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Complete the sentences with a comparative

Practice or superlative form, adding any words that
are needed. You may use some words twice.
Fill in each space with a word from the list.
You may use the words more than once. The boring warm simple good
first (0) has been given as an example. wonderful lucky intelligent comfortable
hot old far difficult cheap bad
lot youngest eldest livelier expensive interesting
more most (much) than the as
better less older I This exercise is too easy - can't we try a
...... ...... .... one? more difficult
2 England's too cold in the spring - let's go to
Waal ar Miaaw? Spain where it's ...... warmer
.. .. ...... .
3 She comes top in all the exams - she must be
Cats, as we all know. are .... .... (0) quieter the most......intelligent
.......... girl in the class.
than dogs and a .. .............. (1) smaller, so
4 The temperature in July reaches forty-four
when my wife and I were debating whether to
degrees - it's the hottestmonth of the year.
.. ..............
buy our .......... eldest
...... (2) son a pet it seemed
.............. .. (3) sensible to choose a kitten 5 Let's buy this video - it doesn't cost that
................ (4) a puppy. Our .... youngest
.. .......... (5) cheapier than
much - it's ................ the other one.
son. who is now sixteen, had a tortoise when 6 This pen's not very good - I'd like a
he was little but found it the most .... .... ........ (6) better
.. ...... ........ one, please.
boring pet on earth. At least a kitten would do 7 When I passed my driving test, it was the
more.. .... (7) interesting things ....than
.......... .. ......... (8) best.. .......... .. .. day of my life.more confortable than
a tortoise.
However. the little spaniel we saw in one 8 Lying down in bed is better thansitting on a
shop was. my wife said, ................ the . (9) cutest hard chair.
thing she had ever seen. I didn't argue because. 9 Our youngest son doesn't want to be a
although cats are not .................... as (10) noisy teacher unlike hisolder ................ brother.
as dogs. they are much .. ...... .. .. .. ..more less .. ... (ll) further
10 Australia is much ................ from Euro pe
entertaining. Dogs, they say, are also than I thought.
. . . . .. . more
. . . .. . . . . (12) intelligent. Cats. like tortoises,
don't do much: they tend to just sit around all 11 I could hardly keep awake - it was
the most boring
day. looking as enigmatic .. ............ (13) a .. ........... ... film I've ever seen.
sphinx - and just as dull. Dogs are much 12 The rules of this game are too complicated .
livelier (14) and we both felt young Edward
................ Can we play something different ................ ? less difficult
would learn more from that frisky little spaniel 13 She's the luckiest
.... .. .......... . person I know - sh e is
....than.. .......... (15) he would from any cat. The always winning prizes in lo tteries .
more (16) Edward grew .............. the .. (1 7) the farthest
14 A couple of miles is ................ I can walk.
more difficult it became to keep him occupied
and we both felt a dog would be a ..better ............ .. Then we'll have to catch the bus.
(18) companion for him from that point of 15 I h ave a ..... worse ........ ... headache today than I
view. Admittedly. cats are .................... less (19) did yesterday.
demanding and also less .................... expensive (20) to 16 This is thw worst
.. .. ......... .. restaurant in town; I'm
look after but we thought that such a beautiful never coming h ere again.
spaniel was worth it. 17 I can't do this test - can you give me a
............... o ne?
most boring
l8 She was the ............. .. person at the party
Actions speak louder than words. :] and I sat next to her all even ing. It was
The best things in life are free. awful!
The higher you climb, the further you fall.


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adjectives followed by

The following are common adjective + preposition combinations:

examples of adjectives · + preposition

angry, annoyed, anxious, certain, confident, excited, happy, pleased, right, sorry, upset, nervous about
amazed, angry, annoyed, bad, excellent, good, hopeless, lucky, skilled, skilful, surprised, useless at
X l ttm su1p1isedfor his .
./ I am surprised at his behaviour.
amused, bored, impressed, shocked, surprised by
famous, late, ready, sorry, responsible, suitable for
absent, different, safe, tired from
interested, involved in
X J am inte1 ested ft" btty i11g a lltm comptttfl .
./ I am interested in buying a new computer.
keen, reliant on
afraid, ashamed, aware, capable, certain, confident, envious, fond, full, guilty, incapable, of
jealous, kind, nice, proud, scared, short, stupid, sure, suspicious, terrified, tired, typical
X I am P' oud fo• my 3011.
./ I am proud of my son.
X } am ti1 ed f• 0111 my job.
./ I am tired of my job.
accustomed, engaged, generous, inferior, kind, married, polite, possible, rude, superior, similar to
X She is married witlr him .
./ She is married to him.
friendly, patronising towards
angry, annoyed, bored, busy, content, crowded, delighted, disappointed, familiar, friendly, witlt
[11rious, happy, occupied, pleased, satisfied

Some adjectives can combine with more than preposition, for example:
angry about = angry because of a situation or action
angry at = angry with someone Are those c /o-l:hes
angry towards = angry with someone $Uftable d job intervieW
tired from = physically tired as a result of
tired of= bored o r irritated by
friendly towards = behaving in a friendly way towards
friendly with = having a friend ly relationship with
sorry for = feeling pity or sympathy for
sorry about = feeling ashamed or unhappy about


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Fill in each space in the following sentences with an appropriate adjective.

