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Friday 16 July 2021



When South Tongaat Hulett Zim’s horrible

Africa sneezes ordered to run continues
Zimbabwe refund farmers as pressure
catches a cold millions in VAT mounts on Rajput
Story on Page 7 Story on Page 23 Story on Page 42

in army boss 
clash with
ALSO INSIDE Who is the next ZNA commander?
Page 2 News NewsHawks
Issue 39, 16 July 2021

2023, although Chiwenga
and his military faction hope
to stop him during next year’s
elective party congress.

in army boss 
The immediate point of
conflict after the coup was
the appointment of Muchin-
guri-Kashiri and Mohadi as

vice-presidents. The Muchin-
guri-Kashiri appointment was
resisted by an angry Chiwenga
who pressured Mnangagwa

clash with
to appoint him vice-president
Mnangagwa beat a hasty
retreat and abandoned the
Muchinguri-Kashiri deal and

Chiwenga brought in Chiwenga on

board with unprecedented
powers, also in charge of de-
fence and war veterans min-
OWEN GAGARE “They are currently hav- Mohadi had initially been
ing consultations before they given those portfolios, includ-
PRESIDENT Emmerson make a recommendation to ing security.
Mnangagwa and Vice-Presi- the President. Rugeje is the fa- But Mnangagwa did not
dent Constantino Chiwenga vourite – he has the right qual- rest: he continued to push his
are on a new collision course ifications, experience and sup- agenda and, much to Chiwen-
over the appointment of the port within the military, but ga’s shock, the President and
next Zimbabwe National the problem is politics. Mnan- his supporters immediately
Army (ZNA) commander, gagwa doesn’t want him.” started playing the long game
with retired Lieutenant-Gen- Rugeje was part of Chiwen- to prolong his stay in power
eral Engelbert Rugeje at the ga’s core military team which beyond 2023 as early as De-
centre of the row and renewed put Mnangagwa to power cember 2018 during the rul-
power struggle. through the coup against the ing party’s Esigodini annual
The ZNA top post is vacant late former president Robert conference.
Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga with President Emmerson Mnangagwa.
following the death of Lieu- Mugabe. Mnangagwa later started
tenant-General Edzai Chi- As part of their November About a year after the elec- collision course.” headquarters – not his farm purging police, intelligence
monyo who succumbed to a 2017 coup deal, Rugeje, who tion, in June 2019, Mnangag- Mnangagwa’s tensions with where people always gathered and then army structures to
heart ailment on 8 July. is Chiwenga’s ally, was sup- wa – in a push back against Rugeje exploded during a for unofficial meetings and realign them to his power ma-
Military sources told The posed to be appointed ZNA Chiwenga – removed Rugeje Zanu PF politburo meeting plotting. trix.
NewsHawks this week that commander following the as commissar and put Matem- on 29 July 2020. The month- That was enough to ruffle Key military command-
the issue is looming large in promotion of Sibanda to com- atanda as he initially wanted. ly meeting was held on a Mnangagwa’s feathers and ers who played a critical role
the corridors of power amid mand ZDF. Matemadanda remained in Wednesday at party headquar- widen the rift between them.  during the coup, including
resurgent infighting between However, Chiwenga first the position amid bungling, ters commencing 10am.  Rugeje was central in the Presidential Guard command-
the two leaders. wanted Rugeje, now his trust- while also being deputy De- It came just two days be- coup against Mugabe. er retired Major-General An-
“This is a big issue because ed lieutenant, to go to Zanu fence minister until recently fore the 31 July 2020 pro- He was, however, retired selem Sanyatwe, were retired
the President and his deputy PF to take control of the par- when was appointed ambassa- tests. Mnangagwa feared an from the military alongside and sent on diplomatic ser-
have different political agen- ty machinery and structures dor to Mozambique. uprising by the opposition Chiwenga, who was the ZDF vice.
das on who should replace ahead of the 2018 elections. Rugeje had been removed and Zanu PF internal rivals. commander, the late Per- Chiwenga’s allies were also
Chimonyo,” a military source Mnangagwa did not want with a promise that he would This was similar to events in rance Shiri, then Air Force purged from cabinet.
said.  that. So he tried to outma- be deployed to head the Zim- January 2019 during unrest commander and Sibusiso This mostly happened when
“The President is still noeuvre Chiwenga, who was babwe National  Defence Uni- that left a trail of death and Moyo, former ZDF chief- he was ill and away in China.
searching among the serving firmly in charge at the time, by versity, but Mnangagwa left destruction. of-staff. Chiwenga became After Shiri’s death in July
and retired senior command- appointing senior war veterans him in the lurch. In an unprecedented move, co-vice-president, Shiri and last year, Chiwenga and his
ers for the most suitable candi- leader Victor Matematanda So after putting his head on Mnangagwa had brought in Moyo ministers of Agriculture faction pushed for his replace-
date, while his deputy is dead whom the military rejected. the block with others to get Central Intelligence Organi- and Foreign Affairs respective- ment with a person who has
set on ensuring Rugeje gets the Rugeje went on to become Mnangagwa in, Rugeje was sation director-general Isaac ly, and Rugeje Zanu PF com- a security background, but
job. Although it is the com- Zanu  PF national commissar. basically thrown out. Moyo to present a report to missar. Mnangagwa appointed an ally
mander-in-chief who has the He presided over the party’s But Chiwenga still wants the effect that some senior Military sources said this from Masvingo, Anxious Ma-
final say, the process is consul- 2018 election campaign, but Rugeje, who is a relatively re- party officials were working was within the context of the suka to take over.
tative, hence clashing designs found himself in clashes with spected and experienced com- with the opposition and civil broader coup deal, which en- One of Mnangagwa’s key
and manoeuvres.  Mnangagwa’s staunch loyalists mander, to be appointed the society activists to organise an tailed Mnangagwa serving un- strategies has been to mainly
“The new commander is like Chris Mutsvangwa who next ZNA chief.  anti-government revolt. til 2023 before handing over appoint his ethnic Karanga
supposed to have been ap- was then presidential adviser. Senior military officers, “Although Chiwenga was the reins of power to Chiwen- homeboys, mostly from the
pointed by the time Zimba- Mutsvangwa said Rugeje however, say Rugeje’s position strategically absolved of any ga. Midlands and Masvingo prov-
bwe commemorates Heroes was inexperienced and push- has been weakened by the fact wrongdoing, it was said the Sibanda would also become inces, into key positions as
and Defences Forces holidays ing a military factional agen- that he retired from the mili- so-called traitors were acting vice-president on the Zapu part of the power consolida-
on 9 August and 10 August re- da after he had lost Zanu PF tary after the coup. He would in his name. As a result, the ticket, replacing Kembo Mo- tion agenda, hence brazen po-
spectively. It’s raising tensions primaries in Norton before be shoo-in if he had remained 342nd session of the politbu- hadi at that stage, while Ruge- litical clansmaship in his rule.
between them because it is a coming back through the back and was not retired. ro suspended its secretary for je would bounce back as, first, Ethnic politics, cronyism
critical appointment with im- door in a re-run after his rival But then again, in principle, Health Cde Cleveria Chize- ZNA commander and then and patronage are deeply em-
plications for power dynamics withdrew, only to be defeat- Rugeje can still be appointed ma after Lovemore Matuke, CDF boss. bedded in Zimbabwean poli-
and how the unresolved lead- ed by independent candidate ZNA commander as he is part head of the security depart- Mohadi resigned as tics. That, together with lead-
ership issue between them will Themba Mliswa in the main of the reserve force. When sol- ment, presented Moyo’s report vice-president amid a sex scan- ership, policy and governance
be settled.” poll in July 2018. diers retire they remain part of on how internal forces were dal early this year, but remains failures, ruined the country.
Mnangagwa has three Mutsvangwa, whom the the army as the reserve force working with opposition ac- party co-deputy leader. He is This is widely seen as a con-
weeks to find a replacement army succeeded in removing and can be called back to duty tivists to subvert Mnangagwa’s currently going around the tinuation of Mugabe’s ethnic
for Chimonyo. from office, had also warned whenever necessary. leadership.” country mobilising structures. and regional politics – politi-
“There is a board or con- that Mnangagwa could lose if “Mnangagwa does not want However, during the ensu- But no sooner had Mnan- cisation and weaponisation of
sultation team which includes people like Rugeje remained Rugeje, whom he knows to be ing heated debate Rugeje re- gagwa gotten into office than ethnicity for political ends.
the minister of Defence (Op- in charge of the elections. one of Chiwenga’s strongest minded Mnangagwa how he the deal began unravelling as Mugabe mainly appointed
pah Muchinguri-Kashiri), the In the midst of the suspi- and fearless allies. That’s why had come to power and how he launched an independent his ethnic Zezuru cronies  into
permanent secretary (Mark cions and tensions, Mnan- he removed him from head- Chiwenga and others like him path forward and a ruthless key positions throughout his
Gray Marongwe), the imme- gagwa complained at the time ing the Zanu PF commissariat had put their heads on the power consolidation bid, re- 37 years in power. This was
diate past CDF (Commander that there was an impeach- after the 2018 polls. He didn’t block for him. sulting in a fallout and ten- the main reason for the Tsho-
Defence Forces,  Chiwenga) ment plot against him. This want him there in the first He also reminded Mnan- sions within the coup coali- lotsho Agenda of 2004 to ro-
and the current CDF (Lieu- suggested an intensification place,” a source said. gagwa that he has offices tion. Mnangagwa is currently tate leadership among various
tenant-General Phillip Valerio of the infighting and renewed “But Chiwenga wants Ru- – Munhumutapa Building, on a power consolidation ethnic and sub-ethnic groups
Sibanda,” another source said.  political brinksmaship. geje to take over, hence the State House and Zanu PF drive to ensure re-election in to break the current mould.
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
News Page 3

Who is the next ZNA commander?

BERNARD MPOFU now mainly focusing on
their business interests in-
ZANU PF internal politi- stead of politics.
cal dynamics are expected
to play out when President What does constitution
Emmerson Mnangagwa say about appointments?
appoints the new Zimba- Section 216 of Zimbabwe’s
bwe National Army (ZNA) constitution speaks on the
commander following the ZDF and services within
death of Edzai Absolom the military.
Chanyuka Chimonyo last (1) An Act of Parliament
week. may provide that— (a) the
Chimonyo, who was Defence Forces are to be
re-assigned from the diplo- under the command of a
matic service and appointed single Commander; or
ZNA chief after the 2017 (b) each service of the
military coup which oust- Defence Forces, or any two
ed long-time leader Robert or more of them jointly, are
Mugabe, was a dark horse. to be under the command
His appointment came as a of a separate Commander. 
surprise to many and critics (2) Every Commander of
viewed it as Mnangagwa’s the Defence Forces, and ev-
coup-proofing strategy. ery Commander of a service
The age factor, experience of the Defence Forces, is
and allegiances, according appointed by the President
to insiders, will influence after consultation with the
Mnangagwa’s appointment Minister responsible for the
of the next army command- Defence Forces. 
er. Following Mnangagwa’s (3) Commanders of the
takeover, there has been Defence Forces and Com-
concern that the President manders of services of the
has reserved key posts for Defence Forces, are ap-
people from only two prov- pointed for a term of not
inces — Midlands and Mas- more than five years, and
vingo — dominated by his a person must not serve in
ethnic Karanga tribe. This, any one of those offices for
sources said, has unsettled more than two terms. 
some Zanu PF apparatchiks (4) A person who has
such as Mnangagwa’s dep- served as Commander of
uty Constantino Chiweng- a service of the Defence
wa, a retired military chief. Retired Lieutenant-General Engelbert Rugeje. Forces may be appointed as
Phillip Valerio Siban- Commander of the Defence
da, the current Zimbabwe Mnangagwa from the dark Brigadier-General Mi- is stationed at Inkomo administration. The other Forces, but a person who
Defence Forces Commad- days of the Gukurahundi chael Sango (ambassador to Garrison played a key role major-general, Hlanganani has served as Commander
er, Isaac Moyo, the coun- genocide, was largely seen Russia) is the only serving in pushing Mugabe out of Dube, is in charge of the of the Defence Forces may
try’s top spy and Air Force as a dark house.  military man in diplomatic power. army’s quartermaster roles. not be appointed as Com-
of Zimbabwe boss Elson “After being appointed service at the highest level. Another name which has Sources further said if mander of a service of the
Moyo are all from the ambassador by Mugabe, Sango is understood to en- also been tipped to become Mnangagwa were to pro- Defence Forces or to the
Midlands province. An- Chimonyo always wanted joy close links with Mnan- the next chief by sources mote a senior general from command of any other se-
other Midlander, Sibusiso to identify himself as a sol- gagwa. who believe that Vice-Pres- the ZDF to succeed Chi- curity service. 
Moyo, who was the face dier first then diplomat,” a Another former ident Chiwenga may influ- monyo, Major-General (5) Every Command-
of the coup before being source said. “Mnangagwa high-ranking military man ence the process is Lieu- John Chris Mupande would er of the Defence Forces,
appointed Zimbabwe’s top made sure that Chimonyo who was posted to diplo- tenant-General Engelbert be the ideal candidate as his and every Commander of
diplomat, was also from the was brought back into the matic service until the time Rugeje, the former Zanu appointment is more senior a service of the Defence
Midlands. military.” of his death was Douglas PF political commissar who than the ZNA chiefs. Forces, must exercise his
Chimonyo was from His ascendancy has Nyikayaramba (Mozam- left military service before The ZDF is made up or her command in accor-
Masvingo province. heightened speculation that bique). Nyikayaramba, who being retired and appointed of the ZNA and the Air dance with general written
This week, The News- Mnangagwa, who is known was retired in the army and to run the governing party’s Force of Zimbabwe. The policy directives given by
Hawks spoke to security for playing his cards close to was believed to be close to commissariat. ZNA, which has a statuto- the Minister responsible for
sources and looked into his chest, may consider re- Mugabe after having served ry strength of 40 000 active the Defence Forces acting
the country’s laws to see tired servicemen who are in as election administration The generals within Zimba- personnel, is however the under the authority of the
whether or not Mnangagwa diplomatic service. chief, died early this year bwe primary branch of the ZDF President
would spring another sur- Zimbabwe, according to due to Covid-19 complica- Sources said if Mnangag- responsible for land-ori-
prise. official records, currently tions. wa is to follow the prin- ented military operations. About the ZNA
has three retired army gen- In terms of army hierar- ciple of natural progres- ZNA reserves claim anoth- The ZNA was formed in
Who are the big names? erals who are serving in dip- chy, Katsande, who was ele- sion, either Chimonyo’s er 21 800, putting the com- 1980 from elements of
Chimonyo’s appointment lomatic service. These are vated to the rank of colonel immediate subordinate, bined component strength the Rhodesian Army, inte-
brought to the fore how Lieutenant-General Martin after retirement and Madz- Lieutenant-General David total at about 51 800. grated to a greater extent
Mnangagwa as Command- Chedondo (retired) who is vamuse, exited the army Sigauke, who is the most “Mupande, just like with combatants from the
er-in-Chief flexed his mus- Zimbabwe’s ambassador to at lower rank than their senior army chief among Sanyatwe and Rugeje, are Zimbabwe National Lib-
cle by appointing a general China, Air Marshal Shebba compatriots in diplomatic Chimonyo’s three immedi- viewed by those around eration Army (Zanla) and
who was not active instead Shumbayaonda (retired), service.  Sanyatwe, sources ate subordinates, will take Mnangagwa as close to the Zimbabwe People’s
of those who had played who is Zimbabwe’s am- said, was unlikely to bounce the job. Sigauke, during his Chiwengwa and this may Revolutionary Army (Zpra)
a leading role in wresting bassador to Egypt, former back into active service as days as commander of the minimise chances of their guerrilla movements. At
power from Mugabe.  Air Force deputy chief Ti- he is widely seen as a close Mechanised Brigade, was ascendancy. With the 2023 Independence in 1980
Unlike previous army tus Abu-Basuthu, who is ally of Chiwenga.  slapped with a travel ban elections coming up, Mnan- and the cantonment of the
boss Constantino Chiwen- Zimbabwe’s ambassador to The former commander to New Zealand. He is the gagwa would prefer a loyal- Zanla and Zpra under Op-
ga, who was ZNA chief Japan Lieutenant-General of the Presidential Guard current ZNA chief of staff ist to fight from his corner. eration Midford, British
before being appointed (retired) Anselem Nhamo was briefly promoted to (general staff). He works We may end up seeing the Army trainers (the British
Zimbabwe Defence Forces Sanyatwe (ambassador to the rank of major-gener- closely with another for- politics of clansmanship Military Advisory Training
commander following the Tanzania), Major-Gener- al before being retired and mer Mechanised Brigade playing out,” a source said.  Team, BMATT) coordinat-
death of Vitalis Zvinavashe, al (retired) Tando Madz- posted to Tanzania. His for- commander, Major-Gener- The age factor, sources ed the integration of guer-
Chimonyo, whom insid- vamuse and Colonel Chris- mer unit together with the al Paul Chima, who is the said, will limit the chances rilla fighters into a unified
ers said had been close to tian Katsande (retired).  Mechanised Brigade which chief of staff in charge of of retired generals who are army.
Page 4 News NewsHawks
Issue 39, 16 July 2021

Zimra executives in US$585m


tons involving a series of

tax evasion corruption scam

multi-billion-dollar tax
evasion scandals are tum-
bling out of the Zimba-
bwe Revenue Authority
(Zimra) cupboard amid the US$585 million tak-
a new corruption scam en out as income. The
involving Chinese dia- documents and financial
mond miner Jinan Min- statements we had pro-
ing (Pvt) Ltd’s dodgy vided were a solid and
US$585 million financial sound basis upon Zimra
transfers across various could declare the money
jurisdictions, including taxable income,” another
Zimbabwe. document says.
New documents ob- “All that Zimra re-
tained this week by The quired to do was to levy
NewsHawks reveal fur- 25% and 15% of the
ther corruption by Zimra US$585 million as In-
executives who have been come Tax and withhold-
looting the whistle-blow- ing respectively. This
er’s multi-million-dollar would bring a sum of
fund through corrupt US$232 000 as the prin-
networks involving its cipal amount plus 100%
management and infor- interest and another
mants. 100%in penalties.”
Documents show that Besides all this, doc-
despite being given over- uments say there was a
whelming evidence of Ji- failure on Zimra’s part to
nan’s failure to pay its tax invoke deeming provi-
obligations, top Zimra sions under sections 8, 9
officials manipulated the and 10 of the Income Tax
case for self-enrichment, to consider all money re-
while protecting the flected on the bank state-
company from properly ment of the company as
paying tax. received income.
The tax evasion case “Above all, Zimra also
against Jinan was report- failed to pay 10% of the
ed in 2013 in terms of US$9 million paid by Ji-
section 34B (2) of the nan in tax arrears. This
Revenue Authority Act money was paid as a di-
(Chapter 23:11) by two rect result of the whis-
whistle-blowers, Martin tle-blowers’ efforts, but
Macharaga and Blessed Zimra is hiding this infor-
Tachi, who had big dos- mation to avoid meeting
siers on the company’s its own obligations - that
diamond trading activi- is paying 10% monetary
ties and transactions.  reward to the informants
The documents say Ji- under Section 34 (B) 2(a)
Zimra acting board chair Josephine Matambo. of the Revenue Act.”
nan externalised US$585
million to Botswana. This count. The transitory ac- nous bank details, Zimra babwe for its diamond affairs. This was in viola- This comes as whis-
was later exposed by the count was then closed on failed and deliberately trading activities, but did tion of section 98 of the tle-blowers behind the
whistle-blowers, forcing 5 August 2014. neglected to investigate not withhold tax on fees Revenue Authority Act case which prompt-
it to bring back part of BancABC executives and recover revenue from for onward remittance to (chapter 23). If Zimra ed Zimra to launch  a
the money and pay taxes. were later arrested over Jinan Mining. In the Zimra. had moved swiftly to in- US$680 million tax
In fact, the money was the issue of the money process, government and “Jinan violated Zimba- vestigate the tax affairs of evasion investigation in-
transferred to other fi- transfers suspected to be Treasury lost US$200 bwe’s company laws. It this company, it would volving BancABC-linked
nancial jurisdictions for money laundering and million in tax revenue.” used BancABC’s subsid- have prevented the mas- Second  Nominees (Pvt)
dodgy deals, including externalisation. When the case was re- iary ABC Asset Finance sive externalisation of the Ltd say tax  authorities
Zambia, Mozambique, Documents say whis- ported, Jinan was not to camouflage, divert and US$585 million,” the decided to close  the file
Sierra Leone, Dubai and tle-blowers investigated filing tax returns as re- externalise US$585 mil- documents say. due to corruption.
China. On 20 December and reported the issue quired under Section 37 lion,” the document say.  “The top brass at Zim- The informants also
2011, Jinan had opened in 2013, but Zimra did of the Income Tax Act “This arrangement was ra, and in particular one say Zimra officials should
a transitory account with nothing despite having (chapter 23:06).  a scheme designed to former Commission- be investigated as they
BancABC for the purpose ample evidence. It is mandatory in avoid paying tax and for er-General, was cor- are not telling the truth
of holding the money on “Through our own ef- terms of the law for ev- other unlawful deeds.” rupt. He got a US$250 when they now claim –
behalf of Anhui Foreign forts and personal sac- ery company to file tax The documents say 000 loan from BancABC, as they did in an official
Economic Construction rifices and at the risk of returns to enable Zimra Zimra failed to play its thus he wouldn’t act in letter on 1 July – that
Company (Afecc). life and limb, we estab- to assess and calculate role as a tax-collector due any issue involving the Second Nominees have
The funds were to be lished that Jinan Mining taxable income. to “dereliction of duty” bank like this Jinan case.” no tax obligations.
used to fund Afecc oper- was not paying taxes and Documents show that and “corruption”. Documents say Zim- The whistle-blowers,
ations in Zimbabwe and had in fact externalised a the company, involved “Despite the fact that ra was unable to probe Evans Kujinga and Mach-
across the region, includ- staggering US$585 mil- in diamond trade, was whistle-blowers provid- many tax evasion cases araga, previously report-
ing diamond deals. lion,” one document, not keeping records as ed solid evidence and even if there was undeni- ed Zimra officials to the
So Afecc, through a written by whistle-blow- required in terms of sec- documents, Zimra’s top able evidence cases due to Zimbabwe Anti-Corrup-
series of transactions, ers to Zimra, says. tion 37B of the Income brass, including man- corruption. tion  Commission over
from 9 January 2012 to “Despite receiving our Tax Act. agement, conspired with “Zimra is mandated tax evasion cases, and
25 July 2014, transferred report in 2013 with in- Jinan hired South Afri- Jinan and BancABC to and empowered in terms corruption at the associ-
from China US$585 163 criminating evidence, can companies to render shield the company from of section 45 of the In- ated multi-million-dollar
824.26 into Jinan’s ac- plus detailed and volumi- various services in Zim- an investigation on tax come Tax Act to treat whistle-blowing fund.
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
News Page 5

Environmentalists challenge
sale of Zimbabwe elephants
BRIDGET MANANAVIRE International Union for lic now seek and applica- are highly social animals
Conservation of Nature tion for a declaratur.  and that the removal of
AN environment and (IUCN) elephant spe- “This threat causes an elephants from their so-
wildlife rights group, cialist group is contrary unnecessary and uncon- cial groups disrupts the
Advocates4Earth, has to law and a breach of stitutional chilling effect wild population and has
launched a High Court Applicant’s environmen- on the work of the ap- detrimental effects on the
application to stop the tal rights,” the court ap- plicant and the general effects on the physical
sale and translocation plication reads. public right to have the and social well-being of
of elephants or endan- According to the Cites environment protected elephants.
gered species by the gov- trade database, and latest for the benefit of present Cites members (Zim-
ernment without prop- 2019 information Zim- and future generations.” babwe included) voted to
er consultation, saying babwe exported 140 ju- According to the appli- prohibit the removal of
Zimbabwe has been venile elephants to China cation, Zimbabwe partic- African elephants from
breaching international between 2012 and 2019, ipated in the Cites Cop their natural or historic
regulations. while it also exported 18 meeting in Geneva ranges except under ex-
The Zimbabwe Parks four to the United Arab in August 2019 where it traordinary circumstanc-
and Wildlife Manage- Emirates, the application was noted that elephants es.
ment Authority (Zim- sates. 
Parks), its director-gen- “Of these, some 22 are
eral Fulton Upenyu now dead or presumed to
Mangwanya, the head be dead. Reports indicate
of veterinary and animal that many others have
capture unit, Hwange died in the process of
cluster manager, Zam- capture and preparation
bezi cluster manager for export.
and Environment, Cli- “All exports have been
mate Change, Tourism characterised by lack of
and Hospitality Indus- transparency. The cap-
try minister Nqobizitha tures and transportation
Mangaliso  Ndlovu are have always been con-
cited as respondents in ducted in secrecy, and
the matter. there have been reports
The Zimbabwean gov- that high-level govern-
ernment has been argu- ment members have been
ing that the sale of el- using the money to pay
ephants is necessary to off government debts.
reduce the animal popu- Most of informational
lation and fund conserva- available (photographic
tion efforts. and documentation) has
This is not the first time come from undercover
Advocates4Earth has ap- investigations, further
proached the courts to illustrating the opaque,
stop Zimbabwe from sensitive and secret na-
selling elephants, arguing ture of the transactions.
that the conditions of the “We consider, there-
places the animals were fore, that the export of 32
being translocated to are live elephants from Zim-
not suitable.  babwe to China in Octo-
Advocates4Earth ex- ber 2019 failed to com-
ecutive director Lenin ply with Cites provisions
Tinashe Chisaira said defining ‘appropriate and
his application was to acceptable’ destinations
enforce environmental under Resolution Conf.
rights as enshrined in 11.20 (Rev. CoP17), not-
section 73 of the con- withstanding the amend-
stitution of Zimbabwe ments agreed at CoP18.” 
and ensure that the gov- Chisaira said based on
ernment and its agencies the video footage that
respect and comply with they reviewed, the condi-
the Convention on In- tions of the transfer and
ternational Trade in En- housing are demonstra-
dergered Species of Wild bly inhumane.
Fauna and Flora (Cites). “The cells have bare
“Applicant seek by way concrete floors and
of declaratur the follow- there are no provisions
ing relief; In accordance made for their comfort
with provisions of the and well-being, nor any
Cites and its appendi- means of environmental
ces, the sale and trans- enrichment,” he said.
location of elephants “Applicant is in consis-
or endangered species tent fear that the govern-
to locations outside Af- ment and its agencies will
rica without consulta- continue defying Cites in
tions with the Animals their trade of elephants.
Committee, through its Applicant in order to
Chair with the support guard against current and
of the secretariat, and future breaches of its en-
in consultation with the vironmental rights and
those of the general pub-
Page 6 News NewsHawks
Issue 39, 16 July 2021

Under state capture revelations cloud

Tagwirei donates US$5m to govt:
It’s business as usual for tycoon
DESPITE damning revela- ed medical consumables
tions in a report by United which include injections,
States dirty money investi- airway management, prod-
gative group, The Sentry, ucts, wound care products
Shadows and Shell Games: etc for rural hospital worth
Uncovering an Offshore ZW$91 million,” he said.
Business Empire in Zim- He also donated 300
babwe, disclosing con- 000 litres of fuel – 50 000
troversial details of local litres per month for six
businessman and presiden- months – to police. In ad-
tial adviser Kudakwashe dition, he also gave them
Tagwirei’s business empire, five double-cab trucks and
the tycoon has donated ZW$30 million to buy
US$5.5 million and many specialised equipment for
other things to govern- operations.
ment to combat the resur- Further, Tagwirei said
gent Covid-19 pandemic. he was donating ZW$85
The scale of the dona- million for university stu-
tion, which covers differ- dents’ tuition.
ent areas, is unaffordable to “As a company we are
most Zimbabwean compa- further handing over 500
nies given the state of the heifers and 25 bulls to His
economy and Covid-19 Excellency the President,
ravages. ED Mnangagwa, to sup-
Tagwirei has amassed port heifers projects for
vast wealth since President President Emmerson Mnangagwa seen here at State House in Harare yesterday, with local businessman Kudakwashe Tagwirei (second from the youths,” he said.
Emmerson Mnangagwa right) during a donation event. Mnangagwa, who is
took over through a coup refurbished and equipped dated with a huge num- hoods of the people espe- lation of Covid-19 and close to the businessman
in 2017. He is one of 60 beds at Parirenyatwa ber of Covid-19 patients; cially young people.” poisoning, also donated who also sits on his Presi-
Mnangagwa’s advisers. Group of Hospitals in increase in number of cit- Tagwirei, who was for ZW$170 million for the dential Advisory Council,
This comes soon after Harare, while it has taken izens who now require ur- months confined to hospi- purchase of vaccines.  expressed gratitude to Tag-
The Sentry investigation over 60 beds in Wards B1 gent Covid-19 vaccination tal in China with an undis- “Sakunda is also donat- wirei for the donations.
which says Tagwirei, who and B2 to bring the total and compromised liveli- closed illness amid specu- ing six truckloads of assort- — STAFF WRITER
has been followed by alle- of beds to 120.
gations of corruption and It also bought and do-
cronyism for years, has nated The  Rock Founda-
been using complex corpo- tion Medical Centre, also
rate structures and seem- called Arundel Mediclin-
ingly preferential govern- ic  and Arundel Hospital,
ment treatment to build which was owned by jailed
his business empire and businessman Munyaradzi
enormous wealth.  Kereke.
The tycoon now presides Tagwirei’s company is
over a sprawling network also involved at United
of more than 40 compa- Bulawayo Hospital where
nies spanning the fuel, it refurbished 40 beds for
mining, banking, logistics, use as Covid-19 centres.
transportation, and im- It is also now operating a
port/export sectors.  centre with an additional
The report details how 20 beds there, meaning a
Tagwirei has effective- total of 60 beds.
ly concealed his control Presenting the donation
over this empire through to Mnangagwa, the usu-
an elaborate foreign net- ally quiet Tagwirei said
work, hiding his wealth the donation would cover
and ownership through Covid-19 issues, liveli-
shadowy offshore financial hoods and university stu-
structures. dents.
Seemingly unfazed, Tag- “Sakunda Holdings ac-
wirei, through his Sakun- knowledges the commit-
da Holdings, donated ment by government to
US$5.5 million in cash positively impact the live-
and equipment to govern- lihoods of the people of
ment to support Covid-19 our great nation Zimba-
programmes. bwe,” Tagwirei said.
Tagwirei, who is under “Sakunda has noticed
United States sanctions on the effects of Covid-19 on
allegations of looting pub- the well-being of Zimba-
lic resources and propping bweans among them the
the Harare regime, handed following: some parents
over the latest donation have lost their ability to
to Mnangagwa at State pay university tuition fees At a time covid-19 numbers are rising in Bulawayo which is one of the country’s hotspots. These elderly people mostly pensioners are
House in Harare yesterday. for their children; our seriously exposed to transmission as they queue to withdraw cash at NSSA bank. The bank has only one branch that caters for most of the
His company has also healthcare system is inun- Matabeleland region. Most of them have been lamenting the bank charges on top of the little payouts they get.
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
Focus on South Africa Page 7

