The Poem Sower

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The poem Sower is written by, Victor Hugo one of the famous French writers.

(Farmers in general work tirelessly to provide food for everyone. They are the
backbone of a nation's economy, yet they do not get the respect they deserve.) This
poem is translated into English by Toru Dutt. In this poem the poet describes his
feelings for the farmer. The poet presents a Sower who walks along the furrows in
his field scattering the precious grain.

The speaker is sitting in his the cool porch way. He watches the fading sunlight at
the twilight hour. He notices that though the working hours are over, there is one
man still working in his field, amid the growing darkness. He is an old, patient
sower, dressed in rags. The poet feels happy when he watches this farmer. The
sower's shadow dominates the furrows and adds grandness to the scene. The sower
thinks that it is the time to sow the seeds. Soon the crops will grow and the sower
will be able to reap the harvest for his hard work.

He sows the land walking the plain back and forth, his hands scattering the
precious grain. The speaker watches the sower sowing with concentration who is
not caring for the deepening darkness. The figure of the old sower and his gestures
as acquire a majestic dignity. His height that "Seems to touch the starry skies”
reflects the respect, love and appreciation of the poet for the sower/farmer.

It is the very act of sowing symbolizes life that makes the poor old sower into a
super human figure. The sower working tirelessly is a messenger of new life. He
symbolizes courage, dedication and determination. He stands for a vibrant Hope
that nurses humanity. His precious grains hold the promise for the future.

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