QRA On Leakage Failure of Bayesian Network

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Process Safety and Environmental Protection 1 0 3 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 163–173

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Process Safety and Environmental Protection

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Quantitative risk analysis on leakage failure of

submarine oil and gas pipelines using Bayesian

Xinhong Li, Guoming Chen ∗ , Hongwei Zhu

Centre for Offshore Engineering and Safety Technology (COEST), Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College,
China University of Petroleum (East China), No.66, Changjiang West Road, Qingdao, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Submarine pipeline is the major transportation way of subsea oil and gas production. Due
Received 28 February 2016 to the internal and external factor, the failure probability of submarine pipeline is increas-
Received in revised form 26 May ing, which could lead to the spill accidents of oil and gas. Efficient risk analysis is vital
2016 for preventing and mitigating such potential accident. This paper presents a risk-based
Accepted 6 June 2016 accident model to conduct quantitative risk analysis (QRA) for leakage failure of subma-
Available online 16 June 2016 rine pipeline. Firstly, we employ bow-tie method to model the causal relationship between
pipeline leakage and potential accident scenarios. Subsequently, in order to overcome the
Keywords: difficulties of bow-tie in modeling uncertainties and conditional dependency, a Bayesian
Quantitative risk analysis network model for pipeline leakage is developed through mapping from the former bow-
Leakage failure tie. Meanwhile, an object-oriented Bayesian network that has a smaller and more clarified
Submarine oil and gas pipeline structure is also constructed by modularizing the primary Bayesian network. Eventually,
Bow-tie model the probability updating is implemented in risk analysis using Bayesian network when a
Bayesian network new evidence or observation occurs, and an experience learning from accident precursor
Accident precursor data data is also conducted through Bayesian approach. The proposed accident model based on
Bayesian network can provide a more case-specific and realistic analysis consequence com-
pared to bow-tie method, since it could consider the common cause failures and conditional
dependency in accident evolution process of pipeline leakage.
© 2016 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction leakage incidents of oil and gas pipeline between 2001 and
2011 in the UK continental shelf. According to International
The rising demand of energy accelerated the oil and gas explo- Association Oil and Gas Producer (OGP UK, 2010), the alloca-
ration from ocean, countries like American, Canada, China or tion of failure mechanisms for submarine pipeline is as shown
Japan have made exploration work in deep water area which in Table 1. Once a leakage occurs, it may cause severe fire
reached 3000 m water depth. Submarine pipeline is the major and explosion due to accident escalation, and pose a threat
transportation way of subsea oil and gas after exploration to human safety, environment, asset, and reputation (Fang
and exploitation. However, because of scouring caused by cur- et al., 2014). For instance, the leakage accidents of submarine
rent and wave, third-party damage and seaquake, or design pipeline of China Zhuhai and BP as shown in Fig. 1 are two
defect, submarine pipelines has a relative high probability representative examples.
of leakage failure (Zhang et al., 2011). As per the UK Health The leakage failure risk of submarine pipeline is unable to
and Safety Executive (HSE UK, 2011), there are about 1978 be eliminated, but preventive and mitigative measures can be

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: offshore@126.com (G. Chen).
0957-5820/© 2016 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
164 Process Safety and Environmental Protection 1 0 3 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 163–173

Fig. 1 – Leakage accident of submarine oil and gas pipeline.

