NewsHawks 23 July 2021-Min-2

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Friday 23 July 2021



Zanu PF’s  Ipec commends Zimbabwe in

corrupt election  life assurance rare win to
funding exposed firms amid level T20 series
Covid-19 turmoil
Story on Page 7 Story on Page 20 Story on Page 40

Covid-19 dead 
bodies pile up
amid St Anne’s 
Hospital battle

ALSO INSIDE ZNA Chief-of-Staff Major-General Sigauke front-runner

Page 2 News NewsHawks
Issue 40, 23 July 2021

Covid-19 dead bodies pile up

amid St Anne’s Hospital fight
OWEN GAGARE the capacity is being utilised,
raising questions on what hap-
AS the Covid-19 pandem- pened to the donations.
ic third wave becomes more The protestors say public
virulent and fatal – with the funding was secured to re-
month of July being the dead- vamp the hospital, buy equip-
liest since March last year – St ment and pay salaries for full
Anne’s Hospital in Harare, capacity, but the nuns, for
a private health institution reasons best known to them-
which is one of the treatment selves, have not hired the nurs-
centres in the country, is en- es and doctors. This has led to
gulfed in a fierce ownership charges that they want to keep
wrangle among rival parties. the money and the renovated
This comes as a medical ex- hospital while people die.
pert at St Anne’s, Dr Tinashe While disputes in this con-
Gede – a specialist physician voluted and complex issue
working in the Covid-19 unit rage on, people are dying and
red zone – this week provided Dr Gede brought this to pub-
horrifying insight into what is lic attention as he sought to
happening at the hospital and encourage people to get vac-
on the frontline, especially be- cinated, seek urgent medical
hind the scenes. intervention and avoid using
In an interview with The concoctions which are not sci-
NewsHawks last night, Gede – entific and recommended as
who on Tuesday raised alarm, that only further complicates
citing “death upon death” at St the situation.
Anne’s in a chilling video mes- A lot of Zimbabweans are
sage which went viral – said now turning to ivermectin in a
most people are currently go- bid to combat Covid-19. 
ing to hospital to die.  Zimbabwe is officially al-
He described the situation lowing the use of ivermectin
as “high stakes”, “crisis” and to treat Covid-19 as the third
“absolute catastrophe”. wave of infections sets in.
The Zimbabwe and Unit- Preliminary research find-
ed States-trained doctor said ings in the United Kingdom
people were vulnerable as they from a small pilot study on the
arrive at hospital sick without drug, which is used to treat
vaccination, having been on parasitic infections, show that
wrong medication and with administering it early to
their immune systems ravaged Covid-19 patients could re-
by the coronavirus. duce viral load levels.
“The Covid-19 third wave is Through a government
far more virulent and transmis- notice, the Medicines Con-
sible than the first and second. St. Annes Hospital in Avondale, Harare. trol Authority of Zimbabwe
Hospitals are full; only inten- (MCAZ) has said: “The secre-
sive care unit (ICU) beds are locked in a blazing wrangle and former Reserve Bank of the disputed sale. further controversy has arisen tary for health and child care
becoming increasingly avail- over a disputed sale of the Zimbabwe governor Gideon The government says in after the Solidarity Trust of has authorised the MCAZ
able because of deaths rather pharmaceutical company.  Gono, among other people, I 2015 it acquired majority Zimbabwe, which Mutanda to authorise the importation
than recoveries. We don’t have The issue has sucked in the was basically told that govern- 68% shareholding in Caps says includes President and use of ivermectin for
surge capacity at hospitals as Office of the President and ment was to buy Caps Hold- Holdings Ltd and all its sub- Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Covid-19.”
our facilities have been chron- Cabinet, Joint Operations ings and I must sell to them. sidiaries. The deal, which was son-in-law Gerald Mlotshwa Prior to the interview with
ically under-funded for a long Command (Joc) – which It took years because they were bankrolled through Treasury and his wife Farai and prom- The NewsHawks, Dr Gede had
time,” he said.  brings together the police, in- reneging on their obligations Bills (TBs), was approved inent local businesspeople, raised alarm on Tuesday in a
“Chances of people going telligence service and the army and, when we finally did the by cabinet on 19 November entered into a joint-venture recorded video message, which
into ICU and coming out alive – and the Central Intelligence deal, they moved goalposts 2015. with LCM on 1 April 2020 to went viral, saying St Anne’s
are very slim. Research shows Organisation (CIO). The issue and wanted to pay me in lo- A week later – on 27 No- establish a Covid-19 response was full and overwhelmed by
in ICU settings in African is before the courts and cur- cal currency when the deal was vember 2015 – cabinet also centre at St Anne’s.  Mutanda people arriving while in the
countries, mortality rates are rently in arbitration.  in US dollars. I have rejected approved payment of US$45 says that was an “illegal ar- jaws of death. 
very high.”  Mutanda has raised fears the money they have sent to million for the equity stake. rangement”. He spoke of “death upon
On Friday, there were 91 of being killed, saying he had me and will send back more of Mutanda says he has ap- At another level, Mutanda death”.
deaths and 2 265 new cases. already been abducted and that money when the Treasury proached many senior govern- is also challenging Caps Man- The medical doctor empha-
On Saturday, there were 89 threatened with elimination, Bills they gave me mature. ment officials to resolve the ufacturing’s debt-to-equity sised that the current situation
deaths and 1 591 new cases. apart from what he says is co- It’s my company, not theirs. issue amicably, but so far in swap takeover  by the Zimba- was a “crisis” and “an absolute
Zimbabwe has cumulatively ercive dispossession.  Now they want to kill me for vain. bwe Asset Management Cor- catastrophe”. He added: “We
recorded 97 277 cases and 3 “This dispute has been go- that. How can you do that in Further, Mutanda adds he poration (Zamco), arguing are facing on the clinical side
050 deaths since Covid-19 be- ing on for a long time. In 2021?” has rejected the whole deal be- that the government has an an absolute catastrophe.”
gan. There have been 64 628 August 2007, I met with Joc As reported by The New- cause the government is now obligation to settle the debt “Today has been a very dif-
recoveries.  commanders at CIO head- sHawks last December, the paying in worthless local cur- since it owes Caps US$7 mil- ficult day; literally since morn-
However, experts say offi- quarters, Chaminuka Build- CIO has been investigating rency when the arrangement lion. ing there had been death upon
cial statistics do not reflect the ing, in Harare, to discuss the the explosive commercial dis- was US dollar-denominated. The Solidarity Trust has death…,” he said. “There sim-
broader reality on the ground issue of Caps Holdings which pute between the government While the government now been virtually booted out ply isn’t any further capacity to
at all levels; far more people government bought in the and interim trustees of Caps insists it has brought Caps, of the messy arrangement. admit more patients. The pa-
have been affected by the pan- 1980s from its Jewish own- Pharmaceutical Trust involv- hence it owns St Anne’s which While the ownership row tients who are in are very ill, a
demic than officially recorded. ers, then sold to management ing a US$45 million deal. Mu- was part of its assets, Mutanda is intensifying, doctors asso- good number of them may not
While bodies pile up, St and workers, before I bought tanda is also involved. says that is fraudulent.  ciated with St Anne’s Hospi- survive, some of them will take
Anne’s is at the centre of a shares on the Zimbabwe Stock This came as the High The LCM, run by the Cath- tal – re-opened by Chiwenga long to recover; we are in the
fierce raging ownership wran- Exchange and from Interfin Court earlier that month ruled olic nuns, says it has taken last month after five years of middle of a very, very serious
gle. Holdings,” Mutanbda told The that the government should back the hospital from Mutan- closure – say only part of the crisis.”
The battle for the control NewsHawks.  seek arbitration with Caps da who says he paid the com- facility’s full capacity is oper- The doctor said the com-
of the 164-bed hospital lo- “At the meeting, which was Pharmaceutical Trust to ascer- pany in Ireland. ating despite receiving signif- mon denominator among the
cated on King George Road chaired by the then State Se- tain the shareholding struc- Just before the coup, the icant donations for refurbish- casualties was: no vaccination,
in Harare’s Avondale suburb, curity minister Didymus Mu- ture that emerged after the hospital was also entangled ment and equipment to make wrong treatment and delays in
pits the government, Little tasa and attended by high-pro- purported sale of Caps Hold- in another controversy as it it a suitable Covid-19 treat- going to hospital. He said the
Company of Mary (LCM) of file Joc members, including ings, the parent company, by was in the process of being ment centre.  “stakes are too high” for people
the Roman Catholic Church, Vice-President Constantino Mutanda to the state. The ar- transferred to former first lady Those complaining say not to vaccinate, take wrong
Caps Holdings and local busi- Chiwenga, then Zimbabwe bitration should also establish Grace Mugabe. The coup dis- while there are at least 100 therapy and delay in going to
nessman Frederick Mutanda, Defence Forces commander, whether money was paid in rupted the deal. Now a new beds at St Anne’s, only half hospital.
Issue 40, 23 July 2021
News Page 3

Chief-of-Staff Major-General Sigauke front-runner...


THE battle for the top-

Battle for topmost army post

most position of Zimba-
bwe National Army (ZNA)
commander is intensify-
ing following the recent
death of Lieutenant-Gen-

escalates ahead of 2023 polls

eral Edzai Chimonyo,
as Major-General  David
Sigauke, currently Chief-
of-Staff (General Staff) in
the army, emerges as the
favourite for President
Emmerson Mnangagwa
in front of retired Lieu-
tenant-General Engelbert
Rugeje — Vice-President
Constantino Chiwenga’s
political ally — ahead of
the 2023 elections.
Military sources say even
though Sigauke is not well,
Mnangagwa wants him
ahead of Rujege. Politics
looks certain to trump pro-
fessional military consider-
ations in the process in this
Zimbabwe’s past critical
elections were always ma-
nipulated by the military,
interfering with the pro-
cess behind the scenes or
directly with boots on the
ground to bring force to
bear on the outcome. So
whoever becomes the ZNA
commander will have a
serious impact on Zimba-
bwe’s politics and the 2023
elections outcome — es-
sentially on the power ma-
Military sources told
The NewsHawks — the
country’s leading investi-
gative journalism network
– that whereas Rugeje is
the overwhelming favou-
rite for Chiwenga to take
over as ZNA commander,
Sigauke is the first choice
for Mnangagwa.
“Given that this is a crit-
ical position in both mili-
tary and political strategic Zimbabwe Defence House in Harare.
terms in the Zimbabwean Mnangagwa and Chi- on subtly ethnic and xe- ing the security forces, if upon retirement, from ac- tary source said. 
context, two names stand wenga are on a renewed nophobic grounds; Dube you go deep down into the tive service. These included “The President took a bit
out among others: Rugeje collision course over the won’t make it on ethnic political gutter — it’s trag- Godfrey Chanakira, Than- of time searching among
who is supposed to take appointment, with Ruge- considerations, but also ic, but real.” do Madzvamuse, Evaris- the serving and retired se-
over all things being equal je — who played a critical because he is former Zpra. The other candidates — to Dzihwema, Chanceller nior commanders for the
given his qualifications and role in Mnangagwa’s coup Already, the Air Force of unlikely as they are — in- Diye, Gerald Gwinji and most suitable candidate;
experience, and Sigauke, ascendancy in November Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe clude Major-General John Sango.  Later, he purged Sigauke is his choice, while
the well-positioned Pres- 2017 — at the centre of Defence Forces command- Chris Mupande, a Chi- Major-Generals Chedon- Chiwenga is dead set on
ident’s man,” a military the row and the attendant ers, Elson Moyo and Philip wenga ally, retired Lieu- do, Douglas Nyikayaram- ensuring Rugeje gets the
source said.  power struggle. Military Valerio Sibanda respective- tenant-General Martin ba, Anselem Sanyatwe and job. Although it is the
“Politics aside, Rugeje sources said some of those ly, are Zipra, but ethni- Chedondo, currently am- Air Vice-Marshal Shebba commander-in-chief who
is supposed to be the next well-positioned to occupy cally they are actually the bassador to China, and Ma- Shumbayaonda. The re- has the final say, the pro-
ZNA commander, but the ZNA top post which President’s tribesmen. This jor-General Thomas Moyo, moved commanders were cess is consultative, hence
Mnangagwa doesn’t like fell vacant following the distortion serves Mnangag- Military Intelligence De- made ambassadors or sent clashing designs and ma-
him because he is Chiwen- death of Chimonyo on 8 wa’s political and ethnic partment commander. His home. noeuvres. 
ga’s political ally. Mnan- July if things were profes- designs, but I don’t think predecessor Major-Gener- Military sources told The “The new commander is
gagwa prefers Sigauke — sionally managed, include we should still have that al Mike Nicholas Sango, NewsHawks this week that supposed to have been ap-
and well Sigauke is most Major-Generals Paul Chi- sort of thing in this coun- ambassador to Russia, has the issue of the appoint- pointed by the time Zim-
likely to take over – in fact ma and Hlanganani Dube.  try. But then again, partly been mentioned. ment of the next ZNA babwe commemorates He-
he will take over barring “Chima and Dube because of that the new After taking over in commander is looming roes and Defences Forces
eleventh hour changes. It’s should have had a chance, ZNA commander will be 2017, Mnangagwa purged large in the corridors of holidays on 9 August and
already decided. If the late but you know these Zim- Zanla. The bigger picture the police, intelligence and power amid resurgent in- 10 August respectively. It’s
Major-General Trust Mu- babwean things when it is power retention and army ranks in a sweeping fighting between the two raising tensions between
goba was alive; remember comes to power and posi- consolidation. These are move to clear and control leaders. them because it is a critical
he died while on an African tions of influence, they are the underlying currents — the security forces. Soon “This is a big issue be- appointment with implica-
Union mission, he would always mostly unprofes- meritocracy is always sac- after the coup in 2017, cause the President and his tions for power dynamics
as their peer take over.” sional and ugly,” a military rificed in the process — in Mnangagwa removed six deputy have different polit- and how the unresolved
Given their ongoing source said.  our rotten body politic and Brigadier-Generals, who ical agendas on who should leadership issue between
political brinkmanship, “Chima will be excluded state institutions, includ- became Major-Generals replace Chimonyo,” a mili- them will be settled.”
Page 4 News NewsHawks
Issue 40, 23 July 2021

Whistle-blowers tackle Zimra


A TEAM of whistle-blow-
ers led by a tenacious Ha-

over CABS tax controversy

rare corporate tax evasion
informant are locked in a
dispute with the tax-collec-
tor over whether the Cen-
tral African Building Soci-
ety (CABS) – the country’s with reference to the law
largest building society and and policy. The case was
a subsidiary of Old Mutu- later referred to Zimra act-
al Zimbabwe which offers a ing head of investigations
wide range of financial ser- at the time Jephat Muruju.
vices – has been paying tax. After a series of back-
Documents obtained by and-forth exchanges, Ny-
The NewsHawks show whis- abadza wrote to Zimra
tle-blowers, led by Harare board chairperson Callis-
tax evasion informant Nor- to Jokonya on 26 August
man Nyabadza, reported 2019 complaining the tax
CABS to the Zimbabwe collector was protecting
Revenue Authority (Zim- CABS.
ra) on 28 October 2015, “Subsequent to my letter
claiming that the bank was dated April 2019 in which
not paying its tax obliga- I expressed disgruntlement
tions on various financial over the manner in which
products and services it of- CABS tax issues are being
fers outside its mortgaging handled at Zimra, I now
core business. reveal to you and the board
The whistle-blowers said the intricate influence and
as a registered building so- pressure the bank was ex-
ciety, CABS was exempt erting on Zimra top man-
from paying income tax on agement over the case,” the
its core activities related to letter said.
mortgaging business, but “You will recall that in
not on various other finan- the same letter, I voiced my
cial products and services concerns over two conflict-
on which it rakes in mil- ing positions of Zimra after
lions. its purported investigation
The NewsHawks has re- which states that there were
ported weeks on end that no discrepancies found on
Zimra officials are corrupt- the one hand, whilst on
ly manipulating tax eva- the other hand it said the
sion cases for self-enrich- case was already under in-
ment, especially by looting vestigation when the whis-
millions from the whis- tle-blower reported.”
tle-blowers funds. The whistle-blower said
Last week, we report- The CABS issue is still gations boss Charles Jaure realised from other business er building societies was it was interesting to note
ed that corruption skele- bothering the whistle-blow- wrote to Nyabadza, saying apart from mortgage which untenable and unsustain- that many other tax cases
tons involving a series of ers. CABS was formed in the case had been investi- runs into several million able. that had either being swept
multi-billion-dollar tax September 1954 and is a gated and closed.  dollars,” the letter said. Zimra had said CABS under the carpet or hi-
evasion scandals are tum- wholly owned subsidiary Jaure, who had become “The building society was not paying tax because jacked by Zimra executives
bling out of the Zimra of Old Mutual Zimbabwe, commissioner revenue as- is in diversified business in terms of the law, build- for self-aggrandisement
cupboard amid new revela- in turn controlled by Old surance and special projects activities, so it’s common ing societies do not pay, but reasons were handled the
tions involving Chinese di- Mutual PLC.  as the investigations unit sense that it should pay tax whistle-blowers brought same under a cloud of cor-
amond miner Jinan Mining Whistle-blowers said ZB later became known as, re- on income that it is making evidence that others were ruption.
(Pvt) Ltd’s dodgy US$585 Building Society, one of the signed in March 2019 after besides its mortgage financ- paying.  Nyabadza said after
million financial transfers oldest mortgage financial a rollercoaster in the eye of ing facilities.” So the informants were checking why Zimra was
across various jurisdictions, institutions in the coun- a storm over corruption is- In another letter to Pasi, questioning discrepancies not acting, he discovered
including Zimbabwe, with- try owned by Intermarket sues. dated 24 January 2017, in the application of the that one of the reasons was
out paying tax. Holdings Limited, held the “I refer to the case cited Nyabadza said CABS fi- law. that Jonasi Mushosho, who
Documents show cor- same licence as CABS, but above which was reported nancials showed that it On September 2018, was Old Mutual CEO, was
ruption by Zimra execu- was paying tax on income on 28 October 2015,” Jaure had made a net income of Nyabadza wrote to Zimra also at that time a Zimra
tives who have been loot- from activities other than said. “Please be advised that US$20.5 million compared saying their responses were board member chairing the
ing the whistle-blower’s mortgage facilities. the case was audited and fi- BancABC, for instance, contradictory and raising audit and risk management
multi-million-dollar fund After Nyabadza’s report, nalised, and it did not re- which had made a US$200 suspicions. committee, presenting a se-
through corrupt networks Zimra allocated the CABS sult in any discrepancies. 000 profit.  Pasi resigned The whistle-blower said rious conflict of interest for
involving its management case for investigation in Accordingly, I wish to ad- amid corruption charges Zimra was all over the him on the issue. Old Mu-
and informants, particular- January 2017 amid com- vise that your section 34B in May 2017 with massive place: first it said the case tual owns CABS.
ly one whistle-blower Evans plaints by whistle-blowers case has been closed.” fraud, poor corporate gov- was “audited” and there “With Mushosho in
Kujinga who has over 300 that Zimra officials were On 5 January 2017, ernance and tax evasion were no discrepancies in powerful positions both at
cases and has been paid delaying or blocking tax Nyabadza wrote to former scandals engulfing Zimra, its 5 December 2017 letter Old Mutual, which owns
millions, while compromis- evasion cases reported in Zimra commissioner-gen- including revelations that and then on 21 May 2018 CABS, and at Zimra, it is
ing the tax collector’s man- terms of section 34B (2) eral Gershem Pasi enquir- the revenue collector had it said the case was already doubtful that Zimra’s find-
agement and workers. of the Revenue Authority ing on the issue. been prejudiced of more under investigation. He ings could pass the test of
The NewsHawks also re- Act (Chapter 23:11) either “I have noted that CABS than US$20 million.  said when he reported the conflict of interest, scruti-
cently reported a storm because of incompetence, has for a very long time Nyabadza said Zimra’s case it was said it would be ny, accountability, trans-
at Zimra over a US$680 bribery and corruption, or been operating as a com- excuse that it would not referred to the Zimra tech- parency and fairness,” Ny-
million tax evasion inves- a combination of all that. mercial bank outside its collect tax from CABS due nical department and the abadza said in his letter.
tigation involving Ban- In a letter dated 5 De- core business of mortgage to archaic legislation while Finance ministry to check Efforts to get a comment
cABC-linked  Second cember 2017, Zimra for- financing, but not remit- it was happily levying tax on whether building soci- from CABS and Zimra
Nominees (Pvt) Ltd. mer commissioner investi- ting income tax to Zimra obligations on ZB and oth- eties should pay tax or not, failed as it is a weekend.
Issue 40, 23 July 2021
News Page 5

Mohadi still enjoying lavish

taxpayer-funded privileges
BERNARD MPOFU year to replace him. This “I am here to learn from Speaking at the same
has given Mohadi an op- the challenges that our par- occasion, Zanu PF depu-
DESPITE resigning in portunity to rehabilitate ty is facing in Mashonaland ty national political com-
March as state vice-presi- himself and bounce back if East and possibly discuss missar Omega Hungwe
dent amid a string of sen- Mnangagwa retains his po- interventions that might be urged district coordinating
sational sex scandals, Kem- sition as party leader.  required to avert the chal- committee chairpersons to
bo Mohadi – who remains Mnangagwa and Chi- lenges.” speed up the preparation of
Zanu PF co-deputy leader wenga are locked in a war Mohadi said Mnangag- cells, which she said were
with Vice-President Con- of attrition over Zanu PF’s wa wanted the party to be the party’s voters’ roll.
stantino Chiwenga – is still unresolved succession and united ahead of the polls. “I heard that the prov-
enjoying the trappings of leadership question that “His Excellency (Mnan- ince has 10 000 cells and
his old office and privileges followed Mugabe’s remov- gagwa) wants us to foster some of you are not yet
of power. al in a coup in November unity among our people. starting to register people
Mohadi continues to 2017. He wants us to engage in in cells. We want that data
have VVIP privileges, in- In a clear demonstration programmes that improve as we want to achieve five
cluding  a motorcade and of the excesses of party-state the livelihood of the gener- million votes in the 2023
beefed-up residential secu- conflation in Zimbabwe, ality of our people,” he said. elections,” Hungwe said. Former vice-president Kembo Mohadi.
rity at his upmarket Glen Mohadi has in the past few
Lorne home in Harare at weeks been traversing the
taxpayers’ expense, several length and breadth of the
months after he was forced country doing Zanu PF po-
litical and electoral duties
to resign in ignominy. 
Information gathered by with security personnel on
The NewsHawks shows Mo- the public service payroll in
hadi is enjoying services of tow. 
a motorcade, complete with Mohadi has found new
a police car and two motor- relevance and traction in
cycle outriders. Sources said Zanu PF and might regain
he has security from the his lost political ground
Central Intelligence Organ- there.
isation, Presidential Guard He is currently leading
and Police Protection Unit. Zanu PF’s “five million
“Mohadi may no longer votes” campaign for the
be vice-president, but he 2023 general elections, It has come to our attention that Zimeye Online
which the party desperate-
remains a VIP. Because of
that, he continues to en- ly needs to win following Publication and News Pindula Publication
joy such privileges as there Mnangagwa’s unconvinc-
ing wafer-thin victory in
published stories on the 13th July 2021 wherein
are risks associated with his
previous office and his cur- the 2018 polls against main they commented that Jah Prayzah and KVG had
opposition MDC Alliance
rent position in the ruling
party,” a source said. leader Nelson Chamisa. received stands or properties from us on an
“Such arrangements have Mohadi is on a country-
wide tour — partly using
outdated leasehold title. We hereby refute such
been done before. If you
may recall, although at state resources — to as- malicious and untrue allegations. We categorically
sess Zanu PF structures in
lower level, during the late
former president Robert preparation for the 2023 state that both Jah Prayzah and KVG purchased
Mugabe’s final days, for- general elections at a time
the government has banned their properties on freehold title and their title
mer youth leader Kudzanai
Chipanga, who at the time inter-city travel and pub- deeds will be transferred to them in due course.
was strongly opposing Pres- lic gatherings to stem a
ident Emmerson Mnan- rising third-wave surge in The article is thus misleading to our valued
Covid-19 infections and
gagwa’s bid for power, at
one time had PPU (Police deaths. In the process, in- customers and is meant to tarnish our brand. We
Protection Unit) officers siders say Mohadi has ef-
fectively emerged as the de
reassure our customers and all other stakeholders
deployed at his home. In
fact, on the day of the coup facto national commissar of that their interests remain our priority and they
the ruling party. 
when he was seized from
his home, a police officer Zanu PF currently does should check the facts with ourselves before
was grilled why he was de- not have a substantive com-
missar after Victor Mate-
making any assumptions or decisions.
ployed to guard someone
who shouldn’t enjoy VVIP matanda was removed and
posted to Mozambique as
privileges,” the source said. 
Unlike the other past ambassador. Matematanda Be accordingly advised.
vice-presidents, Joice had replaced retired Lieu-
Mujuru and Phelekezela tenant-General Engelbert
Mphoko, who left govern- Rugeje as commissioner,
who had taken over the po-
ment after Mugabe’s fall
with thin security arrange- sition after the coup.  WEST PROPERTY COMPANY (PRIVATE) LIMITED
ments, Mohadi retains vast In recent remarks at
privileges as he remains Zanu PF’s provincial offices
Zanu PF co-deputy leader, in Mashonaland East, Mo-
a reminder of how the rul- hadi said he had visited so
ing party corruptly siphons that he could hear the chal-
public resources for its ben- lenges faced by the party
efit and to sustain its stay in and find solutions.
power. “This is my first leg of
President Emmerson provincial tours to familia-
Mnangagwa has not yet rise with the affairs of the
replaced Mohadi as state party at grassroots since my
vice-president. Sources say assumption of duty at the
Mnangagwa is waiting for party on 1 June 2021,” Mo-
the Zanu PF congress next hadi said.
Page 6 News NewsHawks
Issue 40, 23 July 2021

