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Researcher´s Guide

to Montenegro
Researchers in motion

Researcher’s Guide to Montenegro has been prepared to help researchers

from all over the world who plan to come to work or study in Montenegro.
The aim of this guide is to provide researchers with the necessary informa-
tion when moving to Montenegro and after arrival. “Researcher’s Guide
to Montenegro” is published as part of the EURAXESS
Montenegro project, which is financially supported
by the European Commission and the Monte-
negrin Government within the 7th Framework
Programme. The current version, published
in 2012, is the second edition of the Guide.
Our aim is to make your mobility experience as
easy as possible. This guide offers you guidelines
for arranging employment and work formalities
and for managing the practical matters of your
everyday life in Montenegro. 

December 2012, 3rd issue

Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

Prepared and compiled by: Prof. dr. Mira Vukčević,

Slobodanka Koprivica, Dijana Jovanović
Translation: Dijana Jovanović
Proofreading: Ana Dragutinović
Graphic design: Biljana Živković - Studio Mouse, Bosnia - Herzegovina
Podgorica, Montenegro Bulgaria
Printed by: Studio Mouse, Podgorica, Cyprus
Czech Republic
Montenegro Denmark
FYRO Macedonia
Disclaimer: The descriptions of administrative Hungary
procedures in the Republic of Montenegro given in Ireland
this guide are to be used for informational purposes Israel
only. Recommendations in this publication do not Latvia
substitute official information sources and informa- Lithuania
tion given by the official administration should be Malta
taken into account in all cases. Montenegro
The information provided in this publication gives Poland
no right for claims or legal expectations of any kind. Portugal
Updated information can be found on the Mon- Serbia

tenegrin Researchers’ Mobility Portal
Researchers in motion
1.1 About Montenegro .............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Geography ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.3 History ...............................................................................................................................................................10
1.4 Political system ...................................................................................................................................................10
1.5 Religion ..............................................................................................................................................................11
1.6 Climate and Weather .........................................................................................................................................11
1.7 Transport ............................................................................................................................................................12
1.8 Accommodation .................................................................................................................................................14
1.9 Culture ...............................................................................................................................................................15
1.10 National holidays...............................................................................................................................................15
1.11 Education..........................................................................................................................................................16
1.12 Montenegrin language courses..........................................................................................................................21

2.1 Recognition of diplomas and professional qualifications.....................................................................................22

2.2 Visa requirements overview for Montenegro.......................................................................................................25
2.3 Temporary stay for the purpose of scientific research..........................................................................................28
2.4 Temporary stay for the purpose of family reunification.......................................................................................29
2.5 Temporary stay for the purpose of work, education and other.............................................................................30
2.6 Social Insurance and Pension system...................................................................................................................30
2.6.1 Recognition of pension rights ....................................................................................................................31
2.7 Health care..........................................................................................................................................................32
2.8 Taxation...............................................................................................................................................................34
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

2.8.1 Opening a bank account.............................................................................................................................35

2.8.2 Honoraria....................................................................................................................................................35
2.9 Employment procedure in Montenegro..............................................................................................................36
2.10 Intellectual property protection.........................................................................................................................39
2.11 Identity card......................................................................................................................................................41
2.12 Driver’s licence..................................................................................................................................................41

3.1 Montenegrin RTD sector....................................................................................................................................42

3.2 Main stakeholders involved in ST policy making in Montenegro.......................................................................42
3.3 Research institutions in Montenegro...................................................................................................................43
3.4 IT support for research........................................................................................................................................44
3.5 Academic network...............................................................................................................................................45
3.6 RTD expenditure................................................................................................................................................46
3.7 National RTD strategic and legal framework......................................................................................................46
3.8 Research infrastructure........................................................................................................................................47
3.9 Business, innovation and technology in Montenegro..........................................................................................47
3.9.1 G
 overnmental institutions in charge of innovation.....................................................................................48
3.9.2 F
 oreign organizations operating in Montenegro in charge of funding innovation......................................48
3.9.3 S
 trategic documents for innovation and existing innovation infrastructure................................................48
3.10 Possibilities of external funding of research and innovation..............................................................................49

4.1 About EURAXESS Montenegro........................................................................................................................49

4.2 Higher education institutions in Montenegro.....................................................................................................54
Researchers in motion
1.1  About Montenegro According to the average annual data
in 2009 provided by the Statistical
Montenegro is located in south-ea- Office of Montenegro, the population
stern Europe, it belongs to Central of Montenegro is 627 478.
Mediterranean. Montenegro’s territory Links:
measures 13,812 square km and its Government of Montenegro
population numbers about 620 000. National Tourist Organization
It has 21 municipalities. To the west,
north and east it shares borders with
Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia
and Kosovo, and to the south with
Albania. Montenegro is a maritime
country, with 293,5 km of the Adriatic
coastline. One of the most beautiful
bays in the Mediterranean is the Bay
of Boka.
The capital of Montenegro is Pod-
gorica with the population of 180.810
(Statistical Office of Montenegro).
Podgorica is the administrative, cul-
tural and educational centre of Mon-
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

The official name: Montenegro

Flag: Language: Montenegrin is the official language. Both the
Cyrillic and Latin alphabet are in use. Albanian is
spoken in some communities that have a majority
Coat of arms: Albanian population.
Foreign languages: English, German, Russian, French and Italian are
the most common foreign languages spoken at
the tourist resorts.
Political status: Republic
Length of the coast: 293 km
Location: Adriatic Coast, South-East Europe
Length of beaches: 73 km
Neighbouring The highest peak: Bobotov kuk (2.523 m) - Mt Durmitor
Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Italy
The largest lake: Lake Skadar - 391 km²
Size: 13,812 km²
The deepest
Length of border: 614 km The Tara Canyon - 1.300 m
Population: 620.145 (according to the 2003 census): Montene- The largest bay: Boka Kotorska
grin - 43,16 % / Serb - 31,99 % / Bosniak - 7,77 %
/ Albanian - 5,03 % / Muslim - 3,97 % / Croatian - National parks: Durmitor (39.000 ha) Lake Skadar (40.000 ha)
1,10 % / Other - 6,98 % Lovcen (6.400 ha) Biogradska Gora (5.400 ha)
Capital: Podgorica (approx. 180.810 inhabitants; administra- UNESCO heritage Durmitor National Park, Natural and Cultural -
tive and economic centre) sites: Historical Region of Kotor
Historical capital: Cetinje (18.500 inhabitants, historical and cultural Currency: Euro (€)
centre) Time: Central European Time GMT+1
Other major cities: Niksic (75.000), Bijelo Polje (50.000), Bar (40.000), International
Berane (35.000), Pljevlja (35.000), Herceg Novi + 382
telephone code:
Internet country
Religion: Most of the population is Christian Orthodox, with .me
a significant Muslim minority and a notable Roman
Catholic presence in some parts of the country. Electricity: 220 volts AC. Sockets are round two-pin.
Researchers in motion

Useful phone numbers

Information: 1181 Mobile telephony:
Ambulance: 124 • Pro Monte GSM
Police: 122 •
Time: 125 User’s service: 9898
Weather report: 044800200 E-mail:
Help on roads: 19807 • T-Mobile
Sending telegrams by phone: 126 • User’s service: 080 080 000
International calls: 1201 • E-mail:
Montenegro Customer Care – 1300 (24h • M-Tel
– Tourist service)
• User’s service: 068 9868E-mail:
Internet of Montenegro
Tel: 1500
Number for Dial-up connections: 19402
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

1.2 Geography a great obstacle to communications sports. Some have carved themselves
between the coastal and inland parts spectacular canyons; those of the Tara,
Montenegro is located in the southern of Montenegro. Piva and Moraca are up to 1200 m
part of the Balkan Peninsula. deep - among the deepest in the world.
The Zeta plain in the area of Lake
Most of the country is covered by Skadar, together with the valley of Lake Skadar, the largest lake in the
high and extensive mountain massifs the Zeta and the Niksic Polje, com- Balkans, is over 40 km long and on
prise the biggest lowland region of average 10 km wide. Two-thirds be-
intersected by river gorges and deep
Montenegro and its most fertile area. long to Montenegro and one-third
valleys. Larger lowland areas are to be
to Albania.
found in the south, near the coastline. North of this stretch the high lime-
stone mountains of Durmitor, Ko- Lake Skadar, the largest lake in the
Montenegrin seacoast is a narrow strip movi and Sinjajevina. The Moraca, Balkans, is over 40 km long and on
of land running from Herceg-Novi Tara, Piva and Ceotina rivers and average 10 km wide. Two-thirds be-
to the Bojana river on the frontier their tributaries have cut deep gorges long to Montenegro and one-third
with Albania. It is famed for its sandy through these mountains. to Albania.
beaches and abundant sub-tropical
vegetation. The rivers of Montenegro are swift National Durmitor (39.000 ha)Lake Skadar
with large drops in elevation and large parks: (40.000 ha) Lovcen (6.400 ha)
The high Dinaric mountains of Or- volumes of water resulting from high Biogradska Gora (5.400 ha)
jen, Lovcen and Rumija rise steeply precipitation. They are exception-
from the sea, forming a magnificent ally clear and unpolluted, suitable
background to the coastal strip, but for rafting, fishing and other water
Researchers in motion
1.3 History to as Zeta. It ended with its incor- 1.4 Political system
poration into Raška, and beginning
The history of Montenegro dates back with the Crnojevic dynasty, Zeta was The Constitution of Montenegro de-
to 9th century with the emergence of more often referred to as Crna Gora scribes the state as a “civil, democratic,
Duklja, a vassal state of the Byzantine or by the Venetian term monte negro. ecological state of social justice, based
Empire. In those formative years, A sovereign principality since the on the rule of law.” Montenegro is an
Duklja was ruled by the House of Late Middle Ages, Montenegro saw independent and sovereign republic
Vojislavljević. In 1042, at the end of its independence from the Ottoman that proclaimed its new Constitution
his 25-year rule, King Vojislav won a Empire formally recognized in 1878. on 22 October 2007.
decisive battle near Bar against Byzan- From 1918, it was a part of various in-
carnations of Yugoslavia. On the basis The President of Montenegro is the
tium, and Duklja became independent.
of a referendum held on 21 May 2006, head of state, elected for a period of
Duklja’s power and prosperity reached
Montenegro declared independence five years through direct elections.
their zenith under King Vojislav’s son,
on 3 June of that year. The President represents the republic
King Mihailo (1046–81), and his son
abroad, promulgates laws by ordinance,
King Bodin (1081–1101). From the
calls elections for the Parliament, pro-
11th century, it started to be referred
poses to the Parliament candidates for
Prime Minister, president and justices
of the Constitutional Court. The of-
ficial residence of the President is in
the historical Montenegrin capital
The Government of Montenegro is
the executive branch of state author-
ity of Montenegro. The government
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