Good Read

When South
Africa sneezes
catches a cold
RONALD MUCHENJE litical, social and criminal
HISTORY tells us we owe it Critically, Zimbabwe im-
to Klemens von Metternich, ports basic foodstuffs, med-
the distinguished 19th-cen- icals, chemicals, machinery,
tury Austrian statesman and equipment and raw mate-
diplomat, for one of the rials, among other things,
most famous phrases about from South Africa. It exports
the global economy and its mainly minerals, its liquidity
dynamics.  cash cow, to its neighbour.
In an era when Europe Business leader Busisa
dominated the world amid Moyo, who is also United Re-
the Industrial Revolution in fineries Ltd chief executive,
the aftermath of the French warned this week the turmoil
Revolution in 1789 and the in South Africa would affect
Napoleonic Wars between the entire region, especially
1803 and 1815, he came up Zimbabwe which heavily
with the line: “When France depends on the port city of
sneezes, Europe catches a Durban, for trade. With the
cold.” N3 road transport corridor
With the rise of the Unit- disrupted and closed, Zim-
ed States, it has been adapted babwe is directly affected. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa.
to: “When America sneezes, “We will feel the heat in
the world catches a cold.”  the next few days. Conserve South Africa is also home terms of the millions of Zim- exports.  In terms of export week we didn’t trade much;
It remains true today.  cash, food, raw materials and to an estimated three million babweans who are economic earnings, minerals brought importers and exporters are
However, it is fast chang- other necessities,” Moyo said. Zimbabweans and millions migrants in South Africa, in US$2.4 billion from Jan- not doing business, they are
ing as China rises.  Moyo, who is also a mem- of other foreign nationals and remitting money to their uary to September last year, shaken and monitoring the
In Africa, it aptly fits ber of President Emmerson that provide critical skills in families back home,” he said.  compared to US$2.1 billion situation.”
South Africa, especially in Mnangagwa’s Presidential the worst affected provinces “The destruction of infra- recorded over the same peri- Dr Alex Magaisa, a United
the southern African region. Advisory Council and the of Gauteng and KZN. structure might also affect od in 2019.  Kingdom-based Zimbabwe-
Zimbabwean government, Zimbabwe Investment and Zimbabweans in South their jobs, which may, in In 2021, the mining in- an academic and University
business and labour officials Development Agency chair, Africa contribute hundreds turn, affect remittances. So, dustry is projected to re- of Kent Law School lecturer,
as well as ordinary citizens was expressing the apprehen- of millions of dollars in re- it is my hope that the situa- bound by 11% driven by said “if a giant sneezes the
watched with horror and sions of many when he said mittances back home. The tion in South Africa will be planned expansion pro- whole region catches a cold”.
dismay social unrest – char- this. country receives about US$1 addressed at earliest conve- grammes aimed at increasing “With major oil compa-
acterised by violence, riot- Economic analyst Victor billion annually from its di- nience in order to bring sta- production by miners as the nies closing business and de-
ing and looting – engulfing Bhoroma said the burning aspora community. bility in the whole region.” country moves towards the claring Force Majeure (Act of
South Africa, pondering the of property, especially haul- Bhoroma said the situa- While the South Africa attainment of US$12 billion God), a justification for not
economic consequences of age trucks, warehouses and tion could get even worse government struggled to industry, the government fulfilling contractual obliga-
that. infrastructure – disrupting if the violence fuels  xeno- contain the riots at the be- says. tions, the repercussions will
Economists warned Zim- logistics – will disturb the phobia and the closure of ginning, the situation seems The programmes include be felt in other parts of South
babwe should brace for re- flow of raw materials as the markets. Tawanda Purazeni, to have been contained fol- increased exploration, ex- Africa and the Southern Afri-
newed problems as the vio- country is already experienc- an economist, said the civil lowing the deployment of pansion of existing mining can region. With KZN being
lent protests in South Africa ing delays. unrest in South Africa would the army to beef up the po- projects, resuscitation of a host to one of the busiest
could result in trade losses “The violent protests will have a negative impact on lice. President Cyril Rama- closed mines, opening of ports in Africa, a key arteri-
of over US$340 million per seriously impact Zimbabwe’s Zimbabwe given the eco- phosa said yesterday his gov- new mines and mineral ben- al route for trade is currently
month. This could also lead trade with South Africa val- nomic integration between ernment was ill-prepared for eficiation and value addition.  blocked,” he said.
to a resurgence of inflation- ued at over US$340 million the two countries. the uprising. Export earnings have been “This is certain to cause
ary pressures in the long run, per month,” he said.  “Zimbabwe is dependent The conflict in South Af- the main source of funds severe distress to the heart
they said. “The burning of proper- on South Africa for most of rica could also affect Zim- for the auction through vol- of the nation and the re-
South Africa is Zimba- ty especially haulage trucks, the basic goods we find in babwe’s economic plans. untary liquidations and the gion. The economic impact
bwe’s biggest trading partner.  warehouses and gun violence our retail outlets. We should Zimbabwe targets to grow surrender requirements on of South Africa in the region
Zimbabwe annually exports will disturb the flow of raw brace up for serious shortages manufacturing exports by exports and domestic foreign cannot be overstated and
about 40% of its output – materials as we are already of goods and services due to 4.1% in 2021 from an esti- currency transactions.  Of one cannot avoid the cliché
worth about US$2.3 billion experiencing delays. The port the ongoing looting and de- mate of 3.6% in 2020.  the total amount allocated that if the giant sneezes, the
– to South Africa, while it of Durban is the trade gate- struction of the productive This will be achieved through the auction system, whole region catches a cold.
imports about 50% – valued way for most Sadc countries. lines and infrastructure. This through focusing on diversi- more than 70% has come “This is the reason why
US$2 billion – of its needs Exports movement will also will also trigger inflationary fying exports into non-tradi- from surrender requirements South Africa’s troubles
from its powerful southern be slowed down by the un- pressures. If this situation tional markets and exploiting on exports and domestic for- should worry the rest of the
neighbour. The violence, rest and violence depending persists, we are bound to be existing preferential trading eign transactions.  region. It is already home to
rioting and looting which on how long the protests will worse off as a country,” he agreements with various Diaspora remittances are millions of migrants from
erupted in KwaZulu-Natal last. This will lead to tempo- said countries, the government also critical. Last year, dias- the region, most of them
and Gauteng provinces in rary shortages of raw materi- Another economist, says. pora remittances amounted economic refugees fleeing
the aftermath of the incar- als and other commodities.”  Clemence Machadu, said the Furthermore, Zimbabwe to US$1 billion, a 58% in- unemployment and pover-
ceration of former president The Confederation of instability across the Limpo- will strive to benefit from crease from previous year of ty in their own countries.
Jacob Zuma for contempt of Zimbabwe Industries, of po River should be of partic- the vast Africa Continental US$635.7 million.  They in turn send millions in
court have resulted in 212 which Moyo is a previous ular concern to Zimbabwe, Free Trade Area with about “The impact on Zimbabwe remittances every year pro-
deaths – and counting – as president, says 58% of the given the deep economic ties 1.3 billion people and over was immediate, especially on viding a lifeline to their im-
mobs ransacked shops and country’s raw materials come between the two countries.  US$3.4 trillion in gross do- the financial services sector,” poverished communities and
burnt infrastructure in po- from South Africa. “One can also look at it in mestic product in terms of a local banker said.  “This national economies.”
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
Focus on South Africa Page 8

Lessons from SA social unrest


THE turmoil in South Africa

following the recent jailing of for-
mer president Jacob Zuma and
subsequent social unrest charac- across regions.  Income per cap-
terised by rioting and looting for ita in Gauteng — the economic
many other reasons – including hub — is almost twice the levels
deprivation and poverty – has of some provinces.
brought a number of critical Subdued growth has jeop-
issues to the fore, including in- ardised efforts to promote in-
structive lessons. clusion. With growth stagnating
Zuma was found guilty of over the past decade, the econo-
contempt of court by the Con- my has not created enough jobs
stitutional Court on 29 June. He to absorb hordes of the unem-
was sentenced to 15 months in ployed and new entrants into the
jail. labour market. 
The judgement triggered im- High unemployment is a ma-
mediate reaction from his sup- jor factor behind inequality. 
porters who vowed he was not South Africa’s official unem-
going to prison. After refusing ployment rate rose to a new high
to surrender himself to the police in the first quarter as construction
for detention, saying he had done and trade industries shed jobs.
nothing wrong and would not go The jobless rate rose to 32.6%
to jail, Zuma finally capitulated from 32.5% in the last quarter,
and handed himself to Escourt Statistics South Africa said last
Correctional Centre on 7 July. month. That’s the highest num-
But no sooner had he gotten ber on record.
into jail did his supporters, after Unemployment, including
a brief lull, start violent protests people available for work but not
demanding his release. looking for a job, rose to 43.2%
Before long, the protests de- from 42.6% the previous quarter. 
teriorated and degenerated into The number of discouraged
mayhem, rioting and looting. work seekers surged by 201 000
The upheaval swept from its epi- people in the quarter.
centre in KwaZulu-Natal, Zuma’s These are grim statistics. 
home province, across to Johan- South Africa needs broad-
nesburg as malls, shops and stores based growth which generates
were looted and burnt.  more low-skilled jobs for the
In the process, vital infra- unemployed to help reduce in-
structure, transport routes and equality.
logistics were disrupted and de- In the short term, the govern-
stroyed. This significantly para- ment needs more scope to further
lysed the economy. leverage fiscal policy as a redis-
At least 212 people have died tributive tool.
so far.  In the medium to long term,
The riots – which have politi- South Africa will need further
cal and social causes – left a trail fundamental structural reforms
of destruction and death. Crimi- for more robust and inclusive
nality and vigilantism also reared growth. The focus needs to be on
their ugly heads during the crisis. creating a business environment
However, the tumult in South more conducive to investment
Africa carried some telling les- Jailed former South African president Jacob Zuma. and job creation. 
sons. These lessons are still being This requires improved gover-
spelled out for all to see, but they utter betrayal of the hopes of crisis; unrest, unemployment and lockdown issue, forcing people nance, reducing the cost of doing
have universal relevance, mean- Mandela himself and millions of • The socio-economic situa- poverty are serious; to stay at home to starve, was a business, opening the market to
ing and resonance, particularly South Africans. tion in South Africa is vol- • The majority of South Afri- strong grievance during the riots. competition, paying properly for
for Zimbabwe. Given that South Africa is the atile, explosive and unsus- can are peaceful  people who The South African govern- the right skills and productivity,
South Africa hosts an estimat- most advanced economy in Afri- tainable; want change and progress in ment has used different tools to and making state-owned enter-
ed three million Zimbabweans, ca, its failure has far-reaching and • Inequality, unemployment their social and economic address inequality, including fis- prises more efficient. 
even though this has never been devastating consequences for the and poverty, especially situation, but not through cal redistribution.  This also en- Policies will also be needed
verified and substantiated. Offi- region and the continent. among the youth are ticking anarchy; tails higher social spending, tar- to create opportunities to sup-
cial estimates are much lower. Some of the internal issues time bombs; • However, rioting and loot- geted government social grants, port the marginalised through
What is happening in South brought to the fore by South • Zuma is still popular, but no ing, even though unaccept- and affirmative action to diversify improved quality of education,
Africa is of great importance to African anarchy include the fol- one is above the law; the rule able to many, are direct, wealth ownership and promoting health and transportation.
Zimbabwe, which under the late lowing: of law is paramount: effective and pragmatic entrepreneurship among the pre- Strengthening investment,
former president Robert Mug- • Consensus that the Zuma strategies of challenging the viously marginalised. These mea- including foreign direct invest-
abe also tried to redress the leg- • South Africa is still con- issue was mishandled, he status quo and demanding sures need to be complemented ment, will be critical to propel
acies of colonialism, especially toured and hugely defined should have been convicted wealth redistribution to im- with reforms that promote pri- growth and create jobs.
on land and business ownership, by apartheid structures and of contempt of court and prove lives of the working vate investment, job creation and Although South Africa has
through a chaotic and oft-violent vestiges economically and given a suspended sentence, class; inclusive growth. made considerable strides in
approach.  socially, hence a highly con- not jailed; • In the aftermath of the latest When Mandela took over in improving the  wellbeing  of its
Although Mugabe’s agrarian tested terrain; • Dangers of judicial activism; conflict, South Africa needs 1994, through a negotiated set- citizens since its transition to
reforms gave Zimbabweans con- • It is an explosive society, a judges should recuse them- political re-awakening and tlement that avoided rocking the democracy in 1994, progress
trol of the land and helped some cauldron of racial and eth- selves whenever needed; rebirth; and boat and hence the current struc- has stagnated in the last decade.
indigenous people into business nic tensions, with violence • Racial tensions still exist. • There is hope for South Af- tural vestiges of apartheid, South The percentage of the popula-
to control the means of produc- always simmering just be- Ethnicisation of politics as rica given an active, engag- Africa already had deep inequali- tion below the upper-middle-in-
tion, his policies devastated the low the surface; well as weaponisation and ing and conscious citizenry ty as a large swath of the popula- come-country poverty line fell
economy and led to the country’s • Society is somewhat like a instrumentalistion of eth- re-energised and determined tion was excluded from economic from 68% to 56% between 2005
isolation. war zone, and many people nicity is real, yet South Af- to push for positive change. participation.  and 2010, but has since trended
That left Zimbabwe broken are armed with guns; ricans are generally against These are not isolated issues; South Africa’s Gini co-effi- slightly upwards to 57% in 2015
and reduced to a pariah state, • The South African state that; they are related, interconnected cient — an index that measures and is now 60%.
forcing its citizens to flee to dif- lacks capacity to deal with • Leaders should not dabble and their interface is the space inequality — increased in the Structural challenges and weak
ferent countries, mainly South large-scale violence and cha- in ethnic politics like Bantu- where the current contestation in early 2000s and has remained growth have undermined prog-
Africa, primarily to seek econom- os; stan politicians; South Africa is playing out. high ever since. Meanwhile, its ress in reducing poverty, which
ic refuge.  • The ANC, the ruling party, • The majority of people who Yet what stands out is that peers in the emerging economies have been heightened by the
Yet there are many lessons to is deeply divided due to in- went out to protest and South Africa has the highest have made inroads in reducing Covid-19 pandemic. Progress
be drawn from the South African ternal power struggles and loot were less worried about levels of inequality in the world inequality. in household welfare is severely
situation. One of them is a rude this has eroded legitimate Zuma, but more about their measured by the commonly used Income distribution remains constrained by rising unemploy-
awakening and reminder that authority to make collective social conditions; Gini index, according to the badly distorted in South Africa.  ment, which reached an unprec-
South Africa has what the World decisions; • The “Free Zuma” protest World Bank.  The top 20% of the popula- edented 32.5%. Unemployment
Bank deems the highest levels of • There are two major ANC quickly degenerated into Inequality manifests itself tion holds over 68% of income is highest among youths aged be-
social inequality on the globe, ex- factions, one led by Presi- ventilation of pent-up emo- structurally, through skewed in- (compared to a median of 47% tween 15 and 24, at around 63%.
acerbated by massive unemploy- dent Cyril Ramaphosa and tions and frustrations by the come distribution and unequal for similar emerging markets). From now onwards, Rama-
ment and poverty.  the other by his predecessor • subaltern over social condi- access to opportunities as well as The bottom 40% of the popula- phosa is likely to struggle to pre-
Leadership, policy and gover- Zuma; and possibly a Third tions, thus violence, crimi- disparities along class, racial, re- tion holds 7% of income (com- serve macro-economic stability,
nance failures as well as corrup- Force behind the rioting; nality,  looting and lawless- gional, gender, and demographic pared to 16% for other emerging improve the investment climate,
tion are also ravaging the nation.  • Ramaphosa is in charge, but ness; lines. markets). Similar trends can be boost growth and create jobs
This is an alarming indictment lacks clarity of thought on • The perils of personality Low economic growth and observed across other measures, critical for South Africa’s post-
of post-apartheid governments – this issue, is indecisive and cult politics, demagogues unemployment – coupled with such as the income share of the Covid-19 recovery. But one thing
from Nelson Mandela to Cyril weak; his measured long and populism in a state of the Covid-19 devastation – have top 1%. is certain: it can no longer be
Ramapahosa – and an game does not work in a flux and conditions of social exacerbated the situation. The Significant disparities remain business as usual in South Africa.
Page 9 Focus on South Africa NewsHawks
Issue 39, 16 July 2021

South African unrest: This is 


ITS roots are intertwined with al-

most three centuries of extractive

what a failed state looks like

corruption, mixed with austerity.
There are no savings to be made
in this arrangement, and all of it
will be paid for with treasure and
It has been a fine week for con-
noisseurs of civil unrest.  This is what state failure looks
Across Gauteng and KwaZu- like. Its roots are intertwined
lu-Natal (KZN), two massive with almost three centuries of
conflagrations have conjoined to extractive corruption, mixed with
form a devastating wildfire. The austerity. There are no savings to
first was the rage manufactured be made in this arrangement, and
by an organised criminal network all of it will be paid for with trea-
that found opportunity in the sure and souls.
incarceration of a political figure-
head. The second was the instabil- Pay to play
ity caused by the desperation of a
people crushed in an ever-tighten- Establishment armchair analysts
ing economic vice. have insisted, throughout Cyril
Following the arrest of for- Ramaphosa’s tenure, that he is
mer president Jacob Zuma last fully in charge of the machinery
Wednesday, and after incitement of the state, and is impervious
from his hype squad – includ- to any genuine threats from the
ing his daughter Duduzile Zu- mouth-breathing factionalists
ma-Sambudla and a local radio in his party. Ace is aced. Zuma
DJ named Ngizwe Mchunu is in orange. But Ramaphosa is
– KZN exploded into unprece- the weakest ANC leader in the
dented mayhem, which is saying party’s modern history. At this
something for a province that ex- point, should the National Gen-
perienced the worst of apartheid’s eral Conference go ahead, the
end-game violence. The scale of big ANC meet-up could have
the ruin is already staggering, existential consequences for his
while the impotence of law en- presidency.
forcement has been a reminder of The current civil unrest will be
the disarray that defines the police held up as proof of his incompe-
and intelligence services, neither tence, and it will cost a fortune in
of which were prepared for the both cash and political capital for
obvious upset following the for- him to retain his post. The asser-
mer president’s jailing. tion that he’s a shoo-in is laugh-
Stupidity like this deserves a able.
standing ovation. Sadly, South From this vantage point, in the
Africa is on its knees. Entire com- middle of a pandemic and amid
munities have been razed, but bouts of mega-violence caught on
more significantly – at least for camera, it is difficult to see how
those trying to calculate what the municipal elections, scheduled
future might hold – the violence for October, can proceed. Should
has targeted vital nodes of distri- A car on Jules Street in Jeppestown, downtown Johannesburg, burnt on Sunday, 11 July 2021, during social unrest, rioting and loot- they be postponed, South Africa
bution: logistics capacity in Mooi ing triggered by former South African president Jacob Zuma’s jailing, political, economic and social grievances, expressed through enters a cryogenic freeze in which
River; local food and dry good Ramaphosa’s ever-expanding ex-
widespread mass deprivation, poverty and desperation. Photo: Shiraaz Mohamed
stores throughout eThekwini; ecutive will face off against cir-
large malls and warehouse facil- duceable home province – it gets a Checkers or a Woolworths, Hell. At the Madala Hostel in comprehensive social relief pro- cling opponents in his party.
ities along the coastline and up smiled away as a topic not to be even in tiny Johannesburg retail Alexandra; at the Jeppestown grammes, so even the pathetic The president is already forced
into Pietermaritzburg. Sasria, the discussed in polite company. As in spaces. These warnings represent Hostel in the CBD; at hotspots R350 Covid-19 social relief grant to run the country through a sort
state insurance agency, is on the most African countries, tribal di- the birth pangs of a Russian-style throughout the southern town- was suspended. This is an ob- of expert-advised plutocratic tech-
hook for these costs, which ulti- visions were diligently maintained hyper-capitalist shadow economy, ships, ancient ethnic resentments scenely cruel austerity regimen, nocracy, where his official Cabi-
mately means that taxpayers serve by successive white overlords for which threatens to become the have been jump-started, and the the result of successive self-im- net members are little more than
as guarantors. The damage is like- decades, and the wounds never real economy  –  a vision Zuma mayhem has been instantaneous. posed structural adjustment pack- decorative dashboard ornaments.
ly to amount to tens of billions of healed. Zuma has made a career and his cabal in the State Security The method has worked before, ages that are nearly indiscernible When they do speak, they’re em-
rands, but that’s only part of the of exploiting them: it has been the Agency hoped to initiate under during the xenophobic attacks from the famine campaigns of the barrassing disasters. The security
cost. It will be nearly impossible source of his power all along. his presidency. of 2008 and 2013. Out-of-work, colonial era. cluster is in such chaos that Ra-
to rebuild what has been burnt. (These observations should Better late than never, as they idle young men are an ever-pres- The government’s parsimony maphosa may have to take con-
Own the supply chain, own not be confused with a certain say. ent, highly efficient delivery has had inevitable consequences: trol of the SANDF himself. This
the country: this is a basic tenet opposition politician’s view that Speaking of late – Julius Male- mechanism for extreme violence. people are enraged. None of this is the destiny of most tinpot pres-
of warfare. And make no mis- Zuma is a charming if guileless ma, whose Economic Freedom And yes, while this may have justifies the violent behaviour of idencies.
take, there is a plan. The trouble traditional chieftain who doesn’t Fighters have evolved into an ef- started as a #FreeJacobZuma the small minority torching malls, And so, in the very near future,
in KZN is much more than a know from fancy Western-style fective shakedown crew in Johan- mega-event, it has morphed into looting storefronts and annihilat- in order to maintain something
political protest or a spontaneous constitutionalism or democracy. nesburg, Tshwane and beyond, something much more wide- ing SMEs. But the point is that resembling stability, Ramaphosa
statement of local anguish. Under In fact, Zuma is a highly method- has tried to tweet himself into spread and uncontained. The the #FreeJacobZuma movement will have to face up to the fact
the cover of Zuma’s jailing, this ical grifter who knows exactly the national free-for-all. “No sol- people free-shopping in stores and the resultant chaos have dove- that the state will need to re-es-
was a large, local gangster network what he’s doing, and who is both diers on our streets! Otherwise, and malls form part of an eco- tailed with much larger grievanc- tablish the monopoly of violence.
flexing its muscles, saying: We are a populist and an adept at strum- we are joining. All fighters must nomic underclass that has been es. Big chunks of the country have But this will require the murder
here. Stop us if you can. ming white liberal passions.) be ready… they won’t kill us all,” humiliated for generations. It is been rendered ungovernable. It of people in the streets on an in-
The state’s reply was as anaemic For another thing, as the exclaimed Julius, who has a knack almost impossible to generate a doesn’t help that Police Minister dustrial scale. Neither he nor his
as it was articulate: “war against corruption” makes for avoiding personal involvement socioeconomic reality more in- Bheki Cele is more effective as a backers have the stomach for this.
We can’t. Help yourself.  nominal gains by jailing former in the violent protests he initiates. equitable than South Africa’s, meme than as a functional hu- There is an alternative, of course,
presidents and humiliating the Meanwhile, in the Eastern Cape, largely because no other country man being, and remains locked in but it may be even more unpal-
ANC’s D-team in court, the fight taxi industry leaders and Premier has been insane enough to try. Po- a bunfight with the National Po- atable to the government and its
Ethnic shmethnic for control of the gangster econ- Oscar Mabuyane have been in litical systems tend to fail when a lice Commissioner, Khehla Sitole. backers than mass slaughter – the
omy becomes commensurately talks to protect the province from quarter of the population is out of The police on the streets drafting of a new social contract
Zuma’s opponents – aka nearly vicious. There is nothing to lose looting. These new racketeering work. In South Africa, that num- – themselves underpaid, un- that delivers a fair deal for all.
everyone on Earth – like to re- and everything to gain by torch- alliances are the future of South ber has reached nearly 50%, while der-trained working people – The future is available only to
mind us that the former president ing the country. Listed corporate Africa: the gangster economy has almost three out of four young have never had the trust of the countries that understand that
has no real power; that his support entities are being informed, in the become fully integrated into the people do not have any prospects people, and now they’ve become basic subsistence is a human right
has faded away with his politi- language of blood and fire, that remnants of the “real” economy. of employment. the face of the loathed lockdowns. – a right that can and should be
cal prominence; that his kids are South Africa is no longer a cozy Hoods, assassins, ex-spooks That Zuma’s State Capture Because of this, and for the third guaranteed by the state. Should
drunk lunatics and not the lethal environment in which to run and drug dealers are now partners project contributed to this situ- time in two years, the army is now the current corporate/govern-
social media influencers they take their monopolies. The ensuing at the table. ation is almost beside the point. roaming South Africa’s poorest ment rent-seeking arrangement
themselves to be. But his arrest vacuum is being filled by what It no longer matters how South Africans are facing a sec- communities, ready to shoot and continue, and should the Rama-
has dragged up something dark economists term “new entrants”. much a CEO bench-presses, or ond successive winter under lock- impervious to the nuances of cau- phosa technocracy fail to under-
and vicious from the underworld It is, for example, no longer how many minutes he dedicates down, where the deprivations sality. stand that the present moment
bog in which he remains a repre- safe to truck goods into KZN, to Mandela Day, or how much have become unbearable. The Meanwhile, well-armed white represents an opportunity to
sentative daemon. South African which serves as the success- viognier his wine farm produces. government’s inhumane response militias have emerged from the change tack, then the gangsters
elites are reflexively horrified by ful culmination of a campaign A new age is upon us. to the Covid-19 pandemic has gloom to protect property that will carry the day.
any talk of tribalism, but when it to dislodge “foreign nationals” loosened something in the streets, has been abandoned by the cops Gauteng and KZN offer a
works in the ANC’s favour – as it from the trucking industry: As Lockdown and out and the pent-up response is now or security companies, firing off warning. The post-apartheid
did in the 2009 national elections of today, all roads into KZN are fanning out across the country. live rounds at unarmed black peo- elite-driven looting spree is over.
that saw the party win a large ma- controlled by the mob. It is no Case in point: Gauteng is cur- The economic Brahmins insist ple – not a particularly sustainable Others are looting now, and it’s as
jority in Zuma’s previously unse- longer safe to run a Shoprite, or rently a working diorama of that there was no way to pay for way to engender racial harmony. bad as it looks on TV.
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
Focus on South Africa Page 10

Change or collapse: Violence reveals

weak South African state foundation
HAYDEN WEAVER minates the gulf between the used to justify acts of violence
constitutionally promised free- and looting.
THE violence gripping South doms, rights and laws of de- Fanon suggests that “the
Africa reveals that we have not mocracy, and the lived reality party, which has become a gen-
left our colonial past behind. of the people. Ultimately, this uine instrument of power in
We are a transcolonial state, violence unveils the truth of the hands of the bourgeoisie,
as described by Frantz Fanon, the nation. reinforces the State apparatus
having failed to transform the The lived reality of the ma- and determines the contain-
lived reality of poverty, unem- jority of South Africans is one ment and immobilisation of
ployment and a lack of dignity that is stripped of dignity and the people”. The violence can
for the majority of our people.  filled with poverty. This makes be seen as a form of remobili-
Violence and looting have the freedoms, rights and laws sation of South Africans as well
escalated in many parts of completely foreign to many. as the unveiling of utter des-
South Africa in recent days — The people of South Africa peration among the citizens. 
a perceived continuation of the were promised change when Among the opportunis-
#freeJacobZuma protests that the apartheid government was tic looting of a wide range of
began on the weekend of 11 overthrown. But it has been businesses, the looting of gro-
July 2021. The looting of ma- more than 20 years and the re- cery stores is a clear example
jor grocery stores, liquor stores ality of many South Africans is of the desperate state of many,
and home appliance stores has just as it was during apartheid. as looters use the chaos to gain
created devastating scenes. We Ultimately, it is this that has a meal. The extent of the up-
have watched the police stand led to the eruption of violence. heavals of the past few days
on the side-lines observing the It is given justification by the unveils the foundations of a
mayhem as they are stretched #freeJacobZuma movement. nation that remains engulfed
too thin to effectively end it. But it is clearly not about the in its colonial past.
South Africa is burning, but former president. Rather, this This violence is by no means
is this really about the infa- is the overflowing of anger by justifiable. However, it does
mous former president? What citizens of South Africa. illuminate the shattered foun-
are the true drivers of this vi- The South African govern- An inferno engulfs a shopping mall in South Africa this week. dations of the South African
olence? ment has fallen into a predict- nation-state. This is not about
South Africa is a state that able scenario. Frantz Fanon national bourgeoisie proves lack of dignity that many face are too numerous and too former president Zuma — it
is suspended between the past suggested that one of the major incapable of achieving simple on a daily basis. greedy”.  is a symptom of much greater
and the present, between apart- struggles to lift a country from national unity and incapable of Furthermore, South Afri- As things stand, South Afri- problems within our country.
heid and democracy, between a colonial state would occur building the nation on a solid, ca’s government has mirrored ca is a skeleton of the state it It is now a battle between state
colonialism and postcolonial- after the initial overthrow of a constructive foundation”. This Fanon’s words as he suggests had the potential to be. The power in the form of police
ism, a state still in transition.  former white government. This seems to fit the South African that the national bourgeoi- failures of the ANC govern- and military, and the anger of
The transcolonial state would occur as what Fanon situation perfectly, as problems sie “are able to cash in on all ment have led to the violent many South African citizens.
of South Africa is revealed termed the “national bourgeoi- in post-apartheid South Africa sides and prove to be brilliant situation we have now. The One thing remains clear.
through the acts of violence sie” replaced the colonisers.  have continued to grow, visible opportunists. Favours abound, irony here is that the impris- Something must change, or
that are erupting across the In Fanon’s words in  The in our rampant unemploy- corruption triumphs and mor- onment of one of the true vul- things truly will fall apart. 
country. The violence illu- Wretched of the Earth,  “the ment, devastating poverty and als decline. Today the vultures tures of this period has been - Daily Maverick.

There is a future.




Page 11 Focus on South Africa NewsHawks
Issue 39, 16 July 2021

From flames of looting to

democratic regeneration
TRACY-LYNN FIELD and jurisprudential lodestar for those who affirmed protest, but and who thereby destroy what
South African society. called for restraint and those is in the common and public
OVER the past week, demo- Neither position is correct, who preferred the way of de- interest.
cratic constitutionalism and the however, because the moral and struction.  To do this we must use all
rule of law have undergone a political lodestar is the South Af- Affirming democratic regen- the forms of governance that
massive stress test. The power to rican people itself, the demos of eration does not mean we don’t a system of self-rule allows, in-
determine the outcome of this self-governing equals who came need change or that we should cluding protecting functioning
stress test can never lie in the into being through the Consti- not be urgently interrogating systems of customary law. We
efficacy of the police services or tution in a quest to rule them- the effectiveness of our demo- are resilient people, but we need
the defence force. It lies with the selves. While the demos can be cratic institutions to stem the leaders who will take this kind
choice of the people of South guided by constitutional values looting culture that has bedev- of change forward.
Africa.  and the incremental and accu- illed our country’s progress for We are a resilient people. We
Apocalyptic. This is just one mulating constitutional juris- so many years — at all levels of have gone through a lot, but we
of the words used to describe prudence of the courts, or by society, in government and the somehow always come out on
the destruction of property and the much older values of ubun- private sector and across all lines the other side. May the flames
tragically, life, that has ensued in tu and other occluded episte- of difference. of democratic regeneration burn
the wake of the mad outburst of mologies, it is the choice of the We need to find ways of bright in our country. South Af-
collective energy in South Africa present generation of South Af- holding accountable those who ricans, we can do this thing. 
over the past week. ricans that matters. grab without regard for others – Daily Maverick.
Whether you choose to see With the flames of loot-
the blockading of roads and ing starting to die down, what
burning of trucks that have emerges from the ashes is that
throttled critical supply routes the vast majority of South Af-
and the violent razing of shop- ricans choose regeneration over
ping malls and warehouses as a destruction. Through their ac-
form of protest, a coordinated tions and reactions, physical and
strategy of economic sabotage, verbal, the majority of South
or simply the unsurprising re- African people across racial,

sponse of a population seething gender, ethnic and class lines are
under the harshness of life in exercising their constituent sov-
one of the most unequal societ- ereign power to say (reflecting
ies in the world the impact is the back the words of an exhausted
same: shock, disbelief, despair, President Cyril Ramaphosa):
trauma. “This is NOT us.”
Perhaps most fearful is the A WhatsApp message this
thought that what has gone up morning from a friend who has
in flames and lingered for a mo- been in the thick of the conflict
ment in a searing pall of black in KwaZulu-Natal says it all:
smoke is the hope of South Af- “We have not slept since this
rica’s constitutional democracy started. Now we pray for peace
itself. Unless we stop the vio- and a miracle. We are resilient
lence, unless we bring in more people. Let’s hope they are done
troops and declare a State of and we can start to rebuild.”

