3 - Corrosion of Steel in Presence of Clostridium

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878 DOI: 10.1002/maco.200905582 Materials and Corrosion 2011, 62, No.

Corrosion of API XL 52 steel in presence of Clostridium

O. A. Ramos Monroy, M. J. Hernández Gayosso*, N. Ruiz Ordaz,
G. Zavala Olivares and C. Juárez Ramı́rez

During the characterization of sediments formed in pipelines transporting

hydrocarbons, the knowledge of the microbiological diversity becomes very
interesting, especially when it is related to microbiologically influenced
corrosion (MIC). The presence of microorganisms is considered as one of the
factors that affect the corrosion processes occurring at the pipeline; therefore,
their corrosiveness must be determined. In this way, the identification of new
species affecting the MIC processes is still considered relevant. In this work, the
effect of Clostridium celerecrescens upon the corrosion of API KL 52 steel was
evaluated. This microorganism was isolated and identified from the sediments
collected during the inner cleaning procedures of a gas pipeline. The polarization
resistance (PR) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques
were considered to estimate the microorganism behavior during the corrosion
process. The results were complemented with a metal surface analysis, using a
scanning electron microscope (SEM). The resistance values induced by the
presence of the microorganisms clearly indicated that C. celerecrescens has an
effect on the corrosion process occurring at the API XL 52 steel surface.

1 Introduction the inner cleaning procedures of a gas pipeline. The polarization

resistance (PR) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) has long been (EIS) techniques were considered to estimate the microorganism
studied for many years by the scientific community, and different behavior during the corrosion process. The results were
areas have contributed to the understanding of this subject. complemented with a metal surface analysis, using a scanning
Because of its economical importance, special interest has been electron microscope (SEM).
given to microorganisms growth occurring at installations related
to the oil industry. Nowadays, there are many publications 2 Methodology
concerning the study of the corrosion processes caused by the
activity of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) in wells, pipelines, and 2.1 Microorganisms isolation
storage tanks. Nevertheless, the identification of other micro-
organisms and their effect on the corrosion processes is still The microorganisms considered in this work were isolated from
considered of particular interest. the sediments built up upon the corrosion coupons installed in a
In this work, the effect of Clostridium celerecrescens upon the gas pipeline located in the marine region of Mexico. The products
corrosion of API KL 52 steel was evaluated. This microorganism were incorporated on site to the PBS medium [1] (NaCl: 8.7 g/
was isolated and identified from the sediments collected during L, KH2PO4: 0.4 g/L, K2HPO4: 1.23 g/L, ascorbic acid diluted to
5%: 20 mL/L, and resarzurine diluted to 1%: 1 mL/L; pH: 7.0),
considering anerobic conditions. After that, the samples were
O. A. Ramos Monroy, N. Ruiz Ordaz, C. Juárez Ramı́rez
Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, sent to the laboratory and the microorganisms were maintained
Prolongación de Carpio y Plan de Ayala, México D. F., C. P. 11340 in Postgate C medium (Table 1) [2].
2.2 Identification of the bacterial species
M. J. Hernández Gayosso, G. Zavala Olivares
Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Grupo Corrosión. Eje Central Lázaro
Cárdenas 152, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, México D. F., C. P. 07730 The identification of the bacterial species was carried out through
(México) the amplification of a DNA specific region, by means of the
E-mail: mjazmin@imp.mx polymerase chain reaction (PCR) [3].

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Materials and Corrosion 2011, 62, No. 9 Corrosion of API XL 52 steel 879

