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Politician’s Accomplishments for Halalan 2022

Accomplishments gives us a great satisfaction. We all work hard to accomplish thing that we
wanted to have in our lives. One of my greatest accomplishment is that, I am able know how to look
at the next leader who will lead the country and its people democratically. I learned that there are
three accomplishment a leader must have: Academic Excellence, Professional Excellence and Moral
Excellence. Since the Halalan 2022 is nearing, I am here to discuss these three characteristic to help
the people to decide rationally.

When I was a kid, I always wondered why famous people always win the executive position
in the government. Until one day, I realized it is fame of the candidate. When a candidate is well
known, the people will eventually vote for him or her even if they are not knowledgeable enough to
lead the 101.8 million Filipino because they have money to use to gain the attention of the voters.
According to Global Finance Magazine, Philippines is in the rank 75 in terms of poverty. Poverty is
everywhere in this country and politicians uses that to take advantage to the people. And because we
are thirsty for good governance, we tend to think that those candidate who gave us a sack of rice and a
5,000 pesos can lead the country sufficiently.

As we aim for good governance, we closed our eyes for true leaders. In the Debate Speech of
Miriam Defensor Satiago on Halalan 2016, I found the basis of the leader that I am looking for.
Senator Miriam said that a leader must have these three essential characteristic to lead the country.
The Academic Excellence, Professional Excellence and Moral Excellence. The next leader of the
people should be characterize by Academic Excellence, the one that is outstanding in the class and not
the one those who fool around. Second is Professional Excellence, whatever your profession is, you
should always think and enjoy the reputation for good honest work from your colleague. Lastly, the
Moral Excellence, the leader should live their lives in such a moral way that where they can always
face our creator and tell him that " I did my best for your created glory and the salvation of my soul".

Filipino people should also be accountable to their actions and duties as the citizen of the
country. We should all learn to open our eyes because in that way no one can step on our dignity and
take advantage of our situation. Choosing a leader who will lead a million people is like choosing the
best for your family. We should not give the country's future in the hand of a violators, corrupt and
irresponsible leader. We should all remember that the foremost requirement to change our society is
to change ourselves.

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