Zanu PF’s
talise the Joint Venture Com-
pany (Mbada Diamonds) to
the tune of USD100 000 000,
until such amount is exhaust-

ed’. New Reclam went on to
register a shelf company in
Mauritius, Grandwell Hold-
ings, which then entered into
a JV (joint venture) with Ma-

range Resources to form Mba-
da Diamonds,” it says.
According to a 2016 lawsuit
by Grandwell Holdings, the
cabinet of Zimbabwe endorsed

the deal and wrote to Grandwell
on 10 February 2010.
“This is to confirm that the
Government of Zimbabwe has

approved and therefore fully
supports the joint venture proj-
ect between Grandwell Hold-
ings Ltd, a company registered
in Mauritius and Marange
Resources (Pvt) Ltd a ZMDC
investment vehicle, currently
DUMISANI NYONI Republic of Congo (DRC) Jo- carrying on the business of di-
seph Kabila, while Equatorial amond mining under the name
THE ruling Zanu PF mort- Guinea chipped in with US$92 Mbada Diamonds (Pvt) Ltd.
gaged the country’s natural re- million.  Appropriate Government ap-
sources in lieu of US$100 mil- Other individuals, Mo- proval was duly obtained both
lion in financial support ahead hamed Mussa (late Harare for the identification of inves-
of the country’s 2013 general businessman) and British-born tor and the subsequent joint
elections, a new report by a lo- property mogul Nick Van venture agreement,” the letter
cal watchdog has shown. Hoogstraten donated US$2 reads.
Party-state conflation has million and US$3 million, re- According to minutes of the
partly helped Zanu PF main- spectively. ZMDC board select committee
tain its stronghold on national The other chunk, the report cited in the report, the US$100
politics. shows, was covered in kind million was not supposed to
The explosive report, titled through donations from Si- “be used to finance the opera-
Mortgaging the Future in Return no-Zimbabwe’s then chairper- tions” of the joint venture and
for Power: Zimbabwe’s Natural son Sam Pa, Meikles and the British tycoon Nicholas van Hoogstraten. that the “amounts used to capi-
Resources and the 2018 Election CPC. Pa pledged two million talise the Joint Venture Compa-
by the Centre for Natural Re- T-shirts and a corresponding el was not a flash in the fry- Virgin Islands (BVi). volute and obfuscate the deal in ny must not be deducted from
source Governance (CNRG), number of caps and bandanas ing pan as Zanu PF also used “Zanu PF, through ZMDC, clear attempts aimed at hiding cash flow of the company.”
a Zimbabwean civil society or- while Meikles and the CPC do- mineral resources and external benefitted from a quick fire of the real beneficiaries, who were “The informant explained
ganisation, shows Zanu PF is nated 500 trucks. donors to fund its 2008 and US$100 million from the sale not the people of Zimbabwe, that part of this US$100 mil-
using natural resources to retain “The balance, as shown by 2018 elections. In the run- which they used for the bloody but the Zanu PF party which lion was availed to Zanu PF
power. another report from the CIO up to the 2008 Presidential June 27 2008 presidential elec- was in need of money to over- in 2010 in preparation for the
CNRG said official docu- director-general’s office, was run-off election, on 10 April tion run-off. turn an electoral loss through a 2013 elections,” the report says.
ments gleaned by the natural raised through shady sales of 2008, while President Robert “The same source revealed 27 June 2008 presidential elec- A Zanu PF insider quot-
resources watchdog covering Marange diamonds to mainly Mugabe, backed by the army, that Billy Rautenbach, through tion run-off. ed in the report said Mbada
the 31 July 2013 elections pro- ‘Mr Sam Pa’ and ‘China-So- was still refusing to release elec- Meryweather Investments Lim- As former US ambassador to funded most of the activities of
vide a glimpse into how Zanu nangol’,” the report reads. tion results and preparing for ited (BVi), got US$75 million Zimbabwe James McGee not- the party in the run-up to the
PF election funding is sourced “The internal document a bloody presidential election from CAMEC in addition to ed, these “shadowy deals” with 2013 elections and most of the
and the individuals or compa- from the CIO director-gen- run-off on June 27 2008, Zanu coking coal mining rights in investors “with no experience” money came from the US$100
nies responsible for underwrit- eral’s office, ‘Ref/23/13/1432’ PF received a US$100 million Hwange Western Area that he and “away from public tender” million that Robert Mhlanga
ing its huge election expenses. dated 23 May 2013, shows that electoral lifeline from a dubi- was given by the government and “scrutiny”, are a preferred sourced for the party and the il-
For instance, a Joint Op- a total of  16 000  carats were ous deal orchestrated by one of Zimbabwe for arranging the modus operandi by the Zanu legal sale of diamonds to Hong
erations Command (Joc) shipped out of Zimbabwe to businessman with interests in deal,” it says. PF government and its accom- Kong.
“Election Brief Meeting” re- Angola and Hong Kong be- farming, the fuel industry and “Within a month of the plice, the ZMDC, when there “What is clear from doc-
port dated 3 June 2013 and tween 04 April 2013 and 10 mining,” it says. sale of Bokai mine to Camec, is a need to fund the party for uments is that the Mbada
referenced “JOC/RG/SS”, re- May 2013, and a total US$58 “An informant privy to the Camec valued the same mine at elections. Diamonds deal, just like the
veals that Zanu PF contracted million was realised from the deal alleged that the money US$1 billion. This means that The figure of US$100 mil- Bokai mine deal that funded
Nikuv International Projects illicit sale of the gems. A fur- was paid by this businessman the government of Zimbabwe lion constantly pops up in these the 2008 presidential run-off,
which worked with the Chi- ther 20 000 carats were shipped to Zanu PF through a ‘loan’ was prejudiced of US$825 mil- “shadowy deals” as shown in was structured in a way that in-
nese Communist Party (CPC) out of Zimbabwe to Angola be- from a company called Lefever lion because of the illegal and the Marange diamond deal, the volved a lot of shelf companies
to strategise on Zanu PF’s 2013 tween 11 and 16 May 2013 for Finance Limited (BVi) which desperate sale of the mine.” report say. registered in the British Virgin
election campaign. an undisclosed fee,” it said. had a joint venture operation According to Henricus Fun- While Zanu PF sold Bokai Islands to obfuscate the owner-
Nikuv drew up a US$3 bil- “The same internal CIO with ZMDC called Todal Min- nekotter’s International Mon- Mine to Camec for US$100 ship structures in a way to sug-
lion budget for the 2013 elec- document clearly states that the ing (Pvt) Limited which owned etary Fund letter, government million to fund the bloody 27 gest there were a lot of things
tions, the report says. money raised was for ‘Special Bokai mine,” the report says. and its Zanu PF functionaries June 2008 presidential run-off, that ZMDC, the government
According to the report, a Interest Projects’ (elections) and Lefever Finance Limited who were behind the sale of the the report notes that a similar of Zimbabwe and Zanu PF
great part of the budget, 67%, part of the shipment was taken had 60% shares in Todal Min- mine did not care much about arrangement with The New wanted to conceal,” it says.
which amounted to US$2.01 to Number 88 Queensway, ing (pvt) Limited, while the its actual value. Reclamation Group (Pvt) Lim- “In the same way ZMDC,
billion, went towards “the Hong Kong, on behalf of the ZMDC owned the other 40%. This was because the govern- ited (Reclam), a company “not Zanu-PF and the government
presidential campaign”, while Special Interest Projects by “Air According to the Zanu PF ment had fraudulently acquired involved in mining” and with- of Zimbabwe did with Bokai
US$990 million went towards Vice-Marshal H(enry) Muche- informant as stated by the re- it through arm-twisting mining out “diamond mining as part of mine, which was sold to Camec
“regional diplomacy” to drum na,” who, according to another port, the money was used to giant Anglo American to cede their vision,” was entered into through Lefever owned by Billy
up “support for poll credibility security document, headed the finance the campaign by the 30% of its platinum claims on by the ZMDC to exploit the Rautenbach’s Meryweather, 50
before, during and after elec- Zanu PF commissariat together army to subvert the March 29 the Great Dyke to the govern- diamond reserves in Marange. percent of Marange Resources
tions.” with retired director of count- 2008 election result in favour of ment in an agreement signed This was reflected in the diamond claims were sold for
“The so-called ‘regional di- er-intelligence, Sydney Nya- Zanu PF through the June  27 on 23 March 2008, days before minutes of the ZMDC board US$100 million to Reclam
plomacy’ is nothing but a eu- nungo. The two, according to 2008  presidential election the presidential election. select committee on the due which had no mining experi-
phemism for bribes paid to the the report, also presided over run-off from which MDC’s In return, Funnekotter says diligence investigation exercise ence.
Sadc chairperson and liberation a violent quasi-military oper- late founding leader Morgan Anglo American was to receive on the approved strategic in- “Reclam, because it was not
movements in the Sadc region ation code-named ‘Operation Tsvangirai pulled out, citing a special mining lease that al- vestors for Marange diamond a mining company, immedi-
to proclaim legitimacy to the Return to Zanu PF’.” the murder of more than 200 lowed it to hold offshore for- fields conducted in South Afri- ately transferred its 50% stake
elections whose credibility Nyanungo was not CIO di- of his supporters by the army. eign exchange earnings from its ca on the 4th and 6th of August in Mbada Diamonds to its
Zanu PF anticipated was going rector counter-intelligence as The Zanu PF informant Unki platinum mine and pro- 2009. subsidiary, Gradwell Holdings
to be questioned,” the report the report says, but CIO direc- revealed that the Bokai Mine tection from any future indi- Reclam, which was not a Limited registered in Mau-
says. tor internal. (Todal Mining (Pvt) Limited) genisation requirements on top mining company, got the nod ritius which also transferred
The same Joc meeting report According to the Joc inter- deal points to the fact that the of the release of its funds that to partner the ZMDC’s Ma- part of its stake to a battery of
revealed that part of the US$3 nal document, the operation mine was “sold” for US$175 were being held by the Reserve range Resources to form Mba- shelf companies like Transfron-
billion came in the form of led by Muchena and Nyanun- million to the Central Afri- Bank of Zimbabwe. da Diamonds which proceeded tier Mining Company (Hong
“US$800 million from Mba- go was funded to the tune of can Mining and Exploration Funnekotter also reveals that to mine the Marange gems in Kong), Metha Nominees
da Diamonds and Anjin (Pvt) US$800 million from Mbada Company (Camec) through a series of offshore companies Manicaland. (Hong Kong), Vibury Nomi-
Ltd”, US$85 million from then Diamonds and Anjin (Pvt) Ltd. an intricate web of shelf com- registered in the British Virgin “Part of the deal involved nees (Hong Kong), Connetty
President of the Democratic “The 2013 funding mod- panies registered in the British Islands (BVi) were used to con- Reclam, the investor, to ‘capi- Nominees (Hong Kong), Ex-
Issue 40, 23 July 2021
News Page 7

press Agents (British Virgin Is- tractive industries find it un-

lands) and Leisure Star (British necessary to pay their tax ob-
Virgin Islands). ligations to the government as
“The eventual ownership they would have already paid
structure of Mbada became so substantial amounts of money
intricate, but very convenient, to Zanu PF.
for the Zanu PF government to A strong patron-client rela-
move millions of United States tionship exists between all ex-
dollars, undetected, or at least tractive industries and the rul-
concealed, in order to illegally ing Zanu PF, the report adds.
fund its operations leading to- Recently, the report says, a
wards the 2013 elections.”  Chinese company, Beifa Invest-
The report notes that after ments, set out to explore for
each election, Zanu PF usually coal in Dinde communal lands
gets down to working out strat- in Hwange district. The com-
egies to identify corporate bod- pany was resisted by the locals
ies and individuals to fund the who argued that the project un-
next elections. dermines their environmental,
“According to an interviewee cultural, economic and social
involved in the deals, barely six rights.
months after the 31 July 2013 Beifa Investments wrote a
elections, in December 2013, letter to Zanu PF Hwange Dis-
Zanu PF, through a proxy who trict, not the government of
runs most Zanu PF companies, Zimbabwe, complaining that
entered into a joint venture a Zanu PF faction, allegedly
operation with Gamstar Hold- linked to the Speaker of Parlia-
ings, Hannam & Partners and ment Jacob Mudenda, was in-
Meikles Group to fund Zanu citing the community to resist
PF operations in exchange for their activity.
a raw chrome export licence Equally perplexing is the
which was the only one of its case of Anjin Investments. 
kind since the export of raw In 2016, the late former
chrome was banned at the president Robert Mugabe ac-
time,” it says. cused diamond mining firms,
“The joint venture company including Anjin Investments,
Carzle Investments was formed of robbing Zimbabwe of an es-
and immediately issued with a timated US$15 billion.
raw chrome export licence. Mugabe said of a possible
“According to the informant US$15 billion, only US$2 bil-
involved in the deal, Carzle lion had been realised.
Investments shareholders are However, Mugabe later told
Meikles Centar Mining (Pvt) journalists the figure was just a
Limited 75 %, Cougan Matan- guestimate without evidence.
hire 12.5%, and Mnangagwa He said he had been told by
& Sekeramayi Syndicate (M & officials.
S) 12.5%.” To cure that haemorrhage,
Meikles Centar Mining Mugabe formed the Zimbabwe
(Pvt) Limited is a Zimbabwe- Consolidated Diamond Com-
an-registered company owned pany (ZCDC) and unsuccess-
by Meikles Group (51%) and fully tried to force the mining
Hannam & Partners (49%). Zanu PF headquarters, in Harare.
companies to merge.
Hannam and Partners is owned When they refused, Mugabe
by Polish billionaire Ian Han- particular time.” pened? How much was put men then explained to Mnan- cial donations,” it said. forced them out of Marange,
nam and Jan Kulczyk. The source, according to the into Mnangagwa’s election gagwa how they had funded his The recent fallout between claiming that they had “robbed
Hannam and Partners is report, added that the other campaign which warranted his campaign and how they expect- Mnangagwa and Moti, report- us”.
represented by Chris Show- US$1 million was paid in on direct interest in the re-issuance ed Bvute to be appointed dep- ed by online publication  Zim- Mugabe’s claims were barely
alter, while Meikles Group is 9 January 2014, but it could of the raw chrome export li- uty minister of Finance and to Live on 23 September 2019, surprising, given that it was a
represented by its group finan- not be established how it was cence?,” it says. be protected from prosecution has provided a window to un- public secret that Zimbabwe’s
cial director Thempson Muz- distributed. In return for the “While the researcher could in the ongoing National Social derstanding the extent to which diamond revenues were not
vagwandoga. Zanu PF, using US$2 million, the source re- not establish the figures that Security Authority corruption Zanu PF sold vast chrome flowing to Treasury.
M&S Syndicate, is represented vealed, Mutasa, who was acting Zanu PF got from its 2018 saga. mining concessions to fund its Global Witness, a British
by Sekai Chikwava. Minister of Mines, issued Car- election dealings with Carzle Mnangagwa is then report- 2018 election campaign. not-for-profit natural resourc-
The report shows that, ac- zle Investments with a chrome Investments, a senior Zanu PF ed to have promised the busi- “Equally, the fall-out be- es watchdog, reported in 2012
cording to the source who was export licence, although the official availed figures in the nessmen land and government tween Moti and Mnangagwa that Zimbabwe’s diamonds
part of the deal, Meikles Cen- country had banned the export arrangement that Zanu PF en- partnership in a “command has led to both parties letting were funding a parallel Zanu
tar Mining (Pvt) Limited paid of raw chrome at the time. tered with businessmen Enock housing scheme in preparation out details on the deal that saw PF government to undermine
US$2 million to Zanu PF and “The source revealed that the Kamushinda, Ozias Bvute for the 2023 election cam- Moti getting around 300 hect- the work of the Inclusive Gov-
Matanhire before the Carzle export licence was, however, and Rodreck Mlauzi, who the paign”. ares of chrome fields in an area ernment.
Investments deal could even later cancelled by then Minister source says provided a total of “According to another se- between Shurugwi and Zvisha- Former Finance minister
materialise. of Mines, Walter Chidhakwa in US$12 million for the Zanu nior official, Zanu PF also used bane, in return for buying the Tendai Biti has repeatedly stat-
“The source added that February 2014 at the height of PF 2018 election campaign the  quid pro quo  strategy to 150 election campaign vehicles ed that Anjin Investments was
US$150 million was then mo- Zanu PF internal fights but was in exchange for government raise funds for the purchase of for Zanu PF.” not remitting anything to Trea-
bilised for actual operations re-issued on 18 October 2019 contracts, key government po- 60 of the 210 double-cab ve- The report also says dona- sury during his tenure in the
which involved the building after the 2018 elections,” the sitions and protection from hicles that the party procured tions from extractive industries Government of National Unity. 
of a chrome smelting plant. report says. prosecution. for its parliamentary candidates were an integral part of Zanu However, barely a year after
The source also revealed that “The question arises as to “The source added that the in return for the opportunity PF’s election funding architec- he ascended to the presidency,
the US$2 million was payment what had happened to warrant three businessmen’s US$12 to front the party in the Great ture. Mnangagwa reinstated Anjin
for Zanu-PF’s ‘influence’ and the re-issuing of the licence? million was used, among other Dyke Investments (GDI) plati- “Because most extractive in- Investments in Marange.
Matanhire’s claims,” it says. How much did Carzle share- things, to pay for all the cam- num project with Afromet JSC dustries acquire mining rights “Anjin has been secretly
“The US$2 million was re- holders, Hannam & Partners paign billboards for Mnangag- of Russia. through Zanu PF, they are mining and has not declared
portedly paid in through two and the Meikles Group contrib- wa that were dotted around the “The source alleged that Ku- required to pay back in cash any statistics or production or
US$1 million installments. The ute towards the 2018 elections country and T-shirts (US$7 dakwashe Tagwirei bought the towards party functions and revenues generated. It is equally
first installment was paid in which warranted the reissuing million) that were bought from 60 cars and was rewarded with activities. Fundraising dinners unknown where Anjin sells its
cash on 09 December 2013 and of the licence that had been India.” an opportunity to buy into the are frequently held by the par- diamonds and account to,” the
distributed as follows: US$450 cancelled five years earlier?” The report also reveals GDI platinum project through ty where extractive industries report says.
000 cash paid into a Zanu PF The report says of note was Mnangagwa was not aware his Landela Mining Ventures are ‘invited’ to donate. They From the information gath-
CBZ account on 12 December the written instruction in a let- of this huge donation by the which now controls 50% of the are also expected to provide ered, the report says it can be
2013,  while US$200 000  was ter from President Emmerson three businessmen which went platinum venture. transport and food for rallies,” concluded that funding for
shared among a trio of Didy- Mnangagwa to the then Zanu through Local Government “He added that the other it says. Zanu PF election and political
mus Mutasa, then Acting Min- PF secretary of finance Patrick minister July Moyo. 150 of the 210 double cab ve- “One CEO of a mining activities chiefly comes from
ister of Mines, Webster Shamu, Chinamasa, dated 13 June The informant revealed that hicles were bought by Zunaid company complained that at state companies and corpora-
Zanu PF National Political 2019, shown to the researcher Mnangagwa only got to know Moti with Zanu PF using the times they are forced to build tions, private companies, es-
Commissar and Sekai Chikwa- by the interviewee on this mat- about the donation when Bvute same approach of fundraising classroom blocks far away from pecially in the extractive sector
va, the Zanu PF representative ter, imploring the minister “to and Kamushinda were taken to using the country’s mineral re- their areas of operation because and organisations linked to
in Carzle. The Joint Venture assist Mr Matanhire with his meet him by a State Residenc- sources, this time, chrome min- a provincial political heavy- Zanu PF, wealthy individuals
Company was then issued with licence”. es employee only named as ing fields, that the party availed weight is campaigning in that and private entities operating
the only licence to export raw “The question that begs for Maburutse. to Moti in return for the supply constituency.” in Zimbabwe, the region and
chrome in the country at that an answer is what had hap- The report says the business- of the cars, among other finan- The CEO added that ex- further afield.
Page 8 News NewsHawks
Issue 40, 23 July 2021


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Issue 40, 23 July 2021
News Page 9

CIO boss lays sustained siege 


CENTRAL Intelligence Or-

ganisation (CIO) co-depu-

on coveted productive farm

ty director-general Gatsha
Mazithulela has for the first
time been publicly accused by
three local farmers of laying a
sustained siege on Esidakeni
Farm in Nyamandlovu, Mata- Madzivanyathi, a Bulawayo included in Esidakeni Farm
beleland North province, out businessman who is also a lec- project. I must point out that
of riotous envy and brazen turer at Nust where Mazith- he is known to the second
abuse of office, court papers ulela was partly educated and (Malunga) and third (Charles
say. worked as pro-vice-chancel- Moyo) respondents as well,”
Mazithulela, a distin- lor. Dhlamini says in court pa-
guished scientist, was also Mazithulela, who has a pers.
accused of trying to squeeze colourful curriculum vitae, “The untenable request
himself into the Esidakeni graduated with a PhD in ge- that he made still required
Farm horticultural project netic engineering at the age of that I run it by my fellow
and intimidating its owners 27, and worked in the Unit- shareholders and directors. I
with arrest or seizure if they ed Kingdom, United States did and they took the posi-
did not accommodate him to and South Africa in scientif- tion that there was no room
offer them political protec- ic, biotechnology and nuclear for additional shareholders.
tion. The farm owners also facilities. He also previously Gatsha was however awk-
say they hold Mazithulela ac- worked in the government. wardly insistent.”
countable for the disappear- The applicants are Dhlami- After a series of meetings,
ance of some of their docu- ni, Moyo and Malunga, as well exchanges and events mark-
ments at the provincial land as their company Kershelmar, ing the intensification of the
offices in Bulawayo as at one while the respondents include battle over the farm, Dhlami-
time he communicated in the Lands and Agriculture min- ni says: “On 24 December
middle of the night with one ister Anxious Masuka, Ma- 2020, I received a call from
of them while in possession of tabeleland North chief lands Gatsha who advised me that
those missing documents. officer, registrar of deeds, our farm had been acquired
These details emerged af- Mazithulela, Madzivanyathi, by the state. I was obviously
ter shareholders of Kershel- CIO officer Reason Mpofu concerned about the levels
mar Farms (Private) Limited, and minister of State for Ma- of Gatsha’s interest in mat-
which owns the farm, ap- tabeleland North province ters that pertain to the farm.
proached the High Court this Richard Moyo – who is spear- I was particularly perplexed
week seeking an order to stop heading the farm seizure. that Gatsha seemed to know
the government from seizing Reason Mpofu, who has more about the farm than us
their land for redistribution also been allocated a piece the owners.”
and barring Mazithulela and of land on the farm, is Zanu Malunga also made it clear
others from illegally interfer- PF administration secretary in a no-holds-barred account
ing with their business. Obert Mpofu’s nephew. Ob- that Mazithulela is behind the
Kershelmar is co-owned by ert Mpofu, a former minister, attempted farm seizure.
businessman Charles Moyo, visited the farm in March. The farm owners say it
Zephaniah Dhlamini, a sci- The farm owners say is clear beyond reasonable
entist working at the Nation- Mazithulela, Richard Moyo doubt that Mazithulela is
al University of Science and and Obert Mpofu are the acting out of self-interest and
Technology (Nust), and Si- prime movers behind the at- malice, while abusing his top
phosami Malunga, the Open tempted property seizure. CIO office to grab private
CIO co-Deputy Director-General Gatsha Mazithulela.
Society Initiative for South- They also say the three misled property using government
ern Africa executive director the minister, Masuka, into habilitating boreholes, main which they intend to utilise as alone and planted eight hect- departments to facilitate
and son of the late nationalist gazetting the farm through water reservoir, irrigation sys- their business grows. ares of onions, six hectares of the unlawful seizure of land
Sydney Malunga. falsehoods, including that the tem and homestead. Apart from horticultural butternut, six hectares of to- from local indigenous people,
The court action is a cul- property had previously been To do this, the farmers activities, Malunga, Dhlami- matoes (150 000 plants). which in itself is illegal.
mination of a series of recent acquired by the state when it obtained two loans of about ni and Charles Moyo have a “Ever since we took occu- In a letter to Masuka – who
events that characterised the was not and that it was being US$230 000 for their hor- commercial beef herd of 150 pation, we have managed to has distanced himself from
battle over the farm. underutilised when it is high- ticultural project. Due to cattle, 50 goats and 4 000 free turn the farm into the envy the farm seizure, dated 14
The court action by ly productive. their productivity, they have range Sasso chickens. They of many. It therefore did June, contesting the property
Malunga and partners comes Malunga, Dhlamini and already repaid US$110 000. are planning to increase those not surprise me that some- grab, Malunga, Dhlamini and
after they were issued a 14- Charles Moyo say they They started working on numbers significantly. time in December 2019, the Charles Moyo said they stand
day notice to vacate a portion bought the farm from its pre- five hectares, but quickly in- The farm employs 45 per- fourth respondent, Gatsha to lose over ZW$60 million
of Kershelmar, a productive vious owner and own it, hence creased that to 30ha and this manent workers and 250 sea- Mazithulela, who was then in potential revenue from
farm that has purported- they are heavily invested in it. year they are going up to sonal employees.  pro-vice-chancellor at Nust, their horticultural project if
ly been allocated to, among After buying the farm, they 55ha. The total irrigable part The farmers have invested and work colleague, ap- the greedy and malicious dis-
other beneficiaries, Dumisani invested in infrastructure, re- of the 530ha farm is 85ha, over US$100 000 this year proached me and asked to be ruptions do not stop.

The NewsHawks TheNewsHawksLive
Page 10 News NewsHawks
Issue 40, 23 July 2021

Nine million Zimbabweans


A DRAMATIC rise in prices of

basic goods has thrown more

reel from grinding poverty

Zimbabweans into extreme lev-
els of poverty over the past few
years, a report jointly released
by the Zimbabwe National Sta-
tistics Agency (Zimstats), the
country’s statistical agency, and
the World Bank says. million in rural areas. a poverty update was needed.
Zimbabwe economy, which “The increase in poverty rates Zimstats achieved this by con-
is buffeted by high inflation and and the number of extremely ducting a household survey,
price volatility, contracted be- poor and poor people during the Mini-PICES 2019, from
tween 2019 and 2020 at a time the period under review can be April  15 to May  23, 2019.
the country experienced one attributed to high inflation cou- The survey was supported by
of its worst droughts in living pled with the contraction of the funding from the Zimbabwe
memory. economy and a poor 2018/19 Reconstruction Fund (Zimref)
The situation has further de- rainfall season. These negative and technical support from the
teriorated in 2021. Salaries and changes in the economy are World Bank. Sampled house-
wages for civil servants and av- likely to have stressed the live- holds were a subsample of the
erage workers have collapsed to lihoods of many Zimbabweans, Pices 2017 households covered
a fraction of what they were in thereby affecting households in February–June 2017,” the
2017 at the time of the survey. in urban areas more in relative report says.
Zimbabweans are now far terms compared to households The general poverty rate
poorer under President Emmer- in rural areas,” the report says. based on the lower-bound
son Mnangagwa’s government Simulations show that the poverty line remained high.
than they were at the time when rapid price increases that affect- It changed marginally for the
he removed through a Novem- ed Zimbabwe between April rural population, but in urban
ber 2017 coup the late former and May 2019 and December areas it rose sharply, from 16%
president Robert Mugabe – a 2019 may have increased ex- to 24% during the same period.
disastrous failure himself. treme poverty from 38% to “Consumption expenditure
According to an updated 52%. The study shows that the fell for all welfare groups ex-
Zimbabwe Poverty Report, price increases of maize, bread, cept the richest 10%, or decile.
which was released on yesterday, and cereals had the largest im- The welfare groups in the lower
the number of extremely poor pact on poverty. end of the income distribution
people rose from 4.5 million in According to the Poverty (lower deciles) had the largest
2017 to 6 million during April– Income Consumption and Ex- proportional declines in con-
May 2019, but the number of penditure Survey (Pices) 2017 sumption expenditure. Conse-
poor people measured by the data, the share of maize meal in quently, inequality rose as the
lower-bound poverty line rose total household consumption One of the poorest townships in Zimbabwe, Mbare high density suburb in Harare. Gini index increased from 44.7
from 8 million to 8.9 million is three times higher in urban in 2017 to 50.4 in 2019. The
during the same period. areas (1.8%) than in rural areas noted that within urban areas, poverty estimates for Zimbabwe babwe Poverty Report 2017. increase in inequality was driv-
Furthermore, whereas the (0.3%). maize meal subsidies were more for April– May 2019. Zimstats “However, due to the rap- en by a rise in inequality within
number of extremely poor peo- Maize meal subsidies thus likely to benefit the middle conducted the Pices in 2017, id economic changes that oc- urban and within rural areas
ple in urban areas increased by benefit urban households more groups than the poorest groups. and poverty estimates for that curred in the Zimbabwean rather than between urban and
about 327 000, it rose by 1.1 than rural ones. It was also This report presents updated year were published in the Zim- economy from 2017 to 2019, rural areas,” the report says.

