DUFF 1994 APasereview

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The role of acid phosphatases in plant phosphorus


Article  in  Physiologia Plantarum · April 1994

DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.1994.tb02539.x

412 3,200

3 authors, including:

Stephen M. G. Duff William C Plaxton

Monsanto Company Queen's University


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PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 90- 791-800 1994 Cpyngh, © PhyM,,t«gia Plmumm 1994
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The role of acid phosphatases in plant phosphorus metabolism

Stephen M, G. Duff, Gautam Sarath and William C. Plaxton

Duff. S. M. G.. Sarath, G. and Plaxton, W. C. 1994. The role of acid phosphatases in
plant phosphorus metabolism. - Physiol. Plant. 90; 791-800.

Hydrolysis of phosphate esters is a critical process in the energy metabolism and

metabolic regulation of plant ceils. This review summarizes the characteristics and
putative roles of piant acid phosphatase lAPasel. Although immunologicaliy closely
related, plant APases display remarkable heterogeneity w ith regards to their kinetic and
molecular properties, and subcellular location. The secreted APa.ses of roots and cell
cultures are relati\ ely non-specific enzymes that appear to be important in the hydroly-
sis and mobilization of P, from extracellular phosphomonoesters for plant nutrition.
Intracelluiar APases are undoubtedly involved in the routine utilization of P, reserves
or other P, containing compounds. A special class of intracellular APase exists that
demonstrate a clear-cut (but generally nonabsoiute) substrate selectivity. These .^.Pases
are hypothesized to have distinct metabolic functions and include; phytase, phospho-
glycoiate phosphatase. 3-pbosphoglycerate phosphatase. phosphoenolpyruvate phos-
phatase. and phosphotyrosyl-protein phosphatase. APase expression is regulated by a
variety of developmental and environmental factors. P, starvation induces de novo
synthesis of extra- and intracellular APases in cell cultures as well as in whole plants.
Recommendations are made to achieve uniformity in the analyses of the different
.A.Pase isoforms normally encountered within and between different plant tissues.
Key words - .\cid phosphatase. isozymes. phosphate metabolism, phosphoenolpyru-
vate phosphatase. 3-phosphoglycerate phosphatase, phospboglycolate phosphatase,
pho.sphoprotein phosphatase. phytase.

.V. M, G. Duff and G. Santth. Dept of Biochenii.stry, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln,

Lincoln. NE 68583-0718. USA: W. C, Plaxton (corresponding author), Dept of Biol-
ogy. Queen s Univ,. Kingston. Ontario K7L 3N6. Canada.

Int od f Phosphatases have been traditionally classified as be-

ing alkaline or acid phosphatases according to whether
One of the most important, yet least available mineral their optimal pH for catalysis is above or below pH 7.0
nutrients for plant growth is phosphorus. The orthophos- (Vincent et al. !992). Plant alkaline phosphatases gener-
phate anion (P,) is the preferentially assimilated form of ally display an absolute suhstrate specificity. Examples of
phosphorus for organisms such as plants that acquire this class of phosphatase in plants are the cytosolic fruc-
their mineral nutrients directly from the environment. P, tose-l,6-bisphosphatase and sucrose-6-P phosphatase,
not only plays a vital functional role in energy transfer both of which are involved in sucroneogenesis from
and metabolic regulation, but is also an important struc- triose-P. By contrast, acid phosphatases (APases) do not
tural constituent of many bioniolecules. Consequently, P, normally exhihit an absolute substrate specificity. Never-
assimilation, storage and metabolism are of critical im- theless, two distinct categories of plant APases can appar-
portance to plant growth and development. Efficient ac- ently be distinguished on the basis of their relative sub-
quisition and utilization of phosphorus requires a ubiqui- strate selectivities. The first type of plant APase are those
tous class of enzymes known as phosphatases which truly 'non-specific' enzymes that show little or no sub-
function to hydrotyse P, from orthophosphate monoesters strate specificity. Non-specific APases occur in a wide
in a thermodynamically favourable process (iiG°'< - 9 kj variety of species and tissues and feature considerable
mol"') (Vincent et al. 1992). diversity with regards to tbeir physical properties. How-

