainment lighting
industry, standard incandescent tungsten-halogen lamps are being replaced by solid-state lighting
According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), if all Energy Star standard goals are
met and technologies adopted by 2020, there would be a nationwide potential energy savings total of
29 percent. In lighting alone, the energy savings could be as high as 80 percent — the highest
projected outcome of all technologies. And the clearest pathway for meeting these goals is solid state
lighting (SSL), such as LED and newer OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) technology.
While SSL is a more mature technology, it holds tremendous promise for integration with
the Internet of Things and 3-D printing. The Lighting Research Center is investigating the value of
SSL beyond illumination and plans to “[focus] their efforts in the areas of lighting systems and
components research, data analytics, field demonstration and market transformation activities,
education, and industry collaboration.” Their research could lead to greater customization through
connected lighting systems — providing valuable data for both companies and users.

1. Woodard J. 06 Sept 2019.

2. Shrestha A. et. Al. “Hydroponics”.
3. California Sustainability Alliance Solid State Lighting, Received July 24th, 2010
4. Chaves, Julio (2015). Introduction to Nonimaging Optics, Second Edition. CRC Press. ISBN
5. ^ Kho, Mu-Jeong, Javed, T., Mark, R., Maier, E., and David, C. (2008) 'Final Report: OLED
Solid State Lighting: Kodak European Research' MOTI (Management of Technology and
Innovation) Project, Judge Business School of the University of Cambridge and Kodak
European Research, Final Report presented on 4 March 2008 at Kodak European Research at
Cambridge Science Park, Cambridge, UK, pages 1-12

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