Sadc trade routes now safe

OWEN GAGARE and suppliers, farmers, and
Agri-businesses to ensure the
SOUTH African acting min- stability of the food supply
ister in the presidency Khum- chain.  Importantly, gov-

after South African turmoil

budzo Ntshavheni says Preto- ernment and social partners
ria has put security measures secured the logistics centres
to ensure infrastructure and where communities can easily
trade routes linking the coun- access food. As I speak today,
try’s main ports and the region along the major routes to en- the security of food supplies
are secured following the re- sure the secure passage of the has been normalised mainly
cent unrest. long-haul logistics trucks and across the affected provinces:
Countries in the region, in- the rail network.  We were in- “All the shopping malls,
cluding Zimbabwe, depend on formed by the South African supermarkets and spaza shops
trade and imports from and National Road Agency Lim- that have not been affected by
through South Africa. Zim- ited that over nine thousand unrests were operational since
babwe imports about 50% of trucks were moving on the N3 Saturday 17th of July 2021.
its needs from South Africa, per day without any incidents Bakeries have also been oper-
while it exports 40% of its against logistic trucks. ational and bread which was
products to its powerful south- “In addition, we have re- in short supply in KZN has
ern neighbour. ported on the full operation been on the shelves since the
In a media briefing during of the two ports of Durban weekend.
the week, Ntshavheni said and Richards Bay – and the “Milk supplies are now
normalcy has been largely other ports were never affects available, and depots have
restored and trade corridors by the unrests. All activities been collecting from farmers.
were now open as South Af- at the port of Durban, specif- Sugar Mills has been oper-
rican security forces continue ically agricultural ones, have ational since Saturday 17th
to get on top of the situation normalised and were in entire of July 2021, and the farmers
which threatened to spiral out operation since the start of this have been able to move their
of control and morph into an week. The only delays at the cane to the Mills.
anti-government uprising. ports are due to the backlogs “In KZN, where damage
“Since the unrest of the last that were caused by the clo- to retail infrastructure is most
two weeks, concerns have also sure during the period of the severe, municipalities have
been raised about food secu- unrests. been working together with
rity in the (Southern African “Furthermore, our border their business communities to
Development Community) posts are also working around ensure that food availability is
region as a number of our the clock to process the logis- maintained.
neighbouring countries also tics trucks so that they reach “Where necessary, munici-
rely on the South African ports their destination safely and on palities have made their facil-
for their imports of food and time.” ities part of the value chain.
South African Acting Presidency minister Khumbudzo Ntshaveni, who is also Small Businesses Development minister.
critical supplies,” Ntshaveni Ntshavheni said her govern- Other shop owners in certain
said.   ment was restoring order and community in general that the munity and the international sures which we put in place to rural towns have converted ad-
“We want to reassure the calm across the country. situation in our country is now community in general for sup- address the concerns of food ditional facilities to ensure that
region of SADC that law en- “We want to reassure all stable and economic activities porting South Africa through security in KwaZulu-Natal these are made grocery shops
forcement agencies have post- South Africans, the Sadc re- have returned to normal. We this difficult time,” she said. and Gauteng, Government to address the food availabili-
ed extra security personnel gion and the international want to thank the Sadc com- “Regarding additional mea- has engaged food processors ty.”
Issue 40, 23 July 2021
News Page 11

Chiredzi people denied

right to national IDs
MORRIS BISHI for menial jobs. Government access these services,” said sorghum at US$200 instead
should quickly embark on a Mtombeni. of RTGS$38 000 being paid
MORE than half of the peo- mobile exercise and relax the The NewsHawks estab- by the GMB.
ple in Chiredzi South are requirements to allow my lished that most people in A traditional leader from
finding it difficult to partic- people to get identification areas like Chilonga, Chi- Malipati area told The News-
ipate in economic develop- particulars.”  kombedzi, Malipati and Sen- Hawks that the requirements
ment programmes due to lack “You can count four gen- gwe who survive mainly on for acquiring national identi-
of national identity cards and erations within a family who sorgum farming are unable ty documents that are stipu-
birth certificates, resulting in do not have IDs. There is a to supply their produce to lated by the registry office are
youths from the area crossing village in Limpopo Valley the Grain Marketing Board alienating locals.
illegally into South Africa to called Madzanga, the whole (GMB) due to a lack of IDs When locals travel 200
look for menial jobs.  village including the village which are needed for one to kilometres to Chiredzi, it
The constituency, located head does not have IDs and open a bank account. This is becomes difficult for them
in the middle of the Limpo- this was worsened by officials forcing farmers to sell their to travel again after failing
po, Runde, Sengwe and Bubi from the registry depart- grain to unregistered dealers to acquire an ID on the first
rivers, borders Mozambique ment who were demanding who are buying a tonne of attempt. Chiredzi South MP Kallisto Gwanetsa.
and South Africa. More than bribes from the people,” said
80% of the people come Gwanetsa.
from the Shangani commu- Chiredzi district develop-
nity. ment coordinator Lovemore

The Shangani have been Chisema told The News-
under-represented in Zim- Hawks that it is true that
babwe as a minority group most locals do not have iden-

inhabiting the remotest parts tity documents, but he was
of the south-east lowveld not sure of the numbers. He
with their culture and val- however said the government
ues having been criticised as is working to reduce the
backward and conservative.
The area neither has prop-
er roads nor mobile network
“The issue is not affecting
Chiredzi South only, but the
coverage and locals are re- whole district. I am not sure
lying on Mozambican and of the actual figures of people
South African telecommuni- who are yet to get the iden-
Executive Conference Room for
cations service providers. Lo-
cal radio and television trans-
tity cards, but government is
-Private Meetings Package Includes
working to reduce that num-
mission also not accessible. ber,” said Chisema. -Investment Meetings -Wi-Fi
Chiredzi South legislator -Workshops
Kallisto Gwanetsa told The
Masvingo Centre for
Research and Develop- -Product Launches -Projector
NewsHawks that half of the ment (MACRAD) director -Media or Financial Briengs -Flip Chart/Whiteboard
people in his constituency Ephraim Mtombeni told The Training
do not have identity cards, NewsHawks that his organi- Strategic Planning -Stationery (Pen & Notepad
depriving them of econom- sation is concerned about the
ic opportunities while many high number of people with-
children are failing to write out proper documentation,
examinations. particularly national identity
“I have been raising this is- cards and birth certificates,
sue for many years, but there saying it is an infringement
is no improvement. Half of of constitutional rights. 
the people in my constitu- “We noted that issue
ency do not have identity during meetings in the
cards and birth certificates. Chilonga area of Chiredzi,
They are unable to access there are many people who
government programmes do not have identification
like social grants and school particulars. It is an infringe-
children are unable to write ment of the people’s con-
examinations and many of stitutional rights. Our gov-
them end up illegally cross- ernment should make sure
ing to South Africa to look that all its people are able to

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Page 12 News NewsHawks
Issue 40, 23 July 2021

Madzokere cries foul

BRIDGET MANANAVIRE had stayed in prison for a long
time,” Madzokere said.
MDC Alliance activist Tun- Together with Maenga-
gamirai Madzokere, who was hama, Madzokere is con-
recently freed after 10 years templating on how to get

over access to children

of wrongful incarceration, has compensation for wrongful
been clashing with his ex-wife’s incarceration.
family over access to his chil- He also said he would be
dren, who are in the care of engaging human rights lawyers
their aunt. to get people in prison to enjoy
Madzokere was released their conjugal rights so as to
from prison in early June only acts as a go-between, and she protect their relationships and
to find that his wife had left is the one who deals with any- marriages.
their home in November 2020 thing to do with the children,” The two will undergo coun-
and had awarded her young he said. selling to help them deal with
sister custody of the two chil- Silizani told The NewsHawks the trauma of their wrongful
dren, after moving in with an- that she only does what she incarceration.
other man. would have been told by the Madzokere does not blame
According to Madzokere, mother of the children. She his wife for leaving as he says
his former wife’s younger sister, said in view of Madzokere’s ac- they were in love but blames
Precious Silizani, is now giv- tions, they will deal with him the system which leaves part-
ing him a hard time when he decisively. ners and families of those in-
wants to see the children. “I cannot talk to you about carcerated as victims.
“I am only allowed to see this because I am only a go-be- “It’s something that I have
my children on Saturdays, but tween. But if this is the route accepted that it happens and
even on those Saturdays, my that he (Madzokere) has de- my wife was very young. I have
ex’s sister can just say it is no cided to take, we are going reflected on the issue and I
longer possible because the to show him. Call me tomor- want to engage human rights
mother has plans with them, row  topedza masports acho lawyers for an application for
or they just give me a hard time (we will deal with him).” conjugal rights for inmates.
telling me not to bother them Follow-up calls to Silizani Because these are consequenc-
when I try and make plans to were however not answered. es of the system,” Madzokere
visit my children,” Madzokere Madzokere and his col- said.
told The NewsHawks. league Last Maengahama were “It is good to reflect, and
He showed The NewsHawks freed early June after spending my wife was very young and
unpleasant exchanges between 10 years in both remand prison she had waited for a very long
the two, where Silizani would and serving their sentence at time. So for me the problem
threaten to block him and oc- Chikurubi Maximum Security is the system. Other countries
casions where she would stop Prison. now have conjugal rights in
him from seeing the children. The two were part of a prison because if someone has
The former councillor said group of 29 mainly MDC MDC Alliance activist Tungamirai Madzokere. been arrested, the partner and
he had not taken any legal members, dubbed The Glen in 2018 through Presidential at the house. He said he was had to go back. I do not want the family become victims.
route as he first wants to find View 29, arrested in connec- amnesty) were sentenced to 20 trying to talk to the in-laws any conflict, so I am working When I look at it, I must strike
an amicable solution in dealing tion with policeman Petros years. so that they address any issues on something amicable. I need a balance. With my wife we
with the matter, for the sake of Mutedza’s death in May 2011. Madzokere said he is un- that might be involved in him to meet with the in-laws, be- were in love for a long time.
the children. The rest were released while happy with the environment getting the children full time. cause I understand they are We really understood each
“I do not talk to my ex, I Madzokere, Maengahama and in which his children live, al- “There are still issues that the ones who came to take other, but I guess something
talk to her young sister and she Yvonne Musarurwa (released leging that there is a shebeen need to be discussed so they them from the house, seeing I happened.”
Issue 40, 23 July 2021
News Page 13

Gweru residents fume over


A 2019 report by Auditor-Gen-

eral Mildred Chiri which un-
earthed malpractices in the sale

$1.7 million stands scam

of stands at Gweru City Coun-
cil has caused chaos in the
Midlands capital with residents
demanding that those involved
in the illicit deals be brought
to justice, The Newshawks can the same councillors who were addressed.”
report. refusing to reduce rates for the Makombe said corruption
According to Chiri’s report, struggling residents were the in the local authority was one
stands valued at over ZW$1.7 same people who were failing of the key reasons the devel-
million were sold but the lo- to pay for their stands. opment of the new Mkoba 21
cal authority failed to provide “Whoever did not pay residential stands had failed to
supporting documents for all during their term of office take off.
stands sold, the beneficiaries should have stands repossessed He said the money for the
and receipts of the transactions. and sold to those who can pay sold stands should have been
Chiri also revealed that some so that our city can go for- used to service the area, a re-
councillors whose term of of- ward,” he said. sponsibility he said the previous
fice has since expired were yet Mayor Josiah Makombe ac- council failed to discharge. But
to pay for stands sold at con- knowledged the existence of speaking last week at a Zim-
cessionary rates on the under- dodgy land deals at council, babwe Coalition on Debt and
standing that they should pay but distanced his current crop Development virtual indaba
up in full before the expiry of of councillors from the rot. on public finance management
their term of office. He said his council invited and governance, Gweru Urban
“I was not availed with sup- central government to institute legislator Brian Dube said there
porting documents to show a forensic land audit after not- was a need for council to assert
that the council has a record ing anomalies in the way land its role in ensuring accountabil-
of all stands sold, their pur- was parcelled out by previous ity in the local authority.
chase price, the beneficiaries, councils. “There should be no sacred
amounts paid to date and “That is why some of our cows, we bank on you (the
outstanding balance on each
City of Gweru. managers have been suspended mayor and his councillors) that
stand,” Chiri said in her report. the murky land sales. Town House recovers fair value Another civic group, the and are going through disci- the anomalies in the allocation
“During the current year Gweru Residents and Rate- for the stands, if not the stands Gweru Residents and Ratepay- plinary action for that,” he said. of stands are addressed. We call
the listing provided to audit payers Development Associ- themselves. ers Association, said the cul- “As for the issue of stands, we upon the acting town clerk and
showed that stands worth $1 ation Trust executive director “Council should also furnish prits must be prosecuted. have said those former coun- his management to cooperate
714 784 were sold, however the David Chikore said there is the number of councillors fin- The association’s director, cillors who have not paid will with councillors in addressing
amount could not be traced to a need to employ a more “ag- gered in the report.” Cornelia Selipiwe, said the Au- have the stands repossessed. these issues,” Dube said.
the financial reports. gressive approach” in bringing Chikore added: “The in- ditor-General’s report exposed We acknowledge there were a A 2019 land audit commis-
“Councillors did not fill in to book those involved in the formation is critical in that it bad governance practices in the lot of leakages, especially in the sioned by central government
stop order forms neither did corrupt land deals. reveals the level of either com- local authority. finance department.” revealed that from 2009 to
they make any payment ar- “There is need to engage an- pliance or impunity in those “These challenges highlight- He added: “As Gweru City 2019, council disposed of com-
rangement towards the pur- ti-corruption agencies so that we entrust with the affairs of ed by the report point to lack of Council, we are trying our best mercial, residential, institution-
chase of stands allocated to they follow the paper trail in our city.” proper governance at council. to make sure that all the issues al and industrial stands with
them.” those ‘sub-rosa’ transactions He said it was unfortunate We don’t have proper systems raised by the Auditor-General an estimated value of ZW$21
The local residents’ associa- with a view of identifying the that councillors who advocated in place and this obviously are responded to. We want to million. According to the re-
tion this week said it was not persons involved,” Chikore the prosecution of defaulting erodes the confidence residents make sure that when the next port, council only received half
“amused” by the “lackadaisical told The Newshawks. ratepayers were themselves “de- have in the local authority,” audit comes most of the is- the value of the land due to
approach” taken by council in “The paper trail will lead faulting kingpins who take up said Selipiwe. sues highlighted by the Audi- dodgy deals by corrupt council
dealing with those involved in council to the culprits so that office solely for looting.” He said it was surprising that tor-General would have been officials.

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Page 14 Feature NewsHawks
Issue 40, 23 July 2021

makes history
RUVIMBO MUSKWE Another group that has trou-
ble accepting what we are
GROWING up in Hara- working to achieve with our
re’s high-density suburb of vision is some of our local
Warren Park, young Tatenda people. It has taken time for
Mungofa would see oil leaks, them to warm up to us as a
engines and car fumes daily. brand,’’ he said.
His father was a respected “People have doubts and
mechanic and, as fate would problems accepting that
have it, Mungofa (32) devel- something big can come out
oped a passion for the auto- from scratch and worse com-
motive industry. ing from someone they don’t
His is a story of an ordi- expect because there are usu-
nary Zimbabwean who de- ally comparisons with other
fied all odds and dared to be- companies that have done
lieve in his dreams. Mungofa well and usually non-African
founded Mureza, a car-man- companies.”  Tatenda Mungofa’s Mureza Auto Co has rolled out its first 100 vehicles into the market.
ufacturing company whose “On the other hand, the
first model, the Prim8, has benchmark has been set high capital is accessible and also
just been launched. and we are usually compared the market. If you are going
The journey has been with other brands that have to go into manufacturing, it
bumpy. been in existence for over would make sense to do it in
The South African-based 100 years. The expectation a place where there is a large
Zimbabwean’s company has from officials processing pa- domestic market before you
become Africa’s  first black- perwork, a fund manager even look at export. So those
owned car manufacturer af- you are lobbying for invest- are some of the limitations of
ter overcoming challenges ment or a potential client our environment where our
in securing a manufacturing – they mostly think Mureza market is relatively small,”
licence as well as in gaining should start with a high pro- said Ruzvidzo. He added
acceptance from sceptical duction capacity and have a that our financial service sec-
people.  five-model line-up”. tor has been unable to offer
Mureza Auto Co has rolled Nyasha Kaseke, an inde- long-term financing and this
out its first 100 vehicles into pendent economist, said the affects green field projects.
the market with a pre-order reason why people are of- Mungofa said that it was
facility available for buyers in ten reluctant to accept local difficult for the locals to em-
South Africa and Zimbabwe, products is due to percep- brace the idea of a locally
starting this week. tions and uncertainties over made car due to the fact that
Mungofa hit the headlines back-up and quality. there was comparison with
in November 2020 when he “People prefer to have big foreign companies in the
promised to launch the first brands that are actually more automotive industry.
car in two months. However, common for issues to do However, Ruzvidzo said
the company has rolled out with spare parts and reputa- it is not only a Zimbabwean
its first car on 14 July due to tion,” Kaseke said. problem but human nature
challenges in clinching the Mungofa also said for people to think some-
licence. Covid-19 has also played its thing that comes from be-
“At the time of that an- part because most govern- yong the borders is always
nouncement, there was hope ment departments are under better. “It’s not necessarily
that the process would be lockdown, making physical true, but what is needed
swift. inspections, for instance, dif- is for our local companies
The reality however ficult. However, this has not to market and profile their
Tatenda Mungofa
showed us that we needed to stopped him from fulfilling products better so that peo-
re-adjust our timelines and his dream. “A lot of design work is Mureza (which means flag in vations and launching them ple understand that they are
focus on the process to en- “It is the nature of an en- being done by the team for Shona),” he said.   from abroad. One example is as good, if not better, than
sure success. This meant we trepreneur to face the likes other entities as well as of- Mungofa he said  the Takwana Tyaranini, a Zim- imported products.”
had to re-do a lot of things to of Covid-19 with a positive fering consultancy services Mureza Prim8 is the com- babwean based in the Unit- Economics professor Gift
align to the safety and quali- attitude. While the environ- while production was idle,” pany’s entry model at an ap- ed Kingdom who launched a Mugano said the Zimbabwe-
ty standards that come with ment is very unpredictable he added. pealing retail price of US$13 digital money transfer plat- an environment is toxic for
licensing,” Mungofa said. and there is great risk and Mungofa said he ventured 500 in Zimbabwe and R196 form called Sendtoo. Send- business.
Besides the licensing hic- delays owing to the lock- into the motoring industry 000 in South Africa. too was launched in March “If you go into a business
cup, Mungofa said he also downs, we decided to look at due to passion and the idea “The vehicle is equipped 2016 as an airtime transfer in Zimbabwe, you are com-
faced resistance from car sup- a long-term strategy of get- of problem solving.  with all the modern-day network comprising about mitting suicide because you
pliers and other local people ting ourselves through this “The only continent with- tech like Bluetooth, adaptive 400 mobile operators with a lose money due to the poor
who had trouble accepting a period one day at a time and out a commercially success- cruise control, satellite navi- reach of 4.5 billion prepaid policy framework. How do
car brand from one of their we managed to coordinate ful brand of vehicles is Africa gation, reverse camera, steer- phone users in more than you do business when there
own. with our major suppliers and because it mostly serves as ing controls and dual airbags. 140 countries with 40 of is no policy clarity, poli-
“Acceptance is the major partners to get our business a market for raw materials There is a choice of either au- those in Africa. cy predictability and policy
challenge which we deal with moving,” Mungofa said. and a human resource sup- tomatic or manual transmis- Confederation of Zim- consistency?” Mugano asked.
on a regular basis. When we He had to reduce pace in plier for most global OEMs sion and two engine choices babwe Industries president Mureza says it seeks to
create a design for a car and entering the market in order (original equipment man- (1.5 litre and 1.3 litre) and Henry Ruzvidzo said the solve transport problems on
approach component suppli- to conserve energy and re- ufacturers). We saw an op- an electric version (EV) is in problem is usually lack of the continent and is posi-
ers to make for us, they usu- sources and also to focus on portunity to be the flagship the pipeline”, he said. capital. The market for big tioning itself as a flag bearer
ally just look the other way other aspects of the business of the automotive industry Many Zimbabweans have projects is relatively small as of Africa’s promising auto-
and think we are not serious. to generate income. in Africa, hence the name resorted to taking their inno- well. “People tend to go where motive industry.
Issue 40, 23 July 2021
Feature Page 15

Long walk to female participation in govt

WILLIAM MILASI policies and laws,” Sheila Fashu,
a lawyer with the Legal Resourc-
IT is a case of so near yet so far es Foundation in Gweru, said.
when it comes to the participa- The ZGC boss said women
tion of women in the country’s can play an important role in
governance system. governance.
Gender experts in the coun- “By women participating
try have said while the govern- equally within our governance
ment has made strides to address sector, it means that we have a
matters of gender equity, the shared vision of what is required
participation of women in gov- in our country. We will also be
ernance remains a thorny issue able to address problems specifi-
in Zimbabwe’s highly patriar- cally felt by women and will also
chal society. Female participa- be informed by the lived realities
tion in governance is generally of not just the men and boys but
not being actively prioritised women and girls. It is important
notwithstanding the fact that a that women participate in gov-
progressive Bill on the consti- ernance starting not just from
tutional amendment has since party political governance but
sailed through the National As- even the local governance. We
sembly and the Senate. have traditional situations where
According to Zimbabwe currently the traditional decision
Gender Commission (ZGC) makers are men. In elections
chief executive officer Virginia we have low participation as
Muwanigwa, the country has not more than 14% of women
come of age in terms of gender participate and there is need for
equality, although more still an increase in that figure. The
needs to be done. low participation of women in
“As a country we have done governance arises from the gov-
very well in terms of our legis- ernance system, particularly par-
lative framework or in terms of ty-political system which tends
ensuring that our constitution is to have some violence and wom-
very clear on the need for gen- en will shy away from participat-
der equality and non-discrimi- ing because they want to avoid
nation. We have also done very becoming targeted. In addition,
well in terms of setting up what women don’t have resources
Zimbabwe Gender Commission chief executive officer Virginia Muwanigwa.
is referred to as the gender ma- which are required by our kind
chinery, basically meaning that of funding or enough financial amplified voices,” she said. that affect women are better the magnitude of the problem of politics. It can also be noted
we have set up some institutions support for those with political The Midlands provincial understood by fellow women. will never be the same. Having that our society has not prepared
to ensure what our constitution ambitions as opposed to our chairperson for the Women Although we may explain to women in decision making po- women to be leaders, and there
says on gender equality and male counterparts. This is not- in Local Governance Forum men that a woman in her pe- sitions therefore helps amplify are also issues of responsibilities
non-discrimination become a withstanding the fact that gov- (WILGF), councillor Idiraishe riods needs adequate water to issues affecting women which, at household level,” Muwanigwa
reality.  We have a Zimbabwe ernment supports the participa- Dongo, said the challenge is bath, the level of understanding in turn, helps us get favourable said.
Gender Commission and the tion of women in politics,” she the lack of political will to cre-
Anti-Domestic Violence Coun- said. ate an enabling environment for
cil, Ministry of Women’s Affairs There is a need for mindset women in governance, especially
and the Zimbabwe Microfi- change, according to the coun- those in grassroots structures.
nance Bank. There are so many try director of the Women’s In- “In December 2020, we en-
other institutions that have been ternational League for Peace and gaged the President of the Re-
set up whose role is to address Freedom, Edwick Madzimure. public of Zimbabwe, ED Mnan-
the gender equality issues,” Mu- “On our part, we educate gagwa, at the Great Women
wanigwa said. both the local men and wom- Councillors Indaba, the first if its
However, the road to reform en through awareness raising kind, in Victoria Falls, over the
is still arduous. on the need for gender equality.  under-representation of wom-
“Our biggest challenge re- First, men must do away with en at local level both in the law
mains that in practice among the patriarchal system which re- makers and implementors. And
the citizens of Zimbabwe gender served the place of women to the I am glad to inform you that,
equality still remains a thorny kitchen and child bearing. Sec- the listening President heard
issue with men believing that ondly, on women and girls we our concerns and awarded us a
when we talk about gender educate them that they need to 30% quota system at local au-
equality we want to fight men, start stepping up for leadership thority. And to us women, that’s
yet basically what gender equal- positions and they also need to a plus and if we add the 10%
ity says is that we need a society start supporting fellow women we have, it may accumulate to
that is inclusive. And when we in governance,” she said. 40% women’s representation at
have structure in the society, the Madzimure added that wom- local level. To me the challenge
structures need to be inclusive,” en also have a critical role to play is more about the political will
she said. towards the promotion of peace to have women in positions of
In terms of governance is- in governance. influence and implementation
sues, women in politics are still “As women, the first role is of the legal frameworks because
dogged by traditional problems, participation. Let’s participate the constitution of Zimbabwe
with no respite in sight. in all peace processes. For in- provides for it,” Dongo said.
A councillor in Redcliff, stance, the UN Security Coun- Although the road to gender
Makanyara Piki, one of the two cil Resolution 1325 calls for reform seems long, a legal expert
female councillors in the town, the meaningful participation of said the participation of women
says although the government is women in peace and security. in issues of governance cannot
in support of gender equality the We must make our voices heard be understated.
situation on the ground is not and the only way to do that is “Women constitute more
reflective of this official posture. if we participate, politically and than 50% of the population
“We have to applaud gov- economically because the oth- of Zimbabwe and the impor-
ernment for supporting gender er challenge limiting women’s tance of their participation in
equality issues. However, the participation in politics is lack governance and peace cannot
situation on the ground remains of financial resources, hence if be over-emphasised. Women in
a challenge for women in gov- there’s economic empowerment leadership influence other pol-
ernance. The major challenge women can participate in pol- icymakers to view things from
that we face as women is lack itics hence they can speak with a gender perspective. Issues
Page 16 Feature NewsHawks
Issue 40, 23 July 2021