Received 10 September. 1993

52 Physiol. Planl. W. l ? ^ 791


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ever, they all appear to be important in the production, sults were provided by Haraguchi et al. (1990) who
transport and recycling of P|. Tbe second category of demonstrated the immunological relatedness of several
plant APases are specialized enzymes such as the 3-P- APase isoforms from several tissues of Vigno mungo
glycerate (3-PGA) phosphatase from maize leaves (Ran- seedlings. Duff et al. (1991b) prepared affinity-purified
dall and Tolbert 1971) and the phosphoenolpyruvate polycional rabbit IgG against the vacuolar PEP-specific
(PEP) phosphatase of Brassica nigra (black tnustard) APase of B. nigra suspension cells. Preliminary itnmu-
suspension cell cultures (Duff et al. 1989a) wbich display noblotting studie.s demonstt^ted that the anti-(B. nigra
a clear hut non-absolute substrate specificity. These PEP-APase) IgG cross-reacted with numerous plant gly-
APases are hypothesized to have distinct tnetabolic func- coproteins, which is not unexpected since plant glycopro-
tions. teins generally cross-react owing to the presence of iden-
The diversity and ubiquity of plant APases together tical or related glycans which are highly immunogenic.
make a consensus on their precise physiological role(s) Therefore, in order to abolish carbohydrate epitopes,
difficult to achieve. Nonetheless, a large and growing without affecting peptide epitopes, antigenic glycosylated
body of literature exists which deals with these itnportant side-chains of the blotted B, nigra glycoproteins were
enzymes and their possible functions. Much of this in- routinely oxidized by pretreatment of the immunoblots
formation, however, is fragtnentary owing to the incon- with sodium m-periodate. Interestingly, the anti-(B. nigra
sistent manner in which plant APases have been exam- PEP-APase) IgG strongly cross-reacted with a cell wall-
ined. Studies on plant APases have been performed by localized non-specific B. nigra APase (Duff et al. 199ib),
scientists from a variety of fields having a variety of despite the fact that the two APase isoforms show sub-
perspectives. Few complete studies have been reported, stantial differences in their respective cyanogen bromide
and characteristics of the enzyme or system considered peptide maps and kinetic properties (Duff et al. 1991a).
important by one researcher may not be included by Furthermore, the anti-(B. nigro PEP-APase) IgG recog-
anotber. The aim of this review is to summarize the nized APases from a wide range of higher plants, but did
characteristics and possible functions of plant APases. not cross-react witb APases from Escherichia coli. yea.st,
Our focus will be to highlight areas of study that are Drosophila. and human prostate (Duff et a). 1991b).
needed to enhance our utiderstanding of these ubiquitous Overall, the various studies described ahove suggest that
enzymes. In addition, some suggestions are made to the major plant APase isoforms tend to be immunolog-
achieve unifortrtity in the anaiy.ses of the different APase icaliy closely related indicating that they may have
isoforms normally encountered within and between plant evolved from a common ancestral APase gene.

Abbreviations - APase. acid phosphatase; EPSP, 5-enolpyruvyl-

shikamate-3-phosphate; pNPP. p-nitrophenyl phosphate; PEP, Genes
phosphoenolpyruvate; 3-PGA. 3-phosphoglycerate; P,. ortho-
phosphate; PP,. pyropbosphate; P-Ser, O-phospho-L-serine; P- The only sequence of a plant APase gene that has ap-
Tyr. (5-phospho-L-tyrosine. peared to date is that encoding the APase-1 isoform from
nematode resistant tomato (Williamson and Colwel!
1991). The APase-1 protein, a homodimer of about 51
Imnnunologica) properties kDa, had previously been purified from tomato cell sus-
One of the first reports on the immunological properties pension cultures and sbown to have a very low pH opti-
of plant APases was provided by Kamenan et al. (1985) mum for activity, pH 3.5 (o 4.0, compared to tnost other
who examined three purified APase isoforms of yam plant APases. The cDNA encoding tomato APase-1 was
tubers. Two of the yam APases are membrane bound, found to contain an open reading frame predicting a
with the third localized in the cytoplasm (Tab. 1, Kame- hydrophobic amino-terminal transit peptide of 38 amino
nan and Diopoh 1983). One of the membrane bound acids and a mature APase with a molecular mass of
APase isoforms was fotind to be immunologicaliy related 24 981 Da (Williamson and Coiwell 1991). Consistent
to the cytoplasmic APase suggesting that the two APases with the inability of an anti-(plant APase) IgG to recog-
possess common antigenic determinants (Kamenan et al. nize non-plant APases (Duff et al. 1991b), a computer
1985). By contrast, polycional antibodies generated search of amino acid sequence data banks revealed no
homology hetween the deduced tomato APase-1 se-
against the other membrane bound isoform failed to rec-
quence and any of the various non-plant APase sequences
ognize either of the other two yam APases. This is an
contained in the data base (Williamson and Coiwell
interesting finding considering that all three enzymes are
1991). The sequence most similar to that encoded by the
glycosylated, and tbe two membrane bound enzymes
APase-1 gene was a 29 kDa soybean vegetative storage
appear to differ only in the nature of tbeir glycosylating
protein (Williamson and Coiwell 1991). Tbis correlation
groups (Kamenan and Diopoh 1983). Subsequent work was substantiated by the subsequent demonstration that
revealed that monospeciftc polycional antisera raised soybean vegetative storage proteins are APases active on
against a glycosylated APase from Poa pratensis seed- polyphosphates (Dewald et al. 1991). However, their
lings cross-reacted with purified APases from a number relatively low activity (Tab. I) raises doubts about tbe
of other grass species (Lorenc-Kubis 1989). Similar re-

