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General Instructions:
A. Download and study the PPT entitled “Opportunity Identification & Selection”.
B. Watch the supplementary lecture video about Opportunity Identification & Selection that is linked
to our google classroom.
Note: A log sheet regarding the above instructions will be uploaded to our classroom for you to
C. Perform Workshop 5.1, 5.2, 5.4a, and 5.4b.
D. Submit your outputs to our classroom. A form will be provided for you to upload your output.
E. Refer below for the detailed instructions for each workshop.

Instructions for Workshop 5.1: Project Identification

1. Each student must generate ten (10) business ideas (innovative solutions) out of the
problems that you have identified.
2. Perform a “Macro Screening” (Personal-level screening) of the ten (10) business ideas
that you have identified using the matrix shown in slide 14 of the PPT. Make a “Macro
Screening Result Chart” for this step in PDF format (to be submitted).
Helpful hints in project identification:
a. Should be innovative solutions to problems, gaps, needs, and wants
b. Should be technology based, preferably involving the use of your domain of
expertise (Mechanical Engineering)
c. Projects that you want to do, have the capability to build, and others also realize
are worth doing
Instructions for Workshop 5.2: Identification and Prioritization of Key Projects
1. Each student must select the top five (5) business ideas from the Macro Screening task
and perform a “Micro Screening” (Firm-level screening) of these five (5) ideas. Make a
“Micro Screening Result Chart” in PDF format (to be submitted). Just follow the criteria
shown in slide 29 of the PPT.
a. Prior research should have been conducted to give a reasonable basis for
assigning weights to the criteria.
b. A sample Micro Screening Result Chart (only that it has 10 business ideas) is
uploaded in our classroom.
2. Determine the Critical Success Factor (CSF) of the top two (2) ideas/projects and place it
below the micro screening result chart. Critical Success Factor is discussed in slide 28 of
the PPT.

Instructions for Group Workshop 5.2: Identification and Prioritization of Key Projects
1. After each student is done with Workshop 5.2, each group is now ready to repeat
Workshop 5.2 as a team. In this Group Micro Screening, each member must contribute
their top two (2) business idea/project to their group. Also, make a “Micro Screening
Result Chart” for each group in PDF format (to be submitted).
a. A recorded phone call, video, or chat will also be asked from each group as a
proof for this activity and it should be uploaded to our classroom.
2. Determine the Critical Success Factor (CSF) of the top two (3) ideas/projects and place it
below the group micro screening result chart. Critical Success Factor is discussed in slide
28 of the PPT.
Instructions for Workshop 5.4a (Resource Scanning) and 5.4b (Environmental Scanning)
1. For these workshops, you are required to do brainstorm with your group. Examples are
shown in slide 40 and slide 41, respectively.
a. A recorded phone call, video, or chat will also be asked from each group as a
proof for this activity and it should be uploaded to our classroom.

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