and Operability Analysis (HAZOP) but also include relatively

Table 1 – Allocation of Failure Mechanisms for
submarine pipelines (OGP UK, 2010). new technologies, such as Markov chain, petri network and
Bayesian network (Bhandari et al., 2015). The conventional risk
Failure mechanism Distribution
analysis methods are known as static, it is unable to capture
Corrosion 36% the variation of risk as the change occurs in the operation and
Material 13% environment (Abimbola et al., 2014). In addition, conventional
External loads causing damage 38%
technologies use generic failure data, which makes them to be
Construction damage 2%
non-case-specific and introduce uncertainty into the results.
Other 11%
Bayesian network is a popular tool for conducting quantita-
tive risk analysis in offshore oil and gas industry (Khakzad
taken to reduce the occurrence probability and consequence
et al., 2013). BN is a probabilistic inference technology for
severity of leakage accident. Risk analysis is an efficient tool
reasoning under uncertainty, and can relax the limitation of
for identifying risk factors and developing strategies to prevent
conventional methods, also consider conditional dependency,
accident. It includes three steps, i.e. hazard identification, fre-
common cause failures and various states of the primary
quency analysis and consequence analysis (Rausand, 2013).
events in accident modeling process (Yuan et al., 2015). The
This study conducts a quantitative risk analysis on leak-
BN can also perform a probability updating and experience
age failure of submarine oil and gas pipeline, which mainly
learning in risk analysis, the dynamic nature of leakage fail-
focuses on the former two steps, i.e. hazard identification and
ure accident of submarine pipelines is considered through this
frequency analysis of leakage failure.
In recent years, several studies have contributed to fail-
The present work is aimed at building a dynamic risk-
ure risk analysis of submarine pipelines. DNV-RP-F107 (2010)
based model for leakage accident of submarine pipeline. A
presented a primary risk analysis method for submarine
dynamic risk analysis of leakage failure for submarine pipeline
pipelines, and lists the possible external hazards that may
is conducting through this model, and the evolution process
cause damage to submarine pipelines, meanwhile, the rele-
of leakage failure accident from causes to consequences is
vant preventive measures, acceptable criteria, probability and
also presented explicitly. Essentially, the study can provide a
consequence degree of failure are also defined. Finally, the fail-
powerful support for critical decision-making of submarine
ure risk is evaluated through a qualitative risk matrix method.
pipelines operators.
In addition, an integrated risk-based assessment method
The rest of paper is organized as follows: A brief description
developed by Aljaroudi et al. (2015) is used to predict fail-
of risk analysis technologies including bow-tie and Bayesian
ure probability and consequence of submarine oil pipelines,
network is presented in section 2. A proposed methodology
and it mainly focuses on corrosion failure of pipelines. In
framework of risk analysis is as shown in section 3. The
this method, the probabilities of different failure mecha-
accident evolution process modeling of leakage failure for
nisms are calculated by limit state function and Monte Carlo
submarine oil and gas pipelines using bow-tie approach is
method while the consequence of failure is measured by
as presented in section 4. Section 5 gives the application of
financial losses. Kawsar et al. (2015) developed a probabilistic
Bayesian network in risk analysis on leakage failure of subma-
and numerical model for the dropped object risk assessment
rine oil and gas pipelines while the conclusion is as presented
of submarine pipeline, in which the collision probability of
in section 6.
dropped object is estimated by scenario sampling while the
accident consequence is simulated through finite element
approach. However, the above studies mainly adopt traditional 2. Foundation of risk analysis method for
risk analysis methods or focus on the risk of single cause, and pipeline leakage
the risk analysis involving comprehensive causes and conse-
quences of submarine pipeline leakage is not mentioned. In 2.1. Safety barrier
light of above, it is necessary to use an integrated approach to
conduct risk analysis of leakage failure for submarine oil and Safety barriers are physical or non-physical means that are
gas pipeline. implemented to prevent, control or mitigate undesired events
In the field of risk analysis methods, quantitative risk or accidents (Sklet, 2006). In the definition of safety barrier,
and reliability analysis technologies are widely applied in prevent means reducing the likelihood of undesired event,
chemical process and offshore oil and gas industries in order control means limiting the extent or duration of the event
to develop a preventative and mitigative strategy (Abimbola escalation, and mitigate means reducing the consequence
et al., 2015). Some of these technologies not only include con- severity of undesired event (Skogdalen and Vinnem, 2012).
ventional methods, such as fault tree (FT), event tree (ET), The similar terms expression of safety barrier include defense,
bow-tie (BT), Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), Hazard protection layer and safety critical element, etc. In the offshore
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 1 0 3 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 163–173 165