52* Physint Plam. W. 1994 793

physiological relevance of the APase activity of soybean and structural ,stability of tbe enzyme in an acidic envi-
vegetative storage proteins. ronment (Sugiura et al. 1981, Vincent et al. 1992).
Flant APases exhibit considerable heterogeneity with
regards to their native molecular mass, subunit structure,
Assay, kinetic and physical properties
and pi (Tab. 1), However, the majority of APases appear
p-Nitrophenyl-P (pNPP) is the most commonly utilized exist as monomeric or dimeric glycoproteins having sub-
substrate for the in vitro estimation of APase activity in unit molecular masses of approximately 50 to 60 kDa
plant extracts. Whereas this substrate is useful for routine (Tab. 1). This suggests that there may be some structural
assays, the broad specificity of these enzymes necessi- and evolutionary relatedness between the major plant
tate.s a study of the kinetics of P; release from various APases.
physiologically relevant phosphorylated metabolites. Un- AFase isoforms from the same tissue or eel! type often
fortunately, because most APases have been typically display substantial differences in their respective physical
viewed as being completely non-specific enzymes, few and/or kinetic properties. For example, the cytoplasmic
investigators have assessed the V^a^ values, K^ values APase from yam storage tubers exhibited maximal activ-
and the related specificity constants (i.e. V^,/K™) of their ity with phenyl-P, whereas the two membrane bound
particular APase for different non-artificiai substrates of isoforms from this tissue hydrolysed AMP preferentially
possible physiological relevance. In many instances, pu- (Kamenan and Diopoh 1983). Likewise, the cell wall-
tative physiological suhstrates are assayed only at a sin- localized APase purified from B. nigra suspension cells
gle saturating concentration which makes meaningful ki- was a heat-stable non-specific enzyme that displayed
netic comparisons between the different APases impos- substantial pyrophosphatase activity, and was potently
sible. Kinetic parameters such as pH activity range, inhibited by P;, molyhdate, or fiuoride (Duff et al. 1991a).
cofactor requirement, effect of metal ions, and substrate By contrast, the purified vacuolar AFase isoform of B.
specificity have a direct bearing on the assignment of nigra was relatively heat-labile, showed a high degree of
enzyme function, especially when the cellular location specificity for PEP. displayed no pyrophosphatase activ-
and enzymatic responses to physiological modulators are ity, and was far less susceptible to inhihition hy Fi, mo-
known. Kinetic parameters for several purified plant tybdate, or fluoride (Duff et al. 1989a). These different
APases are shown in Tab. 1. Many APases show sub- properties between APases from the same cell probably
stantial activity w ith key metabolites of intermediarj' me- reflect differences in enzyme function.
tabolism such as ATP, PP,, 3-PGA, and PEP. The K^
value of the APases for these substrates are frequently in
the ^iM range suggesting tbat these compounds could Overview of the distribution, localization and
serve as substrates for the APase in vivo. function of plant acid phosphatases
Several metal cations are known to affect AFase activ- Acid phosphatases have been found in all species and
ity in vitro, and the same substances can have markedly tissues that have been studied, and many electrophoret-
different effects on APases isolated from different ically distinguishable isoforms are often present in a
sources. For example, divalent metal cations can be stim- given tissue or cell type. However, given the giycosylated
ulator)' (Christeller and Tolbert 1978, Gibson and Ullah nature of most APases, the detection of several bands of
1988, Duff et a!. 1989a, 1991a, Sugiura et al. 1992), phosphatase activity upon non-denaturing gel electropho-
inhibitory (Duff et al. 19B9a), or without effect (Duff et resis of a plant extract could reilect differences in the
al. 1991a). Competitive inhibition by P, and uncompet- extent of glycosylation of a parent APase molecule,
itive, noncompetitive or mixed competitive inbibition by rather than the existence of isozymes encoded by distinct
fluoride are also ob.served (Randall and Tolbert 1971, genes. Differential glycosylation might represent a suhtle
Duff et al. 1991a). Potent competitive inhibition of plant form of cellular control, either in targeting phosphatases
APases by other P, analogues such as arsenate, molyh- to specific compartments, or in increasing their affinity
date, ascorbate, tartrate and vanadate have also been for specific proteins or enzymes.
reported (Randail and Tolbert 1971, Duff et al. 1989a,
Duff et al. 1991a). Feedback inhibition of APa.ses by P,
Secreted acid phosphatases
may represent a general form of cellular regulation of
these enzymes. Extracellular AFases appear to be ubiquitous in roots and
The purple APases are readily distinguished from other plant cell cultures. Extracellular APases may be localized
APases by their purple or red-vioiet color in solution, within the cell wall, and/or may be secreted by the root/
which is due to the presence of a manganese or an suspension cells into tbe surrounding rhizosphere/culture
iron-zinc center (Beck et al. 1986, Sugiura et al. 1981, media (Ueki and Sato J977, Lee 1988, Duff et al. 1991a,
LcBansky et al. 1992, Vincent et al. 1992). These en- Goldstein et al. 1989, Kaneko et al. 1990, Lefebvre et al.
zymes are also distinguised by their immunity to inhib- 1990, LeBansky et al. 1992, Miemyk 1992). The precise
ition by tartrate, a potent inhibitor of most other APases. physiological roles of plant extracellular AFase activity
It is speculated that the purple APases utilize the metal remains to be ftrmly established. However, the low level
anion to induce effective binding of the cationic substrate of soluble Pi in .soils (often ! jM or less) is in direct

