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UNIVERSITY Class MOR(si59s / sao /c2n / 1622/1623 /1604/ 1625 Slot: €2 rs * Final Assessment Test - November 2017 Son a Yo Answer any TEN Questions {30% 20 = 100 Moris) = ‘in briel explain about Wet Browser, Web Server, OMS, URLiand HTTP. 8) _ Write a HTML eoe-to seg the form give ti. p if Paragraph tess and lists should have a width of $50px ant a ton and bottom padding of 1Gp v) Ordered lite should hawe 2 Datkground color of RFFOCSS and unotdered lints should have a background coler of #CCFFCC. Ail list elements shiuld be in italics VW). Links should newer show the default underlining and upon hovering they’ nea green (1331133), 6 a) With appropriate illustration give expianation of any five JavaSerips Array. methods. 1 5) Write a tevaScrtpt to got a string and find the following: i Length of the entered string i Find the ASCH value of each Number of vowels Count number of words Reverse the string ———— Develop an online PAT registration form with Neat me, Registration Number, Password, Confirm Password, DOB, Age, Gender, Progeamme, Year, Semester, and Email Id, Arex of interest and CGPA, Perform the following validation using JavaScript regular expression. a) No finids should bo-empty, }) Confirm password must match with the password. 41 BOB must be in dd/mm/yyyy format. a) Email should be validated, so) Hucidate with on example how to open; read and append data from files with PHR, by" Describe in detail about cookie-and session, Give examples in any one of the web) progemming languages, Create a web application for VIF onfine counselling. Weite’a Servlet prograin that cdntains the allege list and the counselling schedule, When the student selects the catlege and the course that should be ‘Updated in existing list and display the admission status of the students. ®) How JSP is different from Servict? What are the pros of JSP over Serviet technology? Write short notes an JSP Scripting elements. 'b) Develo o dynamic webs application in JS? to-ebtiin employee details such as Employee ID, Employes Name, OOB, DOL, Designation, and Salary. Retrieve the emplayee details and display in the HTML table fori. fa} Write a PAP progrim to push all zeros to the end af the array. Db) inscribe a PHP script to sort the following associative array. arcay(*Sonni™=>"30000","U6"s>"41000","Phitips**>"39000";“Onida=>"a0000") in, |. ascending order sort by value fi. ascending order sort by Key ji, descending order sorting by Value Ww. descending order sorting by Key LC. Build! up’ web application for product catalogue fora book. Write @ PHF program to create a hyper linked fist of programming languages covered in that book..By clicking the hyperlink send the user to tities of the: text books related to the selected programming languages rf 9} Examine the important features of XML which make it more suitable than HTML for cresting web elated services. Also ‘explain the creation of namespaces in XML b) Constructa XML decument'te store voter 10, voter name, address and date of birth dewits Create a OTD to validate the document 12. a) Compare and contast any of the two JavaScript Framework technologies with respect to thair core features. On what basis you would suggest these technologies to develop any real time dynanfic webs ‘application, b} How JavaScript Framework differs from Jay these hammenere He RCI Pana Ga aR ui SK {s] 1) is) 15) {5} I isi (5) {6

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