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and Business

Name: Varunderpal Singh

NCC i.d:

Centre: Halifax College

Table of contents
Task 1……………………………………….…pg 3-5

Task 2……………………………………… 6

Task 3…………………………………………pg 7-8

Task 4 ……………………………………… 9-10

Task 6 ……………………………………… 11-12

Task 7…………………………………………pg 13-15

References ………………………………….pg 16

Task 1
Qn. Carry out research to establish information about the range of
software and services offered by other document management suppliers.
This research could involve:

• Using the Internet to identify Document Management suppliers in your

region and the range of products and services they offer.

• Investigating their websites to identify the approaches that they take to

marketing their products and services.

Briefly summarise your findings and conclusions and bookmark any relevant
sites that you come across.

A research was conducted using the internet in order to find out the range of
services and software offered by different Document Management Suppliers.
The strategies and techniques used by different companies were similar to an
extent. All the companies offered some information regarding the type of
products and services they offer. Some of are listed below along with their
products and services.


This company is linked to Microsoft office sharepoint Server 2007. This

company helps its customers to get through the initial stages of consultation,
discovery and the planning. They help in making any type of customisation
according to their customer’s requirements. The products offered by this
company are:

Sharepoint- it includes services like extranet, intranet, public websites and

document management. The company also offers add ons which further
enhance the ability of sharepoint to collaborate documents.

Desktop Tools- the company offers certain desktop tools which improve the
performance sharepoint, making it easier to use.

Sitecore CMS- this product is ranked as one of the top CMS products.


Kelly’s is a company which follows a different way of storing documents.

They use warehouses to store their customer’s documents. They use
barcodes to track documents when they are required. This company is
committed to quality; hence they regularly keep investing in new system,
equipments and training. The services offered by this company are:

Delivery and collection- delivering requested documents directly to the

person who has requested them in a unique service and in not offered by
many companies.

On demand document scanning- documents are scanned and delivered to the

customer when they need it the most through their safe and secure website.

Secure destruction- the company makes sure that no data is leaked out even
or misplaced keeping in mind the growth of crime related to information.
They destroy all the documents using industrial shredding equipments
making sure that it cannot be reconstructed.


This company helps in evaluation of current system environment and also

in reducing cost and developing a document management system which
helps in reaching objectives and goals. Doctech also has consultancy
services; they also help in installation of their softwares. The products offered
by this company are:

Docuware- is a software which helps organisations to automate their business

processes also reducing time and cost. This results in increased efficiency
through document imaging, managing content and suggesting easier
workflow solutions.

Kofax- it is a data capture solution which captures, transforms and exchanges

important business information in paper or electronic formats. Similar to
Docuware, it also saves time and cost.

Job Router- the function of this software is to improve document control and
to complete tasks on time. This software is easy to use and surprisingly it

meets a wide variety of requirements ranging from small to medium sized

To conclude, the companies offer different types of products and services.

Each and every company is trying to provide something different from the
competitors. They advertise in the web using flash pictures and animations.
Some companies offered their contact details on the site and asked the
customers to call if they had any queries. Downloadable brochures were also
available on some of the websites. The next task in this assignment is to
create a timetable, which would depict of how the remaining tasks would be
completed keeping in mind the timescale allocated.

Task 2:
Qn. Produce a work plan for the way you intend to complete the rest of this assignment. For
planning, use the timescale you have been allocated for this assignment i.e. from the date you
start to the date you submit your assignment.

Work Plan

Date Marks

Task 2 & 1
13/10 Produce a work plan which states how the rest of the 5+5
to assignment will be completed.
14/10 Conduct a Research on the internet regarding the range of
services and software offered by Document management
Task 3
15/10 Produce a new organisation chart for marketing 11
to department and allocate roles and responsibilities.

Task 4
17/10 Write a short report (750 words) mentioning the problems 20
to which could occur in the first three months of the new
19/10 organisational structure becoming fully operational along
with solutions.

20/10 Task 5
to Produce a power point presentation consisting no more 22
24/10 than 12 slides giving reasons and benefits of selecting the
new organisational structure.