794 Phy.siot Plant. 90. 1994

contrast to the large amounts of soil organic and insoluble sues (De Leo and Sacher 1970). Although tbe precise
mineral P| (Goldstein et al. 1989). Thus, the extracellular metabolic function(s) of the vacuolar APase of non-se-
APa.se of roots, which is localized mainly in apical meris- nescent, non-stressed, plant tissues remains to be eluci-
tems and outer surface cells, is undoubtedly involved in dated fully, they are undoubtedly involved with the rou-
hydrolysing and mobilizing F; from organic phosphates tine utilization of Pi reserves or other P,-containing com-
in the soil for plant nutrition (Lee 1988, Lefebvre et al. pounds. Vacuolar APases may also play an important role
1990). Since root surfaces of many plants are known to in the sequestration within the vacuole of compounds tbat
be acidified, an AFase (rather than alkaline phosphatase) are potentially toxic or accumulate in the cell. For exam-
is obviously well suited for this region. ple, exposure of plants to the herbicide glyphosate results
A physiological role for the secretory AFase of plant in a massive vacuolar accumulation of shikimate (Vogeli-
suspension cell cultures is not evident since the cell wall Lange et al. 1989). Glypbosate inhibits the enzyme 5-
or culture medium does not normally contain phosphory- enolpyruvylshikimate-3-P (EPSP) synthase, thus interfer-
lated compounds. It has been suggested, however, that ing with aromatic amino acid and phenylpropanoid bio-
the extema! AFase of F, starved suspension cells may synthesis. Studies with glyphosate-treated buckwheat
function as part of a Fj "salvage system' wbich converts suspension cell cultures have revealed that shikimate-3-P,
any leaked esterified-F to F, which is readily reabsorbed the suhstrate of EPSP-synthase, appears to be transported
(Lefebvre et al. 1990). into the vacuole and bydrolysed within the vacuole, since
only the vacuolar APases possess the required specificity
(Vogeli-Lange et al. 1989). Suhceliular fractionation
Intracellular acid phosphatases studies have revealed that intracellular APases are not
confined to the vacuole, but may also exist in the cy-
Intracellular plant AFases appear to be ubiquitous since
toplasm (Kamenan and Diopoh 1983, Panara et al. 1990),
they have been found in dormant seeds (Park and Van
plastids (Randall and Tolben 1971, Christeller and Tol-
Etten 1986. Ching et al. 1987, Chung and Folya 1992),
bert 1978, Baldy et al. 1989), and in the symbiosome
developing seeds (F. E. Podesta and W. C. Plaxton, un-
membrane of soybean root nodules (Sarath et al. 1993).
published data), germinating .seeds (Nishimura and Beev- These findings indicate that an acidic pH optimum does
ers 1978, Bhargava and Sachar 1987, Gibson and Ullah not preclude function of a phosphatase in a non-acidic
1988, Ullah and Gibson 1988, Haraguchi et al. J990, metaholic compartment.
Biswas and Cundiff 1991), leaves (De Leo and Sacher
1970, Randall and Tolben 1971, Barret-Lennard et al.
1982, Pan 1987, Polya and Hunziker 1987), stems (Lo-
Regulation of acid phosphatase eiqiression
renc-Kubis 1989, Duff et al. 1991b), roots (Panara et al.
1990, Duff et al. 1991b), storage tubers (Stigiura et al. The great diversity of plant APases in terms of their
1981, Kamenan and Diopoh 1983, Polya and Wettenhall biochemical properties, compartmentation, and tissue
1992, Gellatly et al. 1993), flowers (Lai and Jaiswal specificity suggests a complex regulatory pattern of
1988), fruit (Kanellis et al. 1989), and cultured cells (Paul APase getie expression. In common with many plant
and Williamson 1987. Vogeli-Lange et al. 1989, Duff et proteins, regulation of APase expression is modulated by
al. 1989a, 1991a). Based on the pH optima for activity of a variety of developmental and environmental factors.
between pH 5 and 6 for most AFases (Vincent et al.
1992), it has been traditionally assumed that the intracel- Developmental factors
lular APases are present mainly, if not exclusively, in the
cell vacuole (Nishimura and Beevers 1978). Indeed, both Seed germination is one of the hest characterized devel-
histochemical and subcellular fractionation studies have opmental cues which results in a significant induction of
clearly confirmed the presence of AFase in the cell vacu- AFases including phytase (see section; Specialized acid
ole, and there is strong evidence that all plant cell vacu- phosphatases). Although ungerminated seeds contain a
oles contain APase activity (Nishimura and Beevers small amount of constitutive AFase activity, a large in-
1978, Boiler and Kende 1979, Vogeli-Lange et al. 1989, crease in AFase activity (up to 30-fold) concomitant with
Duff et al. 1991a). The existence of vacuoiar APase is a decrease in seed organic phosphate reserves (i,e. phytic
somewhat enigmatic, however, since nutrient sufficient acid) usually accompanies germination (Gibson and Ul-
plants store 'excess" phosphorus in their vacuole in the lah 1988, Biswas and Cundiff 1991). Tbis large induction
form of Pi (Theodorou and Plaxton 1993). Compart- appears to arise from gibberellic acid-regulated de novo
mentation of APase within the cell vacuole allows the APase synthesis (Bhargava and Sachar 1987).
enzyme access only to those substrates that are permeable Other developmental processes that cause AFase in-
to the tonoplast, while at the same time removing it from duction include flowering and senescence (De Leo and
the cytoplasm where uncontrolled catalysis could poten- Sacher 1970, Lai and Jaiswal 1988), greening of etiolated
tially cause considerable cellular damage. Decompart- seedlings (Christeller and Toblert 1978) and fruit ripening
mentation of the vacuoiar APase has been proposed to (Kanellis et al. 1989). Abscisic acid has been reported to
provide a mechanism for P, mohilization from endoge- accelerate the on.set and enhance Che magnitude of the
nous phosphorylated compounds of senescent plant tis- increase in APase activity which accompanies leaf