Table 1. Composition of Postgate C medium graphite rod as auxiliary, and a saturated calomel electrode as
reference. The electrolyte used was Postgate C medium. Nitrogen
Compound Concentration (g/L)
gas was bubbled to remove all the oxygen and to maintain
KH2PO4 0.5 anerobic conditions. The measurements were obtained with a
NH4Cl 1.0 Solartron SI 1280B potentiostat, and a PC was used for data
Na2SO4 4.5 recording. One test was carried out every 24 h, for 30 days. The
MgSO4  7H2O 0.06 steel corrosion effect when exposed to the Postgate C medium
Sodium lactate 60% (p/v) 6.0
was determined under the sterile conditions (reference system)
CaCl2  2H2O 0.06
FeSO4  7H2O 0.004 and in the presence of microorganisms.
Yeast extract 1.0
Sodium citrate 0.3 2.4.1 Polarization resistance
NaCl 15 A potentiodynamic method was used to obtain the current–
Resarzurine 0.5 potential relation, applying W10 mV overpotential with respect to
the free corrosion potential, and considering a sweep of 10 mV/
min. CorrViewTM software was used for data management.
The PCR was obtained using an Applied Biosystems
GeneAmp PCR System 2400 equipment, considering the 2.4.2 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
following program: (I) denaturalization at 94 8C during 5 min, The measurements were done under the following conditions:
(II) 35 cycles of 1 min at 94 8C, (III) alignment at 55 8C for 1 min, W10 mV signal amplitude and a frequency range of 1000–0.1 Hz,
(IV) extension at 72 8C for 2.5 min, and (V) 10 min for the final recording 61 points per test. The data were analyzed with Zview1
extension at 72 8C. Once the amplification was done, the samples software.
were cooled for 10 min at 4 8C.
For the identification of microorganisms, the following
2.5 Surface analysis
initiators were used: (8FLP 50 -GCG GAT CCG CGG CCG CTG
CAG AGT TTG ATC CTG GCT CAG-30 ) Forward and 13B (50 -
Once the electrochemical experiments were done, the working
electrodes were placed into a 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution for 4 h
[4]. These initiators can produce amplification products of
at 4 8C. After that, 1% osmium oxide was used for 2 h at 4 8C. The
approximately 1400 pb of 16S rDNA. The sequences obtained
samples were then dehydrated with four ethanol solutions (25, 50,
were processed in the data base of the National Center for
75, and 100%). To eliminate the ethanol from the metal surface,
Biotechnology Information (NCBI): http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.-
the coupons were dried at their critical point with CO2 (CO2
gov, using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool Program
liquefying point, temperature: 120 8C, pressure: 1800 psi) for
(BLAST1) [5].
40 min. The coupons were covered with a thin gold film before
surface analysis at the SEM. With this preparation, microorgan-
2.3 Kinetics growth
isms can be observed at the metal surface. However, to analyze
the damage caused by the corrosion processes at the metal
The microorganisms culture was inoculated in vials with 100 mL
surface, the biofilm and the corrosion products were removed
Postgate C medium. API XL 52 steel coupons (polished and
from the coupons and a direct surface observation was carried out
degreased [6]) were placed into the vials, which were incubated at
with the SEM [8].
room temperature. These vials were used as ‘‘sacrificial’’ to
determine the consortium kinetics growth, following the most
probable number (MPN) method [1, 7]. The planktonic and 3 Results and discussion
sessile microorganisms growth was determined separately.
For planktonic microorganisms, 1 mL of culture was taken According to the 16S rDNA gene amplification, the microorgan-
directed from the bulk medium, and then diluted with 3 series of isms isolated from the corrosion coupons have a 99% similarity to
10 vials each. C. celerecrescens. This species has been identified previously in the
For sessile microorganisms, the steel coupon was placed into gas pipeline, along with some SRB, such as Desulfovibrio
a vial containing 10 mL of saline solution; then ultrasonic vietnamensis and Clostridium sporogenes [9].
cleaning bath equipment was used to remove the bacteria from C. celerecrescens is strict anerobic species and no evaluation
the metal surface; 1 mL was taken from this solution and then has been done to know its effect on the steel corrosion process.
diluted with 3 series of 10 vials each.
3.1 Polarization resistance
2.4 Kinetics growth determination using
electrochemical techniques The measurements obtained from the PR technique (Fig. 1)
indicated that the API XL 53 steel, exposed to the Postgate C
To determine the effect of the microorganisms upon the steel medium without microorganisms, exhibited low resistance
corrosion rate, PR and EIS techniques were considered. The polarization values during the first 48 h, followed by an increase
experiments were carried out in a 1 L standard cell, with a three and above 50 000 V cm2 could be observed at the end of the
electrodes system: API XL 52 steel as working electrode, a experiment. These results indicate that at the beginning the bare

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880 Monroy, Gayosso, Ordaz, Olivares and Ramı́rez Materials and Corrosion 2011, 62, No. 9

Figure 1. Resistance polarization for API XL 52 steel exposed to Postgate C medium, under sterile conditions and in the presence of C. celerecrescens

metal surface was under a high corrosion process, which depressed semicircle, with resistance values around 900 V cm2.
decreased with time. The diagrams obtained at 284 and 792 h exhibited bigger
During the first 350 h, the steel exposed to Postgate C diameters, which indicated an increase with time of the resistance
medium and in the presence of C. celerecrescens exhibited a similar value. Under these conditions, it is established that the corrosion
behavior to that observed at sterile conditions. However, after that process occurred during the first experimental hours, and then
time the resistance polarization values decreased, indicating that lower corrosion rate was observed, as the exposition time
the corrosion processes become more important, probably caused increased.
by effect of the biofilm developed at the working electrode An equivalent circuit was proposed using the Zview program
surface. (Fig. 2b). With this, a schematic representation of what is
happening at the metal surface may be considered. The following
3.2 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy elements were considered for the equivalent circuit:

The metal samples exposed to the Postgate C medium, under 1. A resistance Rs, considered as solution resistance.
sterile conditions and in presence of C. celerecrescens were 2. A parallel combination of a resistance, Rct, which represents
individually analyzed with the EIS technique. The initial Nyquist the charge transfer resistance and a constant phase element,
diagram obtained for the reference system (Fig. 2a) indicated a CPE, considered as the double layer capacitance.

Figure 2. EIS results obtained for API XL 52 steel exposed to Postgate C medium, under sterile conditions: (a) Nyquist diagrams, (b) equivalent
circuit, and (c) resistance values with time

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Materials and Corrosion 2011, 62, No. 9 Corrosion of API XL 52 steel 881

Figure 3. EIS results obtained for API XL 52 steel exposed to Postgate C medium, in the presence of C. celerecrescens: (a) Nyquist diagrams, (b)
equivalent circuit used during the first 300 h, (c) equivalent circuit used after 300 h, and (d) resistance values with time

In a general way, a CPE is used instead of a capacitor, to For the steel exposed to the medium inoculated with
compensate some deviations from the ideal behavior. In practice, microorganisms, during the first hours Nyquist diagrams,
the semicircles obtained are not perfect and it is very common to similar to those observed under sterile conditions, were obtained
observe depressions, as shown in this figure. From data fitting, (Fig. 3a). These curves were adjusted using the same equivalent
the value for each element in the system is established. In this circuit previously proposed (Fig. 3b). However, after 300 h a
case the solution resistance values were not significant, below Warburg element (W0) had to be incorporated, due to a
4 V cm2, while the initial charge transfer resistance values were diffusion effect observed during the experiment. When simulat-
around 1000 V cm2 and a sudden increase was observed in the ing this circuit, values for solution resistance, charge transfer
next hours. According to this, the steel exposed to the sterile resistance, and resistance associated to the diffusion process were
medium exhibited an initial corrosion rate, which decreased with obtained. The total resistance values obtained are shown in
exposition time. Fig. 3d.

Figure 4. Kinetics growth for planktonic and sessile microorganisms in Postgate C medium

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882 Monroy, Gayosso, Ordaz, Olivares and Ramı́rez Materials and Corrosion 2011, 62, No. 9

Figure 5. SEM images obtained for API XL 52 steel: (a) before being exposed to C. celerecrescens; (b) biofilm formed at the coupon surface; (c) and
(d) localized corrosion caused by the microorganisms

Initially, the kinetics process for the steel sample exposed to 3.3 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
C. celerecrescens exhibited similar behavior to that obtained under
sterile conditions, but after 300 h an increment on the corrosion Different SEM images of API XL 52 steel coupons, before and
rate is observed, with resistance values around 2500 V cm2 after after being exposed to C. celerecrescens for 6 weeks, are shown in
800 h incubation time. The resistance values induced by the Fig. 5. According to the images, the microorganisms are immers-
presence of the microorganisms clearly indicated that ed in the biofilm that is covering the metal surface. At the same
C. celerecrescens has an effect on the corrosion process occurring time, a localized corrosion process, which is originated by the
at the API XL 52 steel surface. microorganisms at the metal surface, is observed in the images.
According to the microorganisms kinetics behavior observed
(Fig. 4), the increase on the corrosion rate agrees with the 4 Conclusions
deposition of sessile microorganisms at the metal surface, which
promotes the accumulation of aggressive metabolic products at The corrosion induced by C. celerecrescens seems to be low,
the steel–biofilm interface. The microorganisms population compared to that reported for D. vietnamensis, which was isolated
increased notably after 200 h exposition time. from the same gas pipeline [9]. However, the presence of
The resistance values obtained through both electrochemical C. celerecrescens should be considered as one of the factors
techniques are consistent and exhibited the same behavior for the affecting the corrosion processes occurring at the inner side of the
evaluated conditions. gas pipeline.

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Materials and Corrosion 2011, 62, No. 9 Corrosion of API XL 52 steel 883

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(Received: November 19, 2009) W5582

(Accepted: December 19, 2009)

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