Add a preposition to each adjective. The first one has been done for you.
Example: The jury found him guilty of murdering the old lady.

involved disappointed engaged typical interested

amused good right shocked absent proud ashamed different
famous crowded

1 Stop hitting that little boy -you should be .......... ............ yourself]
2 I used to love watching football but I'm just not .... ........ .. .... .. .. it anymore.
3 You've been ...................... so many classes that you'll have to repeat the year.
4 It's ...................... him to arrive late - he's always doing it.
5 I'm afraid I'm not ....... ............... his jokes - I find them in bad taste.
6 We were ....... .. ....... ...... this restaurant - the service was so slow.
7 He got .............. .... .... many clubs and societies and had no time to study.
8 He used such bad language I was really ...... ........... ..... what I hea rd.
9 Life in the south countries is very ...................... life in the no rth countries. I prefer it.
10 He's very .................. .. .. maths and physics but hopeless at languages.
11 Greece is .................... .. the Parthenon and its beautiful islands.
12 The streets were ...................... shoppers and you could hardly move.
13 You were ...................... the party - you said it would be great fun.
14 She was ...................... John for a long time but then she married someone else!
15 Well done for passing the exam! We're so ...................... you.

0 Underline the correct answer A, B, CorD to fill the spaces 1-5.

1 l'm so sorry ...................... your bereavement.
A about B by C at D with
2 Jackie was furious ...................... Gary for being late again.
A towards B at C for D with
3 Don't ask me to play- I'm useless .................... .. computer games.
A with B at C in D about
4 This new washing machine is completely different ...................... the other one.
A from B to C on D with
5 I'm afraid I'm not very keen .. .................... boiled cabbage.
A towards B to C on D for

( When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.



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.. '


order of adjectives

Here is the most common order of adjectives in English, though the order of
adjectives of size, shape, age and colour can change:

• Variation is possible when we focus on a • We can put a comma or and between two
particular feature, for example we can say: adjectives that describe someone's character:
a round black shape (= normal order) or: We had a clever and imaginative teacher.
a black round shape(= focus on colo ur) We had a clever, imaginative teacher.
• We use a comma when there are two or more • When we use two or mo re colour adjectives
adjectives of equal importance before a noun: before a noun, we p ut and between them:
The room was fu ll of cold, hungry children. They own a red and white car.
• We link the adjectives with and when they X They were wtwing a blue, white, red flag.
come after verbs like be and feel: ./ They were waving a blue, white and red flag.
X He was tall, dark, handseme.
./ He was tall, dark and handsome.
The ch ildren felt cold and hungry.
The house was large and impressive.


Some of the following are in the wrong order. Tick those which are correct
and rewrite the others in the correct order.
1 a young black man ................................. ........................................ ...... ... .
2 a dark tall man ....................................................................................... .
3 a wooden big spoon ......................... ................ ........ ........ ................ ...... ..
4 a long wooden spoon ................. ....... ...................... .............. ....... .......... ..
5 a birthday big delicio us cake ................................................................... ..
6 a big fa t Itali an o pera singer ...................................................... ............. ..
7 a fryin g large o ld pan ... .. ................ ... ........................ .. ........................... ..
8 a pair of black leather ridin g boots ........................................................... .
9 a pink silk bea utifu l blo use ...................................................................... .
10 a ro und large ball ..................................................................... .. ............. .
11 an old big brick facto ry ..................................................................... .. ... ..
12 an old wooden ugly desk ............................................................ ............. .

