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Sheena Rose F.


BK 1: #ClimateChangeResilient

Climate change may not be avoided however, we can adequately be prepared to overcome the
struggles that these typhoons will give to our environment and to people as well. In these trying
times where we experience a dangerous health pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus that
deeply caused fear, anxiety, and challenges within each individual, we must realize and ponder
how necessary being prepared is and how we should make the most of our resources and time in
such certain aspects in our daily life. I believe that we are capable to be prepared and surpass all
these challenges in life whereas they contributes to our anxiety and hesitations in life that will
surely try to ruin our positive mindset however, with proper intervention or management, we can
overcome each of these.
The climate changes affect me and my family by the effects of its which loss of internet
connection which is very important in our everyday lives since we are dealing with our classes
virtually and we always need to watch videos related with our courses that will surely enhance our
knowledge and skills in a certain procedure and lesson. It also contributes to our fear and stress
that these typhoons might provide difficult problems that will be a hindrance for us to have a
harmonious and productive day. In line with this, we adapt and cope with these changes through
always being prepared physically, spiritually, and even mentally. We try to be calm and with the
strength of our faith, we believe that He will never leave and let us suffer. These trying times
showed us that being understanding and being resilient is the most important thing to do. It taught
us how to value every little thing in life. Conversely, we are also prepared in our actual resources
in terms of food, clothing, and needs. We always have a stock of foods in case of emergency and,
we share them with our neighbors especially for those who are in need. We try to accommodate
everyone but also, we cannot do that, but we still try our very best and effort to offer them a big
caring help.
I think that our own local community can become more climate-change resilient through being
resourceful and alert. They can be prepared by always updating the materials that are necessary
and always maintain updating news and important information to their community. In this way,
they can inform people to be alert as well and take all the precautionary measures that they must
do and must be able to surpass and overcome the potential effects of the climate change that may
occur. On the other hand, we believe that being resilient and resourceful will make a big difference
no matter how small or large it is, it will surely make a difference in maintaining and attaining a
good and prepared climate-change resilient community. Thus, with the helping hand of everyone
in that community will show the teamwork and fruitful relationship that will matter and be
effective in their respective ways.

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