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Thrombosis Research (2007) 120, 323–336


Measuring antiplatelet drug effects

in the laboratory
Paul Harrison a , A.L. Frelinger III b,d ,
Mark I. Furman b,c,e , Alan D. Michelson b,d,e,⁎

Oxford Haemophilia Centre and Thrombosis Unit, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom
Center for Platelet Function Studies, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA
Department of Pediatrics, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA
Department of Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA

Received 14 October 2006; received in revised form 14 October 2006; accepted 27 November 2006
Available online 17 January 2007

Abstract This review discusses the advantages and disadvantages of currently

available tests for the monitoring of antiplatelet therapy (especially aspirin and
clopidogrel). Many tests of platelet function are now available for clinical use, and some
of these tests have been shown to predict clinical outcomes after antiplatelet therapy.
However, in most of these studies, the number of major adverse clinical events was low.
No published studies address the clinical effectiveness of altering therapy based on the
results of monitoring antiplatelet therapy. Therefore, the correct treatment, if any, of
"resistance" to antiplatelet therapy is unknown and, other than in research trials,
monitoring of antiplatelet therapy in patients is not generally recommended. A clinically
meaningful definition of "resistance" to antiplatelet drugs needs to be developed, based
on data linking drug-dependent laboratory tests to clinical outcomes in patients.
© 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
History of platelet function testing and overview of currently available tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Monitoring of anti-platelet therapy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Monitoring of aspirin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Monitoring of clopidogrel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Monitoring of GPIIb–IIIa antagonists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331

⁎ Corresponding author. Center for Platelet Function Studies, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Room S5-846, 55 Lake
Avenue North, Worcester, MA 01655, USA. Tel.: +1 508 856 0056; fax: +1 508 856 4282.
E-mail address: (A.D. Michelson).

0049-3848/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
324 P. Harrison et al.

Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332

Introduction become available (Fig. 1). Some instruments can

simultaneously measure luminescence, to monitor
Most platelet function tests have been traditionally the release reaction of dense granular nucleotides
utilized for the diagnosis and management of during secondary aggregation. LTA is relatively non-
patients presenting with bleeding problems rather physiological, as separated platelets are stirred
than thrombosis [1]. However, as platelets are now under low shear conditions and only form aggre-
implicated in the development of atherothrombosis, gates after addition of agonists, conditions which do
which is the leading cause of mortality in the not accurately mimic platelet adhesion, activation
Western world,[2,3] new and existing platelet and aggregation upon vessel wall damage. Also,
function tests are increasingly being used for conventional LTA using a full panel of agonists
monitoring the efficacy of the antiplatelet drugs requires both large blood volumes and a significant
used to treat these conditions. This, coupled with expertise to perform the tests and interpret the
the development of new, simpler tests and point-of- tracings. In response to the problems with the
care (POC) instruments, has resulted in the increas- bleeding time and LTA, a number of alternative tests
ing tendency of platelet function testing to be have been developed, including impedance whole
performed away from specialized hemostasis clini- blood aggregometry (WBA), a fully automated
cal or research laboratories, where the more cartridge-based instrument (VerifyNow®) that mea-
traditional and complex tests are still performed sures platelet LTA in anticoagulated whole blood,
[4,5]. Table 1 is a summary of the currently available and a variety of tests that attempt to simulate
tests for the monitoring of antiplatelet therapy, primary hemostasis in vitro (Table 1).
including their advantages and disadvantages. WBA provides a means to study platelet function in
anticoagulated whole blood [17]. The test measures
History of platelet function testing and the change in resistance or impedance between two
overview of currently available tests electrodes as platelets adhere and aggregate in
response to classical agonists. A new fully computer-
Platelets were discovered in the 1880's [6]. Platelet ized two or four channel instrument has now become
function testing began with the application of the in available (Fig. 2). Although the latter instrument can
vivo bleeding time by Duke in 1910 [7]. The bleeding also be used for LTA of platelet-rich plasma (PRP),
time was still regarded as the most useful screening WBA has many significant advantages including the
test of platelet function until the early 1990's [1,8,9]. use of smaller sample volumes and the immediate
Recently, the widespread use of the bleeding time has analysis of samples without manipulation, loss of time
rapidly declined because its limitations have been or potential loss of platelet subpopulations or
recognized (see below) and other, less invasive, platelet activation during centrifugation. A new five
screening tests have become available [10–12]. channel computerized WBA instrument (Multiple
Light transmission aggregometry (LTA) was Platelet Function Analyzer or Multiplate®) now has
invented in the 1960's and soon revolutionized the disposable cuvettes/electrodes with a range of
diagnosis of primary hemostatic defects [13,14]. LTA different agonists for both diagnosis and monitoring
is still regarded as the gold standard of platelet antiplatelet therapy.
function testing and by adding a panel of agonists to The VerifyNow® (formerly known as the Ultegra
stirred platelets it is possible to obtain a large Rapid Platelet Function Analyzer [RPFA]) instrument
amount of information about many different (Fig. 3) is a fully automated POC test that was
aspects of platelet function [15]. This test, often originally developed to monitor glycoprotein (GP)
now coupled with the measurement of stored and IIb–IIIa antagonists within a self-contained cartridge
releasable platelet nucleotide content, is still (containing a platelet activator and fibrinogen-
utilized in most laboratories for the diagnosis of coated beads) [18–20]. Blood sample tubes are then
many platelet defects [16]. Recently, commercial simply mixed prior to insertion onto the cartridge
aggregometers have become easier to use with that has been pre-mounted onto the instrument.
multi-channel capability, simple automatic setting Aggregation in response to the agonist is monitored
of 100% and 0% baselines, and computer operation by light transmission through two duplicate reaction
and storage of results. For example, a new fully chambers in each cartridge. Other specialized car-
computerized 8-channel aggregometer has just tridges are now available for measuring platelet
Measuring antiplatelet drug effects in the laboratory
Table 1 An alphabetical list of currently available tests for the monitoring of antiplatelet therapy
Name of test Principle Advantages Disadvantages Frequency of use
AspirinWorks® Immunoassay of urinary Measures stable Indirect assay Increasing use
11-dehydrothromboxane B2 thromboxane metabolite Not platelet-specific
Dependent upon COX-1 activity Renal function-dependent