Life is nasty, brutish and short. HOBBES)


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adjectives of s1ze, quantity
and power

Here are some adjectives we frequently confuse:

strong or powerful?
word meaning I use example collocations
strong of physical strength: great He was a very strong man strong hands; a strong back
who could carry a heavy bag
of cement.
of things: For this job you need a strong a strong branch I pair of
not easily broken or destroyed metal ladder. scissors
of a person: We need a strong leader. a strong member of
important, effective or of the team I candidate
of feelings and opinions: great She received strong support stro11g emotio11s I beliefs
from her colleagues.
of level or intensity: great The street lights are not a strong/friendship/
strong enough. illj1ue11ce I connection
of food or smell: having a This coffee is a bit strong- a stro11g curry I taste I flavour
great amount could I have some milk in it?

powerful important and able to control The President is the most a powerful person I politicin11,
and influence powerful man in America. organisation I country
physically strong Joe was a very powerful, powerful jaws I shoulders
well-built man.
of actions: having a great Ali had a powerful punch. a powerful kick I blow I
physical effect explosion
of actions: The lawyer outlined a a powerful speech I
having a great effect on feelings powerful defence. argument I film
or thoughts
of a machine/weapon: This Jaguar has a very a powerful bomb I
very effective powerful engine. computer I weapo11
of medicine: having a very The drug is more powerful a powerful medicine I
strong effect than heroin. remedy
sound or light: This musical instrument a powerful Light I lamp
very easy to hear or see produces a powerful sound.


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big, large or great?

word meaning I use example collocations
big large in size They've got a big car. a big house I grin I crowd
important Deciding on a new house is a big day I occasion I star
a big decision.
old or older You're a big girl now. a big boy I brother I sister
successful Rap music was big in the 1980s. big in Hollywood I in businessI
in show business I in the city
a lot He's a big gambler. a big eater I drinker
large big in size Los Angeles is the second largest a large shirt/family/amount/
city in the United States. number I area I population
tall and wide He's a large friendly man. a large person I woman I tree
great very large in amount I bought it at great cost. a great deaL /number I amount
very large in size A great storm blew up. a great mountain I estate/ wall
very important and Einstein was a great scientist. a great painter I statesman I
influential achievement/ woma11
a lot of She has great courage. a great talent I great fun I danger
very serious The result was a great a great mistake I problem
disappointment to me.
very pleasant and enjoyable Isn't Max a great person? a great film I time I view

little, small or short?

word meaning I use example collocations
little of an amount: or We have only a little food left. little money I attention I effect I reason I
effect: not much benefit
of a distance: not long It's a little way down the road. a little walk/taxi-ride/distance
young, younger or Come and meet my little sister. a little brother I niece
small not large in size Oxford is a small city. a small family/ amount I size/
area/ man
minor it's only a small scratch. a small wound/error/ mistake/
of organisations or workers: Small industry has been a small business/ farmer I corner shop
not important or large most affected.
sltort not long You look nice with short hair. a short skirt I novel
of a person: not tall She's a short fat woman. a short man I child
of time: not much Our holiday seemed so short. a short time ago I short working hours
of a distance: not long It's a sltort distance away. a short drive/journ ey/walk


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high or tall?
word meaning I use example collocations
high m easuring a long d istance The highest mountain in a high wall/fence/ tower I heel
from bottom to top Scotland is Ben Nevis.
a lo ng way fro m the gro und The living room had a high ceiling. a high shelf/ the high jump
a large am o unt Many cities suffer fro m a high salary/rent/price/ tax
high levels of pollution.
above the normal level The work must be done to a high temperature/speed/
a high standard. blood pressure; high hopes
having an importan t or What is the highest rank in a high honour; high society
powerful position the army? I office
tall of people, ani mals and Your son's getting tall, isn't he? a tall giraffe/man/building/
some things: high and narrow tower I tree/ pillar I bottle

weak, thin, slim or skinny?

word meaning I use example collocations
weak not physically strong The illness had left her feeling a weak man/ woman I bridge
tired and weak.
not working properly He has n weak heart. weak eyes; a weak pulse
easily influenced She has such a weak personality. a weak character
not very good at something He is weak at physics. n weak subject/team
not strong or effective The plot of the film was weak. a weak economy I currency I
excuse I argument
of liquids having a little This tea is rather weak, isn't it? weak coffee /soup/juice
amo un t of taste
thitt of things: not thick We need a thin nylon rope. a thin jacket I slice I thin cloth
of people: not fat Quixote is tall and thin. a thin person I arm I neck
of liquids: no t thick You must put a thin coat of a thin soup; thin milk
paint I varnish.
not very d ifficult to sec The earlier morning landscape was a thin fog; thi11 smoke/clouds
through covered with a tltin mist.
slim very small He has only a slim chance of slim hopes I prospects I evide11ce
getting i11to university.
thin in a pleasant way I wish I were as slim as you. a slim girl/model/figure/
skinny too thin He was so skinny T wondered a skinny person I arm I leg
whether he ate anything at all.


