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Besz6d6rt6s 1

A hallott szoveg alapj5n vdlaszoljon a k6rd6sekre magyarul!

Mit5l tart ennyi viszontagsdg ut6n mostanra a besz616? 1p

Milyen munkakrirt palyazottmeg er6szor, 6s mi6rt remenykedhetett abban,

, hogy megkapja az 6ll;ist? 3p

3. Mit mondott a tulajdonos iizlett6rsa, mi6rt nem kapja meg v6gril ezt az6ll6st? 3p

4.' Milyen 6ll5s volt a mdsodik lehet6s6ge a besz6l6nek, 6s mit mond az els6
[kiv5laszt6si) ko116l? 4p

Hogy k6sztilt fel az igyvezet6 igazgat6val val6 tal6lko zttsra'


6' Milyen szerencs6tlen eset trirt6nt vegil az utols6 interjfn?


7, Elv6llalta v6gril ezt az All6st? Mi6rt [nem)?


/ MaximSlis pontszdm: 20

,,.,,,r !;.*{4,.:ryrr re.

I .-
.. r:3i.:l
-,-_.,-." r11 ; :;t i::i_ldlli{ j ?f
Besz6d6rt6s 2
' yen osszefUgg6sben szerepelnek azelso oszlopban 5ll6 szavak az elhangzott szovegben?
-: ise ki a hallott
szoveg alapjdn az a15bbi tdbl5zatot magyar nyelven, a megadott p6lda szerint.

errdl mesdlJack egy vicces f<czlekeddsi baleset

az idos holgy
balesetet az 1p
okozta, hogy

Susan baratja
ekkor kapta a 1p

a baleset

Susan bardtja nem

tudott meg5llni, 1p

a baleset sordn
keletkezett k5r

/ Maximdlis pontszdm:5

1. Xr$Aelrx?rS rrL&*&T*(



Besz6d6rt6s 1

A hallott szoveg alapjan

v6laszoljon a k6rd6sekre magyarull

6s milyen c6llal?
6gon? Merrefel6 iart mir
1. Mi6ta lakik a besz6l6 Magyarorsz

2" Mi6rt szeret elbiciklizni a Balatonhoz?

3. Mit emlit legels6k6nt' amit nem szeret

a gyalogAtkel6hoz kozeledve?
4. Hogy vezetnek a magyar aut6vezet6k

s. Mit hi6nyol abesz6l6mostans6g

6. Milyen a magyar konyha a besz6l6 v6lem6nye szerint?

/ Maxim6lis Pontsz6m:

Besz6d6rt6s 2
liilyen osszefiigg6sben szerepelnek az els5 oszlopban 5l16 szavak az elhangzott szovegben?
Tbltse ki a hallott szoveg alapjdn az alSbbi t5bl6zatot
magyar nyelven, a megadott p6lda szerint.

itt szfiletett Dave Anterik{tbetn

ennyi id5t tolt

utaz6ssa I 1p

2018-ban azt
tervezi, hogy 1p

ilyen helyekre
szeret utazni 1p

delutan 6-kor 1p

ekkor indult a j6rat


/ Maximdlis pontszdm: 5


Besz6d6rt6s 1
A hallott szoveg alapjSn vSlaszoljon a k6rd6sekre magyarul!

Melyik munk6j6t v6gezte abesz6l6legtov6bb, 6s mit szeretett benne? 5p

, Milyen 6rdekesebbnek, izgalmasabbnak szAmit6 tev6kenys6gben kellett az emberek 4p

segfts696re lennie?

Mib6l lehetett tudni, hogy j6 munk6t v6gzett? 1p

Melyik munkdjdt szerette a legjobban, 6s mit tudunk meg a napirendj616l? 3p

Milyen vAltozAs 6llt be d6lelStt 11 kortil, 6s milyen 6rz6seket keltett ez aYsesz6l6ben?

Milyen munk6t v6ilalt onk6nt, 6s mit tudunk meg err6l a munkir6l? 4p

/ Maxim5lis pontsz5m: 20

olyan dolgok, amelyeket megtennLnk hatdtunk el6tt



rfrikdban Kate

Kate barStai

Kate 6s Dave is

/ Maxim5lis pontsz6m:5
.-" -l 'i

Besz6d6rt6s 1
a k6rd6sekre magyarul!
A hallott szoveg alapj5n v5laszoljon

1. Hov6 6s hogyan utazott abesz6l6 gyerekkorAban

a kempingbe?
Mi6rt volt lzgatott,amikor v6gre meg6rkeztek

Mivel mtilatlAkazid6t ezen a nyaral6son?

Hova utaztak k6s6bb, 6s kit l6togattak

Mi fogadta abesz6lS csal6di6t a bangkoki

Mivel tudt6k elfoglalni magukat a rept6ren?

n6h6ny v|zAt?
Mit tett abesz6l5,amikor v6letlen feldontott

/ Maxim6lis Pontsz6m:

{.. Bg$ze *rf?1rs rIL'q3A10l{

Besz6d6rt6s 2
llilyen osszeftigg6sben szerepelnek az els6 oszlopban 5l16 szavak az elhangzott szovegben?
lbltse ki a hallott szoveg alapjdn az aldbbi tSblSzatot magyar nyelven, a megadott p6lda szerint.

a beszelo ndhany
dve arra gondolt, nyug dijba vonul Dominikdra

ez6rt dontottek
Dominika mellett


ezzel keres p6nzt 1p

jelenleg itt elnek 1p

5. 1/2 1p

/ MaximSlis pontsz6m: 5

Besz6d6rt6s 1
a k6rd6sekre magyarul!
A hallott szoveg alapj5n v5laszoljon

6s kit Iltogatott meg?
t. Hova utazott abeszll|gyakran

2. Milyen volt a h6z, amelyben laktak a nyaral6son?

fel a figyelm6t?
:. Mire k6rte meg egy nap a besz6l5t a nagyapja' 6s mire hivta

4. Mit hlelt abeszlll,amikor felemelte a

mit is jelentett ez pontosan?
5. Mit kellett tennirik riszSs el6tt' 6s

6 Mi6rt kellett megolni a P6kokat?

7. Mi6rt szereti a virost a p6kok 6s a t6vols6g ellen6re is?

/ MaximSlis Pontsz6m: 2C
esz6d6rt6s 2
yen osszeftigg6sben szerepelnek az els6 oszlopban 5l16 szavak az elhangzott szovegben?
tse ki a hallott szoveg alapjdn az aldbbi tdblSzatot magyar nyelven, a megadott p6lda szerint.

Diane ilyen iskoldt

sell6iskola, ahol riszni tanitidk az embereket

ekkor szriletett az
otlet lp

2015 1p


az rigyfelek 1p

erre buzditja a
ldnyokat 1p

I Maximilis pontszSm: 5


Besz6d6rt6s 1

A hallott szoveg alapjSn v5laszoljon a k6rd6sekre magyarul!


Mit6l lesz boldog, mitSl lesz i6kedve a besz6l6nek?

Milyen p6ld6kat hoz abesz6l6, amikor nyugodt tis csendes tev6kenys6gekr6l

Miben szeretne v6ltoztatni szem6lyis6gi egyein?

Kir6l nem szeret besz6lni, 6s milyen p6ld6t hoz erre?

Milyen k6pess6get szeretne mag66nak tudni?

Mit emlit abesz6l6, amit meg kellene tanulnia?


Besz6d6rt6s 2
Vilyen osszefrigg6sben szerepelnek az els5 oszlopban 5ll6 szavak az elhangzott szovegben?
roltse ki a hallott szoveg alapjSn az alSbbi tdblSzatot magyar nyelven, a megadott p6lda szerint.


a szorny legendaja
nem volt ismert, 1p
mert Loch Ness

az elso foto 2p

a fot6 ilyen volt 1p

igy n6z ki a foton


/ Maximdlis pontsz6m:5

Besz6d6rt6s 1

A hallott szoveg alapj5n vdlaszoljon a k6rd6sekre magyarul!

munkarendi't6l? 4p
r. Mit dolgozott abesz6l6l8 6vesen, 6s mit tudunk megaz akkori

Mi volt az elSnye az unalmas munk6nak?

Pontosan mi volt a dolga 1B 6vesen a munkahely6n?

Mi tort6nt 1834-ben?

5" Hogyan alakult a gyfur dolgoz6inak l6tsz6ma az 6vekalatt?

Kicsoda Eileen 6s f oan?

Altaleban mir6l besz6lgettek a k6t id6s holggyel?

/ Maxim5lis Pontsz5m:

?. S{:$Zf nf t{TfS f fL'CP'qT0K

Besz6d6rt6s 2
Milyen osszeftigg6sben szerepelnek az els5 oszlopban
6116 szavakaz elhangzott szovegben?
Toltse ki a hallott szoveg alapj5n az
alilbbitdblSzatot ,.gyu.ny"tu"r,-a megadott p6lda szerint.