Emergency, some have said, our We are a resilient people.
underlying democratic order — As the people who are now
instituted with such hope and inspiring hope and courage get
fanfare almost 30 years ago — is to work on mopping-up op-
at stake. erations and help those at the
And this is true. Over the coalface of the devastation, it
past week, democratic consti- is worthwhile to recall why the
tutionalism and the rule of law South African democratic con-
have undergone a massive stress stitutional order was hailed as
test, caught between those who a miracle. It was a miracle be-
wish for a broad-ranging and cause there was no pre-existing
thoroughgoing destruction basis to talk of a South African
and breaking down, and those “people”; we were a mishmash
who wish to continue to strug- of different races, classes and
gle forward. But the power to ethnicities with vastly conflict-
determine the outcome of this ing worldviews. We were bitter
stress test can never lie in the enemies driven apart by walls of
efficacy of the police services or fear.
the defence force. It lies with the The naysayers of South Afri-
choice of the people of South ca’s experiment in inclusive de-
Africa. All 58 million or so of us. mocracy have been quick to give
In the weeks before the up, pointing to the democratic
eruption of the worst violence deficit associated with the draft-
of South Africa’s democratic ing of the 1996 Constitution
history I had been painstaking- and the way it was bound to
ly writing an academic article the terms of a negotiated settle-
about democratic sovereignty ment, the continuing and even
and the possibility of transfor- deepening inequalities that the Promotion runs from 1 July to 31 July 2021 at all ZINARA
mative change. To do this, I constitutional order has failed
engaged with scholarly debates to address, and the immense Offices and ALM Machines, selected tollgates, refueling
about “transformative constitu-
challenges that still lie ahead.
But they have underestimated stations or visit any ZINARA agents.
Mirroring the material and the extent to which the South
visceral struggles that have African people are being knitted
played out on the streets this
week, this debate is polarised:
together and are coming into
being through our collective
Comply and drive freely.
On the one hand, “constitution- experiences of triumph (Rug-
al abolitionists” see the 1996 by World Cup!) and suffering Terms and conditions apply!
Constitution as a betrayal and (looting, Eishkom, Day Zero,
argue for a wholesale overhaul and the days-of-our-lives State
to the philosophical, historical Capture Commission, to name
and cultural basis of the South but a few). 
African governing order. On the The South African people
other, “constitutional optimists”
are faithful to the Constitu-
choose regeneration and hope-
fully, when the next election ZINARA, Driven to make you drive well…
tion itself as a moral, political rolls around we will remember Zimbabwe National Road Administration zinaraZW
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
Focus on South Africa Page 12

Confronting the confusing narratives 

to understand South Africa’s tumult
RICHARD JURGENS lu-Natal and Gauteng. The progress toward the rule of law
widespread response of many that the judiciary has shown it-
SOUTH Africans find them- communities banding together self capable of holding a figure
selves confronted with the ugly to defend economic resources such as former president Jacob
spectre of rioting and loot- such as malls would appear to Zuma to account for his fail-
ing that has claimed over 200 indicate that the violence is re- ure to respect the constitution.
lives, and also dealt a devastat- stricted to a minority. Until it happened, few ana-
ing blow to the economy. The So far, members of the gov- lysts would confidently have
situation remains extremely ernment have tended to resort predicted it materialising. The
volatile, and while narratives to variations of the third and Constitutional Court’s firm-
abound, particularly on social fourth narratives to explain the ness in upholding the law is to
media, facts are in short sup- chaos that has erupted on their be celebrated and applauded as
ply. It is important to examine watch. Some have suggested a crucial step in the direction
the situation in as level-headed that it is mainly opportunistic of government accountability.
a manner as possible to gain an criminality, while others have Yet if anything is clear at
understanding of what has re- claimed that it is an attempt this stage, it is that resistance
ally befallen our nation. to bring down the government to Zuma’s incarceration, and
The competing narratives by instigating generalised vi- other attempts by senior ruling
fall broadly into four views. olence. These mixed messag- party figures to evade account-
According to one view, the es are themselves a cause for ability under the constitution,
social unrest represents sup- concern. The government has are based on the idea that in-
port of former President Jacob struggled to explain how its fluential members of the ruling
Zuma on the part of people intelligence services failed to elite should not be subject to
angered by his incarceration. inform it of the mood in the the same law as other citizens.
According to the second view, country. Moreover, little to no More generally, it is also clear
the social unrest is an expres- evidence has been presented that South Africa’s governing
sion of legitimate discontent to support the claim that the party has comprehensively
with the ANC’s rule. The third state has successfully thwarted failed to deliver on its core du-
view is that the violence is a a coup, and the claim rather ties and responsibilities.
wave of organised and sponta- neatly diverts attention from Protestors burned 23 heavy motor vehicles on the N3 Highway, near Mooi River, a small town 160km We are at a turning point
neous or opportunistic crimi- the other narratives outlined from the coast in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. in our history as a young de-
nality. The fourth view, which here. If the unrest is due to a series of analytical articles Gauteng. This piece tackles pecially for the youth, this situ- mocracy. We should all stand
appears increasingly to be the widespread discontent or crim- to examine the matters at the the agenda of the Radical Eco- ation renders thousands of idle together in the fight to build
official line, is that the unrest inality, or both, clearly the gov- heart of this crisis. We weave nomic Transformation (RET) and hopeless people suscepti- the institutions of the state in
represents an attempted coup ernment has failed in some of together a number of import- brigade, which has deeply le- ble to participating in disrup- a more inclusive and program-
by Zuma supporters, which its primary roles. ant threads by reading between gitimate elements but has also tive action with little regard to matic manner. In the coming
was anticipated and is being For now, on the available the lines. been subverted for crude polit- the motives of those instigating days, GGA will explore the
suppressed by the state. information, one thing is clear: First, we examine the ques- ical destabilisation purposes. It said action. key themes underlying these
Each of these narratives the ongoing rampage in South tion of whether there was or also speaks to the legacy effects Finally, we show how each of unfortunate events, with the
needs to be treated with cau- Africa can be attributed to a is a coup attempt, as the state of migrant labour and the nu- the above threads have a bear- aim of providing clarity to the
tion and carefully tested. As re- monumental failure of gover- might have us believe. This will ances of Zulu nationalism, and ing on what is ultimately a fail- national discussion.
gards the first narrative, claims nance. Whatever else it is, it also provide a much-needed how this intersects with RET. ure of governance. Governance Moreover, we aim to be not
have been made that the sup- certainly the culmination of anatomy of state security and Ultimately, South Africa has is not some abstract concept; merely critical, but construc-
port for Zuma emanates either years of frustration with a rul- intelligence failures. Missing to have a clear plan of how to it speaks to the heart of our tive, and will also outline key
from Zulu ethnic nationalists ing party’s incompetence and from the public domain is a adopt a form of capitalism that current tragedy. It is defined steps that will be necessary to
or from supporters of the Rad- corruption, which have left a comprehensive analysis of the breaks the current oligopolistic as the authoritative allocation turn this disaster into an op-
ical Economic Transformation nation mired in poverty. The dynamics animating the heart politico-business elite bargain of resources and answers the portunity. As has frequently
faction within the ANC. If so, devastating effects of this lack of the deep state in the wake of and delivers broad-based bene- critical questions of who gets been pointed out, South Africa
it is not clear whether these of governance have been exac- post-2008 subversion and hol- fits if we are to navigate coher- what, when and how. The state is a country of enormous po-
groups are the same thing, or erbated by the Covid-19 pan- lowing out. ently out of this mess. is responsible for the protec- tential. It is only through po-
whether they overlap in some demic, and lockdowns having Second, we analyse key Third, we address the ques- tion of lives and property, for litical renewal and economic
way. At any rate, the Zulu king, obliterated livelihoods of the political economy drivers of tion of service delivery failure, providing justice, education growth that we can begin to
Misuzulu kaZwelithini, ap- most vulnerable (and perhaps socio-economic desperation malfeasance and maladminis- and infrastructure that enable realise it.
pears to have both recognised therefore most susceptible to that combine with coordi- tration, especially at the local a dynamic economy that serves
and decried the involvement populist inflammatory rheto- nated insurrection to create level. The facts bear out that all its citizens. *About the writer: Jurgens
of Zulu nationalists. As re- ric). literal tinder boxes across the protest action has risen in fre- Nonetheless, we are not is the editor of The Africa
gards the second narrative, the To get to the heart of the country. At the same time, we quency across the country. without hope. After a decade of Governance Papers, the inde-
unrest has occurred (so far) in matter, Good Governance Af- make sense of why the looting Combined with the lack of reckless and wasteful abuses of pendent academic journal of
only two provinces, KwaZu- rica (GGA) will be delivering has been limited to KZN and available job opportunities, es- power, it is a clear indication of Good Governance Africa.


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Page 13 Focus on South Africa NewsHawks
Issue 39, 16 July 2021

In defence of rioting and looting

A fresh argument for rioting which first appears in An-
and looting as our most pow- glophone contexts in 1788
erful tools for dismantling in a handbook on “Indian
white supremacy. Vocabulary” for English co-
Looting — a crowd of lonial officers.
people publicly, openly, and In  loot’s  first recorded
directly seizing goods — is appearance in the English
one of the more extreme ac- language, it describes how
tions that can take place in an officer managed to gain
the midst of social unrest. consent and gather recruits
Even self-identified radicals for subduing Indian resis-
distance themselves from tance: “He always found
looters, fearing that violent the talismanic gather-
tactics reflect badly on the ing-word Loot (plunder)
broader movement. a sufficient bond of union
But American author in any part of India.” The
Vicky Osterweil argues that racialised idea of an “In-
stealing goods and destroying dian” identity did not yet
property are direct, pragmat- exist outside the minds of
ic strategies of wealth redis- the colonisers, but a nat-
tribution and improving life ural racial tendency, one
for the working class — not overcoming tribal, reli-
to mention the brazen mes- gious, and cultural differ-
sages these methods send to ences, could be “revealed”
the police and the state. All by the offer of plunder. In
our beliefs about the innate other words, a deviant rela-
righteousness of property and tionship to property is the
ownership, Osterweil ex- “sufficient” attribute that
plains, are built on the histo- unifies and defines an oth-
ry of anti-black, anti-indige- erwise disparate group un-
nous oppression. der the sign of race.
From slave revolts to la- The earliest appearanc-
bour strikes to the mod- es of the gerund  looting,
ern-day movements for cli- meanwhile, refer to “hir-
mate change, Black lives, sute Sikhs” and “Chinese
and police abolition, Oster- blackguards.”  Looting  is
weil makes a compelling case a word taken from a col-
for rioting and looting as onised people and used to
weapons that bludgeon the denigrate and racialize riot-
status quo while uplifting ous subalterns resisting En-
the poor and marginalised.  glish empire. It would from
In Defence of Looting  is the very beginning refer to
a history of violent pro- a non-white and lawless re-
test sparking social change, lationship to property.
a compelling reframing of mental good. Liberals may for the police to put down be associated with the idea not because it is an error or The looting that I am
revolutionary activism, and oppose the death penalty, protesters, with the Far of riot, and this is doubly bad for the movement but defending in this book
a practical vision for a dra- but they, like conservatives, Right claiming riots are just true for looting. because it is often a move- is not that act that can
matically restructured soci- believe in the efficacy of professional troublemaking Even while a riot is going ment’s most radical tactic. be described by the syn-
ety. murder: they had little to fomented by George Soros, on, people in the streets of- Looting attacks some of the onym  plunder. The loot-
say about Barrack Obama’s Jews, and the “global elite.” ten work to block looting. core beliefs and structures ing of captured territory
extrajudicial drone execu- Liberals oppose rioting, Many of them do so out of of cisheteropatriarchal ra- by armies, for example, or
tions, his death lists and too: because their love care for the struggle, wor- cial capitalist society, and of colonial wealth by em-
OF the many forms of Terror Tuesdays, and Dem- for law and order is much ried about unfair media so frightens and disturbs pire and its agents, can be
political action in twen- ocrats mostly critiqued greater than their belief in representation and hoping nearly everyone, even some equally well described by
ty-first-century America, Trump’s 2020 assassination freedom, they claim that ri- to advance the politically of its participants. words like robbery, pillage,
it’s hard to think of any of Qasem Soleimani on oters are “hurting their own and ethically advantageous After all, we have all booty, and spoils.
less popular than rioting procedural grounds: “He cause” or are led by police position. I understand that been raised and trained to But the looting de-
and looting. Voting and didn’t consult congress!” provocateurs — agreeing instinct, but it was to cri- hold, follow, and reproduce scribed, defended, and his-
electioneering are widely Torture is celebrated a with the fascists that riot- tique and push against that those beliefs every day. toricised here — that of a
respected as the baseline of thousand times a day on ers are paid troublemakers, thinking, crucially in love Looting rejects the legiti- crowd of people publicly,
political action; petition- television in police proce- just disagreeing about who and solidarity with those macy of ownership rights openly, and directly taking
ing and lobbying elected durals and action flicks, signs the checks. who pursue it and with and property, the moral in- things in the midst of riot
representatives are not far and most people accept In the face of rioting and looters the world over, that junction to work for a liv- and social unrest — has no
behind. imprisonment — years of looting, even sympathet- I began this project. ing, and the “justice” of law easy synonym.
Labour action, despite unrelenting psychic torture ic self-identifying radicals Other people, however and order. Looting reveals I personally like the
four decades of propaganda —as a necessary fact of so- sometimes balk. They claim — including local politi- all these for what they are: phrases “proletarian shop-
and federal action against cial life. that these more extreme ac- cians, middle-class “lead- not natural facts, but social ping” and “shopping for
it, still has strong support Economic coercion on tions are mainly the work ers,” political groups, and constructs benefiting a few free” quite a lot and use the
in many quarters. Commu- the international stage, of outside agitators, “op- reactionary organisations at the expense of the many, Marxist “expropriation,”
nity organising is at least through sanctions, trade portunists,” or out-of-step —block looting in order to upheld by ideology, econo- too. But all those phrases
theoretically the founding agreements, and devel- middle-class radicals. They gain power for themselves. my, and state violence. drain the idea of looting
principle for thousands opment loans, is a matter claim that those doing the These peacekeepers and de- That looting is one of the of its racializing character.
of non-profits across the of course. At home, the looting are “not part of the escalators cooperate with most racially loaded, mor- Although it is understand-
country. Liberals and con- threat of un-employment, movement,” that they are the police to derail and de- ally abhorred, and depoliti- able why people would
servatives alike grudgingly homelessness, starvation, “apolitical” and ignorant, stroy uprisings to show the cised concepts in modern want, in defending their
support demonstrations, at and destitution, along with that their actions reflect white power structure that society should come as no movements, to find a less
least when they are nonvi- debt, taxes, fines, and fees “false consciousness,” or they are responsible parties, surprise. From its very first charged word, it is precise-
olent and their people are of all kinds, are so natu- even that they are acting that, because they can con- usages, the word has served ly the fact that looting ex-
doing it. ralised as to rarely even be as consumers and therefore trol and contain the unruly to re-enforce the white su- ists at the nexus of race and
More extreme political recognized as a form of po- furthering capitalism. masses, they are the “natu- premacist juncture of prop- class that gives it its tactical
actions also have wide- litical domination at all. From within the move- ral leaders,” the people who erty and race. power.
spread support. Both lib- But rioting and looting ment, people tend to claim should be negotiated with. The word  loot  is tak- Looting is a method of
erals and conservatives be- have few defenders. that what happened wasn’t This book is spit in their en up from the Hindi direct redistribution of
lieve in war, considering it Conservatives, of course, rioting but an uprising or a eyes. word  lút — similar to wealth, from the store
a necessary evil or a funda- oppose it utterly, rooting rebellion. No one wants to Looting is so unpopular “plunder” or “booty” — ...To next page
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
News Page 14

Sadc unsettled by Rwanda’s


FRESH fissures have emerged

in the Southern African
Development Community

Mozambique deployment
(Sadc) after Rwanda last week
deployed a contingent of 1
000 troops to conflict-ridden
northern Mozambique ahead
of the regional bloc’s standby in the forefront with the Sadc structions and preparations.”
force, The NewsHawks has es- deployment to Mozambique The Sadc intervention
tablished. and when the extraordinary force, according to a leaked
An extraordinary sum- summit of the heads of state report done by a regional
mit of the Southern African and government endorsed the technical team, would com-
Development Community recommendation to deploy a prise three light infantry bat-
(Sadc) heads of state and gov- Sadc standby force to Mozam- talions of 620 soldiers each, a
ernment held in Maputo last bique it was also agreed that light infantry battalion head-
month recommended the de- Mozambique could tap into quarters with 90 troops, two
ployment of a standby  force other support from African special forces squadrons of 70
to help the country fight ter- states,” Nuvunga said. soldiers each, 100 engineers,
rorism in Cabo Delgado prov- “However, the understand- 100 logistics coordinators,
ince. ing was that such additional 120 signals experts and 42
Sadc’s recommendation support would come within technicians, among other mil-
for the deployment of troops the framework of Sadc, not itary personnel.
came after the bloc’s technical parallel to Sadc. But the reali- There are also helicopters
assessment mission  recom- ty is the current Rwandan de- as well as transport aircraft,
mended immediate military ployment is not only parallel patrol ships, a submarine and
intervention in April to repel to Sadc but it has been given a maritime aircraft to patrol
acts of violent extremism and  priority. This might have to do the Cabo Delgado coastline
terrorism in Mozambique. with the readiness of Rwanda. to intercept insurgents’ move-
Following last month’s Sadc It has already deployed 1 000 ments, supplies and combat
decision to deploy troops troops and Sadc is still prepar- their drug trafficking activi-
to Mozambique following ing itself although it has com- ties, said to be a source of fi-
weeks of dithering over the municated having a US$12 nancing for the insurgency.
decision, Rwanda last Friday million budget which is too The technical assessment
announced that it would put small for the type of deploy- team also recommended a
boots on the ground to help ment that they want to make. phased approach implement-
stem a conflict which has So their dissatisfaction is un- ed in four stages: deployment
claimed thousands of lives. derstandable. of intelligence assets (land, air
The conflict has also result- “We have also wanted the and maritime) to understand
ed in Total, a French-head- Rwandese deployment to be the insurgents’ operations;
quartered energy group, Rwandan President Paul Kagame. part of the existing African special forces and naval equip-
suspending its multi-bil- mechanisms and institu- ment; pacification operations
lion-dollar energy project in the Sadc heads of state,” she considering that the nation drawn up by the southern tions and not parallel African and withdrawal. This plan en-
the region. said in an interview with the is sovereign. African regional bloc is not mechanisms like the regional tails the deployment of Sadc
Rwanda’s deployment has country’s public broadcaster. “We are a sovereign nation enough to finance a major bodies Sadc and the African troops to support the local
already irked key members of However, Mozambican and Sadc respects that,” Nyusi operation without external Union. But that is the reality army, providing the Mozam-
Sadc. President Filipe Nyusi defend- said, speaking during a visit support. Adriano Navunga, and it is consistent with Mo- bican military with training
South Africa’s Defence ed his position. As extensively to military units deployed in director of the Maputo-based zambique, which has been and support; and ensuring lo-
minister,  Nosiviwe Mapi- reported by The NewsHawks, central Mozambique’s Sofala Centre for Democracy and preferring more bilateral than gistical support.
sa-Nqakula, said on  Satur- Nyusi has always preferred province on Monday. Development, said it would multilateral mechanisms. We These combined and
day she “regretted” that “it bilateral military cooperation A leading political scien- have been ideal if Rwanda, have not yet been informed self-reinforcing actions are
happens  before Sadc has de- ahead of a multilateral ap- tist based in Mozambique has which has strong diplomat- about the terms of engage- ultimately designed to neu-
ployed its force”. proach due to complexities of said while South Africa’s dis- ic relations with the United ment of this Rwandese mis- tralise the insurgents whose
“Regardless of the bilateral the conflict. satisfaction over the deploy- States and France, worked sion so it is not yet clear. They centres of gravity, including
agreement, it  would be ex- Nyusi  says regional bloc ment of Rwandese forces to with Sadc or the African are already in Mozambique strategic, operational, tacti-
pected that Rwanda’s inter- Sadc has made  room for the conflict-ridden Mozambique Union. but, to our knowledge, they cal, critical capabilities, needs,
vention to help Mozambique country to receive bilateral ahead of a regional standby “Indeed the South Africans are not yet deployed to the strengths and vulnerabilities
would happen within  the re- support in the fight against force was somehow justi- are not happy, understandably. field. They are still in Nacala issues, were identified by the
gional mandate decided by terrorism in Cabo Delgado, fied,  a US$12 million budget The South Africans have been where they are waiting for in- Sadc technical team.

In defence of rioting and looting

From previous page United States in the last
owners and capitalists quarter century; when it
to the poor. Looting, as has appeared, it has been
scholar Delio Vasquez during brief and often
writes in “The Poor Per- thing is looted, that thing’s sharing that wealth, which lated wealth in a massive “civilised” and Christian. one-off uprisings.
son’s Defence of Riots,” nature as a commodity is points to the collapse of bonfire. Like looting, this non- Despite this fact, when
“directly results (unless destroyed by its being tak- the system by which the The potlatch works to whites noncommodified the flames went up over a
you get arrested) in your en for free, out of the cycle looted things produce val- level wealth in the com- communal approach to looted Quik Trip in Fergu-
acquiring the things that of exchange and profit. Ev- ue. Looting is a commu- munity by consuming property was seen as a dan- son, Missouri, in August
you are seeking.”3 It is a erything in the store goes nal practice: it cannot be surplus, which might gerous threat to capitalism 2014, as antipolice rioting
practical, immediate form from being a commodity done alone. Anthropolo- otherwise enable some to and “civilisation.” broke out after Michael
of improving life. Looting to becoming a gift. gist Neal Keating argues develop more permanent Though no single in- Brown was killed, the me-
represents a material way Less abstractly, looting that looting creates a sim- forms of power through stance of looting is on its dia produced lines of ar-
that riots and protests help is usually followed up by ilar relation to property as excess accumulation. own sufficient to trans- gument and criticism that
the community: by pro- burning down the shop. the potlatch, a communal Rioting and looting form society, obviously, you might have just as eas-
viding a way for people to Looters also frequently practice of Indigenous na- similarly redistribute and looting — at least when ily heard in the sixties.
solve some of the imme- throw items out onto the tions in the Pacific North- reduce the wealth and the carried out by Black, poor, Politicians and media
diate problems of poverty streets for anyone to take west. In the potlatch, held surplus, levelling material or Indigenous people outlets have a number of
and by creating a space for or pile goods chaotically in on a variety of special oc- power differentials. — will always be stren- tried-and-true disavowals
people to freely reproduce the middle of the store or casions — births, deaths, The potlatch was out- uously and vigorously and defamations of looters
their lives rather than do- pass bottles of liquor, bags weddings, festivals — lawed by the Canadian dis-avowed by the powers at the ready.
ing so through wage la- of food, or goods between wealthy people compete government as a part of that be because it points Before moving on to the
bour. Looting is an act of strangers and around the to see who can give away its (ongoing) genocide of to and immediately enacts historical narrative of loot-
communal cohesion. crowd. the most possessions to the the First Nations: the pot- a different relationship to ing in the United States,
But looting is also an Looting involves not gathered celebrants and latch was considered one property, a different his- it’s worth dealing with
act of excess, of property only taking wealth direct- they vie with each other to of the most important ob- tory. There have been few these common objections
destruction. When some- ly but also immediately destroy the most accumu- stacles to their becoming instances of looting in the here.
Page 15 Focus on South Africa NewsHawks
Issue 39, 16 July 2021

South Africa should balance 

rule of law and social justice 
Alex T.

A MOTHER jumps onto that have travelled the path

the lower deck of a tall build- before.
ing and catches her baby To be sure, the rioting was
dropped from a floor above. triggered by the jailing of
She frantically dashes to the Zuma, but that was merely a
edge of the deck. A crowd Sarajevo moment for South
has gathered on the ground Africa. It was the spark that
below. A group of strangers lit a fully loaded powder-keg
has formed a human net that was already in existence.
and they are calling for her Metaphorically speaking,
to throw the baby into their South Africa has long been a
arms. volcano that was waiting to
She instinctively drops erupt although no one knew
her baby into the human quite when it would happen.
net waiting below. The baby It is to those deeper causes
lands neatly into the hu- that South Africa must look
man net. The little one is at this moment, instead of
safe. Moments later, mother focusing on the actions of
and child are reunited. But Zuma and his supporters.
there is another woman on For so long, the world has
the deck, her foot dangling held South Africa as a gold
from her leg. It is broken standard for the African re-
somewhere near the ankle. gion, a model to be emulated
It is a painful sight. The pic- by others. When the clique
ture of the baby flying into of the richest countries in
the safety of the human net, the world meets to decide
arms and legs astride, is both the course of world affairs,
sweet and sour. South Africa is invited to sit
Sour because of the vio- at the table aiding and abet-
lence and arson that forced ting the sense of exceptional-
the flight. This was not a ism. Its constitution is wide-
game. It was a great escape ly celebrated as progressive.
from a near-death moment. The West casts it as a kind
It could easily have ended of watchdog that must rein
in disaster. Sweet because in in the delinquents around
that moment of great adver- it like Zimbabwe. But that
sity was evidence of courage is a role that, aware of its
and the beauty of the human insecurities and structural
spirit of co-operation – a weaknesses, South Africa
mother’s love and strangers has largely been reluctant to
getting together to serve Incarcerated former South African leader Jacob Zuma. exercise. Contrary to West-
others because it is the right ern perceptions, and despite
thing to do. That image of jurisprudence over the years, to jail. In the end, they could court yielded a spree of law- region. The economic im- efforts to paint it as a Big
the baby caught in full flight a reputation made more im- not do anything to stop the lessness, destruction and pact of South Africa in the Brother, South Africa is not
from extreme danger must pressive when compared to incarceration. death. At the time of writing, region cannot be overstated different from its African
qualify among the most its regional peers. Back in But they were not done. the death toll stands at more and one cannot avoid the peers in terms of challeng-
iconic images of the most the early 2000s, it was the Images of their leader signing than 200 people, and dam- cliché that if the giant sneez- es that a post-colonial state
riotous and destructive mo- Constitutional Court’s wis- in at the prison were leaked age estimated at more than es, the whole region catch- faces. It might lay claim to
ment in post-independent dom that rescued the nation on social media. Looking a billion dollars. Businesses es a cold. This is the reason being the most sophisticated
South Africa. from the scourge of the HIV powerless and forlorn as the of all types have been looted why South Africa’s troubles economy on the continent,
and Aids pandemic when it prison staff inducted him or razed to the ground. The should worry the rest of the but this hides the sad reality
A giant in distress curtailed the folly of a gov- into his new home for the economies in the affected re- region. It is already home to that a significant part of it
The giant of the southern ernment that had lost its way next 15 months, it was a sad gions have run aground with millions of migrants from is in a few hands, the bene-
African region is in serious through inexplicable denial- picture of humiliation and credible fears that some busi- the region, most of them ficiaries of historical advan-
distress. There has never been ism. But its critics thought pity. The mighty had fall- nesses might never recover. economic refugees fleeing tage and few black elites who
a more trying moment for it had gone too far on this en. Those images must have They were already reeling unemployment and poverty managed to sneak to the top
South Africa since it gained occasion. They thought it lit up an already incendiary from the national lockdowns in their own countries. They, table.  
freedom from the hideously had exercised its powers atmosphere among his sup- courtesy of the Covid-19 in turn, send millions in However, it is not im-
oppressive apartheid regime with more than a little zeal, porters. How could they pandemic and, for some of remittances every year pro- mune to the challenge that
in 1994. The upheaval start- a charge that has escalated in do that to Msholozi, they them, the plunder and de- viding a lifeline to their im- has afflicted most post-colo-
ed in KwaZulu-Natal fol- light of the chaos that erupt- must have wondered. And struction will prove to be the poverished communities and nial states. They have strug-
lowing the jailing of Jacob ed in its aftermath.  so it was that the protests final nail on the coffin. In national economies.   gled, and many have failed,
Zuma, a former president of Would Zuma really go to began in earnest, calling for a country where the official to strike a balance between
South Africa for contempt jail? That was the big ques- Zuma to be released. The unemployment rate among SA’s Sarajevo moment two competing demands: on
of court. The Constitution- tion after the ground-break- protests soon turned into the youth (15-34 years) is So, what has gone wrong the one hand trying hard to
al Court held that he was in ing decision. The court had an orgy of looting and de- 46.3% and the national av- in South Africa? How did live up to claims of moder-
contempt of court and sen- given him five days to com- struction, first in the volatile erage is 32.6%, thousands the much-celebrated rule of nity as defined by the domi-
tenced him to 15 months’ ply. Zuma typically put up KwaZulu-Natal province will be out of work follow- law turn into a rule of law- nant Western discourse and,
imprisonment. a show of defiance egged on before the contagion spread ing the destructive riots. Al- lessness? The temptation is on the other hand, having to
The stiff and unprecedent- by his supporters. But in the to Gauteng, home of South ready, thousands are queuing to reduce the cause to the meet the needs and expec-
ed sentence sent shockwaves end, as the clock ticked to- Africa’s largest metropolis. for assistance, not because of actions of one stubborn man tations of a historically dis-
across the country and be- wards the end of the morato- But if the pacesetters were a natural disaster but a hu- who believed he was bigger empowered, disadvantaged,
yond its borders. Jailing a rium, he conceded and pre- Zuma’s ardent posse of sup- man-made calamity. than the law. To my mind, and long-suffering majority.
former president is not a reg- sented himself at a prison. porters, others smelt a whiff With major oil companies that would be too simplis- Few areas mark this tension
ular occurrence anywhere in The seemingly impossible of opportunity. It was their closing business and declar- tic an approach to what is a than the celebrated princi-
the world, let alone in Africa had become a reality. Zuma turn to eat. It turned into a ing  force majeure  (act of complex and nuanced prob- ple of the rule of law which
where the Big Man syndrome was going to jail. With hind- fiesta of violence and looting God), a justification for not lem. It is often said South features prominently in the
is commonplace. Was Zuma sight, the veteran politician as hordes of marauders ran- fulfilling contractual obliga- Africa suffers a false sense of events leading up to the cur-
really going to jail? Many might have benefited from sacked and pillaged shop- tions, the repercussions will exceptionalism, the notion rent riots. It is to that issue
were shocked by the chutz- better counsel. Defying ping malls and other com- be felt in other parts of South that it is different from the that I now turn.
pah that South Africa’s apex and mocking the court was mercial establishments.  Africa and the southern Afri- rest of Africa. But a careful
court had demonstrated. If never a good idea. Still, his can region. With KZN be- examination suggests that Rule of law complexities
South Africa prides itself as a supporters were not happy. Rule of law to lawless- ing host to one of the busiest its challenges are not new to The Zuma case and the
democracy with strong insti- They rallied around him in ness ports in Africa, a key arterial post-colonial societies and if rioting that erupted in the
tutions, the Constitutional the days after the sentenc- There is, of course, some route for trade is currently there is a grave error it is that wake of his jailing is a great
Court is one of the key cogs ing vowing to defend him by irony in all this. It is that blocked. This is certain to the South African leader- point to discuss the com-
in that wheel. It has built a any means necessary. In their what began as a defence of cause severe distress to the ship has not done enough to plexities of the rule of law
cutting-edge and world-class opinion, he would never go the rule of law by the apex heart of the nation and the draw lessons from its peers in a post-colonial setting;
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
News Page 16