Zim children
cars to earn a living.
‘‘My parents are not
working, they cannot af-
ford the online education,

plunged into
and there us no money for
learning materials. The
pandemic which forced
learners to stay at home

untold misery
for long. It has worsened
the crisis. I’m now coming
here to town to wash cars.
If l stay at home, the sit-
uation remains the same,
NYARADZO MUSHANYUKI spend days without eating as l may not get money,’’
and during school days the Tapfuma told The News-
MEMORY Dauka (12) situation becomes worse Hawks.
is clad in a grey top and because l have to balance Education experts are
white skirt and on her the school work and work yet to fully unpack the
back she carries her young for the family for us to long-term impact of pro-
sister after many hours of survive,’’ Dauka told The longed lockdowns and too
washing people’s cars in NewsHawks. much idle time on chil-
Harare’s central business Sociologists often re- dren. However, teen preg-
district. mark that children who nancy is on the rise and
Despite the difficulties spend too much time in thousands of girls under
associated with entering the streets are at risk of 18 are being married off.
the city centre every morn- losing a sense of childhood According to the Zim-
ing owing to Covid-19 re- that can never be regained. babwe Vulnerable Assess-
strictions, she never gives They miss out on edu- ment Committee Rural
up. cation, playtime and oth- Livelihoods Assessment
The orphaned young er childhood activities, Report 2021, children
girl, from Epworth near and this has far-reaching aged between six to 13
Harare, has become the effects on their develop- are at risk. Those between
bread winner in her fami- ment. four to six years were out
ly. She cannot afford a pair Samuel Chamunorwa ing goods on the streets of place. ZW$500 per day which is of school mainly they are
of shoes, so moves around (10) stays with his grand- Harare and cleaning cars They also narrated not enough for me to look considered too young and
barefoot. mother who is blind. He for survival. frightening encounters after my young sisters,’’ aged 14 to 17 years were
Her plight typifies that washes cars in the streets Faith Maigwei (9) looks with older street children Murwira said. out of school due to preg-
of millions of Zimbabwe- to fend for her. after her mother who has who come threatening In a normal society, nancy.
ans who are trying to eke “My mother died when been suffering from a them, sometimes snatch- young boys and girls The coronavirus pan-
out a living as the econ- l was six and l don’t know heart ailment for several ing away the money they would not be scrounging demic, which has forced
omy wobbles. According where my father is. I stay years. She is now the fam- would have earned from in the streets for surviv- learners to stay at home
to the World Bank, nearly with my grandmother in ily’s breadwinner at a ten- washing cars. al, but these are not nor- for long periods, has wors-
half of all Zimbabweans Epworth so l came here der age. Shantel Murwira (11), mal times. Even before ened the crisis as learners
are wallowing in extreme in town looking for help “My mother is no longer an orphan, looks after her the Covid-19 pandemic, engaged in sexual activity,
poverty. from people. Whilst she able to work due to heart two young sisters who also the economy was far from leading to teen pregnancy
“I came here in town is looking for help from problems. I am the one spend hours in town. She normal. and early marriage.
at 9am to wash people’s people, l wash cars in the who came here to wash washes cars in the streets Even those children Children are not being
cars in the streets so that streets so that we get food. cars in the streets so that to earn a living. whose parents are some- adequately protected from
l get money for food and I am no longer going to l get money to buy food ‘‘Every day l come to how managing to pay child labour and the risks
school fees. I stay with my school, we don’t have and pay my school fees. wash cars and also look school fees are stranded they face, including ex-
grandmother. She is now money for school fees. The “During this lockdown for help from people in during the lockdown. On- ploitation and abuse.
90, suffering from hyper- money l get from washing some children are learning the streets so that l get line learning is impossible The phenomenon of
tension and, because of cars is for buying food. online and I’ve been left money to take care of my for them. child vendors has been
her age, she can no longer On normal days l earn behind, but I cannot learn two young sisters. They They need gadgets, elec- topical for some time but
work. ZW$400 per day, which online due to economic are still young so I am the tricity, internet connectiv- there is no solution in
“I’m the one who is now is not enough to buy food hardships. I cannot buy a one who is looking after ity and money for data. sight.
taking care of her and my and to cater for transport cellphone or a laptop and them, the other one is five This is widening inequal- The Covid-19 pandemic
young sister. I earn ZW$10 to come here in town and also money to buy bun- and the last one is eight. ity, with education now a and worsening economic
for each car l wash, some- go back home,’’ Chamu- dles. The major objective We stay in Epworth. My preserve of the well off. hardships have had dev-
times l don’t earn any- norwa said. is to source food with the parents died, and I am Tadiwa Tapfuma (12) astating consequences for
thing. It’s very hard for The legal working age in little money l get,’’ Maig- now the breadwinner of said she is also struggling children.
me to get enough money Zimbabwe is 16, but chil- wei told The NewsHawks. my young sisters. We are to attend online lessons Young people are vul-
to buy food or even to pay dren as young as 10 and These children are stuck not going to school due to and spends most of her nerable to abuse, poor nu-
for school. Sometimes we 12 years old are seen sell- between a rock and a hard economic hardships. l get time in the streets washing trition and exploitation.


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Issue 40, 23 July 2021
News Page 17

Special Covid-19
PANDEMIC coverage
Govt seeks to scale up
GOVERNMENT is scal- risk allowances will be re-
ing up bed capacity at the viewed.
country’s hospitals in an- Cumulatively, Zimba-
ticipation of an increase in bwe had 93 421 cases and
Covid-19 admissions, as 2870 deaths as at 22 July.

hospital bed capacity

the third wave continues Cabinet also announced
to hit Zimbabwe. that it had approved the
Some health facilities decongesting of both
including Parirenyatwa public and private sec-
Group of Hospitals have tor workplaces in light
stopped accepting elective of the continued rise in
surgery patients and are Covid-19 cases
discharging people at the “Government has fur-
earliest possible time so ther reduced its workforce
as to increase bed capacity to 25%, on a two-week ro-
for Covid-19 admissions. tational interval. Priority
Parirenyatwa has capaci- will be given to the vacci-
ty for more than 400 beds. nated personnel,” cabinet
As at 21 July, there were said.
882 hospitalised cases, “That the Courts of
with 112 being new ad- Law be opened only for
missions. Of these, 71 remand and urgent cas-
were severe and 30 in in- es; that all civil servants
tensive care. should be vaccinated and
Cabinet did not specify those that fall ill, without
how much bed capacity having been vaccinated
would be created but said will not be entitled to the
the move was part of the COVID-19 insurance.”
third wave containment “That all civil servants
plan. should be tested for
“Increasing the bed ca- COVID-19 at the com-
pacity at Mpilo and Sally mencement and end of the
Mugabe central hospitals; two week rotational inter-
designation of Beatrice val; that a locum-based
Road Infectious Diseas- Covid-19 risk allowance
es Hospital and Ekusileni payment model will be
Hospital as Covid-19 dis- Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals. adopted for the health
trict hospitals for Harare briefing revealed. tor participation, improv- operationalising virtual response team to attend personnel in the red zone
and Bulawayo, respective- The plan also includes ing conditions of service hospitals in which every to cases of acute Covid-19 as part of the incentive
ly;” this week’s cabinet strengthening private sec- for health workers and district will have a rapid clinical distress. Covid-19 schemes.” –STAFF WRITER.

There is a future.




Page 18 News NewsHawks
Issue 40, 23 July 2021

Money-chasing bottle
CHIPA GONDITII are taken aside, as hap-
pened, it means that
GENERATORS hum- they were bribed and
ming, people’s low in- they go away. They usu-

store operators risk lives

audible voices and un- ally come back after a
characteristically toned couple of days for their
down speakers playing ‘patrol’ so that is why
Zimdancehall. These are here at Chillaz we do
the three sounds that not have frequent police
characterise Kuwadza- raids,” he said.
na 2 shopping centre in Chikwanha, a popu-
Harare at 8pm. lar Chitungwiza enter-
The 6.30pm curfew tainment joint, has also
which was announced joined the bandwagon
by the authorities to of pubs that are selling
slow down the spread alcohol during curfew.
of Covid-19 has necessi- However, here the sale
tated the volume on the of beer is tactfully con-
usually loud speakers to cealed. During the day,
be lowered to normal alcohol is sold as usual
levels. in line with the regula-
However, lockdown or tions, but at night beer
no lockdown, Kuwadza- is sold discreetly from a
na 2 shopping centre, dilapidated window.
popularly known as K2, The bar was selling
as well as at bottle stores beer through a broken
around Taita Shopping window patched up us-
Centre (Unit O, Seke), ing a cardboard box.
Pasi Bottle Store in Unit To be served, one has
A, popularly known to stand by the broken
as Pamaruza, PaNyota window and call for at-
Bottle Store in Unit F, tention.
Humba Bottle Store also A reveller who fre-
in Unit F, among oth- quents the spot told
ers in Chitungwiza, still The NewsHawks that at
draw huge crowds. Chikwanha it was usual-
People still flock to ly the small bottle stores
these drinking holes as that were remaininh
if an unseen force with open until late as the
a serious disregard for as business owners,” he bigger establishments
Covid-19 regulations is said. feared retaliation from
drawing them towards “For us to make a the police.
alcohol. profit, we have no op- “Here at Chikwanha
Everyone who arrives tion but to operate in it is usually the small
at these places is quick- secret as we are doing bottle stores that open at
ly met with eyeballs of because for us our cus- night, the bigger estab-
suspicion; those who tomers usually frequent lishments will be closed
run the show will feign our bars at night so we because they are afraid
friendliness so that it be- are compelled to sell to that people will start
comes easier for them to them so as to make ends taking pictures and cir-
quickly vet all newcom- meet. culating them on social
ers. “So it is not that media,” said the imbib-
Once they are satis- we do not care about er.
fied, the newcomer is Covid-19, we know it is He also revealed that
then escorted to the bar killing people out there, some of the larger es-
through a backdoor by but if we do not do what tablishments were sup-
someone who specifical- we are doing now we will plying the small bottle
ly serves this purpose. die of hunger,” he said. stores with beer so that
Inside the pub, the Zimbabwe is currently they could sell on their
scene shocks the senses: experiencing a vicious behalf.
there are plenty of im- third wave of Covid-19 “What the big estab-
bibers, beer bottles in infections resulting in Beerhalls and nightclubs not even bother creating ers; they were never seen lishments do here is that
hand, not observing any high fatalities. will remain closed whilst the “backroom chan- again. Less than 10 min- they supply their beer to
social distancing. The authorities say the bottle stores will operate nel” to facilitate secret utes later, people were smaller establishments
Minus the music deaths have been spurred from 10am to 4pm,” he drinking like their coun- seen trickling back into who then proceed to sell
speakers, this just looks on by the Delta variant said. terparts in Kuwadzana the joint. the beer for them. The
like a normal day at of the coronavirus first According to World and Chitungwiza. At the A reveller who iden- smaller bottle stores are
these places. The News- detected in India. Health Organisation weekend, people could tified himself as a regu- then paid for their effort
Hawks caught up with Announcing the new (WHO) regulations, be seen drinking open- lar at Chillaz explained by the bigger establish-
one owner of K2 bar, lockdown measures last people are advised to ly with the majority not what was happening. ments,” the reveller said.
who chose anonymity, month, Vice-President maintain a distance of even wearing face masks. “This usually hap- July 2021 is already
who said bottle store Constantino Chiwen- at least one metre be- However, the fun was pens here. When the Zimbabwe’s deadliest
owners were left with ga, who also doubles as tween each other so as to spoilt by the arrival of a police come, if they are month since the begin-
no option but to oper- Health minister, said reduce the risk of infec- two-man police patrol on foot, then we know ning of the pandemic
ate clandestinely so as to bottle stores could only tion when they cough, that left people scurry- that ‘something will be in March last year, with
make ends meet. open during the day and sneeze or speak. ing for cover, but some done’ to ensure that we well over 1 000 people
“Yes, we know that that social distancing Also at Chillaz com- hardened imbibers re- carry on drinking, but dead this month alone.
there is Covid-19 out must be maintained. plex, which is Rugare’s fused to part ways with if they come by car then There were a cumula-
there and people think “They should also unofficial leisure centre, their beer in the face of we know we must run tive  88 415  confirmed
that it only affects peo- ensure that they limit there is always entertain- the cops. away because when they cases and 2 747 deaths as
ple who are going to the number of clients ment galore. However, The officers were come by car they will be of 21 July 2021 with 58
work every day, but the in their shops to main- minus the speakers, bot- quickly shunted aside serious. 155 having recovered so
reality is it affects us also tain physical distancing. tle store owners here do by one of the store own- “So when the officers far.
Issue 40, 23 July 2021
Editorial & Opinion Page 19


Zim economy is
totally captured
FINANCE minister Mthuli Ncube is scheduled to pres-
ent the 2021 mid-term budget and economic review on
29 July, but most Zimbabweans will not be holding their
Inequality has worsened, with the gap between the
haves and the have-nots widening to dangerous levels.
As former Finance minister Tendai Biti has correctly ob-
served, the cartelisation of the economy is now posing an
existential threat to the very survival of the republic.
The World Bank says 7.9 million citizens are living in
extreme poverty, surviving on less than US$1.90 per day.
This tragic state of affairs is happening in a country where
corruption-induced economic hardships have spiralled
out of control, creating filthy-rich oligarchs and cartels.
Only a few politically connected individuals and their
privileged cronies are enjoying the fat of the land while
Poverty sign of governance failure
the overwhelming majority is wallowing in deprivation. WHEN government and its political sion and absence of implementation lucky that the opposition is as inert and
It stinks to high heaven. leadership fails to do its job properly, matrices beyond rhetoric and transla- unimaginative as they also are. Other-
You do not have to be a forensic auditor to realise that deliver and fulfill its electoral man- tion of vision into policies and pro- wise, they will be doomed, well which
political elites and their surrogates have captured the date, that inevitably has devastating grammes. they are anyway, through self-destruc-
Zimbabwean state. As a direct consequence, the econo- consequences on the ordinary people. That also suggestss lack of capacity tion via corruption and incompetence.
my is serving the narrow interests of those who exploit Most of the times people often for- at political, administrative and tech- Evidence of failure is there for all to
their proximity to power to the exclusion of the masses. get to or can’t directly link leadership, nical levels to implement programmes see.
It is scandalous that Zimbabwe, 41 years after Indepen- governance and policy failures to their that can change people’s lives. A dramatic rise in prices of basic
dence, is now a fully fledged authoritarian kleptocracy. social conditions, especially poverty. As a corollary of these failures, gov- goods has thrown more Zimbabweans
Although the origins and dynamics ernments have surrendered ownership into extreme levels of poverty over the
Instead of building an inclusive economy that gives every
of poverty are complex, its prevalence and direction of national policy agen- past few years, a report jointly released
citizen a fair opportunity at attaining prosperity, Zanu and persistence, particularly in coun- das in the field of poverty to interna- by the Zimbabwe National Statistics
PF has presided over an extractive mafia-like polity that tries like Zimbabwe, is less due to lack tional donors, Non-Government Or- Agency, the country’s statistical agency,
serves the interests of political elites and their cronies. of resources for alleviation than gover- ganisations and civil society – which and the World Bank says.
The ordinary citizen’s existence has become a nev- nance failures. they love to hate when it suits them. Zimbabwe’s economy, buffeted by
er-ending struggle against the man-made calamities di- Zimbabwe has vast mineral resourc- Furthermore, different areas of pol- high inflation and price volatility, con-
rectly caused by bad governance. es, human capital and basic infrastruc- icy-making have been appropriated by tracted between 2019 and 2020 at a
What is urgently needed is a public-focused socio-eco- ture to succeed, but it is practically a time the country experienced one of
nomic order anchored on constitutional democracy. Re-
building public trust in politics will take a herculean ef-
failed state. To call Zanu PF leaders
and their government serious stewards Hawk Eye its worst droughts in living memory.
The situation has further deteriorat-
fort. People are not only seeing the rot every day but also of the country is not just a travesty, ed in 2021. Salaries and wages for civil
suffering the consequences. but entirely ridiculous. servants and average workers have col-
For they can’t do the basics: feed the Dumisani lapsed to a fraction of what they were
The threat posed by systematic corruption and state
capture goes beyond President Emmerson Mnangagwa
nation and provide social services. Any Muleya in 2017 at the time of the survey.
serious and respectable government Zimbabweans are now far more
as a politician. Although it has been amplified by his glar- and leadership anywhere in the world poorer under Mnangagwa’s govern-
ing leadership deficiencies, it is also the logical outcome knows that its first responsibility is to ment than they were at the time when
of Zanu PF’s decline as a serious political organisation. provide its people with basics: food, special interest groups pursuing sec- he removed through a November 2017
The party of Herbert Wiltshire Pfumaindini Chitepo and shelter, water, health and security. tarian concerns. This has led to state coup the late former president Robert
Eddison Jonasi Mudadirwa Zvobgo has regressed from At a higher level: the Maslow’s hier- capture in Zimbabwe which enriches Mugabe – a disastrous failure himself.
a glorious liberation movement to a refuge of latter-day archy of needs states that five categories a small greedy circle, but impoverishes According to an updated Zimbabwe
scoundrels defined by corruption, economic failure and of human needs dictate an individual’s the majority. Poverty Report, which was released on
national vandalism. behaviour. These include physiological While Mnangagwa and his cronies yesterday, the number of extremely
Today, there is no big defining idea at the heart of a needs, safety, love and belonging, es- are thriving, literally making lots of poor people rose from 4.5 million in
party that has been reduced to an empty shell which only teem, and self-actualisation. money without working beyond just 2017 to six million during April–May
survives on account of brute force, intimidation and fear. Government doesn’t have to babysit corruptly manipulating the system and 2019, but the number of poor people
citizens, that is give them free food, seizing low-hanging fruits, the majori- measured by the lower-bound poverty
The end result is a country that is now sharply divided
housing, water, health and other ser- ty are sinking into poverty. line rose from eight million to 8.9 mil-
between the impoverished majority and the self-serving vices, but create an enabling environ- Politicians may not care about peo- lion during the same period.
elites. A clueless Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF minions ment for them to work and fend for ple’s complaints, but in the end people Furthermore, whereas the number
have squandered an opportunity to address corrup- themselves – provide equal opportuni- always win. of extremely poor people in urban ar-
tion-induced poverty. The Finance minister’s mid-term ty and safety nets in other words. Evidence that Mnangagwa’s regime eas increased by about 327 000, it rose
budget and economic review next week is not expected Bad governance implies lack of lead- has been a disastrous failure in a short by 1.1 million in rural areas.
to depart from that script. ership, shortsighted developmental vi- space of time abounds. They are just Need we say more?

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Ipec commends life assurance

firms amid Covid-19 turmoil
DUMISANI NYONI One of the key projects
included the asset sepa-
THE Insurance and Pen- ration exercise, which is
sions Commission (Ipec) aimed at ensuring that
has commended funeral assets belonging to poli-
and life assurance compa- cyholders are not unfairly
nies for managing to meet transferred to shareholders.
policyholders’ claims de- “Together with key
spite constrained resources stakeholders in the insur-
caused by Covid-19-related ance and pensions industry,
deaths. the commission is spear-
Zimbabwe, which is in heading the development
the grip of the third wave of relevant and appropriate
of infections driven by the mortality tables for Zimba-
spread of the Delta and bwe. The tables will help in
Beta variants of the vi- accurate and fair pricing of
rus, suffered significantly life and pension products.
during the second wave You can read more on this,
of the pandemic which in the article in this edi-
wreaked havoc, increasing tion,” she said.
Covid-19 fatalities. She said the commission
As of 19 July, Zim- was also seized with imple-
babwe has recorded  85 mentation of the revalua-
732  Covid-19 cases,  55 tion guideline for the Insur-
714  recoveries and 2 697 ance and Pensions Industry
deaths, according to official on adjusting insurance and
figures. pension values in response
The pandemic has to the 2019 currency re-
brought about many chal- forms.
lenges that resulted in busi- “Whilst regulated enti-
nesses being challenged to ties are at various stages of
revamp their operations compliance, I am happy to
and adapt to the new nor- advise that in compliance
mal. with the requirements of
In its latest consumer Ipec commissioner Grace Muradzikwa. the Revaluation Guidance,
education newsletter, Ipec some pension funds have
applauded assurers for In nominal terms, new tense pressure and competi- nuity plans in response to funds to ensure fair treat- declared bonuses that are as
managing to meet policy- business accounted for the tion from life assurers writ- the lockdown measures. ment of customers. high as 800%,” Muradzik-
holders’ claims under diffi- major increase in GWP ing funeral business. “The regulator also facili- “The commission noted wa said.
cult circumstances. increasing by 349% to For the quarter under tated that the insurance and an increase in the num- She said Ipec is working
“While the Covid-19-re- ZW$4.3m. review, life assurers wrote pensions industry be ac- ber of suspended pension- closely with key stakehold-
lated deaths stretched the The increase in GWP inflation-adjusted funeral corded the essential service ers since the onset of the ers on securing compensa-
resources of funeral and life was also on account of pre- assurance business worth status by the government. Covid-19 pandemic be- tion for policyholders and
assurance companies, it is mium increases as funer- ZW$852.56m which was To entrench consumer pro- cause of their failure to sub- pension scheme members
gratifying to note that the al assurers sought to align 14 times more than the tection in the insurance and mit certificates of existence whose policies lost value
sector weathered the storm both the premiums and ZW$56.9m written by the pensions industry, the com- to prove that they are still following the 2009 adop-
as assurers managed to meet policyholder benefits to the dedicated funeral players. mission continued to issue alive,” she said. tion of the multi-currency
policyholders’ claims,” Ipec dynamic macro-economic Driven by the need to en- instruments to insurance One reason could be regime.
commissioner Grace Mu- environment in response to sure that the industry con- companies and pension that pensioners were un- “A compensation road-
radzikwa said. inflation trends. tinues to settle claims and funds,” she said. able to travel due to the map is being developed and
During the first quarter All the players recorded pay benefits even during In particular, the com- Covid-19-related regula- is expected to be imple-
of 2021, the funeral assur- significant growth of above the Covid-19-induced mission issued a “treating tions, Muradzikwa said. mented this year. The com-
ance sector’s inflation-ad- 100% in GWP and none of lockdown, Muradzikwa customers fairly” frame- She said they were also mission fully understands
justed gross written pre- the players recorded nega- said they issued “circular work, which provides key implementing various the anxiety from stakehold-
mium (GWP) increased tive growth. one” of 2021 in January principles and outcomes to projects that are meant to ers, particularly pensioners
by 158.28% to ZW$56.90 The sector, according to calling on industry players be observed by all insurance enhance consumer protec- who have been patient for
million. Ipec, continues to face in- to activate business conti- companies and pension tion. too long,” she said.
Issue 40, 23 July 2021
Companies & Markets Page 21

Debt-ridden govt seeks

BERNARD MPOFU financial institutions is af-
fecting its ability to access
THE debt-ridden Zimba- more from a multi-bil-
bwean government is now lion-dollar facility organ-

fresh talks with creditors

pushing for fresh negotia- ised by multilateral cred-
tions with its creditors to itors to help developing
reduce interest on debt as countries to deal with the
Treasury seeks to extricate socio-economic impact of
the country from the debt billion) and India (US$70 the Covid-19.
burden which has become million). Information Zimbabwe defaulted on
an albatross. minister Monica Mutsvan- arrears payments at the
Following several failed gwa this week said the turn of the century, re-
attempts to settle arrears government will be chang- sulting in it failing to ac-
with international finan- ing its policy on debt in cess long-term funding for
cial institutions such as the coming year. multilateral lenders such
the World Bank, Inter- “In the 2022 National as the World Bank and
national Monetary Fund Budget, government will International Monetary
and the African Devel- prioritise to sustain mac- Fund (IMF).
opment Bank, which all ro-economic stability, to “The government’s abil-
enjoy preferred creditor create a conducive envi- ity to respond to the pan-
status, Zimbabwe, which ronment for business in- demic is constrained by
has been struggling to ac- vestment and to improve limited access to conces-
cess long-term concession- the living standards of the sional sources of financ-
al capital, is considering a majority,” Mutsvangwa ing,” the World Bank said
change in tack.   said.  in its update.
Official figures show “As such, the priority ar- “External debt arrears
that as at December, Zim- eas of 2022 are the follow- that reached 78% of ex-
babwe’s total public and ing: effective institution ternal public debt in 2020
publicly guaranteed (PPG) building and governance; have prevented Zimbabwe
debt stood at US$10.7 and engagement and from benefitting from
billion. This represents re-engagement and debt international financial
72.6% of the country’s restructuring.” institutions (IFIs) and
gross domestic product. Previously, the country global initiatives, such
PPG external debt owed has tried pursuing several as the global Debt Ser-
to the multilateral credi- paths such as the Zimba- vice Suspension Initiative
tors, as at the end Decem- bwe Accelerated Arrears (DSSI).  The DSSI is in-
ber 2020, amounted to and Debt Strategy and the tended to suspend debt
US$2.68 billion, of which Lima Plan of 2015. De- payments from the poor-
Information minister Monica Mutsvangwa.
US$1.53 billion is owed spite making token pay- est countries to official
to the World Bank Group, to other multilateral cred- lion owed to Paris Club (US$416 million) and ments to creditors, arrears bilateral creditors based
US$729 million to the itors.  bilateral creditors main- USA (US$285  million). have continued to balloon. on countries’ requests for
African Development On the other hand, bi- ly comprising Germany The Non-Paris Club cred- Last month, the World forbearance, with a view
Bank, US$356 million to lateral PPG external debt (US$1.02 billion),  France itors are owed US$1.67 Bank said Zimbabwe’s to providing immediate li-
the  European Investment amounted to US$5.75 (US$724 million), Japan billion, which comprise failure to settle debt ar- quidity to tackle challeng-
Bank and US$68 million billion, with US$3.79 bil- (US$435 million), UK mainly  China (US$1.57 rears with international es posed by Covid-19”.

Securities depository to improve market access: ZSE

THE Zimbabwe Stock A CSD is an institution “The overall objective is sulted. 
Exchange (ZSE) has ex- that keeps custody of fi- to improve operational Bgoni said investors who
pressed optimism that nancial securities (debt, and cost efficiencies in participate on the ZSE
the recently incepted equities, exchange-trad- the market. The norm or Victoria Falls Stock
Central Securities De- ed funds) in electronic with most exchanges is Exchange (VFEX) are re-
pository (CSD) will go form and also offers oth- that both trading and quired to have a CSD ac-
a long way in improving er related services such settlement are handled count and the securities
market access for retail as securities clearing and by the exchange - which purchased by an investor
investors while enhanc- settlement, securities was not the case in our on an exchange are then
ing operational efficien- transfer and pledges that market. The CSD was in- credited into their CSD
cies. are related to securities dependent, had its own account which is regu-
Last month, the ZSE transactions. operating structure and larly updated, depending
was  granted a licence to Speaking to  The News- own systems and this on related transactional
operate a CSD   by the Hawks Business this week, meant additional costs activities.
Securities and Exchange ZSE chief executive offi- that had to be borne by “By operating both the
Commission of Zimba- cer Justin Bgoni said the market participants and Depository and the trad-
bwe in accordance with development will go a investors.” ing function, the ZSE
the Securities and Ex- long way to improve the He said the previous ar- will be able to reduce
change Act, (Chapter ease of doing business for rangement also proved the listing fees and offer
24:25) and the Securities investors.  difficult when it came to more flexibility to the is-
(Registration, Licensing “The launch of the ZSE ZSE chief executive officer Justin Bgoni. managing changes that suers. For the Investors,
and Corporate Gover- Depository will make it improve operational ef- participants and facilitate required system upgrades ZSE will reduce the set-
nance Rules, Statutory easier for retail investors ficiencies in the market, the introduction of new or changes as two system tlement fees,” he added.
Instrument 100 of 2010. to access the market, reduce market costs to all products,” he said. vendors had to be con- — STAFF WRITER.