is headed by the Prime Minister, and 1.6 Climate and weather In the central and northern part of
consists of the deputy prime ministers Montenegro, the climate is continental
as well as ministers. The climate of Montenegro, besides its though influenced by Mediterranean
latitude and altitude is also character- climate manifested by precipitations
ized by the water area of the Adriatic and a higher temperature in winter
1.5 Religion Sea and lake Skadar, then by deep months. Climate in the northern-
penetration of the sea into the main- most part of the republic is based on
land in the Bay of Boka. Also, high Continental climate with great tem-
Freedom of religion and free public
mountains Orien, Lovcen and Rumija perature differences during the year
profession of religious conviction is
as well as the mountain massif of the and smaller volume of precipitations.
guaranteed by the Constitution and
Durmitor, Bjelasica and Prokletije High karst mountain area is Sub-
respected in practice. According to
prevent warm wind from entering. alpine with cold snowy winters and
the 2003 census there were 620 145
moderate summers. Average precipi-
citizens living in Montenegro, out of The south of Montenegro enjoys a tations vary from 960 to 2.900 l/m2,
which 74,24% declared themselves Mediterranean climate, with long while the region of Krivosije (Crkvica)
Orthodox, 17,74% Muslims, 3,54% dry summers and short mild winters. has a European maximum of precipita-
Roman Catholics, while 2,24% stated At the seaside, average July maxi- tions, on average about 4.800l/m2 and
that they do not belong to any con- mum temperatures are around 28C in the record years 7.000l/m2.  On
fession. with a high approaching 30C, winter average there are 142 sunny days a
Statistical Office of Montenegro maximum temperatures are around year, while air humidity is from 50% -10C and minimums around –27.5C. in Podgorica, during summer, up to
Podgorica is the warmest city in Mon- 80% in Kolasin and Niksic during
tenegro, where maximum temperature autumn months.
can reach up to 40C and the minimum
Hydrological and meteorological service of
Researchers in motion
1.7 Transport Dubrovnik Airport you are only 24
km far from Herceg Novi, 44 km
Montenegro is connected to the world from Tivat and 68 km from Budva.
through road, railway, maritime and
air transportation.
• By train...
• By plane…
Train travel is convenient and inexpen-
Choose one of the following airports: sive. If you prefer travelling by railway,
- Podgorica - Golubovci Airport is it is useful to know that the main
situated 12 km from the capital railway line is Bar-Podgorica-Belgrade
Podgorica, 62 km far from Budva, with connections from Belgrade to the
43 km from Bar, 69 km from Ulcinj, rest of Europe. The existing railways
80 km from Kolasin and 170 km are 249 km long - the main railway
from Zabljak. line is Bar-Podgorica-Belgrade with
- Tivat – Tivat airport is only 4 km branches towards Niksic and the other
from the town centre, 20 km far from one towards Skadar (Albania). There
Budva and Herceg Novi, 58 km from are several passenger trains on the
Bar, 73 km from Ulcinj and 80 km Bar-Belgrade-Subotica route: ex-
from Podgorica. press trains, business, car-trains and
sleeping cars trains. Passenger trains
- Dubrovnik – Cilipi Airport - one of
on the Bar-Belgrade line have con-
the biggest airports in Croatia is situ-
nections with international trains to
ated in-between the Montenegrin
Budapest, Vienna, Bucharest, Athens,
town of Herceg Novi and the city
Moscow, etc.
of Dubrovnik. What many tourists
do not know is that when flying into
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

TIMETABLE INFORMATION Montenegro accessible for arrivals by The road network totals 5,174 km. The
boats, yachts, ferries, cruisers...There two major roads in Montenegro are the
Local timetable information - www.
are a few companies that maintain Adriatic Motorway from Croatia to
a regular ferry connection between Herceg Novi and then to Ulcinj, and
International timetable information - Montenegro and Italy. Ships oper- the motorway that links the South ate on lines between Bar-Bari, Bar- and the North, from Petrovac, through
The Railway of Montenegro arranges Ancona and Kotor-Bari. During the Podgorica and Kolasin to Bijelo Polje
timetable for every year separately.  summer months the frequency of lines and Serbia.
• By bus... is increased. The Port of Bar is the big-
gest port in Montenegro. The capacity - Border Crossings:
It is also possible to reach Montene- depends on the type and length of With Croatia: Debeli brijeg, Ko-
gro from neighbouring countries by boats, 14 to 20 boats can be served at bila. With Bosnia and Herzegovina:
bus. A comprehensive coach network one time. Kotor Harbour consists of Sitnica, Vracenovici, Scepan polje,
connects all parts of the country. Bus Kotor Bay with the operative coast Metaljka, Ilino brdo, Krstac, Nudo,
service through Montenegro is quite of 216 m in length and 3 to 12.8 m Sula. With Serbia: Rance, Cemerno,
frequent, as well as regional services. in depth, Lipci Terminal with a 75 Dobrakovo, Kula, Drazenovac, Vuce.
There are bus stops in all towns and meter-long operative coast and the
cities of Montenegro. During the small harbour of Bigovo, which is With Albania: Bozaj, Sukobin, Grncar.
tourist season, many operate 24 hours located on the open sea.
a day. There are also regular daily bus - Road Assistance and Information: 
• By car...
lines to bigger cities in neighbouring
The best way to get acquainted with AMSCG (Automobile Association
countries. Timetables are arranged for
a country is if you visit it by car. You of Montenegro)
every year separately.
can reach Montenegro via one of the Automobile Association of Montene-
• By boat... gro provides services 24 hours a day
border crossings with Croatia, Bosnia
The coast of the Adriatic Sea makes and Herzegovina, Serbia and Albania. in Montenegro.
Researchers in motion
For help on roads call 9807 1.8 Accommodation
Tel: +382  9807 Finding proper accommodation in Montenegro is not such a difficult process,
but requires a period of at least one month before your arrival.
The easiest way is to contact one of the real estate agencies and check their
offer. In accordance with your needs, you can choose between a house and
apartment, empty and furnished apartment, and similar. Prices vary depending
on the quality and location of accommodation.
Besides agencies, you could also check daily newspapers and advertisements,
since many choose to rent their real estate without intermediaries. In this
case, it would be useful if you had a person from Montenegro to assist you in
translation and making of arrangements.
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

1.9 Culture old towns, religious architecture, 1.10 National holidays

monuments, fortresses, towers and
Due to its location, between two great palaces, archeology, museums and art, National holidays
civilizations - Eastern and Western, but also about traditional celebrations,
carnivals, theater, festivals and concerts Date Name
and three great religions: Orthodox,
Catholic and Islamic, Montenegro could be found at www.montenegro. 1 January New Year’s Day

has rich cultural heritage with works travel. 7 January Orthodox Christmas

of many known and unknown archi- - Orthodox Good Friday

tects, painters and carvers, masters of - Orthodox Easter
the refined arts, writers, transcribers - Orthodox Easter Monday
and printers. 1 May Labour Day

The most attractive and visited cultural 9 May Victory Day

- historical monuments in Montene- 21 May Independence Day

gro are: the town of UNESCO - Ko- 13 July Statehood Day
tor, town museum Cetinje and native
village of the Petrovic dynasty - Nje-
gusi. Excursions to notable religious
monuments in the hinterland as well as
excursions far deep into Boka Kotorska
bay and Skadar Lake are a must-do
when you stay in Montenegro.
More information on Montenegrin
Researchers in motion
1.11 Education sistance in language learning to those
who follow lectures in Montenegrin
The General Law on Education makes language. Teaching can be performed
a distinction between foreigners that also in a foreign language for educa-
have been approved for a temporary tional programmes that are licensed
stay or permanent residence in Mon- by the Ministry.
tenegro, and those that have not regu- Education in Montenegro is real-
lated their residence, i.e. permanent ized through four cycles: preschool,
residence in Montenegro. Namely, elementary, secondary and higher
foreigners that have been approved education.
for a temporary stay or permanent
residence in Montenegro have the Pre-school education covers the pe-
same rights as Montenegrin citizens in riod until the beginning of elementary
practicing rights regarding preschool, school. Preschool education is realized
elementary and secondary education, in accordance with an educational pro-
while foreigners that have not regu- gramme. The educational programme
lated their status can acquire education is realized as full-day lasting 6-10
as Montenegrin citizens according to hours, half-day programme lasting
the reciprocity principles, i.e. provid- 4-6 hours and as a short or specialized
ing that the same right is offered to programme lasting 3-4 hours.
our citizen in a foreign country, in Educational programme can also be
accordance with the international performed at privately owned institu-
agreement. tions, but the programme has to be
In accordance with this Law, a school previously accredited by the relevant
is obliged to provide an adequate as- body. Also, an institution can organize
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

education within a family, for children children at home, and are obliged to of citizenship can be educated in the
that are not in a position to spend time inform the school about this at least grammar school in accordance with
in an institution due to illness. In this three months before the beginning the international conventions. They are
case preschool education is performed of classes. obliged to submit medical certificate
by educator paid privately. when applying.
Enrollment is conducted each year
An institution admits students in in April, after compulsory medical The Ministry can determine a quota
acco-rdance with the regulations. The examination. for foreign citizens, educated according
manner and procedure is determined to the principle of reciprocity in line
Secondary education can be general with the international agreement, as
by the statute of an institution.
and vocational. well as the number of students within
Elementary (Primary) education is programmes for student exchange.
General secondary education is ob-
performed within elementary schools.
tained at general programme gram-
It is compulsory for all children 6 to
mar school (gymnasium). Grammar
15 years old. Elementary education
school can be established as a public
lasts for nine years and is financed by
or privately owned institution. There
the state budget.
are no educational fees for grammar
Along with elementary education, school as it is financed from the state
children can also gain education in budget.
arts (music, ballet and other).
Education in grammar school lasts
Within its possibilities, a school is four years. After the final year, the
obliged to organize extended pro- student has to pass a graduation exam
gramme comprising extended stay, op- after which he/she acquires general
tional activities and remedial teaching. secondary education.
Parents can organize education of Foreigners and persons without proof
Researchers in motion
A person that has completed elemen- A full-time student is not obliged to Higher education
tary education and is less than 17 years pay any fee for education in the public
There are one public and two private
old can be enrolled in the first year of institution, but part-time student is,
universities in Montenegro. Univer-
grammar school. in accordance with regulations.
sity of Montenegro is the only public
Requirements for enrollment in pri- A person that has completed elemen- university. It was founded in 1974
vately owned grammar schools are tary education and is less than 17 years and is a recognized higher education
determined by founders. old can be enrolled in the first year of institution in the region.
vocational school.
Enrolment terms are in June and The University of Montenegro (www.
August, after a public announcement. Foreign citizens and persons without consists of 20 faculties/acad-
citizenship can acquire secondary emies and three institutes, which to-
Secondary vocational education is
education in accordance with the gether account for 77 study programmes
acquired at the level of lower two-
international conventions. (61 academic and 16 applied). The total
year vocational education, medium
number of students at the University
3-4 years vocational education and A person who completed elementary
of Montenegro is about 22 000.
upper-secondary vocational education. school abroad can be enrolled after
his/her diploma is recognized. Foreign Private universities are the Mediteran
Enrolment terms are in June and
citizens or persons without citizenship University and
August, after a public announcement.
submit a health certificate when ap- the University Donja Gorica www.
Students can be enrolled as full-time or plying. The Ministry can also require
part-time students. Full time students assessment of language proficiency as
The structure of higher education in
acquire education through regular at- a specific condition for enrollment.
Montenegro is based on three main
tendance of lectures, while part-time
cycles. Programmes of study for ob-
students acquire education through
taining higher education degrees and
preparatory classes (instruction-
diplomas are:
consultative classes) and examination.
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