Stephen King
legutolso filmje ttilsdgosan hosszri

a film alapja

a 3 6ra gyorsan
eltelik, mert 1p

Slta16ban a
szerepl6i 1p

30 6v

osszess6g6ben a
film 1p

/ Maxim6lis pontszdm: 5


Besz6d6rt6s 1
a k6rd6sekre magyarul!
A hallott szoveg alapj6n v5laszoljon

1. Kicsoda Tiam Tiam?

2. Milyen programban vett r6szt Tiam Tiam?


Tiam Tiamot?
4. Mi6rt v6las ztotlaaz edinburgh-i Allatkert

szak6rt6, amelyek a proiekt rneghiirsul6sahoz vezethetett?

Milyen okokat emlitett a sk6t

6. Hogy pr6bAltik sikerre vinni id6n a

6s az 6llatkertben?
Miben kiilonbozik a p6rv6laszt6s a vadonban


/ Maxim5lis PontszSm:

Besz6d6rt6s 2
t/ilyen osszeftigg6sben szerepelnek az els6 oszlopban dl16 szavak az elhangzott
Toltse ki a hallott szoveg alapjSn az a15bbi tdbldzatot magyar nyelven, a megadott p6lda szerint.

maratonjainak egy vfzi, egy szdrazfdldi

a szeptemberi
t. verseny resztvevoi ip
ezt teljesitik

az elso
ilyen esemeny 1p

1 995-ben a nyertes 1p

a nevezesek szAma
jelenIeg 1p

ez a verseny
megmaradt igazi 1p
versenynek, mert

/ Maxim6lis pontszdm: 5

l. ;f ;1;'-::lf t'f i:$ l:i:r,;r.*itir"- {


Besz6d6rt6s 1

A hallott szoveg alapjSn vSlaszoljon a k6rd6sekre magyarul!

Milyen furcsas6ggal tal6lkoztak a h6ten a 1ap6n utasok?

Mi6rt hozta a szervezel az Allatokat a vonatra?

3. Milyen sajn6latos t6nyt emlit a besz616 sok tizezer Sllattal kapcsolatban?

Mi6rt van szuks6g int6zked6sre az allatokkal kapcsolatban?

Mi bizonyitja, hogy a jap6nok szeretik kisAllataikat?

tesznek ilyenkor az
Mi a probl6ma 6ltal6ba n az ajilndekba kapott allatokkal, 6s mit

7. Kit hivnak ilyenkor; hogy kezelje a kialakult probi6m6t, 6s mit tud tenni?

8. Milyen I6p6seket tettek 2004 ota,hogy a kialakult helyzetet kezelni lehessen?

/ Maximdlis Pontsz6m: 2(
I-' E] *3', *

Besz6d6rt6s 2
osszeftigg6sben szerepelnek
"iilyen az elsooszlopban dil6 szavak az
Sltseki a hallott szoveg atapjan erhangzott szovegben?
t,.raooiia[iZzatotrnagyar nyuru"n,
, megadott p6rda szerint.

ide utazott a
beszeld Kina

vdsdrlSs kozben

azt gondoltak
e116l, hogy

amikor meg
akartak kerdezni
valakit, rdjottek,

20 percet
anelkUlhogy 1p

v6gtil igy drtettek

meg magukat

/ Maximdlis pontszdm: 5


Besz6d6rt6s 1
A hallott szoveg alapjSn vdlaszoljon a k6rd6sekre magyarul!

Mi6rt javitj6k a t6rl6tdst a videojSt6kok a besz615 szerint? 2p

Milyen tovdbbi el5nyokkel j6rhat abesz6lS szerint az, amit videoj6t6koziskozben


Miiyen el6nyei lehetnek annak, ha tort6nelmi esem6nyen alapul a videoj6t6k? 3p

Mit javasol abesz6l6 a szul6knek, hogyan haszn6lj6k ki ezt a helyzetet? 4p

Milyen j6t6kony hat6sa van p6ld;iul a mem6rial6t6koknak az id6sebbekre? 5p

Milyen el6nyeit emliti abesz6l6 a multiplayer j6t6koknak? 3p

Minek Iehet a kataliz6tora a jet6k? 1p

/ Maximdlis pontszSm: 20
_rr- E

'l B,i Ia ri

Besz6d6rt6s 2
-' -SSZefLrgg€Soe rl S7_.:-: -: a_
r: (i a nattoit-szoves; ,pr:; i116 szavak az erhangzott
zatot magyar szovesben?
nyelven, a megadott
pelda szerint.

a kanadaiWilliam
Bennet el6ddntft jdtszott

az el6dontci

ennek koszonheto
ez a gyozelem

a Tour De France
74 ke16kpdrosa

ekkor vette dt
Baresi a vezetest

Gert Kruger

/ Maximdlis pontszdm:

Mit6l tart ennyi viszontagsag utan mostanra abesz6l6?
Hogy miir sosem fog 6ll6st tal61ni.

Milyen munkakort pAlyAzott meg el6szor; 6s mi6rt rem6nykedhetett abban,

hogy megkapja az iilldst?
DizAjner f tervez6 szeretett volna lenni,
mdr tirl volt k6t interjirkoron,
6s a tulajdonosnak tetszett a portf6li6ja.

Mit mondott a tulajdonos uzlettdrsa, mi6rt nem kapja meg v6gril ezt az 6ll6st?
Mert ugyanaz a csillagjegye,
mint a tulajdonos feles696nek,
6s senkit nem fog alkalmazni, akinek ugyanaz a csillagjegye.

Milyen 5ll5s volt a m6sodik lehet6s6ge a besz6l6nek, 6s mit mond az els6 k6t [kivdlasztfsi)
(Ajdnlottal< neki egy 6ll6sinterjrit) egy IT c6gn6l,
6tment az els6 interjfn / szfir6n,
amit egy informdlis f \aza m6.sodik koros besz6lget6s kovetett egy vezet6vel,
ami m69 jobban sikerilt.

Hogy k6szult fel az igyvezet6 igazgat6val val6 talSlkozAsra?

Elrendezte a papirlait,
fogat mosott.

Milyen szerencs6tlen eset tort6nt v6gil az utols6 interjirn?

Amikor le akart ulni, kihrizta a sz6ket,
kiengedte v6letlen a magassAgSllit6 kart,
a sz,6k megugrott 6s sz6jba verte,
6s kititotte k6t fogdt.
Elv6llalta v6gtil ezt az AllAst? Mi6rt [nemJ?
Nem v6llalta el,
mert nagyon alacsony fizet6st ajdnlottak.

'r. Bxsir$e l?ir$ MrGGtsAs0K

r9l }}aza)}ala)
dL rlnrgs8aru e[g]lrgq>{al gsla g}ne ze u9ros ]asaleq e

d1 Sgsloagr e tlol pl^or II,1t 'ru1;g6au tlopn]
uau ef1gteq uesns

dL >lEllo^ {asa^pau {E}n ze s9 }lo^ }9}os
]asaleq e

d1 llo^ sa^a BI uEsns/g ro{Iue e e1de1 ro11a
efigreq uesnS

d 1 apoSour e polteqalaq s9J ]g[grne zE etlos]dE{ eqtauauerlgq
ze ]9]asaleq
(61oq sgpt ze

psepq $?po4epa4 sesst,:. {8a \)Dr Psaw luta

E:uezsluod srlgrurxeu

z s9u9p?zsa8


maxim5lis pontsz6m:l

Mi6ta lakik a besz6l6 Magyarorsz agon? Merrefei6 j6rt m6r 6s milyen c6llal?
Egy 6ve 61 itt.
A Bakonyban volt rndr
gyalogolni / gyalogtLirAn.

Mi6rt szeret elbiciklizni a Balatonhoz?

Elvezi a kil6t6st,
szeret hfisolni a Balaton viz6ben,
szereti lAtni a sok embert,
akik sportolnak a biciklifiton.

Mit emlit legels5k6nt, amit nem szeret MagyarorszAgon?

Azt, hogy majdnern eltitik,
amikor 6t akar nlenni a zebr6n,

Hogy vezetnek a magyar aut6vezet6k a gyalogatkel6hoz kozeledve?

Versenytetttp6ban vezetnek / gyorsan hajtanak,
integetnek, hogY siess 5t az fiton,
6s biznak benrle, hogy 6t6rsz a thloldalra,
an61kul, hogy elesn6l.

Mit hi6nyol abeszel6 mostans69 Angli6b6l?

A szabiilyokat hi6nyolja / N6hiny szabAlyt,
amellyel egyiitt kellett 6lnie Angli6ban,
mert megtanulta, hogY a szabilYok
biztons696rzetet is adnak.

Milyen a magyar konyha a besz6l6 v6lem6nye szerint?

Gazdag / izletes,
tele van izekkel / izletes [de az izletes sz6ra csak egyszer adhat6 pont!],
zsiros f laktat6.

Besz6d6rt6s 1
maxim6lis Ponts

1. Melyik munkAj6t v6gezte abesz6l6legtov6bb, 6s mit szeretett benne?

. Gondoz6i munk6jdt,
. meg tudta osztani az 6let6t olyanokkal,
. akiknek m6r nem sok volt hdtra,
. veh.ik tudott lenni, hogy egy teljesebb 6letet 6lhesseneh
. 6s 6rdekesebb dolgokat / tobb 6rdekes dolgot csin6lhassanak / tehessenek.
Milyen 6rdekesebbnek, izgalmasabbnak szlmit6 tev6kenys6gben kellett az emberek
segits696re lennie?
. Feliilni a vonatra,
. elvinni 6ket egy olyan kozpontba, ahol
. tol6sz6kes kenuzAst
. sziklam6szdst vagy vitorl6zSst pr6b6lhattak ki.

