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1) Bayu Aji Purwoko (P17240203032) : Bapak
2) Two Wyska Rahmadhani (P17240203038) : Ibu
3) Nuanza Putra Nurherlian (P17240204053) : Perawat 1
3) Tris Tining Dia (P17240203048) : Perawat 2
4) Armina Latifatul Asna (P17240203049) : Remaja
6) Rana Dhia Pertiwi (P17240203034) : Protokol

The prevalence of malnutrition and malnutrition in children under five years

old, especially those living in RW 07, Cisalak Pasar Village, Cimanggis
District, Depok City, amounted to 121 people. The Depok City Government
made efforts to overcome this problem with various programs, one of which
was assigning nurses to provide family nursing care. Nurse Abigail and nurse
Putri were assigned by the head of the local puskesmas to visit the family of
Mr. Farhan (45 years) which has seven family members.
Tris Tining : Za, for the visit of le family, everthing is ready ?
Nanza : It's all done, complete. It's safe anyway
Tris Tining : Let’s go now
Nanza : yess boss
(Arriving at Mr. Farhan's house)
Nanza : Assalamualikum
Tris Tining : Excuse me
( a young woman welcomes a nurse at her home)
Armina : Waalaikumsalam, who are you looking for?
Nanza : Is this really Mr Bayu's house?
Armina : Yes, father is working. Only my mother inside. What can I do for
Nanza : we officers from the Puskesmas are visiting families who have
toddlers in this area
Tris Tining : This is our assignment letter from the head of the puskesmas, please
look at it carefully
Armina : Okay, I see. Please come in
(In the living room)
Armina : please sit down, I’ll call my mom first.
Nanza : Yes, thanks you
Mrs. Wyska : There is a nurse visiting, what do you need?
Nanza : I am nurse nanza and this is my colleague nurse tristining.We ask
permission from the mother's family to conduct an assessment in this family. The
goal, is to find health problems that can arise and exist in the family, then together
we try to find a way to overcome it
Tris Tining : There will be no charge whatsoever, ma’am. This visit is an effort by
the government to improve family welfsre
Armina : Please drink this and eat the cake
Nanza : Thank you ,what do you think?
(Ny Nurul glanced at her eldest child as a code to ask for her opinion)
Armina : It’s okay mom, we help the officers carry out their duties
Mrs. Wyska :Yes you can, please. is there anything I should prepare sus?
Tris Tining. : Can I see the KIA book,ma’am ?
Mrs. Wyska : Yes, please get the KIA book in the closet drawer in the room
Armina : Okay mom
Mr. Bayu : Assalammualaikum, where is this guest from?
Mrs. Wyska : nurse from the puskesmas, sir. Come on, sir, go to the room first,
change clothes, clean up, then talk again, okay?
Mr. Bayu : wait a minute. Please drink first
Tris Tining : Yes sir
Armina : This is the book ners
Tris Tining : Thank you. Wow sister is wake up ?
Armina : Yes nurse, even thought I just slept, my sister has woken up again
and she is also fussy
Nanza :Later checked by nurse tristining, yes
Mr Bayu : is there anything i can help nurse ?
Nanza : I have permission to do this interview, there is a question format that
I ask, yes sir ?
Mr. Bayu : sure, please
Tris Tining : Mom, I’m allwed to do a physical examination on dede, can I do that
ma’am ?
Mrs. Wyska : Yes please
Nanza : Based on the results of the study, it was found that there were health
problems in this family, Yes, this sister has a problem with malnutrition and her
growth and development is disrupted,Then in the ma'am there are behavioral
problems that are not healthy in handling a history of chronic hypertension
Tris Tining : OK, sir,ma’am , next time I will involve you in determining the
priority of problems in this Family
(Nurse and family watch, read, and analyze together)
Tris Tining : How, is everything accordance with the current canditions ?
Mr. Bayu : yes i admit all these results are in accordance with what our family
Mrs. Wyska : yes I agree, our family has experienced it all
Nanza :Well then we'll give the two of us a moment.yes ma'am
Nanza : So ,from the three problems we both have calculated the score of
each point in each problem,As a result, we get a priority order of problems in your
mother's family, namely
1.Imbalance of nutrition less than body requirements in toddlers is related to the
inability of families to care for family members with malnutrition
2. The risk of developmental disorders in toddlers is related to the inability of the
family to care for family members with malnutrition
3.ineffective self-health management on the mrs wyska
Mr. Bayu : will anything bad happen if the above conditions are ignored ?
Tris Tining : Sure, sir. Malnutrition problems if not treated early will lead to
camplications such as delays in growth and development in your chlild
Nanza : and also ma'am if you don't take care of a history of hypertension,
you are worried that it will cause complications towards stroke later
Mrs. Wyska : Astaghfirullah sir, don't be like that
Mr. Bayu : then how should me, nurse?
Tris Tining : Mam,sir,can we come again tomorrow?Because we will make a
planner as an effort to heandle health problems in this family, do yo agree?
Mr. Bayu : oh of course. Please come at the same time as today
Nanza : Well then we think it's enough for today to get here first, now we'll
excuse bayu and mrs wyska

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