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An Evaluation of Tourism Impacts on Economic Growth of Indonesia and Philippines.
Lesson learned for Post-Pandemic Covid-19 Recovery

No Nama Peran Program Studi
1 Filda Rahmiati Ketua Pengusul Manajemen
2 Jean Richard Anggota Pengusul 1 Manajemen
3 Maria Jacinta A Anggota Pengusul 2 Manajemen


Pelaksanaan penelitian dapat melibatkan mitra kerjasama, yaitu mitra kerjasama dalam
melaksanakan penelitian, mitra sebagai calon pengguna hasil penelitian, atau mitra investor.
No Peran Mitra Nama Mitra
1 Geraldine Advincula Program Chair of Hospitality Management,
Southern Luzon State University

No Jenis Luaran Keterangan
(url, nama jurnal, penerbit,
keterangan sejenis lainnya)
1 Artikel pada jurnal akreditasi S2 Jurnal Manajemen, Universitas
2 Prosiding pada Konferensi Internasional ICFBE 2021

No Komponen Satuan Volum Biaya Satuan Total
1. Proofreading Article 2 1,000,000 2,000,000
2. Publication fee Article 1 2,000,000 2,000,000
3. Publication fee from Article 1 2,000,000 2,000,000
International Conference
4. Zoom meeting discussion Activity 3 1,000,000 3,000,000
with tourism players
(government agency,
tourism actors,
5. Zoom rental and certificate Hour 6 200,000 1,200,000
for speaker on discussion
T O T A L 10,200,000
Ringkasan penelitian tidak lebih dari 500 kata yang berisi latar belakang penelitian, tujuan
dan tahapan metode penelitian, serta luaran yang ditargetkan.

Problem identification: The tourism industry can provide rapid economic growth for a
country. It can contribute to employment opportunities, income, living standards and in
activating other sectors. Southeast Asia region ranks the highest in terms of changes in tourist
arrivals. Unfortunately, Corona Virus or COVID-19 disease has damaged various aspects
especially travel and tourism. An important key to improving a country's economy, being
affected by COVID-19 has made everything collapse.
Objective: This research is expected to provide initial information on how to recover the
economy of the tourism sector from two (2) countries in ASEAN region that have similar
criteria’s in the tourism sector, namely prioritizing nature-based tourism, Indonesia and the
Methodology: This study will be using secondary data taken from both country from 2008
the GDP indicator as an indicator for the impact on the country's economy, while for
indicators of contribution using the exchange rate, tourist arrivals, tourist receipts, length of
stay, number of hotels, number of tourist attractions, and others in several countries. The data
used in this study is panel data which means a combination of times series and cross section.
Data analysis for this study will be done by regression analysis using statistical tools e-
Views. e-views includes data analysis and evaluation, financial analysis, macroeconomic
forecasting, simulations, sales forecasting and cost analysis. Therefore, EViews can be used
to solve time-series problems, cross sections, and panel data.
Expected output: This research is expected to create an output in the form of an article
publish in the accredited journal (nationally, SINTA2) and also presenting in the International
Conference in 2021.

kunci maksimal 5 kata
Economy; Pandemi Covid-19; Tourism Recovery; Indonesia; Philippines

Latar belakang penelitian tidak lebih dari 500 kata yang berisi latar belakang dan
permasalahan yang akan diteliti, tujuan khusus, dan urgensi penelitian.

One of the largest sectors in the world and the fastest growing service is international
tourism. Tourism is a significant source of foreign exchange [1] also contribute to
employment opportunities, income, living standards and in activating other sectors [2] . The
United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) states that tourism is the key to
development and prosperity. Data in 2019, Southeast Asia region ranks the highest in terms
of changes in tourist arrivals [3]. Reporting from the official Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN) website, currently ASEAN is considered as one of the most successful
intergovernmental organizations in developing countries [4].
ASEAN region is one of the best performing regions in higher economic growth. Tourism is
a significant driver of economic growth and a potential strategic industry for economic
growth in all of ASEAN member countries [5]. Being totally unanticipated, COVID-19
brought international travel to an immediate halt, severely impacting the global economy and
in particular, the tourism and hospitality sector [6]. It is crucial for tourism sector to estimate
forecasts in how the tourism and hospitality industry will recover. For the first step, this
research is expected to provide initial information on how to recover the economy of the
tourism sector. The evaluation is being carried out from two (2) countries that have similar
criteria’s in the tourism sector, namely prioritizing nature-based tourism, Indonesia and the
Philippines [7].
The reason of evaluation two countries, Indonesia and Philippines were because there wto
countries have several similarities. It turns out that Indonesia and the Philippines share
similarities in their geographic form, namely an archipelago. Next, both countries were
formed by various races and ethnicities [8].
The COVID-19 pandemic has reduced an estimated IDR 85 trillion (US $ 5.87 billion) of
Indonesia's tourism revenue by mid-2020. The hotel and restaurant industry has lost nearly
IDR 70 trillion in revenue as recreational travel has completely stalled, while flight and tour
operators has lost IDR 15 trillion in revenue, which is even sadder, more than 95 percent of
workers in the tourism sector were laid off [9].
Philippine tourism has been a significant source of the country's GDP for many years.
However, in the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the supply chain of the
tourism market resulting in an economic downturn in the Philippines. In 2019 with 8.3
million tourist arrivals and PHP550.2 billion in revenue from foreign tourists. Meanwhile,
data in 2020 state revenue from the tourism sector (foreign tourists) fell to 3.9 million and
PHP279.5 billion [10].
One of the important steps to restore tourism by looking at the tourism indicators that have
fallen since the COVID-19 attack since 2020. From previous studies, many have used the
GDP as an indicator for country's economy, while for indicators of tourism are exchange
rate, tourist arrivals, tourist receipts, length of stay, and tourist expenditure [11, 12, 13, 14].
However, this Covid-19 pandemic is a phenomenon that is happening for the first time,
research like this for the current conditions is still very little. Therefore, this study aims to
evaluate the Tourism Impacts on Economic Growth of Indonesia and the Philippines in order
to have a solution for Post-Pandemic Covid-19 Recovery using previous years data from both