3. Mib6l lehetett tudni, hogy j6 munk6t v6gzett?

. Amikor lStta 6ket mosolyogni vagy nevetni.

Melyik munk6jAt szerette a legjobban, 6s mit tudunk meg a napirendj616l?

. Almafdkat metszett.
. Egy Land Rover aut6val ment minden reggel munkdba,
. ahol reggel B 6rakor kezdett'

5. Milyen v6ltoz6s 6l1t be d6lel6tt 11 konil, 6s milyen 6rz6seket keltett ez abesz6l6ben?

. Felolvadt afagy / olvadni kezdett,
. gyonyor(ien sutott a nap [a f6kon kereszttil),
. 6s nagyon szerencs6snek 6rezte mag!fi, hogy 61.
Milyen munkat v6llalt onk6nt, 6s mit tudunk meg err6l a munk6r6l?
. Egy [a lak6hely6hez kozeli) nemzeti parkban volt,
. ahol kij6rtak az erdSre fttvAgni,
. 6rkokat takarftani,
. 6s osv6nyeket kialakftani.

xosyCI-loe3ui slLH?o?2s38'€

E >laulgJ sra^ec s9 ale)


uaqra4a{ d8a reigreq ale)

ruzslla rydwd8a ryp91s9 uaqzl^ {a}ln

aularazs ETIJeJEZS a}ey ueqP)u}v

dt (uossg1le{o}ellgpel dSoqJ 'Iuuaur

EPo LUePV edgtnl

uor9Iu 9^o[lnzs9{

Prlellzsnv 't
esgr8n gsla LUEPV llo^ 111

uua$ aw p4a'{la Luo'4 o 0 I o p uD flo 1lstleu0\0q 0
n g p 4u nloP q >lu ?

g :tugzsluod sllgLulxeLu
z s?u?pgzseg


n h::-
U J!--
Besz6d6rt6s 1

1. Hov6 6s hogyan utazott abesz6l6 gyerekkor6ban

" A nyugati Partra, eze'

" 6desanyja 6s Partnere I barAtja Dor-
n vezette azaut6t I aut6val 6s ut6nfut6val'
* 2 6rilnkeresztiil I 2 6rAsaut6titon'
Mi6rt volt izgatott, amikor v6gre meg6rkeztek a
r't"r -
' V6gre ki szabadott ugrani az aut6b6l' :

n leszaladhattak a Partra,
. j6tszhattak ott [a Parton)'
3. Mivel mrila tl6k az id6t ezen a nyaral6s on?
" Nem sok minden tort6nt,
. Slland6an esett az es6,
' bent voltak a lak6kocsiban 6s besz6lgettek'
. kArtyAztakvagy t6rsasj5t6koztak'

Hova utaztak k6s6bb, 6s kit lAtogattak meg? jeit

AusztriliAba utaztak,
6desanYia csalSdj6t,
szii16]<et, n5v6r6t 6s az ur-rokatestv6reit lStogattAk

Mi fogadta abesz6l6 csa16d16t a bangkoki rept6ren? 5.

Nagy meleg I PArAs 1eveg5'

Mivel tudtek elfoglalni magukat a rept6ren?

a boltokban j6rk6ltak / vAsArolgattak'
Mit tett abesz6l6,amikor v6letlen feldontott n6h6ny
Elszaladt / H6tral6Pett,
visszaftttott 6desanYi 6hoz,
hogY elnlondja neki, mi tort6nt'

4 3:$A[**1{T!:* !Uf G*Lf&$f t{

\,,.-r{r ..\1,J)vr.1, c:ti!l:,1:7l::( 5
l1l:{,1, )::o:u:4;".^

d1 ueq-vs n ze ue qqv ro{ }uluI's ?}aqlgSar.u e Inra{ e qrduuealaJ Z/L 's

dL [sgqozsgp.rnJ Ztsgqozs t) {aulargqwzeq )au19 }}l 6e1ua1af

d1 IgJ>lnsgzollo>l rB>lrurruop e JI ]a{a>plrJ sg la^dug{ izugd saral lazza

d1 luzaJazszgqau uodSeu ualu sf,uru >lplau rs9lellP^eIUnur

]lallaLU e)rurrroc
d1 la8rzs e >lDlau Dazsla]3au sg ]lo {e}leredu rozsqqol
)auoluop ]jgza

D rpYtutw o o pu o n q t1p 6n[u 'llopuo6 DilD aA?
lupqVu gl?zsaq D
g :ru gzsluod s!l grulxeu

z s?tr9P?zseg

,?. :-a*
i*Yrpit:*ry XMx: I${;'}t


maximSlis pontszdm:20 0.

Hova utazott a besz6l6 gyakran gyerekk6nt, 6s kit l6togatott meg?
Ausztr6liSba utazott,
a nagyn6nj6t l6togattek meg. 1.
Milyen volt a h6z, amelyben laktak a nyaral6son?
Nagy h6z volt,
sok szob5val, 2.
nagy kerttel / r6ttel hetul,
m6g egy patak is folYt a v6g6ben.
Mire k6rte meg egy nap a besz6l6t a nagyapja, 6s mire hivta fel a figyelm6t?
Arra k6rte, hogyhozzabe a leveleket a postal6ddb6l, 3.
de legyen nagyon 6vatos,
6s vigyAzzon a P6kok miatt.
Mit talSlt abesz6l6, amikor felemelte a fedelet?
Egy 6ri6si [huntsman] P6kot. 4.

Mit kellett tenniuk fsz6s el6tt, 6s mit is jelentett ez pontosan?
Ki kellett tisztitani a medenc6t,
ami azt jelentette, hogy a h6l6 haszndlat6val,
e1 kellett kaPniuk a P6kokat,
amelyek a medenc6ben aviz alatt voltak,
6s ott a medence fala mellett / fal6n 6ltek.
Mi6rt kellett megolni a P6kokat?
Mert tirl vesz6lyesek ahhoz, hogy szabadon engedj6k 6ket'
Mi6rt szereti a v6rost a p6kok 6s a t6vols6g ellen6re is?
Mert e1 lehet t6volodni a mindennapokt6l,
mert az emberek Eur6pAban alszanak,
6s nem zavarnak a nyaralds alatt.

5. BEgZrlgeTrs M€G0t0A$0K


dl {eue[louods era
e eflypznq

d1 ueq,,{ugre alaJ-alal >la}}gulal sg {a>lerad8 )ala}^6n ze

ueq-vsn ze
cl L euazs EJuods e aJJa 39s9raqa1uEA uaulzsdlaq rduua uasazsso


d1 t9s9zo>llell9^ e alpza>l rolpla SLOZ


d1 lzsgr na^ uosgzgtoJ l]lelE z,r^ (uapa1flaPou dd9)
ze ]]alalnzs roIIa

Sa4araqula zD 4phluDl tuzsry pqn'op4sryyas OZ:LU

g :tu gzsluod sll gLUrxeu

z s9rr9p9zseg

''%, ,W=,
Besz6d6rt6s 1

1. Hogr,an 6s mit6l fugg a besz6l6 szerint, hogy

6ppen ti'irelmes-e vagy sem?

-{ hel-vzettol szitueci6t6l fugg,

ke dr,es er.r.rberekkel tiirelmes,
diin,a / ttvers / faragatlan emberekkel nem'

Mit6l lesz boldog, mit6l lesz j6kedve a besz6l6nek?

J6 viccekt6l,
amelyek megnevettetik,
szer et5 emb eri kaPcsolatt6l,
az otthon k6nyelm6t6l / megnyugtat6 6rz6s6t6l'
6s csendes tev6kenys6gekrSl k6rdezik?
Milyen p6ld6kat hoz abesz6l6, amikor nyugodt
- :^- -
Zenehallgat6s, an.rely me gnyugtatl a,
egy zirzavaros / nyuzsg6 / aktiv naput6n'
Szlreti tudni, liogy nincs mdr tennival6ia este'
csak letllni a karossz6kbe egy j6 kolllzwel 6s
2p ^ -:'
Miben szeretne valtoztatni szem6lyis6gjegyein?
Szeretne t6rsasAgkedvelcibb Ier-rni [kev6sb6 antiszociSlisJ'
6s iobban 6lvezui m6sok t6rsasig6t'
Kir6l nem szeret besz6lni, 6s milyen p6ld6t hoz erre?
o Nem szeret mag6r6l besz6lni'
a Sz6gyenl6s I visszahiz6d6, amikor r61a k6rdezr-rek'
a mint ahogY most is P61dAul,
p6ldAul idegenekkel'
a urgy irrnJ."tlen / irjt5rsas helyzetekben
Milyen k6pess6get szeretne mag66nak tudni?
Szeretne kepess6 vAlni arra, hogy konnyel.:rszerezzetl
Mit emlit abesz6l6,amit meg kellene tanulnia?
Meg kell tanulnia bfzni m5sokban'
6s onmag6ban Persze'
zsnJnezsourp d8a lultu orssaN
ugloJ e ryzau A6t

elzsll llo^ luau llo^ ua^lt glo, e

llnzsa{ lgrralglu 00I .ueq_tt6I gioJ gsla ze

d1 ssaN q)ol uaul

Igtgzsgr Iqqgl eruuElrr8_d8ep
{rz$lal lo^g1 'l;Atrtst ]lon tuAU
elgpuabel Aurczs e

g :r-ugzs1uod srlgtutxeu

z sgtrg
" .Gt:t:t f:. .., . '-
K&ii I!