a) undergraduate (for obtaining the Access to programmes for the Master of Since September 2004, the principles of
Bachelor diploma for academic studies Science diploma is possible after com- ECTS as an accumulation and transfer
or applied studies), pletion of the academic undergraduate system for undergraduate, postgraduate
studies. The MSc programme lasts 2 (specialist and Master’s studies) and
b) postgraduate (for obtaining the di-
years (including one year specialist doctoral studies are compulsory for
ploma of specialist studies for academic
studies). all universities and higher education
or applied studies; for obtaining the
institutions in Montenegro. Courses
diploma of applied Master studies; Graduates who have achieved the de-
are limited to one semester and each
for obtaining the diploma of Master gree of Master of Science are eligible
course is graded in accordance with
of sciences), for study at the doctoral level. The
ECTS points.
academic title of Doctor of Philosophy
c) doctoral study for obtaining the
requires at least 3 years of study. The
academic title of Doctor of Philosophy.
programmes consist of taught courses
Access to the specialist study pro- (lectures), research, writing and suc-
grammes is possible after a student has cessful defence of a doctoral thesis.
successfully completed applied/aca-
In accordance with the Law, a university
demic undergraduate studies (3 years).
may organize studies in cooperation
The specialist degree is awarded after
with a domestic or a foreign institution
completion of the respective study
or an international organization. The
courses lasting up to one year.
university has the right to issue double
Students can obtain the applied Master or joint diplomas to a student upon
studies diploma after obtaining the completion of the required studies. The
applied undergraduate studies diploma content of the diploma is determined
and after completing 2 years post- in accordance with the agreement on
graduate studies (one year specialist, cooperation between the institutions.
one year Master’s).
Researchers in motion
The 2003 Law on Higher Education tion for the right to confer degrees in diplomas it can award.
stipulates that a Diploma Supple- education is awarded. Foreign experts
Students are enrolled on a competi-
ment (DS) based on the official may be appointed as members of the
tive basis and according to the results
European model must be issued; as external evaluation commissions.
achieved during secondary education
of the academic year 2006/07, the DS The Ministry responsible for Education and vocational, i.e. graduation examina-
is mandatory for all degree programs, and Science has the power to issue the tion. For specific study programmes,
attached to the Diploma and free operating license to an institution, as additional, i.e. entrance examination
of charge. The content of the DS is well as to change or revoke the license. can be introduced (art, medicine..)
bilingual, in both Montenegrin and
English languages. Before the intro- The operating license is an official Foreign citizens are enrolled under
duction of the DS, certificates on study document granting an institution the the same conditions as Montenegrin
completion with the list of grades right to begin work. An institution citizens. After enrollment, a foreign
were issued. The certificate included may be granted a license after obtain- citizen has the same status as a Mon-
information on the study programme ing a certificate of accreditation by
tenegrin self-financing student. There
and the completed courses. the Higher Education Council. The
are no specific tuition fees for foreign-
certificate is awarded based on the
According to the 2003 Law, the ers. Regarding their rights, they are
recommendations of the evaluation
Higher Education Council func- in the same position as Montenegrin
tions as an accreditation body and self-financing students.
Each higher education institution
conducts external evaluations through Links:
in Montenegro, whether it is newly
its commissions. The Government of Ministry of Education
founded or already in operation, is
Montenegro established the Council
required to have an operating licence.
for HE in 2004. Contacts:
The license determines the institution Biljana Misovic
The process of accreditation begins with type, its accredited study programmes, Nada Kovac
an external evaluation review. If the the maximum number of students it Ministry of Science
institution passes the review, certifica- can enrol, as well as the degrees and
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

1.12 Montenegrin language

Courses of Montenegrin language
for foreigners are mainly organized
according to the needs and number
of interested candidates. Lectures
are organized in form of group or
individual work.
Institutions that organize Montene-
grin courses for foreigners are:
• U
 niversity of Montenegro, Institute
for Foreign Languages
• University Donja Gorica, Center
for Foreign Languages
• University Mediterranean, Faculty
of Foreign Languages
There are also several privately owned
companies, language schools that offer
courses of Montenegrin language for
foreigners such is Foreign Languages
School “Waves”, located in Budva.
Researchers in motion
2.1 Recognition of diplo- tional certificate can be a certificate, Law on Recognition and Validation
degree/diploma, Joint degree or any of Education Certificates (Official
mas and professional
other document that certifies that a Gazette of Montenegro No. 4 / 08).
qualifications person, who is a holder of a foreign Coming into force of the Law in-
educational qualification (hereinafter: troduced recognition of educational
International framework for recogni- holder of qualification) has completely documents for the validation pur-
tion or partly completed an education poses, which was the responsibility
In March 2004, Montenegro ratified programme, in accordance with the of the University of Montenegro. The
regulations of the country issuing the procedure and method of validation
Lisbon Convention on Recognition of
document. and equivalence was prescribed by
Diplomas in the field of higher educa-
tion in the region of Europe. In accor- Recognition of acquired qualification the Rules of Procedure and Method
dance with this Convention, which was will result in further access to educa- of validation. A foreign educational
the basis for creation of Montenegrin tion in the country where recognition document is a certificate, a diploma,
Law on Recognition and Validation of is asked, under the same conditions as a joint diploma or other document
Education Certificates (the new Law for the candidates from that country. proving that the person who owns an
was adopted on January 17, 2008), each Recognition will also enable applicants educational document fully or partially
country, signatory of Lisbon Recogni- to use the academic title under the completed an educational program,
tion Convention had to recognize the law and rules of the country where in accordance with the regulations
acquired qualifications, as similar to recognition is asked, and in such a of the country issuing the document.
the respective qualification in its own way acess to labour market will be Recognition of foreign educational
education system unless substantial faciliated. documents is done for the purpose of:
differences are noticed between the Recognition and Validation of Edu- • Continuing education
existing qualification in the signatory cational Certificates on the acquired
• Finding employment.
country and the acquired qualification or commenced education abroad is
in another country. Foreign educa- carried out in accordance with the Recognition of foreign educational
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

documents on the obtained primary, cational certificates for employment request is rejected. The decision on
secondary general or vocational edu- purposes certain criteria are assessed. the recognition of foreign educational
cation and part of education, and The law states the following criteria: certificate shall be made within two
commenced education, in order to the system of education in the country months after the documents are sub-
continue education or find employ- where the foreign educational certifi- mitted.
ment, is conducted by the Ministry cate is acquired, duration of education Evaluating the degree
of Education. Recognition of foreign without comparison of educational
educational documents on the ob- programs, degree earned, the rights Evaluation is a separate process and
tained higher education in order to conferred by the foreign educational includes providing opinions to in-
find employment is done by ENIC certificate in the country where it was terested parties on documents on
Centre, Ministry of Education, while obtained, and other circumstances education, on study program and the
important for recognition. In the education system of certain countries,
recognition of foreign educational
process of recognition, ENIC center as well as information on programs
certificates for the purpose of continu-
will in most cases check the status of and higher education institutions in
ation of higher education is done by
the institution and the credibility of Montenegro. Comparability of educa-
the professional body of an accredited
degrees through the ENIC / NARIC tional system, educational certificates,
higher education institution, with the
network. Diplomas, which are found to study programs, level of education,
previously obtained opinion by the
b e issued by non-accredited institu- professional and academic title, as well
ENIC Centre. ENIC Centre is an as other facts relevant to employment
tions, are not recog-
information center and a member of or further education are assessed in
nized, and
the European Network of Informa- the process of evaluation.
tion Centers on Recognition
and Mobility.
In the process
of recognition
of foreign edu-
Researchers in motion
Recognition of specialization and Documents required for recognition - Three copies of diploma or certificate
expert examination of foreign diplomas and professional of graduation translated by a certified
qualifications in Montenegro court interpreter
When it comes to specialization in
the field of medicine the competent For recognition of educational cer- - Translation of Certificate of passed
authority is the Ministry of Labor tificates acquired in Serbia, Bosnia examinations and the Diploma
and Social Welfare. When it comes to and Herzegovina and Croatia for the Supplement certified by a translator
other specializations, the competent purpose of employment, the following
- Copy of the original Diploma or
institution is also the Ministry of documents are needed:
certificate of graduation,
Labor and Social Welfare. Regard-
- Request
ing professional examinations, the
competent professional body is the - Three certified copies of diplomas
For all information on recognition
Chamber of Commerce. Drafting of or certificate of graduation
of foreign diplomas and professional
the Law on Regulated Professions - certificate of examinations passed qualifications, as well as information
in Montenegro is under way, which and a diploma supplement about the higher education system in
is done in accordance with Direc- Montenegro, you can address:
tive 36/EU/2005 on recognition of - Payment of 55 € into the bank
professional qualifications. The law account: 832-3161-26, recipient - Vanja Drljević
will cover all regulated professions republic administrative fee, purpose Address: Rimski trg bb
in Montenegro, as well as the body of payment: recognition of foreign 81000 Podgorica
responsible for the recognition thereof. educational documents E-mail:
Web site:
For educational certificates acquired
in other countries, the following docu-
ments are needed:
- Request
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