In the stage from construction, laying, operation and aban-

donment of submarine pipeline, relevant risk factors possess a
dynamic nature. Meanwhile, common cause failures and con-
ditional dependencies among primary events in FT and safety
barriers in ET should be considered. However, due to the static
characteristic, the bow-tie model is limited to model com-
mon cause failures and conditional dependencies. Currently,
three approaches are used to overcome the static characteris-
tic of bow-tie. Physical reliability model is used to model real
time predictive failure probability of components in bow-tie
(Khakzad et al., 2012). Also the Bayesian theory is coupled
with bow-tie model in order to use new accident precursor
Fig. 2 – Swiss Cheese model adopted from Reason et al.
data update the prior failure probability of primary events and
safety barriers (Kalantarnia et al., 2009). The last approach is
mapping bow-tie into Bayesian network (Khakzad et al., 2011).
Current work adopts the last approach.
oil and gas industry, all of them mean the function to pro-
tect human, environment and assets from a leakage incident
2.3. Bayesian network
or blowout. The safety barrier is generally intended to work
before a specific undesired event happened. The safety bar-
Similar to bow-tie method, Bayesian network is also a graph-
rier can be divided into passive or active, physical, technical
ical technology that describes the relationships between
or human operation (Xue et al., 2013).
causes and consequences, which consists of nodes, arcs and
The early safety barrier model is the classical “Swiss
condition probabilistic table (CPT) (Yuan et al., 2015). The
Cheese model” shown in Fig. 2 is developed by Reason (Reason,
nodes represent the random variables, the arc represents
1990). In this model, each slice is a barrier while the hole rep-
dependency relationship between two linked nodes, and the
resents the weakness or failure of system. If all of holes align,
CPT represents transition of mathematical logic from one
the accident will occur, otherwise, the accident does not occur.
random variable to others. Fig. 4 shows a simple Bayesian net-
The “Swiss Cheese model” is a classical accident model that
work. The nodes of A and B are called parents node of C while
is widely applied in many different industries and sectors.
the C is called the child node of A and B, the parent node and
A new safety barrier model based on “Swiss Cheese model”
child node is connected by arcs L1 and L2. It is worth noting
for oil and gas process is developed by Kujath et al. (2010),
that one node is called root node if it has no parent node.
which includes five categories barriers: release prevention,
Different from bow-tie method, the Bayesian network is an
ignition prevention, escalation prevention, harm prevention
inference probabilistic method, which can overcome the static
and loss prevention. Rathnayaka et al. (2011) extended the
limitation of bow-tie method due to its updating mechanism,
safety barrier of Kujath by adding a safety analysis procedure,
can also implement a forward and backward linear prediction
i.e. system hazard identification, prediction and prevention
as well as diagnosis analysis (Bhandari et al., 2015). Based on
(SHIPP). The safety barrier model after extending is shown in
the above advantages, the Bayesian network is often used for
Fig. 3, and represents the process accident sequence.
failure modeling or risk analysis of complex system. As the
conditional dependency among variables and chain rules, the
2.2. Bow-tie method
joint probability distribution P (U) of a set of variables U = A (A1 ,
A2 , A3 ,. . ., An ) in the Bayesian network can be described as Eq.
Bow-tie is a graphical method that is widely used in process
(1) (Khakzad et al., 2013).
industry accident modeling, is able to present a complete acci-
dental scenario starting from the causes and ends with the 
consequence (Khakzad et al., 2012). Bow-tie include two parts, P(U) = P(Ai |Pa(Ai )) (1)
the left of bow-tie is a FT that describes the latent causes for i=1
an initial event, the right of bow-tie is an ET which describes
the sequential failure of safety barriers and presents the evo- Where Pa (Ai ) is the parent set of variables Ai .
lution process from initial event to final latent consequence. The main advantage of Bayesian network is probability
The FT and ET is linked through a pivot node that is the top updating. Prior probabilities of variables is updated using
event of FT and the induced event of ET. Bayesian theory when new observations or evidences of

Fig. 3 – SHIPP conceptual accident model (adapted from Rathnayaka et al., 2011).
166 Process Safety and Environmental Protection 1 0 3 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 163–173

(ii) Hazard identification, the potential hazards may lead to

a leakage occurrence are identified using fault tree analysis.
(iii) Accident scenario modeling, the accident scenarios after
leakage occurrence is modeled through an event tree analysis
that is based on the sequential failure of relative safety bar-
riers. A complete accident model is presented after (ii) and
(iii) are integrated into bow-tie, the reason why bow-tie is
chosen as the modeling approach is that it has more appar-
Fig. 4 – A simple example of Bayesian network. ent visual effect from the accident causes to consequence
than others. (iv) Failure probability analysis, the failure prob-
variables E are given, then posterior probabilities of variables
abilities of primary evens and end-state consequences are
are also obtained (Khakzad et al., 2013). The new observa-
calculated by Bayesian network that is mapped from the above
tions or evidences of submarine oil and gas pipelines usually
bow-tie. Probability analysis includes two parts, i.e. probability
become available during full life-cycle of pipelines, including
updating and experience learning. The probability updating is
occurrence or non-occurrence of some major accidents or pri-
based on the backward inference function of Bayesian net-
mary events.
work, the Bayesian network implements probability updating
P(U, E) P(U, E) using Bayesian theory when a new observation or evidence
P(U |E ) = =  (2) is given. The experience learning is a process that learning
P(E) U
P(U, E)
from information of near misses, incidents and post acci-
dents. In this process, the prior failure probabilities of primary
3. Proposed risk analysis methodology
events and safety barriers are estimated using the data of
framework for pipeline leakage
system in design stage or historical accidents statistic, fur-
thermore, expert opinion is also an available approach for
In a typical conventional quantitative risk analysis method-
prior probability calculation. Then near misses and incidents
ology, four steps are involved, i.e. hazard identification,
data are used to form likelihood function, which is later used
frequency analysis, consequence analysis and risk quantifica-
to update prior probability. Finally, both prior probability and
tion (Rausand, 2013). The proposed risk analysis methodology
likelihood function are used to estimate posterior probabil-
based on SHIPP is an extension of conventional method, is able
ity through Bayesian theory. (v) Risk prediction, the risk of
to conduct probability updating and experience learning using
pipeline is predicted used posterior probability after probabil-
Bayesian network and accident precursor data. Note that con-
ity updating and experience learning. In terms of above steps,
sequence analysis is not mentioned in current methodology
the calculation results can provide a reference for (vi) risk
framework, and only accident probability analysis is involved.
decision-making, and (vii) the relative preventive measures
As the major accidents are rare to occur, and enough data are
are also needed to be implemented.
usually not available to model accident. Therefore, it is impor-
tant to use near misses and incidents data to predict system
performance and evaluate accident likelihood. 4. Accident evolution process of pipeline
The proposed methodology framework of risk analysis leakage modeling with bow-tie
shown in Fig. 5 involves the following six main steps. (i) Define
system and collect necessary information, in this step, the 4.1. Hazard identification of leakage failure
necessary information of objective submarine pipeline are col-
lected, including design stage data, historical accident data, A FT shown in Fig. 6 is developed to identify the poten-
inspection and maintenance data, environment condition etc. tial hazards that may cause pipeline leakage. The leakage

