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MKT337, Spring-2021


Section: 1
Group: B
Prepared for:
Amreen Talukdar, (ATU)
Lecturer, North South
Prepared by:
Tanzila Zerin 1921468630
Sajjadul Islam 1911220630
Nafijul Islam Saral 1911833630
Fabiha Amreen 1911588030
Homaira aktar Dipti 1822173030
Our Campaign Theme

Slogan: Save money in Rocket, it will be safer than in your Pocket!

Challenges Identified Through Research

Why Rocket needs a promotional makeover?

Companies may use promotional makeover to cast a broader net to promote their products to
more customers. In order to steal their customers, promotions can compare and contrast with
other leading brands. Rocket is no longer doing good in the market and due to the heavy
competition between Nagad and Bkash the customers of Rocket are getting displaced. To
recover from this situation Rocket needs an immediate and effective promotional campaign.
We can personalize promotional makeovers to appeal to particular niche markets and attract a
specific market to a company. The best way to meet consumers, clients, and leads is with a
promotional makeover. Adding an opportunity also allows you to follow up with clients.
Current Target Market
The current target market is middle and low-income people from Bangladesh's rural areas,
mostly garment workers who send money home.
Types of current Advertising practices
Types of advertising practices going on right now are given below:
1. Social media- such as,
2. Broadcast media- such as Television commercial (TVC), Radio Commercial.

Use of Media
Broadcast media
Rocket broadcasts YouTube advertisements regularly on various Bangladeshi channels. Also,
they inform the mass audience about their promo offers and any change in policy through the
TV ads.
3. Print media- Print ads.
SWOT Analysis

Rocket, as the first mobile banking company in Bangladesh, was unable to keep up with the
industry's growth and has been losing money ever since. In this segment, we'll use a SWOT
analysis to figure out why the business failed, with Strengths and Weaknesses representing
internal company factors and Opportunities and Threats representing external factors.

Strengths: Weaknesses:
1. The business was not well-prepared
1. From the start, Rocket Banking
to represent consumers as the first
relied on a strong agent network to
mobile banking provider.
connect with customers.
2. Failed to ensure secured transaction
2. It has the biggest and most extensive
via promotional activities.
ATM network in the country to make
cash withdrawals easier for its 3. Rocket did not function as a separate
customers. organization since it was a division of
the corporation.
3. Very low account operation cost.
4. The potential of the mobile banking
4. Easy, efficient and secure
sector in Bangladesh was
transaction process.
underestimated by management.
5. Efficient and trained employees.
5. Lack of brand recognition among
6. Partnerships with telecom services users.
6. Networking errors in ATMs.

Opportunities: 1. Bangladesh Bank has made changes
to the way mobile finance services are
1. Rocket had the benefit of being the operated.
first to market in Bangladesh, which
2. Market share loss to competitors
has 70 million cell phone users.
such as bKash, mPay, Express Cash,
2. Increasing number of mobile finance Easy Cash, and others.
service users.
3. Rapidly growing competitors’
3. The desire of telecom operators to agents.
develop mobile apps and services.
4. Acceptance in this new technology.
4. Availability of mobile service all over
5. Lack of innovative service to users
the country.
6. Business acceptance of new brand
name "Rocket".
Target Audience

Rocket was introduced in Bangladesh as the first mobile banking system pioneered by Dutch-
Bangla Bank. Initially Rocket entered the market as a medium that efficiently provides
banking facilities without a bank branch. Our target audience was motivated by the sole idea
of reaching out to people with no access to banking facilities due to geographical reasons or
other. Rocket-Mobile banking is once again rejuvenating that motivation and this time we
intend to promote personal financing even better by connecting to people that are struggling
with managing their money. We will focus on the prime difficulties that our target audience is
dealing with and try to provide a secure service.

A young customer base

consisting of students Low-income workers Full-time employees

Gen-Z Service workers Boomer

The Demographics and Psychographics of our New Target Audience:

Our target audience is within a broad spectrum and so we have developed many methods that
cater to each customer. For example, undergraduates living as bachelors in new cities have to
adapt to an adult life abruptly and at the same time must learn to manage their money well.
But due to lack of knowledge, students fail to develop a habit of saving. In light of this
situation, we provide an attractive package with which we encourage students to save their
money. Not only that but their money won’t be left idle in their accounts but will increase
overtime at a given interest rate.