Besz6d6rt6s 1
maximSlis pontsz5m:20

mit tudunk megaz akkori munkarendilr6l? 4p

1. Mit dolgozott abesz6lS lB rSvesen, 6s

. Egy cip6mitzeumban dolgozott

. szombaton 6s vas6rnap,
. 6s kozben f6iskol6ra / egyetemre is j6rt 1.

. a sziil6vdrosSban h6t kozben.

2. Mi volt az el6nye az unalmas munk6nak?
. Hogy alig kellett valamit csin6lnia. 2.
3. Pontosan mi volt a dolga 18 6vesen a munkahely6n?
. Kedvesnek lenni 6s koszonteni a l6togat6kat,
. felvezetni 6ket a l6pcs5n a ki6llitdshoz,
. elmondani nekik, hogy mikor nyilt mega cip6gylr, 3.
. 6s eladni egy-k6t k6peslapot.
4. 2p
Mi tort6nt 1834-ben?
. A k6t fiv6r
. megalapitotta a cipdgylrat. 4.

s. 3p
Hogyan alakult a gyAr dolgoz6inak l6tsz6ma az 6vek alatt?
. Eleinte csak a k6t fiv6r dolgozott,
. n6h6ny 6r,'vel k6s6bb mdr a f6l falu,
. mostanra vil6gm6retii c6gg6 n6tte ki mag6t. 5.

6. 2p
Kicsoda Eileen 6s |oan?
. K6t id6s holgy,
. akik a gy|ralapitok csal6dj6ho z tartoztak.

7. Altal ban mir6l besz6lgettek a k6t id6s holggyel? 4p

. Mes6ltek neki az 6rdekes 6letukr6l,

. a Clark cipSgyAr tort6nelm6r6l,
. a lak6helyrik / lakhelytk / korny6k tort6nelm6r6l,
' a gyerekeik 6let6r6l.


dr sal3lzsg r f InuEllE{ozs
^lelu e uaqP6gssazsso

dr Io la>larad8 sg parqglal lug{ugpl rduua dutozs e 0E


d1 >lasedlg>las uasaSgsle^au )aulgroiloq
e ueq9lellg

d1 rtal le+tadueruasa gtasrurlrqot sa sroda raugupr

" rJi:;;ffi:,

d1 sPIEplo 000I }utru QQgt d8a efde;e u.r;g e


llzssaqtt$scSpsl*] 6ury uaqdals '
g :ru gzsluod stl gultxeul

z s9ugpgzsag

$lr Y*@tr

*!!1. .*.

Besz6d6rt6s 1

maximdlis pontszSm:2
l. Kicsoda Tiam Tiam?
. Az edinburghi dllatkert n6st6ny 6riSspanddja.

2. Milyen programban vett r6szt Tiam Tiam?

. Teny6szprogramban vett r6szt,
. amelyben a him Yand Guanggal pdrosodva
. kolykoket kellett volna szr,ilnie.
3. Mi tort6nt 2011-ben,6s milyen r6szleteket ismerunk meg a programmal kapcsolatban?
. 2011-ben 6rkeztek az 6ri6s panddk az edinburgh-i 5llatkertbe,
. az6ta hatszor pr6b6ltak segiteni tud6sok a pandap6rnak,
' de mind a hat pr6b6lkoz6s kudarcba fulladt f egyszer sem esett teherbe Tiam Tiam.
4. Mi6rt v6lasztotta az edinburgh-i dllatkert Tiam Tiamot?
. Mert Kin6ban m6r sziilt k6t ut6dot.

Milyen okokat emlitett a sk6t szak6rt6, amelyek a projekt meghirisul6 silhozvezethetett?

. A k6t kontinens klimdja / 6ghajlata 4.
. nagyon kiilonboz6,
. 6s szabadon / a vadonban a pand6k
. nedves 6s hideg id6hozvannak szokva,
. azis lehet, hogy Tiam Tiam elutasitotta a him pand6t / nem volt neki vonz6.
Hogy pr6b5lt6k sikerre vinni id6n a projektet? 2:
. Mesters6gesen p16b6ltdk megterm6kenyiteni
" a him panda DNS-6vel.

7. Miben ktilonbozik aplrvllaszt6s a vadonban 6s az dllatkertben? 2p

" A vadonban a n5st6ny szabadon vflaszthat p6rt,

. az Allatkertben nincs v5laszt6sra lehet6s69.

Mit mondanak az Allaff6d6h mit jelent ez a sikertelens6gsorozat? 3p

. Jelk6nt keliene 6rt6keini,
. miszerint abba kellene hagyni apr6bAlkozAst,
. 6s b6k6n keilene hagynl az dllatokat.

ffi s. BeszrpsnTcs MEGoLCIA$oK

ffi xosya.losstftisalll?fl?zs:a"8

1.]aLu '1aur(UaSlan
>1a3gr glg"rozuodzs >lauaslLIl LI rze6r lpeleuu6au
,(uasran p za

dr largzduas;a^ OO7Z 'g[eq 00t ]ultu qqgl 2uzZS IASaZaAAU e

dr ]lon gteqduPlrgs Ieull.iSa s.l,a,',-r P uaq-S661


dr llo^ uEq-BB6I l:,( t osla ze

- --r -- -lzd
) .1 ) j ld+
>lauza^a laplojraLu zz c,',3,',rzsal (ues;an 't
,:qr-ualdazs e


{1p1.oJzotpzs [0a 'vJn [0a) 4CuiO[uOlOtOW


g :tu gzsluod stl gtutxeu

z s?u9p9zsag
p: ,,,::j:&U


maximSlis pontszdm:20
Milyen furcsas6ggal tal6lkoztak a h6ten a japSn utasok?
30 bar6tsiigos macska 6s kiscica
doromboldsa 6s ny6vogdsa fogadta 6ket.
Mi6rt hozta a szervezet az 6llatokat a vonatra?
Az6rt, hogy felhiqAk a figYeimet
a k6bor macsk6k Prob16mSjira.
Milyen sajn6latos t6nyt emlit abesz6l6 sok tizezer iillattal kapcsolatban?
Minder-r 6vben tobb tizezer k6bor macskdt olnek meg
n menhelyeken.
4. Mi6rt van szriks6g int6zked6sre az allatokkal kapcsolatban? ak
. Mert ez a japAnkorm6ny egyetlen megolddsi lehet6s6ge, Vi
" olyan magas a k6bor macskdk szlma'
s. Mi bizonyitja, hogy a jap5nok szeretik kisAllataikat?
. Japdn vdrosok utc6it j6rva l6thatunk
. sok kutyatulajdonost, amint kedvenceiket s6taltatjek,

. 6s a jap6nok otthonaiban sok macska 6s kismacska 6l'

6. Mi a probl6ma 6ltal6ba n az ajind.6kba kapott 6llatokkal, 6s mit tesznek ilyenkor az

emberek? 2p

. [sokszor) atulajdonos r6unaz dllatra egynap, 5.

. 6s eBY parkban hagyja a kisdllatot'
7. Kit hivnak ilyenko4, hogy kezelje a kialakult probl6m6t, 6s mit tud tenni?
. A helyi hat6s6gokat hivjek,
. dobozokba teszik / csalj6k az 6llatokat,
. menhelyekre viszik 6ket.
kialakult helyzetet kezelni lehessen? 4p
8. Milyen l6p6seket tettek 2004 6ta, hogy a

. 240 000 macsk6t oltek meg / altattak el,

. egyre tobb menhelYet 6Pitenek,
. tobb egy6b projektet is inditottak
. a popul6ci6 csokkent6se 6rdek6ben.


ffi xosyoloe:l,'ts;rugolzsrs'6

>leuue^ uo{9lq919zlaI ]eIn6eu 6aLU

f,I e uEqglellg >lIIuE'4u11oz[u ]a>larequaallrlgd uEdlo )?]]aug (6r ;n6gn
,(6oq 1n119ue
eulo^ >l9n9l8aru /Iell9)zs9Lu
dr wlqwgz:re{ glalaJSaul E
iarrod 0z
')a]]g[9r ']tlele^
di lpzs Sgstdlawlgllatu e lJalusI luau I{ues ruzapr?I )elie)e dZ
6etu roltue

dr fr-urrd8e ru1g1e1J d8n d8eu zsal tuau dZ
I9]lopuo6 ]ze

dg eqgpsour e aruueru ]lala{ r>t ,i:r}t}j?:r^
aulN oziwYzs
D llozDln apt

g :ru gzsluod s!lgtutxeu

z s?lr9p9zsag



Besz6d6rt6s 1
maxim5lis pontszSm:20

t. Mi6rt javitjdk a t6rl6t6st a videojdt6kok a besz6l6 szerint?
. Ki kell fejleszteni a hArom dimenzi6ban litlst /t6rl6t6st,
. maskiilonben nem lehet kovetni mag6t a j6t6kot. 't.
Milyen tov6bbi el6nyokkel jSrhat abesz6l6 szerint az, amrtvideojiit6koz6s kozben l6tunk?
. ElkAprlntathat a tort6net,
. [ami) ak6r egy tort6ne]mi esem6ny is lehet. e
3p 2.
Milyen el6nyei lehetnek annak, ha tort6nelmi esem6nyen alapul a videoj6t6k?

