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Review Article

Oral Effects of Renal Disease: A Medical Problem in Dentistry

SZ Mahmud1, MM Uddin2, SZ Eusufzai3, NANomann4, SM Hossain5, MA Tarafder6
The number ofpatients with chronic kidney disease especially with diabetic nephropathy is expected to grow significantly in the
fature. It is associated with substantial morbidity and mortality, and the consequence of this emerging public health problem is
considerable consumption of medical and financial resources. Thereby, there is a higher chance to see such patients in a dental
office. People with kidney disease and those on dialysis are more likely to have periodontal disease and other oral health
problems than the general population. Build up of bacteria in the mouth can cause infection. Because people with kidney disease
have weakened immune systems, they are more susceptible to infections. Moreover, bone loss in the jaw can occur in those with
kidney disease. Calcium imbalance contributes to loss of calcium from the bones resulting in weak bones. Weak bones can cause
teeth to become loose and potentially fall out. The doctor may recommend antibiotics be taken prior to the dental procedure to
help guard against infection. The purpose of this article is to evaluate oral and dental manifestations in patients on haemodialysis
and kidney transplant recipients, and understanding the use and adjustment of common dental drugs which aid clinicians in
safely treating these patients as well as to clarify the possible basic role in managing renal disease patients.
Key words: Kidney disease, dental drugs, oral manifestation, renal nutrition, transplantation.

untimed [spot] urine testing), or a decreased glomerular
Chronic kidney disease is defined by the presence of a filtration rate (GFR < 60 mL per minute per 1.73 m 2)
marker of kidney damage, such as proteinuria (ratio of for three or more months. 1 Estimates of the global
greater than 30 mg of albumin to 1 g of creatinine on burden of disease indicate that diseases of the kidney
and urinary tract account for approximately 830,000
1. Dr. Shaikh Zakir Mahmud BDS, MPH , Medical deaths and 18,467 ,000 disability-adjusted life years
Officer (Dental Surgeon),, National Healthcare Network annually, ranking them 12th among causes of death (1.4
(NHN) Mirpur Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh percent of all deaths) and 17th among causes of
2. Dr. (Lt. Col.) Mohammad Mesbah Uddin BDS, disability (1.0 percent of all disability-adjusted life
Consultant, Saba Dental Care, DOHS, Baridhara, Dhaka, years). 2 In the United States, kidney failure is becoming
Bangladesh. increasingly common and is associated with poor health
3. Dr. Sumaiya Zabin Eusufzai BDS, MPH, Senior outcomes and high medical expenditures. In 2009,
Lecturer, Department of Public Health, Northern 116,395 patients started therapy for end-stage renal
University Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. disease (ESRD), and the prevalent population reached
571,414 (including 398,861 dialysis patients); 17,736
4. Dr. Nahid Al Nomann BDS, Doctoral Fellow,
transplants were performed, and 172,553 patients had a
Division of Clinical Cariology and Endodontology,
functioning graft at year's end. 3
Department of Oral Rehabilitation, School of Dentistry,
Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan. There is about 5% annual increase in the number of
5. Dr. (Lt. Col.) Sarder Mahmud Hossain MBBS, DHM, patients with chronic kidney failure, patients
PhD, Professor & Head, Department of Public Health, undergoing haemodialysis or kidney transplantation. 4
Northern University Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Around 20 million (two crore) people have been
suffering from kidney diseases, especially chronic
6. Dr. Monowar Ahmad Tarafder MBBS, DIH, MPhil,
kidney disease (CKD) in Bangladesh. Kidney diseases
PhD, Professor & Head, Department of Community
claim at least five lives every hour and over 40,000
Medicine, Zalalabad Ragib Rabeya Medical College,
lives a year. Nearly 85 percent of the patients do not
Sylhet, Bangladesh.
realize they are affected by kidney diseases before
Address of Correspondence: going for treatment. 5 Although national registries are
Dr. Shaikh Zakir Mahmud BDS, MPH, Medical Officer not available, the data from different medical colleges
(Dental), NHN Mirpur Centre, An Enterprise of the and community based studies in this country suggest
Diabetic Association of Bangladesh, Commercial Plot that glomerulonephritis, acute and chronic renal failure,
No. 27-28, Block-Kha, Main Road-I, Section-6, Mirpur urinary tract infection, renal stone diseases and
Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh. obstructive uropathy are common renal problems. 6
Oral Effects of Renal Disease: A Medical Problem in Dentistry SZ Mahmud et. al.

