Dhammapada Commentry-4

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Once upon Gautama Buddha time, there was a sterile woman who had been worrying for not

getting a baby for the family generation.

In India tradition, if there were no child to inherit the family’s properties, the government
confiscated all the belongings when the parents passed away.

Therefore, mother-in-law of the childless woman urged her son “Our generation would come to
an end if there were no child in the family. Go and find another woman who can give birth to a baby!”

Even though the sterile woman’s husband said “That’s enough”, his mother insisted again and

Having heard this conversation, the infertile woman considered “It’s hard to deny the mother’s
words as a son. If mother-in-law brought another lady eventually, I would serve as a slave
spontaneously. It would be better if I found out one on my own”.

The woman then looked for a young lady who can give birth to a baby, and honored as hostness.

In the course of time, the barren woman immorally thought “If this young lady carried a baby,
she would be mistress of the whole house and conquer all the belongings. I ought to try not to get a
baby of her”.

So, sterile woman nagged at the young lady “If you got pregnant, just tell me at once!”

“Alright, dear” young lady replied.

One day, the young lady got pregnant and informed the infertile woman. Then, the unfertile
woman vulgarly put some medicine in food of young lady to abort pregnancy. In no course of time, the
young lady suffered miscarriage.

When the young lady had pregnant as a second time, she notified the barren woman again. The
woman repeated exactly as the first time and the young lady had miscarriage again.

By the time the young lady became pregnant as third time, she did not utter the woman and
cared her third time pregnancy with cautiousness.

As soon as the woman noticed signs of the pregnancy, she asked the young lady frantically “Why
didn’t you tell me about the pregnancy?”

“You deceived me twice and I had suffered two miscarriages so far. Why would I tell you again?”
the young lady responded with anger.

Then the woman was waiting for a chance to abort pregnancy of young lady. The pregnancy has
gradually matured from time to time. Meanwhile the young lady was less conscious; the woman got the
chance and poisoned her in the same way.

This time, the young lady in advanced stage of pregnancy thoroughly experienced severe
sickness to death while carrying a baby inside her body.
At her last time, the young lady bitterly swore the woman “You invited me to this house and you
destroyed my babies three times so far. Now you’ve been ruined my own life to death. After this life, I
wish to be ogress who could able to chew your children!” and she died.

As soon as the young lady died, she was reborn as a female cat only at this house.

When the husband knew about this case, he was absolutely furious and beat the sterile woman
to death.

Instantly, the infertile woman passed away and was also reborn as a hen at this house.

Soon, the hen laid eggs; the female cat destroyed and smashed the eggs up.

Till the second and third times, the cat came and chewed all the eggs.

Later, the hen thought “Having eaten all the eggs I laid three times, this cat would like to eat me,
too. After this life, I wish to be the one who could able to eat this female cat together with her children!”
and the cat finished the hen at last.

Subsequently, the hen was reborn as a leopard and the female cat was reborn as a female deer
at the same jungle.

Long after when the female deer gave birth to children, the leopard came and ate the infants till
three times.

The female deer then intensely cursed “This leopard had eaten my newborn babies three times
so far and would like to eat me as well. After this life, I intend to be the one who is capable of eating this
leopard together with its children” and the deer’s life was ended by leopard.

In the blinking of an eye, the deer was reborn as an ogress and the leopard was reborn as a

Couples of years later, the woman attained maturity and gave birth to a son.

The spirit-ogress acutely looked for this newborn baby and ate it.

When the woman gave a birth second time, the spirit-ogress searched her baby in particular and
ate again.

At the third time, as soon as the woman barely saw the ogress, she tightly held the baby in the
arms and ran directly to the nearest monastery, fortunately, where the Buddha was teaching the
Dhamma between different audiences.

The woman then placed the baby on the foot of Buddha, saying “I donate this infant to the
Buddha and please spare his life from the ogress who has been hunting a long time ago.”

At that moment, the spirit-ogress was stopped by a guardian angel at the gate of monastery.

“Monk Arnanda, go and invite that ogress” allowed by the Buddha.

Eventually, the Buddha counseled “Why would you do like this, ogress?
You and the woman were going to be world-enemy, like snake and
mongoose until a world ends, if you two didn’t show up in front
me. Why treating grudge with grudge?”

Then the Buddha finally admonished “In this world, treating enmity with enmity doesn’t cause
the peace. Treating enmity only with peace effects tranquility as a result. Like cleansing the dirt with
pure water”.

At the end of this verse, the ogress has enlightened the Dhamma and the teaching benefited to
many audiences at the monastery.

In due course, the Buddha insisted “Give your child to the ogress, young woman”.

“Oh Lord Buddha, I m afraid of this ogress”, terribly replied the young woman.

“There is nothing to be afraid of this ogress now”, guaranteed the Buddha.

Since then, the young woman handed her baby to the ogress.

Immediately, the ogress profoundly cuddled the baby and kissed with heart; and handed over
the young woman back, at last.

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