" A tort6nelmi karakterek 6s helyek

' felkelthetik a gyermek 6rdeki5d6s6t
. a kultfra 6s a tort6nelmi h6sok ir6nt.
Mit javasol a besz6l6 a szril6knek, hogyan haszn6lj6k ki ezt a helyzetet? 4p

" Vegyenek konyveket 6s t6rk6peket

. vagy m6s, a )atekhoz kaPcsol6d6,
' tort6nelmi forr6sanyagokat,
. 6s foglaljdk el gyermekiiket a tanul6ssai. 4.

Milyen j6t6kony hat6sa van p6ld6ul a mem6riaj6t6koknak az id6sebbekre? sp

. Az agyuk aktivabb marad / megSrzi frissess6g6t,

. fiatalabb / frissebb marad,
n mint azok6, akik nem j6tszanak,
. Azoknak is segit, akiknek fdjdalommal kell egyutt 6lnitik,
s rnert segit elfelejteni a f6jdalmat.

Milyen el6nyeit emliti abesz6l6 a multiplayer j6t6koknak? 3p

" Lehet6s6get adnak irjfajta tdrsasdgi 6letre,

n amelyben a jAt6kosok egyutt dolgoznak,
" hogy probl6mdkat oldjanak meg'
7. Minek lehet a kataliz6tora a j6t6k?
. H ogy b ar6tok ossze jojj ene k I taliikozzanak (szem6lyes en)'

:.: r;Lii:.,,:i : L$ i.J!.:{,,.,}AStc

xosyotoe:If, s?rulolzs:t8'ol


ueqSg$louleq391n alaz(;aq
dg z^lar4 grazs ra6nry 1la9
e tgS g s qqg sla asUS gra8aur [3oq'uEA ua qle
1S?lAzAA e lsaleB
E gpa>llalua >laparelu rlzssoq
di u91n plo.Jrgtu tBI / ng]p I?r 19 alla^ rol)a

esorgdlgla>1 7t dv
dL rg[ uaq{ad8aq e rgtu a)uell ac lnole

uua;az9r(6 e za dE
d1 lloll9^ lgzpa ual9l llltu glaquozso) )auua

dZ t>lu
dL lglaJualla Ir[9^s avg|\Eal ]auuag gluop9la ze


lauuag wD!ll!/14 g7 :tugzsluod

liozslp{ lglu7q9P tDpDUD>lV

g :r,u gzsluod sllgtulxeu

z s9u?p9zsag

.+.r. , r'

stu0 *!? .:*



i have long been trying to find a job, and I am beginning to think that I will never succeed. I
LrLl. ,

have had a few job interviews, some of which were really terrible.
First I wanted to work as a designer and had had two interviews already at a leading fashion
designer company. Their business partner loved my portfolio, so I thought I would get the
job. The third interview was with the designer's husband, who came in the room and asked
one question: "What's your star sign?" After hearing my reply he turned around and walked
straight out. I was surprised and did not know what was going on. I turned to the business
partner and asked what went wrong. He shook his head and said: "Same as his wife. He won't
have anyone who shares her star sign." And that was it. I did not get the job of course.
My second chance was when I was offered a job interview for an IT company and passed the
first interview well, then had an informal second interview with my potential line manage4
which went even better. They asked me to take lunch with a secretary at a top restaurant -
which went really well - while they discussed my application with the chief executive. I got
back from lunch nervous, but also feeling confident. "The chief executive will see you in ten
minutes," I got my paperwork in order; combed my hair and brushed my teeth. I was really
on fire. I walked into the chief executive's office. "Great to see you." She said. I pulled up a
chair but released the height mechanism by accident. The chair flew up and hit me in the
mouth, knocking out my two front teeth. There was blood everywhere. After the accident the
interview with the chief executive went really well, but when they offered me the job it was on
a terrible salary, so I did not accept their offer.


f. iles;*3gKl($ H,qNsz*s;ivrsr
3*Xt 07$Q;tS V'l S].tx:*:j7$rS', t

dpnl ,{11ear aral\ a^ {ulql I lnq 'pa8euep lo8 Jel srq Jo

:adunq tuo4 aqt pue /laeq^ 8ur"raats aqt uo pEaL{ srLI 1rq puar:;doq ,,(61 delo ara^ a A 'on 'oiq

'lrJrJJoq JaqleJ spunos lEql A\oM

']r Jo {JEq aql olur }LI8u pappr{s a^A os UoLIS oo} seltn alue}srp aq}
1nq,{lalerpauur sa>lerq aqt uo padun{ aq oS 'Ual urn} ol3ur}rem 6p1g a8nq e sE^ araql'lllq
IIeus e Ja^o auref, a,^ se pue >lJep z{pearle sel ll 'la,nn .,{ra,r 'd;a.t a;a^,u, speoJ aqJ dplcrnb alrnb
u^ op ols ol pEq aq 'a8e11rzr Ileus e olur 3ur11nd aJa^ a^ uaqm uaql pue lseJ oo1 Surnr;p se.,vr.
aq tnq 'aprJ E uo atu lool aq o5 go pnord u{11ear se^ aq qJIq^\ arualrl Surnup srq lo8 puau;doq
du 'BI lnoqe se^ J uaql ']uaprJJE JEf, e ur :a8uassed e se^ I aJuo lng 'leql a>1r1 Surqlog

6luapDJe Jel e peq ;arra nou( a.teg ano,{ lnoqE leqM 'sno}rlxeleJ Jo uos
'lrq E se^ ll lnq snJo due ol uaddeq plnoJ qlrq,t alelsrru luaf,ouur ue lsnI se,A ]r ',r,rou1 1 a,rou1 I

;z(uun; punos l,usaop leqr 'po8 f- qO


'JEr aql dn paqserus pue

Jeq purqaq uosrad eql olur lq8re:1s alorp eqs pue lea8 p;ezr,nroJ ul JI se -A\ouI no,{- Suraup lsnI
sB^ aqs JEJ eql pauels aqs uaql 'asJaAaJ olur Jel aLIl lnd pue pasnJuoc 1oB a,req ]sntrt aqs lnq
pauaddeq teq^ aas dlDexa t.uplnor I ""'lel req ur dpel p1o leql se^ a"raqt lnq 'q8ne1 l,uplnoqs I.

1 rrnoul I 'lueprJlB lrJJeJl duunl z(11ea.r srql I uaq^ {ro^ ol derr,t lru uo SE,\\ I 'iep -raq1o aq1


Hangz6sziiveg 1

What aspects of Hungarian culture do you enjoy?

I like the countryside of Hungary and the amount of untamed woodland. I have lived here for
a year now and visited the Bakony region often to go for walks. It is fun because they have
painted direction signs on the trees and it is still easy to get lost. But I like the feeling of being
allowed to find your own way and the freedom. I have also cycled down to the Balaton quite a
few times, and really enjoy the views and being able to cool off in the lake's water. It is nice to
see so many people keeping fit too on the cycle path.

Is there anything you do not really like about life in Hungary?

What I don't like here is nearly getting run over at level crossings. When I am in Britain, the
law is that you must wait until the cars have come to a full stop before you cross the road. In
Hungary drivers race down the road at you and wave you across as they slow down and then
trust that you can get to the other side of the street without falling over.

Ah, that is funny ond sad at the same time. Anything else you can tell us? What else do you find

There doesn't seem to be so many rules here. At first it was great to be free and I felt a bit like I
had come to the wild west or east. But now I miss some of the rules I had to live with in Britain
because I learnt that rules also give you the feeling ofbeing safe and secure.

How do you like the Hungarian food?

