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Issues or challenges pertaining to computer security

1. Password Attack – This issue is when hackers crack a password or find a password which hackers
employ several techniques including Keylogger; All keystrokes are recorded by a keylogger. The majority
of users utilize it to obtain passwords and account information.

2. Denial of service (DDoS) – type of attack and a challenge in which an attacker creates a memory or
computing resource too full or too occupied to perform genuine queries, then, if a legitimate user wants
to access that same resource, they will not be able to do so.

3. Misbehavior/Misuse - recognition is dependent on a thorough awareness of system vulnerabilities

and attack patterns. The goal of misuse detection is to find attackers who are trying to break into a
system by exploiting a known vulnerability. A system security administrator should, in theory, be aware
of all known vulnerabilities and work to eliminate them.

4. Rootkit – It's a computer program that keeps privileged access to a computer while actively
concealing their existence. The rootkit's controller will be able to remotely execute files and change
system configurations on the host machine once it has been installed.

5. User to Root Attacks - is a type of attack in which an attacker starts with a moderate user account on
the system and exploits a vulnerability then, the attacker now starts out with access to the actual user
account on the system to gain root access to the system.

II. Issues or challenges pertaining to cyber security

1. Malware attack - This is a malicious program which causes the computer to disrupt  or be damaged it
includes The Virus (computer virus); it one of the types of malware attacks that copies itself to another
program or document and alters the way a computer operates. Someone must knowingly or accidentally
spread the virus, without such knowledge or permission of a user or system administrator.

2. Phishing – In this case, a bait is often sent in the form of an email by the attacker. It encourages users
to divulge their personal information. This is a situation in which an assailant poses as a trustworthy
individual. Phishers use forged email or instant communications to steal critical financial or personal
information. Phishing, however, very simple to carry out. You've been fooled into thinking that it's an
official mail as you're allowed to enter your personal information.

3. Probing - is a network security attack in which an attacker gathers information or discovers known

vulnerabilities by scanning the network. An attacker who has a map of available machines and services
on a network can use this information to find possible exploits.

4. Cloud Attacks - Cloud services are used by the majority of people nowadays for both personal and
professional purposes. However, it became one of the  issues in Cyber Security for businesses is hacking
cloud-platforms to steal user's data as it pose a serious threat to the firm and perhaps lead to its demise.

5. Cryptojacking — Like in Cloud, Other aspects of the cryptocurrency trend have an impact on
cybersecurity. Cryptojacking, is a practice in which malicious hackers use third-party computers to
manipulate or encourage buyers and seller to buy for cryptocurrency.
III. Recommendations

Simple precautions, such as using the newest hardware and software for your digital needs, can
help safeguard your devices and data against cyber threats. Advanced steps, such as establishing a
firewall to give an extra layer of security, will also be required. You must already have the prevention
before the infection so that it will definitely affect the system at the very least. Since attackers utilize a
variety of techniques and strategies, an attack can be classed into several categories,  despite the fact
that security experts have put in place numerous advanced defensive mechanisms, hackers may still
utilize the same offensive strategies and exploit the same vulnerabilities as in the past. It's important to
protect from attacks by giving attention to the internal systems, deploying several defenses for
enhanced security, and preventing irreversible harm. This implies the continual implementation of
security policies, as well as the use of strict access control mechanisms and advanced multi-layer
security devices.

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