The NewsHawks TheNewsHawksLive
Page 22 Companies & Markets NewsHawks
Issue 40, 23 July 2021

Cement makers buck economic trend

THE cement-manufacturing DA) went down 32%. transport, energy and accom-
sector in Zimbabwe has re- “The economic environ- modation infrastructure. This
mained resilient despite the ment in Zimbabwe was great- is in addition to individual res-
Covid-19-induced economic ly affected by the Covid-19 idential projects being carried
slowdown. pandemic. The resulting out across the country.
Lafarge Cement Zimbabwe lockdowns increased unem- For Lafarge, the firm is al-
and PPC Zimbabwe both re- ployment and impacted oper- ready forecasting to double
ported stable performance, ations, negatively influencing production following the com-
with demand for cement re- volumes in full-year 2021.  pletion of its three-pronged
maining firm as the construc- “Nevertheless, PPC Zimba- US$25 million capital ex-
tion sector is operational as an bwe recovered from the slow pansion project with the final
essential service provider. start to trade slightly above phase being the installation of
Overall cement sales in- planned volumes for most of a vertical cement mill. 
creased by between 10% and the year. The 75% deprecia- “The third investment
15% for the full financial year tion of the Zimbabwean dollar project is the installation of
to 31 March 2021 as compared against the South African rand the Vertical Cement Mill
to full-year 2020. Despite reduced PPC Zimbabwe’s (VCM), earmarked to double
Covid-19, imports remained contribution to group profit- cement milling capacity,” said
flat at 9% of total industry ability,” said PPC. Katsande in a statement ac-
sales while the informal sector PPC’s competitor, Lafarge, companying financials for the
contributed more to foreign reported earnings growth for year to 31 December 2020.
currency sales although the the year to 30 December 2020 “Civil works for the VCM
segment was heavily impacted driven by volumes growth. have since started and expect-
by the pandemic.  Chairperson Kumbirai ed completion date for the
PPC, the country’s largest Katsande said revenue for project is February 2022,” he
cement manufacturer with the year jumped 68.5% to said.
annual capacity of 1.4 million ZW$6.9 billion from ZW$4.1 This comes as the company
metric tonnes, cement sales in billion driven by volume also installed alternative pow-
foreign currency allowed the growth in the dry mortars er infrastructure in 2019 and
company to remain self-suffi- business.  He also attributed completion of the automated
cient.  the growth to a market shift dry mortar plant in 2021. 
In an operational review, towards high-strength cement, Already, production capac-
the group, with operations in which influenced a significant ity for the dry mortar busi-
South Africa, Botswana and change in the cement product ness effectively increased by
Rwanda among other coun- mix. The business lost a full 1 300% to 100 000 tonnes
tries, indicated sales volumes month of April 2020 as the from 7 000 tonnes per annum,
in Zimbabwe went up by ap- country implemented strict making Lafarge the biggest
proximately 10% from the lockdown restrictions. How- indicated there was strong sales with a 115% increase in While the business envi- producer of dry mortar prod-
prior year.  ever, cement volumes recov- demand although volumes sales volumes compared to the ronment remains uncertain ucts in Zimbabwe. 
Revenue rose 251% in ered in subsequent months, growth was limited by capaci- prior year. This followed the for many businesses due to “Significant volume growth
Zimbabwean currency terms. with particularly strong per- ty constraints owing to the loss relaunch of its SupaGrow and Covid-19, cement makers are is therefore foreseen in the dry
However, in rand terms, rev- formance in the third quarter of production during the April SupaFix range supported by upbeat about maintaining a mortar business following the
enue fell 13% while earnings closing the full year cement 2020 lockdown. active market sensitisation of growth trajectory driven by plant commissioning in April
before interest, taxes, deprecia- volume performance at 6% However, its dry mortar the products, which has led to various government construc- 2021,” said Katsande.
tion and amortisation (EBIT- below prior year.  Katsande business more than doubled wider product adoption. tion projects ranging from —STAFF WRITER.

Emirates SkyCargo keeps Zim

WHILE people are largely ment,” Bahlooq said.
grounded due to the Covid-19 “Since the Covid-19 cri-
pandemic, economies have to sis began, Emirates SkyCargo
keep on running in the midst has also been a vital partner in

economy running under Covid

of the crisis – to combat the delivering much-needed med-
virus there has got to be de- icines, medical equipment (in-
liveries of personal protection cluding spare parts and repair
equipment (PPE), essential components), and in keeping
medical supplies and vaccines. global supply chains function-
In Zimbabwe, Emirates Sky- cial distance have become the ing for the most time-sensi-
Cargo, among other aviation buzzwords of the last year, the tive materials. This has been
carriers, has kept the country situation we find ourselves in done through dedicated cargo
going. It has kept it connect- has also emphasised the im- freighter operations, use of
ed to the outside world, thus portance of connections and cargo capacity in passenger air-
maintaining global supply global supply chains more than craft, and relief flights to affect-
chains between Zimbabwe and ever,” he said. ed areas.
the world. “And while passenger move- “Emirates and Emirates Sky-
“With Covid-19-related ments remain constrained, Cargo place the highest level of
border closures rendering many particularly in markets such as emphasis on safety and high
flights challenging, Emirates Zimbabwe, the international quality standards in service de-
SkyCargo has maintained crit- movement of goods remains a livery. This is a key differenti-
ical transport links for people vital lifeline. ating factor for our customers
and for goods – including es- “During the initial months in addition to our other value
sential medical supplies. We of the pandemic, there was a propositions such as having a
continue to ship cargo into and huge surge in the demand for modern all wide-body aircraft
out of Zimbabwe,” says Nass- air cargo capacity for the trans- fleet, an extensive global net-
er Bahlooq, Emirates country portation of Personal Protec- work covering six continents
manager for Zimbabwe. tion Equipment (PPE) such as well as state-of-the-art in-
“Zimbabwe’s economy still as facemasks and gloves in ad- frastructure in Dubai. We
needs to function; mines still dition to medical equipment have one of the highest levels
need to operate and farmers such as ventilators as well as of “Delivered as Promised” for
still need to export their fresh other pharmaceutical supplies. cargo in the industry.”
produce. Jobs and foreign ex- “More recently, other com- Currently, Emirates Sky-
change earnings are at stake. modities for industries and Cargo flies to 136 destinations
“It’s a commitment that we manufacturing opened up around the world and trans-
take very seriously as we export as manufacturing activity re- Emirates Zimbabwe country manager Nasser Balooq. ports cargo through about
fresh fruit and vegetables and turned. We also saw increased 2000 flights weekly - this is a
bring in mining equipment volumes of e-commerce ship- cals, medical equipment, PPE, to avoid the worst of the pan- we live and work is part of our mix of cargo transported on
and components, as well as all ments as more people shopped food and other essential goods demic’s economic impact. For DNA. Offering strong sup- passenger flights, cargo only
the other exports and imports online.” as well as maintaining continu- the year to 31 March 2021, ply chain solutions during the flights on passenger aircraft
that keep our economy tick- Through its cargo flights to ity of supply chains for interna- Emirates SkyCargo transport- Covid-19 pandemic through and full freighter flights. For
ing.” more than 135 destinations tional trade. ed 1.9 million tonnes of cargo Emirates SkyCargo has given Zimbabwe, Emirates SkyCar-
Bahlooq says his airline across six continents, Emirates Emirates’ cargo-diversified across our global network. us an opportunity to provide go offers cargo capacity on five
has provided a critical service SkyCargo continues to play an revenue streams beyond tra- As one of the world’s largest the support our customers tell weekly flights to/from Harare
during difficult times. important role globally in the ditional passenger-related in- airlines, serving our customers us they need during this un- on our Boeing 777-300ER air-
“While isolation and so- transportation of pharmaceuti- come have enabled the airline and the communities where precedented business environ- craft. —STAFF WRITER.
Issue 40, 23 July 2021
Stock Taking Page 23

Price Sheet
Company Sector Bloomberg Previous Last VWAP (cents) Total Total Price Price YTD Market
Ticker Price (cents) Traded Traded Traded Change Change (%) Cap
Price Volume Value ($) (cents) (%) ($m)
AFDIS Consumer Goods AFDIS: ZH 6900.00 7100.00 7100.00 300 21,300.00 200.00 2.90 195.83 8,328.73
African Sun Consumer Services ASUN: ZH 815.00 815.00 820.48 3,100 25,435.00 5.48 0.67 382.64 7,070.67
ART Industrials ARTD: ZH 798.75 850.00 850.00 100 850.00 51.25 6.42 78.08 3,714.31
Ariston Consumer Services ARISTON: ZH 343.82 345.00 347.80 726,000 2,525,000.00 3.98 1.16 159.55 5,660.08
Axia Consumer Goods AXIA: ZH 2649.88 2300.00 2535.07 29,300 742,775.00 -114.81 -4.33 176.75 13,813.45
BNC Basic Materials BIND: ZH 509.70 507.00 507.00 42,400 214,967.00 -2.70 -0.53 33.42 6,336.77
BAT Consumer Goods BAT: ZH 96000.00 - 96000.00 - - - - 74.55 19,808.18
CAFCA Industrials CAFCA: ZH 17500.00 17500.00 17500.00 400 70,000.00 - - 94.66 1,528.64
Cassava Technology CSZL: ZH 1505.52 1500.00 1500.00 101,100 1,516,500.00 -5.52 -0.37 130.77 38,858.66
CBZ Banking CBZ: ZH 9500.00 9505.00 9506.43 6,300 598,905.00 6.43 0.07 11.24 65,331.20
Dairibord Consumer Goods DZL: ZH 3500.00 3300.00 3491.39 41,400 1,445,435.00 -8.61 -0.25 166.52 12,499.21
Delta Consumer Goods DLTA: ZH 8159.77 8250.00 8241.74 542,800 44,736,150.00 81.97 1.00 262.26 105,861.95
Econet Telecommunications ECO: ZH 2857.45 2900.00 2860.09 1,749,600 50,040,140.00 2.64 0.09 202.66 74,092.83
Edgars Consumer Services EDGR: ZH 450.28 450.00 450.00 13,800 62,100.00 -0.28 -0.06 275.00 1,471.46
FBC Banking FBC: ZH 3100.00 - 3100.00 - - - - 106.48 20,830.45
Fidelity Financial Services FIDL: ZH 1150.00 - 1150.00 - - - - 503.04 1,252.62
First Capital Banking FCA: ZH 300.22 300.00 300.07 270,200 810,799.00 -0.15 -0.05 172.79 6,471.67
FML Financial Services FMHL: ZH 2909.56 2800.00 2875.00 200 5,750.00 -34.56 -1.19 173.81 19,841.61
FMP Real Estate FMP: ZH 1540.00 1500.00 1500.00 3,400 51,000.00 -40.00 -2.60 362.96 18,572.36
GBH Industrials GBH: ZH 230.00 230.00 230.01 28,000 64,402.00 0.01 0.00 858.38 1,234.21
Getbucks Financial Services GBFS: ZH 697.60 560.00 580.00 1,300 7,540.00 -117.60 -16.86 4540.00 6,746.09
Hippo Consumer Goods HIPO: ZH 16400.00 - 16400.00 - - - - 82.22 31,655.37
Innscor Industrials INN: ZH 9510.87 9925.00 9900.79 18,900 1,871,250.00 389.92 4.10 167.38 55,917.33
Lafarge Industrials LACZ: ZH 9360.00 - 9360.00 - - - - 875.00 7,488.00
Mash Real Estate MASH: ZH 350.43 351.00 351.00 18,400 64,584.00 0.57 0.16 277.42 6,525.35
Masimba Industrials MSHL: ZH 4190.51 4150.00 4146.97 6,600 273,700.00 -43.54 -1.04 270.27 10,021.31
Medtech Healthcare MMDZ: ZH 38.02 35.00 35.66 1,417,400 505,390.65 -2.36 -6.21 351.39 1,083.98
Meikles Industrials MEIK: ZH 9303.04 9450.00 9445.11 45,000 4,250,300.00 142.07 1.53 329.23 23,862.70
Nampak Industrials NPKZ: ZH 1295.02 1300.00 1300.00 700 9,100.00 4.98 0.38 469.55 9,823.43
NatFoods Consumer Goods NTFD: ZH 55000.00 - 55000.00 - - - - 815.14 37,620.06
NTS Industrials NTS: ZH 1044.60 - 1044.60 - - - - 3705.46 2,651.95
NMBZ Banking NMB: ZH 1700.00 1600.00 1610.87 2,300 37,050.00 -89.13 -5.24 302.67 6,510.68
OK Zim Consumer Services OKZ: ZH 1597.13 1600.00 1600.35 605,500 9,690,100.00 3.22 0.20 77.82 19,953.37
Proplastics Industrials PROL: ZH 2790.00 2790.00 2777.10 3,100 86,090.00 -12.90 -0.46 222.55 6,996.50
RTG Consumer Services RTG: ZH 387.29 450.00 439.61 12,800 56,270.00 52.32 13.51 129.26 10,970.45
RioZim Basic Materials RIOZ: ZH 2800.00 - 2800.00 - - - - 87.27 3,416.83
SeedCo Consumer Goods SEED: ZH 6896.95 - 6896.95 - - - - 199.87 16,933.95
Simbisa Consumer Goods SIM: ZH 4153.30 4150.00 4155.40 184,600 7,670,865.00 2.10 0.05 245.77 23,361.03
Star Africa Consumer Goods SACL: ZH 278.80 265.00 276.56 765,200 2,116,217.00 -2.24 -0.80 924.30 13,040.04
Truworths Consumer Services TRUW: ZH 240.00 240.00 239.40 20,100 48,119.00 -0.60 -0.25 711.53 919.46
TSL Consumer Goods TSL: ZH 4400.00 - 4400.00 - - - - 155.07 15,712.51
Turnall Industrials TURN: ZH 410.00 - 410.00 - - - - 340.86 2,021.47
Unifreight Industrials UNIF: ZH 2992.86 3000.00 3000.00 6,100 183,000.00 7.14 0.24 16029.03 3,194.23
Willdale Industrials WILD: ZH 332.87 330.00 328.72 30,900 101,573.00 -4.15 -1.25 927.25 5,844.65
ZB Banking ZBFH: ZH 7700.00 - 7700.00 - - - - 220.83 13,489.68
Zeco Industrials ZECO: ZH 0.03 - 0.03 - - - - 50.00 0.14
Zimpapers Consumer Services ZIMP: ZH 373.89 350.00 350.00 17,200 60,200.00 -23.89 -6.39 257.14 2,016.00
Zimplow Industrials ZIMPLOW: ZH 1537.69 1540.00 1515.65 53,100 804,810.00 -22.04 -1.43 203.13 3,613.02
ZHL Financial Services ZHL: ZH 424.54 410.00 411.79 87,600 360,730.00 -12.75 -3.00 31.36 7,489.04
TOTAL 6,855,200 131,128,396.65 781,457.63

Old Mutual ZSE Top 10 ETF 195.34 195.00 194.93 1,680,182 3,275,150.00 -0.41 -0.21 94.50 155.94

Old Mutual Zimbabwe Financial Services OMZIL 4800.00 4800.00 5000.00 1,378 68,900.00 200.00 4.17 88.68 4,150.59

VFEX (US cents) US$m

Padenga Consumer Goods PHL:VX 19.00 18.10 18.10 9,600 1,737.60 -0.90 -0.05 -49.72 98.03
SeedCo International Consumer Goods SCIL:VX 25.20 - 25.20 - - - - 40.00 60.76

Index Close Change (%) Open YTD % Top 5 Risers Price Change % YTD %
ZSE All Share 6,618.23 +0.21 6,604.26 +151.70 RTG 439.61c +52.32c +13.51 +129.26
Top 10 3,473.03 +0.76 3,446.71 +109.91 ART 850.00c +51.25c +6.42 +78.08
Top 15 4,012.87 +0.65 3,987.07 +105.99 Innscor 9900.79c +389.92c +4.10 +167.38
Small Cap 243,963.15 -1.49 247,656.04 +1954.22 AFDIS 7100.00c +200.00c +2.90 +195.83
Medium Cap 17,581.91 -0.44 17,660.17 +215.98 Meikles 9445.11c +142.07c +1.53 +329.23

Top 5 Fallers Price Change % YTD %

Getbucks 580.00c -117.60c -16.86 +4540.00
Zimpapers 350.00c -23.89c -6.39 +257.14
Medtech 35.66c -2.36c -6.21 +351.39
NMBZ 1610.87c -89.13c -5.24 +302.67
Axia 2535.07c -114.81c -4.33 +176.75
SALES & TRADING: Davide Muchengi: | Lungani Nyamazana: | Tatenda Jasi:
RESEARCH: Batanai Matsika: | Precious Chagwedera: | Tafara Mtutu:
Tel: (+263) 08677008101-2 | Email: | Address: 1st Floor, Block D, Smatsatsa Office Park, Borrowdale, Harare

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Page 24 News Analysis NewsHawks
Issue 40, 23 July 2021

Chaos in South Africa exposes


MASS looting that almost

brought South Africa to a

vulnerable Zimbabwe economy

halt last week, subsequently
causing widespread delays in
supplies of critical raw mate-
rials for industry around the
country, is a wake-up call for
Zimbabwe to stop relying on ciated with these are strains
its neighbour, analysts have on household income and
said. the national budget, they
Zimbabwe, a key gateway will have the biggest cost on
for South Africa’s exports to the Zimbabwean economy.
the rest of the continent, re- To counter this, government
lies on the regional economic would do well to increase
powerhouse for throughput imports of packaged medica-
after years of bad governance ments from other partners to
disrupted supply chains. counter the predicted short-
Experts and critics concur age,” Mutambasere added.
that it is now apparent that The South African cri-
when South Africa sneezes, sis has claimed dozens of
Zimbabwe catches a cold lives while property worth
and that has been proven re- millions of dollars was de-
peatedly. stroyed, with unquanti-
But the Zimbabwean au- fied merchandise looted by
thorities continue to sit back mobs.  
and enjoy the tag “South Af- Independent econo-
rica’s supermarket”. mist John Robertson said
According to industrialist the spectre of higher prices
Busisa Moyo, Zimbabwe im- looms large.
ports 75% of raw materials, “The most threatening
finished products and fuel short-term cost could be
from South Africa. higher prices due to scarci-
Last week’s riots that ties and uncertainties over
rocked the country follow- immediate supplies. In the
ing the arrest of former Pres- longer term, if the problems
ident Jacob Zuma exposed persist in South Africa, in-
Zimbabwe’s unhealthy reli- vestment inflows could dry
ance on South Africa. up for all southern African
With Durban, which is countries. If all countries are
arguably Zimbabwe’s major forced to remain backward
channel of portable and in- by being shunned by inves-
dustrial goods, under siege tors, every one of these coun-
from riotous mobs who tries will become dumping
stormed the port, the coun- grounds for cheap Chinese
try was left with no reliable products and unemploy-
source of imported goods. ment plus poverty will deep-
What made the situation en,” Robertson warned.
worse is that the N1 and To end Zimbabwe’s
N3 roads, which are ma- over-reliance on South Af-
jor routes for trucks, were rica, Robertson urged the
blockaded by the violent authorities to encourage in-
looters. This led to panic vestment to ensure import
in the manufacturing sec- substitution.
tor as suppliers sent notices “Zimbabwe’s government
of delay in the delivery of should be working hard to
raw materials. Some suppli- remove all barriers to in-
ers declared force majeure, creased investment spend-
freeing themselves from the South African people chaotically and violently expressing themselves across the country, mainly Johannesburg and Durban recently. ing on manufacturing pro-
fulfillment of commercial duction. At present, many
contracts. dependence on South Africa thousands seen looting gro- Zimbabwe would have faced addition to raw materials investments are being held
Dozens of trucks were for trade routes, raw material ceries, furniture, plunder- critical shortages. through innovation,” she up by the lengthy proce-
stuck in South Africa with supply and services in gener- ing warehouses while others “Our raw material im- said. dures involved in getting
no goods for delivery, lead- al as a risk management tool stole goods from containers port cover for critical com- She urged the authorities licences and permits, and
ing to panic among their to protect the resilience of in transit at Durban port. modities is about one to to invest in innovation to in getting approvals from
customers in Zimbabwe. our economy. The answer is With South Africa already two weeks, but disruptions lower the cost of production. the many new authorities in
Moyo, who is also the switching to rail, establish- showing signs of critical longer than one business “Innovation means cheap- Zimbabwe that can demand
chief executive officer of ing dry ports, progressing shortages of groceries, as cit- week can start to be felt er local products and in- compliance with application
Bulawayo-based cooking oil the port area that we have izens of that country joined very quickly and show up creased employment,” Mu- procedures. Large fees are in-
bottler United Refineries been given for development long queues for basic grocer- in shortages. The issue can tambasere added. volved in many of these, and
Limited largely dependent in Walvis Bay, re-engaging ies, the impact on Zimbabwe quickly spiral out of control Mutambasere said Zim- they serve no purpose oth-
on South Africa for raw ma- Beira as an option, expand- was expected to be severe. if not planned for according- babwe will pay a heavy eco- er than funding the salaries
terials, said while most sup- ing Forbes Border Post and South Africa’s economy is ly. The saving grace is that nomic and social cost for of government inspectors
pliers did not cancel orders, Plumtree, among other in- the engine room of south- we are coming off a bumper over-reliance on South Afri- who run pointless regula-
logistics were difficult last frastructures solutions,” ern Africa. The economies harvest and secure of critical ca.   tory authorities. By easing
week. Moyo said. of Lesotho, Swaziland, Na- basics,” Moyo said. “My biggest concerns are the investment procedures,
He said the over-reliance Zimbabwe spends US$3 mibia, Zambia and Malawi Economist Chenayi Mu- the health and social care more factories would be re-
on South Africa as the major billion annually on imports are expected to suffer from tambasere said Zimbabwe costs. With Zimbabwe go- stored or built to provide
supplier of critical commod- from South Africa. the backlash of the riotous must shake off its dependen- ing through the third wave Zimbabweans with home-
ities was detrimental, not South Africa plunged into looting. cy on South Africa. of Covid-19, with an an- made goods that would
only to Zimbabwe but also chaos this week, with mass Moyo said Zimbabwe’s “Zimbabwe needs to ticipated fourth wave on its make imports unnecessary.
other economies in southern looting happening in Kwa- raw material import cover is put in place policies that way, the biggest risks are the Thousands of factories that
African. Critical supply lines Zulu-Natal and Gauteng between one and two weeks build local resilience. Our mortality rate and long-term used to supply most domes-
are disrupted whenever dis- following Zuma’s arrest. and any further disruptions domestic market is weak, illness. Not having access to tic needs were forced out of
turbances rock that country. What began as an osten- to supplies would have local products are more ex- medicines will also result in a business. Government must
“South Africa’s domi- sibly innocent campaign to choked an already struggling pensive than South African prolonged lockdown period remove the problems that
nance is a key concern to the overturn the court’s decision economy, which is heavily products. Zimbabwe needs as it becomes more difficult caused these manufacturers
region, and this is a wake-up to jail Zuma degenerated dependent on imports. to strengthen local supply to reduce infection. The so- to lose their ability to func-
call that we should reduce into chaotic scenes, with If the riots had continued, chains encouraging value cio-economic impacts asso- tion,” Robertson said.
Issue 40, 23 July 2021
Critical Thinking Page 25