Physiol. Plam. W. t 795

senescence (De Leo and Sacher 1970). Likewise, several might be involved in the hydrolysis of esterified F, from
plastidic APases, including F-glycolate pbosphatase and specific substrates. Secondly, the numerous effectors of
3-FGA pbosphatase (see section; Specialized acid phos- AFase induction underscores tbe importance that a care-
phatases) that are associated with the attainment of photo- ful examination of APases in a given cell or tissue type
synthetic competence are induced during chioroplast bio- must be undertaken under clearly defined conditions.
genesis (Randall and Tolbert 1971, Cbristeller and Tol- Thirdly, these data demonstrate our lack of knowledge of
bert 1978). the molecular events underlying APase induction.

Enviroiunental factors Specialized acid phosphatases

Environmental determinants that elicit increased expres- A special class of intracellular plant AFases exists that
sion of intra- and/or extracellular AFases include; (i) the have a clear but non-absolute substrate specificity. These
exposure of roots to divalent cations such as Ni'*, Ca-*, APases are presumed to have more specialized metabolic
and Mg=* (Gabbrielli et al. 1989); (ii) salt stress (Pan functions than those non-specific AFases that display
1987); and (iii) water deficit stress (Barret-Lennard et al. absolutely no substrate preference. Until more data is
1982). However, since AFases are believed to be impor- available on the catalytic specificities of plant AFases it
tant in the acquisition and recycling of Fi, APase activity will be impossible to conclusively determine if all of
could be expected to be elevated in plants undergoing these hydrolases serve specialized functions or if 'gen-
nutritional F, limitation. Indeed, a plethora of reports eral' non-specific intracellular plant APases actually ex-
have clearfy documented how the intra- and/or extracellu- ists.
lar AFase activities of pbotosynthetic and nonphotosyn-
thetic plant tissues and cell cultures respond dramatically
to cellular F^ status (Ueki and Sato 1977, Barret-Lennard
etal. 1982, Lee 1988, Duff etal. 1989b, 1991 b, Goldstein Most seeds contain significant amounts of phytic acid
et al. 1989, Lefebvre et al. 1990). Ueki and Sato (1977) (inositol hexaphosphate) which is hydrolysed to F, and
found tbat both the synthesis and secretion of an AFase inositol during germination by one or more phytases.
by cultured tobacco cells were regulated by F,. A F,- Fhytic acid thus serves as an Important reserve of inositol
starvation inducible AFase is also secreted by tomato and F, for the growing seedling. Most seed phytases that
suspension cells and has been suggested to function ei- have been examined belong to a special class of APase
ther as a F, transport agent or as a Fi-scavenging agent with optimal activity between pH 4.0 and 5.6 (Yamagata
acting on phosphorylated compounds of the culture et al. 1980, Gibson and Ullah 1988). Unlike other special-
media (Goldstein et ai. 1989). Studies with B, nigra ized APases. phytases are relatively non-specific en-
suspension cultures have clearly documented de novo zymes that are able to hydrolyse a variety of natural and
synthesis of both a vacuolar PEP-specific AFase (Duff et synthetic P, esters with similar efficiencies. Those germi-
al. 1989a,b) and a cell wall-localized non-specific APa.se nating seed AFases that exhibit significant phytase activ-
(Duff etal. 1991a) in response to Pi deprivation. Quantifi- ity can be considered to be a phytase on the basis that
cation of immunoblots indicated that in B, nigra suspen- pbytic acid is the most probable physiological substrate
sion cells or intact roots experiencing a transition from P, in vivo. Gibson and Ullah (1988) purified a phytase from
sufficiency to deficiency or vice versa, the amount of germinating soybean cotyledons and separated it from a
total .^Pase protein was closely correlated with total non-specific APase that had no phytase activity. The
AFase activity (Duff et al. 199Jb). F; starvation-induced phytase had a relatively low V„,^^ with phytic acid as
increases in activities of botb B, nigra AFase isozymes substrate (Tab. 1) and was strongly inhibited by P,. The
occurred simultaneously with a substantial induction of enzyme was suggested to function as a slow release
the F, generating enzymes, PFrdependent phosphofructo- mechanism of F; from phytic acid during soybean getini-
kinase and PEP carboxylase (TTieodorou and Plaxton nation so that the developing seedling is supplied with a
1993, 1994), and an enhancement in cellular P-absorp- constant amount of F..
tive capacity (Lefebvre et al. 1990). Parallel induction of
these processes suggests the existence of a higher plant
'Pi regulon' (i.e. a set of genes that are coregulated by Pi), Phosphoglycolate pbosphatase
as has been demonstrated to exist in a variety of microor- In contrast to most plant AFases, P-giycolate phosphatase
ganisms (Goldstein et ai. 1989). is unusual in that it displays an absolute substrate speci-
The aforementioned studies underscore three impor- ficity (Christeller and Tolbert 1978, Baldy et al. 1989).
tant features in the study of plant APases. Firstly, an This chloroplast-localized APase (optimal activity at pH
apparent common denominator for enhanced phosphatase 6.3) catalyzes the conversion of F-glycolate to glycolate,
activities and expression is the need to reutilize Fi from a reaction necessary for photorespiration. F-glycolate
stored reserves during germination, growth or senes- phosphatase activities can easily account for glycoiate
cence, and the need to recycle or scavenge Fi under production during photorespiration and it appears to be
conditions of Pi stress. Constitutive intracellular AFases indirectly light-regulated by stromal fluctuations in pH,