Bleeding time In vivo cessation of blood flow In vivo test Insensitive Decreasing popularity
Physiological POC Invasive
High CV
Flow Cytometry Measurement of platelet glycoproteins and Whole blood test Specialized operator Widely used
activation markers by fluorescence (e.g. VASP Small blood volumes Expensive
phosphorylation to monitor P2Y12 inhibition) Wide variety of tests
HemoStatus® Device Platelet procoagulant activity Simple Insensitive to aspirin and GPIb function Used in surgery and cardiology
Ichor–Plateletworks® Platelet counting pre- and post-activation Rapid Indirect test measuring count after Used in surgery and cardiology
Simple aggregation
Small blood volume
Impact® cone and Quantification of high shear platelet Small blood volume required Instrument not yet widely available. Little widespread experience as only
plate(let) analyzer adhesion/aggregation onto surface High shear recently commercially available
Research (variable) and fixed
versions available POC
Light Transmission Low shear platelet-to-platelet aggregation Historical gold standard Time consuming Widely used in specialized labs
Aggregometry (LTA) in response to classical agonists Sample preparation
PFA-100® High shear platelet adhesion and aggregation Whole blood test Inflexible Widely used
during formation of a platelet plug High shear VWF-dependent
Small blood volumes Hct-dependent
Simple Insensitive to clopidogrel
Platelet Reactivity Measurement of platelet aggregates in whole Simple Requires blood counter Little widespread experience
Index blood (modified Wu and Hoak method) Rapid Indirect test measuring count after aggregation
Serum Thromboxane Immunoassay Dependent upon COX-1 activity Prone to artefact Widespread use
B2 Not platelet-specific
Thromboelastography Monitoring of rate and quality of clot Global whole blood test POC Measures clot properties only; largely platelet-independent Used in surgery and anesthesiology
(TEG® or ROTEM®) formation unless platelet activators are used
VerifyNow® Fully automated platelet aggregometer to Simple Inflexible Increasing use
measure antiplatelet therapy POC 3 test cartridges (aspirin, Cartridges can only be used for single purpose
P2Y12 and GPIIb–IIIa)
Whole Blood Monitors changes in impedance in response Whole blood test Older instruments require electrodes to be Widely used in specialized labs although
Aggregometry to classical agonists cleaned and recycled less than LTA
Abbreviations: COX-1, cyclooxygenase 1; CV, coefficient of variation; GP, glycoprotein; Hct, hematocrit; LTA, light transmission aggregometry; PFA-100, platelet function analyzer 100; POC, point-of-care; VASP,
vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein; VWF, von Willebrand factor.