Improper kidney function is reflected in every organ This is as a result of several factors which include
system of body, showing various signs and symptoms. multiple medication, restricted intake of fluids and
About 90% of renal failure patients have oral diabetes in which many renal patients suffer from.
symptoms. 7 Diabetes mellitus is the most frequent Xerostomia may also predispose the patient to caries,
cause of ESRD. Type 2 diabetes mellitus accounts for mucositis and oral infection as the protective factors in
about two thirds of diabetes-related cases. saliva are not present. For the HD and
Hypertension is the second most frequent cause of immunosuppressed transplant patient infections in the
ESRD. Renal arterial diseases-including both large and oral cavity may act as foci in other sites of the body. 12
small vessel disease-appear to be raising incidence, Bad odor (secondary to uremia) and metallic taste:
especially in the elder. The causes of chronic renal People with renal problems may have a bad taste and
failure (CRF) are similar to those for ESRD. 8 Renal odor in their mouths, which occurs because the kidneys
disease has become important in dentistry because of are not removing urea from the blood resulting from
the growing number of patients who, as a result of renal the increased concentration of urea in saliva and the
dialysis or transplantation, survive renal failure. urea is breaking down to form ammonia. 13
Aspects of renal disease affecting dental management
are: Heparinisation before dialysis, Possible hepatitis B Plaque and calculus: Dialysis patients may form
or C carriage after chronic dialysis, Permanent venous calculus more rapidly than healthy individuals possibly
fistulae susceptible to infection, Secondary due to high salivary urea and phosphate levels. 14 A
hyperparathyroidisam, Immunosuppressive treatment significant correlation between plaque scores and
for nephritic syndrome or transplant patients, Oral gingival inflammation in renal dialysis patients has
lesions due to drugs, particularly for also been reported. 15 • 16
immunosuppression, Low doses or withholding of Stomatitis: In kidney failure, blood urea level
many drugs: e.g. some cephalosporins and increases which results in uremic stomatitis. Uremic
tetracyclines, and Oral lesions of chronic renal failure. 9 stomatitis in the following two forms:
Erythemopultaceous form characterized by red mucosa
A new study has revealed that patients suffering from
covered with thick exudates and pseudomembrane and
end-stage renal failure (ESRF) and those receiving
Ulcerative form characterized by ulcerations with
dialysis are more prone to periodontal disease and other
redness and pultaceous (pulpy) coating. 17
oral health problems. The renal failure groups had
higher gingival index (GI) and bleeding, probing Gingival hyperplasia: One of the most typical
depths, attachment loss, hypoplasia and obliteration findings in patients with endstage renal failure is
and less caries, than the control. Plaque was higher in gingival hyperplasia (drugi indused gingival
the dialysis and pre-dialysis (PD) groups. Dialysis overgrowth), which mechanism of occurrence is
duration and end-stage renal failure significantly multifactorial and still unknown. Taking
correlated with gingivitis, probing depth, attachment antihypertensive drugs (calcium channel blocker) and
loss and enamel hypoplasia. 10 Several studies have immunosuppressive drugs give its impact in the oral
demonstrated higher rates of oral pathology in dialysis cavity. Such gingival expansion occurred more
patients with one or more oral symptoms such as frequently in the early post-transplant period (4
xerostomia, taste disturbances, uremic odor, tongue months) and in combination with low oral hygiene. 18
coating, mucosal inflammation, mucosal
Hairy leukoplakia: Oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL) is
petechia/ecchymosis, oral ulceration, or enamel
associated to the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and
hypoplasia. Xerostomia (or dryness of the mouth) may
different studies suggest that primary infection occurs
predispose to caries and gingival inflammation as well
in the oropharynx, where the virus remains latent in the
as contribute to difficulties with speech, denture
basal layers of the epithelium until reactivation takes
retention, mastication, dysphagia, sore mouth, loss of
place as a result of immune depression - with the
taste, and infections. 11
generation of tongue lesions. 19
Oral and dental manifestation Enamel hypoplasia: Children with renal failure may
Xerostomia: The main oral health problem experienced have enamel hypoplasia and dysplastic dentine with
by renal patients is xerostomia. delayed eruption of teeth. 9

