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Corner Load
Bevel Edge

Trademark and 2019 ©

ASTM C423-09a with 12mm ASTM C423-09a with 25mm ASTM C423-09a with 50mm
Substrate Substrate Substrate
0.6 1.2 1.1
Coefficient (α)

Coefficient (α)

Coefficient (α)


0.4 0.8 0.7

0.2 0.4 0.4

0.0 0.0 0.0

315 1250 5000 315 1250 5000 315 1250 5000
1/3 Octave Center Frequency (Hz) 1/3 Octave Center Frequency (Hz) 1/3 Octave Center Frequency (Hz)

The Corner Load range joins the fabrics at outside corners. The fabric sits tightly in between the teeth of the track.
The teeth are serrated downwards to keep the fabric from slipping out. The track features an anti-warp feature to
prevent an imprint on the fabric, and also an anti-slip feature to adhere better to surfaces.

Technical Specifications
Material Polymer

Standard Dimension 2000mmL

Standard Height 15mm, 27mm, 53mm

Standard Thickness 2mm

Toxicity Emission Test BS 6853 Annex B = R < 1.0

Fire-Rated Test EN 13501-1 = Class B s1, d0

Acoustic Test ASTM C423-09a

12mm Acoustic Foam = NRC 0.52
25mm Fibreglass Wool = NRC 0.75
50mm Fiberglass Wool = NRC 1.00

TM and 2019 © Fabrix™ All Rights Reserved

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