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Which words or phrases are the following descriptions of?

1 Someone who serves customers in a shop.
2 The main shopping street in a town .
3 The place where you can buy paint, screws, etc.
4 Where you would go to buy medicines.
5 The bag you get in a supermarket to hold your shopping.
6 A shop that sells fruit and vegetables.
7 The place where you can exchange foreign currency.
8 A large shop on several floors selling a wide variety of goods.
9 A small building in the street selling newspapers, sweets, etc.
10 The place where you pay for things in a supermarket.

Complete the chart with the words from the list.

household goods lettuce suntan lotion mushrooms yoghurt

shampoo shirt flowers crisps aspirin
courgettes cleaning products bread sunglasses trousers
toothpaste shoes frozen food magazine milk
underwear bubble bath nappies melon cheese
carrots eggs denim jacket breakfast cereals plums
stamps stationery beans jewellery pencils
lipstick aubergines cigarettes flour medicines
sausages food in cans coffee hairbrush bananas
sweets toilet paper chocolate pasta perfume

newsagent's chemist's boutique greengrocer's supermarket

Complete these phrases with an appropriate word from the list.

1 a .. ........... of milk or orange juice can
2 a ... .......... of coke or beer packet tin
3 a ....... ... .. . of soap or milk chocolate
4 a ......... .... of yoghurt or margarine box tube
5 a ... ....... ... of chocolates or tissues
6 a ..... . ... ... . of toothpaste or glue bar
7 a ... ..... ... .. of shampoo or moisturiser bottle
8 a ..... .... .... of beans or paint
9 a ... ...... .... of biscuits or cigarettes sachet
10 a ...... ... .... of flowers or grapes
11 a ....... .. .... of mineral water or bubble bath tub bunch
12 a .. ..... .. .... of pickles or jam

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Fill in the blanks. The first letter of each missing word has been given.

A vegetarian is someone who eats only (1} Voo •.• bread, fruit, eggs, etc. and
00 . 0 0 . 00 ,

doesn't eat (2} m... .......... . However, some do eat (3} f...... ....... which I find strange.
Others eat chicken but not (4} r.. ... ... .... . meat. A vegan doesn't eat meat, fish, or any
(5} d.. ...... ..... products such as eggs, milk and (6) c............. . They do eat fruit
and (7} n.............. A (8} g.......... ... knows a lot about food and enjoys good food
and (9} w.. ............ A (10} c............. is someone who prepares and cooks food in a
hotel or restaurant.

Complete the chart below by adding the words in the list.

nectarine thyme salmon apple mussel lamb

satsuma trout squid lettuce plaice oregano
mackerel rosemary mutton courgette basil plum
coconut fig shrimp cabbage bacon cauliflower
mincemeat smoked salmon chives liver chicken chop
spinach cucumber beef strawberry grape joint
prawn watermelon lobster cod parsley sausage
aubergine pork sardine salami mango octopus

vegetables fish herbs seafood fruit meat


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Complete the chart with the words from the list.

roast beef hot dog curry spaghetti Bolognese

prawn crackers bocadillo shepherd's pie apple crumble and custard
tapas ciabatta kebab hamburger
tiramisu paella chop suey tagliatelle
popcorn moussaka pumpkin pie onion bhaji
samosas souvlaki biryani sweet and sour
houmous tortilla spring roll fish and chips

Match the dishes (1 - 8) with a set of ingredients (a-h ).

1 shepherd's pie a m incemeat, onion, tomato paste, red wine, pasta
2 paella b apples, walnuts, celery o r lettuce, mayonnaise
3 p1zza c mincemeat, sliced aubergines, tomatoes, o nions, cheese sauce
4 mo ussaka d chicken, o nion, spices, chilli, rice
5 spaghetti Bolognese e bread dough, tomato, onio n, cheese, anchovies, olives
6 spring roll f mincemeat, carrots, onions, gravy, m ashed potato
7 Waldo rf salad g bea n spro uts, chopped vegetables, pork, pancake, hot o il
8 biryani h seafood, rice, chicken, onio n, saffron

Put the correct form of the verbs in the list into the sentences.

bake barbecue boil

casserole grill steam

1 It's best to ................ an o melette in a d eep pan.

2 Potatoes are delicious if you ........ ....... . th em in their jackets.
3 ........ ..... ... vegetables are healthier than bo iled on es.
4 ................ meat tastes better if yo u cook it slowly in the oven.
5 Put butter o n trout before you ................ it under a strong heat.
6 Tough meat is easier to cook if you ... .... ... ...... it in the oven with vegetables.
7 Do you think the British ............ .... their cabbage fo r far too lo ng?
8 r love th e smell of ... .... .. ... .... lamb chops from next-door's ga rden.

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• Complete each gap with an appropriate word. You are given the first letter of the
missing word.

ave you been to 'Bar None'? We went yesterday and it was great. I'm

H glad we (1) b ..... ...... .... . because the restaurant was full. I asked
the waiter to bring us a wine (2) l.. ..... .. .... ... so that we could
decide what to drink. For my (3) s.................. I chose garlic mushrooms,
and for my main (4) c.... .. ....... .. ... I ordered a casserole with pork
(5) c.... .... .......... , sage and white wine. For (6) d .. ........ ...... . I had creme
caramel with ice-cream. I asked our waiter to bring the (7) b .... .. .... .... ..
and I had to pay cash because they wouldn't take (8) c................ cards. I
left the waiter quite a large(9) t.. .... .......... as I was very pleased with the
(10) s................ .

Match the food (1-10) with words from the list. You may use the words
more than once.
minced spiced
1 meat 6 curry
2 omons 7 bananas chopped
3 potatoes 8 tomato sliced
4 cheese 9 carrots mashed
5 bread 10 apple grated
Underline the odd word out.
Example: water coke bread wine juice
1 meal food cuisine feast corkscrew 5 salty savoury pan sweet bitter
2 wine starter main course appetiser d essert 6 dish m eal bowl plate cup
3 boil fry bake bowl grill 7 courgette mushroom bean plum broccol.i
4 slice boil chop grate peel 8 bill tip receipt menu cheque

Complete the following sentences with the correct word.

1 If the goods a re faulty, take them ............. ... to the shop.
2 Try to cut down ..... ..... ...... cakes if you want to lose weight.
3 I'm looking .. .............. to having a denim jacket.
4 Do you think this tie goes ................ my shirt?
5 We wanted to eat together at home so we ordered a take-................ .
6 Can I try ...... .. ... ..... this dress before I buy it?
7 If you clear the table, I'll wash ................ .
8 You can leave the table when you h ave eaten .. .. ............ all your food.
9 There's no food in the fridge - let's go ...... .......... to your mum's ho use.
10 I'm taking my girlfriend ... ............. to dinner this evening.


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