what it means and how gov- lent Sandton has the wealth evident that they accepted landowners.  situation which as Zimba- principle in societies that are
ernments have wrestled with to protect and the rule of law and advanced the substan- The Zimbabwean gov- bwe showed is unsustainable still ravaged by the legacy
it. When the Constitutional provides that protection. His tive conception of the rule ernment reconfigured the in the long run. Political of injustices and inequali-
Court convicted and sen- neighbour for whom a hovel of law. The problem is that composition of the Supreme demagogues were always go- ty. The problem is that at
tenced Zuma to a term of in poverty-stricken Alexan- the post-colonial constitu- Court and the High Court to ing to take advantage of the independence, the post-co-
imprisonment, the decision dra is home has nothing and tions and judiciaries adopted create a judiciary that would tensions when they suited lonial state’s constitutional
was hailed as an important the rule of law is an alien a substantive conception of support its land reform their interests. South Africa foundation was configured
defence of the rule of law. phenomenon. the rule of law to protect a agenda. It believed that the faces a similar path if it is not to give effect to the substan-
The former president had status quo that was founded old judiciary was institution- careful.    tive conception of the rule
defied the commission of Meaningful rule of law on the enforcement of a for- ally biased against land re- of law when the injustice
inquiry investigating alle- This brings us to the issue mal conception of the rule form. But the judges argued Façade of rainbowism and inequality of the past
gations of state capture. He of conceptions of the rule of of law. By maintaining the that they were performing For too long South Afri- were underwritten by a for-
had also defied the Consti- law in a post-colonial con- status quo, the legal systems their constitutional man- ca has laboured under the mal conception of the rule
tutional Court after it or- text. How is it that what is helped to perpetuate injus- date, which was to interpret false veneer of the “Rainbow of law. Those who amassed
dered him to comply with supposed to be a supreme ex- tices and inequalities of the and apply the laws on the Nation”. Labels like that are wealth and advantage based
the commission’s demands. ample of upholding the rule colonial era instead of facili- statute books. In their view, not accidental. They cre- on a formal conception of
Zuma did not even bother of law has instead resulted tating redress. This is unsus- when they ruled against the ate an imagined reality but the rule of law suddenly
to formally respond to the in the rule of chaos and de- tainable because it leaves a expropriation of land with- imagined realities do not last became beneficiaries of the
application for contempt. struction? In my view, while vast reservoir of discontent- out compensation, they were unless they are persuasive substantive conception of
Instead, he wrote incendiary the rule of law is fundamen- ment which slowly builds simply giving effect to the enough to be believed. It was the rule of law, with very
public statements which im- tal, it is also important to up over time, ultimately constitution and promoting seductive but the notion of little being done to redress
pugned and denigrated the recognise that it is neither threatening the substantive the rule of law. The judges a Rainbow Nation simply the injustices and inequality.
court. an end nor the sole virtue of rule of law. In the case of were right at law. But in the glossed over the gross in- Ill-gotten rights and advan-
In defying the judicial a legal system. This applies Zimbabwe, it ended in vio- eyes of the government, the equalities that needed to be tages received constitutional
process, Zuma’s conduct generally but takes an even lence and an abrogation of judges were standing in the resolved and which if unre- protection, while the his-
was reminiscent of a medie- more significant prominence the substantive rule of law, way of efforts to correct his- solved present a potent rec- torically disadvantaged and
val king who regarded him- in post-colonial societies all in the name of redressing torical imbalances under the ipe for chaos. It only needs exploited remained at the
self as being above the law. that are defined by structural historical injustices and in- guise of the rule of law. a spark.  periphery, boasting the right
His behaviour was not what injustices and inequalities. equalities. Let us take a dis- This was a classic case of The northern neighbour, to vote but more economic
would be expected in a con- As I have already stated, the passionate glimpse of Zim- two competing claims: the Zimbabwe, had its labels too power. In such a scenario,
stitutional democracy, one post-colonial state must sat- babwe and property rights claim of the substantive rule in the early years. For exam- the rule of law is always in
that he had defended when isfy at least two demands: because it holds lessons for of law, which required the ple, it was called the Bread danger of collapsing if it fails
he was president. It was a first, to uphold and defend the southern neighbour. strict protection of property Basket of the region, another to meet the demands of the
challenge to the authority the rule of law, and second, Zimbabwe’s independence rights, and the second was seductive label that glossed poverty-stricken majority.
of the highest court in the to correct historical injus- constitution had a clause the claim of social justice, over the gross inequalities in Since the rule of law is
country. If the Constitution- tices and inequalities. In that entrenched the right which required the correc- land ownership. There is even an imagined reality; a legal
al Court had succumbed to other words, the legal system to private property for the tion of historical injustices a claim that the early years fiction, its survival, and suc-
his whims, it would have of a post-colonial state must first 10 years of indepen- and inequality. The sub- were the golden era of the cess depend on persuading a
looked lame, and its author- not only revel in upholding dence. The provision which stantive rule of law lost the rule of law, even as the Mug- significant number of people
ity would have been severe- the rule of law, but it must protected property rights contest. Still, to illustrate the abe regime was massacring at to believe in it. The Consti-
ly undermined. The court also attend to the demands could not be amended by complexities of the rule of least 20 000 people in Ma- tutional Court is an import-
had bent over backward of the systematically exclud- the new government for that law, the government contin- tabeleland and the Midlands ant believer, advocate, and
to accommodate Zuma’s ed and impoverished. first decade. A review of the ued to claim that it was en- during Gukurahundi. The defender of the rule of law,
stubborn antics before the The problem is that these independence negotiations forcing the rule of law even spark came in February 2000 but to what extent is this re-
verdict and sentence were two virtues of a legal system held at Lancaster House in as it passed retrospective laws when Zanu PF lost the con- flected among the poor and
passed. But Zuma ignored do not always sit comfort- London reveals that the na- that violated fundamental stitutional referendum and excluded? Do they place as
it, choosing instead to pay to ably in the same space be- tionalists accepted this ar- rights. This was at best a for- realised it was facing an exis- much value in it? Are they
the public gallery.   cause meeting the demands rangement with great reluc- mal conception of the rule tential threat. The floodgates prepared to defend it with
I do not think anyone can of social justice might up- tance. They wanted to have of law but adherents would to populism opened with the the same zeal? To win sup-
seriously argue that Zuma set the substantive rule of powers to address the land still justify the measures as farm invasions riding on the porters and believers, the
was not contemptuous of law, while an insistence on question soon after indepen- meeting the other virtues of rhetoric of redressing histor- legal system and the rule of
the court. The dispute is upholding the substantive dence. However, Britain and a legal system, namely re- ical imbalances.  law must serve their needs
over the sentencing, with his rule of law might limit ac- the Rhodesian government dressing past injustices and For South Africa this past and expectations. A signif-
supporters believing that he cess to social justice. Seen wanted to protect the in- inequality.   week, the spark was the jail- icant number of people in
ought to have been given a from this perspective, there terests of white landowners ing of a former liberation the political community
suspended sentence as is the is an argument to be made who held the bulk of arable Why it matters to SA icon who has fallen from must say there is something
norm, which would have for a critical assessment of land. The outcome was a I have gone to some grace. President Cyril Ra- in it for us, and therefore it
given him an incentive to the substantive rule of law constitution that facilitated lengths to examine the tu- maphosa says the violence is worth defending. 
comply. For his supporters, so that it may be reconcep- political power to the black multuous path of the rule of was well-planned and that The rule of law must not
the 15-month unsuspend- tualised and redesigned in majority while maintaining law in Zimbabwe because I there we instigators behind be seen as an elitist notion
ed sentence was excessive, a post-colonial context. As economic power in the white believe it is relevant to South it. Some people thought the extolled by judges, capital-
harsh, and vindictive on the I have already stated, South minority. Africa’s situation. Like its land invasions in Zimba- ists, and political function-
part of the judges. They ar- Africa is not the first country Indeed, the new Zim- northern neighbour in its bwe were spontaneous. On aries when it suits them. It
gue that the sentence reflects to encounter this challenge babwe’s adherence to this early years, while South Af- the contrary, the govern- must have real meaning to
the judges’ emotional and and I will use its northern arrangement was hailed as rica extols the virtues of the ment always had a hand in the ordinary people at the
vindictive reaction to Zu- neighbour, Zimbabwe, as an consistent with the rule of rule of law as epitomised by them. For the young lad who bottom of the food chain.
ma’s conduct. They see it as illustration. law. But it was also a sys- the Constitutional Court’s had managed to pick a few It is important to address
a disproportionate measure temically unjust and ineq- reasoning in the Zuma case, clothes and underwear as his poverty, historical injustices,
in the circumstances. Those Case of Zimbabwe uitable system for the black and its determination to loot in South Africa, this was and inequality.
who back the court argue Zimbabwe won Indepen- majority that had been un- jail a former president, it is hardly about Zuma but an To ignore these structur-
that the decision was con- dence in 1980 while South fairly dispossessed, discrimi- also a country that carries a opportunity to make some al weaknesses would be an
sistent with the substantive Africa celebrated freedom in nated against, and exploited heavy burden of unresolved pickings in a period of man- exercise of burying heads in
rule of law which supports 1994. Both the newly inde- during the colonial era. The historical grievances. As with ufactured chaos. The point the sand. South Africa has
the democratic system of pendent countries adopted rule of law which protected Zimbabwe in the early years, is, underneath the carefully the advantage of the experi-
government. new constitutions that were this system was great for the the rule of law in respect of and self-servingly manufac- ence of its neighbours from
This in part reflects the regarded as progressive and land-owning elites, but it property rights served the tured façade of rainbowism, which it can draw lessons.
contested nature of the con- for present purposes, adopt- was alien to the black ma- interests of elites (both white there are severe tensions in There will be calm after this
cept and application of the ed and extolled the virtues of jority. The reservoir of dis- and black) but did not have South African society that storm, but as those of us with
rule of law. The outcome of the rule of law. South Africa’s gruntlement continued to much relevance to the ma- are always threatening to ex- Zimbabwean experience
the case is that what began as new constitution was more build up and it is hardly sur- jority who remained encum- plode. There is a huge reser- know, it will not last long.
a defence of the rule of law explicit in its reference to prising that when the Zanu bered by the legacy of injus- voir of disgruntlement that We have seen these tell-tale
has become the rule of law- the rule of law. It specifically PF government felt political tice and inequality. is easy to manipulate. signs before and what has
lessness. This is a reflection, stated the rule of law as one pressure and faced an exis- From an economic per- happened in South Africa is
in my view, of the tension of the founding values of the tential threat, it was only too spective, those who extolled Give meaning to the rule an ominous sign. South Af-
between a substantive con- state. The new Zimbabwean happy to allow it to burst at the virtues of the rule of law of law rica’s problem is political. It
ception of the rule of law constitution which was ad- the seams. The land expro- never considered if it meant The rule of law is a great requires bold and progressive
and the long-unresolved leg- opted in 2013 also refers to priations were illegal and the same thing or anything principle that must be sup- leadership that strikes a bal-
acy of social inequality and the rule of law as one of the regarded as a breach of the at all to the poor majori- ported. The Constitution- ance between defending the
injustice. Therefore, while founding values and princi- rule of law, but for the gov- ty. Also, like Zimbabwe in al Court has done a great rule of law and working to
elite classes extol the virtues ples of the state. However, ernment and its supporters, the early years, South Afri- job defending it over the ensure social justice.
of the substantive rule of law neither constitution specifi- it was a legitimate exercise to ca has long had simmering years. The rule of law is an
under which their advantages cally defines the rule of law. address a long-standing lega- tensions between classes imagined reality and, like *About the writer: Dr
are protected, it sadly means There is no statement over cy of colonialism. Thousands usually defined by race. The all other products of the Alex Tawanda Magaisa is
less to the poor majority for the conception of the rule of invaded the farms and took compromises reached at in- imagination, it depends on a United Kingdom-based
whom the human-made leg- law. occupation with the conniv- dependence did not resolve institutions that defend it Zimbabwean academic and
acy of historical injustices However, going by the ance and encouragement of long-standing grievances. for its survival. But it is im- lecturer at the Kent Law
and inequality are ever-pres- terms of the constitutions the government but very few They postponed problems portant to remember that School of the University of
ent realities. A man in opu- and judicial decisions, it is came out to defend the white and created an incendiary it is not the only important Kent. 
Page 17 News NewsHawks
Issue 39, 16 July 2021

Tagwirei’s vast sanctions by the United States

last year, Zimbabwean govern-
ment officials went over board
in defending Tagwirei and his

tentacles grip
The businessman has gone
further to hide some of his
business ventures, including
in mining, behind South Af-

Zimbabwe rican businesspeople and off-

shore structures in Mauritius
and the Cayman Islands, away
from the prying eyes of West-

ern governments and public
scrutiny. The US Department
of Treasury in an August 2020
Press release said Tagwirei had
gotten leverage to expand
BRIDGET MANANAVIRE Since 2017, Tagwirei has his businesses through his
used his connections within links with the government, as
KUDAKWASHE Tagwirei’s the government to grow into America imposed sanctions on
influence on government the transport; mining, med- the businessman.
in recent years has been un- ical, oil, banking, logistics, as “Tagwirei  has utilised his
matched. well as import/ export sectors relationships with high-level
The shadowy businessman with the businessman shield- Zimbabwean officials to gain
has emerged one of the big- ing his activities through a state contracts and receive fa-
gest beneficiaries of the No- network of over 40 companies, voured access to hard currency,
vember 2017 military coup some of which are registered in including US dollars. In turn,
which ousted former president tax havens.  Tagwirei has provided high-
Robert Mugabe, with his em- Among his companies reg- priced items, such as expensive
pire ballooning on the back istered in 2018 in Zimba- cars, to senior-level Zimba-
of lucrative government con- bwe are Balesite Investments, bwean government officials,”
tracts and acquisition of state Billheights Investments and the release read.
resources, including mining Landela Mining Ventures. “Since former Zimbabwe
companies formerly owned by In 2019, Tagwirei also President Robert Mugabe’s
the government. started Landela Investments, 2017 departure, Tagwirei used
Zimbabwean tycoon Kudakwashe Tagwirei (right). a combination of opaque busi-
An investigation by The Landela Energy and Landela
Sentry – an investigative and Infrastructure.  Tagwirei also bought Great a year after Landela Mining particularly at the Reserve ness dealings and his ongoing
policy team that follows dirty These are just some of the Dyke Investments and Freda Ventures had bought half of Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ). relationship with President
money connected to African companies listed in papers Rebecca Gold Mine, among the platinum mine, Zimba- Such high-level access, togeth- Mnangagwa to grow his busi-
war criminals and transna- filed at the High Court of others. bwe granted Great Dyke In- er with the pattern of previous ness empire dramatically and
tional war profiteers and seeks South Africa as being linked to Through Sakunda, Tag- vestments (GDI) a five-year decisions, raises the possibil- rake in millions of US dollars.”
to shut those benefiting from the Sakunda Group. wirei was also controlling the corporate income tax holiday ity of state capture, when the The Sentry report also un-
violence out of the interna- Through Sakunda, Tagwirei Feruka-Harare pipeline with and exempted its shareholders public realm—particularly covered how Tagwirei has used
tional financial system – re- now runs the Arundel Clinic the support of Trafigura, a resident in Zimbabwe from regulatory, legal, and public his government networks to
vealed companies linked to as well as a unit at the public Swiss-registered international resident shareholders’ taxes on policy decision-making—has hide his financial interests in
the businessman were awarded United Bulawayo Hospitals. commodities company. GDI dividends—retroactively been influenced to benefit pri- Zimbabwe’s new public-pri-
contracts worth over US$1.6 In a space of a year in 2020, Tagwirei’s tentacles also applied to January 1, 2020,” vate interests.” vate partnership mining
billion by the government. Tagwirei acquired Bindura spread into the financial sec- the report by The Sentry re- When Tagwirei’s father company, Kuvimba Mining
Tagwirei has close ties with Nickel Corporation (BNC) tor, after buying into CBZ as port read. passed away in May 2018, House, with Zimbabwe’s Fi-
both President Emmerson and Zimbabwe Mining De- well as ZB late last year.  “In addition to alleged busi- cabinet had to be postponed nance ministry reportedly
Mnangagwa and Vice-Presi- velopment Corporation His companies have en- ness dealings with the Zim- as the executive, ministers and collaborating to deflect public
dent Constantino Chiwenga. (ZMDC) mines, including joyed tax brakes and special babwean military, Tagwirei senior government officials scrutiny from these arrange-
He is also very close to Mnan- Jena and Sabi, as well as Zim treatment from the govern- appears to have the ability to all drove to Shurugwi for the ments.
gagwa’s sons, particularly Em- Alloys and Metallion Gold ment.  contact senior civilian officials burial, showing his influence.  Tagwirei did not respond to
merson Junior. mines. “On January 27, 2021, over in Zimbabwe at short notice, After his placement on questions.

Bumper tobacco sales surpass US$520m

CHIPA GONDITII US$14.87 million worth of
tobacco being declared a loss.
THE 2020/21 tobacco mar- Point-of-sale rejection of
keting season, which came tobacco is due to various rea-
to a close on Wednesday this uptick in the number of to- sons, including bales being
week, has recorded nearly bacco growers. overweight or underweight
US$523 million in sales, an “These sales mean that and bad handling, resulting in
increase of 21% from last year. more and more farmers are excessive or inadequate mois-
Tobacco is Zimbabwe’s sec- adopting tobacco as a cash ture and moulds. Farmers
ond-largest foreign currency crop and they are going into can also reject the sale on the
earner after gold, with China an enterprise that is actually grounds of price.
and South Africa being the generating them money,” he The statistics also showed
major buyers of the golden said. that the biggest number
leaf. “If you actually look at the of rejects came from con-
According to the latest sta- average sales, they exceeded tract-grown tobacco were 56
tistics from the Tobacco In- the normal range that we are 772 bales potentially worth
dustry and Marketing Board used to. So this gives us con- US$12.22 million were reject-
(TIMB), farmers delivered fidence because it shows that ed.
tobacco worth US$522 625 we are going somewhere.”  Responding to an email
552 while last year’s sales were The remarkable rise of sent by The NewsHawks,
US$401 602 791. Zimbabwe’s tobacco farming TIMB public affairs officer
This year, 188 887 997 ki- comes after production plum- Chelesani Moyo said farmers
logrammes of the golden leaf meted from the previous peak should adopt correct measures
were sold with over 93% of of 260 million kgs in 1998 to when handling their bales so
the sales coming from con- a low of 48 million kgs at the as to avoid losses.
tract-based schemes. height of the country’s hyper- “To help curb the rejection
In Zimbabwe, the crop is inflation in 2008. of bales for the above-stated
mainly produced through the Growing demand from reasons, there is need to un-
contract system where buyers China and funding from pri- dertake correct curing and
provide the farmers with the vate tobacco companies have storing mechanisms for the
inputs for tobacco farming. boosted output in Zimbabwe. tobacco funding framework by offshore funders and that istering significant strides tobacco before delivering to
This season also saw the av- Although the country is the that would see the proceeds money is just taken outside in tobacco sales this season, the market. There is also need
erage price of tobacco going largest producer of tobacco in circulating in the country. the country. TIMB statistics also revealed to ensure correct classification
up to US$2.77 from US$2.44 Africa, only 1.5% of the crop “Last time we had a min- “So if funding is localised, that 83 513 bales of tobacco and grading when packing the
last year. is channelled toward local istry (of Agriculture) organ- for example Pfumvudza to- potentially worth US$17.81 tobacco,” she said.  
Zimbabwe National Farm- processing, with the rest being ised workshop on localising bacco, it will mean that the million had been rejected this Zimbabwe is the largest
ers’ Union vice-president exported in raw form. tobacco funding because you money will carry on circulat- year alone. producer of tobacco in Afri-
Edward Dune attributed the Dune also said it was im- might be well aware that cur- ing locally,” he said. This is a 12.29% increase ca and ranked fourth in the
increased revenue to a general portant to organise a localised rently tobacco funding is done Despite the country reg- from last year which saw world.
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
News Page 18

Kembo Mohadi embarks on Zanu PF

national tour despite Covid-19 ban
AT a time the govern- the Level Four Covid-19 a visit to the Mashona- party is facing in Mash- occasion deputy nation- do not vote during gen-
ment has banned pub- lockdown by two weeks.  land East capital Maron- onaland East and possi- al political commissar eral elections. Those cells
lic gatherings to stem a Under the measures, the dera on Thursday, where bly discuss interventions Omega Hungwe urged are our voters’ role like
surge in Covid-19 infec- government banned pub- he met the Zanu PF pro- that might be required to district coordinating what the Zimbabwe Elec-
tions at a time Zimbabwe lic gatherings including vincial executives, district avert the challenges.” committee chairpersons toral Commission (ZEC)
is battling the third wave, church meetings, and in- coordinating committee to speed up preparation did. Come the primary
Zanu PF second secretary ter-city travel in a bid to members and other party of cells which she said elections, those in cells
Kembo Mohadi has be- slow down infections.  officials. was the Zanu PF voters’ are going to vote.”
gun a countrywide tour Extending the lock- In his remarks at the role. The meeting was also
to asses the ruling party’s down, Mnangagwa ex- Zanu PF provincial of- “I heard that the prov- attended by  the minis-
structures in preparation pressed concern over the fices, Mohadi said he had ince has 10 000 cells and ter of state for Provincial
for the 2023 general elec- rise in new cases, blaming visited so that he hears some of you are not yet affairs and devolution
tions. complacency for the surge the challenges faced by starting to register people Aplonia Munzverengwi,
President Emmerson while urging citizens to the party and devise solu- Mohadi said Mnangag- in cells. We want that data Zanu PF acting provin-
Mnangagwa, who is the respect the restrictions. tions. wa wanted the party to be as we want to achieve five cial  chair Michael Mad-
Zanu PF first secretary, On Thursday this week, “This is my first leg of united ahead of the polls. million votes in the 2023 hanha, acting deputy sec-
gave Mohadi the man- Zimbabwe recorded 2 provincial tours to fa- “His Excellency wants elections,” Hungwe said, retary for Youth Affairs
date to asses the party’s 491 new Covid-19 cases miliarise with the affairs us to foster unity among while also urging Zanu Tendai Chirau, provin-
strength ahead of by-elec- and 86 deaths. Cumula- of the party at grassroots our people. He wants us PF members to register cial political commissar
tions for vacant parlia- tively, Zimbabwe had re- since my assumption of to engage in programmes to vote. Herbert Shumbamhini
mentary seats and the corded 78 872 cases and duty at the party on 1 that improves the liveli- “We do not want a and district coordinating
2023 polls. 2 418 deaths. June 2021,” said Mohadi. hood of the generality of situation where people committee chairpersons,
Ironically, Mnangag- Mohadi however began “I am here to learn from our people,” he said. during primary elections among other officials.
wa on Tuesday extended his nationwide tour with the challenges that our Speaking at the same are elected by people who --STAFF WRITER.
Page 19 News NewsHawks
Issue 39, 16 July 2021

Hurungwe lacks health

MASHONALAND West As a farming district we are at
province has seen a spike in mercy as we now have farmers
Covid-19 cases with Hurun- taking maize to Grain Mar-
gwe District -- famed for its keting Board depots in Karoi,

facilities for Covid-19 fight

top-quality tobacco which Kazangarare, Magunje, Vuti
is used to provide flavour and Mudzimu. There are huge
for leading cigarette brands chances that crowding will again
worldwide -- accounting for take place while they wait to off-
a significant number of cases. load their grains. If possible, let
Tobacco famers are among us get vaccination programmes
those hardest hit by the respi- running there. Deliveries should
ratory disease perhaps because be booked to avoid huge crowds
of exposure at auction floors. at the depots.
The NewsHawks Masho-
naland West provincial cor- NM: Are rural communities
respondent Nhau Mangirazi getting enough information
(NM) caught up with Magun- as we have 26 rural wards
je Member of Parliament Ce- in Hurungwe and 10 urban
cil Kashiri (CK) to talk about wards in Karoi?
the pandemic and interven-
tion measures in the district, CK: Not at all due to limited
which is facing a shortage of human resources affecting our
health facilities, among other health delivery system and the
problems. Below are excepts; police, among others. Given the
gravity of the situation, the min-
istry of Health must rope in ag-
NM: Covid-19 is hitting ricultural extension field officers
Hurungwe district hard. It is who are mostly rural based and
regarded as the epicentre of lo- work closely with communities
cal infections in the province. to spread the word and educate
As a local MP, what do you farmers. Our few health officers
think has caused a spike in are struggling to cover the dis-
cases? Could the tobacco auc- trict. We need our farmers to be
tion floors have played a role? vaccinated so that they can go
back to the fields and contribute
CK: Yes, it is true that Hurun- to economic recovery in good
gwe district is one of the biggest health.
tobacco-producing districts in
the country as evidenced by the NM: Hurungwe has mines.
mushrooming of auction floors What challenges have been
in the area. This has attract- encountered in rolling out
ed farmers from as far afield as vaccination in the mining sec-
Gokwe, Mhangura, and Lion’s tor?
Den, among other areas, who
used to go and sell tobacco in CK: The mining industry is
Harare. The numbers have in- largely at high risk, especially
creased in Karoi which is rela- the artisanal miners. Firstly, they
tively a small town designed to are unlicensed hence the minute
handle a certain number of peo- you try to approach them they
ple. Furthermore, some Zam- either run away or will attack
bians frequently come in with you. So it is difficult to get the
second-hand clothing which vaccination programmes to
they sell in Karoi and literally these miners where no obser-
spend days there till their stocks vation and flow of informa-
run out. During one of my vis- tion takes place. Government
its to the floors, I came across needs to roll out a programme
mostly women from Epworth, probably through the ministry
Hatcliffe and Chitungwiza sell- of Mines and Mining Devel-
ing wares including plasticware, opment to conscientise these
leather shoes and wallets to Magunje Member of Parliament Cecil Kashiri. miners about the importance of
farmers. vaccination.
They do not have anywhere hence pressure on the resources CK: As regards the Covid-19 sit- struggling to cope with the in- so they rely on word passing
decent to sleep as local lodges in this small town. uation, there is need to educate flux of people, especially into around. This is how police pres- NM: Access to health facili-
have been fully booked from our farmers about the dangers of Karoi where the floors are lo- ence is required to implement ties in Hurungwe is one of the
March until early August. Peo- NM: Has the district benefit- not protecting themselves, espe- cated. They are incapacitated the lockdown measures set by biggest challenges that gov-
ple have been sleeping on shop ted from the presence of to- cially of not wearing face masks, in terms of mobility to react to government, but unfortunately ernment has failed to address.
verandas in the central business bacco merchants in the town social distancing and sanitising. situations and implement lock- this has not happened in most How do you expect Covid-19
district of late. It is a cause for and district at large? Has there We need to debunk the ‘fear’ down effectively. It pains me as areas. It is a grave concern to us vaccination to be stepped up
concern to us and we look for- been an economic benefit so of getting a vaccine. Tobacco a legislator that Hurungwe dis- all hence our appeal to the pow- without enough clinics?
ward authorities acting against far? companies need to revisit their trict, that has five constituencies ers that be to save our farmers
this. These gatherings are sourc- payment modalities. I say so and is one of the country’s larg- now rather than later.  CK: Certainly yes, we are in
es of easy transmissions. CK: The issue of economic because it has taken a farmer at est districts, has only one oper- a catch-22 situation now. We
stimulus for the district is a least three days to make a sale ating vehicle borrowed from NM: Hurungwe has received have always been advocating for
NM: As far as we know, there cause for concern by many who and wait for payment. another district. It leaves them nearly 8 000 vaccinations more clinics in the rural com-
are at least 14 registered tobac- are geared for development as a Overcrowding of people in heavily incapacitated to attend since the rollout was launched munities, including in Hurun-
co companies including mid- long-term plan, but we are still town who largely do not have to reports coming to their of- so far. Has the current vacci- gwe, and now we have been
dlemen. Has this been benefi- yet to see anything. It remains anywhere to sleep and therefore fices. Traditionally, when farm- nation been enough? exposed by this Covid-19 virus.
cial to the district? to be seen if the tobacco compa- end up sleeping on shop veran- ers are off-season they engage If we had more clinics, these
nies will plough back some pro- das is exposing many to infec- in sports galas where they play CK: Truly speaking, the vac- would then be used as centres
CK: The coming in of the to- ceeds into the district as tangible tions. Tobacco companies could different sports and obviously cines have not been enough, of information dissemination.
bacco companies in Karoi town evidence but, as it stands, noth- possibly take a leaf from the gather in huge numbers. So if considering the population of Now imagine a farmer who lives
within Hurungwe district has ing of note is on the ground to Grain Marketing Board mod- there is anyone infected one can Hurungwe. The 8 000 you are 20 kilometres away from the
had positive and negative im- show this. el where a farmer drops their only imagine how fast the virus talking about is just a drop in the nearest clinic, how often would
pacts. Positive in the sense that We are yet to witness any- produce and goes back home will spread. ocean as Hurungwe has a popu- they visit the clinic? It is really a
we have seen some infrastruc- thing, but it is our hope that the knowing money will be paid in, Police need to be mobile and lation of over 500 000 people, big challenge and sad reality af-
tural development, businesses companies will come forward to say, 72 hours. This will go a long get there on time and disperse considering the 2012 census fecting us. We are calling upon
have benefitted and there is prove that they have benefitted way in decongesting the town. these crowds while educating with a 3% margin of growth Tobacco Marketing and Indus-
employment creation, among and communities must have a them, but how do they get there rate annually. Obviously, there try Board (TIMB) to rope in
others. share of their joy, literally.   NM: Has the Zimbabwe Re- without the vehicles needed was some sort of resistance to tobacco companies to save the
However, the negative effects public Police (ZRP) done as tools of trade? Hurungwe is the vaccines like any other place dire situation and assist in fight-
are that we are now paying heav- NM: There is a concern about enough to enforce the lock- largely a farming community, but now people do understand ing this pandemic in Hurun-
ily in that local Covid-19 infec- Covid-19 local infections af- down in Hurungwe? There is both commercial and commu- and are geared to be vaccinat- gwe where they have made
tions are getting out of control. fecting Hurungwe in partic- evidence of sports galas going nal farming, therefore informa- ed. We haven’t received much their money because without
The tobacco floors attracted ular and Mashonaland West on around the district, fueling tion channels are limited. You in the area. Vaccination should the farmer there is no business
huge numbers that the current province in general. In your the local infections that you will find out that some com- have taken place at the tobacco for them. They must help our
social amenities cannot support. view, what are the main chal- are concerned about. munal farmers do not have any auction floors probably as a re- police and health workers with
These include public toilets, ac- lenges in the district and what form of connectivity be it ra- quirement for one to be able to cars to ease operations. We need
commodation, among others, is the way forward? CK: It is factual that ZRP is dio, television or mobile phone gain access into the sales floors. each other after all this.
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
News Page 20

Special Covid-19
PANDEMIC coverage
Disabled persons struggle to get vaccinated
STEPHEN CHADENGA nation services to the “door-
step of PWDs (people living
LAST Tuesday, Grace Mutu- with disabilities)”.
ko, a 54-year-old from Mam- Shiri said as stop-gap mea-
bo suburb in Gweru, visited sure PWDs in the city of Bu-
Mtapa Clinic, pushing herself lawayo had engaged the min-
on a wheelchair. istry of Health and a date was
On arrival at the coun- set to vaccinate the disabled
cil-run health facility, Mutu- next Tuesday.
ko met hordes of people who “There is need for mobile
were in a queue to be vaccinat- clinics so that vaccination
ed for Covid-19. Although she reaches PWDs where they
joined the queue in an orderly stay,” Shiri said.
manner, hoardes of people ar- “In Bulawayo, for exam-
rived, plunging the clinic into ple, there was an arrangement
chaos. That day, Mutuko left with the Health ministry that
Mtapa Clinic without being PWDs would be vaccinated
vaccinated. on July 20 at Jairos Jiri Cen-
“Even efforts to negotiate tre.”
that l be given preference to She however said the gov-
be vaccinated given my condi- ernment should ensure that all
tion hit a brick wall. Nobody vaccination centres are disabil-
seemed to care,” a distraught ity user friendly so as to cater
Mutuko narrated her ordeal to for the disabled.
The NewsHawks. “There should be universal
Mutuko’s nightmarish ex- designs at vaccination centres
perience is not unique to her that are user friendly. The cen-
alone as thousands of disabled tres should be free and accessi-
people across the country face ble to cater for diverse disabil-
similar hurdles in their quest ities.
to access Covid-19 vaccination “It’s unfortunate that at
centres. public health institutions there
When the government an- are no services for sign lan-
nounced the Covid-19 vac- guage, braille and the health
cination rollout programme personnel even lack knowledge
early this year, a non-gov- of providing information in
ernmental organisation that disability accessible formats.”
primarily targets women and Shiri said the situation was
girls, the Institute for Com- worse in rural areas where clin-
munity Development in Zim- ics are often located too far to
babwe Trust (ICOD Zim) be easily accessed by the dis-
issued a statement calling for abled.
the need to prioritise disabled “Given that PWDs are even
persons in the vaccination pro- more vulnerable to contract-
gramme. ing Covid-19, there is need for
ICOD Zim expressed con- and rollout that was released the letter fell on deaf ears. support workers was not treat- friendly to people with dis- an inclusive approach when
cern that disabled women by the ministry of Health and Young Voices Disability ed as a prime concern. abilities. Our right to health dealing with the coronavirus
had not been consulted in the Child Care which seemingly Zimbabwean Trust director “Given such as a grim sit- as people with disabilities is pandemic,” she said.
Covid-19 vaccination strategy ‘excludes’ persons with dis- Nyasha Mahwende said the uation, it is prudent for gov- being violated.” She bemoaned the lack
and rollout plan as a priority abilities from priority groups,” government’s response to ernment to establish separate National Council of Dis- of inclusion of the disabled
population. ICOD Zim said in a state- Covid-19 is not disability in- vaccination centres for people abled Persons of Zimbabwe in Covid-19 taskforces at all
“(We are) perturbed by the ment. clusive. with disabilities,” she said. president Anna Shirin told The levels of society from the top
missing prioritisation in the From the experiences of She said the vaccination of “In any case, most of these NewsHawks that there was a national echelons to the grass-
Covid-19 vaccination plan people like Mutoko, it seems the disabled l and disability vaccination centres are not need to take Covid-19 vacci- roots.