25/10 Task 6
to Produce an internal memo which will be sent to all the 15
26/10 members of the marketing department drawing their
attention towards the importance of effective
communication between all members.

27/10 Task 7
to Write a report (1000 words) specifying the ways which 22
30/10 could be used to monitor the expenditure on the activities
undertaken by the marketing department as a part of the
companies new consultancy service.

Task 3

Qn. Produce a new organisation chart for the Marketing Department that
reflects the needs of the organisation to focus on three core market sectors
and support the three specific products and services (Document Management
and Workflow software, and the new Consultancy Service). There are to be no
new posts created, so the organisation chart should reflect the current
establishment of one manager and eight marketing staff. However, within the
new organisation structure you should note that you do have the opportunity
to regrade specific posts and introduce new job titles in order to take account
of any increased levels of responsibility you may decide to introduce.

The following figure displays the new organisational structure of the

Marketing department. Line organisation has been chosen as the new
Marketing department structure. The new departmental structure is as

Marketing Manager
Law firms

Assistant Assistant
Consultancy Service Consultancy Services

Administrator Administrator
Accountancy practices Government Departments

Assistant Assistant Assistant

Assistant Workflow Software Workflow Software Document Management
Document Management

Figure 1

Line organisation is the simplest form of organisation. This form of

organisation is divided into different departments, each department having a
separate head who manages all the operations in that particular department.
This form has been chosen because it is very easy to understand the chain of
authority and responsibility. The decision making process is faster and at the
same time it also facilitates co-ordination.

In figure 1, the marketing manager heads the Marketing department. He has

2 administrators and 2 assistants working for him as immediate subordinates.
Each of the administrators further has 2 subordinates working as their
assistants. The marketing manager will be taking care of Law Firms and
consultancy services along with his assistants. Each of the administrators will
be looking after Accountancy Practices and the Government departments and
their assistants will be managing the software products offered by the
company i.e. Document Management and workflow software. All the
employees are accountable to the head of the department i.e. the marketing
manager. The members of the department can communicate horizontally,
vertically or laterally.

As the new structure is planned, there might be some challenges which could
occur while implementing the structure. In task 4, a report is prepared
identifying such major challenges.

Task 4
Qn. Produce a short report (no more than 750 words) identifying the major
challenges to successfully managing the changes in working procedures that
will occur in the first three months of the new organisational structure
becoming operational. This report should also include your recommendations
for addressing any specific issues that you identify as being of particular
concern, together with the likely consequences of failing to do so.

This report has been produced in order to identify the major challenges and
problems which could rise while implementing the new organisational
structure in the first three months. It would cover the internal changes which
will take place during the first three months of the organisational structure
becoming operational.

Changes in the organisation can occur as a change in strategies, procedures

or whenever improvement is required. As a new organisational structure is in
place, internal challenges are expected. There would be changes occurring in
the ways members of a particular department communicate and work
procedures. Confusion can be expected in authority, responsibility and
accountability. Implementing a new departmental structure is bound to bring
expenses; technological improvements can be taken as an example. Other
expenses could arise out of passing the information to the department
regarding the new changes, training the employees for the new technological
changes, equipment cost etc.

There is a possibility of problems occurring between the members of the

department as a new manager has been appointed. Every manager has his
own way of accomplishing objectives; hence there is a chance that the
members might resist this change. It is vital to persuade the employees to
change their manner of work as required by the conditions, if the objectives
have to be fulfilled. Along with resistance to change, another possible
problem which could rise is conflicts. Difference is status, purposely blocking
the flow of information, misinterpretation of authority and responsibility,
personality clashes are some of the examples of clashes which occur within a

If such problems exist for a longer period of time, the department will not be
able to make progress and as a result the whole organisation will be affected.
It is, therefore very important to settle such problems well in advance.

1. Make a budget and plan for the potential expenses which could occur in
future. A specific budget for training the employees should be prepared.
Similarly expenses such as equipment cost along with the cost of
implementing it should be planned as well. If the company fails to do so,
unexpected costs may arise, which could lead to insufficient funds.