Fig. 5 – Flow chart of proposed risk analysis methodology.

Process Safety and Environmental Protection 1 0 3 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 163–173 167

Fig. 6 – Fault tree of submarine oil and gas pipeline leakage.

failure of submarine oil and gas pipeline may occur due to pipeline system, a safety barrier model for pipeline leakage
either internal or external factors. External factors include shown in Fig. 7 is developed. The occurrence of catastrophic
corrosion, damage caused by external loads, fatigue damage accident is usually due to failure of safety barriers succes-
caused by suspended span and natural disaster, while internal sively, not failure of single barrier (Skogdalen and Vinnem,
factors include material defect, weld-seam defect and auxil- 2012). In this case, there are six main safety barriers preventing
iaries failure (Jin et al., 2004). Corrosion is a main hazard factor escalation of a leakage event. The monitor and alarm barrier
that can lead to leakage, the corrosion may occur in internal is able to perceive the change of flux and pressure of pipeline
or outer surface of a pipeline, the reasons of corrosion include in normal work condition, and send alarm signals. The leak-
not removing the corrosion gas and impurities, not adding age detection system based on fiber optic is widely gaining
corrosion inhibitor, not pigging regularly, anticorrosive coat- acceptance in oil and gas industries (Aljaroudi et al., 2015b),
ing failure and Cathodic protection failure (Fang et al., 2014). and has two kinds of failure modes, one is that it does not per-
The external loads damage is also an important risk factor ceive when a leakage really occurs, the other is that it sends
when pipeline locates in offshore area, the dropped objects false alarm when a leakage does not occur. The emergency
from passing ships, Anchoring work of ships and fishing gear shutdown is implemented when the leakage is detected suc-
interaction etc. may cause serious damage to pipeline. In addi- cessfully, this process includes stopping pump and cutting
tion, if burial depth of pipeline is not enough, the suspended off globe valves, this process failure may involve no stopping
span will appear due to a harsh subsea environmental con- pump, no stopping pump timely, no cutting off globe valves or
dition, in this case, fatigue failure may happen because of no cutting off globe valves timely. Negative pressure protection
vortex-induced vibration of high frequency (Zhu and Chen, system of submarine pipeline locates between ashore valve
2009). Natural disaster including subsea earthquake, seabed chamber and outlet of pipeline, which is used in submarine
movement and typhoon is also not a negligible factor for caus- pipeline of hangzhouwan in china presently (Fang, 2014). It
ing pipeline leakage. The material and weld-seam defect are can pump the crude oil in pipeline into storage tanks or trans-
inherent defect caused by design or operation factor during portation station of oil, and keep internal pressure of pipeline
designing and constructing stages of pipeline, also a vulner- lower than pressure of ambient seawater in order to prevent
able spot that may lead to pipeline leakage when there are crude oil spill into seawater after emergency shutdown. The
external forces existing. Besides, failure of pipeline auxiliaries remaining crude oil in pipeline after emergency shutdown
such as flange, valve etc. due to design fault or aging may also will spill into seawater once the negative pressure protection
lead to a leakage occurrence or out of control. The primary system fail to work. Note that the spill volume of crude oil
events of FT shown in Fig. 6 and their probabilities (OGP UK, depends on the volume of pipeline in the case of failure of
2010; Participants, 2002; Hu et al., 2012) are as listed in Table 4. negative pressure protection system. When a spill accident
In the present study, the probabilities in Table 4 are referred of oil and gas happens, the emergency response barrier must
for educational purpose and only used to demonstrate the work, which includes plugging leakage hole of pipeline, main-
proposed methodology. tenance of pipeline and cleaning up spill oil. In the process
of cleaning up spill oil and gas, an ignition prevention bar-
4.2. Safety barrier of pipeline leakage rier is necessary for preventing ignition sources and detecting
concentration of flammable gas.
Based on SHIPP conceptual accident model (Rathnayaka et al., It is worth noting that the human factor, management and
2011), as well as considering the characteristics of submarine organization serve as a special barrier which affect the whole
168 Process Safety and Environmental Protection 1 0 3 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 163–173

Fig. 7 – Safety barrier model for submarine pipeline leakage.