Social Class
Areas within
Occupation Dhaka
Student, Part-
time, full-time
or low -income

*Geographical - With an already established network in all over Bangladesh we will

primarily start our operations in Dhaka, since our new target audience is densely
populated there.

We’re adding many new and improved features in our app to attract our audience. The said
features are discussed briefly below:

• Delivery boys or riders of companies that ‘Rocket-Mobile banking’ is in collaboration

with will get special benefits for providing their services by using Rocket app.
• Gaming activity feature is also added in the app for leisurely entertainment purposes.
• Advantages provided to Rocket users are, reduced charge on cash out, send money is
free of charge (Conditions applied), and saving money in Rocket app.
• Pay bill feature: Ticket purchasing, hotel booking, shopping purposes etc.
• A 24/7 customer care service to ensure the satisfaction of all customers. (Live chat)

With the benefits delivered by us we will rebrand our strategy and once again set a
benchmark as the pioneers of mobile banking in Bangladesh.
Positive Impact of Target Audience on the Brand Campaign Objective

❖ A young target audience is active and aware about the Wow! রকেট

brands in the market. So, if we aim well the right the ত ো আসলেই
customers can help further our agenda in the market, and
we can build a stronger campaign that ultimately benefits
them in personal financing goals.

❖ The new Rocket-Mobile banking app will have an option

for bill payment collaborated systems with food delivery
apps or ride sharing apps so the consumers may pay for the services with Rocket.
Moreover, keeping in line with our target audience needs we will ensure special
benefits for workers (drivers, delivery boys etc.) who would use our app. The
respective companies that we will collaborate with will also give priority to them.
With this strategy set in course, riders will influence a new pool of potential
customers to use our app as it will help further our cause in supporting low wage-
earning members of the society.

❖ The low-income workers will naturally gravitate towards using Rocket app because of
its reasonable cash out and send money charges. Since, they can continue supporting
their family financially without having to worry about a quarter of their earnings to be
charged as a fee for our services.

❖ By offering cashbacks, discounts and bill payment benefits the middle-aged

population that we targeted can be benefited in completing their daily chores. These
are also adults with stable jobs and a stronger influence on the community around
them. For them we also have a tiny easter egg is an extra tab in our app that provides
daily news in a concise and illustrated manner for the benefit of those who don’t have
the time to sit through a traditional newspaper. So, this segment is most likely to
further our cause an established mobile-banking system.
Campaign Objectives

We want Rocket to be the go-to secure mobile banking app to our consumers. Rocket will
provide a reliable source of financial management support, with an advanced approach at
personal finance and a data encryption CRM software that protects all users' sensitive data.
our objective is to provide a reliable and secure money saving policy. Which is not available
in other Mobile banking sectors. Many people want to save money but couldn't save because
of trust issues we will decrease that insecurity and increase trust among the consumer. This
encrypted app will provide the best secure service to the consumer because no one could
hack/see their transaction or savings amount. Also, we have other option like gaming zone,
online ticket purchasing in this case people also need to provide their valuable information
our app will also secure this data in a absolute restricted way.
ROCKET App & Features:

Existing Features: Given below are all the functions that the app provides.
*Advantages provided to Rocket users are, reduced charge on cash out, send money is free
of charge (Conditions applied), and saving money in Rocket app.
New features:
1. Pay Bill: Amazing offers on ticket purchasing, hotel booking and shopping etc.
• Hotel booking: Special benefits on hotel booking. Such as, discounts offered up to as
much as 10% at the beginning of the year through Rocket app for booking at Westin,
Ocean Paradise and more luxurious hotel.
• Shopping purposes: Rocket users can now get up to 50% discounts while making
payments at stores like Yellow, Aarong etc.
• Ticket purchasing:

Pay Bill Transport

Tickets available on various sorts of
transportation such as planes, trains
and buses.

