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Prof. Dr. Ajmal





MBA 4th

Q. How PDCA cycle can be used to improve the transport of UOG to avoid
inconvenience for students?

PDCA (plan-do-check-act, sometimes seen as plan-do-check-adjust) is a repetitive four-stage

model for continuous improvement in business process management.

The model is implemented to improve the quality and effectiveness of processes within product
lifecycle management, project management, and many other areas of business. 

PDCA stands for 4 things.

 Plan
 Do
 Study
 Act

‘Plan’ is really a three-step process. The first step is the identification of the problem. The second
step is an analysis of this problem. The third step is the development of an experiment to test it.

The ‘Do’ stage is where we test the proposed solutions or changes. Ideally this should be carried
out on small-scale studies. Small-scale experiments allow us to learn quickly adjust as need and
are typically less expensive to undertake.

In ‘Study’ stage, review the experiment, analyze the results, and identify what you’ve learned.
Consider the following questions:

 Did the implementation of the change achieve the desired results?

 What did not work?
 What was learned from the implementation?
 Is there enough data to show that the change was effective?

Deming’s 7 points

1. Identify the opportunity

2. Analyze the process
3. Develop the optimal solution
4. Implement
5. Study the results
6. Standardizes the solution
7. Plan for the future

Continuous Process Improvement Cycle

Continuous Process Improvement


Phase I Identify the Opportunity

Phase 7 Phase 2
Plan for the future Plan Analyze the process

Study Do
Phase 6
Standardise the solution Phase 3
Develop the optimal solution(s)

Phae 5 Study the results Phase 4 Implementation

PDCA cycle used to improve the transport of UOG to avoid inconvenience
for students

Phase 1

 Increase number of Buses

 Maintenance of Vehicles
 Estimate Time
 Routes of Buses
Phase 7

 Improve quality of 
traveling condition Phase 2
 Increase new more
 Surveys Students
Buses in Transportation
 Collect Data
 Analyzed the

Phase 6
Phase 3
 Solve the
 Increase the Number of
problems of
student if any
 Maintenance of the Buses
 Increase Routes of Buses

Phase 5
Phase 4
 Did the implementation
of the change achieve the  Purchases new Buses
desired results  Improve Maintenance of
 What did not work? Vehicles
 Add new routes of Buses
1. Identify the opportunity

In these sectors have some opportunities are fined in this phase.

 Increase number of Buses

 Maintenance of Vehicles
 Estimate Time
 Routes of Buses

These are some basic points which can be including in finding the opportunity. UOG bus
facilities can utilizes all the opportunities by proper identifications. Which sector of bus service
needs to put more effort and after true identification proper paper work is required for this phase.

2. Analyze the process

In these stage is to analyze physical/verbal activities according to the job nature. Test the change
Carry out a small-scale study. Pure analysis is always based on pure checking. The strategies
which decided in plan stage are analyzed as a test in this stage.

UOG transport dept need to make a survey to execute the plan taking small steps in controlled
circumstances. Take some little initiative in one or more roots and then obtain feedback from
students. Sample size is really matters in this situation. In analysis you have o take survey sample
from all roots of buses and from both genders of students.

3. Develop the optimal solution

After the analysis we found that the buses are not properly maintained and the internal
conditions are not so comfortable for long distancing. And the second factor is that the
number of buses that the transport department is using for students are insufficient. So,
one solution is to increase the number of buses.
4. Implement

The fourth stage is to implement all the above decided strategies. Proper execution of a good
plan is also help full in goals achievement. In analysis we found that students wants new and
more buses. Because as a number of buses is low as compare to students need. They face plenty
difficulties in their traveling from home to university. We can increase both quality and quantity
of buses. By keeping the factor in mind that private contractors and govt. department cannot bear

5. Study the results

After implementation there is need to evaluate the success of strategies. For this purpose students
and members who traveled before and after the change in strategies. For results obtaining again
proper survey is needed. Student’s level of satisfaction is checked through different ways. One is
to travel in a different root. The quality of services is also checked through the describe
standards. We can cross the standards which decided to provide students and faculty staff.

6. Standardizes the solution

We delivered our best in our mission. We standardize our solution to problem. Student’s
dissatisfaction is our problem and when we provide the service according to consumer choice we
also bear some cost. But if the cost is lesser than benefits then we say that our planning is
successful. So, we can standardize our solution.

7. Plan for the future

The need analysis is helpful for future planning. The past successes are also needs to kept in
mind when someone plan for the future. In UOG we can check the need of buses after five years
according to the admissions of new students. Growth rate is also checked in this regard.
Deming’s seven points provide help for future planning. Some other strategies are also be used if

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