Kendriya Vidyalaya No - 3 Bhubaneswar PERIODIC TEST - 1 (2021-22) Class-VIII Subject - Science Full Marks-40 Time-90 Minutes Section - A 1 1

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PERIODIC TEST – 1 (2021-22)

Class- VIII Subject- Science Full Marks-40 Time-90 Minutes
1 Which one of the following condition is not essential to grow maize? 1
(a) High temperature
(b) Humidity
(c) Low temperature
(d) Rainfall
2 Why a farmer should adopt sprinkler system than pulley system? 1
(a) Sprinkler system reduces wastage of water.
(b) Sprinkler system decreases water requirement of the crops.
(c) Sprinkler system increases water absorption capacity of the crops.
(d) Sprinkler system provides excess water to the crops for high productivity.
3 The gas released during the preparation of bread is 1
(a) oxygen
(b) carbon dioxide
(c) nitrogen
(d) sulphur dioxide
4 What is true about the communicable disease ‘dengue’? 1
(a) It occurs due to female Aedes mosquitos that act as carrier of dengue virus.
(b) It occurs due to male Aedes mosquitos that act as carrier of dengue virus.
(c) It occurs due to male Anopheles mosquitos that act as carrier of dengue virus.
(d) It occurs due to female Anopheles mosquitos that act as carrier of dengue virus.
5 The uniform of firemen are made up of synthetic fibres and have coating of 1
melamine plastic. What is the likely characteristic that melamine plastic has that
makes it ideal to make uniform for firemen?
(a) It is a poor conductor of heat.
(b) It is a good conductor of heat.
(c) It absorbs all the heat.
(d) It reflects all the heat.
6 In chemical laboratories, many salts like ammonium nitrate are stored in plastic 1
containers instead of metals. What can be a likely reason for the same?
(a) Plastic is less expensive than metal.
(b) Plastic is easier to handle than metal.
(c) Plastic gets rusted in the presence of air.
(d) Plastic does not react with other substances.
7 A student classifies chromium as ductile but not carbon. What explains the 1
(a) Chromium can be drawn into thin wires, but carbon cannot.
(b) Chromium can be made into thin sheets, but carbon cannot.
(c) Chromium can be beaten to make sound, but carbon cannot.
(d) Chromium can be plated over other metals, but carbon cannot.
8 Two elements X and Y are reacted with oxygen to form their respective oxides. 1
They are then dissolved in water. Element X forms a hydroxide which is basic in
nature. Element Y forms an acid. What can element X and Y be classified as?
(a) X – metal; Y – non-metal
(b) X – non-metal; Y – metal
(c) X – metal; Y –metal
(d) X – non-metal; Y – non-metal
9 Which element can displace copper from the copper sulphate solution? 1
(a) Gold
(b) Platinum
(c) Iron
(d) Silver
10 Which resource is an inexhaustible natural resource? 1
(a) Coal
(b) Natural gas
(c) Petroleum
(d) Solar energy
11 Under which conditions does coal formation take place from plant and animal 1
(a) high temperature and high pressure
(b) high pressure and cold surroundings
(c) low pressure and high temperature
(d) low pressure and cold surroundings
12 When petroleum and natural gas are extracted through the rock layers, natural gas is 1
found to be present above the oil. What explains the observation?
(a) They have different mass.
(b) They have different densities.
(c) They have different physical state.
(d) They have different amount of impurities.
Organic farming is an agricultural system which originated early in the 20th century in reaction to
rapidly changing farming practices. About 2.78 million hectares of farmland was under organic
cultivation as of March 2020, according to the Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare.
Organic farming is a production system which avoids or largely excludes the use of synthetically
compounded fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators, genetically modified organisms and livestock
food additives. Organic farming system rely upon crop rotations, use of crop residues, animal manures,
legumes, green manures, off farm organic wastes, bio fertilizers etc. to maintain soil productivity and
tilth to supply plant nutrients and to control insect, weeds and other pests.
13 Find the correct sequence 1
(a) Ploughing → Sowing → Adding manure → Irrigation → Harvesting
(b) Ploughing → Adding manure → Sowing → Irrigation → Harvesting
(c) Ploughing → Irrigation → Adding manure → Sowing → Harvesting
(d) Irrigation → Ploughing → Adding manure → Sowing → Harvesting
14 Find the incorrect sentence from the following. 1
(a) Manure provides humus to the soil.
(b) Manure and Fertilizers increase the yield.
(c) Manure and fertilizers are used in small quantity.
(d) Fertilizers are environment friendly.
15 What is the advantage of using manure for a longer time? 1
(a) It will improve the texture and water retention.
(b)It will decrease the number of earthworms in the soil.
(c) It will make the soil more compact to hold more water in roots.
(d) It will increase particular chemicals in the soil to increase the yield.
16 Choose the correct natural method we should adopt for replenishment of soil 1
(a) sowing seeds that are healthy
(b) growing the same crops every year
(c) growing different crops alternatively
(d) supplying water to crops at regular interval.

17 Which micro-organism is responsible for the disease? 1

(a) Bacteria
(b) Virus
(c) Fungi
(d) Protozoans
18 Name the pathogen that is responsible for the disease. 1
(a) HIV
(b) SARS-Cov-2
(c) Hepatitis-B
(d) Polio
19 India rolled out the world's largest vaccination drive to vaccinate its people against 1
the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Which of the following vaccine is not
associated with Covid-19?
(a) Covaxin
(b) Covishield
(c) Moderna
(d) Sputnik-V
(e) BCG
20 How does vaccine protect the human body? 1
(a) by producing suitable antibodies.
(b) by killing the microbes directly
(c) by increasing the interaction of dead viruses with the live ones
(d) by increasing the number of beneficial bacteria
21 What is crop rotation? Write its importance. 2

22 What does CNG stand for and why is it considered to be a better fuel than petrol? 2

23 Why do we need to preserve food? Write any two methods of food preservation 2
24 Avoid plastics as far as possible. Justify the statement 2
25 Sodium and Potassium are kept in kerosene. Give reason 2
26 Write the importance of synthetic polymers in our life. 5
How do micro-organisms help us?
27 Name the products obtained after crude oil is refined in a refinery and write their 5

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