2. Customer service: A 24/7 customer care service to ensure the satisfaction of all
customers. (Live chat and calling options)
3. Newspaper: Those living a fast lifestyle barely get enough time to sit and enjoy
reading a newspaper. But for our customers who are active citizens wanting to stay
aware of the current affairs, can use this new newspaper feature that we’ve
incorporated into our newly designed Rocket Mobile App.

Users can now enjoy

our digital newspaper
feature which is also
available offline. It will
consist of daily news
headlines and important
details in a concise and
illustrated manner.

1. Casual games: Gaming activity feature is also added in the app for leisurely
entertainment purposes.
2. Youth Savings Account:
Rocket is introducing a new feature known as youth savings account. Students can save
as little as Tk.50 in this account. The amount saved will increase after a certain amount of
time with a beneficial interest rate.
o Features:
Free Cash In; Up to 2 Cash outs allowed in a year (Every 6 months).

In order to encourage a money saving habit,

users will get to Cash out only once the
required sum has been saved.

3. Donation option: We will have a special option dedicated to donation opportunities

in certain non-profit organizations.

Where you can find us:

Download Rocket App

App Store Play Store

Creative Brief

Unique Selling Position:

As we know Dutch Bangla Bank took the first initiative in introducing mobile banking
system in Bangladesh with its app ROCKET. So, it has a large customer base and our unique
selling point is to facilitate a more secure money transaction service. Since, The consumers
trust us with their personal information and money, we have an obligation to provide a high
security system that assures them about the safety of their savings. And our main focus is to
motivate people to save more money for betterment of their future. Thus, by promoting
personal finance we can make our customers rely on us for the security of their money in the


To Grab huge offers, use ROCKET

Pay all kinds of bills through ROCKET

High interest offered on savings account.

Promotional Tools

Due to the global pandemic, every kind of business has shattered, which can be an alarming
indication for the future. The economy has also been declining down. Before this repulsive
disaster, I think digital marketing can help these businesses efficiently.
In this scenario, the mobile banking sector will help a person unlimitedly as we can't go out all
time. "Rocket" can help a person with their unique new features. In these modern times, digital
marking is performing a significant role in every business because you can captivate multiple
buyers with this marketing help. Notwithstanding every kind of business, digital marketing is
the most beneficial for boosting, as you can gather so much information from customers.
Because it is essential to know; what your customer desires more than what your business
requirement is. First, we have to communicate with the customer, and the customer has to know
the beneficial features of "Rocket." Different types of promotional will help us in this.
Social media promotion
It is the most famous and inexpensive way to promote and reach our valuable customers. Social
media enables you to strengthen relations with customers and prospects through regular, low-
cost personalized communication, following the move away from mass marketing.
Rocket Website: Rocket is going to establish its new website. It's going to promote their
services to their customers. It will be easily accessible for the customer. People can easily log
in to Rocker's website and do their considered work on the website. There will be a related
video for the direction of using the website.
Rocket Facebook Page: Nowadays, Facebook is a widespread area where we can engage more
reliable customers. Through stable and attractive Facebook, a page can gather more consumers
for any service. By Facebook page advertising, people can easily communicate with us. There
will also be an option to install our Rocket app anytime to get more facilities and delightful
features. Moreover, we will arrange a gaming contest with the famous Shakib Al Hasan and
the winner will get huge offer in Rocket app. Also, this type of seminars and live shows through
Facebook will encourage more people.
Rocket Instagram page: It is another way to enhance more popularity among the people. As
we all know now, in Bangladesh, many young generations have started influencer marketing.
Meaning they promote different types of product and services. To increase popularity in
restaurants and shopping-related consumers, we will arrange a campaign where all the
influencers will be invited. They will promote Rocket for the speediest mobile banking.
Rocket YouTube TVC: We are also going to attract consumer through TVC which would be
emotionally attach related. It could attract more audience for to our consumer. Our main target
is “রকেকটর গতিকি টাো আসকে পকেকট” so its mean rocket will change into money fast.
Outdoor promotion (print material)- Not only digital promotion but also direct marketing
can be also necessary for Rocket. We will design some banners and flyers where our main
theme will be “টাো জমাও রকেকট, পকেকট নয়” to distribute in different cell phone shops,
Recharge shop to reach more users. To make our communication most rapid with our users,
we will try our best. Promotion is the only way which will benefit Rocket to reach and involve
more consumers.
For the next 6 months we will be introducing Rocket with a stronger brand image which will
rebrand Rocket give stronger brand value, more market shares and popularity. As this is a
huge step for any company, we will be mainly using Advertising, Sales promotion and Public


It is a communication method which will let the customers know about the campaign and
new services of Rocket.