I don't like sour cream it gives me stomach ache. I have the same problem with the soups
that are too thin like water; they are full of spices. Hungarian food tastes really rich and is
full of flavour and I think fat, but all of this is just too much for my stomach. I am just a poor
Englishman who has been used to a bland English diet. The most exciting we get is a Sunday
roast, it has potatoes, chicken and vegetables and if it is too dry you add gravy.

t. gr$etraExTEs I'iAl',i&zOszovEGE
ffi rssnozsozeNvHs;Lu3o3zslr'u

'atu uaddeq slql lal aA.I arup dluo eql trou sI slq]

puv .fqBIU rueg e dlpqre sem lq8rg aql 'araql sea\ auo ou r{qm ol se uaq} pauoqsanb I uaq/v\
paq3nel tsn[ stue8e ale8 aqt - tqBIU urdg e searr lq8noql I ]eqm roJ uoouJaue aql ul dre8ung
,lsadepng ur lqfirg e rog dn pertoqs I aJuO 'ua1sr{s 4rolr rnoq tZaql ol uo I{Jtrer }ou plp I asnelaq
slqBIU passltu azr,1 uea^[ e setuq dueu dg 1 asneoaq - Sutsseuequa pue ,{uun; qlocl sI sIqJ

7sauols p^Drl fuunl [utt amtl no[ oq

' sedeleutg aql Jo sped dueru pue ledap sE IIa^A se nrad

ur sapuv qBrq aqr ur araq,u,lue sr uoqeullsap palue^ lsour dru os 'rg;er1 uor; ,{ena.e 'aldoad
uo"g deate ,a;11d11ep r{e,r,te ulelunoul e uo q8rq ru,l uaqm eleq I leql uol}eJldsut aql a.to1
.surelunou Surqrurp anol I 'surelunolu InJl]neaq ur dn q8rq araqmdue st aceld a1r:no,ire; d6

lpuotvt aqt u! ilDld alunonnt tno{ sr ataq,1,1

'allql\ lJoqs E JoJ JI uana rol >lleq al.uoJ o] areld e aleq ol allu
sr]r aurl arues aqt le ta.,('sdr"rl;a8uo13ur1el alol I - pEorqe sqluoru g puads 1l,t'r 1 '9197 .,(Fea (
u1 :a3uo1 stead aruo5 :eaz( qrea Jo sqluoru g-h peoJ eql uo uaaq al,l ',u.ou s:eal a,la; e altnb rog
:8 a

lpDoJqD 4rott puD attl nof op n n4tnd4toq o nof, aty

'drqsuazrllc uellell eleq osle 1 tanaa,toll 'VSn eql ul u-Ioq se^ I


iwotl awoc nof op f4unoc WlqM'aADO oS



What ore the most interesting jobs you have had?

Well the job I have done for the longest time was care work, where I looked after people
with learning disabilities. I really enjoyed it because I could share my life who had little to
look forward to in their own. You were there to help them to live a more full life and do more
interesting things.

How could these disabled people cope with everyday problems?

Sometimes they had difficulties understanding a Iot of things so you had to guide them through
day to day activities like cooking, cleaning or doing shopping. At other times you could help
them to go on more exciting activities like taking a train ride, or going on a holiday to an activity
centre where they took people in wheel chairs canoeing or rock climbing or sailing.

What did you like most about it though?

What was nicest about it was just getting to know the people and caring about them, helping
them to eat or read stories and you felt useful. You knew you were doing a good job when you
saw them smile or laugh.

What else have you doneT

Well I have cut the branches of apple trees, which was probably the job I have most enjoyed.
I used to travel in a Land Rover every morning to start work at B am. As it was winter the
apple orchard was covered in frost, and as we used saws to cut the branches our fingers would
be freezing cold as the frost bit them. But by 11 am it had thawed and then the sun looked
beautiful through the trees and I felt so lucky to be alive being there.

Anything else you loved doing?

Oh yes. I adored volunteering. This was for a national park near where I lived. We used to go to
some forests and cut down trees, clear out ditches or make paths.

3. 3r$;r0gRTe s l.{ANs;0szovg$r
&^ jr


Hangz6sziiveg 1

1 i'il. .-

So what can you tell me about your travel experiences as a child? B:

S er'. :- .

When I was a child we used to go on holiday to the west coast. Basically my mum and her
partner drove in a car towing the caravan behind it and we drove for about 2 hours. It was a
long and boring journey but the scenery was beautiful near the coast and we all tried to be the
rl ,,-'
first to spot the sea.
\\,'. _

So after the long journey you must have been happy to arrive. L-rl':::

Oh yes, very! When we parked up in the campsite it was very exciting as we were allowed
to jump out of the car and run down to the beach to play there, This usually meant playing
football with a beach ball, exploring or digging channels in the sand and making sand castles, B:
I .-. --- -
i, :'
And how did you spend most of the time there in such a faraway place?

B: -.
Quite often nothing very much happened on these holidays. It was always raining and n'e
would have to stay in the caravan and talk or play a card or board game. B:

So did you always stay in Britain for your holidays?

No, not always. Later on we went on a trip to Australia to visit my mum's family there - he:
parents and her sister and cousins. We had a long flight of 23 hours and stopped once in ,:'
Bangkok airport. Here we were met by a wall of humid and hot air as we got off the plane anc
had a few hours to wait. It was 1993 and there were some video arcade machines whrch nt"
younger brother and I played on. And then we wandered off looking at things in the shops, i
accidentally touched a pewter vase which was on another stack of vases and the whole vase
display fell down. I backed away hoping no one had seen it but it made a really big crash, so I
ended up running back to my mum to tell her what had happened. l;


,3. Se $Zi:0e n{L$ l"lA}'lSZ0$fO\ri:Gf

3 $:3t10;$Q731'{Yll S3l-X3S ;l7S3C'f

'sn aql ul plp a1\^ leq \Jo z/rTnoqe puads a1\^ pue spooJ uoJluor
pauodrur aruos q1zvr al,,ilsaJll uerrreruv quoN aJoru B alrl aA fldeaqr araq aAII uer aldood

lD)turaoe ut 6urtrl lo lsn aql sr lDqA

'qluoru "rad 96'1ggg Sn roJ asnoq qleq-Z 'tuoorpeq-t actu r{;arr e lual Fllua.rrno a41

Futoll o 1ueuat no[ ato n 1q1noq nof anoq'0ursnoq floqD lDqtl

.{:al aq plno^
qsruedg ;o a8palrr,roul auos Suureg 'aloaJr >1eads slelol 1nq Suuleads qsrlSug sI ef,Iuluoq

2a6on6uo1 lmol aqi 4oads ol tuoltodrul s,1! 4ulw nof op puo a6on0uDl lmq aql4nads nof oq

acuar:adxa Jno lnoqe sallrue IeJaAas ua]lrJ^ osle aAEq I 'eJIuItuoC

'sledxa raqto dlaq o1
Suurou lnoqe {ooBa ue uallrJm aleq I 'puelsr aql ol Sutruoo acuts SuEtr^ uaaq aAEq I

2aruocur to ad,h fun aaotl no,( og lDitutruo1 ut 6umr1 tnof a4ow nof op mog

'ta8 ot r(sea
druaprsa; a1dur5 'ssauISnq Sutuels ro
uortrsod papaau e 3ur1g; a:e nod ssalun ta8 ol preq aq uer daql 'sltrurad IJo^ aleq tou op aA

tllruJad 1ur4tottt D Jo DSIA o la6 ol pJDq 4 sD,M

all ueql,{e.t,r elqeulelsns

'S'n aql ut 3uu.t1 aJa^
aJoru e ur a;r1]arnb alrl ol aceld
E e se lr es aAA'puEISr aq] qllfl\ anol ut IIaJ pue sdeprloq
uo aJaq auol o] pesn e A 'EorurruoC ol 8ur:rlar ]noqe {urql ol ue8aq a,an o8e s'tea,r{ 1e;airag

lD)rututo1 ur 6urt11lo Dapt aql qlm dn aruot nof prp uaq,M

7 6engzsgz6ueH


r ft,.-'-r


Iwill always remember visiting my aunt in Australia when I was a child. It was really hot at: '.
she picked us up at the airport. We drove north of Sydney to the house where they llved .-- :
Gosford. The next day when we had got over our jetlag and tiredness we explored the properr"
it was a big house with a swimming pool and lots of rooms. It also had a big field out the bac.-
with a Iittle brook running through it. My grandfather who lived there used to get up earlr' r:

the mornings and spend half the day mowing the field in his ride on lawnmower.

One day he asked me to go and collect the post from the mailbox at the bottom of the dri.' =
but to be careful and watch out for spiders. I did not really know what he meant but I carefui-
Iifted the lid of the mail box and inside I saw a giant huntsman spider spreading its long leg.
and a bright green tree frog.

On another day it was very good weather so we wanted to go for a swim in the pool. But '"'.
were told we had to clean it first, This meant using a net to catch the funnel web spiders, rvhtc '
had climbed down under water and were living there against the wall. We found three of tl-ie ::
and they are some of the most deadly spiders in the world. My uncle sadly had to kill the::
though because they were too dangerous to just let go free.

In spite of all the hideous animals, I loved Sydney. It is a bit depressing to think how far r': .

are from your beloved ones in Europe, but at least you can break away from your everydal' l -' =
as when you are awake there, people in Europe are asleep so they won't bother you while

are on holiday.