2.2 Visa requirements unless otherwise determined by a treaty. The Law on Foreigners (Official Gazette
of Montenegro, No. 82/08) regulates
overview for Montenegro Short-term stay visa (visa C) a visa for
the conditions of entry, movement and
a short stay (C visa) shall be issued for
stay of foreigners in the territory of
Pursuant to the Aliens Act, a visa tourist, business or other trips. A visa
Montenegro. A foreigner exercises the
shall be: pursuant to paragraph 1 of the Aliens
right of entry, movement and stay with
Act shall be issued for one or more
Airport transit visa (visa A) , An airport- the visa, if s/he comes from countries
entries into the territory of Monte-
transit visa shall be issued to an alien whose citizens, in accordance with the
negro, whereas the uninterrupted stay
for one or more crossings through an Regulation on the visa regime (Official
or the total length of successive stays
international transit space of an airport, Gazette of Montenegro, No. 18/09,
may not be longer than 90 days, in a
during the interruption of a travel or Ministry of Foreign Affairs http://
period of time of six months, counting
transfer between two phases of an, require a visa to
from the day of first entry. A visa for a
international flight, without entering enter Montenegro, or without visa in
short stay (C visa) with more entries
into the territory of Montenegro. accordance with the above regulation.
shall be issued for a period of time of
Transit visa (visa B), A transit visa (visa up to one year.
B) shall be issued to an alien for one,
Long-term stay visa (visa D) Long-term
two or more trips across the territory
stay visa (visa D) shall be issued to an
of Montenegro. A transit visa shall be
alien intending to stay at the territory
issued with a term of validity of up to
of Montenegro longer than 90 days but
six months. Pursuant to a transit visa
not longer than six months within one
an alien may stay in Montenegro for
year period counting from the day of
at most five days. A transit visa can be
first entry, that is subject to decision of
issued to an alien who has entrance
the Authority of State Administration
visa of the state he travels to or through
competent for foreign affairs.
whose territory he continues his travel,
Researchers in motion
Nationals of the following states may Republic of Nicaragua, Kingdom of stay in Montenegro up to 30 days with a
enter, pass through the territory of and the Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, valid identity card or a document con-
stay in Montenegro up to 90 days with New Zealand, Kingdom of Norway, firming their identity and nationality:
a valid travel document without a visa: Republic of Panama, Republic of Member States of the European Union,
Principality of Andorra, Argentine Paraguay, Republic of Poland, Portu- Principality of Andorra, Principality
Republic, Aruba, Australia, Republic of guese Republic, Romania, Republic of of Monaco, Republic of San Marino,
Austria, Kingdom of Belgium, Bermuda, El Salvador, Republic of San Marino, Holy Seat and Swiss Confederation,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federative Republic of Seychelles, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of
Republic of Brazil, Brunei Darus- Singapore, Slovak Republic, Republic Serbia, Republic of Croatia, Republic
salam, Republic of Bulgaria, Canada, of Slovenia, Kingdom of Spain, King- of Macedonia and Republic of Kosovo.
Republic of Chile, Republic of Costa dom of Sweden, Swiss Confederation, Nationals of the Republic of Albania,
Rica, Republic of Croatia, Republic of Republic of Turkey, United Kingdom Republic of Ecuador, Republic of Cuba,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Kingdom of of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Republic of Peru, Russian Federation
Denmark, Republic of Estonia, Republic Eastern Republic of Uruguay, United and Ukraine may enter, pass through
of Finland, French Republic, Federal States of America, Bolivarian Republic the territory of and stay in Montene-
Republic of Germany, Republic of of Venezuela. gro up to 30 days, with a valid travel
Guatemala, Hellenic Republic, Holy document without a visa.
The exemption from the visa require-
See, Republic of Honduras, Republic
ment also applies to the holders of valid Holders of travel documents contain-
of Hungary, Republic of Iceland, Ire-
travel documents issued by the Hong ing a valid Schengen visa, a valid visa
land, State of Israel, Italian Republic,
Kong Special Administrative Region of of the United States of America or a
Japan, Republic of Korea, Republic of
the People’s Republic of China and the permission to stay in these countries,
Latvia, Principality of Liechtenstein,
Macao Special Administrative Region may enter and stay, i.e. pass through the
Republic of Lithuania, Grand Duchy
of the People’s Republic of China. territory of Montenegro up to seven
of Luxemburg, Republic of Macedonia,
Malaysia, Republic of Malta, United Nationals of the following states may days, and not longer than the expiry of
Mexican States, Principality of Monaco, enter, pass through the territory of and visa, if the period of validity of visa is
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

less than seven days. Holders of travel a visa. Holders of travel documents is- in accordance with these agreements.
documents issued by the United Na- sued by the European Union Member
Holders of a valid passport, diplomatic
tions Organization or its Specialized States or the United States of America
or official passport, accredited to the
Agencies (Laissez-Passer) may enter, based on the Convention Relating to
Diplomatic Protocol of the Ministry of
pass through the territory of and stay the Status of Refugees from 1951 or
Foreign Affairs of Montenegro or whose
in Montenegro up to 90 days without Convention Relating to the Status
passport contains a seal of the Ministry
of Stateless Persons
of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro or
from 1954, as well as
have a special identification card issued,
travel documents for
may enter, pass through the territory of
foreigners may enter,
and stay in Montenegro without a visa.
pass through the ter-
ritory of and stay in Visa regime between Montenegro
Montenegro up to 30 and other countries is regulated by the
days without a visa. Regulation on visa regime (Official Ga-
zette of Montenegro, No 18/09) http://
Nationals of states
with which bilateral REGULATION_ON_VISA_REGIME.pdf
agreements on abol- Links:
ishing visas for hold- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
ers of diplomatic and
official passports, i.e.
conditions of traveling
have been concluded,
may enter, stay and
pass through the ter-
ritory of Montenegro
Researchers in motion
2.3 Temporary stay for and in Montenegro is: a certificate or
- s/he has submitted evidence jus- other proof of bank account status in
the purpose of scien-
tifying the request for temporary Montenegrin or other bank, proof of
tific research residence. personal incomes according to work
He/she has to submit a contract engagement or scholarship, proof of
Pursuant to the registers of per- concluded with the research institu- covered medical treatment expenses,
manent and temporary residence tion in Montenegro as evidence of proof of real estate property in Mon-
(Official Gazette MNE, no. 13/08), the justification of the request for a tenegro which could secure means of
foreigners intending to stay in Mon- temporary stay. support, statement where physical or
tenegro for more than three days are legal person obliges to cover expenses
According to the Article 2 of the
obliged to register themselves with of alien’s temporary stay or proof that
Regulations on the procedure of ap-
the police station within 24 hours it is covered in some other manner.
proval or prolongation of temporary
of arrival in Montenegro.
stay and permanent residence and Proof of accommodation arrangements
According to Article 46 of the Aliens issuing travel and other documents to is: property deed or signed contract
Act aliens, with the request for temporary on renting a real estate property, i.e.
doc, temporary residence for scientific residence, alien is obliged to submit statement by person who is renting
research can be granted to a foreigner a certified copy of valid travel docu- an apartment or house to an alien, or
who meets the following requirements: ment stamped at the border crossing statement on accommodation by a
- s/he has provided funds for main- if he/she is submitting request while company or entrepreneur registered
tenance, in Montenegro, or stamped approval to provide accommodation services.
- s/he has provided accommodation, of temporary stay along with the list
Proof of health insurance is: travel
- s/he has provided health insurance, of requirements from the Article 46
insurance issued by a certified insur-
- that there are no interference in of the Aliens Act.
ance company in another state, health
terms of national security, public Proof of funds for maintenance which insurance issued in accordance with
order or public health evidence, will support his/her temporary stay international agreements or health
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

insurance taken under the condi- unless the request is submitted to a 2.4 Temporary stay for
tions and in manner determined by diplomatic or consular department of
the purpose of family
a specific law. Montenegro abroad, if there are legal
obstacles for approval of temporary reunification
Documents for approval or prolonga-
stay, if all conditions for entering and
tion of temporary stay are submitted in Members of the immediate family of a
stay in Montenegro are fulfilled. Ad-
original or certified copies, translated foreigner, who is granted a temporary
ditional information may be requested
in Montenegrin language by a certified stay for scientific research, can exercise
regarding the facts listed in the request
translator. After submitting all neces- the right to temporary residence, in
for temporary stay in Montenegro.
sary documents, an alien will receive accordance with Article 48 of the Law,
a certificate comprising: name of the Administrative fee for approval or i.e. on the basis of temporary residence
institution that issues a certificate, prolongation of temporary stay is for family reunification. Members of
title-certificate on submitted request, 10 Euro. immediate family, according to this
bar code, name and surname of ap- Law are: a spouse, minor children born
plicant, date place and state of birth, in or out of marriage, minor children
issuance number of travel document, of the spouse and adopted children.
and statement that this certificate is
issued in order to prove legal stay in Procedure of submitting documents,
Montenegro until final decision is validation and approval of temporary
brought according to the submitted stay for the purpose of family reuni-
request. Certificate is valid for 30 days fication is performed and achieved
and could be prolonged if necessary. under the same conditions and in the
same manner as it is the case with
In the process of request consideration, temporary stay for the purpose of
the following is evaluated: validation scientific research.
of travel document, if applicant is
registered after arrival in Montenegro
Researchers in motion
2.5 Temporary stay for he was granted a temporary stay. A 2.6 Social insurance and
foreigner may be granted a temporary
the purpose of work, Pension system
stay if: 1) s/he has provided means
education and other of subsistence, 2) s/he has provided
In order to protect social security
shelter, 3) s/he has health insurance,
Temporary residence may be granted rights of foreigners in Montenegro
4) there are no obstacles in terms of
to a foreigner intending to stay in and of Montenegrin citizens abroad,
national security, public order or public
Montenegro for more than 90 days, Montenegro has signed a number of
health, 5) s/he has submitted evidence
for: 1) employment and work, con- international agreements on social
of the justification of the request for
ducting business or entrepreneurial security. On the basis of reciprocity,
a temporary stay.
activity, 2) seasonal work, 3) secondary bilateral international agreements
or higher education, 4) participation provide the social security rights of
in the programs of international ex- citizens according to their work and
change of students and other youth residence in one of the contracting
programs, 5) specialization, vocational countries. The provisions of bilateral
training and practical training, 6) sci- agreements include health insurance
entific research, 7) medical treatment, rights, rights to pension and disability
8) family reunification; 9) on humani- insurance, unemployment rights, rights
tarian grounds , 10) other justifiable to child allowance and administrative
reasons, in accordance with the specific legal assistance.
law or international agreement. Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare,
as the competent authority for the
A foreigner who is granted a tempo- conclusion of bilateral agreements
rary stay can stay in Montenegro in on social insurance, coordinates the
accordance with the purpose for which social security system with 25 states,
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