For advertising we will spent on TV, Radio, Newspaper, Bill boards, Social media, Banners

In TV commercial, we will be focusing on crucial hours to grab the attention of our

customers. Pick hours like 10PM or in the middle of a popular show. For the ads and
campaign, we will hire Shakib Al Hasan as our brand ambassador. He already has an
influence over the society, which will help as he will be featured in all the commercials.

In Radio ads we will also focus on the pick hours and hours when traffic jams normally take
place in most of the places in Bangladesh. Because at these times most people switch to

Newspapers will advertise with an ad featuring our celebrity with our services in another part
of that ad. But we will focus on many newspapers and portals according to their customers
and their type.

Bill boards will be used to advertise. And customized banners will be replaced with existing
ones. The stickers which were saying that Rocket is accepted here will get a new, customized
and eye-catching look.

These days people are spending a lot of time in social media as we are facing Covid-19. To
use this situation effectively we will be heavily spending on social medias like Facebook,
YouTube, Instagram etc. We will also be hiring social influencers from different field but
able to carry our image.
Sales promotion

Re-branding will give Rocket a new image. To boost this situation, we will be using sales

We have introduced a new strategy about personal finance and another is personal finance but
for a particular community where delivery men are included. And these strategies have never
been applied by our competitors before. And these will create a new image for us which is
why sales promotion is important for us to efficiently use the momentum.

Our customized user interface for the app, offers and services are included too. The savings
strategy will create more customers and word of mouth effect for the brand.

Public Relation

To improve our brand value and gain popularity, we will be engaging ourselves with various
public relation works. And as a result, our market share will increase.

Corona app by Rocket

This will be served bike Rocket to the community.

There will be locations of covit-19 infected people, hospitals etc. To get aware of the current
situation. Through this app people will get to know what the risky zones all around
Bangladesh for covit-19. Customers will add data at the same time govt. as we will hand over
the app after a certain period of time or we will continue with the partnership with Health


A person wearing a costume that represents Rocket will be sharing its sanitizer so that people
stay clean.

This mascot will be visible in some busy populated areas all over Bangladesh in Thursdays
and Sundays all and also in mass gatherings. It will stay throughout the campaign to create a
good image about Rocket in the minds of the customers.

Webinar, workshops and sessions will be arranged keeping in mind that many of the
potential customer will be at home and also working from home. To engage with them this
will be a good decision.
The campus ambassador program will be introduced and, in every campus, and there will
be someone to represent Rocket. They will also promote the brand and help Rocket to create
a brand with strong position in PR.

Press Release

Here we will be saying about our upcoming event and programs. How we will be
participating with the govt. for reducing covit-19 and how we will be working for public
welfare and most importantly our new services, strategies and offers.

Press Conference

Here we will show the journalists our new app for Rocket (upgraded interface) and its
services and offers. How we will be participating to gather more market share and how we
are working for the community. Here with us there will be the mascot that will be used in the
campaign, Ambassador, Operations head of Corona app and representatives of Rocket. At the
end there will be a question-and-answer session.

Media and Budget:

Social media
9% 1% Rocket app
2% 32%
3% Celebrity
3% Bill board
1% Influencer
8% Corona app
26% 3%
Banners and stickers

In conclusion, we want to rebrand the Rocket app more conveniently for our prospective
consumers. As we all know, Bkash is our biggest competitor in this sector; however, we don't
want to compete with them. We want to be considerate to our audience. So that they could, if
Bkash is fulfilling their one need, we could fill up the other gaps of the market. For the first
time, we are opening money-saving options in the Rocket app so that people like middle-aged
people who don't want to go into the hassle of the bank could easily save their money in the
Rocket app. Moreover, we ensure the security of their savings by almost 100% as the data
will be end-to-end encrypted there will be no way of any hacking. We hope our new initiative
will benefit you in various ways.

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