326 P. Harrison et al.

responses to either aspirin (VerifyNow® Aspirin) or

clopidogrel and other P2Y12 antagonists (VerifyNow®
P2Y12). This instrument is a considerable advance, as
the test is a fully automated POC test without the
requirements of sample transport, time delays or a
specialized laboratory, and it can provide immediate
It is also possible to monitor platelet aggregometry
in whole blood by a simple platelet counting tech-
nique. After addition of an agonist to anticoagulated,
stirred whole blood, platelets aggregate and the
platelet count decreases when compared to a control
tube [21–23]. The Plateletworks® aggregation kits
(Helena Biosciences) are simply based upon comparing
platelet counts within a control EDTA tube and after
aggregation with either ADP or collagen within
citrated tubes [24-27].
A number of tests have also been developed that
attempted to mimic the processes that occur during Figure 2 The Chrono-log Model 700 whole blood/optical 2
vessel wall damage. Many of these techniques have channel lumiaggregometer. Reproduced with permission
from Chrono-log.
remained primarily research tools within expert
laboratories because of their inherent complexity
and technical difficulty. Commercially available collagen or extracellular matrix (ECM) under high
instruments include the platelet function analyzer shear conditions of 1800 s − 1 [28–30]. In the
100 (PFA-100®, Fig. 4) and the Impact® cone and commercial version of the device, the Impact®
plate(let) analyzer (Fig. 5). Both of these tests (DiaMed), a plastic plate is utilized instead of a
measure platelet adhesion and aggregation under collagen or an ECM-coated surface. The test is now
conditions of high shear, in an attempt to simulate fully automated, simple to operate, uses a small
primary hemostatic mechanisms that are encoun- quantity of blood (0.12 mL) and displays results in
tered in vivo. 6 min. The instrument contains a microscope and
The cone and plate(let) analyzer, originally performs staining and image analysis of the plate-
developed by Varon and Savion, monitors platelet lets that have adhered and aggregated on the plate.
adhesion and aggregation to a plate coated with Preliminary data suggest the test can be used in the
diagnosis of platelet defects and monitoring anti-
platelet therapy. Because the test has only just
become commercially available, widespread expe-
rience is limited.
The PFA-100® device (Dade-Behring) has been
available for a number of years and is now in
widespread use within many laboratories, with over

Figure 1 An example of a modern 8-channel platelet

aggregometer. The model shown is the Biodata PAP-8E. Figure 3 The VerifyNow system. Reproduced with permis-
Reproduced with permission from Biodata and Biodis. sion from Accumetrics.
Measuring antiplatelet drug effects in the laboratory 327

computer. The cup oscillates 5° in each direction. In

normal anticoagulated blood the pin is unaffected,
but as the blood clots, the motion of the cup is
transmitted to the pin. Whole blood or re-calcified
plasma can be used, with or without activators of the
tissue factor or contact factor pathways. The TEG
provides a relatively rapid result (b 30 min), can be
conducted in a POC fashion and provides various
data relating to clot formation and lysis (the lag time
before the clot starts to form, the rate at which
clotting occurs, the maximal amplitude of the trace
and the extent and rate of amplitude reduction).
Rotational TEG (ROTEG® or ROTEM®) is an adapta-
tion of the TEG in which the cup is stationary and the
pin oscillates [42,45]. Unlike platelet function tests,
TEG instruments have been traditionally utilized
Figure 4 The PFA-100 instrument. Reproduced with per- within surgical and anesthesiology departments as
mission from Dade-Behring. POC tests for determining the risk of bleeding and as
a guide to transfusion requirements. More recent
200 papers published on various clinical applications developments include an expansion in the range of
[31,32]. The test was originally developed as a activators to initiate aggregation rather than coag-
prototype instrument called the Thrombostat 4000 ulation e.g. the platelet mapping system® using ADP
by Kratzer and Born [33,34]. The PFA-100® mea- and arachidonic acid [46,47]. The Haemostasis
sures the fall in flow rate as platelets within citrated Analysis System® (HAS) by Hemodyne is based upon
whole blood are aspirated through a capillary and the original technique developed by Carr [48–51].
begin to seal a 150 μm aperture within a collagen- The HAS® measures a number of parameters in
coated membrane. This reaction takes place clotting blood including platelet contractile force
contained within one of two types of disposable (PCF), clot elastic modulus and thrombin generation
cartridge (collagen–epinephrine or collagen–ADP). time (TGT) in a small sample (700 μL) of whole
The instrument records the time (closure time or blood.
CT) it takes to occlude the aperture, along with the
total volume of blood used during the test.
Platelets contribute significantly to the genera-
tion of thrombin and the dynamics of blood clotting
including clot formation, clot retraction and lysis.
Clot retraction can be easily measured in whole
blood or PRP within glass tubes after the addition of
calcium. The role of platelets in clot retraction was
first described by Hayem in the late 19th century and
Glanzmann famously described patients with poor
clot retraction or thrombasthenia in 1918, who were
subsequently shown to be defective in GPIIb–IIIa
[35]. Modern tests are available that can study both
the role of platelets in thrombin generation, clot
formation and clot retraction. For example, throm-
bin generation tests can be used to measure
thrombin generation in PRP and whole blood [36–
38]. The HemoStatus® test (Medtronic Blood Man-
agement, Parker, CO, USA) can be used to detect the
effects of GPIIb–IIIa antagonists [39–41]. There are
also a number of instruments that measure the
physical properties of clot formation. Thromboelas-
tography® (TEG) was developed more than 50 years
ago [42–44]. Anticoagulated whole blood is incu-
bated in a heated sample cup in which a pin is Figure 5 The Impact cone and plate(let) analyzer. Repro-
suspended that is connected to a chart recorder or duced with permission from DiaMed.
328 P. Harrison et al.

