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Why did or didn’t you think that all the men Silver took with him were part of the

mutinous plan?

Answer. Long John Silver was a cunning and smart pirate. He took this opportunity and made a

mutinous plan against his own people. He tried to persuade many fellow men regarding the

fortune and how that would help them in the future life but many of them were not loyal to his

idea and his plan. He took few men to the Spy Glass and left few on the ship and after reaching

near the destination he found that few people were against his plan. Both Alan and Tom got

killed by Silver as they refused to his idea. The good men on the ship already knew about

Silver’s plan and he took few and left few as a backup plan.

Q2. Silver’s true nature is revealed in this chapter. Did his ferocity and violence surprise you?

Why or why not? Use support from the text to defend your answer.

Answer: In a way Silver’s true nature has surprised me because he was all polite and humble

during the start of the journey but as the time passed, he has revealed his true self. The way he

has killed Alan and Tom was a surprise to many but at the same time he was so normal after the

incident and cleaned his knife like nothing happened. As Jim witnesses Tom's death, he can

hardly believe that this is real. "Everything else was unchanged, the sun still shining mercilessly

on the steaming marsh and the tall pinnacle of the mountain, and I could scarce persuade

myself that murder had been actually done and a human life cruelly cut short a moment since

before my eyes." Silver’s cruel nature was obvious for the men and a message to all that if you

do not obey Silver you may face the same results.

Q3. Now that Jim knows that the men either join the mutiny or are killed, how can he stay

alive? Make a prediction to check against your later reading.

Answer: Jim has witnessed the murder of his fellow men who were part of the crew from the

hand of a so called trusted Long John Silver. He knew that this killing has forced the people to

join the mutiny and obeys Silver’s order or get killed if refused to do so. He thought he might

get killed by the pirates or by the hunger he will face on the island. To save his life he has

decided to run as fast as he can to avoid the danger and get back to the safe place. He might

want to reach a safe point where he can either get some help from his friends who are waiting

on the ship or to send some signal to them about the danger they are going to see soon.

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