Tourism sector in renewed Covid-19 setback

NOKUTHABA DLAMINI to curb the spread of hope prior to the onset of Before the third wave, and Pan-African Postal keeping people employed.
Covid-19. He described the third wave,” Musonza Victoria Falls had begun Union which both featured “As destination Victoria
TOUR and hotel opera- the increase in deaths and said. to witness a number of more than 300 visitors. Falls, we also need the land
tors have suffered another infections as “worrisome”. “We have seen some tourists coming from as Musonza said the hos- borders open and screen
setback after international Even though the deci- airlines pulling off the far afield as India and the pitality sector’s survival traffic for genuine tourist
airlines connecting Victo- sion of the airlines is un- key routes like JHG-VFA United States of America. hinged on the efficient roll- traffic is allowed to travel.” 
ria Falls with the rest of the derstandable, the effects (Jinghong-Victoria Falls Among the high-profile out of the Covid-19 vacci- According to the Zim-
world announced they will have been felt by tourism Airport) which tradition- visitors was US business- nation programme and the babwe Tourism Authori-
temporarily stop flying to players, the chairperson of ally brings us volumes of woman and socialite Paris opening of land-based bor- ty (ZTA), the sector lost
the destination following the Matabeleland North tourists.  Hilton who visited the re- der posts. about US$1.6 billion
an upsurge in Covid-19 chapter of the Hospitality “The major airline, Brit- sort city last month. “Our hope is that more worth of revenue in 2020
cases in the country. Association of Zimbabwe, ish Airways Comair, has In that same month, Vic- and more people get vac- alone owing it to the effects
President Emmerson Anald Musonza, said. cancelled until 31 Aug toria Falls also hosted local cinated to ensure we save of Covid-19. Apart from
Mnangagwa this week ex- “The current third wave 2021. Fastjet now has and regional conferences, lives,” he said. hotels and tour operators,
tended by another two has seen occupancies tum- limited flights but is still including the Zimbabwe “This will inherently also restaurants have also been
weeks the current Lev- bling when we had start- available on most major National Chamber of help us as the private sector hit hard by Covid-19 re-
el Four lockdown meant ed seeing some flickers of routes,’’ he said. Mines annual conference to help save livelihoods by strictions.
Page 21 News NewsHawks
Issue 39, 16 July 2021

Companies make Covid-19 donations

APART from Sakunda Hold- sive than the previous ones as
ings and its loaded boss Kudak- we’ve all seen here during the
washe Tagwirei’s US$5.5 mil- very dangerous third wave. 
lion donation as part of a heavy “It is a fact that I had been
package of local currency, cars vaccinated and believe as you
and medical essentials aid, oth- can see I’m a strong man in
er companies also chipped with good health of just under 50
various offers. years of age. However, even
Other companies that do- having observed all the Covid
nated to government at a func- protocols of social distanc-
tion presided over by Presi- ing, without the assistance of
dent Emmerson Mnangagwa the medicine that I took and
at State House yesterday were prayers of healing from my
the Beitbridge contractors who heavenly father I’m not sure I
contributed US$500 000  and would be standing here today.” 
CBZ US$250 000. Sharpe said ivermectin, a
ZB bank, businessman Ken drug which is now registered
Sharpe and Insurance Coun- and approved for use in Zim-
cil of Zimbabwe each donated babwe, saved his life.
US$50 000. “I have also noticed that the
Pedzai “Scott” Sakupwanya retailers in the medical industry
donated US$100 000. are selling these tablets for up
Sharpe said he was proud to to US$6 each, however with
contribute to a national cause the assistance of Amai Mutasa
to fight the Covid-19 pandem- I have been assured we can buy
ic which has ravaged the world, them for less than US$0.17
including Zimbabwe. and therefore with our dona-
“In giving this donation tion today of US$50 000  we
today I represent WestProp will be able to purchase no less
Zimbabwe whose vision it is than  297 000  tablets which
‘to become the leading custom- equates to a value at US$6 per
er-centric private developer of tablet of almost US$3 million
exceptional properties in Zim- savings for the country from
babwe’,” Sharpe said. our small donation. 
“We believe that we can “Also we know that the last
make Zimbabwe great again Zimbabwean tycoon Ken Sharpe with his wife Joanna donated cash to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. will be first and by doing this
and surely we and our investors I am sure that if we use our
have seen Zimbabwe is ‘open “In fact we are very pleased mission to build no less than 6 citizens who invest with us and “Before talking about our resources collectively and be
for business’.  to announce that just this week 000 residential units in Harare assisting them to build their donation I would like to share responsible stewards to increase
“In line with vision 2030 the City of Harare Council north. dream homes for their families. a personal story that recently that which we are given we will
we are doing our part to build approved our development “It is my wish to leave a last- Owning a home is the single both myself and my wife recov- be blessed for it and many lives
literally Zimbabwe brick by in Borrowdale for 1 000 flats ing legacy of wealth creation biggest factor in stimulating ered from the Delta variant of will be saved.”
brick.” He added:  and we will continue with our for the families of Zimbabwean the growth of an economy. Covid which is far more aggres- —STAFF WRITER
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
Editorial & Opinion Page 22


Inequality is a
ticking time bomb
IT would be dangerously simplistic for anyone to solely
attribute South Africa’s astonishing bout of violent pro-
tests and looting to a single factor or narrative.
There is a confluence of factors at play. One of these
is inequality--the widening gap between the haves and
the have-nots.
Owing to both the legacy of racist rule and the failings
of post-apartheid government, Africa’s most developed
economy is also the most unequal society on earth.
Zimbabwe is not immune to this malady. One of the
ticking time bombs in this country is the growing in-
equality between a poor majority that does not know
where its next meal will come from and a privileged elite
which enjoys first-world lifestyles in a sea of extreme
poverty. The Gini co-efficient, which measures income
inequality, shows the precarious state of economic jus-
In defence of rioting and looting
tice in this country.
WHENEVER I fly long distances, I always that’s a tale for another day. argument.
The number of Zimbabweans in extreme poverty has buy a book to read during the journey; In the aftermath of Zuma’s incarceration And indeed characterisation of looters as
reached 7.9 million, almost half the entire population. usually a book that piques my interest in protests broke in his KwaZulu-Natal home mobs and criminals is also addressed.
According to the World Bank’s latest economic and something different and unusual - those province before spreading to Gauteng, the But it doesn’t have a clear pathway on
social update report, almost half of Zimbabwe’s popu- types of seminal and compelling works country’s economic hub. what happens after rioting and looting.
that you don’t put down once you start The protests, however, deteriorated into Yet In Defence of Rioting and Looting
lation fell into extreme poverty between 2011 and last reading. violence, rioting and looting. is a recent fresh argument for rioting and
year, with children bearing the brunt of hardships. There are several that I have read This sparked so many theories of what looting as one of the most powerful tools
The outlook on the poverty front is not encouraging. like that. From Flat Earth News: An was happeing and why. in ordinary people’s arsenal - the subaltern’s
Says the international financial institution: “The num- Award-winning Reporter Exposes False- Some say people were reacting to Zu- leverage - for dismantling white suprema-
hood, Distortion and Propaganda in the ma’s arrest, others say the masses exploded cy.
ber of extreme poor is expected to remain at 7.9 million Global Media, a 2008 book by British in- over their social and material conditions Looting — a crowd of people public-
in 2021 amid continued elevated prices, and a slow re- vestigative journalist Nick Davies in which - inequality, unemployment and poverty- ly, openly, and directly seizing goods; free
covery of jobs and wages in the formal and informal he exposes media malpractices on Fleet and yet others postulate it was an ANC shopping as it were — is one of the more
Street, Gideon’s Spies: The Secret History political power struggle which had spread extreme actions that can take place in the
sectors.” of the Mossad by another British journalist from the boardrooms into the streets. midst of social unrest.
Considering that the country really has no social safe- Gordon Thomas to In Defence of Looting All these postulations are true, except Even the self-identified radicals distance
ty nets worth talking about, the realistic expectation is by American author Vicky Osterweil. that they are not mutually exclusive. They themselves from looters, fearing violent
that poor families, in both urban and rural areas, will Those are my sort of books, journalistic are credible and can happen all at the same tactics would reflect badly on the broader
academic and investigative type of works. movement.
find it increasingly difficult to survive. I like that. But Osterweil argues stealing goods
The World Bank defines the “extreme poor” as people
living under the food poverty line of US$29.80 for each
In Defence of Looting is an interesting
Hawk Eye and destroying property are critical direct,
pragmatic and effective strategies of wealth
person a month. I don’t believe in rioting and looting as redistribution and improving life for the
a solution to political and social problems, working class — not to mention brazen
Extreme poverty in Zimbabwe has several causes unless that’s a last resort, but since I read Dumisani messages these methods send to police and
which include climatic shocks and natural disasters. But this book I understood the argument for the state to shake the status quo.
by far the biggest cause is governance failure. This man- that as a strategic and tactical approach Muleya All beliefs about the innate righteous-
to leverage coercive methods for positive ness of property and ownership, Osterweil
ifests in corruption, incompetence, cronyism, patron- change in the common good. further explains, are built on the history of
age, rent seeking, ethno-clientelism, wasteful spending Given what’s happening in South Afri- time. And they did. anti-black and also anti-indigenous people
and dysfunctional leadership. ca, it would be good to read this one, es- So in a bid to build theories and explain oppression.
Zanu PF has built an authoritarian kleptocracy char- pecially those who believe in rioting and the events, so many hypotheses arose, in- From slave revolts to labour strikes
looting as an instrument of social change, cluding justifying rioting and looting in to modern-day movements for climate
acterised by prebendalism--the diabolical belief by pub- and addressing injustice and inequality. self-righteous anger and in the name of change, BlackLivesMatter, and police vio-
lic officials that their lofty posts entitle them to unbri- That issue loomed large this week in justice. The bottomline is that the rioting lence, Osterweil makes a strong case
dled access to national resources for selfish benefit. South Africa after protests broke out fol- and the criminality involved shook the for rioting and looting as weapons that
How have other countries closed the yawning in- lowing the conviction and jailing of for- self-assured hubris of the political and eco- bludgeon the status quo, while having the
mer President Jacob Zuma for contempt nomic elite. potential to uplift the poor and marginal-
equality gap? of court. The rioters embraced the idea, but ised.
Well, this is no rocket science. Everything rises and Many agreed Zuma was in contempt, couldn’t articulate it properly, they strug- In Defence of Looting is basically a
falls on the calibre of governance. Zimbabwe, after all, but should have been given a suspended gled to frame the argument, find a narra- history of violent protest sparking social
sentence, not imprisoned. tive, tropes and handle on it in the face of change, a compelling reframing of revolu-
has all the key ingredients for economic transforma- His supporters naturally listened to his the official line that there was an organised tionary activism, and a practical vision for
tion--except good leadership. Human resources and reaction: I have done nothing wrong; all I uprising brewing. a dramatically restructured society that ac-
natural resources are generally available. The missing have said is that I wouldn’t appear before In it’s locus of enunciation, Ostwrweil’s commodates the poor.
ingredients are capital formation and technology, but the Zondo Commission on state capture book addresses many questions currently That’s what South Africa needs. But
since he is conflicted. being asked in South Africa today, such as then again the message was sent at a huge
these can only be harnessed by serious 21st century The story between Zuma and Zondo is looting of black businesses, destruction of cost to lives and the economy - billions of
leaders, not primitive politicians stuck in the Stone Age. big scandal of friendship and betrayal, but jobs and worsening the plight of the poor dollars.

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Tongaat ordered to refund


SUGAR producer Tongaat

Hulett is set to refund sug-
arcane growers millions of

farmers millions in VAT

dollars after the Supreme
Court ruled that it is illegally
collecting Value-Added Tax
(VAT) from the farmers.
The Supreme Court ruling tents and advise that the
is a huge relief to outgrower Millers are law abiding, and
sugarcane farmers who felt in that respect our respective
shortchanged by the sugar Finance Teams are currently
producer which was preju- performing the necessary rec-
dicing them through unclear onciliations in order to estab-
deductions. lish the quantum of refunds
The ruling was made by applicable to each farmer. As
Deputy Chief Justice Eliz- can be expected, the reconcil-
abeth Gwaunza on 1 July iations are fairly extensive in
2021 following an appeal by view of the time periods and
the sugar giant through its dual currencies involved, and
lawyers Scanlen and Holder- as a consequence, we will re-
ness. Tongaat had appealed a vert to you by 16 July 2021
ruling in favour of the Zim- with details of our proposed
babwe Revenue Authority payment plan for the VAT
(Zimra) and sugarcane farm- refunds as necessary,” reads
ers by Justice Sunsley Zisen- part of the letter to farmers
gwe of the Masvingo High signed by the group compa-
Court last year. ny secretary, Pauline Kadem-
After a tax audit in 2019, bo.
Zimra garnished Tongaat Mkwasine Sugarcane
Hulett’s bank accounts after Farmers’ Association chair-
realising that the company, person Denis Masomere told
which is a registered operator The NewsHawks that the Su-
offering milling services to preme Court ruling exposes
farmers, was not paying VAT the unfair business practices
as required by law. In return, of Tongaat Hulett which are
A Tongaat sugar plantation.
the sugar producer began disadvantaging farmers. He
collecting the tax from farm- is currently collecting VAT price includes that tax. It also deeming provision of Section cane farmers, Tongaat Hulett said farmers are awaiting the
ers’ proceeds.  from the farmers’ 77%. found that Section 69 pre- 69 as the deeming provision informed farmers that in re- refund from the sugar giant.
According to the milling “It was the view of the cludes such registered opera- cannot be interpreted to sponse to the Supreme Court “We have been talking
agreement between the farm- Court that Section 69 of the tor from subsequently claim- mean different things to two ruling the company is in the about this issue among oth-
er and the miller (Tongaat), Value-Added Tax (Chap- ing VAT not reflected on the different people,” reads part process of calculating mon- ers which are disadvantaging
which is referred as the divi- ter 23:12) serves to ‘estop’ a price. In the Court’s view, of the ruling. ey collected from farmers as us as farmers. The company
sion of proceeds (DoP) ratio, registered operator who has permitting the appellants to In a letter seen by The VAT with a view to refund- advised us that they are pro-
the farmer gets 77% against not reflected VAT on the recoup VAT in retrospect NewsHawks dated 12 July ing them. cessing our refunds and that
the miller’s 23% and Tongaat price from denying that the would render nugatory the 2021 and addressed to sugar- “We have noted the con- will help us,” said Masomere.

Zimpost clinches deal to distribute farm inputs

DUMISANI NYONI In an emailed response to ing inputs to tobacco farmers high volumes of tobacco have of Covid-19 vaccines and vac- said.
questions from The News- from the various suppliers to been sold at the contract cine-related non-cold chain “This includes the delivery
ZIMPOST is in discussion Hawks, Zimpost’s acting post- the farms across Zimbabwe,” floors, while auction floors re- equipment under the Pos- of provisions in the wider vac-
with the Tobacco Industry master-general Isaac Mucho- he said. corded low volumes. t4Health Project. cine ecosystem, health-related
and Marketing Board (TIMB) komori said the partnership The 2021 tobacco market- As of 7 July, farmers had “This initiative is aimed at logistics and last-mile deliv-
over a deal for the company to with the TIMB was still active ing season ended this week, sold 183.7 million kilo- leveraging and mobilising the ery of vaccine distribution,
be allowed to distribute agri- and last year they managed to with final deliveries made on grammes worth US$507 entire Zimpost network for or vaccine-related non-cold
cultural inputs from various carry a total of 4 176 bales, July 13, but contract floors million, an increase from last the last mile of Covid-19 vac- chain equipment such as sy-
suppliers to tobacco farmers translating to a gross weight will continue until further year’s figure of US$391m cines, medicines, PPEs (per- ringe units, saline solutions,
across the country. of 375 840 kilogrammes. notice. The TIMB said clean- earned from the sale of 158 sonal protective equipment), medical reagents and injec-
Last year, the quasi-gov- “In 2021, due to the decen- up sales will be conducted in million kilogrammes of the blood coupons, results, vacci- tion equipment and neces-
ernmental institution struck a tralisation of auction floors, August. crop. Meanwhile, Muchoko- nation cards, payment for vil- sary medical consumables
partnership with TIMB to of- Zimpost has not been able The 2021 tobacco mar- mori said Zimpost was en- lage health workers, training and equipment, kits, material
fer transport services to carry to match the 2020 volumes. keting season kicked off on gaging the ministry of Health and awareness programmes and biologicals: as well as ad-
tobacco from different parts Engagements are currently 7 April, while contract sales and Child Care and its affili- through the community in- vocacy, campaign and mass
of the country to tobacco auc- in progress with the TIMB opened the following day. ates to provide health-related formation centres (CICs), communication materials to
tion floors.  for the distribution of farm- Throughout the season, logistics and last-mile delivery anywhere in Zimbabwe,” he increase health awareness.”
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
Companies & Markets Page 24

AirZim says administrators

NYASHA CHINGONO continue on a positive trajectory
of growth, sustainability and ul-
AIR Zimbabwe administrators timately profitability.”
Grant Thornton, whose term of AirZim has been riddled

rescued the insolvent airline

office came to an end last week with multiple crises in the past
when government appointed decade, including mismanage-
a six-member board, saved the ment, corruption and deliberate
airline from litigious creditors sabotage from the authorities.  
and set the troubled flag carrier The late former president,
on a path to recovery, an official she said.  Robert Mugabe, his son-in-law
has said.  “The airline also managed to Simba Chikore and then Trans-
AirZim spokesperson Fistme recover US$5.4 million from port minister Joram Gumbo
Vitori said the administrators, trade receivables out of a pos- had hatched a plan to channel
led by Reggie Saruchera and sible total of US$7.05 million AirZim’s recapitalisation funds
Tonderai Mukubvu, were large- with the airline now operating to ZimAirways, a dodgy airline. 
ly successful in meeting the set on a strictly cash basis,” Vitori In 2018, the Zimbabwe
objective of turning around the added.  Anti-Corruption Commission
state-owned company which is The Bill will provide a frame- (Zacc) probed Chikore over the
mired in debt.  work for debt assumption pro- US$70 million aircraft scandal,
“Prior to reconstruction, the cesses and procedures, valida- a scheme that was allegedly used
national airline ran the risk of tion and reconciliation of the to siphon millions of dollars out
property attachment and ex- liabilities, debt assumption mo- of the country under the guise
ecution of writs to which the dalities, terms and conditions of of building a new airline.
administrator was able to secure the debt settlement plan, and At the time, Zacc instituted
a reconstruction order with the the recovery plan for the debt a probe into the ZimAirways
effect of staying all legal action, paid by the government on be- transaction to establish how the
attachment and execution,” Vi- half of the airline. murky airline controversially
tori told The NewsHawks.  The government’s delay in purchased the two Boeing 777
The board comprises non-ac- moving ahead with the debt as- long-haul jets for US$18.5 mil-
counting permanent secretary sumption plan had eroded the lion and US$16.5 million, to-
in the Finance ministry Andrew airline’s chances of courting new talling US$35 million.
Bvumbe, Michael Musanzik- partners after the company was It also planned to buy the
wa, a researcher, and lecturer at placed on debt reconstruction two Embraer aircraft for US$6
Chinhoyi University of Tech- in 2018, according to officials. million using Treasury Bills.
nology and Zimbabwe Tourism The debt has spooked poten- This brought the total of the
Authority chief executive Give- tial investors who have expressed revised deal to US$41 million.
more Chidzidzi. Chief director interest in pouring millions of Before revising the deal,
for fiscal policy in the Finance dollars into the airline. the government had initially
ministry Pfungwa Kunaka, two Vitori added that the admin- planned to spend US$16.5 mil-
other individuals only identified istrator also updated the compa- lion each, while the other two
as N. Chifema, and K. Maga- ny’s financial statements which would be bought for US$18.5
ya, complete the six-member were behind for about a decade. million apiece, bringing the to-
board. An Air Zimbabwe flight. The financial statements cover tal to US$70 million.
The late former Transport 2012 to 2018, while 2019 is Initially, ZimAirways was
minister Joel Biggie Matiza AirZim is now in possession of month.  with the ministry of Finance to currently being finalised.  touted as a private company,
in 2018 appointed the Sa- an Embraer ERJ145 regional “We have 10 interested par- try and provide a workable solu- “Working with the current although Chikore, who was
ruchera-led administration to aircraft from the US and two ties that submitted their bids tion around the assumption of Air Zimbabwe management AirZim’s chief operations offi-
turn around the airline, with Boeing 777-200 ER long-haul to partner with Air Zimbabwe. the debt. The Debt Assumption team, they developed a busi- cer, played a critical role in its
the re-opening of international jets from Malaysia, bringing One of them had a unique Bill will provide funding to cater ness plan and a six-year strategic creation. Despite several probes,
routes and scouting for partner- the total number of serviceable proposition that they had made for all liabilities”, Vitori said.  turnaround plan, both of which the ZimAirways saga has not
ships being top of the priority aircraft to five. These fkeet also to Air Zimbabwe,” Mukubvu “The shareholder availed were approved by government been brought to finality.
list.  includes a Boeing 767 and a was quoted as saying.  funding for the settlement of all at the 45th cabinet meeting,” Apart from being caught up
Although Saruchera and Boeing 737.  “It’s been slow in the sense verified claims for local liabili- Vitori said.  in the ZimAirways saga, AirZim
company failed to re-open inter- Although the huge debt over- that there are still some key ele- ties to the tune of ZW$349.14 Asked if the airline was now has been hampered by misman-
national routes, mainly due to a hang spooked investors from ments that need to be dealt with million while engagements are out of the woods, Vitori said: agement.
lack of long-haul aircraft and engaging the airline, there is a and these elements were made continuing with foreign credi- “Yes, we believe so and we are The company inherited 18
international aviation licences, silver lining after the govern- very clear to government. One tors with total balances equiva- very confident that with the aircraft at Independence, but
the administrator took delivery ment approved the Debt As- of these areas relates to the debt lent to US$31.52 million on a coming in of the new interim was until recently left with only
of Zimbabwe Airways planes. sumption Bill for the airline last assumption. So, we are dealing scheme of reconstruction plan,” board, the national airline shall two planes.

ZITF appoints new CEO

DUMISANI NYONI tion of the trade showcase has
been moved to August 23-27
THE Zimbabwe International due to the prevailing Covid-19
Trade Fair (ZITF) Company pandemic.
has, with immediate effect, Initially, the ZITF, running
appointed Nicholas Ndebele credited with delivering one of in addition to her new duties.  under the theme: “Showcasing
as its substantive chief execu- the most successful ZITF edi- As an accomplished events the New Normal for Business
tive officer, taking over from tions (2019) which attracted manager and coordinator spe- & Industry: Realities and Op-
Nomathemba Ndlovu who wide and critical acclaim from cialising in exhibitions, con- portunities,” was supposed to
resigned in July 2018. all stakeholders. ferences and events infrastruc- be held from July 20 to 23. 
Announcing his appoint- “More recently, he has ture management, Moyo said So far, 405 direct exhibitors
ment on Wednesday, ZITF demonstrated capacity and she has been instrumental in have booked, taking up 90%
Company chairperson Busisa leadership depth, taking the making sure that the compa- of the available space.
Moyo said Ndebele would be company to profitability and ny’s exhibitions and events re- In terms of foreign par-
assisted by Stella Nkomo, who guiding the company through main the biggest and effective ticipation, 11 countries have
was the company’s marketing one of the most tumultuous platforms for business growth confirmed their participation
and public relations manager. periods of its history; ensur- in the country.  and these are Angola, Belarus,
“The ZITF Company Board ing business survival and sus- Nkomo is a holder of a Botswana, Indonesia, Japan,
of Directors is pleased to an- tainable continuity despite Business Leadership Certifi- Malawi, Mozambique, Na-
nounce the appointment of Dr the disruption on the busi- cate, ZimChartered Marketer, mibia, Nigeria, South Africa,
Nicholas Ndebele as the sub- ness brought about by the MSc Marketing (Nust), BSc and Tanzania.
stantive chief executive officer Covid-19 pandemic and the Journalism and Media Stud- The theme, according
of the ZITF Company with attendant knock-on effects,” ies (Nust), Marketing Practi- to organisers, acknowledg-
immediate effect. Dr Ndebele Moyo said. tioner, (Marketers Association es that ZITF 2021 is taking
joined the ZITF Company Ndebele holds a Doctor of Zimbabwe) and is also an MSc place against the backdrop
in 2017 as the sales executive Philosophy degree, majoring International Relations stu- of Covid-19 and as such calls
tasked with increasing gains in business leadership, from dent (UZ). for multi-stakeholder en-
in profit performance, reve- the Gordon Institute of Busi- “Given their combined gagement in forging innova-
nue growth and market share ness Science (GIBS) of the arsenal of qualifications, tive and sustainable business
New ZITF chief executive Dr Nicholas Ndebele. models, economic and trade
across all the company’s stra- University of Pretoria. He knowledge and expertise in
tegic business units (SBUs),” is also a holder of an Execu- the business development and re-engagement and translating
of Business Administration Nkomo has been with the
Moyo said in a statement. tive Development Program marketing fields, Dr Nicholas new opportunities in a rap-
from Midlands State Univer- company for over 10 years
Ndebele was appointed act- (GIBS), an Master of Science Ndebele and Ms. Stella Nko- idly unfolding context to en-
sity, Post-Graduate Diploma driving the marketing, com-
ing general manager the year in Marketing (graduating with mo are more than equal to the sure business continuity while
in public relations (Nust) and munications and business
after the resignation of Ndl- distinction) from the Nation- task,” he said.  shock-proofing the economy
a Bachelor of Business Studies development functions of the
ovu.  al University of Science and Their appointment comes from further devastating con-
(Honours) degree from the entity and will continue to
In this role, Moyo said, he is Technology (Nust), Master at a time when this year’s edi- sequences of the pandemic.
University of Zimbabwe (UZ).  manage that portfolio as well
Page 25 Companies & Markets NewsHawks
Issue 39, 16 July 2021

Fitch forecasts RBZ interest cuts

RONALD MUCHENJE malizes,” Fitch noted. rate and shift to an auction
RBZ has kept the rate on system in June 2020.
THE Reserve Bank of Zim- hold since a 50 basis point While the auction system
babwe (RBZ) is seen insti- (bps) hike in February 2021, has slowed the pace of cur-
tuting a series of interest rate and at its June meeting reiter- rency depreciation, low levels
cuts from 2022 as inflation ated its focus on maintaining of foreign exchange reserves
is expected to remain on a the current disinflationary mean that the Zimbabwean
broad downtrend returning trajectory while supporting dollar is seen continuing to
to single-digit levels by end the “envisaged robust eco- trade at a considerable dis-
2023. nomic growth for 2021 and count on the parallel market.
This is expected to enable beyond”. “Equally, while the RBZ
the central bank to focus on It thus kept the policy rate continues to seek to contain
boosting access to credit, on hold at 40% and the in- expansion of the monetary
thus stimulating economic terest rate on the Medium base -- stating at its June
activity. An international re- Term Accommodation Facil- meeting that the reserve
search company, Fitch Solu- ity at 30%. money growth target would
tions, in its commentary on Fitch however said risks be reduced from 22.5% to
Zimbabwe’s policy rate, said to interest rate forecasts are 20.0% per quarter -- such
the RBZ will keep its key weighted to the upside.  expansion will persist giv-
policy rate on hold at 40% Fitch cautioned that Zim- en that the government will
over the remainder of 2021 babwe’s macro-economic continue to rely on domes-
but expects it to turn dovish fundamentals remain weak tic sources to fund the fiscal
in 2022. and that this could delay a deficit. Given these various
“While we expect price return to normalised mon- factors, we expect inflation
pressures to moderate in etary policy as the country to average 140.1% in 2021,”
H2021 (second half of 2021) remains largely cut off inter- noted Fitch. 
given a slower pace of cur- national capital markets, and “However,  we do not ex-
rency depreciation, inflation substantial inflationary pres- pect the RBZ to implement
will remain elevated, at an sures are possible should the a rate hike given the impact
annual average of 140.1% in government revert to mone- that reducing access to cred-
2021. However, we do not tisation of the deficit. it would have on relatively
expect the Reserve Bank to In this eventuality, Fitch fragile growth.  We forecast
implement a rate hike given said the monetary policy that real GDP will expand by
still weak economic activity. committee would likely raise 3.3% in 2021 -- the fastest
We forecast that the bank interest rates again in an ef- rate of expansion since 2018,
will institute a series of rate fort to reduce the size of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Building. but a relatively weak recovery
cuts from 2022 as inflation monetary base. cy depreciation (notably on are seen persisting despite an dollar depreciated sharply given contractions of 8.1%
continues to moderate and In addition, key inflation- the parallel market), and on- some progress in tackling following the abandonment in 2019 and an estimated
monetary policymaking nor- ary drivers including curren- going shortages of US dollars, such issues. The Zimbabwe- of the ZW$25.00/US$ fixed 8.0% in 2020.”

