Advanced Mobile Programing Project Requirement

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General Project requirements 

Below are the​ minimum requirements for your project​. If your project did not meet 
any of these requirements, it will not be accepted for evaluation 

1. The app should use a single Activity with multiple ​Fragments​. Transitions 
between fragments use the ​Navigation component​ and transition animation 
2. The screens use fragment layouts, created using ​ConstraintLayout​ and ​Data 
3. On-device data storage of your entries are managed with​ Room​ at the database 
level, and surfaced to the UI through​ ViewModels​ via ​LiveData 
4. Background tasks are handled by ​WorkManager 
5. Testing is performed by both local ​JUnit ​tests and ​Espresso​ Android UI tests 
6. Your application layouts should be designed using ​Material Design ​principles 
7. You need to have relationships among your entities, at least between two of 
8. Your application should be developed in Kotlin programming language 
9. Your application should be published on git repository and there should be 
enough commits that should the progress of your work 
10. You need to have separate commits at least per feature for each of the 
architectural components shown below (View, ViewModel, Repository, Model, 
and Remote Data Source) 

Note: ​The words in bold are the technologies you might need to explore more to complete 
your project successfully 

Your application architecture should look like the following 


Note: ​You need to have RESTful web API service written in Spring Boot or some other 
technology of your choice 

Detailed Evaluation Criteria 

Criteria  Comment  Improved  Obtained  Maximum 

Mark  Mark 







Sample APP:


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