Bangladesh Journal of Dental Research & Education Vol. 04, No. 02, July 2014

Jaw bone alteration: Other oral manifestations of Dental drugs

renal disease are related to renal osteodystrophy (RO),
Drugs that are directly nephrotoxic must be avoided.
a common condition which is considered as a
Drugs excreted mainly by the kidney may have
dysfunctional mineral homeostasis. These
undesirably enhanced or prolonged activity if doses are
manifestations appear in late stage. Disorders in
not lowered. Drug therapy may need to be adjusted,
calcium and phosphorus metabolism, abnormal vitamin
depending on the degree of renal failure, the patient's
D metabolism and increased compensatory parathyroid
dialysis schedule, or the presence of a transplant.
activity are the main causes. Secondary
Except in emergency, such drugs should be prescribed
hyperparathyroidism develops when the kidney
only after consultation with the renal physician. 23
secretes more phosphate ions and also osteoblastic and
osteoclastic activity increases. Cortical expansion and Antibiotics: Renal disease also has significant effect
gingival swelling originated from giant cell lesions may on antimicrobials. Because dosage adjust is required
occur. 20 The oral manifestations of for most antimicrobials, it is of practical value for the
hyperparathyroidism appears frequently in the clinicians to be familiar with the oral antibiotics that do
mandibular molar region these changes are: Total or not need dosage reductions. Penicillins not requiring
partial loss of lamina dura, Bone demineralization, dosage adjustment in case of moderate renal
Loss of trabeculation, Giant cell tumors, Tooth insufficiency include dicloxacillin, nafcillin and
mobility, Malocclusion, Metastatic soft tissue penicillin VK. Penicillins have a wide therapeutic
calcifications, and The teeth may be painful on margin of safety but are neurotoxic at high dosages and
percussion and mastication. Malocclusion is due to seizures can occur. Of the oral cephalosporins, only
increased mobility and drifting of teeth and cefuroxime axetil needs no dosage adjustment.
demineralization of tem~oromandibular and Macrolides not requmng adjustment include
paratemporomandibular bones. 7 erythromycin and azithromycin. Doxycycline and
minocycline are excreted via the biliary route, do not
Erosions: Severe erosions on the lingual surfaces of
accumulate, do not aggravate uremia and, thus, do not
the teeth, due to frequent regurgitation and vomiting
need dosage adjustment. Clindamycin is the other
induced by uremia and medication, and nausea
commonly used dental oral antibiotic not needing
associated to dialysis. 21
dosage adjustment. Once a patient's Glomerular
Malignization: Normal renal function and health can filtration rate (GFR) declines to less than 50
be restored by transplantation, but it is associated with mL/minute, most other antibiotics require dosage or
the complications of prolonged immunosuppressive dosing interval adjustment. 24
treatment, particularly susceptibility to infections or
Fluorides: Fluoride can usually safely be given
lymphomas. 9
tropically for caries prophylaxis. Systemic fluorides
should not be given, because of doubt about fluoride
Oral and dental management
excretion by damaged kidneys. 23 For patients receiving
End stage renal failure is a life threatening condition. haemodialysis (HD) and continuous ambulatory
The kidneys regulate fluids, excrete nitrogenous waste, peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), serum fluoride
synthesize vitamin D and erythropoietin (EPO), accumulation is a risk factor. 25 Persistent high levels of
maintain acid-base homeostasis regulate mineral and plasma fluoride in such patients can cause
electrolyte balance and regulate the metabolism and osteodystrophy and other done damage. 26 If fluoridated
excretion of drugs. All of these things can affect dental community water is used to mix the dialysates, it may
treatment due to the resulting abnormalities. Dialysis lead to fluoride toxicity, fluorosis and renal
patients are heparinized and so in order to avoid osteodystrophy. So dialysis patient should receive
abnormal bleeding tendencies, treatment should be dialysates that are mixed with purified and de-ionized
carried out the day after dialysis. The patient has the water. 17
maximum benefit from the dialysis and the effect of the
Immunosuppressives: In general, kidney transplants
heparin has worn off. For the transplant patient only
involve the risk of transplanted organ rejection. In
emergency treatment should be carried out within the
order to prevent this, patients who have undergone an
first three months after transplantation. It is also
organ transplant operation, are given huge doses of
suggested that transplant recipients should receive
immunosuppressants such as corticosteroids, azatioprin,
antibiotic prophylaxis prior to dental treatment. 22