Cambria Africa pushes Zimchem Refineries

RBZ to unblock plans new chemical plant
DUMISANI NYONI Zimasco, which will get fuels and plastics from coal

US$1.39m legacy funds KWEKWE-BASED

chemical manufacturing
company Zimchem Re-
the electrode paste instead
of importing it from South
The newsletter is being
chemicals,” Shoko said.
“This is where we want
to go, that is where we
want to grow the company
LONDON Stock Ex- the appropriate and conser- Cambria holds 204 047 fineries has unveiled ambi- produced by the office of and to grow industry to be
change-listed and Zimba- vative approach of converting Old Mutual Limited common tious plans to build a plant the minister of state for able to make the fertilizers,
bwe-focused investment these blocked funds at the pre- shares suspended on the ZSE
that will enable Zimba- Provincial Affairs in the plastics, polymers, waxes
company Cambria Africa is vailing exchange rate may be a and valued on its half-year
intending to negotiate with the significant underestimation of 2021 statement of financial bwe’s mining companies Midlands. and even motor fuels from
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe their realizable value. position at US$200 000 based to source their high-value Zimchem’s value addi- coal chemicals,” he said.
(RBZ) to achieve a win-win “Management successfully on the closing price of Old chemicals locally rath- tion also extends to their Taking into account the
solution over its blocked leg- negotiated with the Reserve Mutual Limited on the ZSE at er than importing from solvent xylene which they urgent need to revamp the
acy funds totalling US$1.39 Bank of Zimbabwe the pay- suspension.
South Africa. According to have been selling as an country’s roads, the com-
million. ment at parity of US$1.25 mil- “Should the company be
Recovery of the blocked lion and carried the same on its able to repatriate these shares to the firm’s latest newsletter, unfinished product. It pany is angling to become
funds at parity or near-parity books at the end of FY 2019 Johannesburg Stock Exchange there are advanced plans to will now be formulated a significant player in the
is expected to add 10 US cents (full-year 2019) because Cam- where it purchased them or make electrode paste used to make a weed killer and manufacture of road con-
per share to net asset value. bria had a time determinate UK where these shares contin- in furnaces and the smelt- insecticide for sale to the struction products.
The debts are  sitting on its commitment from the Reserve ue to trade, their value as at 30
ing industry. agro-chemical industry, Currently, it is estimated
books at approximately US$16 Bank Governor, Dr John Man- June 2021 based on 67.80 p
000 due to the official deval- gudya, which was honoured in (LSE) per share is the equiva- “As you are aware, we the report said. that Zimbabwe’s mining
uation of the Zimbabwean full during FY 2020.  Hence lent of US US$191 468 down have been exporting to The company is also industry spends close to
dollar from parity to US$1: there is reason to believe that from US$211 500 reported on South Africa a semi-pro- looking at diversifying its 70% of its expenditure im-
ZW$10.71 to the current level the appropriate and conser- 28 May as a result of depreci- cessed pitch which is val- paint product range to in- porting raw materials for
of US$1: ZW$85. vative approach of converting ation in the value of OM in
ue-added to make elec- clude architectural paints use in its processes.  Zim-
These blocked funds are these blocked funds at the pre- London and the strengthening
debts which were owned by vailing exchange rate may be a of the US dollar against the trode paste used in the for buildings and for cor- chem is expected to signifi-
Zimbabwean companies prior significant underestimation of pound,” said Cambria. furnaces and smelting in- rosion control of metal cantly reduce this num-
to the abolishing of the US their realizable value. The com- Cambria said by acquiescing dustries,” Zimchem gener- structures.  ber while contributing to
dollar as the functional cur- pany intends to negotiate with to the suspension of Old Mu- al manager Tendai Shoko “When we look at the the creation of thousands
rency. The RBZ committed to the RBZ to achieve a win-win tual and the discontinuation of
is quoted as saying.  plant, we are looking at of  new jobs in the country.
provide foreign currency for outcome,” Cambria said.  fungibility by the government
the debt at parity to the US Meanwhile, the company of Zimbabwe, Old Mutual “With the new plant, beneficiating coal chem- Both the mining and agri-
dollar. reiterated its displeasure with plc has forced the Cambria to we will increase the val- icals. We have similar cultural sectors have set
In a statement accompany- the board of Old Mutual plc indefinitely hold a position in ue by three to four times plants like Zimchem in targets to generate com-
ing the group’s interim results for not protecting its share- Old Mutual which is neither and be able to supply the South Africa like Sasol, bined earnings of US$20
for the six months ended 28 holders in Zimbabwe from the its core business nor in its in-
smelting industry, the likes where we will end up pro- billion for Zimbabwe by
February 2021, Cambria said effective freezing of their share- vestments.
there is reason to believe that holding in Old Mutual. — STAFF WRITER. of Zimplats, Maranatha, ducing fertilizers, waxes, 2025.
Page 26 Executive Chat NewsHawks
Issue 39, 16 July 2021

African countries should also

ZIMBABWE has experienced a try, in vaccine manufacturing, in
rapid increase in new Covid-19 drug manufacturing and because
infections as well as deaths related they were so competitive they
to the respiratory ailment. Amidst were able to grab a large share of
this pandemic, African states

manufacture vaccines: WHO

the global market including from
which have lagged behind in vac- Africa. We have in Africa tended
cine manufacturing are planning to secure most of our vaccines
to develop homegrown vaccines from India, which is now the
for the disease and future ones. largest vaccine manufacturer in
The NewsHawks Digital Editor the world and also from other
Bernard Mpofu (BM) spoke to parts of the world. So all those
Dr Alex Gasasira (AG), the World factors put us at a disadvantage,
Health Organisation’s country however with the lessons that
representative for Zimbabwe, on have been learnt in this Covid-19
this and other issues. Below are pandemic, our leaders — both as
excerpts of the interview: individual African countries but
also through the African Union
BM: As an icebreaker, please platform — have recognised that
take us through on the major it is much more strategic for us
developments that have hap- as a continent to manufacture
pened since Covid-19 was first our own vaccines. So there is a
reported. very systematic effort right now
together with the World Health
Organisation to ensure capacity
AG: You will recall that the very for local vaccine manufacturing
first case of Covid 19 was reported being established in Africa.
in Zimbabwe in late March 2020. A few weeks ago, the Direc-
But even prior to the first case tor-General of the World Health
being reported in Zimbabwe, the Organisation and the President
World Health Organisation had of the Republic of South Africa,
declared Covid-19 a public health announced that a new plant to
emergency at the end of January manufacture Covid-19 vaccines
2020 and declared it a pandem- had been launched in South Afri-
ic in early March 2020. So even ca. We are aware that other coun-
before the first case was reported tries in Africa, other sub-regions
in Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe had al- in Africa are also at various stages
ready started putting in place nec- of establishing such capacity so we
essary precautions, preparations are very hopeful that by early next
to respond to the pandemic so by year, the picture will be different
the time the first case was report- and we will have vaccine-manu-
ed in Zimbabwe (if my memory facturing plants at quite advanced
is correct) on the 20th of March, stages in our region.
2020, a lot of what had been done Yes, this has been sparked off
to prepare by the country to deal by Covid-19, but it is anticipated
with this condition. After that, that these vaccine-manufactur-
the cases continued to be reported ing plants will not be limited to
and continued to go up. We had Covid-19 vaccines but will also
our first peak around July-August be capacitated to produce other
2020. That is the time we had the vaccines that are required in the
highest number of cases at that African region.
time where we saw cases going up
and coming down in response to BM: How is Zimbabwe’s cur-
efforts that had been put in place. rent response to the third wave
So again another rise was during of Covid-19? How effective are
the end of the year, beginning lockdowns?
around October, slow increase
and in November and December AG: The aim of a lockdown to
we saw rapid increase and January World Health Organisation country Dr Alex Gasasira. allow the country to develop ca-
very rapid increase. We had very pacity to respond to the outbreak.
high numbers in January, Febru- has had an impact on health sys- that we have had as the WHO then be distributed by a transpar- A lot of the richer economies are We know that a lockdown has
ary and then we saw the numbers tems because it stretched health with previous pandemics and ent, participatory mechanism to increasingly donating some of the very negative impact on liveli-
start coming down again. That systems really beyond not only in large epidemics including HIV all countries. So that was the idea doses they had procured for their hoods, on capacity of families,
sort of represented what we call developing countries but also in and Bird Flu, our experience has and it has worked to some extent. own domestic use to Covax and individuals and communities to
the second peak or second wave. other countries as we saw. When been that when new technologies, As we speak, Covax has supported this is now being distributed to meet their other needs. So a lock-
As numbers kept low because of the number of patients rises to a new vaccines, new drugs, new distribution of close to 100 mil- lower income countries. down is not in itself a full solu-
the actions that everybody else certain level, this puts pressure on diagnostics become available, it lion doses of Covid-19 across 134 tion. The solution is for people to
was doing and then we saw a health systems and when health takes a very long time for these countries across the world. So it BM: Now let us move on to understand what they need to do
slight increase in April this year. systems are pressurised, they will tools to reach the developing was worked to that extent, how- vaccination manufacturing. to protect themselves against the
Unfortunately we started seeing not deliver other routine regular world. So based on that experi- ever we had hoped that a lot more Studies show that Africa is quite infection and to implement those
numbers growing very very rap- health services. So again it has ence, the World Health Organ- vaccines would have been deliv- resourceful in terms of human preventive measures. If we were
idly last month in June 2021 and indirect impact on the ability of isation gave the Coalition on ered through this programme. capital and other resources. In all complying with the preventive
we have seen the numbers contin- people to receive care and have Epidemic Preparedness and Inno- The Covax has had to face com- light of this, why is it that the measures, we would not be in the
ue to escalate up to now and this their health needs met. It also vation and Unicef came together, petition from countries buying continent has not manufac- situation we are in. We should
is what everybody else is referring puts a lot of pressure on econom- together with the member states directly from the manufacturers tured its own vaccines? not move unless it is absolutely
to as the third wave. ic performance. We have had to to form what is called Covax. especially the richer countries necessary, we should not gather in
have lockdowns. This has had an Covax is a platform that aimed were able because they have the fi- AG: The manufacture of vaccines mass gatherings, we should avoid
BM: From where you stand, adverse impact on the economy to promote the development of nancial capacity to really buy large is a very delicate industry with situations where we are in crowd-
what have been the major im- to run. This has also had a nega- Covid-19 vaccines and ensure quantities of vaccines for their high technology which requires ed areas.
pacts of Covid-19 on Zimba- tive impact on schooling and the that when these vaccines became own domestic use. So again Co- a lot of expertise. Indeed, several We should wear our masks if
bwe? education — schools have had available, they could be equitably vax benefitted a lot from vaccine countries in Africa used to manu- we have to leave our houses. If we
to close. Others have had to stay distributed to all countries irre- manufactured in India — you facture different types of vaccines are sick we should separate our-
AG:  The first impact has been away from schools for prolonged spective of the country’s econom- know India is one of the largest decades ago, but because of the selves from others. If we were all
on people’s health and lives. We periods of time. So Covid-19 has ic status. The aim was to prevent vaccine manufacturing countries level of expertise required and complying with these measures,
know that as we speak all over really had a very disruptive impact what had happened in the past in the world so a lot of vaccines the level of specialisation,  this we would not be seeing the cases
the world, we have had over 180 on all facets of our lives. where it could take 10 years or that initially came into Covax industry did not take root on a go up the way they are right now.
million cases of Covid-19 and so many years for new technolo- came from India. But unfortu- large scale in Africa. It requires a So the government has to balance
over four million deaths. The first BM: Early this year we saw some gy and new vaccines to become nately at some point India has had lot of investment. Vaccine manu- between lockdown for public
impact of this condition has been African countries like Zimba- available to low income countries. a huge Covid-19 outbreak in their facturing is a business, you invest health measures as well as to al-
on people’s health and lives. In bwe rolling out their Covid-19 So this was the reason why this own country so they prioritised a lot of money, it’s a highly spe- low economic activity to continue
Africa, we know that we are al- vaccination programmes as part platform called Covax was estab- their vaccine production for their cialised field and you aim to sell such that people can manage to
most having 100 000 lost due to of measures required to fight lished. domestic use, which is quite un- your product and recoup the in- look after themselves, look after
Covidd-19. And in Zimbabwe we the condition. We understand The idea was that once the vac- derstandable. So a number of dos- vestment that you have made. So, their families and earn a living. So
have had over 45 000 cases and that the WHO will assist gov- cines were made, the manufactur- es that have come through Covax limited technical expertise in our that is the balance that one has to
over 2 000 deaths, so that is really ernments in providing vaccines. ers — the countries where these and have been distributed are less part of the world and limited cap- take into account. We are hopeful
very big impact on individuals, Where do we stand now? manufacturing plants are would than what was anticipated at this ital investment are other factors. that the rate of compliance with
families and communities and collaborate under a global mecha- time. However, the prospects are And then places like India, which preventive measure swill increase
countries. So other than having an AG: Soon after this pandemic nism to make these vaccines avail- looking much more brighter as have a large market, have invested because that will help the number
impact on people’s lives Covid-19 started, based on the experience ableand then these vaccines will we enter the second half of 2021. a lot in the pharmaceutical indus- of cases to come down.
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
Stock Taking Page 27

Price Sheet
Company Sector Bloomberg Previous Last VWAP (cents) Total Total Price Price YTD Market
Ticker Price (cents) Traded Traded Traded Change Change (%) Cap
Price Volume Value ($) (cents) (%) ($m)
AFDIS Consumer Goods AFDIS: ZH 6800.00 6500.00 6500.00 3,100 201,500.00 -300.00 -4.41 170.83 7,624.89
African Sun Consumer Services ASUN: ZH 539.56 647.00 644.96 2,300 14,834.00 105.40 19.53 279.39 5,558.08
ART Industrials ARTD: ZH 760.00 750.00 753.42 52,200 393,285.00 -6.58 -0.87 57.85 3,292.27
Ariston Consumer Services ARISTON: ZH 340.01 330.00 334.42 383,100 1,281,150.00 -5.59 -1.64 149.57 5,442.34
Axia Consumer Goods AXIA: ZH 2062.57 2100.00 2083.13 1,600 33,330.00 20.56 1.00 127.42 11,350.86
BNC Basic Materials BIND: ZH 525.55 502.00 528.15 10,500 55,456.00 2.60 0.49 38.99 6,601.12
BAT Consumer Goods BAT: ZH 89900.00 80000.00 80000.00 200 160,000.00 -9900.00 -11.01 45.45 16,506.81
CAFCA Industrials CAFCA: ZH 15114.29 18000.00 18000.00 5,500 990,000.00 2885.71 19.09 100.22 1,572.32
Cassava Technology CSZL: ZH 1500.35 1500.00 1500.00 27,700 415,500.00 -0.35 -0.02 130.77 38,858.66
CBZ Banking CBZ: ZH 9498.19 9500.00 9500.00 20,000 1,900,000.00 1.81 0.02 11.16 65,287.01
Dairibord Consumer Goods DZL: ZH 3672.73 3700.00 3700.00 400 14,800.00 27.27 0.74 182.44 13,246.03
Delta Consumer Goods DLTA: ZH 8316.57 8295.00 8244.70 108,000 8,904,280.00 -71.87 -0.86 262.39 105,899.97
Econet Telecommunications ECO: ZH 2965.91 2850.00 2850.01 1,442,800 41,120,000.00 -115.90 -3.91 201.59 73,831.70
Edgars Consumer Services EDGR: ZH 450.86 460.00 484.00 2,000 9,680.00 33.14 7.35 303.33 1,582.64
FBC Banking FBC: ZH 3100.00 3100.00 3100.00 4,300 133,300.00 - - 106.48 20,830.45
Fidelity Financial Services FIDL: ZH 1200.00 - 1200.00 - - - - 529.26 1,307.08
First Capital Banking FCA: ZH 310.65 320.00 300.13 10,015,100 30,058,690.00 -10.52 -3.39 172.85 6,472.96
FML Financial Services FMHL: ZH 2555.75 2600.00 2600.00 100 2,600.00 44.25 1.73 147.62 17,943.72
FMP Real Estate FMP: ZH 1540.00 - 1540.00 - - - - 375.31 19,067.62
GBH Industrials GBH: ZH 254.78 250.00 250.00 7,800 19,500.00 -4.78 -1.88 941.67 1,341.47
Getbucks Financial Services GBFS: ZH 990.00 990.00 990.00 200 1,980.00 - - 7820.00 11,514.87
Hippo Consumer Goods HIPO: ZH 17509.61 17500.00 17500.00 23,900 4,182,500.00 -9.61 -0.05 94.44 33,778.60
Innscor Industrials INN: ZH 9002.75 9200.00 9006.95 159,800 14,393,110.00 4.20 0.05 143.24 50,869.13
Lafarge Industrials LACZ: ZH 6500.00 7800.00 7800.00 400 31,200.00 1300.00 20.00 712.50 6,240.00
Mash Real Estate MASH: ZH 353.13 360.00 359.41 33,800 121,480.00 6.28 1.78 286.46 6,681.70
Masimba Industrials MSHL: ZH 4393.92 4400.00 4400.00 400 17,600.00 6.08 0.14 292.86 10,632.76
Medtech Healthcare MMDZ: ZH 32.14 38.00 38.26 1,980,200 757,670.90 6.12 19.04 384.30 1,163.01
Meikles Industrials MEIK: ZH 8926.54 9495.00 9498.26 101,800 9,669,230.00 571.72 6.40 331.65 23,996.98
Nampak Industrials NPKZ: ZH 1302.67 1340.00 1340.00 700 9,380.00 37.33 2.87 487.08 10,125.68
NatFoods Consumer Goods NTFD: ZH 52000.00 - 52000.00 - - - - 765.22 35,568.06
NTS Industrials NTS: ZH 1300.00 1300.00 1044.60 11,300 118,040.00 -255.40 -19.65 3705.46 2,651.95
NMBZ Banking NMB: ZH 1549.09 - 1549.09 - - - - 287.22 6,260.98
OK Zim Consumer Services OKZ: ZH 1818.91 1795.00 1799.01 8,100 145,720.00 -19.90 -1.09 99.89 22,430.29
Proplastics Industrials PROL: ZH 2790.00 2790.00 2790.00 100 2,790.00 - - 224.05 7,029.00
RTG Consumer Services RTG: ZH 467.78 450.00 467.00 1,000 4,670.00 -0.78 -0.17 143.55 11,653.96
RioZim Basic Materials RIOZ: ZH 2705.00 2800.00 2800.00 100 2,800.00 95.00 3.51 87.27 3,416.83
SeedCo Consumer Goods SEED: ZH 7965.61 6800.00 6800.00 63,400 4,311,200.00 -1165.61 -14.63 195.65 16,695.91
Simbisa Consumer Goods SIM: ZH 4347.93 4295.00 4295.37 61,100 2,624,470.00 -52.56 -1.21 257.41 24,147.92
Star Africa Consumer Goods SACL: ZH 218.98 219.00 217.63 60,000 130,578.00 -1.35 -0.62 706.04 10,261.44
Truworths Consumer Services TRUW: ZH 216.38 250.00 247.22 5,400 13,350.00 30.84 14.25 738.03 949.49
TSL Consumer Goods TSL: ZH 4100.00 4400.00 4411.11 900 39,700.00 311.11 7.59 155.72 15,752.18
Turnall Industrials TURN: ZH 419.00 400.00 413.82 2,200 9,104.00 -5.18 -1.24 344.97 2,040.30
Unifreight Industrials UNIF: ZH 2894.32 3000.00 3000.00 300 9,000.00 105.68 3.65 16029.03 3,194.23
Willdale Industrials WILD: ZH 335.65 335.00 367.18 25,500 93,632.00 31.53 9.39 1047.44 6,528.47
ZB Banking ZBFH: ZH 7700.00 - 7700.00 - - - - 220.83 13,489.68
Zeco Industrials ZECO: ZH 0.03 - 0.03 - - - - 50.00 0.14
Zimpapers Consumer Services ZIMP: ZH 313.55 360.00 360.00 300 1,080.00 46.45 14.81 267.35 2,073.60
Zimplow Industrials ZIMPLOW: ZH 1588.50 1600.00 1600.00 37,000 592,000.00 11.50 0.72 220.00 3,814.09
ZHL Financial Services ZHL: ZH 392.27 400.00 395.45 10,100 39,940.00 3.18 0.81 26.14 7,191.87
TOTAL 14,674,700 123,030,129.90 773,771.14

Old Mutual ZSE Top 10 ETF 196.03 210.00 209.98 2,506,956 5,264,228.00 13.95 7.12 109.52 167.98

Old Mutual Zimbabwe Financial Services OMZIL 4500.00 4500.00 4500.00 26,016 117,072,000.00 - - 69.81 3,735.53

VFEX (US cents) US$m

Padenga Consumer Goods PHL:VX 36.00 20.00 19.31 3,978 768.16 -16.69 -46.36 -46.36 104.58
SeedCo International Consumer Goods SCIL:VX 25.20 25.20 25.20 10,797 2,720.84 - - 40.00 60.76

Index Close Change (%) Open YTD % Top 5 Risers Price Change % YTD %
ZSE All Share 6,544.59 -0.23 6,559.97 +148.90 Lafarge 7800.00c +1300.00c +20.00 +712.50
Top 10 3,458.07 -0.77 3,484.85 +109.01 African Sun 644.96c +105.40c +19.53 +279.39
Top 15 3,960.46 -0.48 3,979.53 +103.30 CAFCA 18000.00c +2885.71c +19.09 +100.22
Small Cap 252,483.28 +5.49 239,348.61 +2025.97 Medtech 38.26c +6.12c +19.04 +384.30
Medium Cap 17,177.53 +0.21 17,141.93 +208.71 Zimpapers 360.00c +46.45c +14.81 +267.35

Top 5 Fallers Price Change % YTD %

NTS 1044.60c -255.40c -19.65 +3705.46
SeedCo 6800.00c -1165.61c -14.63 +195.65
BAT 80000.00c -9900.00c -11.01 +45.45
AFDIS 6500.00c -300.00c -4.41 +170.83
Econet 2850.01c -115.90c -3.91 +201.59
SALES & TRADING: Davide Muchengi: | Lungani Nyamazana: | Tatenda Jasi:
RESEARCH: Batanai Matsika: | Precious Chagwedera: | Tafara Mtutu:
Tel: (+263) 08677008101-2 | Email: | Address: 1st Floor, Block D, Smatsatsa Office Park, Borrowdale, Harare

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Page 28 News Analysis NewsHawks
Issue 39, 16 July 2021

Worthless new ZW$50 note


THE Reserve Bank of Zim-

babwe (RBZ) recently issued

highlights economic troubles

a new ZW$50 banknote,
with critics claiming that
the bill, embossed with
the portrait of liberation
icon Mbuya Nehanda, will
fuel inflation in an econo- seen with a ZW$20 note as
my already devastated by your highest denomination?
stagnant growth due to the Look at South Africa, they
Covid-19 pandemic. have got R200, R100, R50,
But the banknote, the R20 and R10 notes, but
highest denomination in with us having just ZW$20
Zimbabwe’s local unit, is as highest, it doesn’t facili-
not enough for a loaf of tate transacting at all.”
bread, indicating how in- He said when transacting
flation has ravaged the cur- one does not even compare
rency. values but “you are sim-
It now sounds like a folk- ply saying that within your
tale that the local currency context and environment,
was stronger than the Unit- especially where your Zim-
ed States dollar at Indepen- babwean dollar is losing val-
dence in 1980.   ue, it would be difficult for
The ZW$50, almost locals to transact.”
equal to US$0.59 using the “If you have to pay in
official exchange rate, joins cash, it may imply having
other denominations which to carry big amounts of
have been eroded by hyper- money. So having a larger
inflation which soared to denomination generally fa-
800% in 2020 before slow- cilitates transacting. Gener-
ing to 106% this year.  ally, the world over, denom-
The apex bank announced inations help you in terms
several months ago that it of transacting. The higher
would issue higher denom- the denomination you have,
inations, with the market the easier it is, especially in
expressing fear the move our context where money is
could stoke inflation. losing value quickly.”
Some independent econ- “Without even compar-
omists commended the ing it to anyone, just look
central bank for coming at the inflation because this
up with the new note while is not cross-border transact-
critics claimed it would fuel ing, this is domestic trans-
inflation in an economy acting where the exchange
already buffeted by a pro- rate may not be determi-
longed Covid-19 pandemic. nant,” said Kanyenze.   
Some economic analysts Economic commentator
who spoke to The News- Reginald Shoko weighed in,
Hawks said the release of saying the introduction of a
the new note has evoked new banknote would reduce
fears of hyperinflation rem- the cost of withdrawing
iniscent of the 2008 era, money from banks.
while others said it would “It’s great for convenience
reduce the cost of bank and also will reduce the cost
withdrawals. of withdrawals by the bank-
In 2008, Zimbabwe suf- ing public. If you have real-
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe governor John Mangudya.
fered the second most severe ised, it was taking over two
episode of hyperinflation in two new ZW$50 notes to note which was inadequate notes,” it said. our economic growth. In- automated teller machine
recorded history. The an- buy a loaf of bread whilst for a loaf of bread.  Among the key qualities flation is currently hovering (ATM) withdrawals to get
nual inflation rate peaked the full complement of “The value loss of the lo- of money the world over is around 106%, which is a the maximum weekly cash
in November of that year, all the notes (ZW$50, cal currency scuttles confi- the “store of value” function significant drop from where allocation, which increases
reaching 89.7 sextillion ZW$20, ZW$10, ZW$5 dence building by the pub- attached to a currency, the we began the year, which the cost due to the small
percent, according to Steve and ZW$2) when added to- lic, thereby discouraging organisation said.  was around 300%,” he said.  currency denominations,”
Hanke, an economist and gether cannot buy a loaf of savings as interest earned is Commentators say the “We are likely to see he said. 
currency expert. bread.”  lower than the inflation rate new note is expected to do an introduction of higher “Most of our prices are al-
In its weekly review, a “This is just but a replay (negative return). Notably, little to contain inflation, notes like new ZW$100 ready pegged to the US dol-
civil society organisation, of the well-known inflation the government demands stabilise prices or improve and ZW$200 bills, which lar, hence the new note will
the Zimbabwe Coalition experiences of 2008/2009 payment for its services in Zimbabwe’s economic pros- are likely to undermine the not have a serious threat to
on Debt and Development which led to the abandon- the US dollar--pointing to pects. expectation of inflation be- inflation. The current infla-
(Zimcodd), said the new ment of the Zimbabwean government’s loss of confi- Previous injections of ing around 20%,” Dhlamini tion triggers in the econo-
note amounts to a mere dollar as the US dollar took dence in its very own cur- the ZW$10 and ZW$20 said. my are centred on foreign
US$0.36 when calculated centre stage in supporting rency,” it said. banknotes have failed to Economist Godfrey exchange rates,” he said,
on the parallel market rate. transactions in Zimbabwe,” The organisation said ef- ensure economic stability, Kanyenze, however, said the adding the economy will
“The highest notes in the social justice advocacy forts should be channeled largely as a result of policy new banknote will not stoke require a higher-denomi-
Zambia, Botswana and group said.  towards stabilising the val- inconsistencies, especially inflation but help facilitate nation banknote going for-
South Africa are worth Zimcodd said in an in- ue of the Zimbabwean dol- with regards to currency. transactions.  ward.
US$4.50, US$18.35 and flationary environment, lar before further notes are Economic analyst Steven- “In an inflationary envi- In the past, the govern-
US$14, respectively–denot- the introduction of new introduced, otherwise the son Dhlamini said the in- ronment, having ZW$20 as ment has been criticised for
ing the decimated purchas- banknotes is unpopular as printing of money becomes troduction of higher notes your highest denomination printing larger banknotes,
ing power of the local cur- the money loses value, in- a worthless exercise.  would stoke inflation. does not help or facilitate evoking memories of Zim-
rency,” Zimcodd said.  stantly igniting the need to “The introduction of the “I know the government transacting, especially as babwe’s hyperinflationary
“The concern to the ordi- introduce higher denomi- new ZW$50 advances gov- is looking at ending the year the money loses value. So period, when there were
nary citizen is: How many nations reminiscent of the ernment’s motive of acquir- at around 20%. I think it’s you need a higher note,” notes in circulation with a
groceries can you buy with 2008 era when the RBZ ing the US$ through profit a bit ambitious despite the Kanyenze said.  face value of ZW$100 tril-
the ZW$50? One requires printed a quintillion dollar made by issuing the new positive outlook in terms of “Which country have you lion.
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
The Big Debate Page 29

Rule of law a fundamental

abstract phrase simply to
be used as “a shorthand
description of the posi-
tive aspects of any given

pillar of national progress

political system”. The
Musa concept of rule of law
in fact includes, among
Kika others, the separation of
powers, enforceable guar-
antees in respect of indi-
GIVEN that the rule of vidual rights, the suprem-
law is fundamental to po- acy of the constitution,
litical stability as well as the principle of legality,
peace and security, it is legal certainty, access to
hardly arguable that the independent courts and
level at which it is upheld multi-party democracy. It
directly corelates to the is a value-laden concept. 
socio-economic progress In a constitutional de-
of a nation.  mocracy such as Zimba-
Developing economies bwe, the constitution is
like Zimbabwe, even the supreme law of the
more so, need the rule of land, and the rule of the
law for stability and de- law in this case requires
velopment. It is this con- that all laws and all con-
sideration that motivates duct, including by the ju-
for a general and broad- diciary, comply with the
based appreciation of the constitution. To remove
concept of rule of law by doubt, the rule of law is
Zimbabweans, leaders captured as a foundation-
and citizens alike.  al value.
Ultimately, the promo- In a democratic and
tion of the rule of law “is open society, disagree-
explicitly bound up with ment, differences in ap-
the primary currents of proaches, grievances, and
international political infractions are common.
and economic develop- In such cases, the rule of
ment, and today provides law is there to provide
a leading language for the a framework through
articulation and justifica- which recourse can be at-
tion of overarching pub- tained. 
lic policy orientations”.  So disagreements must
It is also explicitly be resolved through
bound up with socio-po- the courts rather than
litical and economic de- self-serving disobedience.
velopment at national In this context of the ad-
level. The aspirations of judication of disputes
the nation of Zimbabwe and constitutional en-
that are seen to be en- forcement, the rule of law
capsulated in the con- “appears as a sort of social
stitution are themselves glue, a connective tissue
dependent on the rule of holding society togeth-
law, that is, on the prima- er”. It is thus self-evident
cy of that constitution.  that for such framework
Preoccupation with the Some of Zimbabwe’s superior courts judges. to find efficacy, there
rule of law can therefore must be confidence in
not be easily dismissed tique sources.  no one given power by Chief Justice Anthony From this emerges an the institutions that are
or disassociated from the Among these is Aristot- the law for a certain pur- Gubbay observed: “It is understanding that the established and mandat-
progress of the nation as a le who, in a literal English pose may act beyond the an undeniable fact that rule of law can be un- ed to dispense justice, to
whole, politically, socially translation, is captured in confines of such powers, whatever system of law is derstood both as having include the courts, the
and economically. This the following words: “It is or usurp the power con- applicable, whether it is a moral foundation and police, the National Pros-
is not to deny the role better for the law to rule ferred on another – a the English common law, significant political foun- ecuting Authority, and
of other currents to such than one of the citizens principle known as ultra the Napoleonic Code, dations. In modern soci- even independent com-
progress, such as social so even the guardians of vires.   my own, or that of other ety, this quality cannot be missions to include those
cohesion, culture, tradi- the laws are obeying the According to Stephen countries, the rule of law divorced from the pro- supporting constitutional
tion and even religion, laws”. Another seminal Humphreys “the notion forms an essential foun- tection of rights. This is democracy such as the
as well as leadership and scholar, Thomas Fuller, that ‘the rule of law’ cap- dation in any democratic true for Zimbabwe where Zimbabwe Human
policy. put it in the following tures a particular quality system of governance. It the Declaration of Rights Rights Commission,
Rule of law itself is an terms in 1733: “Be you of law or a legal system, a is a concept of universal occupies pride of place and those specific to rule
old age concept. In Zim- never so high, the Law is quality that must be more validity and application. within the constitutional of law such as the Zim-
babwe’s constitutional de- above you”.  or less present or absent It embraces those insti- framework.  babwe Anti-Corruption
mocracy, the constitution The rule of law speaks in a given legal system tutions and principles of The rule of law allows Commission. 
must now be understood of a society where the law and that thus provides a justice which are consid- for notions of equali- Additionally, the peo-
as the beacon of the rule is respected, upheld and basis for evaluating such a ered minimal to the as- ty and equal protection ple must know the con-
of law and the ultimate is the ultimate authority. system, imbues most ac- surance of human rights, to find expression. It stitution, and harbour in
source of legal authority.  This, of course, presup- counts of the rule of law”.  and the dignity of man. thus allows for the equal their hearts the culture
All laws and conduct poses that there has been It is a concept having … [I]t is generally accept- standing of all who are of the rule of law. In the
must satisfy the demands a democratic law-making universal validity, encom- ed that a society in which Zimbabweans before the end, the rule of law is
of the constitution. Al- process and all who are passing inherent princi- the rule of law prevails is law, and allows space, ex- widely recognised as an
though the phrase “rule subject to the law con- ples like uniformity, cer- one in which a climate of pression and standing to essential component of
of law” was popularised sent to its authority even tainty, impartiality and legality, observance of the all, irrespective of social good governance and sus-
by Albert Venn Dicey in if they are not necessarily equity. Also added to this law and an effective judi- class or rank, political tainable development. 
his seminal work Intro- in agreement with all that is the principle of legality, ciary, are evident. … [I]t persuasion or ideological
duction to the Study of the law says.  which George Devenish is the antithesis of the ex- orientation.  *About the writer:
the Law of the Consti- Put differently, the law calls “the core or seminal istence of wide, arbitrary While one may be Musa Kika is a lawyer
tution as early as 1885, must command the mor- meaning of the rule of and discretionary powers tempted to view it as and executive director of
the idea itself has ancient al respect of the people. law”.  in the hands of the exec- such, the rule of law is the Zimbabwe Human
origin, and appears in an- Under the rule of law, Zimbabwe’s former utive”. not a broad, vague and Rights NGO Forum.
Page 30 The Big Debate NewsHawks
Issue 39, 16 July 2021