In the last 20 years, flow cytometric analysis of poorly-defined phenomenon of “drug resistance”
platelets has also developed into a popular means to has led to an explosion of interest, research and
study many aspects of platelet biology and function. availability of a variety of tests that can potentially
Preferred modern methods now utilize diluted monitor an individual's response to antiplatelet
anticoagulated whole blood incubated with a therapy [55]. The question remains as to whether
variety of reagents including antibodies and dyes these tests will be clinically useful in the prediction
that bind specifically to individual platelet proteins, of bleeding and/or thrombosis. Patient non-compli-
granules and lipid membranes [52–54]. Flow cyto- ance to their therapy is also an important but
metric analysis of platelet function is discussed in relatively common confounding problem in many
detail in Refs. [52–54]. studies [55].
It is well known that there is considerable
Monitoring of anti-platelet therapy variation in the response of individuals (either
patients or normal controls) to aspirin, clopidogrel
Most platelet function tests have been traditionally and GPIIb–IIIa antagonists as measured by various
utilized to either screen for or diagnose platelet platelet function tests. Those individuals who
defects. Most traditional tests are not only difficult respond poorly to a given drug are therefore termed
to perform but are expensive, time consuming, and “resistant”. However, this is a poorly-defined
require relatively large volumes of fresh blood. phenomenon and a precise definition of resistance
They are therefore usually performed within spe- should only relate to the action of a specific drug to
cialized hemostasis laboratories, often in close inhibit its biochemical target [56]. Many platelet
proximity to associated clinics. Many of these tests function tests are non-specific and do not meet this
are limited in their capacity to predict bleeding or criterion. Resistance may simply represent natural
thrombosis. These limitations have largely restrict- biological variation in a given drug response or may
ed their widespread clinical use within other be due to specific or more complicated mechanisms
disciplines (e.g., cardiology, stroke and surgery). [57]. Is resistance specific to an individual class of
However, this is now beginning to change as simpler drug related to its mechanism of action, or are there
tests of platelet function become available that can common inherited and/or acquired mechanisms
potentially be utilized as POC tests or at least within that may influence an individual's response to not
non-specialized laboratories. With the increasing just one but potentially all antiplatelet drugs [57]?
development of new classes of antiplatelet drugs Recent data indeed suggests that aspirin resistant
and the known heterogeneity in their biological patients as a group also have a reduced response to
effects between patients, it may become useful to clopidogrel [58]. Whatever the mechanisms, the key
monitor an individual's response to antiplatelet question is whether a laboratory test that detects
therapy so that either the dosage and/or the type resistance, or non-response, predicts future clinical
of drug(s) administered can be titrated or optimized events — and whether changing therapy based on
within individual patients to help control and the test is beneficial to the patient. Until these links
minimize the risk of either thrombosis or bleeding. are firmly proven within large trials, resistance in
The antiplatelet drug aspirin has traditionally the laboratory cannot necessarily be ascribed as a
been administered at a standard dose with no cause of thrombosis. Therefore, except in research
monitoring of effect, on the assumption that usual trials, it is still not yet clinically useful to test for
doses are two to three times those required to resistance and change a patient's therapy on the
inhibit all cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) activity. How- basis of a laboratory test [55,57,59]. The following
ever, the lack of a simple, convenient, reliable and sections discuss the specific laboratory tests for the
clinically relevant test of platelet function has three main antiplatelet drugs.
meant that lack of effect in individual patients has
gone undetected. With the availability of other Monitoring of aspirin
classes of antiplatelet drugs (e.g. thienopyridines,
new P2Y12 antagonists and GPIIb–IIIa antagonists) Aspirin irreversibly inhibits COX-1 resulting in the
there is renewed interest in the potential utility of inhibition of thromboxane (TX) A2 generation for the
platelet function tests to monitor the efficacy of entire lifespan of the platelet [60]. Aspirin is an
platelet inhibition. The development of GPIIb–IIIa effective antiplatelet agent because it reduces the
antagonists in particular resulted in the develop- relative risk of major vascular events and vascular
ment of a number of new assays to monitor a death by about 25% after ischemic stroke and acute
patient's response (e.g., VerifyNow® IIb/IIIa) mainly coronary syndrome [61]. Regular low doses of
because of their narrow therapeutic window with aspirin (e.g., 81 mg/day) will usually result in
associated increased risk of bleeding. The still N 95% inhibition of thromboxane generation.
Measuring antiplatelet drug effects in the laboratory 329