Oral Effects of Renal Disease: A Medical Problem in Dentistry SZ Mahmud et. al.

cyclosporine and anti-lymphocyte globulin. Local Anaesthesia and conscious sedation: Local
Accordingly, in patients who underwent kidney anaesthesia is safe unless there is a severe bleeding
transplant operations prophylactic antibiotics should be tendency. Relative analgesia (conscious sedation) may
administered in consultation with the patient's be used. The veins of the forearms and the saphenous
physician. Because of potential adrenalin crisis risk, it veins are lifelines for patients on regular
is necessary to alter steroid therapy. If the stress haemodialysis. If it is necessary to give intravenous
suffered during the oral surgical intervention is sedation, or take blood, other veins such as those at or
minimal, the therapy should be altered. If the stress in above the elbow should be used because of the risk of
insignificant, it is recommended to increase the steroid consequent fistula infection or thrombophlebitis.
dosage twice a day two days prior and following the Midazolam is preferable to diazepam because of the
oral surgical intervention. If the stress is great, 1OOg of lower risk ofthrombophlebitis.23
hydrocortisone should be administered i.m. prior to the
General anaesthetics: Patients with chronic renal
operation, gradually reducing dosage by 50% on a daily
disease (CRD) have multiple general anaesthesia (GA)
basis for three days after the intervention until the
risk factors. 30 General anaesthetics pose specific
dosage of 20mg which should be administered twice a
problems for renal patients as they are highly sensitive
day for the subsequent 7 days. In any case, steroid
to the myocardial depressant effects. Myocardial
dosage is administered by the expert physician after
depression and dysrhythmias are especially likely in
consultations with the dentist and the expert stress
poorly controlled metabolic acidosis. 23 Chronic
assessment. 27
anaemia is common in patients with CRF who are not
Analgesic: aspirin and other non-steroidal anti- being treated with erythropoeitin and is usually well
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) should be avoided tolerated. Unless the patient has ischaemic heart
science they aggravate gastrointestinal irritation and disease the haemoglobin level may be maintained at
bleeding associated with chronic renal failure (CRF). around 7-8 g/dl. Uraemic patients may have a bleeding
Their excretion may also be delayed and they may be tendency due to a decrease in platelet adhesion and
nephrotoxic, especially in the elderly or where there is fragility of the vessel walls. 31 However there is no
renal damage or cardiac failure. Some patients have evidence that GA presents a higher risk than other
peptic ulceration, which is a further contraindication to techniques. In general, there is a lack of research
asprin. Even COX-2 inhibitors may be nephrotoxic and comparing outcomes from different anaesthetic
are best avoided. 23 For mild pain, acetaminophen is the methods. In one retrospective study there was no
analgesic of choice and is safe in chronic kidney increase in mortality, cardiac morbidity or fistula
disease (CKD). It is extensively metabolized by the failure in patients undergoing procedures under general
liver with less than 5% excreted unchanged via kidney. anaesthesia compared to local anaesthsia (LA)
For moderated pain, and pain inadequately controlled infiltration or regional anaesthesia (RA) brachial plexus
acetaminophen, weak opioids should be considered. block, although the comparison was underpowered.
For patients with severe pain or on-going moderate Patients often have an expectation of general
pain despite weak opioids, strong opioids are anaesthesia when presenting for surgery. With careful
recommended. Those believed most efficacious and planning they can be offered GA with minimal
safe in CKD patients are hydromorphone, methadone, increased risk. 30
and fentanyl. 28 Tapentadol has recently been Anti-fungal: For mucocutaneous candida infection,
introduced into clinical and has been approved by the topical therapy with clotrimazole or nystatin is usually
FDA for moderate to severe pain, and the potency is effective, but if this fails fluconazole therapy is
said to be somewhere between morphine and tramadol. suggested. In general, mucocutaneous overgrowth can
It does not appear to cause the confusional states be prevented by treatment of high-risk patients (those
sometimes associated with tramadol. In various studies, rece1vmg antibiotic therapy, or high-dose
tapentadol has been found to be effective even for immunosuppression) with nystatin oral washes. For
severe postoperative pain. 6 There is every possibility life-threatening infection, Amphotericin B is probably
that tapentadol may improve upon the analgesic safety more effective because it controls the infection sooner,
of morphine and tramadol while reducing the incidence although fluconazole is less toxic.
of side-effects, if used appropriately. 29