796 Ptiysiut. Plain. «>. 1994

energy charge, and levels of Mg-* and NADFH (Baldy et values reported for various plant cytosolic pyruvate ki-
al. 1989). nases. These data suggested that PEP phospbatase could
potentially compete with cytosolic pyruvate kinase for a
common intracellular pool of PEP. Notably, B, nigra PEP
3-PGA phosphatase pbosphatase also demonstrated potent feedback inhib-
Randall and co-workers (1971) reported tbe presence of ition by P, (Duff et ai. 1989a), and its specific activity was
3-FGA phosphatase in 52 diverse plant taxa, and the increased more than 10-fold following Pi-deprivation
enzyme from sugarcane leaves was extensively character- (Duff et al. 1989b). Similar results have been reported for
ized (Randall and Tolbert 1971). This enzyme catalyzes the FEF phosphatase of a Fi-iimited green alga, Sele-
the hydrolysis of F; from 3-FGA and has proposed to nastrum minutum (Theodorou and Flaxton 1993). It was
provide an alternate metabolic route from glycerate to postulated (Duff et al. 1989a, Tbeodorou and Flaxton
serine in place of photorespiration and the glycolate path- 1993) that; (i) the ADF-dependent cytosolic pyruvate
way in leaves (Randall and Tolbert 1971). It has the kinase is functionally eliminated from cellular metabo-
general characteristics of an AFase with 3-PGA being the lism during severe F, stress (owing to > 10-fold reduc-
best, but not the only substrate hydrolysed in vitro. The tions in intraceilular ADF levels), and (ii) FEF phospha-
enzyme appears to be associated with both the stroma and tase functions as a F, starvation inducible bypass to the
the thylakoid membranes of spinach chloroplasts (Ran- cytosolic pyruvate kinase of B, nigra and S. minutum.
Although energetically wasteful, this adaptation would
dall et al. 1971). A starch-bound 3-PGA phosphatase is
allow Pi-deficient plants and algae to utilize the F, pro-
also present in spinach leaves that has properties very
vided by adenylate catabolism, without impairing the
similar to the soluble form (Randall et al. 1971). The
conversion of FEF to pyruvate. PEP pbosphatase may
function of this enzyme was proposed to be related to the
also fulfil an additional role as a Fi-recychng system that
control of starch synthesis, since the pool of 3-PGA could
converts esterified phosphate to F, that would be rapidly
allosterically modulate the activity of the key regulatory reassimilated into the metabolism of the F, deficient cells.
enzyme of starch biosynthesis, ADF-glucose pyrophos- Subsequent studies suggested that B, nigra PEF phospha-
phorylase. Tbe 3-FGA phosphatase of C4 leaves appears tase may function during Fi deprivation as one of a series
to be mainly localized in the cytosol of mesophyll cells of P, starvation inducible 'bypasses' of P, or nucleotide
while phosphoglycolate phosphatase is primarily found phosphate-dependent glycolytic enzymes (Duff et al.
in the bundle sheath chloroplasts (Randall et al. 1971). 1989b, Theodorou and Flaxton 1993, 1994). B, nigra
