End-Term - Transnational Constitutional Theory of Social Economic and Cultural Rights - Latest Trends

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Jindal Global University

Jindal Global Law School
End-term Examination – Semester A

Course Name : Transnational Constitutional Theory of Social, Economic and Cultural Rights: Latest Trends
Course Code : L-EL-0260
Session : 2019 - 2020
Time Allowed : 48 Hours
Maximum Marks : 50

This question paper has one (1) page only.

Instructions to students:

This is an open-book take-home examination.

The evaluation will be based on the depth of engagement with the course materials and readings. You need not
use other resources, but this is purely optional.
 You must type out your answers on an MS Word document.
 Start each question on a new page.
 DO NOT write your Name and Student Id. No. anywhere on the answer script.
 No answer script will be accepted after the deadline.
 Plagiarism in any case will not be tolerated.
 Students undertaking the examination are requested to adhere to the University norms related to examinations.

Engaging with the materials in the course and discussed in class, answer any 4 questions from the
following. Each answer is for 12.5 marks. The word limit for each answer is 1250 words.

1. What can be the role of social rights litigation in holding private entities, including large private
corporations accountable?
2. Comment on the political and institutional implications of the various judicial review standards and
remedies that the courts in South Africa and Colombia have evolved.
3. What is the role of political culture in social rights adjudication? Answer while focusing on the European
Union and India.
4. In your assessment, does the constitutionalization of social rights work? Answer while addressing both
sides of the debate.
5. Engaging with the main cases in the course, discuss the relevance of political and legal legitimacy in
social rights adjudication.
6. Relying on your experience with the jurisdiction you are most familiar with, evaluate the value and
limitation of social rights constitutionalism.
7. Choose any theme raised in class that you found most interesting and stimulating. In the light of the
readings and materials in the course, discuss the grounds, reasons and/or implications of the theme,
taking the case of a specific social right.

JGLS [End-term Examination - Semester A, 2019 - 2020] Page 1

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