Bangladesh Journal of Dental Research & Education Vol. 04, No. 02, July 2014

Fluconazole increases cyclosporine levels and therefore Erythromycin 250-500 mg/ 6 h No need fur dose No need fur dose
cyclosporine levels must be frequently checked when adjustment adjustment

patient is on fluconazole. Liposome Amphotericin has Metronldazole 250-500 mg/ 6 h Every8-12h Every 12-14 h

been used instead of Amphotericin B because there is Azithromycin, 500 mg/ 24 h, 3 No need fur dose No need fur dose
days adjustment adjustment
less nephrotoxicity with similar efficacy; however, it is
very expensive. 32 ANT/FUNGAL

Anfotericln 0'3-1mg/kg/24 h No need for dose 0'3-1 mg/kg/24-

adiustment 48h
Adjuvant and other drugs: Adjuvant drugs refer to Fluconazol 100-200 mg/ 24 h 50-200 every 24 h 50-100 every24 h
medications with a primary indication other than pain ANALGESIC
that possess analgesic potential. It can also refer to
Pancetam.ol 500-1000 mg/4-6 h No need for dose No need for dose
agents that minimize concomitant psychological adjustment adjustment
disturbances such as insomnia, depression, or anxiety Aspirin Contraindicated (produces water reteotion, deterioration of
and drugs used to treat adverse effects of analgesics Ibuprofen
renal function and risk of •astric hemorrh••el
200-600 mg/4-6 h No need for dose No need fur dose
such as anti-emetics, laxatives, and psychotropics. 27 adjustment adjustment