Enter Chief Justice Godfrey Chidyausiku

This is a continuation of a long-running series of popular articles by South Af- the members of the JSC would
be familiar with applicants for
rican-based Zimbabwean lawyer Advocate Tererai Mafukidze on the history of positions which required them
to be interviewed through the
the judiciary in Rhodesia and later Zimbabwe, focusing on the chief justices. section 180 process. 
Tererai Further, the constitution de-
liberately departed from the ap-
Mafukidze pointment procedure for judges
under the former constitution
by ensuring that the new process
SOON after former Chief Jus- is fair, open and transparent. 
tice Anthony Gubbay resigned In addition, the constitution
in March 2001, the late former deliberately limited the number
president Robert Mugabe im- of the so-called “subordinates”
mediately appointed Judge Pres- of the chief justice. 
ident Godfrey Chidyausiku the Under section 189(1) of the
acting chief justice ahead of all constitution, only five out of
Supreme Court judges.  the 13 members are judicial
On 1 July 2001, Mugabe officers and could be said to be
substantively appointed Chidy- the chief Justice’s subordinates.
ausiku to the post of Chief Jus- The rest of the members are the
tice. In some way, the promo- Attorney-General; the chairper-
tion of Chidyausiku would be son of the Civil Service Com-
comparable to Dumbutshena’s mission; three practising legal
elevation from Judge President practitioners designated by the
to Chief Justice.  Law Society of Zimbabwe; a le-
The underlying motive and gal academic designated by the
events that preceded their eleva- majority of teachers of law, in
tion would confound any com- the absence of that association
parison. Second, the promotion appointed by the President; a
went over Justices Simbarashe public accountant or auditor
Muchechetere and Wilson San- appointed effectively by his or
dura, both of whom were black her peers; a human resource ex-
and senior to Chidyausiku. In pert appointed by the President. 
fact, they had greater appellate These professionals are neither
experience. Third, Chidyausi- subordinates of the chief justice
ku had been number 12 on the nor subject to his direction. 
Zanu PF party list in the 1980 Further, contrary to the ar-
general election.  gument presented on behalf of
With his elevation, Chidy- the JSC in the High Court, once
ausiku was in the minority on the JSC submits the list of rec-
the Supreme Court bench. This ommended persons for appoint-
presented a challenge in con- ment to the office of chief jus-
stituting the bench. Unexpect- tice, the President has no power
edly, the government increased to sit on the recommendations
the number of Supreme Court pending whatever constitution-
judges from five to eight on the al amendment may be mooted.
pretext that there was a greater The President is required under
workload arising from land cas- section 110(2)(d) to “make ap-
es. The increase on the bench pointments which the consti-
meant Chidyausiku could con- tution…requires the President
stitute the new judges in the Chief Justice Godfrey Chidyausiku to make.”  This is a serious con-
majority of panels. One of the stitutional obligation. Section
additional judges appointed was of the commission for what they that. All these accolades in death had been amended in 2007 to The JSC immediately ap- 324 of the constitution provides
Justice Luke Malaba who was to perceived to be his role in doing mask the eventful end to Chidy- create the position of Deputy pealed against the decision. that: “All constitutional obliga-
later on replace Chidyausiku as the bidding for the executive, ausiku’s position as chief justice.  Chief Justice and Mugabe had The Hungwe judgment grant- tions must be performed dili-
Chief Justice.  particularly protecting Mugabe It was widely reported by appointed Malaba to the posi- ed an interim order in which gently and without delay.”
One of the first things Chidy- who became a target of legis- the independent media – the tion. It was said the G40 faction he interdicted the JSC from On 11 December 2016, a day
ausiku did was to reverse the lating out of office and power Zimbabwe Independent most- preferred Rita Makarau to suc- “conducting interviews set for before the interviews, Hungwe
Commercial Farmers’ Union by his internal rivals, led by the ly at the time - that there was ceed Chidyausiku.  12 December 2016 which in- issued an interdict preventing
judgement on land that he had late Zanu PF maverick Eddison jostling between Mnangagwa’s The Independent further re- terviews are for the ostensible the JSC from proceeding with
criticised before elevation. San- Zvobgo, and the then new op- faction and the rival G40 led by ported that a fortuitous meet- purpose of submitting names to scheduled public interviews for
dura dissented.  position under the late Morgan Grace Mugabe over who would ing with Mugabe at a funeral the President of the Republic of the post of chief justice. The
Chidyausiku studied law at Tsvangirai. succeed Chidyausiku as chief resulted in Mugabe reversing Zimbabwe for his consideration interviews went ahead after the
the then University of Rhode- Nothing is more revealing justice.  Mnangagwa’s decision to send in appointing the Chief Justice JSC filed an appeal to stop the
sia between 1968 and 1972. of how he was perceived by the The position of chief justice Chidyausiku on leave pending of Zimbabwe.”  interdict. The four short-listed
During the 1974 Rhodesian government as chief justice than was naturally seen as strategic retirement. Buoyed by this, The legal effect of the inter- candidates were Malaba, Ma-
general election, Chidyausiku the accolades paid to him on for the succession battles. As a Chidyausiku went on to start dict was to suspend a constitu- karau, Chiweshe and Padding-
stood on the African Roll and his death by Mugabe and then result, in August 2016 Chidy- the Judicial Service Commis- tional process on the basis of an ton Garwe. Chiweshe did not
won the Harari (Mbare) constit- Vice-President and Minister of ausiku was sent on leave pend- sion (JSC) process of selecting amendment to the constitution turn up for the interviews.
uency. He stood down during Justice Emmerson Mnangagwa, ing retirement before he could his successor. This move, it was that Mnangagwa stated would It was reported – again by
the 1977 general elections.  the current President. Both stat- institute the judicial interviews also reported by the Indepen- be made. The interdict grant- the Independent – that the in-
After that he was a Zanu PF ed that Chidyausiku had helped to choose his successor. He was dent, was opposed by Mnan- ed by Hungwe sought to stop terview results had Malaba with
delegate at the Lancaster House them in saving the land reform due to retire on 28 February gagwa and Cabinet Chief Sec- a constitutional process on the 91%, while Makarau followed
negotiations to end the Rho- programme and that he had re- 2017. It was reported by the retary Misheck Sibanda who basis of an alleged intention of slightly behind him with 90%
desian War in 1979. He was moved the shackles put by Gub- Zimbabwe Independent news- tried to stop the process. It was the executive to amend the con- and Garwe had 52%.
Deputy Minister of Local Gov- bay reign. He had supported paper that the decision had been also reported that when Chidy- stitution and change the way The appeal against Hungwe’s
ernment and Housing, and of land reform as chief justice and made by Mnangagwa without ausiku was removed, Chiweshe certain judicial officers, includ- order was heard by the Supreme
Justice from 1980. He was then helped in that political agenda.  Mugabe’s knowledge. It was also remained as the de facto acting ing the chief justice, are to be Court and the interdict was
promoted to be Attorney-Gen- Mugabe stated that this is reported that Mnangagwa want- Chief Justice despite the fact appointed.  quashed. Malaba was then ap-
eral in 1982.  Chidyausiku was why he was a national hero who ed Judge President George Chi- that the constitution gave this In the papers before the pointed Chief Justice.
later promoted to be a judge of was to be buried at the Heroes weshe to succeed Chidyausiku.  acting role to Malaba. court, Zibani had in fact inti- ...To be continued
the High Court. He was later Acre in Harare. Mugabe also Chiweshe was recently pro- In order to stop this selection mated that the judicial appoint-
appointed Judge President upon said the decision to confer na- moted to be a Supreme Court process, an urgent application ment process under the consti- *About the writer: Advo-
the elevation of Sandura to the tional hero status to Chidyausi- judge amid fresh controversy re- was launched by a law student tution be suspended in favour of cate Tererai Mafukidze is a
Supreme Court. He chaired the ku was not only a decision of the ported in the media that he was named Romeo Zibani.  a process done by retired judges. member of the Johannesburg
Constitutional Commission Zanu PF decision-making polit- removed from the High Court Zibani launched an urgent He alleged that the involvement Bar. He practises with Group
appointed by Mugabe in 1999 buro, but also one supported by for political reasons following application in the High Court of Chidyausiku in the JSC’s pro- One Sandown Chambers in
whose draft constitution was the country’s security forces.  the recent judgement that Mala- to interdict JSC interviews that cess of recommending the next Sandton, Johannesburg. His
later rejected in the referendum “During the land reform era, ba had ceased to be chief justice had been set down for candi- chief justice compromises the practice areas at the Bar are:
owing to the public discontent white judges like Justice Gub- on 15 May 2021. The case is dates wishing to succeed Chidy- process as he was familiar with general commercial law, com-
with some of the provisions.  bay were misfiring,” Mnangag- still in the courts, while Malaba ausiku. It was granted by Justice the nominees for the position of petition law, human rights,
Chidyausiku was criticised wa said, suggesting Chidyausiku is still in office. Charles Hungwe on 12 Decem- chief justice. The constitution’s administrative and constitu-
heavily by some of the members had to be brought to correct Meanwhile, the constitution ber 2016.  makers were certainly aware that tional law.
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
Reframing Issues Page 31

South African looting riots

AT the time of writing, the destruction under way
the riots engulfing Durban may affect their access to
and other towns in Kwa- food in the coming days
Zulu-Natal, and also pres- and the jobs of people who

turn the wheel of history 

ent in parts of Gauteng depend on the supermar-
and the Eastern Cape, ket system. There is deep
have the kind of scale and concern about escalating
velocity that makes defin- violence, and disgust at
itive statements unwise. the political and personal
There are sure to be local mon around the world opportunism that has been
differences in how things during the 1980s as the present.
are playing out, and new World Bank and the In- It is also possible,
developments can and will ternational Monetary though, that food riots on
happen at any moment. Fund imposed socially and this scale and intensity may
The full consequences of economically devastating force a reckoning with the
the decision to send in the policies on subordinated fact that our society is not
army, made just as this ar- countries. The situation just unspeakably unjust, it
ticle went to press, are not was exacerbated after the is also simply not viable.
yet clear. financial crisis that began
But one thing is: Durban in 2007. The Arab Spring, Zuma and Ramaphosa to
has been engulfed by food beginning in late 2010 and blame
riots. New Frame spoke to gaining its real power in Zuma’s kleptocracy, which
grassroots activists across 2011, is usually ascribed was violently repressive and
the city on 11 and 12 July to the intersection of anger deeply unpopular, offered
and without exception ev- about corrupt and repres- nothing to the majority.
ery one of them said the ri- sive states and mass youth In recent days and weeks,
ots are about food, not Ja- unemployment, but many its defenders have been its
cob Zuma. It is food shops analysts also argue that beneficiaries, people in and
that have been consistent- food prices were a key fac- around the kleptocratic
ly targeted, and food that tor. faction of the ANC. But
has been appropriated at a The riots have put a de- the idea, more or less ubiq-
massive scale. finitive end to liberal delu- uitous in much of the elite
Across the country the sions. By obsessively focus- public sphere, that Cyril
waves of popular protest ing on intra-elite politics Ramaphosa is a credible,
from 2004 have typically and centring corruption as or even redemptive, alter-
taken place close to shack our fundamental problem, native is profoundly wrong
settlements or other places those delusions mask the and profoundly dangerous.
where impoverished peo- deeply systemic nature of It was Ramaphosa’s gov-
ple live, which are usually our social crisis. The fan- ernment that plunged al-
on the urban periphery. In tasy that a combination of ready desperate people into
Durban, unlike in other the affirmation of the rule an even more desperate
cities, the hilly topography of law and Ramaphosa’s crisis when the initial hard
has enabled land occupa- programme of austerity of- lockdown was imposed
tions in or close to spaces fer a route out of the cur- without meaningful social
of elite residence, com- rent political crisis is pred- support. It was Ramapho-
merce and education. This icated on the assumption sa’s government that po-
has meant that in this city that the social crisis does liced that lockdown with
what has been termed “the not need to be addressed, cial upheaval. That reality, ma forces were carried than illuminate the social militarised and frequent-
rebellion of the poor” does that it is a reality with combined with systemic out with the same modus forces, desires and moral ly lethal violence. Food is
not always happen in the which we can live. hunger, makes it clear as operandi on the same ter- orientations at work. But a basic human need, but
urban periphery. But the Right now, the people the rising sun on a win- rain as recent xenophobic there is a very clear logic Ramaphosa’s government
riots currently underway who are very seldom in- ter’s day that we inhabit violence, often ethnically at play at the time of writ- failed to support the mil-
have, for the first time, tar- cluded in the elite public, what Frantz Fanon called inflected: the Mooi River ing, a logic that must be lions of people who went
geted shops and malls in the people whose lives are “a non-viable society, a so- Toll Plaza and hostels in acknowledged: people are hungry with anything ap-
the centre of middle class implicitly deemed expend- ciety to be replaced”. Johannesburg. But at the hungry, they have been proaching an adequate
areas such as Glenwood able by both the Zuma and Another new develop- moment New Frame is not hungry for a very long response. The Covid-19
and Hillcrest. Ramaphosa factions, along ment is that in at least one getting reports of a xeno- time, the state has failed grant was paltry, didn’t
When road blockades with most liberal commen- area, Glenwood, these ri- phobic dimension to the them and they are now ap- reach huge numbers of
first began to be a regu- tators, are on the streets ots are starting to draw in riots. However, many ac- propriating food on a mas- people and was then – in-
lar feature of our politics, and in the malls. It should students and people from tivists have expressed con- sive scale. explicably, callously, reck-
people would generally now, finally, be clear that, among the middle classes. cern that the riots could On 12 July 2021 Police lessly and outrageously –
flee when attacked by the in the end, they will make Historically, when students mutate into a xenophobic stop a woman outside a removed.
police. If there was a fight- history and that the social and a chunk of the middle or ethnic form. Some have supermarket in the central Zuma and Ramaphosa
back, it usually took the crisis is now so severe, so classes throw in their lot expressed the view that this business district of Durban are both responsible for the
form of stones lobbed from overwhelming, that the old with impoverished peo- may be imminent. In some after food riots swept crisis that has now explod-
a safe distance. In recent game of imagining politics ple, extraordinary social areas local ANC commit- through the area. ed into riot. Whatever the
years that has begun to as an intra-elite contesta- turmoil and change – for tees are actively encourag- Although other build- trajectory of the riots, and
change, particularly during tion is over. These are days good or ill – becomes pos- ing the riots and actively ings have been attacked, whether they are crushed
evictions, with people us- of fire, days of danger, pos- sible. seeking to give them an and a mosque burnt in cir- by the army, burn them-
ing makeshift shields to sibly grave danger. They The police have lost con- ethnic inflection, presum- cumstances that are not yet selves out in a few days or
hold their ground. are days that will exact an trol in many areas. Where ably thinking that this will clear, the primary target of continue, cohere around a
Food has been central to extraordinary social cost. they are present they are bolster the Zuma project. the riots so far is supermar- central demand and gather
most revolutions. It is not It is possible that they may often reported to just be But with no social force kets. There is an implicit more force, they have hap-
for nothing that, begin- also be followed by a rec- standing by while food is with the organisational logic to this. In South Afri- pened and it is now clear
ning in July 1917, “Peace, ognition that the social cri- appropriated. In at least reach and authority to di- ca, the food system is over- that there can be no fanta-
Land and Bread” became sis must be addressed as a one case the police have rect the riots, their trajec- whelmingly controlled by sies of business as usual.
the primary slogan of the matter of extreme urgency. taken food for themselves. tory will be determined in supermarkets, and when The scale of the riots is
Russian Revolution. The It is certain that these are It seems likely the army the moment and within most people do access some not the only new devel-
French Revolution of 1789 days that will, in the fu- will crush the protests, al- the tumult. money, most of it goes into opment. The protests that
was preceded by years of ture, mark a moment of though quite possibly at a Riots are always messy, the supermarkets. They have regularly been or-
food riots. Two days before rupture that delineates a very high social cost. But and elite eyes will always are also, of course, sites ganised from shack settle-
the Bastille – an armoury, before and an after. the fact that with enough seek to reduce a riot to an of a vast accumulation of ments across the country
political prison and symbol As New Frame noted in people on the streets, and appropriated TV or an at- wealth by elites. since 2004, and in Durban
of monarchical authority a recent editorial, it is diffi- gathered with sufficient tack on a bystander. The It is not just the trajec- since 2005, have general-
– was stormed on 14 July cult to think of any society resolve, the police can so large swatches of the me- tory of the riots, and what ly taken the form of road
1789, 52 wagons of wheat on the planet that has sus- easily be overwhelmed will dia always on the hunt for the deployment of the blockades – of disruption
were seized. tained the almost unfath- not be forgotten. sensation, and with a worl- army will mean, that can- rather than appropriation.
More recently, riots over omable rates of youth un- dview shaped by profound not yet be determined. It is Now there is popular ap-
access to food, sometimes employment that we have Targeting supermarkets prejudice towards people also their aftermath. Many propriation of food on an
termed “bread riots”, be- in South Africa without Some of the initial acts who are both impoverished grassroots activists have ex- extraordinary scale.
came increasingly com- some kind of massive so- organised by the pro-Zu- and Black, will mask rather pressed concern about how —New Frame.
Page 32 Africa News NewsHawks
Issue 39, 16 July 2021

Botswana police use Israeli 


TSAONE Basimanebotlhe was

not expecting security agents to
appear at her home in a village

tech on journalist’s phone

outside Gaborone, Botswana’s
capital, in July 2019, she told
the Committee to Protect Jour-
nalists (CPJ) in a recent inter-
But they did not come to ar- and previously   declined to
rest or charge her, she recalled comment on the case involving
– they came for her devices, Dikologang because it was still
hunting for the source for an before the court. In response to
article published by her employ- questions about the Moeladi-
er, Mmegi newspaper. lotlhoko News Boiler arrests,
Basimanebotlhe, a politics Motube told CPJ that investi-
reporter, said she surrendered gations “may necessitate” deten-
her phone and password to tions and confiscation of “any
the agents after they presented implement which may have
a warrant and could not find her been used in the commission
computer. A senior officer then of the offence” with “due regard
used technology sold by the Is- to the rights of the individual
rael-based company Cellebrite arrested.”
to extract and analyse thousands Reached by phone, Botswa-
of her messages, call logs, and na government spokesperson
emails, and her web browsing Batlhalefi Leagajang requested
history, according to an affidavit questions about security forces’
from the police forensics labora- alleged use of digital forensics
tory. The affidavit, which CPJ technology be sent by email.
reviewed, was submitted during CPJ sent those questions, but
a related court case. received no response. Celleb-
“They’re looking for people rite, which is owned by the
that are divulging information Japan-based Sun Corpora-
to the media,” Basimanebotlhe tion, says that its UFED toolkit
told CPJ. can extract data from mobile
Botswana police also de- phones, SIM cards, and other
ployed Cellebrite technology to devices even after the informa-
search the phone of Oratile Di- tion was deleted, and its Phys-
kologang, a local editor charged ical Analyser helps examine
in 2020 over Facebook posts digital data. In April, Nasdaq re-
who alleged that police violent- ported that Cellebrite would be
ly interrogated him about his listed on the stock exchange
sources, as CPJ recently report- via a merger with TWC Tech
ed.  Holdings II Corp., a U.S.-based
The use of powerful tools special purpose acquisition
provided by private companies company (SPAC) designed to
to scour seized devices raises sig- take companies public.
nificant concerns over privacy In response to CPJ’s ques-
and Press freedom. The expe- tions about the use of its tech-
riences of Basimanebotlhe and nology in Botswana and human
Dikologang demonstrate that rights due diligence processes,
police in Botswana use digital Cellebrite provided a statement
forensics equipment to sweep Botswana journalist Tsaone Basimanebothle.
emailed via the Fusion Public
up vast quantities of journalists’ Relations company that said it
communications from seized go and analyse it, you have my could not “speak to any specif-
devices, regardless of whether folders and everything, all my ics” about its customers. Celleb-
they are charged with a crime. contacts,” Baaitse told CPJ in rite “requires that agencies and
The extent of these searches was a recent interview. He added governments that use our tech-
only revealed when police docu- that such actions by security nology uphold the standards
ments were submitted in court forces hinder journalists’ ability of international human rights
months after the fact, and it’s not to gather information, saying, law,” the statement said. “Our
clear what happened to the data. “Sources, they no longer trust compliance solutions enable an
Botswana’s security forces rou- us. They no longer want to deal audit trail and can discern who,
tinely arrest journalists and take directly with us.” when and how data was ac-
possession of their devices, CPJ In Basimanebotlhe’s cessed, which leads to account-
has found. In March, Botswa- case, Mmegi reported that when ability in the agencies and or-
na police seized computers and her phone was first seized in July ganizations that use our tools,”
phones from arrested reporters 2019, police were seeking evi- the company added. Cellebrite
and media workers with the dence for their investigation of did not directly address CPJ’s
Moeladilotlhoko News Boiler, a a former intelligence chief, Isaac question about if the company
private, Facebook-based outlet, Kgosi. The police claimed that considered the use of its tools to
CPJ recently documented; offi- Kgosi had taken photographs search journalists’ devices to be
cers demanded their passcodes, of undercover security agents, acceptable.
answered calls and read messag- exposing their identities, and
Cellebrite is one of the well-known and widely used mobile device forensics tools for data extraction Sun Corporation and TWC
and analysis. Botswana is now using it to extract information from journalists’ phones, endangering Tech Holdings II Corp. did
es on the devices, and kept two that those photographs were technology professional. not respond to questions CPJ
of the phones as evidence even published by  Mmegi  in a Feb-
after the charges connected to ruary 2019 article  , Basimane- emailed about this article.
torate on Intelligence and Secu- Extraction Device and Physical “They said they didn’t find
that arrest were withdrawn in botlhe said. The article, which “[Police] want access to
rity Services. “They believed I’m Analyser technologies to retrieve anything in my phone,” Basi-
April.  was attributed to a staff reporter, the data so they can know the
the one who wrote the story,” and evaluate the information maonebotlhe told CPJ. “[But]
David Baaitse, a reporter for had been written by one of Basi- sources of these journalists,”
she said. from her phone, but found no they went through my SMS, my
Botswana’s Weekend Post news- manebotlhe’s colleagues,  Mme- Dick Bayford, a lawyer in Ga-
The affidavit detailing the evidence relevant to their inves- WhatsApp [messages].”
paper, separately told CPJ gi later clarified . borone whose firm represented
forensic search of Basimane- tigation, according to CPJ’s re- CPJ contacted Botswana
that intelligence agents took Tsaone Basimanebotlhe Basimanebotlhe and Baaitse,
botlhe’s devices was submitted view. Mack told CPJ that Kgosi police spokesperson Dipheko
phones belonging to him and (Mmegi/Thalefang Charles)  told CPJ in a recent interview.
during Kgosi’s prosecution pleaded not guilty, and local Motube over the phone about
his colleague to be analysed for “They alleged that I had pho- “It [has] a chilling effect on free-
over the photographs, his law- media reported that a magistrate Basimaonebotlhe’s case and
six months following their ar- tos of DIS people,” Basimane- dom of the press.” 
yer, Unoda Mack, told CPJ by ultimately dismissed for lack of he requested that questions be
rest last year. botlhe told CPJ, referring to an — Committee to Protect
phone. It states that police used evidence  the charge that he had sent via messaging app. He did
“If you take my phone and acronym for Botswana’s Direc- Journalists.
Cellebrite’s Universal Forensic exposed agents’ identities. not respond to those questions,
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
The Big Debate Page 33

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Porsche just got angrier Being a Fashion Model

Life Style &

Page 34 Issue 39, 16 July 2021

JONATHAN MBIRIYAMVEKA adjustments. In the end you

get used to it.”
FEW people split opinion But as a cultural expo-
more than Thomas Map- nent, Mukanya is looking
fumo. Combative, brash, forward to working with
controversial, straight-talk- young artistes as a way of
er, rebel, principled, fiercely ensuring his legacy lives on.
patriotic: all these terms and “I would like to collabo-
more have been used by a rate with young Zimbabwe-
cross-section of people to an artistes who believe in
describe the veteran Zimba- our own music,” he said. 
bwean musician.  “Our music is the pass-
But if there is one thing port to the world stages.
that admirers and critics I have toured around the
alike can agree on, it is that world because of this music
the Chimurenga music guru and I’m still performing it
is a larger-than-life character to the best of my ability.  So
on and off the stage.  I’m encouraging our young
The United States-based artistes to take up this mbira
singer is known for not music further.”
mincing his words, a char- It would have been unlike
acteristic that has rubbed Mukanya, the granddad of
his foes the wrong way.  music, to end the conversa-
But inside that in-your- tion without giving sound
face attitude lies a soft man advice to the political estab-
whose radical views on the lishment, as well as his views
situation in his homeland on the Covid-19 vaccina-
often draw strong reactions tion roll-out plan.
from those on the other side “I love Zimbabwe and I
of the political fence. strongly feel that we should
An example of Mapfu- all make the effort to make
mo’s show of compassion it a safe and better country
was his gesture – on his for everyone especially our
76th birthday on 3 July – children so that they grow
to take time to remember up in a normal country
dearly departed friends and which offers them a good
fellow artistes. education and culture,” he
While many would have said. 
thrown lavish parties and “Let’s all stay safe during
binged on expensive cham- these difficult times we are
pagne, befitting celebrations living in. I appeal to the
of a long life – the man of government to get people
song shelved all festivities vaccinated to protect them
to pay tribute to loved ones from the virus. Once ev-
who are no longer living.  eryone is vaccinated, then
“It’s wonderful to be able artistes can get back to work

Mukanya shelves birthday

to live this long,” Mapfumo safely.”
told The NewsHawks. At the advanced age of
“I didn’t do much on 76, Mukanya still spots his
the (birthday) day because flowing dreadlocks, which

to mourn lost companions

I was mourning the death he says are not going any-
of a friend who had passed where anytime soon. 
away in South Africa, Steve In Mukanya’s youthful
Kekana.” days, dreadlocked people
South African music leg- were generally viewed with
end Kekana died a fortnight ball fan, once owned and fellow Zimbabwean music ments. As has been the experi- some kind of scorn by a
ago from Covid-19-related sponsored a Zimbabwean icon Oliver Mtukudzi, a “Due to Covid-19 regu- ence of many other Zim- society that had a very low
complications at the age of top-flight club, Sporting Li- close friend of his over the lations and lockdowns, we babwean forced to leave opinion of artistes back
63. ons.  years. have been forced to stay at the country for a variety of then. For Mukanya, it was
“I just felt that it was not “On the day there was a “I basically grew up with home for our own safety, reasons, living overseas for slightly different. Because
correct to be celebrating lot of birthday wishes from Oliver around and we be- otherwise  in most cases we more than a decade is taking his music talents manifested
when a fellow artiste had friends, family and fans. I came friends and shared a would be out practising a toll on Mukanya. early, his family did not dis-
passed on. So I decided to will celebrate my 76th birth- lot,” Mukanya said.  at a local studio. And that “Living away from Zim- approve of how he expressed
respect the day.” day later on this year. Also, “Musically we shared would take the whole day babwe has been tough be- himself with his hair. 
The man, known to his there had been too many the stage a lot of times. I’m except on weekends when cause nothing beats home “Being an artiste, they
legion of fans by his clan deaths around, of people I happy that we shared the we would take a break. I’m sweet home,” he said.  (family) were not surprised
name Mukanya, explained know – starting with David stage again shortly before he a full-time musician, so a lot “Because of the political at all,” he said. 
his low-key birthday fur- Mandigora, then Misheck passed on. We were friends of my time is spent on mu- and economic situation, I “The world has changed
ther. He said he was also Marimo Chidzambwa – so to the end.” sic, mostly at the studio. On had to move my family to a lot. It is up to each and
deeply saddened by the I was not in a celebratory Like most creatives, Mu- the rest of the days, I try to the US just like a lot of peo- every individual to decide
recent passing of ex-foot- mood. I knew the two guys kanya has been off the stage stay at home and catch up ple did. We had to adjust to what to do with their heads
ballers David Mandigora personally.”  ever since the world went on news, e-mails and other the food, driving and gener- and hair, but I feel that as
and Misheck Chidzambwa, Apart from those to have into Covid-19 lockdown. things but also to get some ally the way of living that we Africans we should preserve
whom he knew well. died in more recent times, The pandemic has forced rest and spend time with were used to in Zimbabwe. our culture. Part of it is how
Mukanya, an avid foot- Mukanya has also outlived Mapfumo to limit his move- family.” But you have to make these we keep our hair natural.”
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
Life & Style Page 35

THE idea that humour

can be used as a tension
reliever in trying times is
not anything new. 
Life is so much easier
with humour. 
Even when things are
bleak and people are liv-
ing in trying times like
the Covid-19 pandem-
ic era which has forced
the world into prolonged
lockdown, humour can
lessen the burden.
Humour enables people
to escape the tough situa-
tions they are dealing with
and relieves them of life’s
heavy burdens.
Art and comedy have
taken centre stage in po-
litical commentary in
Zimbabwe. This is mostly
due to the repression of
mainstream media. 
Despite facing threats
of being arrested by law
enforcers, comedians still
attract and amuse people
in the country and in the
diaspora through jest.
Comedians are actu-
ally pro-democracy and
pro-accountability activ-
ists while comedy is an al-
ternative platform to con-
vey messages on sensitive
Comedy can be used
in promoting the rule of
law and democracy. The
first time I saw conspira-
cy theories, my prior en-
gagement to his art was
King Kandoro.
through various satire

A new era of Zimbabwean

skits, stand-up comedy
and web series. like mine, then I got a
Years in, Madhorofiya scholarship to go to one
Republik’s creative di- of Africa’s top universities
where I was now brushing

comedy: King Kandoro

rector King Kandoro has
held his own among the shoulders with the kids of
best comedians in Zimba- top-level civil servants not
bwe.  just from Zimbabwe but
King Kandoro has from all over the world.
built a sizeable audience budding creatives. role comedians assume in specially packaged to ad- bank governor Gideon That does something to
through podcasts and a “I hope to do well de-escalating political ten- dress political shenani- Gono’s reign of errors. how you see things.’’
web series using the art enough in my career so sions and bringing aware- gans and bad governance In an interview with His comedy brand,
of comedy to highlight that any other Zimbabwe- ness to their audience. in Zimbabwe. The NewsHawks, he Kan- Madhorofiya Republik,
governance issues. He has an child wants to get into “Politics govern our This is the sort of tem- doro shared how his up- has grown impressively.
not stopped perfecting his comedy or entertainment day-to-day lives. There’s plate employed by Trevor bringing played a pivotal “It feels great, I feel
craft. can use me as a bench- no way to ignore them, so Noah on the phenomenal- role in his career as it gave blessed to be in the posi-
Having done some mark,’’ he said. what better way than to ly successful Daily Show. him an advantage in terms tion I am today coming
amazing work with Mag- The maverick King use comedy to ask the im- Kandoro’s “Properganda” of how he saw the world from where I come from,
amba Network, ZiFM Kandoro, whose real portant questions to those looks into various issues: and how it equipped him but I haven’t done half the
Stereo and conspiracy the- name is Mukudzei Kan- who claim to have the an- corruption in Zimbabwe; with tools and skills which things I want to do in my
ories, Kandoro has literal- doro Majoni, shared how swers?’’ he said. why the so-called new have come in handy today. career. While I’m happy
ly been everywhere before he intends to use comedy His latest series, titled dispensation is so bad at “I grew up in a police that my gut feeling has
his big move to the Unit- to change the narrative of “Properganda” has been communication; account- camp surrounded by chil- been largely vindicated, I
ed Kingdom. He hopes his generation.  well received demograph- ability in public affairs, dren whose parents were can’t quite rest just yet.’’
his journey will inspire He breaks down the ically as each episode is and remembering central low-level civil servants — STAFF WRITER.

