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Far Eastern University MAY 2021

Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

Formative Assessment 1
Support Modules: Module 1
Assessment Title: Draft Research Paper Proposal
Released Date: Week 2 (Aug 23 – 28, 2021)
Submission Date: Saturday of Week 4 (may vary depends on the Faculty instruction)
Duration of Activity: 2 weeks

Subject Background:
A Preliminary Thesis Proposal (PTP) frames the thesis in the context of intentions, understanding goals,
questions, and ideas. It presents the student’s idea and knowledge about his/her proposed thesis project. It gives
the reader a summary on what the project is all about and its significance. It is preferable that the student should
have gone through an immersion process even before writing the preliminary proposal. Prior to enrolling in Design
951, students are introduced to the process of formulating the PTP.

Announcement for the submission of Thesis Proposals is done before the Term/Semestral Break. Submissions
of proposals are done during the break after the second semester on scheduled dates deemed appropriate by the
Thesis Council. Submittals will be composed of three Thesis Proposals or it may vary depends on the
recommendation of the Thesis Council. Evaluation of Thesis Proposals will be done by the Thesis Advisory Group
and Thesis Council. Students will be informed of the approved proposals during the first week of the first semester
in the Design 951 or Thesis Classes.

Theory based Architectural Thesis (Exploratory)

A theory-based research is a higher order analytical research that will test the existing architectural
principles developed. It is a scientific way of solving architectural problems that acknowledges the
existence of multiple reality. The goal of the research is to produce an original knowledge that will lay
the foundation for applied research to follow. The inventive and reinvented architectural solutions provide
the theory that will produce the concepts for future applied research.

Project based Architectural Thesis

A combination of applied and academic research concerning specific local problems (socially relevant
issues) that bridges the gap between architectural theory and practice. The derived architectural solution
must promote public welfare and will support the innovative cost-effective reduction of social problems.

Client based Architectural Thesis

It is a branch of applied research dealing with real world problems, aiming to develop a client server
architectural design. The project proponent, the budget and the site are existing in the real context to
which the acquired architectural knowledge will be used for practical application.

Prepare and submit (2) draft research proposal or the preliminary thesis proposal. (Refer to the Appendices File
1 named draft research proposal in PDF format)
1. Theory Based
2. Project Based
Far Eastern University MAY 2021
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

1. Title: Your research proposal title should clearly give an indication of your research question
✓ It should be concise and descriptive. It must be informative and catchy.

The title may need to be revised after completion of writing of the paper to reflect more closely
the ‘’final’’ nature of the study.

2. The draft research proposal may be presented under the following discussions:
✓ Briefly describe the broad research problem / issues and then narrow down to your
particular focus of study.
✓ Point out the (functional / space requirement) need of the research project. Why is it worth
doing? are there any research or design (functional / space requirement) gap which you
will try to fill in through this research project?
✓ What does the research project hope to achieve and/or provide (aim of the project)? The
basic structure can be as simple as ‘’We aim to do X, which is important because it will
lead to Y’’.
✓ Relevance / Importance of the research project to (a.) the general and/or specific society,
and (b.) architectural profession

3. Include 3 (three) keywords which best describe the nature of your research project.

4. Ideal word count of actual content must be 400-500.

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