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOis) can cause Dihidrocodeine 10-30 mg/ 4-6 h Decrease dose 25% Decrease dose
severe reaction with opioids. The oneset can be very CC: Creatininc clearance
sudden and, with pathedine, can be fatal. 33 The World Table 2. Dose adjustment according to creatinine clearaoce of the drugs more frequently
prescribed in dentistrv.
Health Organization (WHO) has devised a "ladder"
system to help structure initial and adjuvant analgesic Renal nutrition management
medication choice (Table 1). 34 Antacids containing Diet counseling by a renal disease needs to be
magnesium salts should not be given as there may be individualized based on many factors including:
magnesium retention. Antacids containing calcium or kidney function, lifestyle, culture, religion, financial
aluminium bases may impair absorption of penicillin V status, other co-morbid conditions, treatment goals and
and sulphonamides. Cholestyramine, sometimes used biochemical parameters. The diet may have to be
in CRF, may also interfere with the absorption of modified for sodium, protein, potassium and/or
penicillins. 23 Patients with CKD often develop iron phosphorus. 37
deficiency anaemia and require oral iron supplements
or intravenous supplementation with iron dextrans, Dietary protein: The benefits of dietary protein
ferric gluconate, iron sucrose or ferumoxytol in restriction for patients with chronic kidney disease
addition to erythropoietin injections. 35 Table 2 shows (CKD) were established over 100 years ago. In 1869,
dose adjustment of some of the most used drugs m Beale and colleagues showed that the uraemic
dentistry, depending on creatinine clearance. 36 symptoms in patients with kidney failure were
ameliorated by reducing foods rich in protein. The
Table 1. World Health Omllllization 3-Sten Pain Relief Ladder
Step 1: Mild pain(rating of 1-4 on 0-10 scale)
benefits of dietary protein restriction are multifactorial.
Non-narcotic analgesics ( eg. acetylsalicylic acid, acetaminophen,
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
First, restricting protein in the diet provides favourable
± Adjuvant therapy metabolic parameters. The typical biochemical profile
Step 2: Mild to moderate pain (rating of5-6 on 0-10 scale)
Opioids (eg. codeine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, tramadol) (acidaemia, hyperphosphataemia, azotaemia) seen in
± Adiuvant therapy CKD patients who receive minimal attention to their
Step 3: Moderate to severe pain (rating of7-10 on 0-10 scale)
Opioids (eg. Morphine, hydromorphine, methadone, funtany~ oxycodine)
diet is not typically seen when proper dietary
±Nonopioid counseling is emphasised. Moreover, dietary protein
± Adiuvant theranv
*Medications to counteract opioid side effects or provide additional analgesia ( eg. restriction has been shown to improve insulin
Anticonvulsants, antiepileptics, corticosteroids, and/or step I medications).
resistance and osteodystrophy. Patients with CKD
CLEARANCE (with an average GFR of 18ml/min) were given a
Normal dose Dose with CC 10-50 DosewitbCC
mVmin <10 ml/min
protein-restrictive diet along with amino acid analogue
ANTIBIOTIC supplements, and were found to maintain a neutral
Amo:rlcillin 5001 1000 mg/ 8 h 500/1000 mg/ 8-12 h 5001 1000 mg/
12-24h nitrogen balance without the development of
AmoJiclllln/clavuhmate 500/ 875 mg/ 8 h No need for dose
500/ 875 mg/ 12-
24h acidaemia or hyperphosphataemia. 38
Penicl1linG 0'3-1 '2 million IU/ 50-100% of the dose 25-50% of the
6-12h every8- 12 h dose every 12 h Low-Phosphorus diet: The dietary phosphorus is
Clindamycln 300mg/ 8 h No need for dose No need fur dose mainly derived from 2 sources: dietary proteins and
adjustment adjustment
phosphorus additives. These additives are an important
Do::d.ciclin 100mg/24h No need fur dose No need fur dose
adjustment adjustment
component of processed foods such as meats, cheeses,
dressings, beverages, and bakery products.
Oral Effects of Renal Disease: A Medical Problem in Dentistry SZ Mahmud et. al.

They can increase the dietary phosphorus intake by as The sodium content of most commercially available
much as 1 g/day. Nutrient composition tables usually food items is too high, and this accounts for nearly
do not include the phosphorus additives, which results three-quarters of salt intake. There is strong evidence
in underestimation of phosphorus intake. Moreover, the that salt intake plays an important role in the genesis of
phosphorus derived from plants is in the form of hypertension and target organ damage. Both high and
phytate and is less absorbable by the human intestines low sodium intake cause adverse effects. The average
because of a lack of the enzyme phytase. In a study of salt intake of healthy children and adults exceeds, by
29,076 patients on haemodialysis, Shinaberger et al far, the recommendations of current guidelines. 43
demonstrated that a high-protein/low-phosphorus diet Conclusion
is associated with the best survival, and the highest
mortality rate was found in patients on The balance of blood chemistry is fundamentally
low-protein/low-phosphorus diet. 39 affected by nutrition and the dietary intake of specific
nutrients. The management of the renal patient,
Phosphate binders: Phosphate binders are the therefore, includes not only dose adjustment and
mainstay of therapy for secondary restriction of drugs but dietary restriction and
hyperparathyroidism. The noncompliance to dietary regulation as well, which may contribute to anxiety
restriction as well as the need to ensure adequate and aversion to further preventive instruction. In
protein intake often result in the addition of phosphate addition to good oral health promotion, there is an
binders to limit the net absorption of dietary increased need for collaboration between the dental
phosphorus. In a recent study published in December and medical professions to provide safe and
2008, patients treated with phosphate binders during appropriate dental care for these patients.
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