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Course Code: 171ES1T03


B. Tech I Semester End Examinations (Regular), Nov / Dec – 2017
(Common to ECE, CSE & IT)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60
Answer ONE question from each unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the questions must be answered at one place only

1 a Construct a regular pentagon of 40 mm side by any two methods. CO1 [4M]
b Draw a straight line AB of any length. Mark a point F, 65 mm from AB. CO1 [8M]
Trace the paths of a point P moving in such a way, that the ratio of its
distance from the point F, to its distance from AB is 2:3. Name the
curve. Draw normal and tangent to the curve at a point on it, 50 mm
from F.
2 a Draw a rectangle having its sides 125 mm and 75 mm long. Inscribe a CO1 [6M]
parabola in it.
b Construct a diagonal scale of Representative Fraction is 1/4000 to show CO1 [6M]
meters and long enough to measure up to 500 meters. Show on a
distance of 374 meters and 153 meters.

3 a Two points A and B are in the Horizontal Plane. The point A is 30 mm CO2 [4M]
in front of Vertical Plane, while B is behind the Vertical Plane. The
Distance between their projectors is 75 mm and the line joining their top
views makes an angle 450 with xy. Find the distance of the point B from
the Vertical Plane.
b Draw the projections of a 75 mm long straight line, in the following CO2 [8M]
(i) Parallel to both Horizontal Plane and Vertical Plane and 25 mm
from each.
(ii) Parallel to and 30 mm above horizontal Plane and in the
Vertical Plane.
(iii) Parallel to 40 mm in front of the Vertical Plane and in the
Horizontal Plane.
(iv) Perpendicular to Vertical Plane, 25 mm above the horizontal
Plane and its one end in the Vertical Plane.
4 a A 100 mm long line is parallel to and 40 mm above Horizontal Plane. Its CO2 [4M]
two ends are 25 mm and 50 mm in front of the Vertical Plane
respectively. Draw its projections and find its inclination with the
Vertical Plane.
b A line AB, 90 mm long, is inclined at 450 to the Horizontal Plane and its CO2 [8M]
top view makes an angle of 600 with the Vertical Plane. The end A is in
the Horizontal Plane and 12 mm in front of the Vertical Plane. Draw its
front view and find its true inclination with the vertical Plane.

5 A circular plate of negligible thickness and 50 mm diameter appears as CO3 [12M]
an ellipse in the front view, having major axis 50mm long and minor
axis 30 mm long. Draw its top view when the major axis of the ellipse is
6 Draw the projections of a regular hexagon of 30 mm side, having one of CO3 [12M]
its sides in the Horizontal Plane and inclined at 600 to the vertical Plane,
and its surface making an angle of 450 with the Horizontal Plane.

7 A pentagonal pyramid, base 25 mm side and axis 50 mm long, has an CO4 [12M]
edge of its base on the ground. Its axis is inclined at 300 to the ground
and parallel to the Vertical Plane. Draw its Projections.
8 A triangular prism, base 40 mm side and height 65 mm is resting on the CO4 [12M]
Horizontal Plane on one of its rectangular faces with axis parallel to the
Vertical Plane. Draw its projections.
9 A right circular cone of base diameter 30 mm and height 36 mm rests CO5 [12M]
centrally on top of a square block of 48 mm side and 22 mm thickness.
Draw the isometric projection of the two solids.
10 Convert the following isometric view in to orthographic views. All CO5 [12M]
dimensions are in millimeters.


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