Peripheral Pulses: Number of Items, Multiply by 100

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Cabuyao City

Physical Assessment Checklist Evaluation

Peripheral Vascular System Assessment

Name: ________________________ Yr/Section/Grp: __________________ Rate: _________

 Demonstrate ability to use correct techniques in performing physical assessment of the Peripheral Vascular
 Interview clients for an accurate nursing history of the Peripheral Vascular System
 Differentiate abnormal and normal findings of the Peripheral Vascular System

Rating Scale :
3 = Demonstrate with thorough understanding of the skills/performances
2 = Demonstrate some understanding of the skills/performances
1 = Demonstrate limited understanding of the skills/performances

Assessing the Peripheral Vascular System

Preparation Remarks
3 2 1
1. Explain to the client what you are
going to do, why it is necessary, and how she can cooperate.
2. Wash hands and observe other appropriate infection
control procedures.
3. Provide for client privacy.
4. Determine client’s history of the following:
Past history of heart disorders, varicosities, arterial disease, and
Lifestyle patterns, specifically exercise patterns, activity
patterns, and tolerance
Smoking habits and use of alcohol
Peripheral Pulses
5. Palpate the peripheral pulses (except the carotid pulse) on
both sides of the client’s body individually, simultaneously,
and systematically to determine the symmetry of pulse
volume. If you have difficulty palpating some of the
peripheral pulses, use a Doppler ultrasound probe.
Peripheral Veins
6. Inspect the peripheral veins in the arms and legs for the
presence and/ or appearance of superficial veins when limbs
are dependent and when limbs are elevated.
7. Assess the peripheral leg veins for signs of phlebitis.
Peripheral Perfusion
8. Inspect the skin of the hands and feet for color,
temperature, edema, and skin changes.
9. Assess the adequacy of arterial flow if arterial insufficiency
is suspected.
10. Document findings in the client record.

To compute for the Total Score: Add each item’s rating. Total
Score ----------/30
To compute for the Average: Divide the total SCORE by total
number of items, multiply by 100 Ave.
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________

______________________________________ ___________________________________
Student’s Signature Over Printed Name CI’s Signature Over Printed Name

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