Therapeutic monitoring was therefore considered number of studies have observed that an apprecia-
to be unnecessary. However, the antiplatelet ble number of both normals and patients fail to
properties of aspirin have been shown to vary respond in terms of prolongation of their CEPI CT in
between individuals and recurrent events in some response to aspirin [68–75]. Because the PFA-100®
patients could be due to “aspirin resistance” or is a global high-shear test of platelet function, many
aspirin non-responsiveness [56,57]. The reported variables have been shown to influence the CT
incidence of aspirin non-responsiveness varies including VWF levels, platelet count and hematocrit
widely (between 5–60%). There are also many [32]. In patients identified with “aspirin resistance”
possible mechanisms for aspirin resistance which by the PFA-100®, a number of studies have shown
have been discussed in detail elsewhere [57,62]. that VWF levels are elevated in non-responders
Recently it has been proposed that the term “aspirin [73,74,76]. As the CEPI CT is highly dependent upon
resistance” should only be utilized as a description VWF and other variables, pre- and post-aspirin CTs
of the failure of aspirin to inhibit TXA2 production, should ideally therefore be determined, because
irrespective of a non-specific test of platelet the true aspirin response may be masked before the
function [56]. This is because there are many drug is given [56]. Also, CADP CTs are lower in these
other biochemical pathways that can potentially patients, which may be caused by a combination of
bypass COX-1 even if this enzyme is inhibited. high VWF but also increased sensitivity to collagen
Depending upon the test system employed, “aspirin and ADP [73,77,78]. It is therefore not surprising
resistance” may therefore be detected even if COX- that the incidence of aspirin non-responders is
1 is fully blocked [56]. Recent studies also suggest reportedly much higher with the PFA-100® than
that, in compliant patients, the incidence of aspirin with other tests [79,80]. The question remains
resistance is rare using methods dependent on COX- whether or not this group of patients are at
1 activity [46,63,64]. Addition of in vitro aspirin to increased risk for thrombosis. Preliminary data
samples followed by retesting should also be an suggests that PFA-100® CEPI CTs were non-informa-
important consideration for testing compliance tive in patients with stable coronary artery disease,
[64,65]. in contrast to LTA [81–84]. However, another study
Many tests have been used to assess the influence suggests that the PFA-100® could be informative,
of aspirin on platelets and aspirin resistance, [85] and that shortened CTs with the CADP cartridge
including arachidonic acid- and ADP-induced LTA, (which is not affected by aspirin) may also be
ADP- and collagen-induced impedance aggregation, predictive [77,86-88].
VerifyNow® Aspirin, PFA-100®, Thromboelastogra- The VerifyNow® Aspirin assay offers the possibil-
phy® (TEG — platelet mapping system®), flow ity of rapid and reliable identification of aspirin
cytometry using arachidonic acid stimulation, Im- resistance or non-responsiveness without the re-
pact cone and plate(let) analyzer, and serum and quirement of a specialized laboratory. Indeed, the
urinary thromboxane [55]. Tests should ideally be test has United States Food and Drug Administration
performed pre- and post-drug. Some of the tests (FDA) approval for monitoring aspirin therapy and is
have been reported to be predictive of adverse being used by some cardiologists and general
clinical events [55]. However, the large majority of practitioners in the USA. The original VerifyNow®
these studies are small and often statistically Aspirin cartridge contains fibrinogen-coated beads
underpowered to completely answer whether each and a platelet activator (metallic cations and propyl
test can reliably predict the small number of gallate) to stimulate the COX-1 pathway and
adverse outcomes that were observed [57,62]. activate platelets [89]. Ideally, the test should
Although preliminary results from some studies produce similar results to those obtained by
could suggest that responses to aspirin should be arachidonic acid-induced LTA. One study showed
monitored, there are additional problems in that an 87% agreement with epinephrine-induced LTA
LTA is time-consuming, difficult and cannot realis- [90]. Previous data comparing propyl gallate and
tically be performed on large numbers of patients in other agonists by platelet aggregometry suggest
routine practice. However, the simpler tests of that this agonist detects a lower number of
platelet function (e.g. PFA-100®, VerifyNow® Aspi- responders in volunteers receiving either 100 or
rin, TEG platelet mapping®, Impact®, and urinary 400 mg of aspirin [89]. A more recent study
thromboxane) could offer the possibility of rapid compared LTA with VerifyNow® Aspirin and PFA-
and reliable identification of aspirin non-responsive 100® and demonstrated that aspirin non-respon-
patients. The PFA-100® usually gives a prolongation siveness was not only higher in both POC tests but
in the Collagen/Epinephrine (CEPI) CT in response to that agreement between the tests was poor and few
aspirin, with the Collagen/ADP (CADP) CT usually patients were non-responsive by all 3 tests [79].
remaining within the normal range [66,67]. A Nevertheless, the VerifyNow® Aspirin test can
330 P. Harrison et al.