most of which are members of the are insured under the regulations of submitted to the Fund for Pension and
European Union. All agreements on another state. Rates of contributions Disability Insurance, i.e. Department
social security which Montenegro for compulsory social insurance are: for international insurance, where it
signed as an independent state are in has to be stated in which period and
- contribution rate for pension and
line with European legislation. in which country contributions have
disability insurance is 20.5%, out of
Institutions relevant for the area of which the employer’s contribution been paid. The request can be submit-
social security rights and enforcement is 5.5% and the employee’s is 15% ted in person or via regular mail. For
of contracts are: Fund for Pension and all states, except for Serbia and Bosnia
- contribution rate for health insur- and Herzegovina, request has to be
Disability Insurance (area of pension ance is 12.3%, out of which the
and disability insurance), Health In- submitted to the Fund for Pension and
employer’s contribution is 3.8% and Disability Insurance, i.e. Department
surance Fund (area of health insurance the employee’s is 8.5%,
and health care) and the Employment for international insurance. Insurance
Agency of Montenegro (area of un- - contribution rate for unemployment payers that have paid contributions in
employment). The above institutions insurance is 1%, out of which the Serbia or Bosnia and Herzegovina
make payments of social benefits in employer’s contribution is 0.5% and submit request to regional department
accordance with the international law employee’s is 0.5%. of the Fund for Pension and Disability
and bilateral agreements on social Insurance according to the place of
security through correspondent banks. residence. It is necessary to point out
2.6.1 R
 ecognition of pension that the request for recognition of
Social security contributions rights contribution periods is not at the same
Foreign nationals and stateless persons Insurance payers that have paid contri- time considered as the recognition of
employed at the territory of Montene- butions outside Montenegro can apply pension rights, these are two separate
gro are required to pay social security for recognition of pension rights, i.e. procedures. Montenegro has signed
contributions, unless international request for calculation of contribu- bilateral agreements with all former
agreement provides otherwise or they tion period/s. The request should be states of Yugoslavia, apart from Slo-
Researchers in motion
venia, according to which each state 2.7 Health care reciprocity, and solidarity, to all citi-
issues a certificate of paid contribu- zens of Montenegro and to other
tions in that state, on a bilingual form. Health and medical care for foreigners individuals the right to health care and
is regulated by the Law on Health In- other rights, in line with the Law. The
Information related to the exercise
surance and the Law on Health Care. Health Insurance Fund shall provide
of rights from pension and disability
the implementation of compulsory
insurance, can be obtained on the According to the Law on Health
health insurance, in line with the law.
website of the Fund for Pension and Insurance:
Voluntary health insurance represents a
Disability Insurance, Health insurance of citizens shall special form of health insurance, which, provide for the implementation of provides, based on the principle of
phone +382 (0) 20403-882, the right to health care and other voluntariness and within established
Monday to Friday from 8 to 16 hours. entitlements. The aim of this Law is standards, special conditions of the
to create conditions for: provision of health care in terms of
Links: 1. p rovision of compulsory health staff, accommodation, and the time
Republican Fund for Pension and Dis- insurance; of rendered health care, as well as
ability Insurance 2. s table financing of health care rights that are not included in the
through harmonization of health compulsory health insurance. Health
service consumption and actual insurance rights cannot be transferred
material possibilities; and to other persons or inherited. Rights to
3. introducing of voluntary health cash compensations that are due but
insurance. not exercised, due to the death of the
insured person, can be inherited.
Compulsory health insurance rep-
resents a part of the health insur- Insured persons who have rights and
ance system, which provides, based obligations deriving from compulsory
on the principles of obligatoriness, health insurance are the insured, their
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

family members, and other persons in - foreigners working for national legal care on the basis of international
accordance with this Law. or private entities in Montenegro on agreements if such agreements do
Voluntary health insurance represents a the basis of specific contracts and not regulate differently, as well as of
special form of health insurance, which agreements on international technical foreigners who stay in Montenegro
provides, based on the principle of assistance; upon invitation of the state authori-
voluntariness and within established - foreigners employed by international ties, during their stay in Montenegro
standards, special conditions of the organizations and institutions and Health Care of Foreigners (Art. 31)
provision of health care in terms of other foreign legal and private entity
Health institutions and health workers
staff, accommodation, and the time of on the territory of Montenegro if
shall be obliged to administer urgent
rendered health care, as well as rights it is not otherwise regulated by an
medical assistance to the foreigner.
that are not included in the compulsory international agreement, or if they
health insurance. are not insured as per regulations of Foreigners shall bear themselves the
another country; cost of administered urgent medical
Health insurance rights cannot be assistance or other type of health care,
transferred to other persons or in- - foreigners employed by foreign con- unless the international agreement oth-
herited. sular and diplomatic representative erwise regulates. For the use of health
Rights to cash compensations that are offices on the territory of Montenegro care referred to in Par. 1 of this article,
due but not exercised, due to the death if such insurance is envisaged by an
the foreigner shall be charged as per
of the insured person, can be inherited. international agreement;
price list of the health institution.
Insured persons who have rights and According to the Law on Health Care: Links:
obligations deriving from compulsory In the area of health care, funds from Ministry of Health 
health insurance are the insured, their the Budget are provided for:
Law on Health Insurance and Law on Health http://
family members, and other persons in - health care of foreigners and staff of
accordance with this Law. diplomatic-consular representative Health Insurance Fund 
According to this Law, the insured are: offices, who are provided with health
Researchers in motion
2.8 Taxation taxes are those taxes that are calculated tionally, contributions from and to
and collected by intermediaries; such personal incomes are calculated
Ministry of Finance of Montenegro, are VAT, excise duty and import duty. (from-employees income; to-charged
Department of Public Revenues Every person who generates income to employers).
in Montenegro is obliged to pay taxes.
The Department of Public Revenues - Income from self-employment is
is an administrative unit whose basic Montenegrin tax system comprises: autonomous activity taxed on a pro-
duties are collection system, tax regu- - personal income tax portional rate, and to which contri-
lations, implementation of laws and - property tax butions are calculated.
other regulations. The Department - income tax
- Property and property rights income
is one of the units of the Ministry of - VAT -excise duty
tax is calculated proportionally, an-
Finance. - sales tax on vehicles tax
nual report is submitted to the Tax
- games of chance tax
Tax system Administration.
Relevant bodies of local administration
Montenegrin tax system is compat- - Capital is calculated by proportional
decide on tax rates, for consumption
ible with tax systems of developed rate 9% (dividend and interest).
tax and local income tax (local sur-
European countries, EU directives, tax), which are not the same in all - Tax payers (old age and disability
countries in transition particularly municipalities. insurance, and health insurance) are:
countries from the region, regarding employees, persons who perform tem-
types of taxes and regarding procedures A tax payer who pays personal in-
porary and occasional work, foreigners
of determining collection methods and come tax is a resident i.e. non-resident
employed in Montenegro at foreign
audit procedure. Tax system is based natural person who generates income.
legal and natural persons, persons em-
on direct and indirect taxes. Direct Personal income is income that tax
ployed in international organizations
taxes are those taxes that tax payers pay payer generates from employment.
and institutions, as well as foreigners
individually; such are real estate taxes - Income from employer is gross in- employed at Montenegrin legal or
and personal income taxes. Indirect come, tax rate is calculated propor- natural persons. Tax base is calculated
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

in accordance with the Law, i.e. col- other document verified by relevant There are no restrictions on the amount
lective agreement and employment body of residence country. of foreign currency that can be brought
contract. Resident and non-resident in and out of the country.
Agreements on avoidance of double
persons practice the same rights and
taxation are kept at the Ministry of Bank hours are usually Monday – Fri-
Foreign Affairs. day, 8am - 7pm, while some banks are
The local income tax for personal open on Saturday mornings.
incomes is 15% for Podgorica and Ministry of Finance
Cetinje, and 13% for Niksic. Department of Public Revenues 2.8.2 Honoraria
Avoidance of double taxation If honoraria are paid to the personal
Avoidance of double taxation has bank account of a foreigner that he/
2.8.1 Opening a bank account
greater importance than provisions she already has in home country, it is
of this Law. In tax calculations, after Non-residents in Montenegro can necessary to submit instructions for
taxes are collected from income that open local or foreign currency account payment to the institution that will
non-resident legal persons generate, in any bank in Montenegro. He/she make the payment. That institution
income payer applies provisions of has to present a valid identification will further conduct procedures for
the agreement on avoidance of dou- document, i.e. passport. If payments payment of honoraria according to the
ble taxation, if non-resident proves are to be performed at a bank account national legislative (taxes, reports, pro-
that he/she is resident of the country in other country, than he/she has also viding personal identification number
with which Montenegro has signed to submit instructions for payment. for foreigners with the Department
this agreement. Evidence of being a An extra commission fee is charged of Public Revenues etc).
resident of country with which Mon- for every money transfer to and from
tenegro has signed an agreement on abroad. The commission depends on
avoidance of double taxation is proved the destination and the amount being
by income payer with a certificate or transferred.
Researchers in motion
2.9 Employment proce- concluded labor contract and that the permit.
taxpayer has reported the work of the
dure in Montenegro Personal work permit is a license that
foreigner in accordance with this Law.
allows a foreigner free access to the
The Law on Employment and Work Work permit is issued by the Employ- labor market, regardless of the state
of Foreigners (Official Gazette of the ment Agency of Montenegro. The and market relations. A foreigner with
Republic of Montenegro, No. 22/08) work permit is a required document, a personal work permit has an equal
provides that a foreigner may be hired according to which a foreigner may status as a Montenegrin citizen in
or work in Montenegro, under the obtain a temporary residence permit terms of unemployment and employ-
conditions determined by the law, for the purpose of employment or ment rights. This work permit can be
the collective agreement, ratified and work. After receiving approval for a issued to a foreigner: with permanent
published international treaties and temporary stay of the foreigner, the residence, in accordance with the Law
generally accepted rules of interna- employer concludes with a foreigner on foreigners, refugees and additionally
tional law. According to the law, the labor contract, or a legal entity or or- protected persons, according to the
term foreigner represents a person who ganizational unit of a foreign company Law on Asylum (Official Gazette of
is not a Montenegrin citizen, whether registered in Montenegro concludes a MN, no. 45/06). Personal work per-
s/he is a citizen of another state or a civil contract and registers his/her em- mit is issued upon the request of the
stateless person, and does not make a ployment at the Employment Agency foreigner for an indefinite period of
distinction between foreign-EU na- within 15 days since the beginning of time, and exceptionally may be issued
tionals and nationals of third countries. employment. for a period up to one year.
According to the Law, a foreigner may To regulate all forms of employment Employment permit is a permit ac-
be employed, i.e. work in Montene- and work of foreigners, the labor cording to which an employer makes
gro, provided that he/she has: a work market of Montenegro envisages three labor contract with a foreigner and is
permit, permission for permanent resi- types of work permits: personal work issued upon the request of the em-
dence or temporary residence permit, permit, employment permit and work ployer. Permit for employment and
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