Racism cannot be defeated


IT has been a depressing

month to be English. The de-
feat to Italy in the final of the

without decolonisation
UEFA European Champion-
ship was the latest in a string
of famous losses.
Worse still, three black En-
glish players who missed pen-
alties in the decisive shoot-out
suffered  racist abuse.  Almost
as soon as the final whistle
was blown, pride at what the
players had accomplished
– not just in reaching the fi-
nal, but also by  taking the
knee and building a team that
anti-racist citizens of all back-
grounds could believe in – was
combined with sadness, anger
and, for many people I know,
a deep sense of shame.
Shame that people in our
community hold such ab-
horrent views. Shame at the
offence caused to our friends,
not just in the UK, but also in
Africa, and around the world.
In the past, I have tend-
ed not to write about racism
myself and instead to share
the work of colleagues such
as Simukai Chigudu who have
greater knowledge and deeper
insights. As a straight white
man, I have not experienced
prejudice and it felt more ap-
propriate to support the analy-
sis of those who have.
I changed my mind when a
Twitter follower asked why I
had not written about English
racism when so many of my
readers are black Africans. His
question made me realise that
such an approach could all too
easily be interpreted as indif-
My anonymous correspon-
dent also offered a suggestion Photo by Joel Goodman/LNP/Shutterstock
of what to write about: “Why
don’t you tell us why your peo- was quickly covered by hun- that  only 67% of white re- the UK at a greater danger of failings) of white people. In turn, these subconscious
ple are still racist in 2021?” dreds of messages of love and spondents  would be “happy sexual attack. When we went to university, expectations can distort how
This was good advice, I solidarity.  This response was if people from another race Racism is also fostered in the eminent figures honoured we interpret the news and the
decided. The one thing I can something to be proud of, and moved in next door”. much less obvious ways. A through statues, paintings and behaviour of others – even for
claim to have some insight into something to build on moving In the same study, only white school friend of mine buildings were all white. those who think they are not
is the  thoughts and beliefs of forwards. 46% of white respondents said once wrote an essay on preju- Meanwhile, a  2011 report prejudiced  – creating a fertile
white English men.  And that But the defacing of mu- they would marry or have a dice that began with the sen- found that the “dominant ground for the emergence of
experience suggests that  Al- rals and the sending of racist relationship with someone of tence “I may be subtly racist discourse surrounding black racist beliefs.
cinda Honwana  is completely messages on social media is a different race. Things have but I wish not to be”. young men and boys in the As  Kehinde Andrews  has
right to argue that we cannot only the tip of the iceberg. changed for the better since What he meant was that news media links them with argued, defeating racism re-
successfully combat racism These are high profile actions then. although his parents were violent crime”. quires a multipronged ap-
without taking seriously the that come with a risk of be- An Ipsos-MORI poll  in avowedly anti-racist, the cul- The notion of white supe- proach over many years.
need for decolonisation. ing caught and prosecuted. To 2020 found that “the British tural environment in which riority was reinforced from Changing the misleading way
use Instagram messages and public have become avowedly we grew up  actively fostered multiple directions. Charity in which we currently depict
It’s not just a tiny minority the defacing of murals as a way more open-minded in their at- racist assumptions,  and this fundraising and British gov- the world is only one element
to measure English racism is titudes towards race”. process was especially perni- ernment  aid to countries in of this fight but is nonetheless
Let’s get one thing straight to overlook the everyday expe- Yet despite this improve- cious because it was often sub- Africa,  while well-meaning, a crucial one. It is therefore
from the start. rience of non-white members ment, 7% did not disagree that conscious. were shot through with im- vitally important to continue
As much as it may comfort of our community. “to be truly British you have White people were the he- ages that emphasised the dis- the work that has been done in
celebrities to think so, the What about the people who to be white”. Just to put that roes in movies, saving the parity between white wealth recent years to challenge racial
problem isn’t a  “tiny minori- suffered racist comments from in context, 7% of the British world. White people dominat- and black poverty. In doing so assumptions and bias in our
ty”.  Framing things in this strangers during the Brexit adult population is 3,775,134 ed the front pages of newspa- they played into false imagi- media,  education  system, and
way is problematic because it referendum, when police re- people. That is a minority, but pers, running the planet. naries of the achievements and entertainment.
plays into the hands of  right- ported a  fivefold increase  in it is far from a tiny one. According to most of legacy  of the British empire Understood in this way,
wing commentators who want hate crimes? What about the the “best of ” lists of the that elide both  human rights decolonisation is not a form
to downplay the issue and sportspeople who regular- The need for decolonisation time, white people had written abuses  and the  achievements of  anti-white discrimina-
encourage everyone to simply ly receive  racist abuse  from The persistence of racist views pretty much all of the most of other civilizations. Through tion,  as  sensationalist tab-
“move on”. the crowd while doing their should not be surprising. important books and directed this process, colonial myths loids  would have it. Rather,
You cannot overcome a jobs? What about the teenag- Homa Khaleeli has document- the “must-see” movies. are not left in the past but con- it is a process of undoing the
problem if you routinely un- ers who  experience racism at ed how some political leaders Our school and its bril- stantly brought life for new harm that centuries of misrep-
derestimate how big it is. It is school from both other pupils played on popular fears of mi- liant teachers did a great job generations. resenting ourselves and others
true that the number of racist and teachers? gration to advance their own of encouraging us to question The cumulative effect of has done to society.
messages sent to English play- The reality is that there are careers while rallying support who wrote history, and what these mutually reinforcing —The Africa Report.
ers was dwarfed by the positive still a lot of white English for Brexit. In 2016, Nigel viewpoint they did so from. messages, together with sus- *About the writer: Nic
messages sent in the days that men and women who hold Farage – whose party was at But most of what my gener- tained  economic inequali- Cheeseman is professor of de-
followed. And it is true that racist beliefs and assump- one point supported by 9% of ation was taught was written ties  between ethnic groups, is mocracy at the University of
the graffiti defacing a mural tions. A survey conducted for the British people – suggested by white people about the to foster the assumption that Birmingham and Author of
celebrating Marcus Rashford the BBC back in 2002 found that migrants put women in achievements (and sometimes non-white people are inferior. “How to Rig an Election”.
Page 26 The Big Debate NewsHawks
Issue 40, 23 July 2021

After Chidyausiku’s succession battle

Chief Justice Luke Malaba takes over
Having meticulously traced the history of the Rhodesian judiciary, focusing on the haved unconstitutionally. The
court order in Sibanda’s case is
chief justices, South African-based Zimbabwean lawyer Advocate Tererai Mafukidze therefore not effective unless the
Constitutional Court had deter-
Tererai this week covers the rise of Chief Justice Luke Malaba whose succession is also now a mined the issue. The chief jus-

Mafukidze messy affair as he desperately seeks to extend his tenure beyond 70 years. tice committed an error of law
by recognising the High Court
The second case is the con-
ON 27 March 2017, a month tested presidential petition.
after the late chief justice God- Malaba and his colleagues con-
frey Chidyausiku retired, the firmed that Mnangagwa had
late former president Robert been duly elected president
Mugabe appointed Luke Mal- during the 2018 election. 
aba as Zimbabwe’s new chief Both these matters were cru-
justice.  cial for Mnangagwa’s legitimacy
Later during the year, in No- and political survival. 
vember 2017, Mugabe was to be Malaba has come under the
removed from power through a spotlight in relation to two oth-
military coup.  er issues concerning judicial in-
On 24 November 2017, dependence. One of those issues
President Emmerson Mnangag- is his memorandum on handing
wa took over as the new leader down judgments which threat-
following his two-week exile in ened the independence of the
South Africa following dismissal individual judges. After com-
by Mugabe as vice-president of plaints by the profession and
the country and co-second sec- other judges, Malaba relented
retary of the ruling Zanu PF. and amended his memoran-
So when he took over, Mnan- dum.  
gagwa now had a man he re- The second issue concerned
portedly did not want to be alleged interference in matters
chief justice at the helm of the pending before another judge.
judiciary. At the time, media The Judicial Service Commis-
reports indicated that the mil- sion recommended to Mnan-
itarised Mnangagwa faction gagwa that he appoint a tribunal
in Zanu PF battling for power in terms of the constitution to
wanted the then Judge Presi- inquire into whether or not Jus-
dent George Chiweshe, a retired tice Erica Ndewere – who has
army commander and former been found guilty and dismissed
elections chief.  – should remain in the office of
The constitutional amend- High Court judge. 
ment that Mnangagwa had ear- Ndewere then approached
lier mooted dealing with judi- the High Court to challenge
cial issues, including  give power this recommendation and the
to the President to choose the decision of the President to in-
chief justice without any inter- stitute the tribunal. She made
views, was passed after Malaba very serious allegations against
had taken office.  Malaba and Chiweshe. If these
However, the amendment allegations are true, both the
was declared unlawfully passed chief justice and the judge pres-
as it did not have a two-thirds ident would face removal from
majority in Senate. After the office for committing some of
Constitutional Court had de- the most egregious of judicial
clared the law null and avoid, President Emmerson Mnangagwa (left) with Chief Justice Luke Malaba who is currently battling to offences — interference with
Senate was given two chances to the impartiality and indepen-
extend his tenure by five years.
rectify the problem, which it has dence of courts and the fair trial
now done. presidential election petition in stitutional Court.  It is in the Court…The applicants can- be decided by the Constitution- rights of accused persons.  
But there is a problem that August 2018 following the dis- course of this consideration that not seek to have the question al Court. Alternatively, if the Ndewere alleged that Malaba
after the Senate legislative pro- puted presidential election the the chief justice concluded that of the constitutionality of the High Court had jurisdiction, and Chiweshe issued instruc-
cess, the President did not sign month before.  Mugabe had resigned of his free military action enquired into the court order of the Judge tions on how she should decide
Constitutional Amendment Bill The essence of the first case will.  He held that the resigna- by the court whilst the order of President had no effect unless the bail cases of ex-minister Pri-
(No.1) into law as it was deemed brought by applicants was that tion of Mugabe was voluntary as the High Court determining the confirmed by the Constitution- sca Mupfumira and main oppo-
to have already been assented to Mugabe’s resignation on 21 No- evidenced by the letter of resig- same issue is extant.”  al Court.  sition MDC leader Jacob Sikha-
by Mugabe, which is a problem- vember 2017 had not been free nation and the communication On the question whether the However, the decision must la.  The two cases would have
atic legal proposition. and voluntary. They alleged that with the Speaker of Parliament impeachment proceedings were have found favour with the the interest of the political lead-
Malaba entered office with- it was a direct result of the mil- on the day.   at the behest of the military, the powers-that-be. ership. If the tribunal had found
out much support from the itary action of 14-15 Novem- The chief justice decided the chief justice narrates in detail The order of the Judge Pres- Ndewere’s claims credible, this
new government as it reportedly ber 2017 and the “presence of legality of the military action the events at the sitting of par- ident was not confirmed by the would have had to result in an
wanted Chiweshe. This lack of military vehicles in the streets relying on the court order is- liament. He makes no specific Constitutional Court. A court inquiry into the conduct of the
support naturally would both- of Harare between 14 and 21 sued without reasons by Chi- reference to the military in dis- order which is not confirmed two senior judges. 
er the new chief justice. It was November 2017.”  They also weshe, Judge President of the missing this allegation.  cannot be extant.  The order in Ndewere was found guilty on
unexpected on his appointment alleged that the impeachment High Court, in the case Joseph On the question whether Sibanda was neither made by two counts of misconduct by
in 2017 that Malaba would be proceedings were “intended to Evurath Sibanda and Leonard assumption of office by Mnan- the Constitutional Court nor the tribunal, appointed in No-
supported by Mnangagwa in the aid and abet takeover of pow- Chikomba v President of The gagwa was constitutional, the confirmed by it.  vember last year, which recom-
quest to move the retirement er by the military.” They also Republic of Zimbabwe, Robert chief justice states that it was as At the heart of the Sibanda mended her removal as a judge.
age of the chief justice and other challenged the lawfulness of the Gabriel Mugabe N.O. and Min- the President assumed power re- application was the allegation *About the writer: Advo-
senior judges from 70 years to assumption of power by Mnan- ister of Defence and Command- placing a Zanu PF person who that Mugabe had abdicated his cate Tererai Mafukidze is a
75 years.   gagwa on 24 November 2017.   er Of Defence Forces of Zimba- had voluntarily resigned.   constitutional role to his wife member of the Johannesburg
So what did Malaba do to The applicants were in de- bwe and Attorney-General of However, the chief justice Grace Mugabe and the G40 Bar. He practises with Group
earn this?  fault on the date of the hear- Zimbabwe (HC 10820/2017) made a fundamental error of Zanu PF faction. That alleged One Sandown Chambers in
Two crucial cases stand out ing. No one appeared on their on 24 November 2017.   law in recognising a High Court conduct resulted in the order Sandton, Johannesburg. His
for him. The first was his con- behalf.  In order for the chief Malaba came to the conclu- judgment in Sibanda’s case that made by Chiweshe.  practice areas at the Bar are:
troversial court judgement that justice to decide whether direct sion that: “The question of the has no legal effect.   The order effectively meant general commercial law, com-
Mugabe had resigned voluntari- access should be granted, he had lawfulness of the military action Firstly, the High Court that Mugabe had either failed petition law, human rights,
ly. The second was the decision to consider the applicants’ pros- of 14 and 15 November 2017 had no jurisdiction as the case to fulfil his constitutional obli- administrative and constitu-
in Mnangagwa’s favour on the pects of success before the Con- was determined by the High brought by Sibanda could only gations as President or had be- tional law.
Issue 40, 23 July 2021
The Big Debate Page 27

What is to be done?: Mr President, this

is the moment to rebuild South Africa Planet at the centre, especially
And now, Mr President,
the economically disenfran-
it falls on your shoulders chised youth. Demands have
to lead with courage and been growing for a universal
inspiration. We cannot basic income grant that prior-
any longer allow the itises skills training and social
factionalism of the Af- entrepreneurship, which I fully
rican National Congress support. We need to pierce the
(ANC) to take priority glass ceiling that prevents the
over the interests of our economic transformation of
country, its citizens and our country and to combine
the constitution, writes efforts at land reform that cre-
Jay Naidoo, former an- ates opportunities for young
people to become successful
ti-apartheid activist, smallholder farmers, creates
ex-minister and senior livelihoods and addresses
ANC official. hunger and food security at a
household level.  
These issues cannot be post-
poned any longer. We need
calm heads and steady hands
at the tiller of state and society.
MR President, We need a unity of purpose not
I write this letter with a heavy just derived from corporatist
heart. Along with the majori- deals at the top between gov-
ty of my fellow citizens, I have ernment, labour and business,
been shocked and traumatised but also an acceptance of grass-
by the turmoil that rocked roots leadership as a co-creator
our country in the past weeks. of our way forward. We have
What have we missed, I ask in the past convened broad-
myself? Where have we gone based efforts to reach a social
wrong? What is to be done?  consensus that represented the
The chaos and violence will of the people. We need that
struck at the heart of our de- urgently today. 
mocracy in the midst of us cel- And above all, we need a
ebrating 27 years of freedom servant leadership and ethical
and the international celebra- governance.
tion of the unifying values of Now.  Mr President, I have
social justice and human dig- stood alongside you in the
nity that our founding father, past. We never flinched as we
Tata Nelson Mandela, sacri- stared down the face of the en-
ficed 27 years of his life for.  emy behind the barrel of a gun.
The seeds of this crisis did Once again, we stand in front
not come overnight. They have of the enemy of South African
been incubating for decades. people – and yet again we can-
And even before the Covid-19 not afford to flinch. 
pandemic, our economy was We, the overwhelming ma-
in recession with a frighten- jority of people, are exhausted
ing rate of joblessness, hunger From left to right, the late popular South African Communist Party leader and MK commander Chris Hani, prominent trade unionist and by the broken promises and
and poverty. Tragically, it was ex-minister Jay Naidoo and Cyril Ramaphosa, former trade union leader and now South African President, during a march in 1992. broken leadership we face day
spawned out of the belly of the to day. There are many out-
once-principled president of We cannot any longer allow the vitriolic hate-driven calls The clearest leadership we above the law, especially those standing leaders and workers
the liberation movement that the factionalism of the African for violence on social media by have seen in the country in who are in public service.  in the civil service, in our se-
you now lead and that holds National Congress to take pri- known actors; even the blatant the past two weeks has not There must be zero toler- curity forces and our citizenry
the reins of political power. It’s ority over the interests of our mobilisation of paramilitary come from the South African ance.  who strive to embrace  Batho
a shocking betrayal of what country, its citizens and the forces to criminally break the government and its millions More importantly, we need Pele  ( Public Service Code of
you, I and millions from suc- Constitution.  law and the lockdown restric- of employees we pay to help an unambiguous endorse- Conduct) and serve the Con-
cessive generations of South There are many questions tions you announced just days us, but from the ground and ment of the rule of law and stitution and country. They
Africans fought for and for that I, like many other citizens, before. We cannot paper over largely outside the purview of unconditional support for the also cry out for leadership so
which many paid the ultimate have about the events of the these omissions. They led to the state or even civil society. Zondo Commission, followed that they can do their work
sacrifice. We cannot any lon- past two weeks. Why were we massive destruction and its Millions of citizens mobilised by full legal action. We need with pride, unhampered by
ger gold-coat this reality with so unprepared for what you dire consequences for an eco- to defend their communities, those who have been com- the sinister agendas of vested
money spent on spin doctors.  describe as an attack on our nomic recovery, a damaged to stop the haters and looters plicit in looting the astronom- interests above them which de-
The lived experience of the democracy? Why were our in- investor sentiment and the full and prevented this becoming ical amount of R57-billion, molished the rules of humani-
vast majority creates a ground- telligence agencies missing in obliteration of whatever confi- a national conflagration that through State Capture that ty, ethics and good governance. 
swell of discontent and legit- action? Why were the securi- dence our people had left for would have taken us back to brought our economy to its Let us reunite around a
imate grievances which the ty forces so overwhelmed and their government.  the precipice of our burning knees, to be prosecuted and new chapter in our country.
haters, opportunists and dem- under-resourced?  South Africa is at a cross- past. They proclaimed with held to account without delay.  Let us heal our differences by
agogues used to fuel the rise of It was this vacuum that led roads, Mr President. One path great courage: NOT IN MY The impunity at the highest acknowledging our wound-
a spectre of racial and ethnic to citizens taking the law into is leading us to a failed state NAME. This is the moment to levels of state and broader soci- ed past and reach out to each
conflict, toxic nationalism and their own hands and stoking that muddles along the track of rebuild our country from the ety can no longer be tolerated. other with acts of kindness
narrow tribalism. We have the even greater violence.  self-destruction and warlord- bottom up and support this Not just the foot soldiers, but and reparation, so that we may
pariah recognition as the most This is not the first time we ism in Congolese style. Anoth- grassroots activism that de- also, no,  especially  those who bequeath a legacy of a nation
unequal society in the world. faced violent threats against er path is towards a reassertion fended our democracy better orchestrated this thuggery. We working on its healing in a way
Toxic patriarchy wages a war our people. We know, from as of what it means to be South than anyone.  must also take decisive action that delivers that better life we
against women and children early as the 1980s, where the African and what we need to I know that you face chal- against those in the highest promised our people in 1994. 
in all segments of our socie- flashpoints are and where the do to heal the wounds of our lenges on all sides that are positions of the public and As our founding father, Tata
tal strata. The vast majority of orchestration of violence is fo- past and build a  nation  of in- aimed at battering your lead- private sector who facilitated Mandela, once sagely said, “It
youth are alienated and disillu- mented. Why the delayed reac- clusive and shared prosperity.  ership. But the country calls on the looting orgy, even includ- always seems impossible, until
sioned with a governance and tion in mobilising the SANDF Almost everyone, especially inspiring leadership from you, ing the CEOs of multinational it is done.” 
leadership that continues to to support the SAPS in the you Mr President, wants the Mr President, and your gov- companies like KPMG, Bain & We cannot fail now.
exclude them. They ask, right- moment of greatest threat our latter. The majority of South ernment. We need decisive ac- Company, McKinsey, SAP and
ly, where is the democratic democracy ever faced?  Africans refuse to be held tion to arrest those hateful in- all others involved.   Yours 
dividend that we promised our Even a cursory reading of the hostage to demagogic and an- stigators, who used the digital Simultaneously we need
people in 1994?  signals would have informed ti-democratic forces whose media and streets of our bru- a refresh of what  binds us  as sincerely,
And now, Mr President, it us – what the media was re- continued plundering of pub- talised communities, and hold a nation and how do we co-cre- Jay Naidoo,
falls on your shoulders to lead porting, what activists on the lic resources necessitates a dys- them fully to account, regard- ate a vibrant ecological econo- Citizen.
with courage and inspiration. ground were saying, or noting functional state.  less of who they are. No one is my that puts our People and – Daily Maverick.
Page 28 Reframing Issues NewsHawks
Issue 40, 23 July 2021

How key global supply chains are 


WHILE isolation and so-

cial distance have become
the buzzwords of the last
year, the situation we find
ourselves in has also em-
phasised the importance
of connections and global
sustaining Zimbabwe’s economy
supply chains more than the pandemic, freight
ever. movement through our
And while passenger Dubai hub was also
movements remain con- boosted.
strained, particularly in
markets such as Zimba- Covid-19 vaccines hub
bwe, the international Emirates SkyCargo has
movement of goods re- vast expertise in trans-
mains a vital lifeline. porting temperature sen-
During the initial sitive pharmaceuticals
months of the pandemic, and vaccines across our
there was a huge surge in network. Recognising the
the demand for air cargo scale of the response that
capacity for the transpor- would be required to co-
tation of personal pro- ordinate the logistics of
tection equipment (PPE) global COVID-19 vac-
such as facemasks and cine distribution, our fa-
gloves in addition to med- cilities at Dubai Airport
ical equipment such as are already supporting
ventilators as well as other cold chain storage and
pharmaceutical supplies. distribution of the vac-
More recently, other cine at our GDP certified
commodities for indus- SkyPharma facility. This is
tries and manufacturing one of the world’s largest
opened up as manufac- dedicated airside hubs for
turing activity returned. storing and distributing
We also saw increased Covid-19 vaccines. 
volumes of e-commerce The Dubai hub’s ad-
shipments as more people vantageous location al-
shopped online. lows us to fly in vaccines
Through its cargo from manufacturing sites
flights to more than 135 globally, store and prepare
destinations across six shipments for regional
continents, Emirates Sky- and global distribution.
Cargo continues to play Our dedicated
an important role glob- Covid-19 vaccine hub has
ally in the transporta- over 4 000 square metres
tion of pharmaceuticals, of temperature controlled
medical equipment, PPE, GDP certified dedicat-
food and other essential ed pharma storage area
goods as well as maintain- Emirates SkyCargo flight. allowing for large scale
ing continuity of supply storage and distribution
chains for international border closures rendering much-needed medicines, cargo in the industry. aircraft and full freighter of the potential Covid-19
trade. many flights challenging, medical equipment (in- Our commitment to flights. For Zimbabwe, vaccines. 
Emirates’ cargo-diver- Emirates SkyCargo has cluding spare parts and quality is also a result of Emirates SkyCargo of- Overall, it is estimated
sified revenue streams maintained critical trans- repair components), and the fact that the cargo fers cargo capacity on five that the facility can hold
beyond traditional pas- port links for people and in keeping global supply that we transport in our weekly flights to/from around 10 million vials
senger-related income for goods – including es- chains functioning for the aircraft often have a di- Harare on our Boeing of vaccine at a 2-8 degrees
have enabled the airline sential medical supplies. most time-sensitive mate- rect impact on the lives of 777-300ER aircraft. Celsius temperature range
to avoid the worst of the We continue to ship cargo rials. This has been done people across the globe. at any one point of time.
pandemic’s economic im- into and out of Zimba- through dedicated cargo For example, we trans- Embracing digitisation  Our state-of-the-art
pact. For the year to 31 bwe. freighter operations, use port temperature-sensi- Although the Covid-19 infrastructure at Dubai
March 2021, Emirates Zimbabwe’s economy of cargo capacity in pas- tive pharmaceuticals on crisis has brought a spot- is also complemented by
SkyCargo transported 1.9 still needs to function; senger aircraft, and relief our aircraft every day. light on air cargo despite one of the world’s largest
million tonnes of cargo mines still need to oper- flights to affected areas. Without strict adherence the global lockdown, the fleet of Cool Dollys help-
across our global network. ate and farmers still need to quality standards and global pandemic has also ing protect temperature
As one of the world’s to export their fresh pro- Importance of quality  compliance to European highlighted the urgent sensitive cargo during
largest airlines, serving duce. Jobs and foreign Emirates and Emirates Union GDP norms, there need for us to accelerate transit between the air-
our customers and the exchange earnings are at SkyCargo place the high- is a risk that the quality our digital and sustainable craft and cargo terminal.
communities where we stake. It’s a commitment est level of emphasis on of the medicine can be transformation, to de- Nasser Bahlooq is coun-
live and work is part that we take very serious- safety and high quality compromised which can velop collaborative busi- try manager for Emirates
of our DNA. Offering ly as we export fresh fruit standards in service deliv- directly affect the wellbe- ness models with various in Zimbabwe. He previ-
strong supply chain solu- and vegetables and bring ery. This is a key differen- ing of the person waiting stakeholders. ously managed the Dubai-
tions during the Covid-19 in mining equipment and tiating factor for our cus- to receive it. We have seen a has- based airline’s commercial
pandemic through Emir- components, as well as all tomers in addition to our tened global transition activities in Yinchuan,
ates SkyCargo has given the other exports and im- other value propositions Size of transportation  to e-commerce in a way China, and most recent-
us an opportunity to pro- ports that keep our econ- such as having a mod- Currently, Emirates Sky- that is designed to bene- ly, Yangon, Myanmar,
vide the support our cus- omy ticking. ern all wide-body aircraft Cargo flies to 136 des- fit customers, businesses where he helped support
tomers tell us they need fleet, an extensive global tinations around the and industries as a whole. the launch of flights to
during this unprecedent- Shipping Covid-19 network covering six con- world and transports car- Emirates SkyCargo has Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
ed business environment. supplies  tinents as well as state-of- go through about 2000 positioned itself as a mar- Emirates flies to 157
Since the Covid-19 cri- the-art infrastructure in flights weekly - this is a ket leader, and took ad- destinations across the
Supporting local busi- sis began, Emirates Sky- Dubai.  We have one of mix of cargo transported vantage of this market world and has a fleet of
nesses  Cargo has also been a the highest levels of “De- on passenger flights, cargo shift; as e-commerce vol- 270 state-of-the-art air-
With Covid-19-related vital partner in delivering livered as Promised”  for only flights on passenger umes accelerated during craft.
Issue 40, 23 July 2021
Africa News Page 29

said to be operating in
Officially, Rwanda de-
nies using NSO’s Peg-

have long asus software, but for-

mer intelligence chief
and RNC co-founder

been used to
Kayumba Nyamwasa –
who has survived repeat-
ed attempts on his life
in South Africa – notes