The NewsHawks TheNewsHawksLive
Page 36 Life & Style NewsHawks
Issue 39, 16 July 2021

State of the Culture

one. The problem with
protests is that there is
no conductor for the
orchestra of violence
Addy which ensues as crimi-
Kudita nal elements and insid-
ious forces hijack what
could otherwise have
WHO has not been been a justifiable ex-
transfixed by the vi- pression of a disgrun-
suals on social media tled people.
which have triggered Both faces have
a stupendous volume been staring each oth-
of conversation right er down every waking
across the world? Well, moment and setting
in Africa I know that sun of the past 20 years
we have been variously of that country’s inde-
scandalised and moved.  pendence and even be-
yond. Before, the two
The power of narra- faces did not have to
tives stand eye ball to eye
South Africa is signif- ball. There was the iron
icant in terms of the clad apartheid wall
reach of its economic, to keep them apart.
cultural and political But with the arrival of
output. Brand South Uhuru, the barricades
Africa is arguably like have been down but
Brand America: it is a not in terms of access
shiny glittery ball that to a piece of the long
has magnetised mil- yearned for South Af-
lions since the days of rican dream which has
Wenela to its shores. lured millions of its
Its music stars, the citizens to its concrete
likes of Brenda Fassie, jungle.
Lucky Dube, Cassper Aside from citizens,
Nyovest, AKA, motion like a siren Mzansi has
picture stars such as also wooed millions of
Trevor Noah and Pearl people from across Af-
Thusi, sports icons rica to its doorsteps. 
(hell, who does not
know what the term Pervasive culture of
Bafana Bafana refers entitlement
to?) all have a decided The political class from
global currency which the ruling party have
their Zimbabwean not refrained from
counterparts can only helping themselves to
salivate at. Insofar as the largesse of polit-
most Africans are con- ical office. They have
cerned, there is that proved to be as cor-
proverbial pot of gold ruptible as the rest of
at the end of its self- Africa’s politicians.
styled rainbow. But Zulu King MisuZulu KaZwelithini Zulu.
Not that African pol-
what happened this balance for her gait be- Jacob Zuma to be set ther’s” people to refrain along with all South iticians are particularly
past week bared its cause she is also strug- free because they be- from destroying their Africans who are now corrupt but that in the
dark underbelly and gling to walk with two lieve that his incarcer- own infrastructure. It coming to grips with evolution of post-inde-
the fragility of its edi- six-packs of beer that ation was unconstitu- has made for riveting the reality of the after- pendence nation states,
fice. For the purpose of she just helped herself tional. television as protago- math and the carnage the governing ethos has
my class, this is what I to at the mall where In Gauteng they nist after protagonist in job, infrastructure not spawned the idea
wrote when I was try- looting is going on. started on Sunday, the shows his hand. and socio-economic that those who rule
ing to demonstrate South Africa is in 11th of July specifical- As the protests broke terms. Meanwhile, the must be accountable to
how I would write a flames and no one ly at the Jeppe Street out, a member of our Covid-19 pandemic citizens instead of just
feature story on the go- knows just how long it hostel where a security fraternity asked the continues with its grim throwing a few bones
ings-on in Mzansi. The is going to take before guard who had tried to minister of Defence, reaping as the tally of to their partisan syco-
following piece I wrote the flames die down stop the vandalism was Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqa- its victims grows lon- phants whon they use
is based on a viral video and life returns to nor- killed. Some say that kula, whether she ger. to whip the lumpen
of an elderly woman I mal. Yes, the police are the Jeppe hostels are would deploy the army proletariat in line.
saw in one of the circu- on the streets and now home to Zulus, but that to assist the police. A violent culture? Basically, the safe-
lating videos wearing a so are the soldiers after is another controversial “South Africa National It was always coming. guards against execu-
morning gown and os- South African Presi- strand of this narrative. Defence Force has not South Africa is a beau- tive and judicial over-
tensibly returning from dent Cyril Ramapho- The country’s president been deployed to KZN. tiful place of contradic- reach are weakened.
a looting expedition. sa committed them to did appear to imply That is not the respon- tions. On Top Billing, For example, the office
Sipho Ncube (not her assist the police in his that ethnic mobilisa- sibility of the SANDF. the television pro- of the public protector
real name), a 65-year- address to the nation. tion was at the centre I don’t think we have gramme which gives in South Africa is one
old mother of six and The stated reason of the violent protests. reached a point where people a sneak peek of the interesting ones.
grandmother of four, for the protests turned Of course the knives SANDF should be into the lifestyles and Firstly, Thuli Madon-
walks with a limp and into rioting and loot- came out for him after dragged into what is homes of the rich and sela battled with the
it does look like she ing which started on the statement.  happening in KwaZu- powerful, is one face of then president Zuma
might topple over be- Thursday the 8th of Still, the Zulu King lu-Natal,” Nqakula said the country. over the abuse of pub-
cause her walking stick July in KwaZulu-Natal Misuzulu kaZwelithini at the time. She must The slums of Alex- lic funds, among other
might not be enough. (KZN) is that the riot- has in recent days come be ruing that statement andra, Khayelitsha issues. More recently, it
Not enough to provide ers want ex-president out to exhort “his fa- she made six days ago and others are another
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
Life & Style Page 37

has been Busisiwe Mk- dare I say, godhood. hunger on the part of line people within the have had him rehearse girl he is chasing his
webane, her successor, Disagreement with the young man who government may have the speech before read- heart is Zulu because
clashing famously with them is a mortal sin was at least carrying been working to help ing it aloud to his com- his heart has been loot-
President Ramaphosa deserving ex commu- a live pig. But here is subvert the government munications people to ed. That is the gist of
over a number of issues nication from even life the catch: “What is in- given the background check for glitches. But the current narrative.
including her attempts itself. Come to Zim- teresting was ....Gavin of the internecine par- no, the king looked
to get the president to babwe and see wheth- Kelly” and so it went ty battles within the bad up till an English Lessons learnt
reveal who funded his er the output from on. But the police was ANC? It beggared be- version of the speech For me, there are les-
campaign to be ANC the office of the Audi- not even on the ground lief that the army even was placed before him sons on many levels.
leader.  tor-General is worth its and Prince Mango- now has been grappling by the prime minis- Number one is that
In my view, the crux weight in actual change suthu Buthelezi in an to contain the carnage ter of the Zulu nation resources of a na-
of the matter is just of administrative tack interview with eNCA and large crowds of who from time to time tion must be shared
how those who govern in state institutions. on Thursday night ex- people were literally whispered things into through accountability
perceive the governed Year after year, the con- pressed his frustration having their way with his ears. Wow. I sup- and judiciousness in
in terms of account- tent chronicles the en- with the country’s lead- the malls and factories pose that this is how governance. The haves
ability and how the demic graft. ership especially the in KZN. things are done down and the powerful can-
contestation is really words of the Defence there. I felt bad about not continue to flaunt
about the leadership The poverty narrative minister who uttered King dithered the whole deal. Well, their wealth and expect
notion. What do polit- of criminal behaviour words to the effect that So the king of the Zu- when the king started the weak to continue
ical leaders think their Bob Marley sang that a that country was not lus finally came out of reading his speech in watching their gro-
real role is? hungry man is an angry in a state of war in re- his royal shell to speak English it was near- tesque binges. It is not
Indeed, notwith- and he was right. But is sponse to the request to to his nation through ly flawless. The Zulus sustainable. Another
standing the rhetoric hunger the only reason deploy soldiers to assist speech which he first are the stuff of legend lesson is that capitalism
of liberation messag- South Africa was loot- a clearly overwhelmed rendered in his vernac- and even celebrity talk cannot continue with-
ing, beyond the slogans ing itself? What of the police force. But here is ular. His written speech show host has iden- out a conscience. It is
and nationalist postur- images of a man carry- a country had deployed seemed to trip him up. tified herself as being not in the interests of
ing, it does seem that ing what appeared to 70 000 troops on the I marvelled. Twice it Zulu. I do not know the rich for the poor to
post-independence na- be front part of an au- ground to enforce the happened and as a stra- what the narrative is continue to starve. An-
tions in Africa have not tomated teller machine Covid-19 regulation. tegic communications out there about them other is that the mass-
spawned a cadre of real and what of the man Questions arise. Was practitioner I realised now but I can tell you es must question the
public servants. Those and woman carrying there an intelligence that the king had not that last night I saw a narratives of the poli-
who get elected seem to dildos? I could resonate failure or perhaps been prepped before his meme about someone ticians before springing
reach for kingship and, with those who claimed somewhere down the media briefing. I would remarking whether the into action.
Page 38 Life & Style NewsHawks
Issue 39, 16 July 2021

Title: This hypnosis

Title: Battered Title: Against the odds Poet: Dube Blessing M
Poet: Andy Kahari Author: Obey Chiyangwa
Father rose abruptly, sat straight-backed No one has the guts!
Downtown of a battered nation. and proud, in the stirrups of a faltering To boo and heckle
Rats still feed on poison baited bread crumbs. family. He screamed obscenities at pover- The protagonists in this bizarre wagon.
Smell of rotten eggs, tomatoes ty, cursing the vile visage of ill- health. Albeit we traverse thorny territories with
and cabbages, sweet and serene Father laughed scornfully at superstition, our silk naked feet. The seed we are
to hunger sweating bellies! deriding the pitiful image of debauchery. planting in this garden. Will keep the flute
Sand shores of battered hooting go fasters, He farted at the sight of threatening death, and xylophone beyond proximity,
Snaking and competing and swore to fight against the possible Continue sending hearts stone cold,
for road space with battered death of a nation. Rendering clocks stop dead, Churning out
over populated bastard masses! Mother stood stubbornly, tall, firm and de- mazes of cobwebs into our chimneyless
Hungry and immune; termined, resolute feet clad in new black huts Plundering all the sunshine, Painting
rove over poisoned infested roads, tennis shoes. everything ebony black
Setting site and stalls, She shooed away at gathering phantoms Sustaining our perpetual infancy.
to sell souls to city fathers! of temptation,
Downtown of a battered nation. scowled sternly at shadows of false re- Title: Incarnation of the soulful
Fathers who have always ligion, shouted down eerie whispers of Poet: Dube Blessing M
bated bread from the children. dishonesty,
Now we no naught and proudly shouldered burdens of a Who smacks off your cogitation?
Street kids or street vendors, floundering nation. Battering your valiant soul to mend the
vagabonds or vulgar bonded! Brother Thomas stood at smart attention, broken ceramic pot, the essence of Afri-
Downtown of a battered nation. a grim-faced salute at fate, listening to the can existence? Who makes your tomor-
Uptown of a buttered ration. silence of a shocked moment. row? Never come when you declare:
City fathers feast on butter Waving a clenched fist at the swirling mist Freedom will come tomorrow?
from unbuttered hands of chicanery, a baleful stare at gathering Who keeps shifting your tomorrow into the
of battered masses. clouds of dishonesty, deep guts of an unyielding posterity?
Daily Caesar’s pennies a middle-fingered swear at tempting cor- When you tell your inner self:
demanded to walk the streets! ruption, and the odds favoured a nation to “I shall not remain the same”;
Daily promises made heal in time for salvation. Who keeps you far, From your marriage
to cheese hopes.
with sandwiched realities? Where is that
Cheers never rewarded
valiant propensity? And inherent instinct
in daily cursed toils. Title: Sleepless in Sunningdale to declare: Enough is enough, Who really
Days ending in cheated pockets Poet: Obey Chiyangwa fools you, To vent out your anger?
by men less in chastity!
Into your innocent armpit and shy away
Still down town of a battered nation, In a dirty single room in the sprawling From directing it, to the impious recipients;
The masses flock high-density suburb of sunningdale. the unsanctified deities! Who can only be
to be irked by a living! Cockroaches climb the broken spines of deposed by a damn holy putsch?
rancid morsels of gangrene-coated food
scattering the crowded floor. Title: Hard Times
Poem: De Javu Like frenzied human beings climbing the Author: Dube Blessing M
Poet : Andy Kahari summit of empty mountains in search of
remote sustenance. I am in Nervous Conditions, Without even
I wish days were fools As crafty mice are in endless running bat- A Grain of Wheat, As the Black Sunlight
and be always full, tles with an agile black cat that lashes at maintains its tight grip Exposing me to a
that my toils their backs and tears at their tails. lethal Mind Blast. Thus the Devil should
they may not absorb Fat flies hover clandestinely above green- be put on the Cross, With his Ancestors
and embrace my troubles ish ruins of yesterday’s smelly left overs making Things Fall Apart., Barring The
and forget my ills piling up a crumbled three-legged table. Grass from Singing, Yet l have so long
De javu As shiny-skinned maggots gnaw away been Waiting for the Rain Desiring to build
days aren’t fools at remnants of a giant cake left to rot a Castle in my Skin; To paint my destiny
neither are they beneficent in a dirty sink where water rarely ever Color Purple, To beat Hard Times before
nor will they take benedictions trickles. Sleep is a luxury that refuses to the Twelfth Night. Unlike the Mayor of
to erase usher my being from this misery into the Casterbridge, I will write So Long a Letter
yesterday’s predicaments much-awaited fantasy of dreamland. To avoid Anthills of the Savanna In this
now tomorrow’s predictions
House of Hunger. l am No Longer at Ease
awaiting reliving
Having a Harvest of Thorns Like Oliver
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
People & Places Page 39

Durban mother Naledi Manyoni who threw her baby from the top of a building which was burning to strangers who saved her.

A MOTHER who threw her baby to a crowd from a smoke-filled building in the South African coastal city of Durban has told the BBC of her gratitude to those who saved her daughter, who
turns two next month. “All I could do was trust complete strangers,” Naledi Manyoni said. She added that they were both doing well. The building they were in was set on fire by looters.
The unrest was sparked by the jailing of former President Jacob Zuma. The 79-year-old was convicted of contempt of court last month after failing to attend an inquiry into corruption during
his presidency. He handed himself in to police last Wednesday to start serving his 15-month prison sentence, but this sparked violent protests, arson attacks, and opportunistic looting in his
home province of KwaZulu-Natal and spread to other cities and towns. At least 72 people have died in what President Cyril Ramaphosa has described as some of the worst violence South Africa
has witnessed since the 1990s, before the end of white-minority rule. The government says it will deploy some 25 000 soldiers to stem the violence. —STAFF WRITER.
Property NewsHawks

Issue 38, 9 July 2021


The home of prime property:

Zimre seeks to de-link

DIVERSIFIED insurance group “The company continues to em-
Zimre Holdings (ZHL) says it is bark on portfolio diversification by
seeking to secure control of prop- reconfiguring the existing spaces for
erty assets by concluding the de- other uses in line with market de-

assets from services

link of services and assets in Zimre mand.
Property Holdings (ZPI), The New- “Total income was -18% at
sHawks can report. ZW$142.4 million, total expens-
This is seen creating capacity to es -12% (ZW$83.5 million) and
exercise investment decisions such stood at operating profit ZW$60.6
as access and deployment of free and realignment of agreements in liquidity to the portfolio, reorgan- ZPIs sales were limited in the re- million which was 24% slide com-
cashflows optimally as well as rais- view of high inflation. ise the business structure to delink porting period largely due the mac- parable period,” he said. 
ing capital and liquidity through Kudenga added that the company the asset holding company from the ro- economic environment and as The group regained ultimate
leverage, divesture or rebalancing. continues to embark on portfolio service offering company. We will value hedge by the business to retain control of two key special business
ZHL secured 100% control of diversification by reconfiguring ex- also cure control of property assets stock. units with limited dilutive impact
the property portfolio and delisted isting spaces for other uses in line by concluding the delink of services The company closed the year with on shareholders of 15.6% showing
it on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange with market demand. and assets in creating   capacity to occupancy levels which remained signs of improving investor confi-
(ZSE) in November 2020.  “That is one of the focus points. exercise the investment decision relatively good at 77% despite the dence on ZHL, that is   ZPI though
ZHL chief executive Stanley We continue to pursue retail and such as access and deploy free cash- macro-economic environment and a minorities offer and acquisition
Kudenga told an analyst briefing commercial development models flows optimally raise capital and li- impact of Covid-19. This was at- of Fidelity Life Assurance from the
this week that ZPI had to undergo  that are supported by sustainable quidity through leverage, divesture tributed to the portfolio restructur- National Social Security Authority
regular rental reviews, indexation financing structures that enhance or rebalancing,” he said. ing which began in 2018. and Imara. —STAFF WRITER.
Issue 39, 16 July 2021
Sport Page 41

Historic opportunity awaits Pitso,

PITSO Mosimane is a house-
hold name in South Africa
and last year September he
took on the task to become

Al Ahly against Kaizer Chiefs

the head coach of Africa’s
biggest club, Al Ahly.
Since he arrived in the
homeland of the majestic
Sphinx, the former Mamelo-
di Sundowns mentor guided that Mosimane has become
the Red Devils to the Egyp- familiar with during his time
tian Premier League, the at Chloorkop.
Egypt Cup, the CAF Cham- His 13 major trophies won
pions League and the CAF with SuperSport United and
Super Cup. Sundowns make for an im-
He then went onto the pressive CV.
global stage with Al Ahly It was enough evidence for
at the Club World Cup in Al Ahly to want Mosimane’s
Doha, securing a third-place football recipe and, so far, it
finish. has proved to be a success.
But Saturday’s looming After inking his deal with
CAF Champions League the Red Devils, Mosimane
final against Kaizer Chiefs exported a fellow South Afri-
in Morocco has quite a lot can to Egypt to be a part of
at stake for the prestigious his technical staff. 
coach. Former Platinum Stars
A victory will see Mosi- and AmaZulu mentor Cav-
mane win a third winners’ in Johnson is an assistant
medal, one short of legend- coach at Al Ahly. The move
ary coach Manuel Jose, who came as a pleasant surprise to
has guided Al Ahly to four many South Africans as the
Champions League titles. pair have gone on to do good
For Al Ahly, they will reach work in Cairo.
a mammoth milestone of 10 Mosimane and Johnson
Champions League crowns, will feel at home in the fi-
a feat that is so fitting for nal as they come face-to-face
Nadi El Qarn -- The Club of with a South African team,
The Century. again.
Despite doing so well in Al Ahly knocked out Sun-
Africa, the Red Devils are downs at the quarter-final
falling behind domestically. stage, a home and away fix-
In the Egyptian Premier ture that had its own touch
League, Mosimane’s charges of colourful emotions from
are in second place with both camps.
51 points as rivals Zamalek The Red Devils then eased
Pitso Mosimane. past ES Tunis to set up this
boast a 10-point lead with 61
points. his advantage. attention and energy on Sat- to creating a bit of history. during his almost eight-year weekend’s much-anticipated
However, Mosimane has For now, the South Afri- urday’s final. “Jingles”, as he is fondly tenure with Masandawana. encounter against the Glam-
four games in the pocket to can-born coach has all his Mosimane is no stranger referred to, has done it before Winning titles is a formula our Boys. – Agencies 

Culture change not possible without selection overhaul 

BLESSING Muzarabani’s – without the assistance of in the one-off Test last week rather than abusing me.” to say, nobody is bigger than a one-time prodigy who ev-
pace and bounce were too affirmative action – became – the Asian tourists, who Both players have since the game.  erybody was very excited
hot to handle for Bangla- the first black cricketer from previously struggled away to been fined 15 percent of But not a hell of a lot of about, and some media col-
desh’s number 10 batsman Zimbabwe to earn a full- Zimbabwe in Tests, eventu- their match fees “for breach- Zimbabwean cricket fans, leagues labelled him a future
such than when the six-foot- time contract in the best ally totalled 468 in their first ing Level 1 of the ICC Code I daresay, will be dismayed captain of Zimbabwe.
tall fast bowler let it rip with domestic competition in the innings. of Conduct”. by Muzarabani’s show of Once these emerging
his ever-increasing aggres- world, the English county Out of utter frustration, The sanction stipulates fury in that Test. It is the stars settled into the team
sion, Taskin Ahmed thought cricket system. A player who Muzarabani had resorted to that the players “were found kind of fire that has been the environment of meekness,
it best to return fire with has brushed aside serious a barrage of short-pitched to have breached Article missing link in this team for normalised by those they
fire. competition to be included deliveries aimed at nearly two decades now. found there, they too be-
But Taskin – who was on by some of the game’s best Taskin, followed up There comes a time when came submissive, never to
his way to a record second minds in a fantasy team by verbal onslaught one must be ruthless in recover again.  That is what
highest Test ninth-wicket
partnership of 191 runs with
tipped to dominate Test
cricket for the next decade.
to unsettle the Ban-
gladesh number 10
HawkZone cricket. No ways a num-
ber nine and 10 should be
worries me – when I imagine
that the same fate could be-
number nine Mahmudullah A fast bowler good enough batsman, who went getting 191 runs against fall Takudzwanashe Kaitano,
Riyad – had in Muzarabani to be signed by a Pakistan on to score a ca- a half-decent internation- Dion Myers, Wesley Madhe-
met his match.  Super League (PSL) fran- reer-best 75.  Enock al bowling attack.  But you vere, Tadiwanashe Maruma-
You see, there is some- chise and help it win a his- As Muzarabani’s need 11 Blessing Muzara- ni, Roy Kaia, Milton Shum-
thing unmistakably different toric first T20 title.  aggression took a Muchinjo banis in a team to inculcate ba – if the powers-that-be do
with Muzarabani when you Such breed of cricketers physical aspect, with the culture of a fighting not weed out the contagious
compare him with his peers like Muzarabani are cut from the tall 24-year-old spirit. negative influence of those
among the current crop of a different cloth. So when pacer pushing his The adage that you can- that sadly are supposed to be
Zimbabwean players, as the tall paceman returned a face into the grill of Taskin’s 2.1.12 of the ICC Code of not teach an old dog new the guiding lights in the ear-
timid a generation of inter- more polished and versatile helmet, the Bangladesh Conduct for Players and tricks continues to be proven ly stages of these genuinely
national cricketers as they bowler from Northampton- tailender stood his ground Player Support Personnel, true by this Zimbabwe team talented newcomers.
come. shire to represent his coun- and told the Zimbabwean which relates to ‘inappro- so the other Muzarabanis, I With someone like Mu-
Here is a guy who, unlike try again – where the heart quick to back off.  priate physical contact with am afraid, cannot be found zarabani in there – then your
many others of similar de- really is – you were never Taskin, playing in his a Player, Player Support Per- within the present set-up. Brendan Taylor, Sean Wil-
prived upbringing – includ- going to expect any freebies eighth Test, later told trav- sonnel, Umpire, Match Ref- Over the past five seasons liams, Craig Ervine, Sikan-
ing his lesser-known uncle from Muzarabani.  eling Bangladesh Press corps eree or any other person (in- or so, we have seen some dar Raza, Regis Chakabva
Taurai Muzarabani – was How frustrating it was for that he felt abused by Zim- cluding a spectator) during very promising young play- – at least you could put your
never afforded the opportu- Muzarabani, therefore, that babwe’s bowlers, in partic- an International Match.’” ers, truly gifted, who have money on the next genera-
nity to attend a top-cricket after doing all the hard work ular Muzarabani, and that Let the law of the game come into the Zimbabwe tion having the right guid-
playing school. without much back-up – re- he had told them to instead take its course, and offend- team amidst great hope for ance to eventually assume
Yet here is a player who ducing Bangladesh to 132-6 “do something with the ball ers face the music. Needless the future. One of them was the mantle. 
Sports Cosafa: Warriors
misses out on
milestone as
Zim collapse
share spoils with
Thursday 1 Flames of Malawi
October 2020

Friday 16 July 2021 @NewsHawksLive TheNewsHawks

Zim’s horrible run continues

WHAT’S INSIDE $60 Covid Community
tariff for radio

as pressure mounts on Rajput

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Story on Page 3 Story on Page 8

Chamisa reac
at Harare Sports Club
were the other notable The two teams meet on
run-scorers for Bangla- Sunday in the second of
OPENER Liton Das desh. Zimbabwe seamers three ODIs. Bangladesh
smashed a century while Luke Jongwe and Blessing won the sole Test by 220
Shakib Al Hasan took five Muzarabani took three runs last week. 
wickets on Friday as Ban- and two wickets respec- Pressure, meanwhile, is

out to Khupe
gladesh carried their form tively. mounting on Zimbabwe’s
from the one-off Test In pursuit, Zimbabwe coach Lalchand Rajput,
to take a 1-0 ODI lead came in a batsman short, who has failed to turn the
against Zimbabwe with a minus Timycen Maru- team’s fortunes around
155-run win here. ma, who was stretchered since his appointment in
Man-of-the-match off after injuring himself the aftermath of failure
Das hit 102 runs off 114 while fielding. to qualify for the 2019
balls, clearing the bound-
aries eight times, as the
Unofficial president calls for emerge The hosts never at any
point looked to threaten
World Cup in England.
59-year-old Indian Ra-
Asian tourists totalled Bangladesh, who easily jput, at this alarming rate,
276-9 in the allotted 50 cruised to victory with does not look adequately
overs.  Zimbabwe’s bowl- 121 balls remaining after equipped to take Zimba-
ers had their tails up early bowling out the Zimba- bwe back to the World
on, but the 26-year-old bweans for a measly 121. Cup, a tournament they
right-hander played a sol- Wickets fell in clusters, had been to without fail
id and watchful innings to most being cheap dismiss- since 1983, until the qual-
rescue his side after Ban- als, wicketkeeper Regis ification debacle of 2018. 
gladesh had plummeted Chikabva providing the The series against Ban-
to 74-4. only resistance with 54 gladesh is part of the on-
Man-of-the-match Liton Das celebrates after scoring his century. Pic: ZimCricket runs.  going Cricket World Cup
Das enjoys playing
against Zimbabwe.  Out reer, three are against the tering 176 against the Middle-order batters Spinner Shakib Al Super League and will de-
of the four ODI hundreds African side. Before this Zimbabweans in Sylhet in Mahmudullah Riyad (33) Hasan took 5-30 for Ban- termine the 2023 World
he has scored in his ca- one, his last was a blis- March 2020. and Afif Hossain (45) gladesh.  Cup qualification process.

Six debutants to start for Sables

ENOCK MUCHINJO tal run-on side as Dawson Seasoned Harare Sports true quality in the number backs and midfielders is an Starting: 1 – Tyran Fa-
keeps looking for winning Club lock Makamba finally 10 shirt, having done well exciting back-three full of gan 2 – Deanne Makoni
SABLES coach Brendan combinations ahead of the gets to become a Sable and this season in that position pace, flair and potency. The 3 – Cleopas Kundiona
Dawson has named six Test knockout stage of the quali- will partner Sean Beevor in for the University of Fort freakish Martin Mangongo 4 – Sean Beevor 5 – Da-
debutants in his starting fiers next year. the second row.  Hare in Varsity Shield rug- starts at fullback with the vid Makamba 6 – Biselele
line-up for the clash with Loose-head prop Doug Debuting eighth-man by. equally mercurial Matthew Tshamala 7 – Blithe Ma-
minnows Burkina Faso at Juszczyk, who impressed Roche, who plays in En- But there is genuine abil- McNab and Shingi Kats- vesere 8 – Sebastian Roche
Old Georgians Sports Club for Zimbabwe upfront in gland, forms a backrow trio ity within the debutants, vere on the left and right 9 – Hilton Mudariki (cap-
in Harare on Sunday as two friendlies against Zam- alongside the experienced and Chiwara’s nerves will wing respectively.  tain) 10 – Keith Chiwara
Zimbabwe begin their 2023 bia in June, will also have Biselele Tshamala at blind- be calmed by having the Zimbabwe and Burki- 11 – Matthew McNab 12 –
Rugby World Cup qualifi- the chance to make his side flank and the Sharks- prodigious talents of fellow na Faso will meet in the Marcus Nel 13 – Brandon
cation quest. Test debut. The New Zea- bound livewire Blithe Ma- Test rookie Mudzekenyedzi second of a double-header Mudzekenyedzi 14 – Shingi
The newcomers are split land-based giant front-row- vesere at open-side. outside him, at 13,wipes
as wellouton Thursday. Both teams funds
Katsvere 15Zim's
– Martin Man-
equally between the two de- ALSO INSIDE Finance Ministy $3.2 Billion depositors latest land c
er was named on the bench In the backline, Dawson as another newbie Nel at in- progress to next year’s phase gongo. Subs: 16 – Matthew
partments.  for Sunday’s tie.  has given Keith Chiwara his side-centre.  of qualifiers after corona- Mandioma 17 – Doug
Deanne Makoni, Da- Former national Un- debut in the crucial flyhalf There is also the experi- virus-hit Tunisia withdrew Juszczyk 18 – Royal Mwale
vid Makamba, Sebastian der-20 star Makoni will position, which has not had ence of captain Hilton Mu- from the pool due to a 19 – Godfrey Muzanargwo
Roche, Keith Chiwara, start upfront at hooker the perfect shoe-in for Zim- dariki to provide leadership surge of new infections in 20 – Dudlee White-Sharp-
Marcus Nel and Brandon alongside loose-head Tyran babwe in recent seasons.  in the backline from scrum- the North African country.  ley 21 – Riaan O’Neill 22
Mudzekenyedzi are includ- Fagan and tight-head Cleo- Chiwara will however half.  – Shayne Makombe 23 –
ed in the largely experimen- pas Kundiona. back himself to show his To complement the half- ZIMBABWE LINE-UP Aiden Burnett. 

ALSO INSIDE Historic opportunity awaits Pitso, Al Ahly against Kaizer Chiefs

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