work of foreigners shall be issued upon headquarters in Montenegro or or- Quotas

the request of the employer, legal per- ganizational unit of a foreign company,
The Government of Montenegro,
son or organizational unit of a foreign registered in Montenegro, delivering
upon the proposal of the ministry in
company, registered in Montenegro. services or other form of work, on the
charge of labor issues, having previ-
Exceptionally, the employer will not basis of civil law contracts. This permit
ously obtained the opinion of the
be refused a request for work permits could be for:
ministries in charge for some activities
for foreigners:
• Seasonal work of foreigners, for which quotas are determined and
• With higher education, in manage- • Work with the referred foreigners the opinion of the Social Council, in
ment affairs; (cross-border services, further train- accordance with the migration policy
ing and education, movement of and consideration of the labor market,
• Montenegrin citizen family mem-
persons within a foreign company) establishes an annual quota of work
bers (spouse and children up to 21
• Training and education of foreign- permits.
years old)
ers and
Quotas are not determined for the
• Family member of the employer • The provision of contractual services.
work permit issued to a foreigner if:
(spouse and children up to 21 years
• s/he has a personal work permit;
old), Permits are issued for a limited time,
• is employed in Montenegro on the
• For the occupation for which it is for a period of three months to one
basis of international agreement, on
not possible to provide education in year, extendable to two more years,
the basis of reciprocity;
Montenegro. depending on the type of permit.
• performs teaching in educational
Work permit is a permit with the The Employment Bureau shall be institutions, in the language and
pre-determined duration of work, ac- obliged to decide on the request within alphabet of minorities and other
cording to which an employer makes 30 days from the day of submitting minority ethnic communities;
a labor contract with a foreigner, i.e. the request. • s/he is a professional athlete and
foreigner with a legal entity with sports worker working in Monte-
Researchers in motion
negro according to concluded labor permit, in the following cases: per year;
contract, • a foreigner who is a member of • academic staff invited in the ca-
• s/he is a Montenegrin citizen family diplomatic or consular mission pacity of professor or lecturer and
member (spouse and children up to on the territory of the Republic; scientific worker who participates
21 years old), • a foreigner who has the immunity in a scientific-research project
• s/he is a family member of an for- on the basis of the international important for the Republic;
eigner who is granted permanent agreement; • members of the international
residence in Montenegro (spouse • a foreigner who, in the Republic, missions performing research
and children up to 21 years old) performs activities on the basis of activity in the Republic, which is
• s/he is a refugee family member international agreements that the approved by the Government;
(spouse and children up to 21 years Republic concludes with another • foreign correspondents accredited
old) state, international organization in the Republic or reporters of
• s/he is a representative of the com- or European Union, regarding foreign media;
pany or entrepreneur, professional-technical assistance, • artists and technical staff for opera,
• s/he is a foreigner sent to additional or on the basis of ratified inter- ballet, theatre, concerts, fine arts
training and development in Mon- national agreements. and other cultural performances,
tenegro, • founders, procurators, members if they do not stay in the Repub-
• s/he is a referred foreigner (manag- of managing and governing bod- lic longer than 30 days, or three
ers, specialists) ies and auditors of the business months annually with interrup-
• s/he is a provider of contractual organization who perform the tions;
services. activities within that business • foreigners who come in the Re-
organization, if performance of public to participate in sports
Foreigners who have a permit for those activities does not have the events;
temporary residence in the Republic character of employment and does • foreigners who perform activities
shall not be obliged to obtain a work not last longer than three months related to delivery, installation or
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

service of machines or equipment, Links: 2.10 Intellectual

if their work does not last longer Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare property rights
than 30 days with no interrup- Employment Bureau of Montenegro
tions, or the total of three months After Montenegro declared its inde-
annually with interruptions; Law on Employment and Work of Foreigners pendence on 3 June 2006, the follow-
• foreigners who participate in fairs
ing IP laws of the former State Union
and exhibitions where their em-
of Serbia and Montenegro continued
ployer exhibits;
to be effective: 
- L aw on Copyright and Related
Exception: The Law on Employment Rights (Official Gazette of SM,
and Work of Foreigners shall not apply
to foreigners-academic staff invited to No.61/04):
Montenegro as professors or lecturers - Trademark Law (Official Gazette
participating in scientific and research of SM, No. 61/04, 71/05):
projects of importance to Montenegro.
- Law on Legal Protection of Design
(Official Gazette of SM, No. 61/04);
• foreigners who participate in or- - Law on Protection of Topography of
ganized professional gatherings Integrated Circuits (Official Gazette
and seminars; of SM, No. 61/04).
• foreigners employed in circuses
or entertainment parks, if the Montenegro has since adopted:
they do not stay in the Republic - the Law on Optical Discs (Official
longer than three months with no Gazette RM, No. 2/07)
interruptions. - the Law on Geographical Indica-
tions (Official Gazette of SM, No.
48/08); and
Researchers in motion
- the Law on Patents (Official Gazette pression of False or Deceptive Indi- - the Trademark Law Treaty;
of SM, No. 66/08); cations of Source on Goods; - the WIPO Copyright Treaty;
- the Madrid Agreement Concern- - the WIPO Performances and Pho-
On 4 December, 2006, the Govern-
ing the International Registration nograms Treaty;
ment of the Republic of Montenegro
of Marks; - the Budapest Treaty on the Inter-
deposited the following Declaration
- the Protocol Relating to the Madrid national Recognition of the Deposit
with the World Intellectual Property
Agreement Concerning the Interna- of Microorganisms for the Purposes
Organization (WIPO):
tional Registration of Marks; of Patent Procedure;
“The Government of the Republic - the Hague Agreement Concerning - the Patent Cooperation Treaty”.
of Montenegro hereby declares that the International Deposit of Indus-
the Treaties listed below continue to trial Designs (the Hague Act (1960) The Bureau for the Protection of
be applicable, as of June 3, 2006, in and the Stockholm Complementary Intellectual Property Rights of Mon-
respect of the territory of the Republic Act (1967)); tenegro started to operate on 28th
of Montenegro and that the Republic - the Nice Agreement Concerning the May 2008.
of Montenegro accepts the obligations International Classification of Goods
set forth in the said Treaties in respect and Services for the Purposes of the
of its territory: Registration of Marks; Links:
- the Convention Establishing the - the Locarno Agreement Establish- Bureau for the Protection of Intellectual
World Intellectual Property Or- ing an International Classification Property Rights of Montenegro
ganization; for Industrial Designs;
- the Paris Convention for the Protec- - the Lisbon Agreement for the Pro-
tion of Industrial Property; tection of Appellations of Origin
- the Berne Convention for the Protec- and their International Registration;
tion of Literary and Artistic Works; - the Nairobi Treaty on the Protection
- the Madrid Agreement for the Re- of the Olympic Symbol;
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

2.11 Identity card Foreigner who have been granted a 2.12 Driver’s licence
permanent residence, or foreigner
Identity card for a foreigner is issued who obtained temporary stay but has The Law on Traffic Safety stipulates
to a foreigner that has been granted no valid travel document is obliged that foreigners who have been granted
permanent residence, or to a foreigner to submit request for identity card a temporary stay in Montenegro may
who has obtained temporary stay issuance in period no longer than 30 drive a motor vehicle for the approved
but who does not have a valid travel days after the approval of permanent period of temporary stay in Montene-
document. residence or temporary stay. gro if they have a valid foreign driver’s
Request for identity card issuance Identity card valid for a period of five license issued by relevant authority of
is submitted in person. Besides the years is issued to a foreigner who ob- his/her home country.
request, a foreigner has to submit a tained permanent residence. Identity Foreigners who have been granted a
proof of granted permanent residence card valid for a period of two years is permanent residence in Montenegro
and a valid travel document, i.e. proof issued to a foreigner who obtained may drive a motor vehicle for a period
of granted temporary stay. permanent residence but is under 18 of six months following the day of
years old. Identity card to a foreigner entry into Montenegro if they have
Request is submitted to the Ministry
who has obtained a temporary stay a valid foreign driver’s license issued
of Internal Affairs and Public Ad-
will be issued and valid for a period by relevant authority of his/her home
ministration, relevant department, in
of his/her temporary stay. country. Upon his/her request, driver’s
the place of permanent residence or
temporary stay. Administrative tax for issuing an licence will be reissued by relevant au-
identity card to a foreigner is 60 euro. thority without the need to undertake
an additional driving test, but under
the condition that he/she is physi-
cally competent to drive, that he/she
is at least 18 years old and that has
no penalties or suspension regarding
driving a motor vehicle.
Researchers in motion
3.1 Montenegrin and external research associates work in 3.2. Main stakeholders
the country’s three universities, several involved in ST policy
RTD sector
private higher education institutions, as
well as Government and private sec- making in Montenegro
Politically speaking, European integra-
tors. Researchers account for 0.4 % of
tion is one of Montenegro’s strategic The Ministry of Education and the
the employed population. In addition,
priorities and this is also well reflected Ministry of Science are supreme bod-
as do other countries of the region,
in the way it intends to pursue Higher ies in charge of Higher education and
Montenegro suffers from brain drain
education as well as research coopera- Science, Research and Technological
following the political crisis in the past.
tion. In that context a clear roadmap is Development. They follow the long-
Therefore, as a matter of priority, the
set out with the purpose of increasing term Montenegrin requirements for
Government has adopted measures
spending on research to 1% of GDP development, transfer and application
to support the career development of
by 2011. In terms of research areas, of scientific and technological achieve-
researchers and young researchers with
Montenegro identifies the same priority ments, especially from the point of
emphasis on PhD.
areas as those set under the Seventh view of greater valorization of natural
Framework Programme (FP7) but of and man-made resources. They are
course, given its size and limited budget, also main funding bodies of Higher
it will have to concentrate its efforts and education and Research in the country.
focus on research areas of importance To be able to deal with the new chal-
for the country and those which sup- lenges and internationalization as well
port its economic development and as globalization of Higher Education,
competitiveness. As one would expect a Council for Scientific-Research Ac-
of a small country, human research ca- tivities was established in 2006 as the
pacity is limited. In 2009 Montenegro national body consisting of several
had 766 researchers with academic title, members, from the Government and
who together with part-time colleagues the research community.
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

