Practical Research 2 QUIZ1 - AISABV

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Quiz # 1

A. Write S on the blank if a quantitative approach is suitable for the given question and
N if it is not.
_____ 1. Does the environmental literacy of an individual increase with age?
_____ 2. What are the challenges experienced by student-athletes?
_____ 3. Does exposure to CNN programs improve students’ speaking skills?
_____ 4. What are the factors that affect the decision – making of parents regarding the
education of their children?
_____ 5. How reliable are admission tests in predicting the future performance of
students in school?
_____ 6. What are the features of narcissistic posts on Facebook?
_____ 7. Do online materials enhance the computer skills of students?
_____ 8. Is there a relationship between milk consumption and incidence of
_____ 9. What are the study habits of public school students?
_____10. What are the experiences of police officers in arresting criminals?
B. Write T on the blank if the statement is true and F if it is false.
_____ 1. A quantitative study cannot be conducted in different settings or contexts.
_____ 2. A quantitative study is less prone to researcher’s personal bias compared with
qualitative study.
_____ 3. A qualitative study primarily involves narratives and images.
_____ 4. Quantitative research focuses on human experiences.
_____ 5. Qualitative research involves as many participants as possible to obtain
conclusive results.
_____ 6. An experimental study is always quantitative.
_____ 7. All types of quantitative research make use of independent variables.
_____ 8. Both quantitative and qualitative variables may be present in a quantitative
_____ 9. Quantitative research uses an inductive approach in analyzing data.
_____10. A qualitative study should be used if the researcher’s aim is to establish the
cause of a certain phenomenon.

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