Fig. 8 – Bow-tie model of leakage failure of submarine oil and gas pipeline.

process of leakage accident evolution (Rathnayaka et al., 2013). barriers and corresponding failure probabilities are as shown
In this paper, for modeling conveniently, keeping it common to in Table 5 (PSA NO, 2014; Abimbola et al., 2014).
other barriers, which are in sequential order. During the above
process, the function of human, management and organiza- 4.3. Bow-tie model of pipeline leakage
tional factor is more prominent between monitor and alarm
and emergency shut down, including finding alarm signals, An ET is developed based on the sequential failure of safety
judging and verifying the leakage occurrence. Consequently, barriers shown in Fig. 7. It is assumed that the human response
the independent barrier of human response shown in Fig. 8 barrier is able to work successfully once monitor and alarm
is located between monitor and alarm and emergency shut barrier work correctly. If the human response barrier fails to
down. In the above safety barriers model, failure of different work, the emergency shutdown barrier will fail at the same
barriers leads to different consequences. The all above safety time, and once the emergency shutdown barrier fails, the
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 1 0 3 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 163–173 169

Fig. 9 – Bayesian network mapping from bow-tie in Fig. 8.

negative pressure protection will not be activated. The end

Table 2 – CPT corresponding to OR gate in BT.
states shown in Fig. 8 consist of five conditions (A) safety sate,
X4 success failure
(B) vapor cloud or oil spill in a small area, (C) Vapor cloud explo-
sion or pool fire in a small area, (D) vapor cloud or oil spill in a X5 success failure success failure
big area, (E) vapor cloud explosion or pool fire in a big area.
External corrosion success 1 0 0 0
Using the FT and ET developed in the previous section, the
failure 0 1 1 1
bow-tie model of pipeline leakage failure is developed and
shown in Fig. 8. With the probabilities listed in Tables 4 and 5,
the probability of leakage failure of pipeline is estimated as external corrosion will fail inevitably, this relationship is as
1.49E-02, and the probabilities of end states are also calculated described by a CPT in Table 2. Actually, both X4 and X5 fail,
shown in Table 6. Note that the A probability is far greater than the external corrosion may not fail, similarly, although the X4
other consequences, in other words, the probability of safety and X5 do not fail, the failure occurrence of external corrosion
state is dominant compared to dangerous states. is possible. This scenario can be modeled through an amend-
ing CPT shown in Table 3. The amending values in CPT can be
5. Quantitative risk calculation of pipeline determined based on expertise or historical data.
leakage with Bayesian network The Bayesian network of leakage failure for subma-
rine pipeline is developed using graphical network interface
(GeNIe) software (U.O. Pittsburgh, 2014). With the CPT without
5.1. Mapping from bow-tie
amending, the probability of leakage failure is estimated as
1.49E-02 that is same with fault tree calculation, which is due
In order to conduct a case-specific quantitative risk analysis, a
to the CPT of Bayesian network is mapped according to logical
Bayesian network on leakage failure of submarine pipeline is
gate of fault tree rigidly. When with the CPT after amend-
as developed shown in Fig. 9 through mapping from the bow-
ing, the probability of leakage failure increases to 1.71E-02. For
tie model shown in Fig. 8, the mapping algorithm in Khakzad
illustrative purpose, the estimated value using the CPT with-
et al. (2013b) is adopted here. The FT is mapping according
out amending i.e. 1.49E-02 is used to calculate the occurrence
to the casual relation between primary events and interme-
probabilities of consequences. The probabilities of end-states
diate events. In the ET mapping process, the safety barriers
are calculated in Table 6, note that the occurrence probabilities
are represented as safety nodes, the conditional dependen-
of consequences have a little different from result of bow-tie,
cies between safety barriers are also considered, and the
consequence node with five states is corresponding to the
end-states of ET. Table 3 – Amending CPT corresponding to OR gate in BT.
The conditional dependencies among elements of Bayesian
X4 success failure
network are assigned in CPT. The logical gate of fault tree and
experience-based judgment are used to determine CPTs in X5 success failure success failure
Bayesian network model. The logical gate of fault tree repre- External corrosion success 0.96 0.08 0.08 0.02
sents deterministic relationship between primary events and failure 0.04 0.92 0.92 0.98
intermediate events, for example, either X4 or X5 fail, the
170 Process Safety and Environmental Protection 1 0 3 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 163–173