2. The whole new communication process should be understood and followed

by each and every member of the department in order to make
communication more effective and efficient. Good communication is
necessary in order to achieve goals. Bad communication will result in
unfulfilled goals.

3. Authority, responsibility and accountability should be clearly understood

by all the members of the department. The subordinates should know
whom they are supposed to take orders from what are their
responsibilities. Unclear roles would lead to conflicts within the

4. Conflicts could not only arise because of unclear roles but also due to
status differences. Conflicts within a department could affect its
performance. When conflicts arise, techniques like bargaining and
negotiation, clearly defined tasks and mediation could be used.

5. To overcome the problem of resistance to change, it is important to

pursue the subordinates to act in favour of change being implemented.
Though difficult it is very important overcome change. The manager could
negotiate and come to an agreement, use coercion, ask the employees to
participate and get themselves involved or educate them about the
change. If this problem is not solved, nothing new would be implemented
as planned.

6. Personality clashes are also to be dealt with. Such problems could arise
mainly because beliefs, values or simply when two persons don’t get along
well. It is therefore recommended to maintain a harmonious and friendly
environment in then office. Employees are always to create an informal
structure within the organisation.

7. Following the new work procedures is also an important part. All the
members of the department should be briefed about the new ways of
performing tasks, duties and roles assigned to them. Only then the
department would be able to accomplish objective and goals of the

To conclude, changes are inevitable and they have to be dealt with. It is
difficult to predict such changes and problems due to their uncertain nature.
This report gives a small insight of what could be the possible problems which
could arise and how they would affect the department as well as the
organisation. By following the mentioned guidelines, it would be easier to
implement the new organisational structure and achieve the goals of the

Task 6
Qn Produce an internal memo to be sent to all members of the Marketing
Department. The memo should draw their attention to the need for effective
communications between all the members of staff, and identify the benefits
that effective communications can deliver to the Department. It should also
include a
list of six actions that they should undertake in order to ensure that all
members of the Department have a general awareness of the range of
activities being undertaken by their colleagues.

Professional Services

To: Members of Marketing Department

From: The Marketing Manager

Date: 25/10/2009

Re: Importance of effective communication

As we all know that we have a new organisational structure in place for our
Marketing department, it is very important for us to have good and effective
communication throughout the department. The roles should be clarified i.e.
authority, responsibility and accountability should be clearly defined and
understood by all the members. Bad communication may affect planning,
controlling, decision making, problem solving and it makes other such

matters even more difficult to handle. Hence, effective communication is
important so that the department can function smoothly; solve all the
problems related to misperception and misinterpretation, conflicts and
ultimately it leads to the achievement of the objectives, which the vital for
the success of the whole organisation.

In order to ensure that all the members of the department are working
together and also to create awareness of activities and procedures
undertaken by their colleagues, the following is suggested:

1. Conduct meetings once in two weeks to discuss the goals and objectives
of the department in order to monitor whether they are being fulfilled as
expected and make corrections, if required.

2. Telephone systems should be used to communicate between employees

or any other member of the department. Feedback can be received

3. Electronic Mails should be used because they fast and accurate

communication is facilitated. Similar to telephone system, feedback is
received faster.

4. Reports should be prepared by each member on a weekly basis in order to

inform the manager about the progress they are making.

5. The flow of Communication i.e. members should have vertical, horizontal

or lateral communication throughout the department in order to make it
more flexible.

6. Presentations should be prepared by all the members of the department in

order to give a track of the work done and what is to be done in future.

Task 7
Qn. Produce a report of no more than 1000 words outlining the ways in
which you intend to monitor the expenditure on the activities undertaken by
the Marketing Department as part of the launch of the company’s new
Consultancy Service, and how potential overspend in any particular area
should be addressed. The report should also include your recommendations
on how the results of the various marketing activities should be monitored in
order to gauge the effectiveness of the various approaches.


The company is looking forward towards the successful launch of the new
consultancy service and also to provide a better range of software products.
In order to achieve this, the marketing department has been allotted a
staffing budget of $ 420,000 along with the following:

1. $ 100,000-direct advertising costs

2. $ 70000-promotional events
3. $ 40000-new marketing literature
4. $ 100,000-development of new marketing activities
5. $ 20000-mailing costs

The above mentioned budget has been provided for the whole year, but the
marketing department will make necessary changes in the way they money
is spent as required by the situation.

