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The rift opens to let out the gloomy light blue light. That light, that attractive color
you have always associated with coziness, but at the same time with excitement, with safety,
but at the same time with adrenaline. That color that glows in your mind at night and in the
holograms on the sky during the day. That invades your thoughts and your soul without
asking you – and you like it. You like it and you hate it, because as normal as it is, as normal
as it makes everything seem, it creates a hollow space inside you. Something just feels
wrong, but everything is right.
“You will never have to cry.”
Everything is safe, everything is regulated, everything is controlled. There has never
been and there will never be a better, more perfect world. In the old days, it used to be
“Everything at a single touch.” or “Everything at the tip of your fingers.”, when you had a
device that could bring you anything in the world: all the music, all the books, all the
pictures, all the movies, all at the tip of your fingers. Now you don’t even have a device, it’s
all in a chip in your brain. “Everything at your disposal!”, they say. Even so, sometimes it
feels more like “You, at the disposal of everything.” or rather “You, at the disposal of the
machine in your head.”
“You will never have to bleed.”
You don’t have to think about anything. It’s all there for you. You want a new self-
driving car? Sure, just think about it and the transfer is made straight from your account. In a
couple of days, it will magically appear in your garage. Then, you can enjoy getting up in your
new floating living-room. You don’t have to drive it; you don’t have to do anything really.
Just admire its plain white seats and table, with the shiny light blue accents. Tell it where to
go – it will take you. Tell it what music to let you hear – it will put it on. Tell it what to show
you, tell it to fade the windows, tell it to drive you faster – it will. Be hypnotized, be
mesmerized, just don’t snap out of it. Because after all – tell it to make you happy, tell it to
make you feel alive – it won’t understand.
“You will never grow old.”
How old are you now even? No, scratch that. Do you even remember how old you
are? Do you even care anymore? Because they don’t. What’s a heart attack? You’ve had a
metal heart for the most part of your life. You don’t even remember when you got it. You
don’t even care that you did. The days before that are so far, so faded; one can only
remember so much until starting to forget. Thank God they didn’t manage to conceive a
brain with more memory than yours yet. You would surely be operating on that right now.
It’s only a matter of time now, of course. But time…we have beaten time. Ah, the wonders of
the modern world! So what if you are half steel – half flesh? You’ll live forever, right?
In all of this chaos, you out of all, realize. Who cares if you live forever? This is not
life, this is survival, maintaining in a world where you no longer belong. And you haven’t
belonged for very very long.
What can you see anymore with a bionic eye? “See more! See it all!” they say. What
they don’t say is you can’t see the moon and the stars anymore. You cannot see the sadness
in someone else’s eye, a bionic eye doesn’t show any of that. Heh, what eye to read in, if the
eye you’re looking at is a piece of metal, too? What can you think anymore with the circuits
implanted all around your brain? You can make infinite calculus, yeah. You can access all the
knowledge in the world anytime. But can you think about any such thing as the meaning of
your life, or what makes you happy? Or have you forgotten these concepts, disappeared into
thin air?
When it comes down to it, what can you feel with your titanium heart? Do you have a
wife? Great. Do you love her? What? Is it that hard? Oh, you don’t know what that is, do
you? Not anymore, at least. You stay with her to reproduce, and to take away the boredom
of a lonely life. What a wonder! And you know it yourself, you can somehow feel it. For just a
bit, you woke up from it.
Close the rift!

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