" rrtrSZtir {r iS :
s aJ'daql
'spleluJaiu aplll a{ll laal daql pue 'Sulluruu
'sppt roJ uearp aqr s,trl
,srritr qrr^A .suods op 01 s'r' Bunod se'e.rnocua d11ea.r rI
la'roJ [aq]

ia4q srawolsnc tno[

ato W4t1A

o3 ol la8
o18ur1aa; unJ e s']l '1se; d11ea'r
.dpoq a-rgua rnod;o lualua^olll aaem 3tq slql alualJadxa
']Jels nod uaql suIJ Jallelus asn a A
SuBsaralut d11ea-l s,leq^A
nod teqt sr ]ualua^oul slql ]noqE :g

s ol prDtl l! sl
iuo 0utt4 wql q1ll tiltlt

.1ood auo ur oSertq3 uI palJels lI ',o8e s:ea[ om] ]noqe
os '9102 d;en'rqag ul ll pauels I
a^A A oN :g

artoq 0uo1 t'ttog

i.Y 6utoP uaaq nof

yods stqtr
.Jlasdlu;aqtaSol sSurqllnd o] pauels I 'pultu dtu;o 1no ssanS 1 - _: -
auesaq uoos ]r puE
'lf pn'{ofua d11eer I pue ']l pa4l aldoad'unJ sel^
pal,aJl I pue Jaru.Ilrms poo8 Buaaq sdeanle ",,,1 Sutllaporil sEA I
ue op o] aul pa>lse pual4 e pue
ll .lle] preluJalu e ur uotssas oloqd Jale^Japun :g

Zstql uDls nof PrP ur

'dlppressaullJes,ll'llelpleluJalueqll1!\luIMSoJaldoadq3Ea]3AA'1q8us'leql'sa]11:g ui

'lootps ptDwJaw o unt nof 'tpJaJJoJ poo$Japun

g 6angzsgz6ueH


Hangz6sziSveg 1 Th

What are some characteristics of your personality?

I guess I am kind, and I think I am patient but it depends on the situation.
with nice people I p€
am, but with rude or offensive people I am not'

makes you
Oh, I guess it is hard for most of us to stay calm when we meet rude people' And what
my mood are things I
I guess happiness is a difficult thing to define, but the things that lighten tI
the comfort of being
I find are good jokes that make me laugh, a Ioving relationship, and also
at home,

So you ore not much into loud activities?

Oh no, not at all. In general, peace and quiet is a happy state to
find myself in, which sometimes
in the evening that I
requires listening to music to calm down after a busy day' I love knowing
have nothing else to do but sit in my armchair and read a great book.

Are you happy with your personality? Would you like to be different?

I would Iike to be less anti-social and enjoy other people's company more'
If I am honest I
about myself' For
usually just want to be alone, which is a bit sad. Also I do not like talking
example, I am shywhen I am asked questions about myself,like noW
or in new social situations
such as with strangers'

If you could change any aspect of your personality, what would it be?

people, and somehow
I would love to have the ability to make friends easily. I cannot open up to
I have to Iearn to trust
I do not trust them. Yes, this is something I would really love to change'
others...and of course, mYself.

6. Be$79tr8&?rs LiAl{Gee$}*ve{j:

il33A07S0?31,{V'r S?:U?0?7S38'9


lnesoulp e a>lII Sulqlaluos $lool - IE3-I sI oloqd aql JI - ,,aISSaN,, 'Jale^ aq] .:
Jo lno dn Sutprls peaq llerus e pue llau 3uo1 e ^
oqs o1 sulaas 1t luoa8lns uopuo'l e [q Vt.Of
ur ualel se^ IIE yo t-r1oqd snoueJ lsotu aqJ 'leer se^ oloqd aq] leq] ples {Bpo}I lnq teal3 lou
sea,r oloqd aqJ 'saJla1l] 00I lnoqe Jo aJuelslp e ruo4 ralsuotu aq] Jo ,,oloqd,, ]SJIJ aql lool uelu
e,EE6I ul .ool auo uaas peq daqr lEql pres aldoad teqlo lera^as flaletpautul lalsuolu e uaas
peq .,{aqr }eql pres ,e>lel aql uo leoq e ur lno 'ueru aaJql 10t6I ul sa,tau 8tq aueraq Qldu aq1

'aldoad {q ueqr daaqs dq a:ou pelrqequr pue 'plol d11eraua3 puE la^ 'pauopueqe pue
plr^ se.A puellols Jo r.{uoN aql :araql oB ol uosea.r due peq osla auo-oN 'spuelMo'l qslllols aq}
spuelq8rH aql o] luan\ rano aldoad
Jo sarlrf, aql ruo4 slerlrJJo ro srarplos ldacxa""puellors ;o I
.ua; drazr 'r{e.nrr1te; aql Jo a8e aql Il}ufl 'ule}IJg Jo lsal eql tuo4 dem 3uo1 dran e sI ssaN q3o'I
:uoseal aldurs auo toJ puelSug ur u1!\oul-lla,{. ,r{;arr }ou se^ .Ialsuotu aql Jo z{'ro1s aql la^a^\oH

'aroPlloJ qsl]lors
ur sarJnluaf, dueru JoJ palsrxa z{luregar seq lr :sdep asor{l ul palslxa dpea.ile pua8al aql sdeqra6
.sseN JaArJ aLIl ul Surrururms se^^ aq alrql ralsuou e ,r(q pal3elle se^^ uEuI e A\oq saqIJJSap
ralu,t eql aJeq^ g99 read aql ul uarrJm lxal e ur sI Jalsuou aql Jo ,{"tols uallllA\ }SJII aq.I

g Eangzsgz6ueH

M 8x

Hangz6sziiveg 1

So what iob did You have as a student?

Well, when I was 18, I had a job in a shoe museum on a Saturday
or a SundaY while I was
studying in college in my home town during the week'

Welt, that cloes not sottnd very exciting at oll'

it wasn't but that was why it was perfect for me, all I had to do was nothing at all
Very occasional people would visit the shoe museum and then you had
to be pleasant and
and tell them when the
welcome them, perhaps direct them up the staircase to the exhibition
Shoe factory was started, and maybe sell a postcard or two. The
rest of the time I had free to
study and do homework.

So when was the Shoe factory started? I guess you still remember'

Of course I do. lt was founded by two brothers in 1834' When it began it was only the two
now they are a world-
brothers. A f'ew years later they had half of the village employed, and
wide company.

Did you ever meet anyone from the Clarks family, the founders' I mean?

indeed, we
well most of the time I worked with one of two elderly iadies Eileen or Joan' Well,
were in their 70s
did not reaily work as they were quite eiderly. we talkedl I was 16 and they
interesting lives
or Bgs so there was a big age difference but we could still talk. They had had
and the local area
which they told me about, and I learnt a lot about the history of Clarks Shoes
from them. They also talked about their children's lives who were all grown
:j*3^$;s*:seti.l t?lx;(x$;x'r

'Suraas LIuo^\ ila^

'rulrJ roloq
pelrEtep pue daap.r{11ensnun ue sr slq}'lle ul IIV'8urd;rr.roq z(1a1n1osqe sE aqrl3sap
plno^ 1 leqr SulUlou lnq 'sluaruoru z{1oods aruos oJe ereqJ 'umol3 aql asl^n,{uua4 Surd;ural
aqt se .{.un3 turl pue lJa}rqJre InJSSaJJns e se Jal}rg uqo{ dllenadsa 'poo8 ,{ra.t st 8ut1ce aq1

'aa.rds Suqlt>l reln8a: sll JoJ sua{eme aJou af,uo }I uaq^ Jalsuotu eql lno
>lees ol alrun-al z{aq1 rnq 'dn ua,torS IIe aJe ua^as aqt talel sread d1JIq1 'adersa ol saSeuetu }snI
lr lnq ']l 11q ll"reau dran pue qlJeas daql 's:ead,{rrtqr z(;ane sua>1e^ e LIrIq^ ra}suoru e u(q auop
uaaq aleq 1{3rru }nq laJapJnu e Jo IJoM aql lou are s8utllt>1 pllq3 }ua:al }Pql asIIEal un\o}
'sarJas-ruru ued o^ l E a>{II sdola.r,ap d-ro1s aq1
IIErus E ul spl>l ualas;o dno.r8 e ?leq lsJrJ aq] ul
dlsnorrelrq aJe sJaJJeleqr aql z{11ensn arurs 'tu1; Jorloq e ur ,i{llerradsa aJEJ sI qlIqA 'sJa}IeJELIJ
aqt Io spuru aqt olur 1a3 .{11ea: ot sn ot s^ olle d.ro1s aqt go qrdap aqt 'oslv 'sluapIJUI Sut8e8ua
Jo IInJ pue tseJ sr drols aq] esneJaq,{11:rnb z(q sao8 arutl Sutuunr rnoq -aarql aql 'saplsag
pue slsr^ l aql IIe ur 4red ol aturl Suruun; qlnu os speeu uorsJal LuIIJ aql leql Sutsudrns dip.teq
sr tr '.{'rots s}l IIal o1 sa8ed 000'T re^o sa>lel paseq st lI qrII{A\ uodn looq aql leql Suuaptsuoc
lana^ oH 'ru1; 8uo1.lalo uE sl rullJ 1sa1e1 s,8ury uaqdalg leql pauleldruo: aneq sctltrc ,{ue61

7 6angzsgz6ueH

Hangz6sziiveg 1

Tian-Tian, which means Sweetie in Chinese, is the Giant female panda at Edinburgh Zoo. Tian-
Tian this week has failed again to give birth to young called cubs.