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last or latest ?
word meaning I use example collocations
last most recent in time I saw her last night. last week I year I time
at the end I'm reading the last chapter. the last train I bus I
flight/ dance
the only one remaining This is the very last bird of the last chance I opportunity
its kind.
latest most recent She was dressed in the the latest gossip I film I news I
latest fashion. discovery

natural or physical?
word meaning I use example collocations
natural not artificial or man-made Is that the natural colour a natural flavour; natural
of your hair? ingredients
being a quality sb is born She shows a natural ability in a natural skill I tendancy I charm
with and not learned the swimming pool.
normal, to be expected It was natural for her to be a natural reaction I response
concerned about her children's
of plants and animals l'm amazed at such a variety of natural history I natural sciences
species in our natural world.
physical (usually) concerning the body It will need a great physical physical strength I energy I
effort to lift those boxes. exercise; in good physical shape;
a physical examination
that can be touched, real We must care for our physical the physical world; physical
environment. conditions

strange o r foreign?
word meaning I use example collocation
strange unusual or surprising in a way We heard a strange noise. strange behaviour I eve11ts I
that is difficult to explain smells
not known or fami liar There 1 was, alone in a strange people; a stra11ge
strange city. country
foreign not from your country I thought she sounded foreign. foreign tourists I visitors I
studellts/ languages
connected with other countries He's the Minister for Foreign Affairs. foreigll policy I Imrie


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(8 Underline the best word in the following sentences.

1 How high I tall is Athens above sea level?
2 He looks slim I skinny and handsome since he lost weight.
3 Some supermodels are far too slim I skinny. They look as if they haven't eaten for weeks.
4 The last / latest time I saw Rob was in Manchester.
5 Have you got the Nice Girls' latest/last album yet?
6 Don't worry- your feelings of depression are perfectly natural!physical.
7 These trousers are made of strong I powerful material so they won't tear easily.
8 He took the stick and broke it in two with his powerful/ strong hands.
9 Come and look! There's a large I great view from this window.
10 How great/big is your house in the country?
11 Have you met my small/ little sister?
12 The boys are getting taller I higher all the time.
13 1 wish my legs were thinner I skinnier.
14 Does your country import a lot of foreign/ strange goods?
15 I felt a bit strange/foreign when I took the pills for the first time.

Fill each space in these sentences with an appropriate adjective from the list.

high last great large thin latest greatest largest weak natural

1 There were some ................ cliffs beside the sea.

2 The road was covered with a ......... .. ..... layer of ice.
3 Who was the ......... ....... person to see the
man alive?
4 This car is the .. .. .. .......... model and much better
than the previous one.
5 The bridge is much too .... ............ for all
those trucks.
6 It's ... ............. for a ch ild of his age to wa nt
his mother.
7 I'd love to visit the ................ Wall of C hina.
8 The T-shirt comes in small, m edium and

9 Glasgow is the ................ city in Scotland but 1

prefer Edinburgh.
10 Rembrandt was one of the ................ painters
who ever lived.


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Underline the word in each set which does NOT collocate with the word in
1 BIG grin crowd power occasion sister fllmstar business
2 STRONG faith tree friendship tool bomb tea muscles
3 GREAT leader discovery part area danger deal university
4 TALL child temperature tree giraffe skyscraper bottle house
5 HIGH speed hopes wall rent man heels flyer
6 LARGE amo unt collection occasion area tree family bottom
7 THIN layer chance soup paper neck person figure
8 SLIM girl hope waist cloth man chance evidence
9 LAST night time gossip bus chance animal dance
10 LATEST fashion ftlm discovery year trend chapter news
11 SHORT man money dress story journey hair holiday
12 PHYSICAL strength world exercise energy plants effort conditio ns
13 SMALL distance town business mistake food problem cut
14 WEAK bridge clothes pulse heart argument character excuse

Complete the crossword. The words are from 9d.


Across Down
6 Most onions have a . flavour.
00 • • • 00.
1 Ferrari produces cars wit h very ......... engines.
7 Take plenty of ......... exercise and eat more fruit. 2 I have very ......... reason to doubt t hat you are
8 The 'most recent' CD is the .... ..... release. honest.
11 We can say buildings, people and trees are .......... 3 Doris Lessing has written excellent ......... stories.
13 We met on holiday ......... year. 4 Who is a .. ... .... pop star than Madonna?
15 For Poles, Eng lish is a language.
0000 00 00.
5 It can be lonely on your own in a town.0000 00 . 0 0

16 The . area of the world is covered wit h sea

00 00 00 00
9 She is much too . and should stop dieting.
00 00 00 00

water. 10 He fell over but had only a bruise on his arm.


18 They have on ly a 00 chance of winning.

.oo · o o . 12 Name the •oooo. mountain in the world.

19 Is fair hair your . colour?

00 00 00 00
14 Days without proper food left t hem so 00 00.00 . . .

20 Is the dollar now t han the euro?

17 Shakespeare wrote such ...... ... plays.

l A clw in is no stronger than its weakest link. )


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