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(Cobalt Bromide Method)

SCOPE tube which in turn shall be partially surrounded by a

1. This test is in tended to give an indication of the metal shield. The glass tube shall be sealed at its inlet
dryness of Commercial Propane and Propane HD 5. end to a pipe fitting and at the other end to afine
cdpillary orifice which serves as the outlet. See Fig. 2.
APPARATUS The moisture indicators may be purchased ready for
use or they may be prepared as follows: The cotton
2. The apparatus shall consist oí the following: plugs shall be shaped and sized to fit in the glass tube
(a) The Indieator. The indieator is essentially a 100s!:'ly. Each plug shall be ,p:;¡roximately ~/B in.
device for intimately contacting a gas or vapor with long. After soaking in a S2turated solution of
finely divided cobaltous bromide under conditions such cobaltous bromide the plugs shall be placed in a test
that the color of the eobaltous bromide may be observed tube or flask and dried. Drying is accomplished by
at all times. The indieator shall consist of a lightly heating to a temperature not to exceed 212 F while
folded plug of eotton impregnated with cobaltous simultaneously evacuating the container. When properly
bromide. This plug of cotton shall be held in a glass dried the plug3 will be green or blue. They may be
stored in se.aled bottles or a desiceator, but the prefera-
ble method is to enrase eaeh plug in a separate gelatin
(b) Pressure Gage. An aeeurate pressure gage of
suitable range and scaled in single pounds shall be
(e) Needle Valve. The needle valve required shall
be eapable of aceurately eontroIling the flow of gas
through the equipment with a minimum of adjustment.
(d) Ice Bath. The ice bath shall eonsist of a con-
tainer filled with water and craeked ice to a depth suf-
ficient to irnmerse the eooling eoil and all but the tip of
the attached indicator. The temperature of the ice bath
shall be maintained within a range of 32-34 F.
(e) Cooling Coil. The cooling eoil shall eonsist of
r----- l at least 2 feet of % in. O.D. eopper tubing coiled so ..)
I I that it may be eonvenientIy immersed in the ice bath.
I I The inlet of the eoil- shall extend well above the bath

I and shall be fitted with a suitable eonneetion to ac-

BROMIDE I eommodate fue pressure gage and needle valve. The

I INDICATOR I outlet of the coil shall point upward so that when

I attaehed to the indieator it can be readily irnmersed up

I to within 1jz in. of the tip of the indieator.

-j--ICE BATH (f) Caps or Plugs. Adequate eaps or plugs shall
I be provided for the inlet and outlet of the assembly
I I to prevent moisture freID entering the apparatus when
I I the test is not being performed.
I I 3. All tests shall be eondueted with the apparatus
conneeted directly to the vapor space of the tank, tank

\._-~ / ear or tank truck containing the propane to be tested,
FIG. l-ASSEMBLED APPARATUS. except in cases where local eonditions will not permito
In sueh cases a dry sample container having a minimum
eapacity of 20 gallons shall be used and a liquid sample
.The required protective cap (see paragraph 2(m like that
shown on tap of the Indicator was not shawn at the base of the of not less iban 70 per eent nor more iban 80 per eent
needle valve for reasons of sketch clarity. of the volume of the sample container shall be obtained.


.0. x '14" Drlv. Ser..

Chrome Plated
"o." Rlng I.D.3/S" C.D.'12"
Thiekn... Yt6"
~ 3/s" - 16 Threads Per Ineh
!k" - 13 Threads

, T
Per Ineh

CrUle. -So. DriU

: "co
~ Gasket I.D.5/32' C.D. 11f32'
Thlekness Ve"
Both Sides

í~~... .
1 A
Cotton Impregnated Wlth
Cobaltous Bromide

Q. ~ Cotton

Gtass Tube 1.D. %5' o. D.2'164

Gasket 1.D. 5/32 c.D 1'132
Thiekness Va"
{:~ I


'14" National Plpe Threads

Make From 5/a" Hex Brass Bar,
Exeept Cap To Be Made From
9116" Diameter Brass Bar.

SECTION A-A Finlsh - Whlte Nickel


,>. ):~

-- J

ASSEMBLY OF APPARATUS from the outlet oí the indicalor.

4. (a) The apparatus shall be assembled as shown (b) The needle valve, Fig. 1, sha 11then be carelully
opened until the pressure gage registers 50 :!: 2 pounds
In Fig. 2. The needle valvf: shall be attached to a vapor
per square inch and shall be <:djusted 10 maintain this
oullct ol the propane containpr by means of suitable pressure for the duration ol the test. If the container
pipe or tubing connection ol mínimum length.
pressure is less than 50 psig secure a sample as outlined
(b) The óssembled coil and indicator shall be ad- in Sect. 3.
justed to a vertic<:l position. The ice bath sha11 then
be placed in such a position that the coil and a11 but (c) If the original blue color persists for 30 minutes
¿,p~roximately I,~ in. oí the tip of the indicator will ol test exposure, the pressure sha11 then be reduced to
be immcrsed. 7 pounds :!: 2 pounds for five minutes. If the original
PRECAUTIONS blue color persists throulhout this period, the material
shall be reported as being "dry." If the color changes
5. (a) A11 tubing and fittings must be absolutely lo lavender or pink at reduced pressure. then the
dry and free of 'oi! or foreign matter, so that the material shall be reported as being "wet."
indicator will not be contaminated or the results of
the test obscured. (d) If the color changes to lavender or pink during
the 30 minutes of test exposure at 50 :!: 2 pounds per
(b) Keep the caps or plugs on the inlet and outlet sc¡uare inch (it may occur in a few minutes) , the
of the as~embly at a11 times when the apparatus is not material is either "wet" or the tubing and fittings con-
in use and rcmove the cap on the outlet orífice only tain water. To determine the cause of the color change.
when the actual testing is in progress. the pressure on the apparatus shall be adjusted to 5
(c) The final color of the indicator will be the pounds per square inch or less.
original blue. lavender or pink. Extreme caTe shall
be exercised in distinguishing blue from lavender color (1) If the indicator turns blue it can be assumed
as any change from the original blue color indicates a that the tubing and fittings are free of water and
marginal moisture contento the material shall be ret>orted 95 beine: "wet."

TEST PROCEDVRE AND INTERPRETATION (2) Ir the indicator remains la vender or pink
it can be assumed that the t ubing and fitti \,5 con-
6. (a) The valve on the source of propane vapor tain water. The apparatus and connections shall be
to be tested shall be opened and the cap removed dried and the test repeated.



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