potentially identify a correlation between aspirin prevented more thrombotic vascular events than
non-responders, adverse clinical outcomes and aspirin (RRR 8.7%) in patients with known athero-
aspirin dose [91–94]. Since the end of 2004 the sclerosis [97]. The CURE trial showed aspirin plus
VerifyNow® Aspirin cartridge has been modified and clopidogrel was 20% more effective than aspirin
arachidonic acid has replaced propyl gallate as the alone in acute coronary syndromes,[98] but the
principle agonist. Further studies are therefore MATCH study showed that adding aspirin to clopido-
warranted to relate adverse clinical outcomes to grel in high-risk patients with recent ischemic
the new VerifyNow® Aspirin assay and to see stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) was
whether changing therapy based upon the result associated with a non-significant difference in
can also improve outcomes. A recent study suggests reducing major vascular events [99]. Combination
that aspirin resistant patients, as defined using = 2 therapy is regarded as the gold standard during
out of 3 tests (VerifyNow®Aspirin Assay, LTA with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) [100].
ADP, LTA with arachidonic acid), also exhibit However, inter-individual variability in platelet
reduced responsiveness to clopidogrel, suggesting response to clopidogrel has been observed,[101]
that alternative antiplatelet drugs may not be and 5–10% of patients still experience acute or
effective in aspirin resistant patients [58]. In subacute thrombosis after coronary stent implanta-
apparent contrast, we have recently reported that tion [56,102–104]. The phenomenon of “clopidogrel
clopidogrel, in addition to its direct antiplatelet resistance” has been estimated to be between 4%
effect via the P2Y12 ADP receptor, may decrease and 30%. The definition of clopidogrel resistance is
aspirin resistance (as defined by a residual arachi- even more complex than aspirin resistance because
donic acid-induced increase in platelet surface P- the physiological degree of inhibition detected by
selectin) in both the presence and absence of ADP-induced LTA can vary widely between indivi-
coronary artery disease [64]. duals, especially as ADP can also activate platelets
Because aspirin inhibits COX-1, measurement of via a second receptor, P2Y1, and there is inter-
TXA2 and its metabolites either within serum or individual variability of cytochrome P450 activity
urine provides a relatively simple potential way to [96]. There is an inverse correlation between P450
monitor aspirin therapy. In vivo, TXA2 is rapidly 3A4 activity and platelet aggregation, and other
converted into the more stable and inert metabolite drugs can either promote or inhibit metabolism to a
TXB2 which is further metabolized to 11-dehydro certain degree [105]. Pre-existing variability in ADP
TXB2, the major product found in urine. Measure- responsiveness is also an important variable and
ment of TXB2 by various immunoassays can facilitate may provide an explanation for response variability
an indirect assessment of the capacity of platelets [106]. Many mechanisms of clopidogrel resistance
to form TXA2. Assays can be standardised so that have been proposed [55].
TXB2 is measured either within serum derived from Laboratory responses to P2Y12 inhibitors are
whole blood clotted for 30 min at 37°C or in largely based upon monitoring ADP-stimulated
supernatants derived from PRP or purified platelets responses [107]. Platelets are stimulated with ADP
(with standardized platelet counts) activated by and responses are monitored using either LTA, the
agonists to stimulate COX-1 activity. The metabolite VerifyNow® P2Y12 assay, TEG platelet mapping
11-dehydro TXB2 can also be measured within urine system®, Impact, Plateletworks® flow cytometric
samples and the assay is also commercially available analysis of activation-dependent markers (e.g., P-
as the AspirinWorks® test. This assay has the selectin, PAC-1), or flow cytometric analysis of
advantage that it is non-invasive and one large intracellular signaling by monitoring the phosphor-
study suggested that high levels of urinary 11- ylation of vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein
dehydro TXB2 are associated with adverse clinical (VASP) [25,96,107,108]. Ideally responses are mon-
events [95]. itored pre- and post-drug. LTA using 5 or 20 μM ADP
can be used to arbitrarily classify patients based
Monitoring of clopidogrel upon measuring the change in (delta) aggregation at
baseline and post-drug [109]. Non-responders can
Clopidogrel (Plavix) is a prodrug that is metabolized be defined with a delta aggregation of b10%.
by cytochrome P450 in the liver to an active Studies have shown that there is considerable
metabolite that specifically and irreversibly blocks variation in patient response to clopidogrel and up
the platelet ADP P2Y12 receptor [96]. Platelet to 30% of patients may be non-responders. The
inhibition by clopidogrel is both dose- and time- largest analysis so far has found 4% of 544 patients to
dependent and patients are usually give a loading be hypo-responsive to clopidogrel [101]. More
dose of 300–600 mg and then maintained on 75 mg/ recent data suggest that a proportion of patients
day. The CAPRIE trial showed that clopidogrel are probably under-dosed and that a 600 mg loading
Measuring antiplatelet drug effects in the laboratory 331