The Council is an independent body 3.3 Research institutions oriented study programs run under the
under the administrative manage- umbrella of the University. In total, the
in Montenegro
ment of the Ministry. An additional University offers 79 academic study
relevant institution is the Agency for programs and 15 applied programs.
International Scientific, Educational,
Two private universities also perform
Culture and Technological Coopera- University of Montenegro is a central-
their educational and scientific activities
tion, founded in the 1970s, which plays ized, the only public, university with
in Montenegro: University Mediter-
an important role in the conducting about 22000 students out of which
ranean and University Donja Gorica
of research cooperation with third 82% are undegraduates, 17,3% gradu-
All of the universities as well as several
countries in the domain of prepara- ates and less then 1% doctoral students.
institutions of higher education are
tion, coordination and implementation The number of academic staff is 1273.
operating according to the Bologna
of programs and projects of scientific It has 19 faculties and three scientific
principles, with the same rules for ac-
and technical nature, initiation and institutes. Almost six years ago it intro-
creditation and licensing. Together with
co-ordination of the establishment of duced three-cycle system, along with
several private institutions of higher
collaboration between Montenegro the ECTS and Diploma Supplement.
education, about 5500 students are
and foreign institutions and industrial It faced the processes of internal and
educated at private universities.
organizations, professional training external evaluation of educational sys-
abroad as well as bilateral and multi- tem with the reacreditation purposes as Montenegrin Academy of Sciences
lateral programs. well as internal and external evaluation and Arts
of research capacities with the aim to Montenegrin Academy of Sciences
prepare a strategic document of overall and Arts (CANU) was established in
capacities upgrading. There are two 1978 and encompasses departments
types of studies organized at the Uni- of natural sciences, social sciences and
versity of Montenegro: academic and arts. It is independent in relation to
applied studies which are vocationally the Government, industry or other
Researchers in motion
professional organizations and oper- Bureau, Seismological Bureau, Centre 3.4. IT support for
ates under a separate law. Its work for Eco-Toxicological Investigations,
program includes promotion of science, Institute for Public Health, Institute
scientific-research and artistic work, for Ferrous Metallurgy, Agency for
From the year 2000 a number of sig-
organization, realization and coordi- Environmental Protection, Agency for
nificant steps were made in order to
nation of scientific-research projects Protection of Monuments of Culture
improve the library-information sys-
of particular importance for preserva- etc.
tem. Automatization of libraries op-
tion and promotion of the natural and
eration at the universities and most of
cultural heritage, advisory role based
the scientific-research institutes into
on scientific indicators and research,
a system of mutual catalogization
expertise, international cooperation,
COBISS.CG (Co-operative Online
as well as enhancing international
bibliographic system and Service) was
cooperation and publishing.
started together with professional devel-
Scientific-research institutes opment of library staff, implementation
Beside the aforementioned scientific- of standards, modernization of services.
research institutes that perform their This system encompasses also a mutual
research within the UoM (Institute for bibliographic base. The library materi-
Marine Biology, Institute for History als were partly processed and available
and Institute of Foreign Languages), on-line in the form of bibliographic
there are also institutes within business entries. The University of Montenegro
organizations, as well as a number of is subscribed to electronic databases
agencies and centers dealing with exten- THOMSON and EBSCO, which
sive research activities: Bureau for Geo- provide access to a number of articles
logical Research, Hydrometeorology in the fields of technology, medicine,
economics. The universal application
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

platform E-CRISS was used for the 3.5. Academic network more than 20.000 users. The network
development of register of scientific is dispersed in 6 towns (Podgorica,
data. The government of Montene- Academic network is the base for the Niksic, Cetinje, Kotor, Herceg Novi,
gro, together with former Ministry scientific-educational network in Mon- Bijelo Polje). Links with this network
of Education and Science (now two tenegro. It is a full member of the are enabled for Montenegrin Academy
ministries: Ministry of Education and consortium of European academic of Sciences and Arts, Ministry of Edu-
Ministry for Science), has prepared networks association (TERENA), cation and Science, Central National
the project of Electronic Information linked with the pan European aca- Library in Cetinje as well as all the
System of Scientific-research activities demic network GEANT, full member students residences within the academic
in Montenegro (e NID) which is sup- of European GRID initiative. It is also campus owned by the University of
posed to create a comprehensive data registered as an autonomous system Montenegro. Complete communica-
base in scientific-research activities (RIPE), focal point for the European tion infrastructure of WAN network is
which in some domains would rely on IT resources of high performances owned by Montenegrin Telecom. And
the available applications of E-CRISS (SEEGRID), as well as the technical all the cities are linked by MIPNET
administrator of national “me” domain. with the actual capacity of 10Mb/s.
Academic network is one of the biggest
WAN networks in Montenegro with
Researchers in motion
3.6 RTD expenditure 3.7 National RTD strategic spring, concerning the fact that the
research environment has changed
and legal framework
According to the existing official avail- significantly and there is an utmost need
able data collected by the national for introducing and defining quality in
A legal framework is indispensable in
Agency for Statistics MONSTAT, the research, parameters for funding on a
the organization of research institu-
funds allocated from the state budget competitive base, quality assurance well
tions, innovation infrastructure and
for RTD as % of GDP is 0,1 in last as all kinds of promotion and recogni-
programs that provide grants to these
five years. Montenegro cannot set to tion of quality in research. The other
organizations and innovative compa-
itself the objective of following the EU important strategic documents related
nies. The most often in Montenegro
allocation of 3% but it can make vari- to scientific research are: Development
ST and Higher Education laws are
ous hypothetical projections in order Directions of Montenegro as Ecological
prepared separately. The current Law
to analyze the problem and choose the State, Strategy of Sustainable Develop-
on Scientific-Research Activities was
variant which is the most acceptable ment of Montenegro, Spatial Plan of
adopted in November 2005 with the
and realistic. The main problem is how Montenegro, and Strategy of Informa-
following goals: Integration into ERA
tion Society (2004-2007), Strategy
to change the structure of funding and and framework programs, sustainable
for Development of SMEs. Several
increase the private, business and indus- development of the country, introduc-
rulebooks in the domain of financing
trial funding vs. public funding. The Na- tion of international quality standards,
of research also set up the competitive
tional Strategy for Scientific-Research more investment in scientific and re-
criteria in this field such as: Rulebook
Activities (2008-2016) predicts that it search activities, connecting research-
on financing of scientific-research activ-
should be 1% of total spending on RTD ers. Three years after the adoption of
ity, Rulebook on evaluation process of
as % of GDP until 2012 with the ratio the aforementioned Law, the Strategy
scientific-research projects, Rulebook
0,8% of public investment versus 0,2% for Scientific- Research Activities in
on issuing of the working license for
of other sources’ investment. Montenegro was adopted in June 2008.
the scientific-research institutions in
Amendments to the Law on Scientific-
Montenegro, Rulebook on register
Research Activities were prepared this
content, procedure of registering as
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

well as deletion from the register for marine waters, as well as the infra- 3.9. Business, innovation
the scientific-research institutions in structure for marine biology research.
and technology in
-Computation and data processing, Montenegro
which involves laboratories in the field
of power engineering, telecommuni- What is of vital importance at this stage
cations, electronic devices, computer of innovation “culture” in Montenegro
3.8 Research engineering and technologies. is to comprehend the current state of
infrastructure - M aterials science which involves research in the country as a whole,
research laboratories and site test- and act accordingly, setting the goals
Besides a number of weaknesses, like ing, materials testing (metallic, non as realistic as possible. First of all, it is
a large difference in the development metallic, construction), microscopy. evident that the academic community is
of different research units or institu- currently lacking good research groups,
tions without setting and following not to mention interdisciplinary ones.
the national priorities, the lack of ad- Also, the connections with industry
equate premises and updated large-scale have decreased over years, and the
equipment, scientific-research institu- joint activities that exist are more fo-
tions in Montenegro still have some cused on provision of different types of
competitive research infrastructure in services than on `real` research. It is a
the fields of : consequence of the general situation in
-Biomedical and life sciences, which the region over the past two decades
involves infrastructure in the field of (conflicts, transition, privatization). As
agriculture, public health, facilities for the international scientific coopera-
for Hydrograph examination, chem- tion, its intensity was also reduced due
istry and microbiology of waters and to isolation of the country in the past.
Researchers in motion
3.9.1 G overnmental institutions in local administrations and human re- 3.9.3 Strategic documents for innovation
charge of innovation: source development dimensions as well and existing innovation infra-
Ministry of Information Society (in intellectual property rights. structure
charge of implementation of the Na- Strategic documents reflecting future
tional IT strategy – research included), 3.9.2 Foreign organizations operating in national strategy for innovation have
Directorate for Development of SMEs Montenegro in charge of funding been highlighted here.
(in charge of CIP on the national level; innovation: Generally, the documents and strategies
proposed by the Government to be Concerning the innovation issue, co- supporting the development of small and
the contact institution for EUREKA), operation with representatives of some medium sized enterprises are:
Institute for Public Health (participates international institutions is intensified - Economic Reform Agenda for Mon-
in an FP7 project on food safety), Seis- accordingly: Organization for European tenegro 2002 – 2007,
mological Observatory (participates in Security and Cooperation (OEBS), - Strategy of development of small and
FP7 `Environment` research project, World Bank, Foundation Institute for medium sized enterprises 2007 – 2010,
NATO SPS program), Hydrological Open Society (Office in Podgorica), - Multi-annual Indicative Planning
and Meteorological Service (partici- United Nations Development Program Document (MIPD) 2007 - 2009 for
pate in FP7 e-infrastructure project), (UNDP), Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung, Montenegro,
Centre for Eco-Toxicological Research, the Embassy of the Republic of Greece, The output of the existing efforts in
Agency for Environmental Protec- Ecole Nationale d’Administration developing the “innovation” culture in
tion. Montenegro has established a (ENA), USAID/CHECCHI Com- Montenegro are some start-ups which
well-structured and well-funded SME pany Consulting Inc. try to manifest their work through new
agency (Directorate for Development knowledge or new products such as:
of Small and Medium-sized Enter- Business Start-up Centre Bar
prises - SMEDA), but lags behind on Business incubator Podgorica
improving the regulatory environment, Network of Regional and Local Business
particularly in relation to the role of Centres (BSCs)
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

