Vegetarianism OR Non-Vegetarinism?: Impact of Diet Choices

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Anusree Rao


Consumption and
Production of crops Animal-based food
and vegetables =
uses significantly High carbon footprint
less water
The production of non-
Hence, more vegetarian the vegetarian foods
population is, the faster our contributes significantly to
oceans can be restored to its the acceleration of global
natural balance. climate change.

Increase in
consumption of Raising animals is one
vegetarian foods will of the biggest causes
improve the livelihood of water pollution
of fish The bacteria, pesticides and
Around 85% of fisheries are antibiotics concentrated in animal
overfished or fully exploited flesh release chemicals that can
today, these statistics can see a have catastrophic effects on the
change, given that eating habits ecosystems surrounding large
change. farms.

More land is being

A vegetarian diet taken up globally to
can improve the suffice animals,
climate change that get eaten up
conditions today later
Clear-cutting forests to create
Eating a vegetarian diet
pasture and overgrazing by
means approximately 2.5
farmed animals have led to the
times less carbon emissions
extinction of indigenous plants,
than a meat diet.
soil erosion and desertification

My opinion:
Both animals and plants do their share of harm and good to the environment, thus
the extent is what matters. With regards to the same, the consumption and
production of meat-based foods and non-vegetarian diets have a more severe
impact on the environment, from carbon footprint to climate change, the
environment is impacted largely by meat production, hence as the global population
begins changing its habits to vegetarianism, the world will be a healthier and
environmentally-safe place to live in.

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