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These are all books that detail a wide range of topics - some introduce new systems, others bring back older concepts 
within the framework of the V5 systems. 
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The Long Hard Road Out of Hell

What is in This Book? 

● A detailed look at morality from all angles.  
● “Humanity” for immoral vampires.  
● Alternative and non-mortal Touchstones  
● The history and convictions of the Paths of Enlightenment  
● Loresheets for Path followers  
● Example Chronicle Tenets and Convictions for none humane vampires 
and stories - especially suited to Sabbat games. 
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Powerslaves: A Tome of Sorcery

What is in This Book? 

● Who are the many sorcerers? 
● Sorcery - how to stop it taking over your game 
● A comprehensive update of the many paths of Sorcery  
● More sorcerous Rituals 
● The Ways of Koldunism 
● The art of Setite Sorcery  
● Dark Sorcery 
● Example SPCs for your Chronicle 
● Loresheets for all types of sorcerers 
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What is in This Book? 
A Waste of Good Blood...

● New groups, factions and types of Thin Bloods, including a range of new 
formulae and Alchemy techniques as well as a new breed - the Reavers. 
● An exploration of Caitiff and Panders, as well as some new factions that have 
sprung up among the clanless and bring order to chaos 
● New Predator Types, Merits and Flaws 
● A closer look at the rules and history of the major Revenant families. 
● An investigation into the new world of the Dhampirs, systems to play them and 
an exploration of their place in the World of Darkness 
● Loresheets made specifically for the Thin Bloods and Caitiff as well as for 
adding Revenants to your retinue. 

These are the Clans and Bloodlines i’ve updated into the V5 format - some of these are the oldest Homebrew that i put 
together and you’ll notice are not as detailed as my later work.

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Clanbook: Tzimisce

What is in This Book? 

● A history of the oldest clan and an exploration of their origins and 
successes - but also their failures.  
● A look at the identity of the Tzimisce and the many different faces that 
claim the blood of the Eldest.  
● Archetypes of the damned - what sort of person attracts the attention of 
the clan? 
● Rules for playing one of these vampires including Bane, Compulsion and full details on how to craft the flesh.  
● New Predator Types 
● A look at the fiendish Ritae practiced by the Sabbat 
● Loresheets specifically tailored to this most brutal and cultured of clans, as well as for the Volgirre. 
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The Ravnos

What is in This Book? 

● History, myths and rules for using the Ravnos in your games 
● New Powers and Amalgams to cover their signature Chimerstry 
● A custom loresheet for Bloodline 
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Salubri & Baali

What is in This Book? 

● History, myths and rules for using both the Salubri and Baali in your 
● A new discipline - Omphalos - to cover their signature soul warping 
● A number of Dark Sorcery rituals 
● A series of custom loresheets for Bloodlines 
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What is in This Book? 

● History, myths and rules for using the Gargoyles in your games 
● New Powers and Amalgams to cover their signature Visceratika 
● A custom loresheet for Bloodline 
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Daughters of Cacophony

What is in This Book? 

● History, myths and rules for using the Sons and Daughters in your 
● New Powers and Amalgams to cover their signature Melpominee 
● A custom loresheet for Bloodline 
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True Brujah

What is in This Book? 

● History, myths and rules for using the True Brujah in your 
● A custom loresheet for Bloodline 

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