Pegasus-style that the RPF has enjoyed

extremely close military
and intelligence ties with

Israel since the genocide,
and that the line between
Israel’s military and spin-
off firms selling intelli-
IT was a silver Black- and alleged fellow plot- gence equipment is dis-
Berry, surprisingly heavy ter Alex Sugira, yet to be tinctly blurred.
in the hand, belonging extradited from Rwanda. Kayumba, who was
to a businessman who Officially, Karegeya’s for- already notified by
had flown from Kigali to mer boss, President Paul WhatsApp in 2019 that
South Africa to visit the Kagame, denies involve- he was one of 1 400 us-
exiled former Rwandan ment. But his message to ers targeted by Pegasus,
intelligence chief Patrick a prayer breakfast soon recalls becoming aware
Karegeya. The business- afterwards was nakedly his phone had been com-
man, Apollo Kiririsi Ga- triumphalist: “You can- promised. “When I left
faranga, boasted that he not betray Rwanda and Rwanda I thought I was
had bought it in Qatar. get away with it,” he probably being moni-
“It cost me $10 000,” crowed. tored by Rwanda’s state
a friend of Karegeya’s The revelation this telecoms system and pri-
remembers the business- week that Carine Ka- vate telecoms firms in
man telling them. “It’s nimba, daughter of the South Africa,” he told
a model you can only former “Hotel Rwanda” me. “But in 2018 I was
Rwandan President Paul Kagame.
buy in the Middle East, manager Paul Rusesaba- told the details of a con-
a phone you can’t be gina, had her phone re- na, Russia and Turkey. tius Pilate. At home, Kagame versation someone close
tracked on.” Karegeya peatedly infiltrated, with “The commitment to When the Ugandan has maintained nyumba to me had had with a
picked it up, weighed it, evidence found of mul- controlling Rwandans capital, Kampala, fell kumi, run by politically friend, I checked back,
and put it back down on tiple attacks using NSO abroad and the resourc- to the NRM in 1986, sensitised RPF cadres, as those details were cor-
the counter where it was Group spyware while es devoted to the effort Kagame was given a job a highly effective instru- rect, and I sensed a high-
charging. “You’ve been campaigning for her fa- are stunning when con- in military intelligence ment of social control. er system of surveillance
robbed,” the ex-spy chief ther’s release after he was sidering that Rwanda is and played a key role “The entire country is a was involved.”
joked. abducted in Dubai and a country of 13 million in the formation of the spying machine,” David Aware they are likely
Looking back, Kare- then jailed in Kigali, has people where roughly a Rwandan Patriotic Front Himbara, former eco- to be tracked, Rwandans
geya’s friend thinks the come as no surprise to third of the population (RPF), a secret force nomic adviser to Kag- abroad try to remain un-
phone was just one in a Rwanda’s exiled journal- lives below the poverty nestling within Uganda’s ame, told me while I was der the radar by chang-
series of clues that they ists, dissidents and hu- line,” it said. armed forces. After the researching my book. ing handsets and num-
failed to spot. “I’ve never man rights activists. Information-gathering RPF’s charismatic lead- “The army, the police, bers, using anonymous
seen a BlackBerry like it – Few African societies has always been some- er was killed invading they come to his office “handles”, and migrating
that colour, that weight,” are more closely moni- thing of a Kagame spe- Rwanda in 1990, Kag- to tell him things. He from one platform to
he recalled. “There was tored, and critics of the ciality; modern technol- ame nervously took the doesn’t govern, he col- another. WhatsApp has
something very suspi- government have been ogy has simply extended lead, relying on a person- lects rumours.” been largely jettisoned
cious about it.” He is repeatedly made aware the range of his curiosity. al network of informants Abroad, Rwanda’s net- in favour of Signal and
convinced that the phone that the arm of the state A Rwandan refugee who to double check on com- work of embassies and Telegram, but many users
was actually a recording extends well beyond its had grown up in west- manders whose loyalty he high commissions has don’t trust either, timing
device to tape the con- borders – with Kagame ern Uganda, Kagame doubted. been used to track down, messages to automatical-
versations that Karegeya seemingly determined was sent by Yoweri Mu- When the RPF cap- intimidate and in some ly disappear after set pe-
– who fled Rwanda in to track down dissidents seveni – today Uganda’s tured Kigali after the cases even kill journal- riods. It’s an uphill battle,
2007 and co-founded the as far afield as Australia, president – to be trained 1994 genocide, during ists, human rights activ- though, activists say, as
Rwanda National Con- Canada, the US, the UK in Dar es Salaam by Tan- which 500 000 to 1 mil- ists and opposition par- new numbers and hand-
gress (RNC) opposition and mainland Europe. zanian military intelli- lion people were killed ty members: challengers sets can soon be iden-
party – was having with If Rwanda is a client of gence. by Rwandan soldiers and increasingly emanating tified and locked on to
fellow exiled activists the NSO Group, as the Joining Museveni’s Hutu extremists, it won not from the ranks of the via targets’ conversations
during Gafaranga’s visit. Pegasus project suggests, rebel National Resistance control of a tiny former Hutu majority but from with existing contacts.
By New Year’s Eve it presents a frightening Movement (NRM) in the monarchy where the Kagame’s own Tutsi elite. Many Rwandans are so
in 2013, Karegeya was picture of what a gov- Luwero Triangle, his al- state’s hand always rested In the past the Metro- intensely suspicious of all
dead. On another trip to ernment determined to lotted task was to collect heavy on its citizens. The politan police has formal- modes of electronic com-
Johannesburg, Gafaran- hunt down “enemies of incriminating informa- late president Juvénal ly warned several RNC munication they will only
ga allegedly lured him the state” could do with tion on fighters suspected Habyarimana had run a activists based in London stray beyond the prosaic
to a room in Sandton’s cyberweapons of this of failing in their duties: system of domestic mon- of an “imminent threat” and banal when sitting
five-star Michelangelo sort. In February, the US falling asleep on sentry itoring in which local of- to their lives from Kiga- face to face. In that way,
hotel, where Karegeya advocacy group Freedom duty, showing cowardice ficials reported back on li; in Belgium, a former the mere knowledge of
was jumped on by a four- House cited Rwanda as on patrol. 10-house clusters (nyum- Rwandan prime minister Pegasus’s existence has
man team and throttled one of the world’s most His role in the resulting ba kumi), while the in- was placed under armed had a chilling effect on
to death. In September prolific practitioners of courts martial – which telligence services kept guard; while Australian freedom of thought in
2019, a South African “transnational repres- could result in execution careful lists of citizens police have advised dis- this small but influential
magistrate issued arrest sion”, ranking along- – won Kagame the nick- judged either subversive sidents in exile to steer central African nation.
warrants for Gafaranga side Saudi Arabia, Chi- name “Pilato”, after Pon- or slavishly loyal. clear of Rwandan agents —The Guardian
Page 30 World News NewsHawks
Issue 40, 23 July 2021

Top army general responds to reports he feared

Trump would use military after losing election
AMERICA’S top gener- notorious photo opportu-
al on Wednesday spoke nity.
publicly for the first time “I should not have been
about whether he feared there,” Milley said in a
then-President  Don- prerecorded video com-
ald Trump  would try mencement address to
to involve the military National Defence Uni-
in the aftermath of the versity. “My presence in
2020 election, as reported that moment and in that
in a newly-released book. environment created a
While Joint Chiefs perception of the military
chairperson Mark Milley, involved in domestic pol-
at a rare Pentagon news itics.”
conference, declined to In August 2020, Mil-
comment on specific ley told Congress there is
claims made in the book, no role for the US military
he and Defence Secretary in elections.
Lloyd Austin Wednesday Then in January 2021,
were emphatic that the after the Capitol riot,
military is and ought to Milley and the seven oth-
remain a strictly “apoliti- er members of the Joint
cal” institution. Chiefs of Staff signed an
“I, the other members internal memo to service
of the Joint Chiefs, and members saying “the vi-
all of us in uniform, we olent riot in Washington
take an oath, an oath to DC on January 6, 2021
a document, an oath to was a direct assault on
the Constitution of the the US Capitol building,
Former US president Donald Trump (left) with US army officer, General Mark Milley.
United States, and not and our Constitutional
one time do we violate were then, we are now -- and our allels between the political turmoil Milley told aides. ‘The gospel of process,” warning them
that,” Milley told report- oath is to the Constitution, not to in the United States and the rise of the Führer,’” Rucker and Leonnig that any act to disrupt the
ers asking about the book any individual at all,” he said. “And the Nazi party in Germany, accord- wrote. constitutional process is
excerpts. “The entire time, the military did not and will not ing to “I Alone Can Fix It: Donald The authors say that Milley be- against the law.
from time of commis- and should not ever get involved J. Trump’s Final Catastrophic Year,” lieved Trump was stoking unrest af- Milley said Wednes-
sioning to today, I can say in domestic politics. We don’t arbi- by Washington Post reporters Philip ter the election, and decried what he day that he and the oth-
with certainty that every trate elections. That’s the job of the Rucker and Carol Leonnig. called “brownshirts in the streets,” er members of the Joint
one of us maintained our judiciary and the legislature and the “He had earlier described to although an official told ABC News Chiefs always gave the
oath of allegiance to that American people. It is not the job aides that he kept having a stom- the comment was in reference to the “best military professional
document, the Consti- of the US military. We stayed out of ach-churning feeling that some radical members of the Oath Keep- advice” to Trump and any
tution, everything that’s politics, we’re an apolitical institu- of the worrisome early stages of ers and so-called “boogaloo boys,” other president they’ve
contained within it,” he tion.” Austin went out of his way to 20th-century fascism in Germa- not Trump supporters in general. served under.
said, referring to the Joint defend Milley. ny were replaying in 21st-century An early sign of unease between “We always adhered
Chiefs. “We fought together, we served a America. Trump and Milley came last July to providing best pro-
“I want you to know, couple of times in the same units,” He saw parallels between Trump’s amid Black Lives Matter protests in fessional military advice,
and I want everyone to Austin said. “I’m not guessing at his rhetoric about election fraud and Washington DC when Milley apol- bar none. It was candid,
know, I want America character — he doesn’t have politi- Adolf Hitler’s insistence to his fol- ogised  for taking part in Trump’s honest, in every single oc-
to know, that the United cal bone in his body.” lowers at the Nuremberg rallies that controversial walk from the White casion. We do that all the
States military is an apo- Before the 6 January riot at the he was both a victim and their sav- House to St John’s Church, though time every time,” he said.
litical institution — we Capitol, Milley saw ominous par- ior. ‘This is a Reichstag moment,’ he peeled off before the president’s —ABC News.
Porsche just got angrier Being a Fashion Model

Life Style &

Page 31 Issue 40, 23 July 2021

Maskiri’s controversial hit banned!

JONATHAN MBIRIYAMVEKA with his 2003 release Mu-
viri Wese, which topped
CONTROVERSY stalks the charts. The song Dha-
Maskiri, but the popular ra Rangu was later banned
rapper seems unfazed. on national radio stations
He recently emerged for its controversial lyrics
from hibernation with a wherein Maskiri makes
hit track whose lyrics have reference to God as his
torched yet another storm. homeboy.
The song,  Mbinga from His sophomore album –
Binga, has been deemed Blue Movie – released in
inappropriate and insen- 2005, caused quite a stir
sitive for making oblique on the music scene and
reference to Tapiwa Mako- was condemned in some
re, a young boy from Mu- circles for its explicit sexu-
toko who was beheaded at al content. However, it put
the behest of his uncle last Maskiri in the spotlight,
year for ritual purposes. with other contemporary
One of Zimbabwe’s artistes gunning for his
leading radio stations, crown as he maintained
Power FM, has swiftly re- his pole position.
acted by cutting the song While the Blue Mov-
off air in a move seen by ie album created a lot of
fans as stifling creative ex- hype and reached com-
pression. mercial success for Ma-
Power FM falls under skiri, it never made it on
the state-controlled Zim- radio, thanks to national
babwe Broadcasting Cor- galas at the time where he
poration (ZBC). performed songs on the
The station is the first album.
to publicly announce a His follow-up album
ban on the song, which was Tapinda Tapinda,
has garnered nearly 200 which was a buzzword in
000 views on YouTube. the streets at the time.
“Power FM respects He came back with
artistic freedom and ac- Ndotaundi Yacho in 2009
knowledges the lyrical and maintained his dom-
prowess that Maskiri has,” inance on the scene but
Rumbie Moyo, the ZBC not without stirring up
head of public relations, controversy.
said. Maskiri’s love life was
“However, the station messy after he was alleged-
cannot ignore the refer- ly involved in a scuffle over
ence to Tapiwa Makore in a woman. He broke his leg
the song. We cannot use after he fell off from third
our station to make light Maskiri. floor apartment in the Av-
of a painful event that left enues in Harare.  He still
a family broken hearted refer to Tapiwa Makore Sr en off air by the powers- U Get There and Maskiri’s likes of Ti Gonzi and Holy limps to this day.
and shocked the entire na- and not the slain boy. that-be at ZBC’s Pockets version is largely inspired Ten, two hip-hop artistes 2011 was a good year
tion.” In Shona idiom, being Hill because Maskiri also by the Covid-19 pandemic who have been running for Maskiri after he moved
Seven-year-old Tapiwa “headless” can mean being mentions Zanu Ndon- in almost every verse. the game of late. to South Africa where he
was killed in a horrific thoughtless or foolish. ga, an opposition party In one punchline, he Typical of Zimbabwe- teamed up with a Zim-
premeditated murder for However, so contro- formed by the late veter- says he has been well-re- an hip-hop where every babwean super producer
ritual purposes in a case versial are the lyrics that an nationalist Ndabaningi ceived by both hands like other rapper lays claim to of the urban grooves era,
that shocked the country. the song caused quite an Sithole. a person using “sanitiser” the throne, Maskiri is no Sipho Mkhuhlani, known
The uncle who hired the uproar on social media, The 41-year-old Ma- while in another line he exception as he raps that as TBA. The album fea-
cold-blood killers is also with some users saying skiri, on the other hand, says he is making a quick other rappers have tried in tured the hit song Wenera,
called Tapiwa Makore, a the lyrics were insensitive insists there is nothing comeback like “lockdown” vain to dethrone him. a collaboration with Nox
brother of the deceased while others said it was in wrong with his lyrics, since there is a “curfew”. Maskiri first rose to Guni.
boy’s father. bad taste. Oddly enough, which he says are based on He takes aim at new prominence during the Wenera was his first-ev-
In the track, Maskiri while ZBC has banned the metaphor. Mbinga from rappers, saying they were urban grooves era around er music video and it was
sings in Shona: “…han- song, it appears on the play Binga, which is off Maski- discovered last year like 2000s when the urban voted Video of The Year
dina musoro saTapiwa lists of other urban radio ri’s 10th studio album of zumbani, a fever-tree grooves henee took off in the 2012 edition of
Makore! (I’m headless like stations. Meanwhile,  The the same title, is not the herb used by people who largely as a result of the the National Art Mer-
Tapiwa Makore!)” But in NewsHawks  understands first track to be banned. claim it protects against 75% local content drive it Awards. The track also
defence of his song, the that while the reference to Mbinga from Binga sam- Covid-19, but fans argued on radio. made it to number two
ever-controversial Maskiri Tapiwa was controversial, ples Coolio’s yesteryear that he was making dis- He debuted on the on the Power FM top 100
has argued that his lyrics the track was, in fact, tak- anthemic hit C U When paraging references to the mainstream music scene chart the same year.
Page 32 Life & Style NewsHawks
Issue 40, 23 July 2021


MUSIC producer DJ Anu-

sa says Zimbabwean music
is suffering from an iden-
tity crisis largely because
musicians have not learnt
how to fuse traditional in-
struments such as mbira or
The 34-year-old, who
produced hits for popular
musicians including Ma-
Trevor Dongo, Car-
los Green, Juntal and Jah
Prayzah’s song Gochi Go-
chi, among others, said
three aspects come to mind
in creating a Zimbabwean
“First and foremost, we
need to accept who we are
because we are still stuck
in the past where we think
everything that’s from out-
side of Zimbabwe is best,”
he said.
“We end up sounding
like foreign artistes in Ni-
geria, Tanzania, South Afri-
ca and America because we
think they are the best.
“The only way is for us is
to fuse mbira and marimba
with modern instruments
so that we create a sound
that’s uniquely Zimbabwe-
“Imagine if Jah Prayzah
had fused mbira and hosho
on his song with Davido
and if Maskiri had made
Keisha White sing to mbi- DJ Anusa.
ra. Trust me, it would’ve

Zimbabwean music suffers

sounded differently, but
DJ Anusa later joined
now Zimbabwean music is
the group Born Free Crew
currently facing an identity
where he doubled as the
crisis because we don’t have

identity crisis: DJ Anusa

producer and singer.
a sound that defines us,
In 2013, there was trou-
we’re always copying this
ble in paradise after DJ
and that, be it amapiano,
Anusa parted with his
Afro-pop and stuff.”
price of data so that the ma- they have to work with us. opened up doors for me,” was the year I sat my Or- wife with whom he had a
DJ Anusa, whose real
jority of people have access However, I appreciate that he said. dinary Level exams and I daughter named Chanelle
name is Anusa Dulana, fur-
to internet. Data is expen- money is also an issue be- His career took shape passed, but I couldn’t go Makanakaishe Dulana.
ther explained the impor-
sive so much so that people cause after making good while he was studying further because my father “So from 2013 up to
tance of creating a market
cannot go on YouTube and music we still want to mar- Form Two at Seke One could not afford to pay fees 2020 things took a nose
for Zimbabwean sound.
view music videos or listen ket the music. That said, we High in 2002 although he for A Level. dive and I wasn’t producing
“We all know mbira is
and instead they would also need good studios for was not involved in the “And in 2005 that’s when any music.
a unique instrument and
share on WhatsApp or via us to create good sound,” school choir. I got my first job as an as- “And this year, I’m back
with that instrument we
Shareit app. he said. “It was my classmates Al- sistant sound engineer and and I want to focus on mu-
can put an identity to our
“And because of that, DJ Anusa said his jour- len Nezandoyi, Ceril Tsiga producer at Intelligent Re- sic production. We have a
music. And people will
our music will not reach far ney has not been smooth and I who came together to cords, that’s where I learnt new record label called Sky
know that the sound is
because the international sailing. The hitmaker start- form a group. Ceril was the a lot about music produc- Records (Vanhu Vanorira
only found in Zimbabwe,”
market also considers You- ed out in his hometown, producer at that time since tion and sound engineering Mundege).
he added.
Tube views. Chitungwiza, before mov- he had studio equipment at from a guy called Trojan. “I’m scouting for new
“Let’s try to push songs
“But the big issue here ing to Harare’s Waterfalls home. While there, I produced talent because really there
like Goto Rinehwema by
is we don’t have our own suburb where he estab- “I used to see Ceril mak- my first hit song called Ice is nothing I can offer to
Jah Prayzah on the interna-
sound because we always lished his own studio. ing beats and recording dif- Lolo,” he explained. established musicians but I
tional market. There is no
copy from others and there “Well, I was born in a ferent artistes and I was like The song went viral be- feel like I can help out new
sound which is better than
is no way we can be better family of seven, that is six wow I would love to do this fore he established his stu- artistes and that’s why I
our own sound.
than Nigerians or South boys and one girl and I’m one day. So in 2003 when I dio in Chitungwiza where have signed a lot of new ar-
“Secondly, we do not
Africans when it comes to the only musician in the was in Form Three we used he met Jah Prayzah during tistes and in a few months
have big record labels like
their own music.” family. to bunk lessons and go to his formative years. you will get to hear them,”
Universal or Sony in Zim-
According to DJ Anu- “Convincing my family the studio to learn how to “Jah Prayzah and I come he said.
babwe. Those are big re-
sa, Zimbabwean musicians that I wanted to do music, make beats. a long way and our first re- His upcoming riddim,
cording labels that can
have to create their own especially my late dad Frank “I remember we used cord was Kidiga. That same titled Vash Riddi, is ex-
market music worldwide
unique sound. Dulana, was almost impos- to bunk the last three les- year, I met Maskiri and we pected to feature 20 artistes
and yet they are in South
“So I am saying that sible because back in the sons so that we could have did a track by Swaqizzy. I from all corners of Zimba-
Africa and Nigeria.
let’s try to create our own day music was considered a enough time to be in stu- also recorded Juntal and bwe, including Van Choga,
“Thirdly, we need to stop
sound. Anybody who pastime for non-achievers. dio. In 2004, I was focus- Carlos Green, to mention Uncle Epatan, Jah Master,
piracy and I think govern-
wants Zimbabwean music, “But I thank God he ing on school because that but a few,” he said. Ndunge Yut and Chipoko.
ment should look at the
Issue 40, 23 July 2021
Life & Style Page 33

Don’t undermine the City of Kings


IT was Chimamanda
Ngozi Adichie who I
know first highlighted
what she calls the dan-
ger of a single narrative.
Indeed, as she puts it,
our lives are composed
of overlapping stories.
The idea she pro-
pounded in a Ted Talk
presentation of years
ago, 2009 to be ex-
act, found a certain
resonance this week
on Zimbabwe’s social
media streets concern-
ing creatives from Bu-
lawayo, the country’s
second largest city.
The matter really was
triggered by the artistes
who have been invit-
ed to perform at the
upcoming Zimfest in
the United Kingdom.
None is coming from
Bulawayo despite the
city’s billing as a cultur-
al hub. As a result, the ning. products, building ma- tion of the city and in to what went before to his disciples about
furore has been over terials, electronic prod- no small part assisted in this case; the Rozwi what people were say-
the status of the city’s The City of Kings ucts, textiles, furniture, by the beloved moniker under their Mambos. ing about him. Some
creatives; the matter The caption above is and food products. Bul- City of Kings speaks But that is the trou- say you are a prophet
about their bankability one of the loftier narra- awayo is also the hub of to lost glory, to histo- ble of history, memory and some say you are
and ability to draw the tives about Bulawayo, a Zimbabwe’s rail network ry and a lapsed epoch and politics, is it not? Elijah, retorted some
crowds. city founded as it were and the headquarters of which however remains Consensus over histor- of the disciples.
A question has been by Mzilikazi, King of the National Railways etched in the collective ical events and the way Then Jesus posed
posed indeed about the Ndebele in 1840, of Zimbabwe. imagination of a peo- they must be interpret- the question to them:
whether it actually a former Zulu king- ple and perhaps even ed is a contentious ex- What do you say that
makes business sense dom chief who ran Courtesy of Britannica denotes a desire for a ercise. It is, to use the I am? I say that you
for a promoter to go away from King Tsha- Place of slaughter return to kingdom. old adage, in the eye of are the Christ, the son
through the financial ka. He was succeeded The original site was Yes indeed, there the beholder. of the living God! The
trouble of booking by his son Lobengula the kraal (headquarters) have been those efforts But the point I make answer came from Pe-
a “Bulawayo” artiste in the 1860s till it was of Lobengula, king of to restore the kingdom with this digression ter at which Christ ac-
for shows overseas. I captured by the British the Ndebele, who fought and why not for a peo- really is that the per- knowledged the answer
propose that though South Africa Company a major battle against ple whose very exis- ception of a place or a as a correct description
numbers do not lie in in the First Matebele his rivals there; Bula- tence owes itself to a people owes much to of him. But why is
the greater scheme of War. Thus, the moni- wayo means “place of maverick adventurer of the history and per- this narrative import-
business, numbers are ker: city of kings. But slaughter.” Occupied by unusual sagacity. vasive influence of the ant? Personally, I be-
facts that can change. I there is more… the British in 1893, the There are those who storyteller and cascades lieve one of the ways in
propose that regarding settlement was moved will, of course, raise the to the manner in which which to catalyse posi-
the value of, and val- What Google says? in 1894 to its present point that Mzilikazi’s individuals are per- tive change is to have as
ue propositions about Courtesy of Wikipedia location 3 miles (5 km) kingdom was predated ceived by others from close and as factual an
creatives, we must start Historically, Bula- south and declared a by the Rozwi, under afar. understanding of social
with the very notion of wayo has been the prin- town. Changamire Dombo phenomena as possible.
how they are perceived cipal industrial centre of and that any talk of re- What I say That out of the way,
by the beholders. Let Zimbabwe; its factories The brand vival of kingdoms must It was Jesus Christ who my own objective and
us start with the begin- produce cars and car The brand or percep- have a reference point once posed a question subjective reflections
Page 34 Life & Style NewsHawks
Issue 40, 23 July 2021

of the city of Bulawayo trate themselves before vin, Djembe Monks, Other literary lumi- it is a hackneyed nar- companies that are
are that it is a cosmo- tycoons who throw Asaph, Msizkay, Mzoe naries are the likes of rative. The city now headquartered in Ha-
politan, multi-cultural crumbs at people in 7, Vusa Mkhaya and NoViolet Bulawayo, needs a counter nar- rare but taking money
and multi-ethnic city. return for sycophantic Awakhiwe (based in and Sue Nyathi both rative highlighting the out of the community.
The one city in the praise. Germany). Even Oski- award-winning con- innovative spirit of the That would be the ra-
country where all tribes do, Zwesta, Berita and temporary authors of sector and its resilience tionale.
and races are fully rep- The art of the city Bekezela who are based world-beating pedi- that has seen it contin- It is not farfetched to
resented. It is our own When it comes to in South Africa can gree. In showbiz, the ue to survive beyond suggest that the time
rainbow nation within the creative arts of also be appropriated in likes of Makho Ndlovu the gloom of the eco- has come for corpo-
a nation.  Brand Bu- the city, the quality the reckoning of who is grace famous stages nomic downturn and rates to stop reaping
lawayo, is a place of is world beating. Let from Bulawayo or may and hobnob with Hol- absolute lack of fund- where they have not
more than just history me cite groups such as constitute Brand Bula- lywood icons. ing. sown and start giv-
and mythical evocative Nobuntu, a five-mem- wayo. Iyasa has done its bit Only a few have ing back by ploughing
stories. It is the hub of ber all-female ensem- The list goes on and in dance and music, benefitted from the back into the cultural
Matabeleland which ble which is one of the when it comes to music also traversing interna- largesse of the patron- output of a community
some have referred to very few artistic prop- producers, the likes of tional stages. age of the regime, one that has since the days
as the south but which erties that can claim Murphy Cubic are si- perhaps more than all of August Musarurwa,
strictly speaking lies in to have actually toured lently going platinum Negativity bias no others. She is on the Dorothy Masuku and
the south-western part the world rather than with their productions more record. The rest must the Cool Four been
of the country. merely attend a couple across the border. Per- Now how does the im- fend for themselves churning out quali-
The people are warm, of gigs organised and taining literature, the age of weakness and without so much as ty that captures the
loyal to their symbols attended by Zimbos in late Yvonne Vera blazed neediness manifest and corporate support for world’s imagination.
(Highlanders Football the Diaspora.  a path of international rear its ugly head time their brands (and it is
Club, for example, is The group Mokoom- glory, winning a num- and again? In whose in- not for a lack of talent Parting shot
a cherished one) and ba is also cited as a ber of awards in her il- terests is it to push the or artistic product. “Stories matter. Many
proud of their history. group from “here” al- lustrious writing career. single story of poverty The “numbers do stories matter. Stories
The people do not in though strictly speak- I recall interviewing and lack of ambition not lie” argument does have been used to dis-
general bow easily to ing they are from Vic- her for a local weekly and success? not always fly in their possess and to malign,
the god of mammon as toria Falls. Still, they around 2001 during Unwittingly, even case because numbers but stories can also be
I have seen others from are culturally more her tenure as director some of the Bulawayo are produced by a col- used to empower and
Bambazonke do. closely identified with of the National Art artistes are on the re- lusion of many factors to humanise. Stories
You may be tempted Brand Bulawayo. But Gallery in Bulawayo. cord for self-criticism such as historical prej- can break the dignity
to think that is a sign the music has spawned She was an elegant lady and listing the plethora udice, the solution to of a people, but sto-
of their lack of ambi- the likes of Lovemore of towering intellect. of problems that be- which can be as sim- ries can also repair that
tion. No, they are not Majaivana, Sandra The city birthed her devil the artistes from ple as affirmative ac- broken dignity.”
motivated, it seems, Ndebele, Otis Ngwabi, and she was proud of the city. tion decisions at board - Chimamanda Ngozi
by the desire to pros- Novuyo Seagirl, Cal_ it with equal fervour. But I now think that level by some of these Adicihie

Young Zimbabwean writer

LIKHWA SITHOLE some socio-political frus-
trations.” Taking a glance
IT has been 24 months at his thought-provoking
treatise, he questions hu-

poised for literary award

since the release of the
masterpiece titled Ubun- manity with hard hitting
tu (The Raw Truth Un- rhetorical questions that
ravelled) was launched in leave one contemplating.
the heart of the City of Refusing to meekly ac-
Kings. osity, specifically with cept society’s beliefs and
Mthulisi Ndlovu, oth- regards to the source of ideas, he questions on
erwise known as Khulu- his inspiration, Ndlovu page 21 of his book: 
Gatsheni or KingKG, is emphasised that litera- “What are we?
living in a constant state ture is the greatest yet Who are we?
of euphoria after having silent revolution that he For whom are we for?
been shortlisted for the strongly believes will re- Where from?
Global Accolade. The store normalcy and make Where to?
book has garnered respect this world a better place With whom from
and continues to entice for everyone.  Coming where?”
acclaimed international from a mostly marginal- “These enquiries, if well
literary institutions. As ised community, he be- answered, are enough to
the great literary icon lieves that he is a humble unravel the true meaning
William Shakespeare af- leader and is the mouth- of humanity and self-val-
firms, “Some are born piece through which oth- ue,” Ndlovu asserts.  
great, some achieve great- erwise voiceless members The sun is already shin-
ness in life, and some have of society find resonance. ing for the lad as he is set
greatness thrust upon Another way of putting it to receive his debut hon-
them”. Ndlovu’s aptitude is that he is the leader of orary literary award on 31
is echoed in Shakespeare’s the new school but gifted July 2021 in the Africa’s
revered sentiments.  with the qualities of an richest square mile, Sand-
Ndlovu, a Plumtree old soul.  ton, in Johannesburg.
native, has finally prov- In that connection, As a man thinketh so is
en beyond doubt that Ndlovu emphasised that, he and as he continues to
Mthulisi Ndlovu.
talent, hard work and “Writing is a divine en- think so he remains, Ndl-
persistence are pivotal to Anthea Ambursley, the will serve the phenome- of ubuntu in southern counter which is also ovu’s strides are the result
reaching greater heights founding president of the nal poet Mthulisi Ndlovu Africa,” remarked Am- therapeutic in nature”. of his optimism and de-
after having his book awards, could not con- for the longest acclaimed bursley on her Facebook He added: “I write a lot termination to defy the
nominated to receive a tain her overwhelming poem Ubuntu (The Raw page.   when I feel spiritually, odds as he now sets his
prestigious Global Af- excitement after perusing Truth Uuravelled) as the When questioned morally or sometimes sights on penetrating the
rican Authors Award. Ndlovu’s masterpiece. “I longest poetic assertion about his work of virtu- when I am experiencing European literary market.
Issue 40, 23 July 2021
Life & Style Page 35