3.10 Possibilities of Links 4.1 About EURAXESS Monte-

Ministry of Education
external funding Ministry of Science negro
Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
of research and
innovation University of Montenegro
Mediterranean University According to the Decision No 05-1/12-
University Donja Gorica 456 from 20th April 2009, made by the
There is a number of international do- Directorate for Small and Medium Sized En-
nor initiatives: IPA, European Bank for terprises Ministry of Education of the Republic
Reconstruction and Development, US- Business start-up centre Bar of Montenegro, the University of Mon-
AID (Firm Level Assistance Group), tenegro is designated as the Bridgehead
World Bank, and the Centre for Entre- Organization in the realization of the
preneurship and Economic Develop- EURAXESS initiative in Montenegro.
ment. Significant financial support is
also coming from Federal Ministry for
Economic Cooperation and Develop-
ment, Germany (BMZ), Government
of the Netherlands (Ministry of foreign The University of Mon-
Affairs of the Netherlands), Deutsche tenegro was designated by the Ministry
Gesellschaft für Technische Zusam- of Education as the most appropriate
menarbeit (GTZ), and Switzerland, institution in Montenegro for the es-
tablishment of the EURAXESS Service
Center. The advantages of the University
in this respect are:
- Experience of the International Rela-
tions Office in mobility issues
- Capacity and facilities for the estab-
Researchers in motion
lishment of new administrative services incoming mobility mobility network and offer information
- The only public University and employer and proximity assistance for researchers
Given the size of the country it is decided
of 55% of PhDs and MSc s/ MAs in in the whole country.
that one Bridgehead organization that
will at the same time function as the Active European EURAXESS portals
- Experience with EU education and
EURAXESS Service Center, will be
research programmes
sufficient to run the national researchers’
- Direct beneficiary of the largest part of

Steering group BHO EUropean

Service center

Executive Group
for Mobility
Mobility Mobility
officers officers
at related to
facultics Mobility enterprise
of UoM officers sector
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

Austria Norway

Belgium Poland
Bosnia and Herzegovina Portugal
Bulgaria Romania
Czech Republic Slovenia
Estonia Serbia
Finland Spain
France Sweden
Greece Switzerland
Croatia Turkey
Macedonia Great Britain
Researchers in motion

Igor Radusinović, Ministry of Education and Sports

Abdulah Abdić, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public Administration
Nikola Dedeić, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
Jelena Ognjenovic, Montenegrin Employers’ Federation
Prof. dr Sreten Savićević, University of Montenegro
Prof. dr Vesna Karadžić, University of Montenegro
Prof. dr Vladimir Komnenić, University of Montenegro
Prof. dr Sonja Tomović-Šundić, University of Montenegro
Doc. dr Ramo Šendelj, Mediterranean University
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro


LOCAL CONTACT POINTS Faculty of Economics
+382 69 339 033
Irena Orović
UNIVERSITY OF Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Civil UNIVERSITY
Engineering, Faculty of Architecture
MONTENEGRO e-mail: Milena Đekić
+382 67 516 795 e-mail:
Aleksandra Banjević, Humanities +382 67 832 666
Faculty of Philosophy +382 20 409 218
+382 69 022 200

Igor Vušanović, Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Metal-
lurgy and Technology DONJA GORICA
+382 67 224 404 Biljana Stamatović
Olivera Komar, Social sciences
+382 69 676 257
Faculty of Political Sciences, Faculty of Law
+382 67 277 651

Andrej Perović, Natural sciences

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Faculty
of Medicine, Faculty of Biotechnology
+382 69 072 082
Researchers in motion
4.2 Higher education insti- sity of Montenegro is in Podgorica, the Music Academy – Cetinje
capital of Montenegro. The University of Faculty of Maritime Studies – Kotor
tutions in Montenegro Montenegro has developed in accordance Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Manage-
with the spirit of time and the growing ment – Kotor
needs of Montenegro. Faculty of Applied Physiotherapy – Igalo,
Herceg Novi
University of Montenegro The University of Montenegro is situated
Faculty of Political Sciences – Podgorica
in ten Montenegrin towns: Podgorica,
Nikšic, Cetinje, Kotor, Herceg Novi, Bar, Faculty of Architecture – Podgorica
Bijelo Polje, Budva, Pljevlja and Berane Faculty of Biotechnology – Podgorica
and includes 20 faculties, three institutes Faculty for Sport and Physical Educa-
and two independent study programmes. tion – Nikšić
Faculty of  Pharmacy – Podgorica
Faculty of Economics – Podgorica Independet study programme Geodesy
The University of Montenegro was
Law Faculty – Podgorica – Podgorica
founded on 29 April 1974 when three
Faculty of Electrical Engineering – Pod-
faculties (Faculty of Economics, of En- Teacher Training in Albanian language
gineering and the Faculty of Law from – Podgorica
Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology
Titograd), two colleges (Teaching College The University includes three scientific
– Podgorica
and Maritime Studies College) and three institutes as well:
Faculty of Civil Engineering – Podgorica
independent scientific institutes (for His- Institute for Maritime Biology – Kotor
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering –
tory, for Agriculture and for Biological Institute for Foreign Languages – Pod-
and Medical Research), signed an Agree- gorica
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Math-
ment on Association into the University Institute for History – Podgorica
ematics – Podgorica
in Titograd. A year after it was founded, Faculty of Medicine – Podgorica The University Library and the Informa-
it changed its name into the University Faculty of Philosophy – Nikšić tion Technology Centre (CIS) function
”Veljko Vlahović”, and since 1992 it has Faculty of Fine Arts – Cetinje as parts of the University.
its present name. The seat of the Univer- Faculty of Drama – Cetinje
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

University “Mediterranean”  16 December 2006. Faculty of Tourism, of the expert team, among other things,
Hotel and Trade Management Bar was states: “The team was very surprised how
founded in 2004. as the first private insti- much the University ’Mediterranean’ has
tution of higher education in Montene- developed and created a solid foundation
gro. On February 9, 2008, it changed its for rapid future development with the am-
name to: Faculty of Tourism Bar – MTS bition to become a high quality regional
The University “Mediterranean” is a – “Montenegro Tourism School”. The university”. The University is clearly and
university located in Podgorica, Monte- seat of the University ”Mediterranean” fully committed to enhancing the quality
negro. It was founded on 30 May 2006, is in Podgorica, as well as the following of studies in a systematic and organized
as the first private university established organizational units: Faculty of Business manner in order to be modern, flexible,
in Montenegro and consists of 6 faculties. Studies “Montenegro Business School”, comparable, competitive and efficient. In
The university is member of the Balkan Faculty of Visual Arts, Faculty of Infor- that sense and in compliance with the
Universities Network. mation Technology, Faculty of Foreign Bologna process, there is a continuous
University “Mediterranean” is the first Languages and Faculty of Law. Faculty work on increasing the quality level of
private university in Montenegro. It was of Tourism, while the Hotel and Trade all activities at the University - teaching,
founded on 30 May 2006 and consisted of Management is located in Bar. Since its study programmes, grading system based
four organizational units: Faculty of Tour- founding, the University “Mediterranean” on the introduction of the European
ism, Hotel and Trade Management Bar, Podgorica functions as a single legal entity Credit Transfer and Accumulation Sys-
Faculty of Business Studies “Montenegro in accordance with the Bologna Decla- tem - ECTS, textbooks and literature,
Business School”, Faculty of Visual Arts ration. The quality of study programs at equipment of study rooms and other areas,
and Faculty of Information Technology. all faculties of the University was evalu- information system, scientific research,
Later on, two more faculties joined the ated in 2008 by the expert committee of publishing, selection of teaching and
University ”Mediterranean”: Faculty of the Council for Higher Education. The administration staff, library, permanent
Foreign Languages and Faculty of Law University has been reaccredited for the education, interuniversity cooperation
officially became the organizational units following five years which is an indication and other standards.
of the University “Mediterranean” on of the high quality of our work. The report
Researchers in motion
University Donja Gorica interdisciplinary courses, and individu-
alism. In accordance with this idea, all
programs within UDG provide freedom
of choice to students, with possibility to
take classes at different faculties during
the course of study. A strong emphasis is
University Donja Gorica (UDG) is a put on motivating students, encouraging
private university in Montenegro, with them, and building both their knowledge
first faculties established in 2007. UDG and character, thus students are very
currently offers undergraduate studies at involved not only through lectures but
five faculties: also through various projects, tutorials,
presentations, internships and sports
Faculty of International Economics,
Finance and Business
All programs at UDG are designed ac-
Faculty of Law
cording to the principles of the Bologna
Faculty of Information Systems and Declaration, which ensures student
Technologies mobility, international recognition of
Faculty of Arts diplomas, as well as the pos
Faculty of Humanistic studies. sibility of partial independent profiling
Strategic goal of education process is to of the programs through a wide range
increase the quality of students’ knowl- of elective courses, in accordance with
edge and to promote international repu- personal affinities and interests.
tation of our school. Key principles that Besides these undergraduate programs,
UDG follows in order to achieve this UDG also offers Specialist and Master
strategic goal are based on contempo- programs.
rary and practical knowledge, flexibility,
Researcher,s Guide to Montenegro

Intersectoral group that has contributed to the

collection of information published in the Guide:
Abdulah Abdić, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public Administration
Ivana Šućur, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
Ana Stijepović, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
Vanja Drljević, Ministry of Education
Nada Kovač, Ministry of Education
Ljubinka Vujisić, Department of Public Revenues

Bridgehead Organization
University of Montenegro
Address: Cetinjska 2,
81000 Podgorica
e-mail: EURAXESS Services Centre
Phone +382 20 414 209 Address: Cetinjska 2
Fax +382 20 414 230 81000 Podgorica
Phone +382 20 414 250
Links: Fax +382 20 414 253
EURAXESS Portal of the European Commission e-mail:
EURAXESS Montenegro web:
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Science
University of Montenegro
International Relations Office of Montenegro
FP7 Montenegro
Researchers in motion

EURAXESS Montenegro
project team:
Prof. dr Mira Vukčević, Vice-rector for International Cooperation,
Project Coordinator
Tatjana Knežević, Project Manager
Jelena Pajković, Legal expert
Dijana Jovanović, Help-desk Officer
Luka Filipović, Portal engineer
Lidija Milosavljević, Portal administrator
Mirjana Mićković, Project assistant




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