A Stable Climate Change Rights

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A Stable Climate Change Rights

Module IX majorly revolves around fundamental constitutional rights to a “stable climate change”

of the young people in United states. This response paper is addresses about the right for a better

quality of life for the “future generation”.

First of all, the Plaintiffs is an environmental organization consisting of youth people. Plaintiffs

demands their rights about rights to life, liberty, property, and public trust resources by federal

government acts that knowingly destroy, endanger, and impair the unalienable climate system that

nature endows. This young people is trying to protect the children and the future generation from

the worst effects of climate change. This is not the Plaintiffs first attempt to bring this matter to

court, in fact it took four years to bringing this matter to court and yet there is no decision from the

court or the government that satisfy them.

In one way or another,the young people has the full right to sue this matter in court in the sake for

their survival and for the next generation of young people. The government should not have a doubt

in this case because it is their responsibility also in managing the natural resources in their country

and how the government can prevent these resources from being exploited. If climate change is

getting worse then the impact is not only on the people but the government will also feel it,

therefore the government must be able to take responsibility and repair the damage they have done.

There is one statement that comes to my attention “Since it was originally filed in 2015, the Obama

administration had also tried to stop this case, arguing that these are issues suited to the executive

and legislative branches, not the courts “ there reason why this comes to my attention because the

most important issues in this case are government actions that make climate change worse and
threaten the future of the people life. The important question is : “Is the right to climate change can

consider as the fundamental rights?’’ without intending to answer this question, we should take into

consideration that many people are harmed by the actions of the government that caused climate

change the impact is very bad such as the public health is getting worse nowadays.

After a year since this cased was filled,the urgency of the climate change is increasing with one of

the reports from the United Nations climate panel that projected dire consequences without

vigorous action, including worsening food shortages and wildfires, and a mass die-off of coral reefs

as soon as 2040.

From the above,the conclusion that can be made is that the government should pay more attention

to the effects of the actions they take. Because the problem of climate change is worsening their

lives and the have full rights to demand safe,healthy,and liberty life. The government must take

quick steps and consider this problem more seriously because if this problem is left too long the

effect can worsen the country and even the world.

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