dose significantly reduces the number of non- Assessment of platelet function by a variety of
responders when compared to 300 mg [109–111]. tests in correlation with clinical outcomes will be
There is still the critical unresolved question as to necessary to define responsiveness to clopidogrel
whether in vitro lack of responsiveness to clopido- and other P2Y12 antagonists. Preliminary data from
grel correlates with the an increased incidence of the CREST study (Clopidogrel Resistance and Stent
adverse events. Thrombosis study) by Gurbel et al. show differences
ADP-induced LTA is probably not very practical to with VASP, LTA and activated GPIIb–IIIa responsive-
test on large numbers of clinical samples. Also, as ness to ADP between patients with and without
residual P2Y1 function can potentially widely vary subacute stent thrombosis (SAT) [123]. Comparing
despite P2Y12 inhibition, this could not only explain data from patients with (n = 20) and without SAT
some of the heterogeneity observed with LTA but (n = 100) suggests that clopidogrel response variabil-
suggests that ADP alone may not be specific enough ity to ADP is significantly associated with an
to measure the effect of clopidogrel and other P2Y12 increased risk of SAT [123]. This, coupled with
antagonists [112]. Despite these problems, other studies on post-discharge and post-PCI events,
Matetzky et al. found evidence that ADP-induced suggests that high post-treatment ex vivo reactivity
LTA predicted adverse events [113]. The VerifyNow to ADP may indeed be an important risk factor for
instrument was originally designed to overcome the adverse clinical events [113,116,124].
major limitations of LTA and can be used as a POC Carefully controlled, large randomized trials will
test. The VerifyNow® P2Y12 cartridge has become be required to define an inadequate response to
available for monitoring clopidogrel and other P2Y12 P2Y12 inhibition for an individual test and to show that
antagonists. The assay uses prostaglandin (PG) E1 in this correlates with adverse clinical events. Without
addition to ADP to increase intracellular cyclic such data, therapy should not be altered based upon
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), theoretically the results of any of the tests that purport to
enhancing the sensitivity and specificity of the test determine responsiveness to a P2Y12 antagonist.
for ADP-induced activation of platelets via P2Y12 The RESISTOR (Research Evaluation to Study Indivi-
[114,115]. The PGE1 should suppress the activation duals who Show Thromboxane or P2Y12 Resistance)
of platelets by P2Y1. The VERITAS (The Verify trial that is currently underway in 600 PCI patients
Thrombosis Risk Assessment) trial will determine if may determine if the level of P2Y12 inhibition
the VerifyNow® P2Y12 test is a reliable and sensitive correlates with clinical outcome and if changing
measure for monitoring clopidogrel therapy. The therapy in resistant patients improves outcome.
combination of ADP and PGE1 is also used in the flow The development and clinical application of
cytometric-based VASP assay (BioCytex, Marseilles, thienopyridines such as clopidogrel has proven
France) [112,116]. The principle of this assay is to that the P2Y12 receptor is an attractive target for
measure the phosphorylation of VASP, which is new drug development. Because thienopyridines
theoretically proportional to the level of inhibition are metabolized to their active derivatives by the
of the P2Y12 receptor. Comparison of the VASP assay liver, a number of direct antagonists are in
with LTA shows that the level of inhibition is higher development (e.g., cangrelor and AZD6140) [96].
in the flow cytometry assay, because non-specific Some new thienopyridines (e.g., prasugrel) have
aggregation can occur via ADP stimulation of P2Y1 also been developed which exhibit superior proper-
[112]. Recent data indeed show that the phosphor- ties (e.g., higher efficacy, faster onset and longer
ylation of VASP correlates with inhibition of LTA duration of action) compared with clopidogrel [96].
[107]. The PFA-100 is considered unsuitable for As some of the observed inter-individual heteroge-
monitoring clopidogrel [32,117–119]. Theoretically neity of clopidogrel responsiveness may be caused
the PFA-100® CADP cartridge may be suitable for by differences in liver metabolism, it will be
monitoring P2Y12 but both collagen activation and interesting to determine whether the incidence of
ADP acting through the P2Y1 receptor, along with the non-responsiveness is lower or even eradicated with
high shear conditions, may be normally sufficient to these new drugs and whether high post-treatment
largely overcome P2Y12 blockade [96]. A recent reactivity to ADP remains a potential significant
small study provides evidence that the P2Y1 recep- problem.
tor may be an important variable in determining the
CT in response to P2Y12 blockade [120]. There may Monitoring of GPIIb–IIIa antagonists
be also be a degree of time- and dose-dependence.
It has also been observed that there is synergy with The identification of the importance of the GPIIb–
clopidogrel/aspirin combination therapy, reflected IIIa complex in mediating platelet aggregation (i.e.,
as prolongation of both CADP and CEPI CTs the final common pathway of platelet activation)
[121,122]. suggested that this receptor would be an attractive
332 P. Harrison et al.