Table 4 – Components of the pipeline leakage FT in Fig. 6

and their probabilities (OGP UK, 2010; Participants, 2002;
Hu et al., 2012).
Symbol Description Prior Posterior
probability probability

X1 Not removing the 1.0E-03 6.72E-02

corrosion gas and
X2 Not adding corrosion 1.1E-03 7.4E-02
X3 Not pigging regularly 2.0E-04 1.34E-02
X4 Anticorrosive coating 5.0E-04 3.36E-02
X5 Cathodic protection 2.7E-04 1.82E-02
Fig. 10 – Object-oriented Bayesian network by X6 Dropped objects hit 1.5E-04 1.0E-02
modularizing Fig. 9. X7 Anchoring work 2.0E-04 1.34E-02
X8 Fishing gear interaction 2.5E-04 1.68E-02
the reason is that the conditional dependencies among top X9 Man-made drilling oil 3.0E-03 2.02E-01
event of fault tree and safety barriers are considered while stolen
bow-tie has a limitation in this aspect. X10 Offshore construction 5.0E-05 3.37E-03
X11 Design burial depth is 6.4E-04 8.95E-04
The Bayesian network shown in Fig. 9 does not have a
not enough
clear structure due to numerous nodes, from which we may
X12 Operation of burial 4.0E-05 5.59E-05
not see the evolution process of a pipeline leakage accident depth is not enough
easily. Therefore, an object-oriented Bayesian network shown X13 Failure of treatment 3.3E-04 4.61E-04
in Fig. 10 is developed through modularizing the primary timely
network shown in Fig. 9, which consists of instance nodes X14 Strong current and wave 2.0E-05 2.13E-05
and usual nodes (Khakzad et al., 2013a). In object-oriented X15 Seabed soil are eroded 6.0E-03 6.41E-03
Bayesian network, an instance node represents a sub-network,
X16 Subsea earthquake 6.3E-06 4.24E-04
and a complex Bayesian network can be divided into several X17 Seabed movement 2.3E-03 1.55E-01
instance nodes and usual nodes. The instance node of leak- X18 typhoon 3.7E-05 2.49E-03
age failure is corresponding to FT in Fig. 7, and the barriers X19 Design defect of 8.4E-04 5.65E-02
instance node includes monitor and alarm, human response, material
etc. In addition, an instance node of common causes fail- X20 Construction defect of 9.7E-04 6.52E-02
ures is also involved, in this case, the primary events as not
X21 Design defect of 2.3E-04 1.55E-02
pigging regularly, failure of treatment timely and auxiliaries
aging are caused due to lacking of efficient supervision while X22 Construction defect of 6.5E-04 4.37E-02
safety barriers of human response and emergency response weld-seam
share incomplete emergency plan as a common cause failure. X23 Auxiliaries aging 3.2E-03 2.15E-01
The nodes in dotted circles serve as interface nodes between X24 Design defect of 1.0E-05 6.72E-04
instance nodes, and represent the information inputting or auxiliaries

outputting from an instance node to others. In this scenario,

the probabilities of lacking of efficient supervision and incom- evidence for calculating posterior of safety barriers, the pos-
plete emergency plan are 1.0E-03 and 2.6E-03, respectively, terior probability of event Xi and safety barriers Si are the P (Xi
then the probability of leakage failure considering common |leakage) and P (Si |end-state E)shown in Tables 4 and 5.
causes failure is estimated as 1.59E-02. It has an increase According to Table 4, the probabilities of partial primary
compared to not involving common cause failure. The con- events have an obvious increase compared to their prior prob-
sequence occurrence probabilities after considering common abilities. The most probable causes for leakage occurrence
cause failure are also shown in Table 6. It is apparent to see are man-made drilling oil stolen, Seabed movement and aux-
that consequence probabilities have an obvious increase due iliaries aging whose probabilities increase from 1.0E-03 to
to common cause failure, which may more accord with engi- 1.0E-01. Improving safety management, maintaining regularly
neering practice.

5.2. Probability updating Table 5 – Safety barriers of event tree in Fig. 7 and their
probabilities (PSA NO, 2014; Abimbola et al., 2014).
Once the Bayesian network is mapped from bow-tie, the prob- Symbol Safety barriers Prior Posterior
ability updating can be conducted using Bayesian network probability probability
through introducing a evidence. The probability after updating S1 Monitor and alarm 3.0E-03 1.01E-01
is in terms of posterior probability, for example, when a cer- barrier
tain state event E is given, the posterior probability of event Xi S2 Human response 1.0E-02 9.84E-02
is calculated as P (Xi | E). The most common evidence used in S3 Emergency shutdown 2.0E-02 1
probability updating is the knowledge about top event or con- S4 Negative protection 4.0E-02 1
sequences (Khakzad et al., 2013a). In this paper, the top event
S5 Emergency response 5.5E-03 1
leakage failure is adopted as evidence for estimating posterior S6 Ignition protection 3.0E-02 1
probability of root nodes while the E end-state is adopted as
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 1 0 3 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 163–173 171

