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Mermaiding is the practice of wearing, and often swimming in, a costume mermaid tail.

Mermaiding is
both a profession and a hobby.


First of all Children’s parties- Mermaids are often requested as party entertainment. These
gigs involve swimming with kids, playing games with them, answering their questions, taking
photos with them, singing to them, or maybe reading a book to them. There are many things
mermaids can do at a kid’s party.

- Teaching lessons or doing workshops on how to swim like a mermaid and wear a tail with a
monofin are other ways you can make money as a mermaid. You get to swim in your tail to
demonstrate, but you also can network this way. 

Mermaids are used in all kinds of media, from shows to ads and commercials, and for
photography and art. If you have acting skills or are comfortable posing for long periods of time,
then this may be the kind of mermaid work for you.

 Some aquariums have mermaids swim in their tanks. This involves being surrounded by real
ocean life, sometimes even sharks. Aquarium mermaids entertain guests by swimming around,
doing tricks, waving, and blowing bubble kisses to guests. Sometimes aquariums will do
mermaid meet and greet where you can take pictures and talk to a mermaid.

Mermaids are great for captivating party guests. They add a little magic to an ordinary event.
Sometimes they are there for the visual appeal. Professional mermaids will do parties where
they swim with guests, hang out and chat with them, and take photos with them. 

The party can last days when it comes to festivals! Mermaids will be paraded, will perform in a
tank, put on a show, or just do meet and greets. Since mermaids are colorful, exciting, and often
sparkly, they make a great addition to any festival

 Being a mermaid for a living might sound like a dream come true, but it takes more than
a magic spell to make it happen. Being a mermaid is no walk in the park, or shall I say
swim in the sea. Like anything, it requires hard work, dedication, and motivation.

To become a mermaid:

 Be a good swimmer
 Get a tail and monofin, get comfortable in it, practice swimming in it
 Work on underwater tricks
 Practice breath-hold
 Practice posing on land and in water
 Make or buy mermaid accessories for your costume
1. In many countries people can now join mermaid swimming classes, where they learn how to
swim in mermaid tails. The Mermaid Kat Academy was the world's first mermaid school that
made mermaiding accessible to everyone and opened in 2012. Shortly after that the Philippine
Mermaid Swimming Academy and several other mermaid schools opened around the world.
2. Of course to become a real mermaid you need a beautiful costume. But how much does it cost?
So prices are really different. Prices depend on the material, the number of items on the suit and
the brand. The cheapest are poly spandex costumes, the most expensive full silicon
3. Current pricing for a professional mermaid looks like this. If you book yourself directly with
the customer for party or luxury event, it’s around $250/hour. If you are hired by an event
company as a mermaid, it’ll be $50-150/hour. If you work on a regular basis as a mermaid
performer in an aquarium, you’ll earn $15-50/hour.
4. Being a mermaid is not easy. Tails can weigh up to 20 kg, that`s why mermaids usually
need people keeping an eye on them while performing. Pools often contain chlorine to kill
bacteria in the pool, which can get in mermaid eyes. Also water rushes up mermaid`s nose
from diving down into a pool, it causes pain, or at least discomfort for some. In addition,
mermaids can perform in bad weather, which often affects their health

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