target for antithrombotic therapy. The FDA-ap- A slightly modified Plateletworks® POC assay was
proved GPIIb–IIIa antagonists (abciximab, tirofiban recently reported to correlate more strongly than
and eptifibatide) have now become an important VerifyNow® IIb/IIIa with LTA in measuring platelet
class of antiplatelet agents that are widely used for inhibition by GPIIb–IIIa antagonists [26]. The PFA-100
the prevention of thrombotic complications in has also been utilized to monitor GPIIb–IIIa blockade
patients undergoing PCI or presenting with acute and correlates well with LTA and receptor occupancy
coronary syndromes. Early observations on the measurements [131–133]. Although many patients
inhibition of thrombus formation within animal give non-closure or N 300 s CT in the PFA-100 following
models not only established a strong correlation GPIIb–IIIa antagonist treatment, one study suggests
between the level of GPIIb–IIIa blockade and the that failure to observe non-closure may be associated
prevention of thrombus formation but demonstrat- with an increased risk of cardiac events [133].
ed steep dose-response curves [125,126]. It became
rapidly apparent that a certain level of GPIIb–IIIa Conclusions
inhibition was required for the optimal efficacy of
GPIIb–IIIa antagonists. This strongly suggested that As summarized in this review article many tests of
monitoring of platelet inhibition could be important platelet function are now available for clinical use,
in patients treated with these agents. Monitoring and some of these tests have been shown to predict
GPIIb–IIIa antagonists can be performed by a variety clinical outcomes after antiplatelet therapy. How-
of tests including LTA, WBA, flow cytometry, and ever, in most of these studies, the number of major
radiolabeled antibody binding assays [127]. Howev- adverse clinical events was low, and additional
er some of these tests are time-consuming, expen- studies are therefore needed. Most importantly, no
sive and are usually performed within specialized published studies address the clinical effectiveness
laboratories. Given the widespread clinical use of of altering therapy based on the results of monitor-
these GPIIb–IIIa antagonists in cardiology, there ing antiplatelet therapy. Therefore: 1) the correct
existed the potential demand for a simple, inex- treatment, if any, of “resistance” to antiplatelet
pensive and rapid method that could be utilized as a therapy is unknown; 2) other than in research trials,
POC test either at the bedside or in the clinic, so it is not currently appropriate to monitor antiplate-
that the degree of GPIIb–IIIa blockade could be also let therapy in patients or to change therapy based on
be potentially determined by non-specialists. The such tests [55–57]. A clinically meaningful definition
VerifyNow® system was originally developed to of “resistance” to antiplatelet drugs needs to be
meet this demand. The assay principle was devel- developed, based on data linking drug-dependent
oped based upon experiments using fibrinogen- laboratory tests to clinical outcomes in patients.
coated beads and TRAP which facilitated the rapid Nevertheless, the 2006 American College of Cardi-
visual analysis of the degree of GPIIb–IIIa blockade ology/American Heart Association guidelines for PCI
[20]. The basis of the VerifyNow® IIb/IIIa assay is provided a Class IIB recommendation (based on level
that fibrinogen-coated beads will agglutinate in C evidence) that, in patients in whom subacute stent
whole blood in direct proportion to the degree of thrombosis may be catastrophic or lethal, platelet
platelet activation reflected by exposure of the aggregation studies may be considered and the
fibrinogen binding site on GPIIb–IIIa [18]. The maintenance dose of clopidogrel increased from
presence of a GPIIb–IIIa antagonist will therefore 75 mg to 150 mg per day if less than 50% inhibition of
decrease the amount of agglutination in proportion platelet aggregation is demonstrated [134].
to the level of inhibition achieved.
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