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REG NO.: 16BEC1080
Digital Assignment – 2
The hydrocarbons sector plays vital role in the economic
growth of the country. It is necessary to have a Iong-term
policy for the hydrocarbons sector, which would facilitate
meeting the future needs of the country. The current levels
of per capita energy consumption in India are extremely low
as compare to the rest of the world. In terms of comparison
with the developed countries, the differentials are even more
marked. As the population of the country is on the rise the
demand for resources are also on the rise. Going by the
current stats our country would overtake china and become
the largest country in terms of population. Hence it is
essential to use the resources that we have left in a more
sustainable level.
In India, 2 hydrocarbon projects are planned in Tamil Nadu.
One the two being planned is in Neduvasal. The other one
being in Pondicherry.
My opinion about these projects are that before we initiate
any of these projects we need to check various effects these
projects will have like, for example: Economic effects(Some
studies call into question the claim that hydraulic fracturing
of shale gas wells has a significant macro-economic impact. A
research done in USA in 2014 conclude that the likely scope
of economic benefits is extraordinarily large, and that
continued research on the magnitude of negative
externalities is necessary to inform risk-mitigating policies.)
REG NO.: 16BEC1080
India faces some serious energy shortages. The country’s
energy needs are growing too fast to be met by renewable
sources alone. India’s energy use has doubled since 2000,
according to the International Energy Agency. By 2040, an
estimated 300 million people in India will need new
electricity service. New coal plants are being built to provide
for this growing need. The country gets more than 60 percent
of its electricity from coal. Reuters news agency says India
has almost as much coal-related pollution as China. The
country’s growing need for energy will affect whether it can
reduce its levels of greenhouse gases.
The hydrocarbon extraction projects in India is a necessary
evil. These projects need to be conducted in areas having less
human habitat. Instead the government is using these
projects as a shade to do corruption. These projects are
necessary as we need fossil fuels to feed the growing
population. But in turn these projects pose serious
environmental issues. Hence it should conducted in areas
having less biological habitat or we need to do proper
research and discover new methods to extract the fuels.

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