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look at the chont, wwite an a friend soying what the weather is ike taday

intbree of the places People wear sn that type of what they usually dalook at

theeyample to help y ouu the weather of colombia ond email to on the mapa

Describe whot f uaatherand Boootá madellin Tainy windy Cali Baronquilla

Bucaromanga Sonny cloudy

BariOnquillo, a Ba tranguilla residents and tourists since the elimate ís sunny and

very vich to be on vo those Parts. Now We ove mssing the lost city which s cali,

since the ckrrate of this esty is very good because it ís windyy It Is not so Dnny and

ít does pot rain, love this city because of the climate and becouse the people ot

calli Krow how to setue msiors very wella elopita these ove the thee citces that I

chose tor you to Uisit? city very loued by acation since it hordly rains ín citys

Medellín lluvioso

Barranquilla soleado

Cali ventoso

Hi Paula, how are you? I wanted to write you this emails that you know what the

climates of these three beautiful cities in Colombia are with first of all, lets start

with the city of Medellin . the weather is very rainy . now we go to the city of

Barranquilla, a city very loved by

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