failure probabilities distribution and likelihood function of

Table 6 – Occurrence probabilities of consequences
calculated with different methods. safety barriers are determined, the experience learning for
failure probabilities of safety barriers can be implemented
Symbol BT method BN BN considering
based on Bayesian updating mechanism shown in Eq. (3) (Tan
approach common cause
failures et al., 2013). Finally, the experience learning for occurrence
probabilities of consequences is also calculated.
A 1.49E-02 1.49E-02 1.58E-02
B 3.12E-06 3.11E-06 3.36E-06  P(data |Si )Si
C 9.64E-08 9.62E-08 1.04E-07 P(Si data ) =  (3)
P(data |Si )Si
D 1.59E-06 1.76E-06 3.28E-05
E 4.92E-08 5.44E-08 1.01E-06
Where Si is the prior failure probability distribution of ith
safety barrier, P (data|Si ) is likelihood function obtained from
and selecting line of paving reasonably can avoid the occur- accident precursor data.
rence or reduce the likelihood of above three primary events. The prior failure probability distribution represents the
The posterior probabilities of safety barriers also have an obvi- prior knowledge about system starting design or operation
ous increase compared to prior probabilities, from Table 5, while the likelihood function is a reflection of precursor
the safety barriers S3, S4, S5, S6 must be failure state when information (Kalantarnia et al., 2010). The real time accident
end-state E occurs. precursor data of submarine oil and gas pipeline are used to
The GeNIe software can also implement strength of form likelihood function, which often are obtained from the
influence, through which the probable development paths history statistics of pipeline or safety expert feedback. In the
are found, the width of arc represents the likelihood of patch present study, the hypothetical cumulative occurrence num-
(U.O. Pittsburgh, 2014). The most probable accident evolution ber of consequences (i.e. accident precursor and accident data)
paths are follows: (i) X5→external corrosion→leakage observed and reported over the course of 10 years are used
failure; (ii) (X15→harsh environment) and (X11→lack for illustrative purpose, as shown in Table 7. In application
of burial depth)→suspended span→leakage failure; (iii) process, a conjugate pair is often chosen for prior probability
X23→auxiliaries aging→leakage failure; (iv) X21 or X22→weld distribution and likelihood function (Meel and Seider, 2006). In
seam defect→leakage failure; (v) X19 or X20→material this case, the prior probability distribution is called a family of
defect→leakage failure. Note that the internal factors include conjugate prior to corresponding likelihood function, and the
three evolution paths of high probability while external posterior probability distribution obtained from updating is in
factors include two evolution paths of high probability. In the same family.
addition, according to strength of influence, the emergency In the present study, it is assumed that all safety barriers
response barrier has the widest arc connecting to conse- failure probability follow Beta distribution while correspond-
quence node, which indicates emergency response barrier ing likelihood functions are represented using a binomial
has a big effect on accident consequence. Hence, reasonable distribution. Consequently, the posterior failure probability
emergency plan and efficient emergency exercises must be obtained using Eq. (4) also follows beta distribution due to
taken for improving the reliability of emergency response Beta and binomial distributions are conjugate pairs. The expe-
barrier in order to prevent catastrophic accident. rience learning can consider accident precursor information
Table 6. that are recorded over time, the safety barriers failure prob-
abilities obtained from experience learning are also dynamic
5.3. Experience learning over time. Fig. 11 shows the dynamic failure probabilities of
safety barriers, which is estimated using experience learning
To get a case-specific estimating value, the near misses and method. In this figure, year 0 represents the prior probabil-
incidents must be involved which are known as accident pre- ities of safety barriers. As is depicted in Fig. 11, the failure
cursors that are not characterized as accident but indicate the probabilities of safety barriers are increasing over time. Note
increasing likelihood of an accident occurrence (Kalantarnia that the failure probabilities of negative protection system,
et al., 2009). Experience learning is an ability that present emergency shutdown and ignition protection have a sharp
accident model can adapt the failure probabilities of safety increase with the time while failure probabilities of monitor
barriers and occurrence probabilities of consequences using and alarm, human response and emergency response increase
accident precursor data (Yuan et al., 2015). In this paper, the to a small extent. Hence, the attention of pipeline operators
casual relationship of leakage failure for pipeline has already should mainly focus on the state of safety barriers of neg-
been as depicted through Bayesian network, once the prior ative protection system, emergency shutdown and ignition

Table 7 – Cumulative number of precursor events and accidents of a submarine oil and gas pipeline.
T/year 1-A 2-A 3-B 4-C 5-A 6-D 7-E 8-A 9-A 10-B 11-C 12-A 13-D 14-E 15-A 16-D 17-E