Tinjauan pustaka tidak lebih dari 1000 kata. Sumber pustaka/referensi primer yang
relevan dan dengan mengutamakan hasil penelitian pada jurnal ilmiah dan/atau paten yang
terkini. Disarankan penggunaan sumber pustaka 10 tahun terakhir.

Gross Domestic Product
GDP is a measure of output and thus economic growth. GDP growth is actually giving an
image of whole situation regarding the economy of a country. A GDP growth always gives
confidence to the policy makers as well as national banks of a country to make the right
decisions [15].
Exchange rate
Study from Raza and Fatima shows the causal relationship is present between the GDP
growth with exchange rate. This study explores the relationship of exchange rate with some
very important macroeconomic variables which plays a key role in the fluctuation in
exchange rate for not on the developed countries but also three developing countries which
are expected to be the biggest economy powers in the future. The role of exchange rate is
very important in the economy for the whole world.
Tourist arrival
Tourist arrival refers to the number of international visitors who arrive during a given year in
a given country and who are staying at least one night. The indicator includes non-
resident citizens of this destination country, but excludes foreign residents in the given
country A tourist is any visitor who stays at least one night in collective or private
accommodation [16]. The study from Aktar, Sadekin and Saha [17] there is relationship
between tourist arrival and foreign exchange earnings.
Tourism receipt
Tourism receipts are considered part of international services and have a foreign exchange
nature [18]. Economic growth created by tourism receipts in a country stems from the
relationship between exports and economic growth. The study also shows that tourism
receipts have positive-predictive content for GDP.
Length of Stay
Length of stay refers to the duration time spent during a stay in a place or country visited.
The duration of a trip can be characterized by the number of travels, and also by the number
of nights. Although, total amount of tourist expenditure depends on the number of days stay
of tourist [19] (Brida & Scuderi, 2012). It is important to determine the expenditure
associated with a travel or visit. Tourists are temporary visitors who make at least one
overnight stay (WTO; IRTS, 2010). According to Brida & Scuderi (2012); Jurdana & Frleta
(2016); Laesser & Crouch (2006); Sanchez et al. (2013); Wang & Davidson (2010) the effect
of length of stay on tourist expenditure has been a recurrent topic in tourism research which
proved that several studies reported a positive association between length of stay and tourist
expenditure. However, trip duration or length stay effect over daily expenditure is not so
clear, but an additional day or night stay increases total expenditure although it does not
consistently have an effect as mentioned in previous research by Laesser & Crouch (2006).
Tourist expenditure
Tourism expenditure has an impact on economic activity. Tourist expenditure are expenses
by international tourists as long as they live in their destination country. Expenditures
referred to here are such as accommodation, lodging, restaurants and others as such (Jurdana
& Frleta, 2016). According to Peerapatdit (2004) tourist expenditure is the total expenditure
of all individuals when traveling from lodging, transportation, shopping, entertainment,
others (Peerapatdit, 2004). Sanchez and Garcia (2013) states that tourist expenditure has a
significant influence on the economy such as transportation, accommodation and restaurants
(Sanchez & Garcia, 2013). According to Jurdana & Frleta (2016) Tourist expenditure is an
important variable in analyzing the objectives of tourists, because it can determine the
profitability of the tourism sector.

Metode atau cara untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan ditulis tidak melebihi 600
This research uses quantitative research methods which focus on calculating data input to
obtain output. The data used in this study is panel data which means a combination of times
series and cross section. In quantitative methods there are several hypothesis tests (O’Neill,
Jinks, & Ong, 2007). A software application of e-views stands for economic views, it is a
software that is widely used for the purposes of analysing economic and financial data
(Hendryadi, 2017). The usefulness of e-views includes data analysis and evaluation, financial
analysis, macroeconomic forecasting, simulations, sales forecasting and cost analysis.
Therefore, EViews can be used to solve time-series problems, cross sections, and panel data.
The population for the study is tourism contributions comprises of exchange rate, tourist
arrivals, tourist receipts, length of stay, and tourist expenditure of Indonesia and Philippines
during 2011 – 2018. This study uses secondary data which is primary data that has been
processed by primary data collectors (Cooper et al., 2006). This study uses data processed by
World Bank, Centre Bureau of Statistic Indonesia, and CEIC Data.
Data analysis methods testing inferential statistics such as descriptive analysis, classical
assumption tests, coefficient of determination (R2), multiple regression analysis and
hypothesis test. The study will also use T-Test and F-Test to test the hypothesis.
Descriptive Analysis will be calculating Minimum: The smallest number in a set of data,
Maximum: The largest number in a set of data, and Mean: sum of all values divided by how
many values there are.

Daftar pustaka disusun dan ditulis berdasarkan sistem nomor sesuai dengan urutan
pengutipan. Hanya pustaka yang disitasi pada usulan penelitian yang dicantumkan dalam
Daftar Pustaka.

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