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CASE STUDY : “Lifestyle Medicine for Stress Management”

Bryan , is a 51-year old VP of a software firm, he’s experiencing work related “tension” and a
general feeling of exhaustion. He works about 60 hours a week, doesn’t have a lot of time left
over for his wife or two children, let alone social activity or exercise. He eats breakfast and lunch
on the run, often fast food, drinks about 4 cups of coffee a day and a couple of glasses of wine
with a late dinner. He watches late night TV to wind down, has delayed sleep onset and gets
about 5 hours sleep if he’s lucky. Any of this sounding familiar?

Anyway, the physician prescribes a battery of laboratory screening tests (hemoglobin, MCV,
ferritin, TSH, GGT and Vitamin B-12) that are all within normal levels. Bryan is negative for
both major depressive disorder and alcohol abuse, according to two screening questionnaires the
physician uses.
Bryan’s relieved and wonders if there’s a vitamin or herbal preparation that will “give him his
energy back” and a non-addictive medication to help him sleep. He’s says if only he can increase
his energy levels, he’ll be able to cope; maybe even be able to increase his physical activity and
play a bit of golf which he’s too tired to do now. He’s not too happy with his 40 inch waist.
Bryan is invited, instead, to undertake a lifestyle management approach to his problems. Over
the course of a number of coaching visits, the approach is basically to explore Bryan’s interest in
increasing his energy by (in the following sequence, sleep first):

1. Addressing the sleep deprivation with an effective short-term sleep management plan
(based on sleep hygiene, sleep restriction, and stimulus control) to reduce his fatigue;
2. Exploring ways gradually to increase his physical activity;
3. Introducing behavioural methods of reducing feelings of tension;
4. Exploring what negative coping mechanisms are and how to deal with them;
5. Assessing what social and emotional support is available to him in his life;
6. Introducing healthy nutrition as an energy and weight management strategy; and
7. Over time, discussing which intervention(s) he believes worked best for him and using
that as the opening for exploring how to sustain the progress into the future, maybe using
some more personal wellness coaching or short term Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

Lo and behold. Bryan is doing much better now. He’s using the various stress management
techniques and strategies to improve his sleep and mood. His tension and fatigue are
significantly reduced. He feels that he is handling the stress at work much better. He’s eating
better and has more energy. He’s spending more time with family and friends. He’s even
walking at lunch time and getting some golf in.


1) What are the 2 causes of stress did you notice in the above case study?
2) Identify 2 physical and 2 mental symptoms of stress that bryan is going through?
3) Which two stress eliminating techniques fascinates you the most?

( divide people into group : technically would be two groups . )

Group 1 : find 2 causes

Group 2: find two physical symptoms of stress

Group 3: find two mental symptoms of stress

Group 4: two stress techniques that fascinated you

Does any one has their views if any one has faced this issues with their lifestyle due to work
stress , as a result of possessing a designation!?

Group answer :

Does any one has their views if any one has faced this issues with their lifestyle due to work
stress , as a result of possessing a designation!?


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