1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
3 4 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0
4 4 2 2 1 3 1 0 1 1 2 1 3 1 0 0 0 0
5 5 3 3 1 3 1 0 1 1 2 2 3 1 0 1 0 0
6 7 3 4 1 4 1 0 2 1 2 4 5 1 0 1 0 0
7 8 4 5 2 4 2 1 3 2 3 4 5 1 0 1 0 0
8 8 4 6 2 5 2 1 3 2 4 5 5 2 0 1 1 0
9 10 5 8 3 6 2 1 3 2 5 5 6 2 1 2 1 0
10 12 6 10 3 7 3 2 4 3 6 7 8 3 1 2 1 0
172 Process Safety and Environmental Protection 1 0 3 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 163–173

0.30 decreases with severity increases, as the occurrence probabil-

S1 ity of catastrophic accident E is smallest while the occurrence
0.25 S2 probability of general accident B is biggest compared to others.
Probabilities of safety barriers

S4 Fig. 13 illustrates that the probability of consequence of safe
0.20 S5 state decrease gradually during ten years, this case indicate
S6 risk decision-making and preventive measures must be taken
0.15 for improving safe status of pipeline.
As a result of considering accident precursor data, the
0.10 probabilities of safety barriers and consequences are more
case-specific. Hence, the estimated outcome with posterior
0.05 probabilities is more accurate than prior probabilities. More-
over, dynamic change of these failure probabilities is also
0.00 represented using experience learning. Thus, the develop-
0 2 4 6 8 10 ment trend of safety status for pipeline can be predicted
Fig. 11 – Dynamic failure probabilities of safety barriers.

protection. A regular work of inspection and maintenance 6. Conclusion

should be conducted for these three safety barriers in order
to improve reliability of them and prevent the occurrence of This paper demonstrated the application of coupled bow-tie
major accident. and Bayesian network in risk analysis of submarine oil and gas
Figs. 12 and 13 show the dynamic occurrence probabili- pipeline. The hazard identification and escalation process of
ties of consequences of dangerous and safe state, respectively, pipeline leakage are modeled with bow-tie approach. Consid-
which are also estimated using experience learning method. ering the limitation of bow-tie in conditional dependencies
As is depicted in Fig. 12, the occurrence probabilities of con- and common cause failures, a Bayesian network mapping
sequences of dangerous types have a same change trend with from bow-tie is developed for relaxing this limitation. For
failure probabilities of safety barriers shown in Fig. 11, which simplifying structure of Bayesian network, an object-oriented
increase with time from year 0 to year 10. In addition, the Bayesian network is constructed by modularizing the pri-
occurrence probability of consequences of dangerous state mary Bayesian network. Present work illustrated that bow-tie
is more intuitive in accident modeling than Bayesian net-
work, however, the estimated outcome of bow-tie is static due
to its inherent limitation. In modeling process, the Bayesian
network with amended CPT can model accident practically.
Probabilities of consequence

0.00010 C
D Meanwhile, based on backward inference, the probability
0.00008 E updating is implemented when a new evidence is consid-
ered. In addition, an experience learning is also conducted
0.00006 with recorded accident precursor data, and dynamic failure
probabilities of safety barriers and consequences are obtained
0.00004 through this method.
In present study, when CPT is not amended, conditional
dependency and common cause failures are not considered
simultaneously, Bayesian network had the same estimating
0 2 4 6 8 10 value with bow-tie method. Otherwise, the Bayesian network
Time-year approach had a more big estimating value due to considering
more factors. In Bayesian network analysis, probability updat-
Fig. 12 – Dynamic probabilities of consequences in
ing indicated man-made drilling oil stolen, Seabed movement
dangerous state.
and auxiliaries aging are most probable factors for lead-
ing to a leakage occurrence. In addition, five most probable
0.01590 development patches of pipeline leakage are also identi-
fied through strength of influence of GeNIe software. The
probability updating also indicated that emergency response
Probabilities of consequence

barrier has a big effect on accident consequence. A experi-

ence learning is also implemented in this paper, it indicated
that the failure probabilities of negative protection system,
emergency shutdown and ignition protection have a sharp
0.01575 increase with the time. In addition, the occurrence proba-
bilities of consequences of dangerous states increased over
0.01570 time while consequence probability of safe state decreases
Present study indicated that Bayesian network is an effi-
0 2 4 6 8 10 cient tool in risk analysis on leakage failure of submarine oil
Time-year and gas pipeline, the estimating outcome of probability updat-
ing and experience learning could provide a strong support for
Fig. 13 – Dynamic probability of consequence in safe state.
risk decision-making and preventive measures implementing.
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 1 0 3 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 163–173 173

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