Ielts Advanced Writing Task 1 Review: Summit Education Services - Prepared by MR - Khoa - Khoa - Pham@summit -

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Summit Education Services | Prepared by Mr.Khoa |




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Summit Education Services | Prepared by Mr.Khoa |


Summit Education Services | Prepared by Mr.Khoa |

Fill in each blank with ONLY ONE word or number.

These graphs give information about the growth of the global population from 1400 to
2000 and its (1) _______________ over different continents at the (2)
_______________ of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Overall, the world population rose sharply from less than 500 million in (3)
_______________ 1400s to 6 billion in 2000, a growth of (4) _______________ times
over 600 years. The increase was more dramatic after 1800, and only in the 1700s was
there an obvious decline (1.2 billion to 0.9 billion)
The pie charts show that in both 1900 and 2000, Asia (5) _______________ for the
largest share (more than half) of the world population, (6) _______________ by Europe.
But both continents saw a decline in their percentage of the world population, the (7)
_______________ from 60% to 54% and the (8) _______________ from 24% to 14%.
On the other hand, the percentage of the world population in Africa and Latin America
grew considerably from 4.5% to 13% and from 3% to 8% (9) _______________.
However, North America showed (10) _______________ change, remaining constant at
5% of the world population. The percentage in other areas rose from 3.5% to 6%.
In (11) _______________, most of the world population growth occurred in developing
countries in Africa and Latin America.

Summit Education Services | Prepared by Mr.Khoa |


Summit Education Services | Prepared by Mr.Khoa |

Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
be (x4) enjoy have (x3) compare
follow show rank (x2) consume (x3)

The table (1) _______________ the energy consumption in Australia, Japan and the USA
in 2000 and the rate of increase (2) _______________ with 1999.
In general, the USA (3) _______________ the largest amount of energy, with 1.42 billion
tons of oil equivalent in total, (4) _______________ by Japan (403 million tons) and
Australia (92 million tons). However, Japan (5) _______________ the fastest rate of
increase (42.5%), with Australia (21.5%) and the USA (13%) (6) _______________
second and third respectively.
With respect to industry, although the USA (7) _______________ 420 million tons, more
than the sum of that in Australia (36 million) and Japan (190 million), its rate of increase
from 1999 to 2000 (8) _______________ only 0.9%, far less than that of Australia (28%)
and Japan (39%).
The pattern (9) _______________ similar for transport and “others”, with the USA (10)
_______________ the leading energy consumer which (11) _______________ the
slowest increase. Japan still (12) _______________ the highest rate of increase, and
Australia (13) _______________ second in both energy consumption and rate of
Overall, it (14) _______________ apparent that in the three countries, the USA (15)
_______________ energy most, while Japan (16) _______________ the fastest rate of
increase in energy consumption during the period of 1999 to 2000.

Summit Education Services | Prepared by Mr.Khoa |

The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip as it is now, and
plans for its development.

Summit Education Services | Prepared by Mr.Khoa |

Each sentence in the following report contains AT LEAST ONE mistake. Find
and correct those mistakes.
The diagrams illustrate some changes are proposed to the central area of the town of
It is clearly that the principal change to the town will be the construction of ring road
around the centre. Various other development with regard to shops and housing will
accompany the building of this road.
Looking at the map of Islip as it is now, we can see that a main road runs through its
centre from the east to west. The second map show the planned pedestrianisation of this
road. The traffic will be diverted on to a dual carriageway that will be formed a ring
around the town centre.
Currently there is a row of shops along either side of main road. On the contrary, it
appears that the shops along the north side of the new pedestrian street will be
demolished to make a way for a bus station, shopping centre, car park and new housing
area. The shops in the south side of the street will maintain, but it seems that the town’s
park will be reduced in size that more new houses can be built within the ring road.

Summit Education Services | Prepared by Mr.Khoa |


Summit Education Services | Prepared by Mr.Khoa |

Fill in each blank with ONLY ONE word. (The first letter has been given)
The diagram shows the (1) v_______________ stages in the production of clean energy
from coal.
First of all, coal is mined in deep pits underground and (2) t_______________ carried to
the surface. (3) A_______________ that, it is carried along a conveyor belt to a power
plant, (4) w_______________ it is burned in a large furnace to (5) w_______________
oxygen is added.
From this, raw syngas is produced. At the (6) n_______________ stage of the process,
harmful substances like carbon dioxide, mercury and sulphur are removed. (7)
F_______________ that, the purified gas is used to drive a gas turbine. The turbine in
(8) t_______________ powers a generator, producing electricity. The gas turbine (9)
a_______________ produces hot exhaust gases. These are then piped to a heat recovery
steam generator, which converts the heat into steam. The steam is (10)
s_______________ used to power a steam turbine, which again is used to generate
The energy is clean because harmful products are removed and the coal is not
transported to another site to produce electricity.

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