To launch any new service or a product it very important to let the people
know about the availability of that product or service. In this case, old and
prospect customer should know about the new consultancy service which will
be offered by the company. To do so, the firm will have to incur direct
advertising costs. The company will have to hire ad makers in order to create

visual advertisements. As a promotional advertisement is made it can be
played again and again on TV. Advertisements for the web, newspapers or
hoardings are also made. Hence, it is recommended that the standard and
quality of the advertisement is high in order to attract maximum customers.
The marketing department is going to spend $ 50000 for all the expenses
arising out of direct advertising for the first six months.

Promotional events will be conducted every 4 months. Especially at the

launch of the new consultancy service, a seminar will be conducted inviting
different market sectors, so that they would come to know about the services
we offer and how they would benefit from them. The marketing department
will spend $ 30000 in the first three months for this purpose.

Developing new web based marketing activities is considered vital because

the previous techniques used did not prove successful enough. Therefore,
web advertisements and promoting the whole range of goods and services
using the internet will be increased. The department is going to reconstruct
the website and change its appearance. Link ups are being planned with
other popular websites which could help us in promotion. An amount of $
40000 will be spent on all the activities related to the web based marketing

All the purchases related to new marketing literature will be made in bulk
quantities to get them at a discount and also to reduce the number of
transactions in this field. An amount of $ 10000 will be spent on purchasing
all the necessary media which needed to support the new service.

Mailing cost will include expenses which arise out of posting brochures,
letters and all other business documents. Delivering packages containing
documents to customers at the right time and at right place is very
important. Therefore, an amount of $ 5000 will be spent in the first three
months to cover all the mailing expenses.

The staffing budget provided will be used to cater all the expenses occurring
from training, paying salaries and also for monetary incentives. Salaries of all
the employees would be paid on a monthly basis. Monetary incentives would
be given to employees who perform well in their field. As the new
consultancy service is launched, it is essential to equip the employees with
necessary skills. To do so, the employees will go through a training process,
so that they could gain all skills and experience in order to perform more
effectively. $ 40000 will be spent in order to cover all the above mentioned

Staffing budget would also be used for improving the existing software range
offered by the company and also to provide an overall improvement in
services offered by the company. About $ 65000 will be spent on all such
improvement programs in the first three months.

The marketing department suggests that increasing the budget of web based
marketing activities would prove beneficial to the company. This is
considered important because all the activities undertaken are based on the
internet like purchasing marketing literature online, ordering stationary
material and all other necessary transactions. Similarly, activities involving
advertisements and promotion could also be undertaken on the internet. So it
is strongly recommended that improvements be made by investing more
money in this field.

In order to keep a check on all the expenses, it is vital to monitor the whole
progress of any task. All the activities undertaken will be compared with the
standards set in the planning stage and corrective measures would be taken,
if required. The marketing department is related to sales; hence increase in
sales would suggest that everything has worked according to the plan.

The management accounting department would assist in monitoring and

comparing the actual performances with standards. If the accounts show
profits, no corrective action is required. But in case of loss, reasons for the
loss will be found out and corrections will be made. A report will be prepared
for each and every corrective action taken, so that it could be used as a
reference in the future. Doing so would help us to avoid committing the same
mistake again.

To conclude, the report highlights the areas where and how the money will be
spent in the first three months. It is very important to monitor all the
expenses in order to ensure that we are not diverting away from the
standards set in the initials stages. Any sort of diversions would lead to over
budgeting and resulting in shortage of financial resources.


1. Cole, G (2004) Management Theory and Practice. Sixth edition. Thomson

learning, London.
2. Harding, H (1988) Office Organisation and Secretarial Procedures.
Longman, England.
3. Hugget, R (2003) Total Revision GCSE Business Studies. Harper Collins
Publishers, London.

1. Clear people [accessed on 22/100/2009]

2. Kelly’s [accessed on


3. Doctech [accessed on 22/100/2009]


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