The role of 3-FGA phosphatase in the metabolism of C4 PEP phosphatase has been localized to the cell vacuole
leaves is uncertain. One suggestion is that it facilitates (Duff et al. 1991a), a location consistent with the en-
shuttling of 3-PGA from bundle sheath to mesophyll zyme's acidic pH optimum (Duff et al. 1989a). The
cells. An alternative hypothesis is that, together with 'glycolytic bypass' theory for PEP phosphatase, there-
glyoxylate reductase, it leads to serine synthesis in Cj fore, requires that Pi-depleted B, nigra suspension cells
leaves (Randall et al. 1971). transport FEF into, and pyruvate out of, the cell vacuole.
Regulation of 3-FGA phosphatase may arise from the As no data is presently available concerning this possibil-
enzyme's pH optimum for activity being in the range of ity, future studies must evaluate if the tonoplast of F,-
pH 5.6 to 6.0 (Randall and Tolbert 1971, Randall et al. starved plant cells is permeable to FEF and pyruvate.
1971) and the fact that the pH of the chloropiast stroma
increases from about pH 7.0 to pH 8.0 following the dark
to light transition. 3-FGA pbosphatase has been shown to Phosphoprotein phosphatase
be active in the hydrolysis of 3-FGA at neutral pH, but is
essentially inactive at pH 8,0 (Randall and Tolbert 1971). Frotein modification by the reversible covalent incorpo-
Thus, diurnal fluctuations in pH, which depend on in- ration of Pi is a widespread phenomenon with important
cident light, may result in the regulation of this enzyme in ramifications for metabolic control in vivo. Conse-
vivo. quently, phosphoprotein phosphatases have been widely
implicated in the acute and long-term regulation of plant
and non-plant metabolism. Information on tbe properties
Phosphoenolpyruvate phosphatase and roles of phosphoprotein phosphatases in plants is
Duff et al. (1989a) reported the purification and charac- relatively scarce. Recent studies have identified protein
terization of a FEP phosphatase from heterotrophic B, phosphatases in higher plants that correspond to the se-
nigra suspension cells. Although its substrate specificity rine/threonine-specific type I and 2 protein pbosphatases
was not absolute, tbis APase was designated a 'PEP present in animal cells (MacKintosh et al. 1991). The
phospbatase' owing to a specificity constant (V,n^/K,,,) plant type 1 or 2 protein phosphatases appear to function
for PEP tbat was at least 6-foid greater than tbe value in the in vivo dephosphorylatioti/regulation of several
cytosolic enzymes including sucrose-6-P synthase, FEF
obtained for any other of 14 non-synthetic substrates that
carhoxylase, and quinate debydrogenase (MacKintosh et
were identified. Furthermore, the K^ (PEP) of the en-
al. 1991). However, protein phosphatases 1 and 2 cannot
zyme was well within estimated physiological concentra-
be classified as AFases as they exhibit an alkaline pH
tions of tbis compound and is equivalent to Kn, (PEP)