She has been part of a breeding program where she and a male Panda, called Yang Guang,
were brought together to make babies. The male Panda, however did not like the idea and so
science had to be used to help Tian Tian become pregnant. This process has taken a long time
and lots of work. Since the giant pandas arrived in the Edinburgh Zoo in207L, this is the sixth
occasion when scientists have tried with the Giant Pandas and the trial has failed the sixth time
to produce a successful pregnancy.

The Giant Pandas are on a 1O-year loan from the Breeding Centre in China. It costs Edinbugh
Zoo 8640,000 per year. Tian Tian was originally chosen by EdinburghZoo because in China,
which is her home country she had already produced two cubs. Veterinarians thought it was
likely she would go on to have further offspring.

Barbara Smith, the chief executive of the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland explained that
the biology behind the experiment is complex and there are many factors that can influence a
successful birth. For one thing, the climates of the two continents are very different, and you
may think this could be a factor but experts say that in the wild they are used to cold and wet
conditions. Another effect may be that Tian Tian has physically rejected the male Panda, Yang

This year again she had to be made pregnant artificially, but using Yang Guang's DNA. In the
wild the females can choose their mates but in the Zoo they have no choice.

Animal rights groups say that these forced pregnancy experiments by the zoo are wrong. They
say this sixth failure to produce any result should be taken as a sign to stop and to leave both
to live in peace.

$. &fSre|}[RiLS lrANGZOIT-OV[ C€
393A0us0usliv!{ $a:x303zs3s

'sJOSUOds alelodJol ou
,aueJ pue azrs s]r alrdsao 'sJo]r]aduol
JoJ a]eJ anJr E sureural IIr]s 1r
eJe aJaqr se fruo sJnaleue
pue salnultrl 9 'slnoq z Jo atull
ispuoJas It
uol se^A asEJ aq1 'af,ue1sut
JoJ's66I ul'sl,oq lensnun Jaqlo
,l,oquoSe;p asautqf e dq
e ul
pue.sdrqsSuolSur4r,losleaJeaJaq],S]eoq8ut.m,or.,{reutproaJelsoulallqM'S]eoq;o,,{1at:el aq] Ja^o
aql qll^^ 'lua^e lnJJnolol dran e auolaq seq 11 'sread
InJJapuoM , ,otleit"r'"d
']sea aql uI 's{lop uopuol 3q} se leJ
sqJnqns uJelsa^^ aq] ul 'puoluqllu
,salrru 01 a^eq sluedtctl-ted 'uopuo'l Jo
se zz sleoqJlaql
,lea,{ q]ea oS Ja}e^^ uo
Sp^^oJ3 :aqrualdeS ur deprnle5 auo
qSno:qt SauEqI aql ault aldoad Jo auo s^eq satlt: 8tq [ue61
,pue1 [:p uo auo - o^^} seq uopuol 1a]e] .,uor{}eJ€u,, Ienuue
Jaq}o aq]



Hangz6sziiveg 1

This week passengers of a Sunday train in Japan were greeted by purrs and meows of 30
friendly cats and kittens as they were boarding the train. Why? Because they were all stray
cats and a special animal centre the Kitten Cafe Sanctuary had bror-rght them on board to raise
awareness of the problem of homeless cats.

Every year tens of thousands of cats who do not have a home are killed in animal shelters,
which is the only option of the fapanese government because of the large numbers of cats in
Japanese cities.

So why is there such a problem in Japan? Mostly the ]apanese love their pets and if you take a
walk down any city street you can see pet owners walking their dogs, or if you visit a home you
rnzill see pet cats or krttens.

Howeve[ people can have very busy ]ives in Japan, so they cannot look after their pets any

Sometimes pets are given oniy as presents. The person who receives the gift of a dog or a cat
becomes bored with it one day and decides to leave it in a park somewhere. It then becomes a
stray cat or dog and joins many other hundreds ofabandoned pets in that park.

Local authorities are called in to deal with the problem and they then trap them in boxes and
take them away to shelters. If the shelters can't find a home for the cats - which is likeiv because
there are so fer,v of them - the cats are killed sadly usually by gas.

Since 2004 when 240000 cats were culled, more shelters have been built slowly and projects
to reduce the cat population from reproducing also have been put in place.
:ct: A r.7en7:\\:ttu c: lr::'::7c:1 ii

1oB noz{ pJo^ lueuodur srql ureal

ol aJns aleu s.{ea,rle oS '-rnoq JIeq e JaAo IIal {ool salnunu g sdeqrad ua1e1 aleq plnoqs leql

issaslns ,,']aso13 JalE^ ,, JoJ

uorlerlaJqqe aq] Suruearu 'pa1se uetu aqt ,,all ,, 'lallol e ;oy u8rs aqt parueduroroe dllensn 1eq]
ueruom pue uetu Ilrls aqlJo arnlcrd e arp anr uaq^ se,^ ssoJoe a8essau aql lo8 dlleury reqpl
'ure^ ur spaau rraql alelrunu[uoJ o] Jo
Iurql plnor r(aqf Sulqilra^a perrl spuer4 Surleads-aseulqf d61 'saadoldua >lsE ol3ur.{rl aroJaq
'u8rs aler;do.rdde ue Suraas lnoqll^\ salnurru g7 sdeqrad JoJ IIEIU aql punoJe peJepue^ a A
,,'urooJ ]ser,, JoJ pJo,il eql l eu>I euo ou pezrleeJ e^n 'auoeruos ISe ol lual al uaql lalal oH

d.ro1e,te1 e purJ ol
leap 3iq,{ue aq Suqulql'11eu Surddoqs lsareau aq} olul }uazllr snJo aaJqJ 'tuooJq}eq
l,uplno^ 1r
aql llsll ol papaau aq papnap spuarq lru go auo 'ue,rx u^ olu^ op ui Surddoqs aJaM anr allql
'ale)runuuoJ ol spuor4 ]uonu arou dru uo lol e parlal pue 'atul]
aql ]e asaurr.{f qJnu ^{;arr,r,rou>1l,uplp 1 dlrsranrun le sem I allql\ eulqS ol du} z(pn1s e uo lua^ I

7 6angzsgz6ueH




Hangzosziiveg 1

We have all heard about the bad effects of video games. Howeven I was surprised to read about
a number of benefits they can have.

Video games improve your vision because you have to develop the ability to see in three
dimensions otherwise you cannot follow the game itself. Moreove[ what you actually see,
might make you fascinated with the story, which could be on some historical event. Many
games use historical events to drive their stories. Those characters and places can then make
the gamers and children interested in discovering more about the culture and the history of
their heroes. It is a good idea for parents to buy books, maps, and other resources connected
to games and engage the children with learning, which can lead to a lifetime love for history.

Another benefit is that the so-called "brain games" with problem-solving, memory, and puzzle
components have a positive benefit on older players. Their brains remain more active and
younger compared to those who do not play video games. It also helps elderly people if they
have to live with pain because playing makes them forget about the pain.

Also many people say that gamers do not socialize. But the opposite is actually true. Multi-
player games is a new way of socializing in which players work together to solve problems. But
studies have shown games can also be the catalyst for friends to gather in person: roughly 70
percent of all players play with friends at least some of the time.


rerAgzsgzaNvH sSru3oJzs:ltl'oI

'"'auDJLlJoJ alppg

.s3urpuels dtqsuotdureqr plJo^ aLIl uI p,al slq aJnras o1

uot]tsod lear8
,)aNtp nn1o[a,;
oql'Iepol oa1ol u1
s,fl\oJJoulo] JoJ uollesr;rpnb IeuIJ
durer ur aoeld 4ool xrJd pueJg eseuedeI
pue satnulu xs rano dq
,urlr{JJo fasra( mo11ad aql a>lq ol pnads Sutq]auos a{e} IIIllrII
aull Surqsrur; o1 dn qunlc daals '3uo1
JnoI aql speal rsaffg 'uns loq aql ul salt1ll ?BI JauE aleq
^^ou uelFll aql pue sulelunolu aq] paJalua dpearp
e JeUe aceld 1s:r; >lool IsaJeg o3uerJuelc af,ueJg ut dels all
slsrlcdc t L aq,L'ace1d >{oo1 a( rnol aql Jo a8els qgr; aq} depol aJaqm
'lauuag deld 11urr oq^ aPIlaP
pou sueJIJauIV o/vq
oJJotuol purJ-rluas puo3as aql uI deld 1[arr uoslIAA peJg pue JaBue'I
otr A pue d:opur
aq] uaaq a^eq plno3 slq1leql pappe
aql xalur^\ lsEI qseol srq Sur8ueql Jo llnsal
slqqlyv\pa1q8r1apsB^^aqpleslauuag.S}asJnoJuIJaIlnJczuloHradeldsSUv\Saq}atuosla^o ulo4 plo-Jea[-tz
.sued ul read 1se1 punoJ trsJIJ aq] uI ualEaq sefl\ oI{^^ 'fre8p3
o1 pa8eueur


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