Poet: Sithembinkosi Ncube Poet: Aries Rage Poet: Curt Masango

Poem: The African Dream Poem: The Rabbit Hole Poem: Imposter

It is_ Incongruent be the word

The African dream is a river Soul consuming fire, Blindfolded by darkness
Like the Nile it cuts across deserts cold like a glacier lake Confusion simmering
Through rises and lows gnawing at your feeble self. Averse ahead behind
In search of the sea Nauseating slime_ gooey and icky In bold capital printed
Ever trickling waters to eternity smells like a hagfish waiting IMPOSTER, IMPOSTER
It has no choice to bore into your dying flesh Who cherish life
But to fight on the traps of regret poked by your demons, Who dishonour life
The African dream is a beating drum mocking and taunting your thoughts. Who earns in strife
Thundering in the country side It is_ Who miff with a fife
Alongside the crowing cocks A never-ending bullying session, Who bleeds the knife
Spreading the will of a people wedges to your tush, IMPOSTER, IMPOSTER
It is a promise of a destination not so far and barf in your food. Fanaticism for terrorism
An observation against chains of bondage Schizophrenic moments. Evangelism for exorcism
The African dream is a breeze Alzheimer’s_ you wish you had. The blood in the exocarp
Pushing Africa ashore Total blackout_ is just a dream The gene that became the epicarp
Ruffling and soothing that never comes; The DNA of epical farce on the wall
It is both a struggle and a dance Constant replays of nightmares IMPOSTER, IMPOSTER
Like a dog that has just got the scent and repeated rides on the terror train. Trail guns, statutory bans
It is both a sound and its echoes Closing your eyes is a free ticket to the boogie ill police, statuette policies
Rocking deep into the intricacies man’s concert. Hunched honcho on macho
Blossom my people It is_ So be the poet and his poem
Children of the hunters, herders and fishermen An obsessive lover’s grip IMPOSTER, IMPOSTER
Blossom my people holding you tight so you
Mothers of the human race, math and science don’t slip away. Light at the end of the tunnel?
Blossom my people it’s just a spark of your fairytales Poet: Homunculus
Our destination is no longer abroad but here. going up in flames; Let’s face it! Poem: Carry Me
it feeds on your tortured soul
Poet: Sydney Nyagato just like vultures Carry me my burdens,
Title: The Green-bereted Bandit feed on a wounded prey. I’ve carried you enough times
Piggyback to and fro,
Hell broke loose one gloomy day. I’ve paid the dues for my crimes
It was a fateful fall in the 80s, Poet: Andy Kahari Bulls eye on my forehead,
When the afro bandit descended, Poets: Modern Gadgets I’ve failed to grow with the times
Green-bereted and all; So carry me my burdens,
Taking chances in an Afro Windsor castle, Modern day gadgets all part of a budget. I’ll wither just fine.
Rebuking the sleeping sentries, Ceremoniously revered by all
Heckling some imaginary knights, In worship of the widget. Title: Blue collar
Marking gory puckers with indelible, violet ink, Demanding devoted submission to all Poet: Homunculus
Using some unique franking machine, Willing to endlessly fidget.
To make some 8th-day - creation of flame Hypnotizing restless wrists blindly draining the Empty drawers
tattoos. pocket. Full of silver spoons
The green-bereted bandit of Afro Windsor, The pocket and love they restlessly strangle I count my days
The envy of every nobleman in the Royal En- Bringing chaos at midnight; Watching cows jump over the moon
glish family; With an undesirable love triangle. “Soon, “ they say twill be better...
The prowess of which every Jivaro warrior Applauding a threesome; I still clean the jizz off the carpet
of Latin America might choke in the witching Forbidden in this bed. Of some young boastful tycoon...
slime, Where finger and mind perversion is all but Damn can’t you see?
Not far from Gandavaroyi and the treacherous very bad. Subjecting finger perverts to cyber My path is riddled with cryptic runes
thickets of Mwenezi.. cults. Where they finger pokes buttons How can I sing when I don’t know your
The green-bereted bandit who pulls up every And never nipple buttons. tune?
stop, All to dally and climax Instinct says to run away
Wielding those blunt weapons, In cyber frenzy ecstasy. But society sees a toony loon
Ready to decapitate every living soul deserv- To let off drained pockets and strained rela- Weaving my future on its loom
ing death in cold blood.. tionships! How can I escape my dusky doom?
Page 36 People & Places NewsHawks
Issue 40, 23 July 2021

Why it seems like everyone

WHEN England played Italy in
the Euros 2020 soccer final on 11
July, the images went around the
Not just of the Italian team —

hates the English abroad

who eventually won the game on
penalties — and not just of the
devastated England team. But of
the scenes at Wembley, in Lon-
don, where the game was being
Some fans booed the Italian
national anthem; others broke
into the stadium. Some whiled
away the hours before the match
by getting drunk, trashing Leices-
ter Square and, in the case of
one apparently intoxicated fel-
low,  putting an ignited flare up
their butt.
The global outrage was pal-
pable — these England fans be-
haved appallingly, thank goodness
Italy won.
It’s an extreme version of the
same story that plays out wher-
ever the English go en masse on
While the image of the “ugly
American” is known across the
world, many countries, particu-
larly in Europe, experience the
brunt of the “boozy Brit.”
The stereotypical English per-
son abroad speaks English —
slowly, loudly and deliberately
— instead of learning the local
language, searches out English
restaurants as they don’t trust
“foreign food,” and obliterates
themselves with booze by the af-
By the evening, their boorish
behavior is on full display.
But are they really that bad?
Or do people just love to hate the
Tom Jenkins — who’s keen to
specify that he’s Welsh — thinks
it’s a bit of both.
“There is a kind of myth of the
English tourist which is out there,
and means people have a fantasy
of the perfect tourist,” says the
CEO of the  European Tourism
Organisation (ETOA), the trade
body for inbound tourism to Eu-
“The perfect [fantasy] En-
glish tourist is probably a cross
between  Frederick Hervey, the
English tourists are known for their thirst for alcohol.
fourth earl of Bristol, and David
Niven in ‘Around the World in 80
Days.” police in 2015 when, returning
What [destinations] get never from a vacation in Turkey, she got tourist.”
matches up to that ideal.” a little too merry, allegedly swig- Another annoying thing about
There’s no denying, though, ging from her own bottle of vod- the English? Brits in general don’t
that the English do get in trouble ka onboard and calling the pilot a spend as much on their vacations.
abroad. “basic bitch.” Not least because, since there are
Every summer, stories of bad Former singer and reality TV so many of them, they can com-
behavior — usually linked to star Kerry Katona was  photo- mand the best rates.
drinking, brawling and general graphed rolling around on the tar- “Are we the most desirable
licentious antics — abound. mac at Gran Canaria airport, with tourists? Obviously not, but a lot
Magaluf, on the Spanish island her trousers pulled down, in 2016 of that undesirability is a byprod-
of Mallorca, is nicknamed “Shag- — something she later blamed on uct of success,” he says.
aluf” thanks to the tendency of nerves from the flight interacting “If you’re the people bringing
young Brits to fly in for a week of with alcohol consumption, plus the highest volumes into a desti-
debauchery. “wanting to sunbathe” the mo- nation, you’re in the position to
Things can get so bad there ment she arrived. control rates and terms. So tour-
that in 2018 the local authorities Two years later, she defended ists who don’t have that spending
had to  start a campaign begging the  peculiarly English activity power are more desired than the
them not to get undressed or def- of airport drinking, early in the English.
ecate in public. morning, when Ryanair — exas- “Destinations don’t say, ‘We
Meanwhile Benidorm, on perated by the Brits’ drunken ear- want high volumes of people who
Spain’s Costa Blanca, is the heart ly-morning antics — was calling pay cheap,’ -- they say, ‘We want
of another type of English tour- for a ban on early opening hours people who pay rack rate’.”
ism. for UK airport bars.
The people who come here Even Harry Maguire, part of An industry’s silence
tend to be a little older, but they’re the squeaky clean England soc- shouted “f**k Greece,” though his but very rarely French, Italians, berfest? Northeastern Europeans
looking for a taste of home. cer team, which has been highly lawyer denied it, adding, “They Spanish or Portuguese. They don’t and Russians get drunk under the Finding people in En-
Hence the proliferation of bars praised for its new clean-cut im- love the country and are keen on seem to destroy themselves quite table.” glish-heavy holiday destinations
and restaurants offering fry-ups of age, with stars who give back to the ancient Greek culture.” so regularly.” Jenkins thinks the main issue is who will talk about how the En-
bacon, toast, egg, baked beans for the community rather than flaunt For London-based psychother- Jenkins, however, thinks the that Brits are more conspicuous. glish behave on holiday is diffi-
a traditional “full English” break- their wealth, fell foul of the En- apist Andy Cottom, much of the English get a bad rap for drunk- English is the world’s lingua cult.
fast — all day long. Oh, and good glish abroad curse in summer problem boils down to drink. enness. franca, so thugs hurling drunken The mayor of Mykonos, where
old English beer. 2020. “The English have a very un- “Everyone is perfectly capa- abuse in English are more likely to Harry Maguire had his brawl, de-
Not even celebs are immune to Maguire was found guilty of healthy relationship with alco- ble of behaving disgracefully be recognised, he says. clined to speak to CNN about the
the werewolf-like transformation aggravated assault, resisting arrest, hol,” he says. — if you’re talking about public What’s more, he claims, “the English, while the government
that seems to occur to the English and bribery attempts after a brawl “For some reason, continental drunkenness, I think go to Scan- UK is the biggest market for of the Balearic islands, home to
abroad. in Mykonos, allegedly sparked Europeans have a better under- dinavia and you’d be surprised most destinations in Europe, and hotspots like Magaluf and San
Supermodel Kate Moss was when his sister was stabbed. standing of what it can do. I’ve by what they manage to achieve. if you’re the largest group, you’re Antonio in Ibiza, agreed to take
escorted off an easyJet plane by Greek police reportedly said he seen Germans similarly drunk, Have you ever hung out at Okto- likely to be the most detested questions by email -- but then de-
Issue 40, 23 July 2021
People & Places Page 37

clined to answer them. recover financially, several plac- “We haven’t really established inadequacies,” he says, of the peo- the English aren’t the only ones their unshaven pasty face drink-
The mayor of Benidorm did es are adopting Goyal’s attitude. an identity since the loss of em- ple frequenting all those English who cleave to home comforts ing [English] beer. We shouldn’t
not respond to a request for inter- “I find that now everyone loves pire. There’s confusion -- are we enclaves on the Costa de Sol. “So when abroad. And, in fact, he ar- get too lost in that generalization.”
view. Neither did the Ciudadanos English tourists because they are European, English, British, from many Spanish can speak perfect gues that “this is what drives the For Cottom, going right back
Benidorm party, which has pre- desperate for money,” he says. the UK -- so we tend to follow a English but very few English can tourism industry forward.” to England’s roots could change
viously criticized the overbearing One thing that the English very primitive concept of ‘split- speak Spanish. “The English were the found- tourists’ behavior.
English presence in the town. are renowned for while abroad is ting’ [where we ‘split’ off parts of “Unfortunately, they hide that ing fathers of the industry -- a “The history I was taught and
Perhaps criticising the English their “little Englanderness.” ourselves that are unbearable to embarrassment by being loud and network of clean, well-run hotels that Mr Johnson [the UK prime
at a time when destinations are The same urge that makes us, and imagine that others are obnoxious and drinking them- throughout Europe was estab- minister] talks about was all about
desperate to recover from the eco- them sit down for good old En- displaying them]. selves into oblivion. lished thanks to them,” he says. British victories. He likes to pre-
nomic carnage of the pandemic is glish fry-ups instead of trying the “We can’t recognize our flaws “But the general hatred of ‘the “Then, after World War II, the tend he’s Churchill and Nelson,
a no-go. But hotelier Ajay Goyal, local delicacies also, says Jenkins, as easily as we should. The idea foreigner’ goes back to how we Americans insisted they should be he’ll be doing a Wellington im-
founder of Zening Resorts in Cy- makes many of them adopt a kind [propagated during the empire] accept our own internal flaws,” he equipped with bathrooms. pression next.
prus, tells CNN that the English of uniform while they’re on holi- that we were supposed to be a says, comparing it to people who “From the Japanese we started “How many British people
“are hated a lot, even in countries day. ‘superior race’ is embarrassing, crash into the back of the car in to understand that the interest know about the French victories
where there wouldn’t be any econ- “I remember being in Orlan- and that brings us shame, which front of them -- and call them an of the customer has to sit center in the Hundred Years War? We
omy without them.” do in late September, when some brings bad behavior. idiot for stopping too quickly. stage -- in America, the customer only know about Crécy, Poitiers
He puts it down to several families will take their kids out of “When an individual can’t ac- Of course, hatred of “the for- is king, but in Japan, they are god. and Agincourt.
factors: “Loutish drunken behav- school to access low-season rates,” cept their flaws, they defend quite eigner” cuts both ways -- as do “So the influence of people “We don’t know much Ger-
ior by young tourists; [the idea he says. viciously against that. And the preconceptions. The England coming in and demanding home man history either -- we know
that] ‘You were barbarians before “You’d see entire families wear- behavior we see with hooligan- soccer fans were reviled around comforts is quite profound on the about two World Wars, and con-
we civilized you but you are un- ing England football strips to go ism is almost giving themselves the world for booing the Italian industry.” stantly go on about them every
changed,” by many older people; off to the Orlando attractions, in permission to be an animal,” says national anthem -- but Italian Although he is quick to de- time we play them [in soccer].”
and an overbearing superiority uniform. Cottom. fans had booed the Spanish na- plore the football hooliganism Learning other languages in
complex.” “There’s a real misplacement of “Putting on an England shirt tional anthem in the Italy-Spain and the racism which has been schools would also “help enor-
He says that older English pride, and it’s also very self-defen- seems to be a kind of protection, semi-final just days before. on ugly display since England’s mously”, says Cottom, referring
tourists have a nasty habit of “tell- sive. It’s not a particularly attrac- or uniform, that says ‘I’m allowed In the same way, Cottom talks defeat, Jenkins thinks that general to the “arrogance that, ‘Of course
ing people what civility is -- obvi- tive phenomenon.” to be a hooligan, to get drunk, be- of attending a soccer match in English abroad behavior is differ- everyone speaks English’.”
ously when not drunk.” Psychotherapist Andy Cottom cause I can’t really look in the mir- Barcelona, where “there was a lot ent. And he insists that the peo- And going back to what travel
Even more infuriatingly for says that this English pride stems ror and accept that I’m a drunken of aggression aimed at [English] ple who are most offended by the is really about could also help the
destinations, the English “have from something deeply unpleas- violent, frequently racist and xe- Chelsea fans -- it was incredibly boorish English abroad are their English clean up their game.
less money than the Germans, ant. nophobic person.. overpoliced, with policemen hit- fellow English. “The whole purpose of travel-
Russians and Chinese, and always “There’s this island mentality “Rather than accept I have dif- ting fans with batons and setting “Coming across your com- ing is to broaden the mind,” says
use cards instead of cash unlike that we seem to be very proud of ficulty accepting others, I lash out dogs on them. There was a preju- patriots abroad is like hearing a Cottom.
those above,” says Goyal. -- we’re only a little nation yet we and use any receptacle to project dice there, and they were obvious- recording of your own voice -- a “The purpose of going abroad
However, he says, they do have had a huge empire,” he says. the bad parts of myself into.” ly taking it out on England fans.” deeply disturbing phenomenon. and not talking to a foreigner
redeeming features. “This goes back to our is- When the English are abroad, And he says we all like to ste- So the people who are most of- rather defeats the object. I believe
“They tend to be the most sues about shame. We’re deeply that “receptacle” can too easily be- reotype -- in the same way that fended by English tourists tend to you travel to meet foreigners, un-
friendly, humorous and charming ashamed of not being who we come “foreign people.” Especially, we all think of Americans as loud, be English tourists, and I think it’s derstand them and get rid of your
-- and in my experience, they are used to be.” says Cottom, when we feel em- and how New Yorkers refer to the wrong to exaggerate,” he says. prejudice.”
also the least racist of the Europe- Yes -- unconsciously, he thinks, barrassed that we don’t speak the “bridge and tunnel” crowd that “Not everyone looks like an On that count, it’s not only the
ans.” the English are ashamed that they local language. comes into the city at weekends. overweight person without a shirt English who could take his ad-
And as destinations struggle to don’t have their empire anymore. “It’s a defense against their own Jenkins, meanwhile, says that on, with a red cross smeared over vice. — CNN.
Property NewsHawks

Issue 40, 23 July 2021


The home of prime property:

A steel factory is up for sale in Kwekwe for US$700 000. The workshop covers an area of 6000 square meters built on 32 000 square meters (3.2 hectares) of land. The company’s highest produc-
tivity capacity is about 500 tonnes of steel a month, but that can be increased to 1000 tonnes per month. The focus of the factory is steel fabrication and machine shop. It also does manufac-
turing and installations, as well as major construction disciplines, mechanical, civil and electrical available. Engineering designs, project management are also part of the property. Heavy metal
fabrication and structural steel erection, as well as consulting engineering services. On top of that, raw materials are obtained from a iron mining located less than 50km away from the factory.
Issue 40, 23 July 2021
Sport Page 39

Zdravko Logarušić. Lalchand Rajput.

Lal & Loga, Siamese twins

BOTH men come from mat, when Zimbabwe lost
countries whose names 2-1 in Pakistan late 2020,
are synonymous with the Rajput was not there after
sports they coach – foot- he was barred from travel-
ball and cricket – arguably ing by the Indian govern-
the two biggest team codes
in the world.   
Zdravko Logarušić ar-
rived in Zimbabwe in
walking a tightrope in Zim ment.
Nonetheless, his disas-
trous record in previous
ODI series – never mind
January 2020 to become the other two formats –
the under-achieving Afri- this blog when I felt, at cifically for that purpose the heat on him yet. We – who reportedly earns a cannot be camouflaged. 
can team’s football coach, the time, that he was be- make decisions based on a laughed, but it was not handsome salary and perks Under Rajput, Zimba-
18 months after his own ing subjected to unfair variety of factors. funny. Under Rajput’s – will be allowed to take bwe have never tasted an
country, Croatia, had be- criticism. But the decisions ought stewardship, the skill, in- the team to the peripheries ODI win against a team –
come the smallest nation- I still do hope that Loga to make sense, of world cricket.   in 14 matches – that is not
al since 1950 to reach the can surprise us. Surprise should they not? At this rate, it is ex- lowly United Arab Emir-
World Cup final. us he may.  And even if the tremely hard to see Zim- ates. It is a pathetic record
While the Croat’s curric- But you cannot say that people at Zifa felt HawkZone babwe making a quick that anyone else, includ-
ulum vitae was questioned those early skeptics who that Antipas or return to the World Cup, ing Rajput’s most recent
by the more meticulous questioned Loga’s ap- any other coach following the disaster of international employers,
Zimbabwean football pointment 19 months ago was not what they 2018 which led to Ra- Afghanistan, would not
fans amongst us, you felt do not have good reason.  were looking for,
Enock jput’s appointment amidst stand.   
that benefit of doubt was I have shared this here their gut instinct Muchinjo the wreckage of disap- Even Netherlands and
generally given to Loga at before and, I repeat, Zifa’s and wisdom, sure- pointment and blame. Ireland have completed
first, given his background decision not to offer the ly, would have told Rajput’s mentally dis- emphatic series white-
of hailing from a small Warriors job to Joey Anti- them that Loga- integrated team has just washes on Rajput’s watch. 
European nation that con- pas, a talented local coach, rušić was not Vincente tensity and game-level of been meekly whitewashed If this does not activate
tinually punches above was a total shocker. Del Bosque. our team have continued 3-0 by Bangladesh in an visiting performance con-
its weight in the world’s What more did our We had a hearty chuckle to plunge. The players are ODI series that forms part tract clauses, we may as
number one sport. federation need from an last week when a colleague also to blame, the senior of the ICC Cricket World well prepare ourselves for
It was a generous interim coach who had in the Press box suggested ones in particular, but Ra- Super League. The Super more misery as Lal and his
amount of goodwill that collected four points from that Zimbabwe’s crick- jput and his inept coach- League is serving as part of boys head to Ireland next.
was thrown in the direc- the first two Africa Cup of et coach, Lalchand Ra- ing staff do not offer any the 2023 World Cup qual- Meanwhile, Lal’s fel-
tion of a man who prob- Nations qualifiers, includ- jput, must be personally direction and hope. ification process. low underfire expat across
ably deserved deeper scru- ing a famous away win to shocked that after his ap- Stephen Mangongo It is the first time that suburban Harare – Loga
tiny.  old nemesis Zambia? palling record in charge so and Dav Whatmore were Rajput has been in charge – will have some breath-
I’m not one to kick a Of course, deci- far – presiding over a team sacked with their staff de- of Zimbabwe under the ing space, at least for now,
man who is down, and I sion-making is not a free- that has made losing part spite having records far newly-introduced Super until his own World Cup
confess to have once de- for-all process. Leaders, of its culture – us guys in better than Rajput’s. One League. The first time the qualification bid begins in
fended Loga’s record on who are put there spe- the media have not turned wonders how long Rajput team played under the for- September. 
Sports Cosafa: Warriors
misses out on
milestone as
Zim collapse
share spoils with
Thursday 1 Flames of Malawi
October 2020

Friday 23 July 2021 @NewsHawksLive TheNewsHawks

Dawson sees
WHAT’S INSIDE $60 Covid Community
tariff for radio
visitors &
Story on Page 3
positives in
under review
Story on Page 8

easy wins

THEY turned up on the day in an unfamiliar red strip, but that

out to Khupe
was the only similarity with another Zimbabwe national team
that traditionally dons the same colours and often disappoints. 
Yes, that one that was being routinely pummelled on the
same day in another international match, two northern Harare
neighbourhoods away. 
Zimbabwe’s rugby team on Thursday shrugged off any re-
lation with their beleaguered cricket counterparts, hammering

Unofficial president calls for emerge minnows Burkina Faso 95-5 at Old Georgians in the second
of two Rugby World Cup qualifiers between the two first-time
With both teams progressing automatically to next year’s fi-
nal phase of qualifiers, what an opportunity it was for Zimba-
bwe’s head coach Brendan Dawson – over a rare two-match Test
series – to continue working on combinations ahead of next
year’s business end of the World Cup quest. 
Before Thursday, the Sables had walloped the Burkinabe 103-
3 in the first Test last Sunday, leaving Dawson and his technical
staff searching for takeaways outside the results.
“Look, obviously any game time is good time,” Dawson said.
Rower Peter Purcell-Gilpin (left) and swimmer Donata Katai were Zimbabwe’s joint flag-bearers at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olym- “The opposition wasn’t great but, on our part, we managed to
pics Games on Friday. 17-year-old Katai, the first black Zimbabwean swimmer to represent the African country at the Olympics, will make play to our structure. Guys struck to our structure, even if the
her debut on Sunday in her only event, the 100m backstroke. Male swimmer Peter Wetzlar is the other swimmer in the Zimbabwe team, which opposition was disjointed. We did it for ourselves and stuck to
also has golfer Scott Vincent and sprinter Ngoni Makusha.

Zim in rare win to

our game plan. I felt sorry for them (Burkina Faso). But it’s for
us, it’s good to be able to do what we wanted to do, so we’re
very happy.”
Meanwhile, it has been confirmed that the Sables will play
Côte d’Ivoire in a quarter-final tie of the World Cup qualifiers
next year.
If they progress past this tricky tie against the unpredictable

level T20 series

West Africans, Zimbabwe will likely play in the semis against
old nemesis Namibia, who will have the easiest of tasks in the
last-eight against Burkina Faso.
Kenya, who are leaving no stone unturned in their bid to
qualify for their first World Cup, are favourites to set up a
blockbuster final between either Namibia or Zimbabwe for Af-
rica’s sole qualification slot to France 2023. 

ENOCK MUCHINJO batter Ryan Burl was Zimbabwe’s sec- Left-arm spinner Wellington Masakad-
at Harare Sports Club ond-highest scorer with an unbeaten 34. za took a career-best 3-20 for Zimbabwe
Shoriful Islam took 3-33 for Bangla- while seaming all-rounder Luke Jongwe
OPENING batsman Wessly Madhereve desh with his left-arm seam bowling. also grabbed three wickets.
and the bowlers starred for Zimbabwe as In response, Zimbabwe’s pace spear- Bangladesh were eventually bowled out
the hosts beat Bangladesh by 23 runs on head Blessing Muzarabani gave the home for 143 in the final over, losing the last
Friday to level the three-match T201 se- ALSO INSIDE Finance Ministy wipes out $3.2 Billion depositors funds Zim's latest land c
side a chance in defence of a chasable wicket of Taskin Ahmed (5), but Zimba-
ries 1-1 ahead of the decider on Sunday. score, removing Bangladesh openers Mo- bwe were well set for victory.
Zimbabwe totalled 166-6 in their 20 hammad Naim for five and Soumya Sark- It is the first time that Bangladesh has
overs, riding on man-of-the-match Mad- ar (8) early. lost a match on tour of the southern Af-
hevere’s measured innings that later took Wickets then fell regularly, with Afif rican country. The Tigers defeated Zim-
an attacking dimension. The 20-year-old Hossain (24) and Shamim Hossain (29) babwe by 220 in the one-off Test before
right-hander faced 57 balls and hit five the only other ones to put up some sort completing a 3-0 whitewash in the one-
fours and three sixes on his way to his of resistance. day series. Zimbabwe’s head coach Brendan Dawson.
highest T20I score of 73. Number six

ALSO INSIDE Lal & Loga, Siamese twins walking a tightrope in Zim

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