Phy.siol. Planl. 90. i9<)4 797

optima for activity. Nevertheless, there have been a va-
Concluding remarks
riety of recent reports describing the purification of plant
APases displaying a relatively high activity and specifici- The most significant obstacle to the elucidation of the
ty for phosphoamino acids and/or pbosphopeptides from roles of APases in plants has heen the identification of tbe
diverse sources including poppy seeds (Chung and Polya in vivo substrate(s) for tbe various intracellular AFase
1992), wheat seedlings (Cheng and Tao 1989), maize isoforms. Altbough this problem also exists for other
seedlings (Jagiello et al. 1992), barely roots (Panara et al. enzymes such as protein kinases, phosphatases have an
1990), beet leaves (Polya and Hunziker 1987), and potato immense pool of potential substrates. Theoretically, any
tubers (Folya and Wettenhall 1992, Gellatly et al. 1993). phosphorylated molecule could serve as a substrate, and a
Few plant APases active against O-phospho-L-serine given phospbatase might utilize several different sub-
(F-Ser) or O-phospbo-L-threonine, and/or pbosphoseryl strates in vivo. Thus, the precise determination of the in
or phosphothreonyl peptides have been isolated and char- vivo function(s) for plant APases is difficult and is com-
acterized (Fanara et al. 1990). However, based upon the plicated by the following factors; (i) the heterogeneity of
limited studies to date, APases that exhibit high activity APases within a given cell type rarely permits the puri-
and specificity with O-phospho-L-tyrosine (F-Tyr) appear fication and thorough characterization of all of the iso-
to be relatively abundant in plant tissues (Folya and forms; (ii) subtle differences may exist in the kinetic
Hunziker 1987, Cheng and Tao 1989, Fanara et al. 1990, properties of the various APase isoforms for related me-
Chung and Folya 1992, Folya and Wettenhall 1992, Gel- tabolites; (iii) there is a lack of kinetic data for non-
latly et al. 1993). This agrees with the observation that synthetic substrates for most of the APases that have been
phosphotyrosyl proteins are present in plant cells at levels examined; (iv) many APases are inducibie and the condi-
far greater (relative to phosphoseryl or phosphothreonyl tions and mechanisms for their induction need to be fully
proteins) thatt are found in animal cells (as cited in Folya understood; and (v) few studies have localized these
and Wettenhall 1992). Most of the piant F-Tyr APases enzymes at the subcellular level (Tab. 1).
that have been characterized thus far share several impor- Whereas many plant AFases detnonstrate significant
tant properties with various mammalian and yeast P-Tyr activities against substrates such as ATF or PP,, they
phosphatases which appear to be involved in the regu- frequently demonstrate much less efficient hydrolysis of
lation of the cell cycle and cellular development. Similar substrates with relatively lower free energies of hydroly-
to the plant F-Tyr APases, non-plant P-Tyr phosphatases sis such as glycerol-2-P and phytic acid. It is Jikely that
frequently display an acidic pH optima, show potent the use of such compounds will reveal differences in the
inhibition by vanadate, molybdate and Zn-*, and will specificities and activities of the various AFases. Thus,
catalyze the dephosphorylation of pNPF as well as a we recommend that purified plant AFases be routinely
variety of other phosphomonoesters (Walton and Dixon characterized with regards to their ability to catalyze the
1993). hydrolysis of Fi from the following compounds; ATF. PP,,
The major APase isoform from potato tubers was re- glycerol-2-F, PEP, 3-FGA, phytic acid, F-Tyr, and the
cently purifted to homogeneity and a final P-Tyr hydro- synthetic substrate pNPF (in addition to other putative
lysing specific activity of 1917 pmol P, produced (mg physiological substrates that the researcher is specifically
protein)-' min"' (Gellatly et al. 1993) (to the best of our interested in). It is also possible that APases may fall into
knowledge this is the highest V^^, yet reported for a plant specific categories based on their inhibition by P, and F,
APase; see Tab. 1). Although the potato APase also analogues, or activation by divalent metal cations. Hence,
catalyzed the dephosphorylation of other phosphomo- the characterization of the inhibition and activation of
noesters including pNPP, P-Ser, PEP, FPi, and ATF, the AFase activity hy F, and divalent metal cations, respec-
enzyme's V^^, and specificity constant were significantly tively, should be carefully evaluated. Such an attempt to
higher with P-Tyr. Monospeciftc antibodies to P-Tyr were catalogue these ubiquitous enzymes will be a ftrst step
used to identify polypeptides phosphoryiated on tyrosine towards their classification, and will hopefully serve as a
in potato tuber extracts (Gellatly et al. 1993). Although template for further refinement by other researchers.
most of these phosphoproteins could serve as substrates Additional investigations on the immunologicaJ and
for the purifted potato APase, a 20 kDa P-Tyr-protein was molecular characteristics of these enzymes as well as
preferentially dephosphorylated in vitro. These data sug- their differential expression within and hetween different
gest that the predominant APase of potato tubers could plant tissues are also needed. These studies in conjunc-
function in vivo as a P-Tyr protein phospbatase. Whether tion with appropriate physiological and biochemical anal-
potato APase plays an important role in the regulation of yses should yield additional insights about the cellular
shoot formation after tuber dormancy remains to be seen. functions of this important class of plant enzymes.
Although its abundance in tuber tissue might argue
against such a function, it may act in enzyme activation Acknowledgements - Tbis work was supported by grants from
and mobilization of nutrient reserves during this critical Tbe University Research Council and tbe Center for Biotech-
period of high metabolic activity. nology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln to GS, and Tbe Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
(NSERC) to WCP. SMGD was the recipient of an NSERC
Post-doctoral Fellowship. The critical reading of the manuscript

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Edited by P. Boger and J. J. S. van Rensen

800 Physiol. Plant. 90, 1994

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